25 SHOCKING McDonald's Facts You'll Want To Hear

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it seems to see the McDonald's is a worldwide phenomenon producing millions of burgers all over the world it serves and employs more people than most countries have for populations while it may produce joy and happiness for some people its history cooking practices and food ingredients make it a prime target for controversy I'm Mike with was 25 and here are 25 shocking mcdonald's facts you'll want to hear 25 McDonald's sells more than 75 hamburgers per second that comes out to roughly 6 million hamburgers every day and serves about 1 percent of the entire Earth's population 24 McDonald's is the largest distributor of toys one might think Toys R Us have Roe or another toy company would be the largest distributor of toys but in fact McDonald's is with the sizeable amount of Happy Meals they sell every day 23 McDonald's owned Chipotle now a massive popular brand among Millennials Chipotle used to be owned by McDonald's since they held 90% of their shares however in 2008 they decided to sell their shares in order to focus on their sole business they're probably regretting that now 22 a man named Ronald McDonald robbed a Wendy's in a bit of shocking irony a man named Ronald McDonald in Manchester has been charged with stealing from a safe at Wendy's it's so surreal I'm not totally sure how to feel about it 21 McDonald's is never more than 115 miles away in America if someone wanted to never see a McDonald's again the chances of doing so are very slim with thousands of locations all over the place on almost every corner McDonald's is never more than 115 miles away there's no escape 20 mcdonald's salad is more fattening those trying to watch their waistline by eating a salad instead of a burger might want to rethink that salad option at McDonald's in a bitter turn of events the salad is even worse for you the burgers there's no winning 19 largest McDonald's play place popular in the 1990s McDonald's play places have slowly gone the way of the dinosaur but people can always depend on the largest play place in Orlando Florida of course it's located by all the major tourist attractions is it I haven't I have no I haven't I've driven by and seen it I've always wanted to go but my mom we'd never went in to that one that remember a song we were busy going to Disney child yeah yeah we should go tomorrow no oh 18 no horses allowed in the drive-through I wouldn't recommend taking a horse through the drive-through of McDonald's one man in England tried and was fined 17 Queen Elizabeth owns a McDonald's because of course she does the Queen purchased two mcdonald's very close to Buckingham Palace probably to get a quick snack or to beef up her financial portfolio ah sixteen seventy percent of McDonald's orders are at the drive-through having a lunch break and don't feel it getting out of your car you're not alone according to one study 70% of people order their food through the McDonald's drive-thru 15 mcdonald's CEO makes way more money than an employee in this painful example of income inequality it would take a McDonald's employee 7 months to make what their CEO makes in an hour ouch 14 the I'm lovin it jingle has a contentious history reigning as one of the McDonald's longest slogans there's a troubled history behind I'm loving it that started with the competition and ended with Justin Timberlake and Pharrell riding and recording the jingle 13 McDonald's is the 90th largest economy in the world McDonald's makes 27 billion dollars in revenue making it the 90th largest economy in the world 12 mcdonald's told its employees to avoid fast food in another bit of irony mcdonald's once had a website to advise employees on work in life one of their wise pieces of advice was to not eat fast food perhaps we should all take them up on that advice 11 McDonald's sold hot dogs before hamburgers when McDonald's was still owned by the McDonald brothers they sold hot dogs before hamburgers Ray Kroc changed this later on 10 the golden arches is a popular symbol according to the book Fast Food Nation McDonald's golden arches is more recognizable to people than the Christian cross 9 McDonald's actually isn't the largest fast-food chain while most might think McDonald's is the largest fast-food chain it would be wrong subway holds that spot in the US but I thought the sub sandwiches ate McDonald's has employed 1 in 8 people McDonald's has hired a lot of people over the course of its lifetime including 1 million people in a single year 1 in 8 people have been hired by McDonald's at some point 7 McDonald's opens a restaurant every 14 and 1/2 hours McDonald's opens restaurants like they have a conveyor belt that plopped them all over the world 6 McDonald breakfast sandwiches have funky ingredients the egg and McDonald's breakfast sandwiches was not cracked on the side of their counter and made on their grill other ingredients found in McDonald's days include chemicals that are found in hand soaps moisturizers and shaving cream among other things I'm lovin it 5 McDonald's daily customer traffic is immense one would imagine a food chain McDonald's this size would have lots of customers and they'd be right they have approximately 62 million daily customers larger than the population of Great Britain for McDonald's serves beer the u.s. loves their fountain drinks and McDonald's is happy to oblige them in Germany however they like a different kind of beverage beer yes in Germany customers are able to order a beer with their Big Mac 3 McDonald's is a big producer of waste the fast-food industry is a prime contributor to wasting garbage around the world but McDonald's leads the way as one of the biggest fast-food chains though they have made steps to help encourage recycling and reduce waste they have a long way to go to McDonald's views to sell pizza once upon a time in the 1980s McDonald's experimented with selling pizza it failed of course because cooking pizza takes way longer than grilling a hamburger though apparently pizza is still available in Ohio and West Virginia road trip anyone tristan wanna go get pizza yeah come on oh oh hi why am I looking at my oh why or why not Virginia apparently what are you rich according to my wrist me let's go on a stupid outro a lot of this will use an asshole number two yeah one McDonald's sauces contain propylene glycol it was a great trip right Kristen yeah there's nothing better than getting a hot Chicken McNugget into barbecue sauce right oh you might think twice before do we get their sauces contain a propylene glycol a less toxic chemical found in antifreeze of course the FDA approves it in very small doses we yeah we did not well it through the house yes enjoying our list be sure to click that subscribe button in the bottom right we don't miss out on new ones every Monday to Friday share them with your friends and help us consistently conciliate curiosity and if you want even more list check out these three videos here or just head to our website at least 25 calm [Music]
Channel: list25
Views: 322,257
Rating: 4.7981071 out of 5
Keywords: List25, McDonald's, MCDS, Fast Food restaurant, McDonalds, Golden Arches, Big Macs, Burgers, Cheeseburgers, mcdonald, facts, shocking, fast food, food, big mac, fries, happy meal, ronald, subway, shocking mcdonalds facts, facts about mcdonald's, shocking mcdonald's facts, quarter pounder, ronald mcdonald, fast food workers
Id: Xs_4OkFNslo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2017
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