$112 vs $14 Loaded Waffles: Pro Chef & Home Cook Swap Ingredients | Epicurious

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kind of looks like a huge tongue [Music] hi i'm bill i'm a professional chef and these are my 112 waffle ingredients hi i'm daniel i'm a home cook and these are my 14 loaded waffle ingredients [Music] great great all right this quick haven't seen this in a while i've got some ideas salmon what [Music] so the loaded waffles i was going to make were very special but with a savory twist pumpernickel waffles with citrus cured salmon and homemade spring onion cream cheese this is just nuts i was planning to make marbled pumpernickel waffles made from scratch two different kinds of waffles white waffles and pumpernickel waffles served with a spread of homemade spring onion cream cheese also fresh made and topped with a citrus cured nordic blue salmon it was going to be fun savory and a delicious take on my favorite bagel the fanciest stuff that my dish had was some homemade whipped cream and real maple syrup that's it with daniel's recipe i've got ingredients you can find probably in your pantry or at least at your local grocery store definitely on the simpler side but with some technique we can make it better if i had to make a guess i would think this cost probably around 15 14. okay not bad if i do guess given the market value of salmon these days probably cost like what 75 80 bucks 112 hot dog that is an expensive breakfast all right this is chef bill's recipe book which i'm sure given the track record is going to be super helpful as you can see there's all just ingredients no recipe so the big thing about my recipe for loaded waffles is it is definitely a two-day affair we've got yeasted waffle batter which needs to sit overnight we're curing fish making cream cheese which will strain overnight as well so i hope you packed your sleeping bag daniel all right well uh i think now is a good time as any to call rose hey daniel how are you i am doing well it's so nice to see your face again i don't know where to even begin with curing salmon how do you cure salmon all you all you really have to do is take your sugars you probably have white sugar and brown sugar some black peppercorns some salt then you're gonna shave some of the citrus zest mental note need to zest more you're gonna mix it all together and then you're gonna put it on a tray that fits the salmon pretty well and then add the salmon skin side down onto that mixture gently gently gently and then sprinkle the rest of that really nice curing salt sugar combination wrap up the salmon in the tin foil then get another sheet tray put it on top of the salmon and then like if you have a nice heavy pot put it on top of that refrigerate for 24 hours and voila you got really nice cured salmon okay there's like two different kinds of waffles here i've got white waffles and pumpernickel waffles is there a process behind like the white and the pumpernickel so the method is the same for both what you're going to do is you're going to proof your yeast first so take your yeast in about a half a cup of warm water i'm doing this at the same time because i feel like it's easier that way and i don't want to mess up and you're going to wait for it to bubble a little bit you're going to take your melted butter and the sugar and your milk your liquid ingredients add it to the yeast mixture after that you just add the flour and the salt the pumpernickel waffles have a mix of all-purpose and rye flour mix it all together it'll be kind of shaggy looking you got me on the counter right shaggy the pumpernickel is the same exact method only you have a few different ingredients and you're also going to add molasses which is nice and dark you also have a little bit of cocoa powder it smells so good which is there not to make these waffles chocolate but to give them a really nice dark deep brown color that you would associate with pumpernickel bread and then you're gonna cover it and let it rest overnight thank you rose for the help on this so much like everything else today this will be sitting for a while so i have a bunch of the ingredients that daniel sent over to me i'm going to combine them in a little bit of a different way to make a cremon glaze or a custard sauce custard is dairy and eggs and a sweetener the perfect custard should be creamy and smooth and this one is going to be pourable not horrible pourable i'm just gonna add my dairy here two different kinds heavy cream some whole milk and i'm just gonna gently heat those i'm gonna add three egg yolks to my bowl here i'm just gonna eyeball the maple syrup we can taste it at the end now i'm going to whisk just a little bit of this hot milk into the egg yolks to temper it tempering it will prevent the eggs from curdling as we make this custard i'm slowly just going to add a little bit at a time until we're all in and then back into the pot it goes and i'm just gonna gently stir this with a spatula while it cooks i'm just gonna add a little pinch of salt here just to bring all the flavors out once it comes to almost a boil that's about as thick as it's going to get so that's when you want to stop it i'm going to pour this through a strainer to catch any bits of egg make sure it's completely smooth perfect delicious so my creme anglaise is done i'm gonna put it in the fridge time to make cream cheese from scratch which i've never done before so when daniel starts making the cream cheese he's gonna bring all of his dairy to boil i'm gonna whisk all this together actually just so it's not all just sitting in clumps i'll add the salt in as well add in white vinegar as the acid got like a nice boil here i'm gonna add the vinegar now let it sit and strain it overnight i think i like let this sit for an hour in the pot undisturbed all right so daniel sent me some very beautiful strawberries i'm going to be doing a couple things with them but the first thing i'm going to be doing is dehydrating i love dehydrated fruit uh you get all that fruity flavor without any of the moisture and it's got a nice crunch to it so it's going to be the perfect little garnish for our loaded waffles so i'm just going to pop these in here and that'll be in there for about 14 hours time to strain the cream cheese so i'm going to do is take this towel and lay it over and just kind of pour everything into here it's actually kind of dripping out which is cool so i'm going to let this sit in the fridge covered and let it drain overnight and then in the morning i will check on this as well as the salmon and the waffle batter all right so round two with our strawberries this time i'll be roasting them i'm gonna cut these strawberries in half these are just gonna get tossed with a little syrup not too much you want the strawberry flavor to still come through sprinkling of salt one layer down on some parchment i'm gonna dollop this butter on there the strawberry juice the maple the butter it's gonna kind of combine to make this really lovely sauce i'm gonna pop these in the oven at 350 for 15 to 25 minutes until they're perfectly tender and juicy so the salmon has been curing overnight um so it's time to check on it i'm excited i want to see what it looks like look at that it's like super red now okay that's that's pretty cool all right i'm gonna rinse this off now i almost feel bad washing this it's like i'm undoing all the hard work how nuts is that it just stays i don't know what causes that i have no idea but that's like super cool so i'm gonna pat this dry all it's left to do is cut this up along with the rest of the garnishes for the waffles so i'm gonna get that started welcome back i'm going to check on these dehydrated strawberries and see how crispy they are i'm going to give these a quick chop the great thing about dehydrated strawberries is they're nice and tart and they certainly taste like strawberries nice little strawberry crumble a little bit like sprinkles and here's our dehydrated strawberry sprinkle garnish it'll look really nice sprinkled on top of the whipped cream and now i'm going to prep some of my other garnishes i'm going to cut up this onion first someday i'll be able to just like today is not that day because i want to keep my fingers small little slivers so next up i'm gonna go with the dill find the most instagramable pieces of dill last but not least is the seasoning now i don't know exactly what each one is so i'm gonna have to refer back to the recipe so the everything bagel seasoning is super classic i've just added a little bit of aleppo pepper in there for some fun we've got sesame seeds black sesame seeds minced garlic and dried onion and last but not least aleppo pepper i'm gonna mix all this up now all right so i've got my onion i've got my everything bagel seasoning and my fresh dill these are gonna go perfectly on top of the salmon and the waffle and the cream cheese i'm so hungry now it's time to make the waffle batter with some good old-fashioned bisquick i have not used bisquick since i was a child and i am excited to remind myself of what it tastes like so you've got vegetable oil cornstarch flour sugar salt leavening all in here ready to go i'm going to follow the bisquick recipe for their waffle mix except i'm going to make one major change and that's going to be whipping the egg whites and folding them in to create a little bit of a lighter more delicate waffle so i'm going to separate my eggs to start egg whites here egg yolks straight into my batter i have this lovely contraption here today it's okay if you don't have one of these at home neither do i i'm just gonna take these to a stiff peak you could do this by hand in a stand mixer with a hand mixer anything that'll do i'm gonna make one minor adjustment as well to this i'm just going to add in a little bit extra salt here just to kind of bring it up a little bit i'm going to mix in the milk and the oil according to the box recipe okay now that that's combined we're going to fold in the egg whites gently folding these in yeah my my mix tends to be a little bit thicker than this i'm interested to see how this steaks up all right our batter is looking good it's time to make some waffles let's cut up the salmon rose said nice and thin so i'm envisioning like locks kind of like locks kind of vibe i think the key here is like cut into it and then out and then as you go kind of smush the salmon behind the knife that i think is as good as i'm going to get it majority of the meat's off this looks so pretty look at that it's got this really nice like the zest on it looks gorgeous almost looks kind of like confetti sprinkled on top okay the salmon is cut and ready to go let's check in on our roasted strawberries the strawberries are tender the maple is caramelized this is gonna be super delicious on a nice crispy waffle it smells like caramelized maple and fruit it's really great i'm just gonna transfer the strawberries and all of the accumulated juices and caramelized maple into a bowl there we are our roasted strawberries ready to top a waffle oh cream cheese time so as you can see all of the the liquid in here like look at how much came out overnight oh it's like solid look at that so first things first is me taking this gorgeous looking cream cheese and putting it into the bowl oh wow this is super solid now holy cow spring onion the spring onion is honestly a take on traditional scallion cream cheese i mean spring onion's just a little bit more exciting i'm just going to go ahead and mix this up a little bit so it's a little more incorporated look at how light and fluffy this looks it kind of looks like whipped cream i'm not going to lie like the consistency is almost it's like light enough where it could look like whipped cream okay the cream cheese looks good to go so now i'm gonna be making whipped cream but not just any whipped cream i'm gonna be making maple whipped cream i'm gonna just simply add the cream the maple a little pinch of salt and charge this canister with some co2 these little canisters are pressurized co2 and when i screw this piece onto this there's a little tip inside that pierces the end of this pushing the co2 into the canister pressurizing that whipped cream so when i pull that trigger it's going to come out like perfect whipped cream give it a taste make sure it tastes like maple delicious you leave the batter overnight and what happens all the gas just rises up and creates like a balloon effect on both of these this one looks even more bubbly to finish the batter the next day eggs and baking soda will be added i'm going to try to do a double single egg crack that was the coolest thing i've ever done in my life baking soda now goes into the eggs the baking soda just is going to give it a little bit of an extra lift and i'm going to whip this up i'm going to just fold this in uh just i feel like i've over mixed before and it's never gone my way so i'm going to kind of just be a little more gentle with this all right this one's done i don't want to leave this sitting out for too long so same deal just going to whip this up gentle folding into the rye batter until all the egg is mixed into the batter pump rental batter white batter bang let's put together these waffles it's time to make some waffles daniel sent me this waffle iron it's a home waffle iron round it's not what i usually use i usually go for a rectangular uh deep pocket sort of belgian style so this is actually a way nicer waffle maker than i've ever had or ever used before so i'm hoping that this will be the key to to perfect waffles so to make the marbled rye effect you're going to grease that waffle iron and then just dollop in your two different kinds of batter to fill in the space sort of letting them make that marbled effect on their own this is so messy and weird looking but it's okay while this is nonstick i still am gonna brush it with oil just in case i'm using a scoop to dish out the batter into the waffle iron i'm gonna go with two scoops here we'll see how that does our goal is to fill the waffle iron completely without it exploding out the sides and creating a disaster so we'll see how we do this one is for me not for chef bill jeff bill get the pretty ones unless these come out pretty in which case i might just stop here this is not scientific but i feel like when it's easy to kind of release the waffle from the iron that's when it's done it's like crispy enough oh yeah deep golden brown crispy on the outside looks like a good waffle to me i'm gonna make a couple more all right you know what i'm gonna peek i'm gonna peek look at that there's like a little bit of marbling here which is nice they feel like you know still a little soft but like a little crunchy on the outside not bad okay uh i can do better though like i said first one you gotta shake off the first one all the time because the second one is where the magic is let's try this again batter butter batter butter butter batter batter butter okay okay you know let it do its thing i think this knows way more about waffles than i ever will they get better as you go i will say that the waffles are done look at that they got some nice marbling on here they're not burned they're still like a little soft which is actually how i prefer my waffles i like them a little crunch on the outside a little soft on the inside now it's time to throw everything together let's do it i'm gonna put some custard down first this has thickened up nicely so luscious i'm gonna be a little generous on this that's a loaded waffle pile on my roasted strawberries another hint of maple and then finally the maple whip right on top finishing off with our little sprinkles and that's my take on daniel's loaded waffle recipe i can't wait for him to try it and i can't wait to see what he did with my recipe it's time to plate i'm gonna find a nice pretty waffle to start with you can see the marbling on this which i really like logical first step right now i feel like is adding the cream cheese cream cheese layers down next i'm going to add my salmon now i'll add some onion and this is more for garnish definitely didn't need this much dill but again happy to have it and not need it i might even put a little like a sprig or two in the middle just to add a little color contrast the seasoning i think we'll go next i love this stuff so i might go a little overboard but i don't want to like take too much away from the beauty of the waffle here and honestly it kind of looks cute on the plate too last but not least capers i don't think i need too many of these they're definitely salty i'm trying to like one at a time get these placed around i think that's good this is my take on chef bill's loaded waffle this actually i think looks pretty good i cannot wait to see what we do with my ingredients that's gonna be a ride [Music] hey how's it going nice to meet you nice to meet you too this was a ride and a half i know it's a lot of recipes wow what that looks so dope i like need to know what you think of mine i guess we should do savory first yeah yeah yeah like we'll start with the savory go a little sweet after i actually made myself a plate too because i want to dive into this as well so you go first though okay i'm like so curious i wanna like okay we'll hone in and get the general reaction so good yes good that's unreal oh yeah you might be changing my mind about like waffles i i always have only ever had him sweet i'm so happy can i can i try the sweet one now yeah let's do it i want to try yours so bad i want dessert so yeah and strawberry two i guess so good good this is this is insane oh my god i love maple whipped cream it's so good what is this on glaze like a custard what did i give you that you could possibly make into this christmas eggs eggs and milk and maple that is unreal this guy's a magician a wizard of sorts salmon or six ingredients he doesn't both i don't that's unreal that's the next level
Channel: Epicurious
Views: 646,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: belgian waffles, best waffle recipe, breakfast recipes, breakfast waffles, brunch recipes, brunch waffles, epi, epicurious, epicurious ingredient swap, holiday breakfast recipes, homemade waffle recipe, homemade waffles, how to make waffles, ingredient swap, lox waffle, pro chef home chef, pro chef vs home chef, pro chef vs home cook, pumpernickel waffles, savory waffles, waffle, waffle recipe, waffle recipe easy, waffle recipes, waffles, waffles recipe
Id: mcyrGkT4ksw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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