Facing the Fat: 55 Days Without Food | ENDEVR Documentary

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Damn! You had me thinking there was a new video.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/KyngRZ420 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2023 🗫︎ replies

Not healthy for women.

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] when you're overweight when you're the fat guy you know you are but you live in this sort of self-imposed denial you look at yourself in the mirror and you think how did i let myself get to this point i don't like who i become this isn't who i am i'm living an unfulfilled life and i'm watching my life's dreams just fade away then you finally reach that moment when you're ready to take control and that's when you know it's time to make a change [Music] my name is kenny sailors i'm 32 years old and i'm obese but all of that is about to change i'm about to do something that many would consider extreme for the next 40 days i'm going to fast on absolutely nothing but water very concerned about your health your body really isn't meant to do that i don't think it's i'm sure it's not healthy but you know what probably living in los angeles i think that's ridiculous okay uh he's gotta have vitamins he's got nutrition it's something that's not healthy for him in the long run it could come back to haunt him i don't know [Music] get your energy from boom i think it would die yeah kyrgyz is good man holy crap you gotta taste it okay i'm gonna make him chase carrots i had the soapy carrot orange stuff yeah it's not the same it's not real man this stuff is really fresh carrot juice is like uh it's like drinking i've never had it so drinking life [Music] you have to drink you have to drink carrot juice or any juice for that matter fast because juices are living they're living things so whenever you uh whenever you juice you have to drink within like two minutes in order to get the full maximum effect of the vitamins and nutrients going to the body this coming from an overweight fat guy who knows so much about nutrition okay first things first before i decided to do the fast i wanted to go back home see my family visit some old friends in my hometown of greenville texas greenville is your typical small town usa it's definitely a far cry from los angeles growing up i went to greenville high school attended greenville first assembly worked at greenville hardware and ate lots of greenville food [Music] [Applause] when he was growing up he was active from the time he started walking he liked sports and he liked to play football and he never met a stranger he was always friendly with everybody when he was in high school he was very thin almost frail looking i never thought that he would ever gain this much weight so when he started gaining weight then he started this coughing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when kenny said that he was going to go on a long pass i wasn't sure if he could do it but i knew that because he has determination that he probably could [Music] so what is fasting and why did i choose this simple fasting has been the most proven way to detox the body and give it time to heal throughout history people of many faiths including christianity judaism islam and most eastern religions have used fasting as a healing process for spiritual purification and communion with god why 40 days well 40 seems to be a number that is repeated in most of the holy books and specifically in the bible over and over and over so it sounded like the right number for me i knew the smart thing to do before i started was to get a medical team on board so i did my research and called lots of doctors but none of them wanted to take me on finally i found a place in marina del rey that agreed to meet with me come on in kenny it sounds like you've got some uh interesting life-changing plans yeah i want to hear more about it i've been doing research over the past year about what ways to really reform my health and to try to get me back on track and everything and so okay and then that's when i came across fasting all right water fast a water fast yes a water fast for 40 days wait you're talking about doing a water fast for 40 days that's very extreme kenny water fast for 40 days is probably the most extreme type of fasting you can do and for the longest amount of time that anyone should possibly attempt it and you shouldn't attempt it without medical supervision i can tell you that straight off the big thing for me the passion for me is about the obesity epidemic in the world in my research that's what really stood out to me the numbers are astronomical i mean about how many people are overweight according to the cdc the number of morbidly obese across the united states has skyrocketed to over 30 percent in the last 20 years not only that but what is obesity costing you and me the taxpayer well if you break down the cost and compare them to other taxpayer expenditures you can see it adds up really quickly to fly our president for one year in air force one cost us 500 million dollars all costs associated with illegal aliens in california alone cost taxpayers nine billion dollars a year if you add up the money spent on the no child left behind policy it's a staggering 23 billion dollars a year and all costs associated with drunk driving a whopping 24 billion a year so how does obesity stand up to these numbers well when you add up increased insurance costs loss of work due to obesity conditions increased medicare and medicaid cost it comes to 80 billion dollars a year that's more than all of those other programs combined so that made me start thinking wow i'm one of those statistics well let me say this at least kenny because i applaud you for at least taking some steps to improve your health the number one thing though should be you improving your health you need to get medical supervision so we're going to introduce you to the medical doctor that we have on staff here you're going to need to get a full physical some blood work make sure you're healthy enough to do something like an extreme fast on a you know on a personal note i'm you should be really proud of what you're doing i mean it's it's so difficult i don't know anyone other than you know some some very serious medical practitioners who attempted what you're doing what you're doing is is difficult and you should be very proud that you're taking such a step to get healthy i know it is extreme and and but sometimes you have to go to extremes to be extremely healthy i think they're on board that's gonna be great in order to get through this i'm going to need some help i'll need my friends around me to keep me motivated and to get me through my moments of weakness i'll be staying part of the time with my good friends paul and sonya sonya's been wanting to fast for a while and thought now would be the perfect time to do it and i couldn't agree more [Music] paul he'll continue to eat a lot of tempting food and stay magically skinny which honestly really isn't fair i'll also be staying with some of my other friends jeremy and elena i've known them for a long time and i know they can put up with my ridiculous shenanigans this is john and matt they're helping me document this entire adventure now you're not seeing double they're actually identical twins and i really have trouble telling them apart which is always fun the rules are like this obviously no food for next 40 days no gum no candy of any kind no mints nothing just water for for that whole time also i'm going to be keeping record of um of how many times i go to the bathroom how many bottles of water i drink this little baby here the wallet anytime i'm left alone uh without supervision around uh there to take my wallet whoever is near me besides well see who is near me that i know not just somebody i can never be alone with my wallet and with access to money [Music] i'm very optimistic about it i'm actually really excited about it i'm i'm you know as as uh as emotionally attached as i've become to this i'm ready to let it go kenny time to get up first day you're fast day one begins [Music] so um this is from paul and i a little gift to start off your journey oh very nice [Music] well i know one thing once it goes on it ain't going off oh well hopefully my head will lose weight thank you so i got my juice you got your water oh yeah here we go i'm starting my sentencing 40-day juice fast sonia is doing 40 days juice fast why'd i do that another school table [Music] yeah here we go cheers to day one [Music] just like candy just like water i'm going for my first physical now my first weigh-in honestly i've been terrified of the scale for years i'm afraid of knowing what my weight is i always thought it was like five nine and three quarters but apparently i'm not that tall which is sad because that's not tall and so ashamed of my height and my weight and pretty much everything and i got my own little pretty robe that they actually have to find one that's a bigger size because this one will not fit me will not fit around my big fat belly hi kenny how are you doing good good to see you so we're going to measure everything and everything because that when you stress your body the way you are going to stress it fasting completely there will be a lot of physiological and biochemical changes in your body but i want you to be aware there is always risk for what you're trying to achieve right okay okay so it's not an easy deal that you're this is a major issue okay right all right yeah so we're gonna do your body measurements [Music] your weight is 315.8 pounds 53 of that weight is made out of fat so basically a little over your half of your weight is made out of fat and your body mass index is 47.8 where in fact we shouldn't see you greater than 28 you know bmi of 28 you know maybe 30 maximum 30 max yeah and your lean body mass is 147 pounds the ideal thing kenny right now is that we should be very close watching your progress and assessing where you are yeah okay okay all right oh well thank you my pleasure thank you okay all the best yes uh okay so i had my first physical today basically 53 of me is fat and 167 pounds of fat on me that's what it is so i knew it was big but man that's really bigger than i thought so so anyhow so this is the day one and uh be interesting to see what happens day two and i've got a headache already starting uh becoming pretty bad actually so so anyhow so day one physical over you know good news i'm pretty healthy bad news i'm really fat [Music] i look at myself with a beer and so i see what i am now and i know where i was and i know what i can be the problem is i i seem to have this block of getting over it and and i'm trying and that's the thing is when people see me they just see a fat guy but they don't what they don't see is they don't see that i'm a person who struggles with this every day it's something that i am trying to overcome and i know there are much bigger people than me around and so i can't even imagine what they go through i went through a very very difficult breakup and i was under the impression everything was fine and then all of a sudden she calls me up one night just says look it's over i was devastated i mean i wasn't just brokenhearted i was i was i was broken and she never gave me a reason just ended it i didn't know how to handle that i didn't know emotionally what to do with that there was no closure for me and from that point over the next year i gained over 80 pounds i ate and i ate because food doesn't reject you most of the weight that i have now is from that that breakup but thank the lord i'm through it now i'm here my mind is more clear and i'm ready to move forward talking about my breakup was really tough i've been pushing it to the back of my mind for so long that finally facing it was actually a release losing her had such an impact on me it completely changed the way i dealt with my emotions that's something i need to work on if i'm going to change the way i deal with pain in the future i just can't keep running to food any longer and so mark down this is the fourth time i've gone to the bathroom today and because i'm going to bathroom right now and i'm going to be talking about it's something that dr galley told me to go pick up of these things uh they're keto sticks and you pee on the low end thing and then you got to correlate it with the side here this tells you if your body has gone into ketosis or not which this means nothing and this means you're heavily into ketosis it's ketosis time [Music] and as we see here let's see the ketone stripped it didn't change really any color it will change that color which means it's negative which means my body has not even started in ketosis yet pretty natural i guess i wouldn't expect me to be instantly into ketosis from not eating for one day so there we go should i collect these you think [Music] i used to love to go for a run especially on a day like this but i gradually became embarrassed and self-conscious about my body so i eventually stopped you know it takes a lot of courage and self-confidence for a person to just not care about what other people may think or what they might say and just go out there and do the things normal people do now i'm more embarrassed by the fact that i cared that much to let it stop me for that long i do cardiac and pulmonary over the years things have you seen that we're eating how we're eating things such as this i'm a firm believer that you can damn near eat anything that you want it's what you do after i still feel it's input i think it's exercise and also i think a lot of it comes back to psychological there is a criteria that states when gastric bypass should be done clinically we are doing them now in 13 and 14 year old kids when you have a kid 13 14 that's weighing 325 pounds you've got a problem gastric bypass should only be for those that psychologically cannot handle their weight in other words obesity is not a reason to have a gastric bypass it's very simple what goes then comes out yeah unless you have glandular trouble and there's one tenth of the percent represents people that have weight problems [Music] people come in all sorts of shapes and sizes but only a small percentage actually have some sort of medical reason they're overweight as for everyone else it's mainly due to their emotional eating lifestyle habits or both ask any of them why they think they're overweight they're going to tell you their big bone it's genetics or something like that now ask those same people what size their great-grandparents were their great-great-grandparents and i bet they'll tell you they were all average sized ask anyone over 65 how many obese people they remember seeing as a child and they'll tell you there were very very few oh i'm tired day three has been a pain in those so yesterday i was a negative on ketones let's see how i am today [Music] i'm putting this in my mouth this is before i pee on it here we go uh just peed on this thing let's check it out uh the other day i was here i was negative let's see where i am today it's not quite the moderate yet so i'm still into the small category so there we go ketone sticks don't leave home without them day three has come to an end well it's about um it's about uh 3 30 4 in the morning and i just uh i woke up i'm just like oh man not feeling so well right now i've got like a headache and my stomach is like growling like crazy so i'm just really hungry and i'm right about now i'm thinking man it's just was just a good idea and man i'm only a few days in it's tough i mean it's tough i'm already feeling it but hey man all right okay i gotta try to go back to sleep day five is the most difficult so far the thought of giving up has actually crossed my mind what stops me is realizing what my life's become and what it's going to continue to be if i let it when you're ready to make a profound change in your life you have to face your fears you have to keep pushing yourself and imagine how different your life could be if you only try my first colonic yeah i know i know i'm kind of i don't know i don't know what to think on the colonic yeah it shouldn't be too bad i guess they said they'll relax me a little bit so i'm like all right my doctors advised me that since my digestive system was going to be inactive for so long it was necessary for me to clean out my colon [Music] now most people know as much about colonics as i do which is practically nothing the human colon is over five feet long and the only way for it to fit into our body is by being bent and folded after years and years of eating pieces of food and waste become lodged in these folds causing poor circulation constipation allergies mood swings just to name a few colonic hydrotherapy is an alternative medical process in which warm filtered water gently fills the colon through the insertion of a small plastic tube the water enters the crevices in the colon walls and removes pieces of waste as the pressure inside the colon builds the water is released and everything is evacuated through the hose this process is repeated several times until the entire colon has been cleaned generally patients need several colonics before all the waste is removed and they can start feeling the real benefits of a healthy colon [Music] the tubing we use is thrown away it's never used again and this is a smaller tubing that we're going to be using this yes it's a small tiny one it's very good but everything in a clonic is breathing okay because sometimes we might want to get the water around some gas what's the difference between colon glands and the animal if you do an enema at home you're probably only going to get up on the sigmoid side and when i do a colonic the reason they call it high is i can go all the way up across the transverse and all the way over here to the cecum so i'm getting the total colon it's hard to do that unless you stand on your head now when you're ready kenny turn on your side for me and look at the bathroom door please this is going to be a little unusual nobody likes this part the best thing to do is just open your mouth and breathe through your mouth open your mouth go ah and gentle push uh take your time there's two valves valve of houston as a matter of fact for texas [Music] i'm sure glad you used the small one little tiny pillow put you in there all right already going in it's been going in take a deep breath please good now the colon is closer to the back than the front so the transverse runs along here so sometimes if you get backaches you know that it's your colon bags dirty soft drink cups and candy wrappers it won't hurt you and it sometimes helps you have bowel movements [Music] uh here's one of the things i can't wait to be over is putting on the putting on shoes yeah as a big person i understand this most most skinny folks don't realize that putting on the sh and putting on shoes and tying shoes is actually a very trying ordeal [Music] did you time it yeah what do you think how long have you been [Music] taken [Music] okay i'm not doing it again [Music] my doctor advised me not to do any exercise at all during my fast of course i didn't listen to him and now i'm paying the price maybe i'm just trying to go too fast [Music] [Music] just give it a couple seconds 301 oh man three or one point six one lost well let's check the percentage of body fat well your weight is coming down but not losing weight is one thing losing body percentage fat and getting your important yeah you're getting your bmi to the right level is where you want to be yeah okay bmi not just the bm and now mr comedian let's see so all these years i've been looking at myself you know i see myself in the mirror and i you know sometimes i stand there and i feel like crying because it's just like who is this person in the mirror it's disgusting it really makes me disgusted to look at myself and when you look at yourself that way and you feel disgusted like by what you've become then you know what you got to do something about it this is this is just not something that's like oh hey this is you know i'm big and fat you know no it's i'm fat and now i've got to do something about it because i'm going to die young i'm going to die this is the measurements that we took last week and your weight went down from 315 to 305 and that's simply because you were burning uh muscle okay okay instead of body fat so that showed in your numbers that's why your percentage of body fat number went up even though your weight went down okay now where we're at is today okay okay so your weight is coming down still aqua 305 okay all right but what's even better is your percentage of body fats coming down okay so it's gone from 58 now down to 54. all right so you've sort of crossed this threshold how many overweight friends do you have compared to those that are in good shape okay how do you have your close friend what about family how many of your immediate family small family aunties uncles yeah and even parents now what would you say is the the most uh commonly eaten thing you have mcdonald's or mcdonald's [Music] day 21 is a milestone for me the longest i've ever gone without food i never imagined i could feel this good by not eating it's true what they say that you feel light and connected with god it's almost euphoric i'm feeling inspired so i'm spending the day at my friend's place and getting into my music now that i'm not preoccupied with food all the time it's really given me the ability to reevaluate my life my priorities my ambitions i want to change my life i've had so many dreams that i set aside and just didn't pursue because of my weight because of my insecurities growing up music was my life my passion one of my deepest regrets is not pursuing that path i gave up on my dream when i gave up on myself i can't let this weight interfere with all that anymore i also hope that what i'm doing will somehow inspire others to know that they can face their fat and look beyond that that barrier if you believe in yourself any dream is possible as we go day 21 which is supposed to be a turning point for everything so there's nothing like going back to nature to help you get your mind off the fact that you haven't eaten for a month unfortunately that's not gonna happen today because my friends have invited me to a campground for a barbecue which is my favorite kind of food boy this is going to be tough i'm beginning to wonder what kind of friends i have that would put me through this torture man this is the first time in my whole entire life as a human and life isn't something that's not a human i don't know what that means that i've ever been in any camping situation where i was not eating how does it feel it sucks i'm here to show you guys how to barbecue hot dog as you know barbecue hot dogs from iran well last time i checked uh iran iran's not known for their barbecue but texas is right 30 days on fasting he's trying to prove you could do it this barbecue for everybody but he's not going to eat it feels good to even touch food is that the first time you touched a food it is it feels good he's doing the best hot dogs i've ever seen so i was sitting there the other day and i thought i was just curious i said well i got to figure out i want to see who uh uh because there's got to be a world record for fasting right so i just decided to go look online so i went and topped in and looked online and i saw that apparently david blaine he when he hung up in that the times square thing you know he did it for 44 days so some russian dude did it last year and uh for 50 days and so that's when i was like well you know what they can do i'm doing it 40 days i'm doing pretty good why the crab not go yeah for 55. just try to get the world record you know it'd be kind of cool getting the guinness book of records that'd be neat i thought the fest was supposed to turn me off to like greasy stuff and looking but man shoe looks delish man oh it smells so good man that's a lot of hot lunch man and i can't have any of them [Music] corn and potatoes yeah the mashed potatoes good they look good too everything what am i talking about crazy people [Music] i'm feeling it's time to give paul and sonja a break so i'm gonna go spend a few days at jeremy and elena's they've heard about what i'm doing and they're making an effort to change their old ways and to eat healthier i haven't seen them in a while so it's gonna be good to catch up and get their perspective on things [Music] food is everywhere on tv and movies and magazine ads i see it everywhere i go i just can't escape it the temptations are overwhelming especially with the smell of food cooking all around me now with jeremy taunting me it's enough to make me want to run out the front door find the first fast food place i see and order half the menu food is like heroin to me my mouth waters i envision eating all that greasy food i mean it's an addiction that's so hard to overcome because no matter what you have to eat to live dinner [Music] i'm so close to finishing i just have to hang in there i've been doing some research and have really started to understand the severity of this obesity epidemic i wondered if any of our elected officials would be willing to talk to me about what they're doing to get this situation under control but i quickly found out how much they cared your call will be transferred governor's office uh yes can i speak to someone in the scheduling department please i had submitted a request for an interview about a month and a half ago to two months ago i'm calling about a scheduling request that i uh interview request that i had submitted about a month and a half ago hello president clinton's office uh yes i'm calling about a uh a interview request that i sent in about a month and a half ago well all right actually you're connected to the skyline department right now so let me turn you over to press when did you submit uh about a month and a half two months ago i couldn't personally identify what happened to it or what stage it is during the process but if you'd like to fax it to us again it might get urgent and that might uh oh okay that might be helpful okay let me talk to people in that department and hopefully we can get back to you maybe by the end of the week um yeah i'm not sure i mean i don't handle the scheduling uh stuff but um you know i can transfer you over to that department that'd be great yeah that'd be great hello pam this is kenny saylors we spoke about a month ago in regards to an interview request for vice president al gore for a documentary about the obesity epidemic thank you very much and look forward to your call again oh yeah good day mate no i'm just kidding i didn't say that i discovered today while putting on my my pants these pants were tied on me very tight on me whenever i first began and now they're extremely baggy uh so i've apparently lost a lot of weight in my legs i had pretty chunky legs again and also there's how much weight has gone down on my hips from where i was where are they i mean that's a lot i i'm actually pretty shocked about that myself dang yeah and i have a long way to go still we had a lot of days left so that's excellent but the greatest part is i never have to wear these pants again because you gotta hold me away why not gotta go buy new clothes now baby jeans i know see i got my necklace and i got the baggy pants this is my gangsta starter kit yo call me cake what's up k-dog straight up ladies don't be hatin on me i talked to some people on the streets to get their views on the subject of weight i've lost 30 pounds in the last two months really man that's excellent uh doing what like yeah how did you do that uh from eating the way you were to eating healthy what's the hardest thing you've found as being a change just not waking up at night grabbing the wrong things you know instead of grabbing a sandwich or something like that i'll take a piece of fruit or yeah whatever fruit i i started buying more stuff like that more more fish oh that's great what do you think in your honest opinion about a guy doing a 50-day 55-day pass setting a world record i think it's great you know if he lived through it it was difficult to get people to talk on camera about obesity unless they themselves were thin or were in the process of losing weight it made me realize how afraid and uncomfortable people are about this issue oh yeah whole people that's still so bad eating funny kitty but it has to be done obviously they feel very bad about it [Music] never thought i'd get so tired of water but when it's all you have is really get sick of it it's weird like when you're just around people people talk about food all the time i would venture to say that oh 70 to 75 of everyone's conversation revolves around food and i know that sounds like a far stretching statement to make but man when you're not eating everything related to food it jumps out at you and then when people talk about it everywhere we go people like oh i like this i like that you know it's just really it's crazy [Music] i'm at my breaking point i'm physically emotionally and spiritually exhausted how much longer can i keep doing this i'm almost at the end of it or i would be but now i'm trying to break a world record i'm uh way well way into the whole uh fast now i mean i'm like i'm nearing on i don't know 30 something days you lose count after a while even though i keep track of it all i just you know today i went out with jeremy and elena and we played we played tennis i'll be so exhausted that when i got back i just i just crashed out i just took a shower and laid down and just been like blah i mean i barely even walk up the stairs here i'm so tired you know i vomited and i'm like what's there to vomit i've got nothing in my stomach i'm like you know it was weird because it was like it was like pink like i guess it was just stomach acid that's all i did but but so that's a word of caution out there is i got to make sure not to uh go crazy like that anymore i need to really be careful because you know it hit me today i said man i've done you know i got to be careful in the exercise what am i doing have i lost sight of my goal is going for the world record really more important to me than my health than my well-being what am i trying to prove to myself these past few days i've been reevaluating my life in the direction i've been going i've realized that i've put off pursuing a music career for way too long songwriting is my outlet it's my way of expressing my emotions good or bad i'm going back to doing the things that make me feel good about myself and i'm gonna pursue my dream i told you you might grow though we should measure you after that's one thing that might actually be a nice little side effect go ahead and step off and ladies and gentlemen 274.4 so i've lost 41 pounds i got a lot of excess steel to go wow your body mass index is now 41.6 oh my friend you are going in the right direction yeah all right 41 pounds pretty impressive huh yeah that's fine yeah i thought i saw a magazine the other day uh this was on there it's a cover it says she lost 30 pounds in three months i was like so your your body mass index when you started was about 48 which is pretty extreme um and now it's down to 41.6 so you're doing tremendous the fat was nearly 58 that's where i was getting that number from and now that's down to about 50 percent oh okay so you didn't i mean it's a lot better i am utterly amazed at how well you're doing i really am i mean i i think it's great that we're doing these treatments but it's like it's a lot attributed to you yeah well i i'll be honest i'm quite shocked myself and what is this about trying to break the record oh yeah yeah i just want to yeah i just want to go in and uh it was 50 it's 50 days i figure well i'm doing 40 and i'm doing good i'm not like you know freaking out about it or anything right and now you're going to push it to fifteen fifteen more days yeah so totally fifty-five five days of water fasting yeah might as well go to an extreme with it and that's stunning yeah i know of course we're going to have to get some clearance with dr golly right yeah no really we'll check you out yeah make sure everything is good and i just want to say i think you're doing amazing absolutely amazing and if it was anyone else in any other condition there's no way they could push for that record yeah because of where you're at i think you could do it day 40 is now coming on and so what i do uh so sonia went and made me a nice little uh 15 more days to the world record chart so so tomorrow i get to begin my day 41 to my final 55 days to break the record so this is the the new addendum to the thing [Music] i'm getting near the end of my fast and sonya's already finished with hers so we decided to arrange for a group of friends to come together and talk about everything we've been dealing with and learning about these past several weeks whenever i told people i was gonna go fasting for 40 days they're like what are you crazy you know even i had a doctor tell me so do you have a death wish you know i feel so good now and i lost 40 pounds and i still had to make paul food and i was never starving but on the fifth day i really wanted fried chicken and then that kind of went away and but i think it's because i kept watching tv and i was watching food network [Applause] commercials [Applause] when you're overweight you're vulnerable to people in public that don't even know you and they'll judge you or say comments to you that are so hurtful that you don't really they don't really know you already know this about yourself you don't need to hear it right does it make you more unsocial that's what i want to know do you feel like maybe i shouldn't go out imagine what happens to the kids let's talk about that let's talk about you know a person's overweight so the discipline they have in the refrigerator reflects on their kids absolutely so you know learned behavior that we were talking about yeah as you start letting yourself go immensely you start saying well it's okay is that what you did and you might exactly convince yourself i start saying what's another hamburger i already weigh this much if i eat one more it's easy you know and i'm not worried about it i'll just eat one more and then i'll start tomorrow i can't tell you how many mondays i've had in my life i'm going to start on monday so i think after today i will change my way you guys hollywood attracts tourists from all over the world i was curious what they thought about the eating habits of americans uh welcome to hollywood right [Music] we're on hollywood boulevard [Applause] yeah i think you've got a lot more choices you can have this one and this one and this one here and everybody eats and eats and drinks and drinks and vegetables you know ours a lot of vegetables i think because there are too many mcdonald's and too many shops that sells a lot of sauce in italian [Music] [Music] i met a girl the other day whose father is both a cardiologist and a professional bodybuilder i thought it would be really interesting to get his viewpoint on fasting and the best way for me to get healthy you were your doctor first or the bodybuilder first i was a doctor first but i've always been interested in nutrition and sports athletics and so forth i still am a cardiologist an internist but i kind of look outside the box and because really obesity is is an epidemic and it certainly certainly affects heart health anyone that i that anyone that has gone through losing weight in the past they have willpower dieting isn't so much the issue it's learning how to really make changes that will affect you for the long term you had this goal that you were going to lose weight and yeah it wasn't extreme but it's not much different what bodybuilders do when they bulk up and then cut down for a contest so yes it's extreme and no i would not recommend it for the general population yeah you will lose weight but first you lose water weight okay and then as your metabolism comes to a screeching halt you know then you start losing muscle weight now the more muscle you lose the slower your metabolism so you eventually will get to a point in which weight loss will end okay now you're a very strong individual and you're determined to go through this you beat the odds there's not many people i know that could be on the fast as long as you were and could be as successful as you were this is one of the problems i have found in dealing with obese people in general is that you feel so deprived that you must bust out so what these people do then they'll overeat and then they would feel like they're total failures because they screwed up again and then they go off a diet and overweight and they get fatter it's just if you look at people that have gone through yo-yo dieting time after time after time the common thread that i have found is that they always feel like failures they can't end up doing what they put their mind to do and they feel like they're a failure so they might just be fat because i can't beat the i can't beat the odds sonja and i started this fast together supporting each other spiritually and emotionally this journey has really bonded our friendship for a lifetime i can't believe i finished my class 40 days last 40 pounds i learned that i needed to take more time and take care of myself and to do what i need to do to stay healthy it's weird though when when you don't eat for so many days you don't even think about food anymore when you deprive yourself of food you start realizing how much you you have control over your food growing up i just remember at school i got picked on there was always the few you know kids that would pick on me and tease me getting into my adulthood i um first of all i didn't have i didn't date you know i i was always going out with my my girlfriends and going dancing and i was the one that was always holding everybody's purse the funny thing is i i used to think if i could just have a guy in my life and um you know that would that would love me and them take care of me then i could go on and go after my dream you know because i i never really went after my um my dream of being an artist because i thought i had to take care of this person so i ended up going through relationships with guys and i had this series of boyfriends that were not the greatest guys you know they weren't they were more like um verbally abusive not physically but um had one boyfriend that used to tell me that was borderline ugly and um he told me once we were i'll never forget we were in magic mountain and we were in line for this ride and he told me he was embarrassed to be seen with me and boyfriend yeah and and i still stayed with him because i thought you know i'm never gonna find anybody else and i think that a lot of women that are overweight think that they put up with a lot more because they don't feel that anyone else is going to want them [Music] this is it my last weigh-in i was so proud to be able to say that i reached a personal milestone and now it's just time to find out how much my hard work's paid off so um he went from 315 down to 271. so what does that how many would that be 15. that's 44 pounds but the interesting thing about it what was his yeah the percentage of body fat has come down dramatically because it was at 53 actually over 53 percent and now it's down to 46 percent oh so that's important and then we know how many pounds of fats exactly thank you doctor when you look at the fat mass he actually lost 40 pounds of fat and only four pounds of lean body mass so that's pretty spectacular preserving muscle masses as the name of the game and really unusual yeah so let's get you measured to see how tone this buff body is yeah i know all these mosses yes i'm looking forward to the measurements because all my clothes have been like this shirt was like spandex on me when i started oh but the thing i was going to ask you about was the ketone strips where i've been peeing on them but uh it's gone up it went up really high for for a long time it was really hot and then it started going down and then up and then down and then the past like four or five days it's been like my trace amount just that's good oh so that's normal that's very [Music] let's see what five and a half inches around the stomach i've gone down a couple pant sizes which i've noticed because my pants don't fit me anymore and for you to lose 50 some pounds 44 44 pounds it's not bad like a pound a day my god that's quite a bit yeah so so that is really for each pound of fat you need to spend 3 500 calories okay yeah so a man usually requires for daily maintenance anywhere between 28 to 32 100 calories a day so basically you were living on your own fat there you go what did you learn about yourself wanted to learn about myself that i actually if i put my mind to it enough i can actually go and turn down food that's some of the big things because that's one of the biggest problems that i know and i think that's one of the things that most people uh in the world and who are overweight their biggest problem is they don't think they can say no to food and see and and i didn't and i always thought that and i proved it because i did it you learn through the whole thing you realize it you know if you put your mind to it enough that you can change your mind you can change your body i'm like i finished you know yay i get to eat something tomorrow drink something beside the water [Music] take 128 ounces in a gallon the last days here 55 is here and that is me which i should cross out 55 days [Applause] 55 days and i've talked so much water i will probably never be able to to drink anything but water again the rest of my life i probably could have gone 60 days but that probably been a good idea but i started getting like actually towards the past few days i started getting like pains in my other side me do carrot apple carrot applesauce i haven't had anything i don't even man's anything just for the closest thing i've even come to tune anything with a cute straw when i get you get stressed out a few straws and plastic things which is probably how to get at it [Music] yeah everybody should try here it is they well 56 now i guess huh cheers i finished yay thank you thank you thank you well [Laughter] [Laughter] getting bigger it's weird i mean it tastes good it's like it's weird what do you think i think it's actually really good and the first time you had made carrot juice well freshly squeezed carrots that you can't get this stuff in the bottle it actually tastes really good well that's that's good there we go guys we're all done i'm a little at this point i didn't lose as much weight as i thought it would but who can complain about losing like 50 pounds 44 or whatever yeah five something inches from my waist no i'm very happy i certainly don't regret it anytime i lose any weight i don't regret it but the important thing is what i disregarded in this because i went 55 days because actually about you know a few days quite a few days before this my hunger actually came back and i let it cycle again and you're not supposed to do that you're not supposed to let your hunger cycle again once you've been so long but of course i was going for a world record so i thought i'd let do it but that got into danger zone were there any particular trading type of food yeah well uh pretty much anything with the word fast and food conjoined yeah but then it's just making a conscious choice like okay i can have this fried chicken that's not good for me or i can have the same basic ingredient of chicken baked and it's healthy for me you know but the good thing i feel like now that i'm like at the starting line [Music] yeah exactly and now i actually feel like because now the fasting i actually felt like i was doing something you know really crazy now i actually feel like i'm starting [Music] life [Music] i can honestly say that this has been one of the toughest things i've ever put myself through people are telling me you're so much thinner yeah i lost weight not as much as i'd hoped to but this wasn't meant to be some magic solution to all my problems what's most important is that i set a goal for myself i made the effort and as hard as it was i didn't give up i didn't give in when people taunted me with food or told me it was impossible i never gave up on myself and i never will again to believe in yourself and to have faith is worth everything especially when you face the thing that has kept you down and kept you from truly living and then you conquer it you know i once heard it said that it's never too late to be who you might have been and now for the first time in years i know i can be that person [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: ENDEVR
Views: 2,284,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free documentary, documentaries, full documentary, hd documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), Business Documentary, ENDEVR, ENDEVR Documentary, Facing the Fat, Supersize Me, Obesity, Obesity Documentary, Obesity in America, Obesity Crisis, Overweight, Overweight Documentary, Diet, Diet Documentary, Extreme Diet, Extreme Fasting, No Food Diet, Dangerous Fasting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 28sec (3988 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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