Why Weight Loss Is All In Your Head | Drew Manning on Health Theory

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in today's episode of hell theory with drew Manning we discuss Drew's journey of gaining and losing 75 pounds on purpose why mindset is critical for physical transformation how to be vulnerable and why you should be open to experimenting with your diet everybody welcome to health theory today's guest is drew Manning the New York Times bestselling author of fit to fat to fit he slathered on 75 pounds of fat and lost it again to gain empathy and understanding for his training clients and improved himself if no one else that his theories on diet and exercise were actually correct the adventure not only changed him it landed him his own TV show and made him one of the most recognizable people in fitness and what I want to know man is what surprised you about that journey it's a good question it was how much of that transformation was more mental emotional than just physical because I went into this journey thinking oh you know I'm gonna get fat and then I'm gonna get fit and it's gonna be a physical thing but I came out of it realizing that transformation is so much more mental emotional and then people think and if you've never been overweight mostly what you can relate to is the physical side of weight loss right eat less and work out you know that right you got that you've lived that but the mental emotional side you haven't lived that until you've kind of been down this path so for me my eyes were opened I realize just how wrong I was with trying to help people right and did you mean your strategies were actually bad because you didn't understand they weren't bad they were just incomplete they were just focused on the physical so someone was struggling with their transformation I'm like okay they've changed up your macros change up your calories change up your workouts that's the missing component right that's what I focus on because that's all I knew rather than trying to help them on the mental and emotional side which is what people struggle with right I think people it's not so much a lack of knowledge right people know they need to eat healthy and work out it's it's the application on the mental emotional side and the consistency of living that lifestyle over over time and that's where people struggle is is maintaining as a lifestyle change which is more up here than it is in the gym or in the kitchen so I want to really define what you mean by mental and emotional so what is it that people are struggling with an attachment to food the emotional reward of eating like what is it yeah and it's different for each person the thing that I realized was was how powerful the emotional connection of food really is whereas before I'm like look it's not that hard you just you know stop eating the junk food put down the soda you go to the gym every day what's wrong like it's not that hard until they lived it even even though it was only for just six months when I switched and tried to lose the weight that emotional connection of food was way more powerful even for me as a trainer someone who lived their whole life healthy and my body went through those withdrawal symptoms right almost like a drug addict I won't say it was addicted some people are truly addicted but for me just being aware of how powerful that emotional connection to food really is what do you do when you have cravings or you know when you when you eat your emotions when you're sad or you're happy we celebrate or we had two stressful days we're like you know what I deserve wine and chocolate tonight because I had a stressful day so how do you help people through that so I grew up in a morbidly obese family so I know exactly how people can find comfort and/or celebration in food how do you help them dive into that like do you get like psychological and actually almost like a therapist walk them through that stuff so there's obviously a physical component of transformation so that you help them with the physical side but I think you know it's like 10% that 90% help them with the mental emotional side and how I do that is put it in support groups right so it's not just me because I'm still a fit guy and it's putting them in a support group where they it's a safe place for them to share their struggles their successes their failures and receive that encouragement and the empathy that love and that people letting them know that they're worth it to continue to fight for their health so in researching you and coming across this whole notion of self love and self worth it's so interesting to me how caught up in all of this that is how often do you see where somebody's really struggling with with that like there's almost a conflict of I'm not worth pushing through and getting to my goal I think that's the majority of people that struggle with their health some people really don't feel like they're worthy and how do you convince someone that they are worthy I still don't know it's it's still up to them it has to be their idea I can't tell someone they're beautiful they have to truly believe that they're beautiful they have to truly believe that they're worth it it's you know hope that by telling them and putting them in a group where other people are telling them as well that they will find that inner motivation inspiration and kind of like you know inception to come up with that idea themself like maybe I am worthy maybe you know I can do hard things the health and fitness industry in my opinion hasn't used this fully yet and that's kind of what my hope is with fit tight fit is to use empathy as a tool because I feel like empathy can bridge that gap between people that feel like they're stuck and they feel judged by society and they feel judge and and looked down upon by people who are skinny and naturally fit people are gonna be more willing to listen to you know their trainer or coach if that person has that empathy and can really come down til they're level walk in their shoes a little bit and really understand where they're coming from and then they'll be more willing to listen to the advice that you have and the physical tools or hacks that you have to help them along their their journey you said something really interesting you said maybe I am worthy maybe I can do the hard things do you think there's some tie between a willingness or having the stick-to-itiveness to actually do the hard things is that tied to a sense of self-worth like do you think that those two feed each other yeah I think they do feed each other I don't know which one comes first I think it's different for each person but I think you know if someone for example like is is on a physical transformation and they're trying to get healthy if they have these small wins in their life right like I did my first Burpee or I did my first push-up or pull-up or you know I healthy for a whole day these senses these small things of accomplishment helped build that confidence of maybe I can do hard things I recently had this guy from Nashville come out to work with me you know he started out 600 pounds he's been doing keto intermittent fasting is down to 450 pounds and the thing that gravitated him to me and my brand was the whole empathy thing and understanding where he's coming from because he felt judged by by other people and so he's like drew only one want to work with you we took him to this place called Jim Jones in Salt Lake City and they've trained the cast of 300 and they trained Superman and so these celebrities and okay we're going here and he was like scared to death he's like three you're trying to kill me I'm like no I'm not gonna kill you like I understand that we're gonna start out slow but um you know I had him do modifications to the things that we were doing in the workout and it was hard for him but at the end of the day as they drew like he started crying as I drew a like this was the best thing for me like being able to do you know ball slams like you guys and be able to do like a modified push-ups he's like I haven't moved my body in in years and I think after he came out here like he was super confident and and I had him say these positive affirmations to himself like I can do hard things as he's doing the workout I can do hard things as he's doing farmers carries and wanted to give up but he pushed harder and if I can get him to believe that he can do hard things even though it's small at first then it's gonna help motivate him and push him you know when he tries to do something that it's like oh that's impossible there's no way I could do that but now he's like maybe I can't do that dude yeah like I'm absolutely obsessed with the notion of earning credibility with yourself yeah where you say you're gonna do something you do it you push yourself to do something that's difficult you stick with it and I think I don't know that I've ever really put a super fine point on what what is the birthplace of self worth but if you were gonna force me to do it yeah doing hard things is almost certainly like the most foundational is probably not the sum total yeah but the willingness is stick through it and actually do the hard things is almost certainly like the core of that yeah so how do you somebody that isn't coming and they're not working with you and you have to do it remotely what would you prescribe to them to do to show them that they can do the hard things to begin building that self-worth yeah put all these many challenges throughout the month like okay you guys this month we're gonna focus sometimes as a physical thing but other times it's like hey guys for 30 days I want to challenge you to do maybe three to five positive affirmations every single day and all you're saying to yourself is I can do hard things or I am worthy or I love myself and I'm proud of Who I am it's not a direct you know cause of weight loss but if you can set yourself up for this win that's going to help you set set that's gonna help set you up for these other ones down the road when it comes to the workout you're going to do this month or sticking with whatever diet you're trying to do for that month because then you realize man I can't do hard things even if you don't believe it at first and that's the thing people really don't believe positive affirmations at first because they've had 30 40 years of negative self-talk and now you're trying to tell them you know just say these things out loud to yourself words have power and they can actually change your beliefs and they can actually change you at the cellular level the more you say them consistently so I think there's something to saying positive words about yourself to yourself every single day and so that's that's one thing that I do in these private Facebook groups to build up confidence and and convince that person that they can do hard things dude so I'm obviously way into self-talk the narrative that you tell yourself about yourself what do you tell people when they're like but I don't believe it and so is it just well repeating it is the key here and so it's part of the process of beginning to believe or do you have something else that help somebody get over that notion of you're asking me to say something that I fundamentally think is false yeah and I think for some people it does work where the more consistent they say it out loud to themselves they do eventually believe it because honestly that was my testimonial I've been through this in a different way not from a physical transformation but self-worth negative self-talk for me saying it out loud helped me believe it's primarily the first time I said a positive affirmation I had goosebumps and I almost started crying like and for me like a tough dude it was weird so for me just kind of telling you my own testimony of this it's changed my life 100% saying positive words can help set you up for positive winds throughout the day in other areas of your life so I want to go to your journey with self-talk Tim so episode 100 of your podcast beyond amazing by the way absolutely incredible and obviously speaks to your tattoo they have mobility is strength yeah talk to me about that like how did that become such an important thing for you what was episode 100 why did you do it I mean like a lot of questions right 100% first of all thank you for listening to I really appreciate that that means a lot to me I was because I was scared to death to post that so my whole life my mother culture I grew up and from religion to sports to my family was you know vulnerability is a weakness you know you don't talk about your feelings so no that was just the way I grew up you know sports football wrestling you know you don't make excuses you just do it if you make a mistake there's a punishment and same thing with the religion I grew up and you know if you weren't perfect and you sinned then there was some type of punishment to where I felt shamed I felt guilt and so I'm a whole life for 30 plus years was surrounded by guilt and shame because here I was trying to be perfect on the outside for everybody for my parents my church leaders my coaches my my spouse at the time when in reality I knew that I was a fraud I had weaknesses and I wasn't perfect and but I couldn't deal with that from a very young age I would hide it because I'm like you know what it's better just to pretend and fake it rather than you know the disappointment and having that punishment in my life and so from a very young age I developed that habit of you know what it's not worth confessing or talking about it because then you know everybody knows and the guilt and the shame just consumed me and eventually broke me to where I just lived a life of Lies and it was inauthentic and eventually broke me as a man and that was the that was the start of me starting to transform and change my perspective of how I viewed myself once they learned how to love myself and realizing that shame has so much more power over you when you don't talk about it none of the things that bring you shame and so for me having that courage to talk about things that were embarrassing you know growing up or that brought me shame I realized that it's not as scary as I thought in my head I would create these stories in my head of how scary would be if people found out the real me but once I owned my story and embrace vulnerability that's of strength changed my life I can authentically be me for the first time in my life I feel like I'm finally living but it took me 34 years to figure this out and I wish it would have figure this out at a young age but I had no one there to teach me I had to learn from making mistakes so for me but everything that happened from you know pornography and affair and all these things that are looked at as bad I'm 100% grateful for why because it changed Who I am and I can finally live an authentic life and I own my story I have no embarrassment or guilt or shame like talking about it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable it doesn't embarrass me anymore and my hope is that other people that have there in that situation where I've been through that situation have that hope and can find that courage within to embrace vulnerability and own your story because life's short men and I wish I would have learned this at a younger age so that I didn't have to go through all that that heartache how do you love yourself where you are when you're you're ashamed or you feel guilty like how do you find that connection to the love yeah that's a great question so I think what it stems from is expectations on life like we have expectations if I do this then I will be I will be this and rather than faking it and pretending like it didn't happen or not talking about it embrace the entire story and realize that everything happens for your greater good like this happened like this pornography addiction or this affair happened so you can grow from this to become who you're supposed to be and I couldn't learn that from religion I I can learn that from you know the culture I grew up and I had to learn it from other people like being open to other people and their philosophies and theories like Bernie Browns books and prior and kadian and so many other books like The Four Agreements the fifth agreement totally changed my perspective of how I view life and how I view me right and I realized I suffered in life because of how I viewed myself I saw myself as a failure because of these you know weaknesses or sins that I had and because of that I did failure like things because I saw myself as a failure and if I had learned that at an earlier age to love myself I feel like all my other relationships whipping so much better and I feel like every relationship in your life stems from how you view yourself everything's a mirror of how you view yourself the way you treat your spouse your kids your loved ones that it's a complete stranger starts with how you view yourself really powerful man what you ended up so done hundred it was really powerful and it hit me like I actually got emotional when you said it and you it was like the wrap-up and so you just kind of throwing off comments but there was one thing you said and I really felt it and it was like basically I hope you guys were cool with me sharing all of this how you feel about it's really not my business anyway that your business need already talked about the whole thing and you said you know I'm just trying to love myself and to be worthy of love and like that one really stopped me in my tracks and I just thought wow like that's so powerful to have as sort of a guiding force in your life what does that look like for you to to be worthy of love yeah that's a great question and to be totally honest with you I think that's something that kinda like Fitness yeah I always have to work on right because I'm not perfect you know even all the work that I've done has got me to a better place but I still you know sometimes struggle with that that you know feeling worthy of love so it's something you constantly have to work on like health and fitness and nutrition like it's not like there's a finish line you're done boom no matter what happens in life you'll be good it's something that I constantly have to work on to remind myself so things like meditation every day on a daily basis saying positive affirmations even still because I've noticed there's times in my life where I get busy with the work and I don't do them and I noticed a big difference and I start to believe those old those old thoughts come back and so if you don't put in the work every day just like exercise you you lose that that positive self-talk and then negative self-talk will always be there I feel like it and so it's a constant battle it's interesting because there's so many parallels to fitness and the mindset and when you were talking about you know when you gained all the weight that you just didn't have the energy and you didn't want to workout for the first time in your life you didn't want to work out and to parallel that to the same thing going on mentally where if you're not staying on top of it all of a sudden something that you can sort of take for granted this desire to feel good feeling positive about yourself and believing positive things about yourself that also begins to atrophy just like a muscle yeah back then I focus so much on the physical aspect of weight loss or just transformation in general but now I've been doing this for years I realized like that's what missing in the health and fitness industry is it's not just physical right the mental emotional and even spiritual side are all paralleled and like it has to be a complete transformation otherwise it's just it's going to be a diet that people do for 30 or 60 days but if they can work on the mental emotional spiritual while they're working on the physical that's where I feel like people will really truly be fulfilled because they realize that it's not just about being skinny or having six-pack that brings them fulfillment right like Tony Robbins says success without fulfillment ultimate failure so you could have the perfect body but so many people with perfect bodies are miserable inside and they hate themselves still why because they don't take care of the mental and emotional and spiritual and they have to all be taken care of otherwise they don't act Rafi like you said and you'll you'll be you'll find out that your life is is out of balance in a way and so what does that look like so we all know sort of what the diet and exercise looks like yeah what is so you mentioned daily affirmations positive affirmations what are some other things that you would have people do as sort of a part of just like your regular routine daily gratitude list and what I mean by that is is looking around you and being grateful for what you have now rather than like I'll be happy when I reach my first million dollar so I'll be happy when you know this or that happens in business I think a lot of people do it wrong though they you know just like with physical transformation they're like I'll be happy when I meet this goal and then I'll celebrate I think that's where people struggle when people suffer because they get unhappy because they're not there yet right and then they get there and they're like well that wasn't it what is it now like they're looking for something else some kind of outside source of happiness when in reality you can create it inside you know you get choose to do it it's hard it takes rewiring your brain it doesn't happen overnight but I promise you that you know if you can do things like a great daily gratitude list every single day that's gonna help you be fulfilled in the here and now while you're working on a better version of yourself how important is reading video it's changed my life man and like oh I'll be honest with you I grew up a total meathead you know I did not read books you know I didn't I aged this was like movies and TV shows are way better once I and that's when you know the whole divorce thing happened and I was like I had time to myself at you know when I didn't have my kids I'm like what am I do with my life you know I'm gonna sit up and watch Game of Thrones like at night the rest of my life or it's cool TV show but and actually did that for a while that's why I mentioned that but then I was like you know I'm just gonna read some books and then that's where my life coach had me read loving what is and then someone I told me about this book called daring greatly and I'm like okay I'll read it and then my eyes were open and my perspective was changed and I feel like you are the combination of the books you read the podcast you listen to the people you surround yourself with and then I realized man there's so much more information out there that it didn't have access to until I started reading books what was it about Bernie Browns daring greatly that really resonated for you it was the guilt in the shame living a life of surrounded by guilt and shame and her showing me like the light at the end of the tunnel of how to get out of it it really gave me hope and courage to own my story and talk about it and that's you know even when I read her book you know before episode 100 happened which is where I went public with my story that was about two years of reading her book over and over again it wasn't like overnight like boom I'm gonna I'm gonna tell everybody about this it took me a while to get to a place where I was okay emotionally and spiritually to share my story it wasn't just like I think Britney talks about this there's difference between over sharing and being vulnerable right and I feel like the difference for me was being ready like being true to who you are when that message comes out right and what your your intentions are what your hope is with it rather than just like vomiting everything for everyone and and really not giving people any direction of like what to do with it like that's a great story but you know like you know how did you grow or what are the key takeaways I think you know the life coach and the books that I've read have really taught me how much of our stories that we create in our head aren't true and just breaking that cycle of the stories that have told myself my entire life I can let go of because I know they're not true because I've kind of tested those waters and you know I camera who said it but we suffer a thousand times more in her head than we do in reality yeah ok now that we've figured out what a huge part of this whole journey it is is the mental and emotional connection to food you've remained an extraordinary shape you've had a lot of really successful transformations what are your recommendations in terms of diet and exercise for somebody who's ready they've gotten that's just sort of mentally prepped they're ready to go down the actual sort of mechanistic part of the journey yeah that's a great question so my goal is to help people become their own self experimentation right so I'm a huge fan of the ketogenic diet right well then dr. Oz Show talking about the benefits of keto and I fell in love with it to be honest with you but it might not be for everybody and but what I tell people is be open to experimenting whether it's a plant-based diet or paleo or keto or whatever it is be open to some kind of experimentation with your body because it's not a one-size-fits-all approach I can't just give you a diet of 2,000 calories that's 70% fat 25% protein 5% carbs and then boom it will magically work for you just realizing that you know what works for me or you or someone else might not work for you that's totally fine let's go let's find something else that works for you so helping people realize that it's a journey not a destination it's not a race to the finish line right it's not like how much weight can I lose in the short amount of time with the least amount of effort you know just realize that this is a lifestyle it's gonna take time and but being open to changing things upgrading evolving as you are on your journey let me ask you secretive secret quite okay guys you think though that everybody should try keto try 100% I think so why because I feel like for most people if they can experience the mental clarity the improvement cognitive function just that alone will change people's lives and so for me I think yes there could be a weight loss and a fat loss component of it but for me the biggest thing with keto is shifting from running of glucose to running off ketones just for your brain like nutrition for your brain is probably the most remarkable thing be able to go from eating six seven meals a day it's eating once or twice a day and feeling optimal or going seven days without food and still functioning as a parent as you know running your business like traveling I've done that and it's amazing because I was told that you can't do that otherwise you'll lose all your muscle mass but for me I think it's worth experimenting with just for how your brain can improve there's a million ways to lose fat right and I think both you and I so I used to be about 60 pounds heavier I lost all that fat starvation right it was yeah total misery I hated every single minute of it but it worked the best thing it doesn't work but my thing is and I find this so interesting about keto I think you're right it's an end of one everybody needs to do self experimentation you've got to try it because it it's the one dietary thing I say changed my life completely from just being in a constant state of inflammation to then like that sense of your inflammation drops to essentially zero your relationship the hunger changes you know I agree with you I think that there is so much individual variability everybody has to try it but keto is the one thing I'll say everybody should try it yeah whether it works for them or not I can't say yeah and I feel like you know our bodies were designed to do that for a reason we have this backup system you know or whatever you want to call it known as ketosis for a reason right like it's how our species evolved right if we didn't have you know the ketogenic state we probably would have died off as a species right because we went and we had to go times without food right there was feast and famine and it wasn't told like maybe 100 or 200 years ago where we had access to food on-demand pretty much where we go to grocery stores or there was always an abundance of food and and because we've grown up in that we've kind of like well we have to eat three square meals a day you know that's what we're taught and it's like no you can go a long period of time without food actually and it's still functioning and and thrive actually it is so powerful and so transformative and changes your relationship to hunger and all that and for me probably the most important thing was just the aches and pains that went away yeah which was a really big deal let's talk about fasting yeah I read a book by dr. Jason phone called the complete guide to fasting and I learned about more about the science behind it but I think fasting has a there's a physical component there's a mental component in a spiritual component right physically we know that's great for anti-aging jeopardy anticancer better digestion cell regeneration in your body that's the physical component yeah some people do it for weight loss which I do not do it for there's a mental component to knowing that you can go a day to three however long without food and live and actually thrive just realizing that you don't have to be a slave to food you can be in control your body is is it's amazing for your body and your mind to realize that you're okay without feeling he'll be okay you know you're not gonna die and then that spiritual component like there's a reason almost every major religion has some type of fasting in it you know in the Mormon religion we grew up fasting 124 hours a month like one day a month you fast for 24 hours and I hated it as a kid so you know my perception of what fasting was was like this sucks but there's a spiritual component like being able to be more in tune with your body and spirit without having food to distract you is really powerful and I feel like it can be spiritually uplifting you know whether you're religious or not just being more in tune with your body in in your spirit as well like you you you are a soul I do really believe that and I think fasting is a way to tap into that and so there's a physical mental and spiritual component to fasting that I just love and so for me I will intermittent fast almost every day and then extended fasting I do kind of as a cleanse maybe two to three times a year and all it ranges anywhere from three days on the lower end to you know I've done a seven day fast before but I'll admit for me already being really lean that was kind of that was kind of tough like day seven was really hard for me and this was during the winter in Utah and my body temperature drops so I get freezing cold and then there was during Christmas season so there we were going to Christmas parties and there was food everywhere I'm like okay next time I do this like I got to be like by myself you know but for me and my sweet spot is four days to end water only so I'll do water and just a little bit of salt right and that's what I found it works best for me yeah it's really I think it's super important for people to at least give fasting a try because my biases living forever so the only thing hasn't shown across every species to elongate lifespan is caloric restriction when you realize it seems studies suggest that you can get all of the benefits of chronic caloric restriction by doing just even intermittent fasting where it's a timed windows yeah taking the same number of calories but you do it over a condensed period of time yeah that is I think super important for people to experiment with and look at and see what kind of effect Yasim I think there's a balance too because I think there's you know quantity of life but there's also quality of life it's not like you need it fast and just eat at a calorie desert deficit for the rest of your life like you know enjoy life too you know how some wine you know have a beer every once Wow and pizza like you know but you know when and and if when it feels right to you can I confess something yeah go ahead I had ice cream this weekend you didn't realize cream a real ice cream realize not like his etana ok yes ice cream a cold stone why and my wife and I just decided to like make we we've been working so much just have a reconnect weekend and to do something fun yeah and she was like you know you gain for this and it was rad yeah what was yeah it was a super good reminder that while I think you can obviously get yourself into trouble if you're not in control of that for me I probably cheat on my diet three times a year so it's like I don't have an addictive personality first of all so like yeah it's not a real thing for me but dipping into it and like you said and I've heard you talk wonderfully about this like you said something like off him and my mom's house and his Christmas and she makes you know some special bread thing I'm gonna have this special bread exactly and I love that talk about that like how can people because I here's what makes me sad eating ice cream is awesome yeah being alone by yourself in the corner of the ice cream shop shoveling it down man not making eye contact with people and you're clearly not having fun like that breaks my heart every time I said yeah it's similar to kind of consuming alcohol like are you by yourself celebrating by are you celebrating by yourself are you kind of down on yourself and you're eating your emotions with that substance whether it's ice cream or alcohol or drugs whatever it is like what's your intention behind it for me those types of moments with whether it's alcohol or whether it's certain types of foods are meant to be you know a bonding thing with with family or friends or a positive experience and yes I think in that situation if your intention is just a meeting I'm stressed out so and no one's watching so now it's the time to do it that's where I think that's a behavior that needs to be worked on right and I wish it was as simple as saying we'll just don't do it right like you wouldn't tell a drug addict like hey stop doing drugs what's wrong with you it's not that hard you just put it down it's similar for some people right where they're you know eating their emotions and they're so ashamed by it that they you know have to do it by themselves and it's sad and I feel like that's where that self-worth comes in and the need for support system and accountability come into play and it's not like a black and it's not black and white there's so many gray areas a lot of it has to do with trauma or self-worth from a very young age and now we're trying to tell people like yeah you're beautiful you're worth it and just change behavior overnight I wish it was that easy but just realize that it's a constant battle it's never-ending you're always gonna find it for the rest your life but just realize that you're worth it to keep fighting that's my message that's my hope for people do you think that there are Universal recommendations that everyone should be doing if your diet is mostly consists of cinnamon toast crunch and mountain dew like mine was you know all these processed foods which look I'll be honest with you they're convenient they're affordable they're super they're cheap compared to you know a salad or whatever and they taste really good they really do and there's they are they can be very addictive for some people if you're eating real food most the time and you're moving your body every single day biking or swimming or Zumba dancing ecstatic dance whatever it is moving your body just getting out there and moving and eating real food you know no one it's super easy to eat 20 cookies right like if you're like stressed out and you're having these baked goods in your house but no one's gonna eat sit down eat 10 20 abaca dough's right I mean I've never seen anyone do that because they're stressed out and I think if we could just get people to focus on the process of the habits that make a healthy lifestyle rather than the results then I think the results will take care of themself you have two daughters how do you deal with food and them I mean especially knowing how tasty that's a great question I always ask other parents when they come home a podcast like what works for them because it's different for each family for each kid because I see both ways of being over the strict right and not letting them touch a process carbohydrate or any refined sugar and then I know that the moment there with Grandma or with the friends house on a play day or there at school where other kids are eating candy and they can't there's no ones where I can't control what they're gonna eat but when they're with me I try and control what they eat and teach them about why we eat certain foods like why are we eating vegetables it's not a punishment right I'm not making you do it it's there's a reason that I'm you know we were supposed to be eating vegetables and here's why so from my girls are seven and nine and they know what broccoli is they know what cauliflower is and you know we go grocery shopping together I help I have them help chop food and prepare the food so they're in their kitchen things like micronutrients I mean they don't understand that so basically and this is what I do is I say hey on the inside of us there's a lot of good guys there's a lot of bad guys and when we vegetables our good guys get stronger and they can beat up the bad guys but when we're eating junk food the bad guys they get strong and they beat up the good guys and that's when we feel sick that's kind of what I tell them and it seems to work but you know I'll be honest with you we do have treats everyone's mom but I'll get them like halo top ice cream or something like that or I'll make them a keto cookie and they don't really know you know but then they're with Grandma this week for example in Idaho and I know she's gonna give him you know juice with high fructose corn syrup and I kills me but I can't micromanage every single person that comes into my daughter's live so don't beat yourself up just do the best you can with what you have is not gonna be perfect they're gonna you know have access to this food at some point in time but if you can control what they eat when you're with them then that's all you can control right and I don't have the energy to micromanage every single food piece of food that goes into their mouth alright before I ask my last question where can these guys find you online easy fit number two fat number two fit that's my book it's my podcast is my website all my social media handles I try and keep it consistent and actually try and keep you guys entertained on social media and then my last question what is one change that people could make to their diet that would have the biggest impact and I'll be cheeky and sneak in and say and also what's one change that they can make to have to their workout routine that would have the biggest impact gotcha so the number one thing diet diet wise is don't be afraid of healthy fats coconut oil avocados olives implementing these healthier fats into your diet just starting off with that we've been been doing low fat for so long I think just adding in healthy fats can make a huge difference with people feeling you know satiated and fuller longer I think that's that's the easiest thing to do for people right and people like butter and they like you know full fat cheese and so these types of healthy fats I think it would be an easy good start as far as workout goes the easiest thing we would too would be to do interval training so get your heart rate up to a very high level whether it's walking up the stairs walking uphill running on a treadmill maybe let's say you run for 30 seconds you get your heart rate up whatever it is that you're doing to get your heart rate up for 30 seconds so that could be jumping jacks right and then recovering for about 30 seconds and then repeating that for about 10 minutes will give you the most bang for your buck in my opinion yeah thanks Tom yes guys guys this one is one you are gonna have an absolute blast diving in and discovering his whole notion of vulnerability is strength that whole side I don't see anybody else talking about it the way that he's talking about it and recognizing that the reason most people get addicted to food in the first place because even if you want to say that that is the fundamental reason that leads people astray they get there for a reason and it isn't just that it's delicious it isn't just that it's inexpensive those are both parts of it but the big thing is most of us have some sort of trauma some sort of thing that we've been building up in our lives negative stories about who we are whether we're worthy of love whether we can love ourselves and that is the thing that's really holding them back and not going in and doing that work is why people struggle and do self sabotaging behavior and because his own story has so much of that in it and because he shares so raw and so vulnerably it is that bridge that he talks about between where you are and where you want to get to the non-judgmental acceptance of a group that he's putting people in and giving them that safe space which is something that he talked a lot about in this episode and I hope that you guys were listening to that because that is what many of you need you need that safe space inside yourself and you need that safe space with other people that you can trust and his voice is that voice in this industry and the fact that he's also he yoked doesn't hurt so you know that he's at least been able to do it once which is really really extraordinary but it's really the kindness that emanates off of him it's the relatability it's that he's extended his own story out so that other people can connect to something and see that there's a lot more going on for him just as there is for anybody else than what you see on the outside and that is extraordinary and that's why I think he's such a special voice in this space and he's been at it for a really long time so he's got a lot of amazing content that I think you guys will benefit from and most importantly because we were talking about this before the camera started rolling now there's so many of us out there that have been doing this for years you get to watch that person change so you can even watch how his notions of what a healthy diet and exercise are changed and evolved as he's changed and evolved it's really really pretty extraordinary I think you guys are gonna love it all right if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and until next time my friends be legendary take care thank you guys so much for watching and being a part of this community if you haven't already be sure to subscribe you're gonna get weekly videos on building a growth mindset cultivating grit and unlocking your full potential
Channel: Tom Bilyeu
Views: 969,764
Rating: 4.8998227 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Bilyeu, Impact Theory, ImpactTheory, TomBilyeu, Inside Quest, InsideQuest, Tom Bilyou, Theory Impact, motivation, inspiration, drew manning, fit2fat2fit, weight loss, health theory, quest nutrition, quest bars, mental breakthrough, why weight loss is all in your head, how to lose weight, weight gain, vulnerability, transformation, weight loss transformation, keto diet, intermittent fasting
Id: cqwQosiUhTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 25sec (2365 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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