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[Music] okay guys Joshua is here at the office right now and he's playing of Minecraft and building houses little does he know because he's here at the office playing Minecraft I can actually log into his minecraft server and troll him and he has no idea it's because we're on the same internet connection if you guys ever heard of a land connection basically that is what we're gonna be doing today here Watch I'll show you [Music] ladies and gentlemen this is 5 ways to troll your little brother's house in Minecraft smash the like down below if you want to see more of these videos it's gonna be hilarious don't forget to subscribe get those notification bells and let's get straight into it guys do you have that brother of yours that you really love but you also love to troll him well unfortunately for my little brother I love him but I also love to troll him in Minecraft so today we're gonna be trolling my brother's houses and not just any houses 10 amazing houses that he's actually created on my minecraft server as you could see down below my little brother has no idea that I'm here right now he's building his he's just building one of his little dirt houses and I've got a TNT cannon ready for him he has no I do yet guys this is my first house I've built and I know it doesn't look like the greatest thing ever but trust me it's gonna turn into something wait I haven't seen Preston in a while hope he's not up to something weird okay guys here we go let's fire the cannon let's go go go and just a little bit of that and a little bit of this and goodbye little brother sounds literally blow up everything Preston why do you always do this I wish I could just play this game without getting trolled by my older brother at least one time I can't do anything to stop it I knew he was up to something I just knew it it's my very first house and I loved it and now it's just gone it's just gone just good all right now we're getting down to business I'm not getting my house bone up one more time this time we're making it out of obsidian okay guys so Joshua now is building his house with obsidian and he thinks that somehow I'm not gonna be able to destroy that we all know you can't destroy obsidian with TNT now he's built a slightly bigger house he decided to put an obsidian roof on it like that's gonna stop me so what I've done is I've got a command to put myself in vanish so he can't see me bizarre look at that totally invisible you can't even see me and I've got this pickaxe called the super pickaxe look at how fast I move and look at how fast I can break things it's like instantaneous oh yeah look at this guys look how fast like a brake blocks I mean this is gonna be so easy so now I've got to sneak in through the underground break his out oh all right so we're just gonna go add mine through here it doesn't break wood very fast but anything that is made out of you know like solid blockage and whatnot it breaks incredibly fast all guys were almost there we're almost there I think we're just about to be on the other side just a little bit more mine I feel like we've been mining so much what is this cosmic presence calm oh here we go here we go yes yes look you can tell where I blew up his previous house and there he is fine I want to put my pickaxe away so he can't see me look at this look at this an idea should I punch him I feel like that'd be really mean no I'm not gonna punch him okay maybe a little bit let me a little bit look yeah it's no idea let's go guys let's break everything you know what I feel like it Oh Mike look at that obsidian look at that obsidian oh this is beautiful he's trying to hit me sorry Josh it's not gonna work buddy I've got those super big gags you can't touch me baby you oh oh we actually touched me okay I'm embarrassed let me just go on break these two all matted and you know what guys look at Josh he's actually trying to catch up to me sorry little brother it's not gonna work and let me just go and go up to my kid and real fast all right sorry about that Josh where did see with the TNT cannon twice in a row but oh my gosh he moved his house guys he's literally trying to replace the Obsidian no no no no no no no no where did you get all of this obsidian have you been going to the nether place you can't get up sitting from the nether what am I talking about sorry Josh I've got to blow up your tire outs I can't let you put down any more of obsidian this cannot happen you cannot have a perfect house wait there's still obsidian no I've gotta break it wait oh my gosh and I got the last piece of obsidian so mad right now alright guys so this is my new house and I think I think this one's gonna do the job I know Preston won't mess with this house because half dieese has kind it's his own kind also just just to have the final touch and we have a little car here and I'll give you a tour of the house that you know it's pretty nice upstairs and yeah so if person breaks into this one I don't even know what I'm gonna do oh I feel so bad for Joshua but this is gonna be the third way to troll your little brother's house in Minecraft guys so what I have right here are sheep spawning so if you place down the sheep spawn egg and then you type in this command right here bad things happen let me just show you really fast yeah it spawns a TNT on the rainbow sheep exploding it so I'm gonna summon a ton of these rainbow sheep near Joshua's new house and he's probably gonna think the sheep are so cute if he didn't know sheep is one of Joshua's favorite animals so he's gonna go crazy over them probably let him into his house and all this stuff like that and then I'm gonna execute that command and his entire house is gonna blow up from the inside out it's going to be hilarious oh by the way smash the like down below if you want to see me troll my little brother and minecraft more this has been way too much fun look at Josh down there guys he has no idea what's about to happen so what I've done is I've placed two secret command blocks one in the bottom floor of his house one in the top floor of his house he thinks I'm not gonna blow his house up because it's made out of cacti and I do love cacti but at the same time I love drawing my brother a little bit more than I love cacti so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna type in two commands and it's going to start spawning in a ton of rainbow sheep watch look at all the sheep that are spawning in right now oh my goodness gracious okay and then now I've got to spawn in sheep in the other place give me just a second so we just bond in a ton of sheep in the upper area now we're spawning sheep in in the lower area and now what is that I need to probably kill those chips that are spawning and look at all the look at all the shape guys okay I gotta be sneaky sir Joshua can't see me what do all those sheep better in there Josh it's not me here oh this sheep got stuck oh these sheep got stuck okay so Joshua if you didn't know love sheep he has no idea right now that I'm about to explode all of them let's give Josue a little bit of more sheep I feel like he can use boards cheap let's bought in a ton of sheep you know what I mean like Joshua loves sheep he's gonna have his sheep but also you can exhibit its command oh my gosh his entire house just blew up yep look at the tea oh you can even see the command blocks oh I goofed this one up I covered Oh oh dear God this might be my favorite way ever to troll my little brother in Minecraft all right what's up guys so this is my new mansion I just built and there is no possible way person will break this Preston loves modern houses there's no way he's going to break modern houses and if Preston tries to do something kind of fishy I have this diamond sword to protect myself this is the fourth way to troll your little brother's house in Minecraft so right now - you guys I look like my normal Preston plays skin right well - Joshua I'm actually disguised as a slime and he has no idea Joshua loves slimes almost as much as he loves sheep so I know he's gonna invite me into his home and then the chaos will ensue Oh what's up there cute slime are you lost come to my home all right guys here we go here we go and this entire house has turned into slime he has okay now I'm gonna undisguised myself guys this slime there we go oh my gosh I'm on disguising oh it's killing me he's killing me guys no no no no why are you doing this judge I just wanted it earlier you know what Josh you deserve this I will just slash kill myself oh yeah I don't deserve to be fun I just sit through his house again guys this is my fifth house that I just made and I'm pretty sure this is the one I there's no way to break this it's made out of bedrock there's no way for Preston to break this it can't use tnt on it because if you play Minecraft you know you cannot break bedrock with anything so once again I am in vanish mode Joshua has built his house out of exactly really cute guys he's built it out of bedrock any thinks that's gonna stop me well this is number five in the ways to troll your little brother's house so well I'm gonna do the troll Joshua's I've got this point right here selected and then I'm gonna select this point over here in the sky by doing a fancy command just called slash slash pause to which selects my second position actually I need to move a little bit more over here we go and then we're gonna type in this command slash slash cut and boom he has lost his house and died early and what we're gonna do because it's made out of bedrock ground we're gonna just go ahead and move his house over to the nether no big deal you know just totally casual moving my little brother's out to the nether and you know let's go ahead and just put it above lava I mean why not let's just do a little bit of this command slash slash paste and bazinga his house is now engulfed in lava literally until I actually feel really really bad for him right now I don't even know where he is I see him looking in the nether he's lost he's gonna be in her where does he see his house he's going the wrong way no Josh it's this way there he goes he sees it he sees it all I'll punch him towards the house wait this way bro okay that's it I'm gonna TP to him how I'm going to TP him to his house because he doesn't even know where he's going there we go look at Charles jaws just encased and engulfed in lava just jumped in the lobbies going to die Josh it was being a noob he might die he might actually I can make sure of it I can make sure of it there we go now he's definitely going to die he's not fire he is no idea what to do how is he not dead yet you need to die brother what is going on here is a tank he cannot be killed he's the most handsome little brother alive dad gummit Oh and now there's TNT being spawned in this house okay I think my little brother has been trolled enough for today ladies and gentlemen oh and also I've got whoa I think he just died I've got one more command I want to do to his house if you type in this command it literally flings TNT at the house how amazing is that so I've got a lot more trolls up my sleeve guys if you ever want to see another video like this one guys he's so mad what about this if this video gets a hundred thousand likes you get to troll my house make it happen ladies and gentlemen so I don't have to cut press stop those are actually plastic scissors my little brother is a savage but you heard the man 100,000 lights and Joshua gets to troll my house dear Lord that's gonna be Savage thank you for watching everybody hope you enjoyed the video we'll see you guys next time beats that everybody it breaks incredibly fast [Music] of course would be all of this environment later how long do I have to go
Channel: Preston
Views: 25,470,705
Rating: 4.8106747 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, kids, troll, prestonplayz, preston, 5 ways to troll your little brother, prestonplayz trolling my brother, preston playz, preston plays, prank, josh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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