25,000 CALORIE CHALLENGE | Epic Cheat Day | Man vs Food

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hello welcome to another video and this is the twenty five thousand calorie challenge now I know you're thinking why would you do that are quite friendly I'm thinking the same thing basically a couple of months ago I did a twenty thousand calorie challenge and at started that video I said if it got more than ten thousand likes I would do a twenty five thousand calorie challenge ended up getting more than ten thousand likes and so here we are now as on battle attempts to eat 25 thousand calories for your entertainment I'm going to ask for just two things in return firstly that you subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and secondly that you give this video a like that's it it will take you 30 seconds you know we do me a big favor anyway now that's done let's go [Music] what better way to start the day than with the biggest food in this breakfast I've ever seen now before I get started I have a plan all of this is a huge amount of calories by far the most of every ten days a week in one day and so I figured I need a bit of a strategy to getting through this now what I'm going to go for is a solid I'm going to split the 25,000 calories up into five chunks of 5,000 calories and I'm going to split those up like four hours or so so I do essentially in fire-spitting and hopefully that'll be enough to get me through it I've got a pretty early it's just gone five o'clock in the morning until that gives me enough time hopefully to spread it over the day and get it in before midnight I've also added in here the milk chocolate digestive for the calories some brown sauce make it nicer plus I'm a few weeks into my cup so I'm actually really hungry for the first time in a while I'm really hungry I'm really craving food and quite frankly I'm excited to eat this so without further ado let's make it happen [Music] ah okay who needs breakfast table I can't digest is dumb and miraculously I don't feel that bad like what the hell I know expected to fill a lot worse than I do you know I feel like for the audience the digestive it's a really really hard work there they kind of like really don't like a grainy and like like massive up yeah apart from being a bit of order for sit let's look at these more now be honest I'm not gonna really stick with a plan gonna give it like okay so about four hours made to go to sleep through a bit longer come back and then keep it going woo okay so I'll sit for about our being bumming around for Abbey's now just gone ten o'clock and thought to myself you know what fill up some cereal I'm obviously being the twenty five thousand calorie children I want to scale things up just a fraction and here we go and I'll be honest I am quite scared like I was excited and I thought you know what two burgers zero and no problem but like how is that even going to fit in my stomach I don't think is that can I sit on the nameless it's like the silent agreement and yeah basically waiting for like a terrific serie what defines just drop the fish stuff from already this basically like smooth cupcake in a box also use pretty much half a bottle of whole milk the calories and the macros for this will go up on the screen right here um yeah my level would say this is a bloody cute bowl of cereal I think if I get this done this puts me at like around 10,000 calories for the day maybe over which um would be a pre so you looking almost halfway through so I'm free foods inspiring to let it go that was absolutely horrendous I started never felt this for it was like I don't know good luck when you pop when you blow a balloon up and it teenis visibly to see it about the dirts my snipers or not or okay I need to regroup that's a good number like what ten thousand calories down that's good I'm gonna go and lie down for a bit and then catch up with you when I'm able to form a sentence I'm back and I'm feeling pretty amazing and it is just gone half past two and I'll be honest with you after that cereal I was in a really bad way up to the point where I was thinking this is not going to happen but I managed to get to sleep I'm going to woke up and I said I feel incredible like it's pretty weird because the first time I've had two naps a day probably since I was about six months old but yeah I feel really good for it um I am feeling quite hungry I put up some kind of savory food obviously it needs to be calorific to fit in with the challenge and so I think I'm going to go for some McDonald's now rather than take you along on the journey and waste your time I figured I'd use the magic of YouTube to bring it to you in three two one so I went for the following time got a quarter pounder with cheese for a big tasty with bacon bloody hell that's big and I saw a Big Mac then also picked up three lots or large fries got a couple of drinks got a coconut sprite and no obstacle calories don't count but I'm going to be thirsty so I want to drink them and then finally picks up three large santipura bones because I thought would be an easy way to supplement calories throughout the day I figure I'm going to eat one pack with this meal I'll have these two late one throughout the day so all of this together gives me the following calories and macros you're looking pretty good I'm actually really hungry now like yes the first time today where I've been really hungry not really ready to go so wish me luck [Applause] [Music] ah oh my god I think I'm a wizard like I did say I've been coming for three weeks and it's helped me hugely because honestly don't feel that bad like that is pretty good and I was even almost 5,000 calories and I feel okay like I could definitely eat more now last earlier on testicular to plan I want to make sure I have enough recovery time in between so I'm going to leave it there get a go apply some emails make you cover the programs and I'll catch up with you a bit later on right it's been a few hours I've been good to go for a while to be fair ready to eat what I thought I stick with the plan so now I'm going to head out and pick up a few more bits to get me towards my total so I ended up getting some Krispy Kremes and some poking I'll put the burking in the oven to keep it warm I'm down with the Krispy Kremes first the canal weirdo and because I'm really craving something sweet like I wasn't going to get push the creams because I always get in my food challenges but really won't I said something sweet I was driving boss discos I didn't want to smell them they lured me in and before I knew it I had 12 so I've gone for 12 of the mix like cream like maximum calorie ones that looks pretty good they smell so good I really want to eat these the time is just gone six o'clock to be honest I could blast that I could have done this a lot it was really a good hour ago but I wanted to give myself a chance and I'm sure it's fully recovered I reckon ominous smack these like I'm feeling really good today um I remember like a few years ago we're going to do athletics I used to meet critical creams all the time and I could do 12 mixed ones in like half an ounce and my targets to try and beliefs that time eat them as fast as I possibly can so it's two minutes plus six let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] whoo 6:16 which means that took me 14 minutes now I know what's going on wheeler honestly that the fact narcotic is definitely definitely over me because I feel I could eat all day like that was like I I'm obviously a bit full and I feel a tiny bit sick by could get really I reckon I could do three or four more of those right now so I'm loving like I'm going to give it a bit of time before the booking because I've got a lot of Burger King but yeah for now I'm feeling good time is twenty past nine the Burger King had to go on ice because about five minutes after he's and Krispy Kremes I just hit a wall like it was so weird with from feeling awesome to feeling horrendous I don't know what it was it was like I just realized there wasn't a competitive eater and just felt really really sick so I've been lying around doctor students and random drugs contact and mind off it I'm feeling a lot more composed now the burking has been heating up for the last few minutes so I'm go and grab it and then get on with it [Music] and here is an Wow a little food I'll put the calories in that crows on the screen for you right there but I think this may well be in terms of calories the biggest meal of every in one go so then I'm not feeling too the first time today I'll make it confident like I don't feel bad but this is a lot of food so I'll give it a go to weapons they're very least I want I got make a big in road in 25k target because I am freaking desperate to do it I've got two Steakhouse doubles I've got two double chocolate muffins I've got two large fries I've got to lock 16 onion rings and then two drinks which again won't count towards the calories but I'm a thirsty guy so I've got them on also they only gave me one floor sons of [ __ ] let's eat some broken [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm struggling feel really really sick what's happened whatever name to me well so like you know in the Incredible Hulk for turns back into a man and he's just like a skinny man the black rip shorts basically in a kid dirty skinny man that's what I feel like although it doesn't make sense like surely a shorts would have ripped off he puts on like 40 Stone defies logic anyway I didn't like any any more of this that those burgers were so friggin dense they're just like 10 burgers packed into one and I'm scared that face on this I'm just going to throw up and obviously I'll be a disaster it's quarter ten I mean technically I have 24 hours right so happen to like five August would like to go to bed at some point I don't know moon dear all right I'm gonna I'm gonna go and lie down then just pray that I can eat some more it is she's gone 2 a.m. in the morning and this is possibly weirdest thing I've ever done basically often Birkin I was rude shriveling I went to bed went to sleep set them all up at 2 a.m. woke up and Here I am and I'm not feeling I'm not feeling great also feel worried really freaked out you know that when you wake up during the day and you know what's going on before I don't know like I've been drugged but I don't care I am going to get this done like I'm not going to eat 23,000 galleries and fail the last thing that would freaking sucks it may get done I've got a left over working the Verizon and I fins I've got two bags at Harbor basically get it barking done and then those two bags of Haribo are going to give me those calories and macros and that will mean that I've hit 25 thousand calories this is going to be horrendous I couldn't can tell you now it's going to be rendus but by then go I'm going to unless I die I'm going to force off to eat it because I really want to get twenty five thousand calories oh okay this is weird let's get it done [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] hmm I don't know I love it bloody hell okay I guess I'm just eating twenty five thousand calories hundred it guess it's all positive I'll pause two in the morning and I'm seeing in my front room in a pair of shorts he in an hour where we begin to standard Sunday night from Eden oh my god Phil unbelievably bad ah this happened again that the 20kg island I've got a really bad hillock my curious I feel like unbelievably Bo bloated like I put like a I don't know I could get the freakin so for a muster look also drunken loads of coke to the end as real as no curry didn't even freaking count anywhere so worried sick okay I'm going to go lie down and focus on not forgot I made it it's like 3:00 a.m. I'm just been lying on a sofa try and really hard not to be sick but I think I'm out of the woods now because nobody thought sickening awful just feel like a disgusting human being it's definitely worth it because that was awesome I think I'm actually going to sleep down here tonight because forth going upstairs makes me want to cry but how's it guys that is a twenty five thousand calorie challenge done so I sincerely hope you enjoyed it guys if you didn't do it please give the video a like and like I said a start if you haven't already subscribe to the channel and I'll hopefully see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: MattDoesFitness
Views: 7,375,659
Rating: 4.9264302 out of 5
Keywords: epic cheat day, cheat day, Matt does fitness, Mattdoesfitness, 10k calories, 15000 calories, 10000 calories, eating challenge, 20000 calories, man vs food, 25000 calorie challenge, 25000 calories, 25000 calorie food challenge, 10000 calorie challenge, 15000 calorie challenge, 20000 calorie challenge, 20k calories, 25k calories, 50000 calorie challenge, 50000 calories, 60000 calories, erik the electric, 60000 calorie challenge, beard meets food, 100000 calorie challenge
Id: Jm8rM3P5Qeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2017
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