$75 vs $7 Grilled Cheese: Pro Chef & Home Cook Swap Ingredients | Epicurious

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It still looks wonderful. I need to make some mozzarella. I once had some buffalo mozzarella, it was the best mozzarella I ever ate, but you have to eat it fresh, like brotchen. After one day, it’s just not as good.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Glemmy57 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Tell them what?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kenchan1014 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
we say what Cedella that's what we say woods we don't say mozzarella it's mozzarella okay we're from Brooklyn that's how we say it fresh woods hi I'm Frank I'm a professional chef and in this box are all the ingredients for $75 grilled cheese I'm Beth I'm a home cook and in this box on my seven dollar grilled cheese ingredients all right [Music] what did Frank send me here okay let's see what we got boy I hope it's flour I need flour I've been baking like crazy Wow oh this is expensive flour dice how am I gonna make a grilled cheese with this all right I think it might be impossible to make a bad grilled cheese this is very generous Frank thank you for this so I guess this is Frank's recipe book let me get my glasses for Michael cheese I had some nicer ingredients to work with for the cheesy I had planned on making my own fresh mozzarella cheese Kurt Frank we could have just had fresh what's it outlook am I gonna make mozzarella I had tomatoes for roasting look at these beautiful tomatoes with garlic garlic of course basil and extra-virgin olive oil this is good imported olive oil beautiful brown eggs nice all this on a freshly baked rustic bread I haven't had good fresh bread since March if you know anything about me there was some fancy salt ooh la la fleur de sel with Beth's recipe I have some simple ingredients things you're more likely to find in your local grocery store in my family grilled cheese is called a quickie pie this is my mother-in-law's quickie pie maker you seal it put the lock on and when you open it it's a little sandwich that's sealed on all edges I've made thousands of quickie pies Richie loved it when he was young I loved it when I first got married we love them we love quickie pies for best recipe we have some white bread some ricotta cheese garlic mozzarella and tomato soup tomato soup and a quickie pie the perfect combination these ingredients may be simple but I think that I can elevate them and make them a little bit better I can't imagine what Frank is gonna do to my quickie pie recipe probably gonna be fabulous knowing Frank cuz he's a great chef that's not gonna be a quickie boy if I had a guess this is probably cost about seven to eight bucks with this expensive oil and the curd and the flour $65 75 I could believe that but really Frank you're gonna be making my quicky pies I'm telling your hands down they're gonna be better than your $75 grilled cheese here we are in my kitchen so welcome back to my home kitchen always lovely to have you here I love my kitchen I spent hours and hours a day in the kitchen I'm making lots of chocolate-chip cookies for my grandbabies let's cook so all we have here Frank is a list of ingredients no directions because I've seen this show on the Epicurious channel I know all about it for the dish I was making I was gonna make mozzarella and Carozza what Cedella and Carozza with basil and roasted tomatoes translated from Italian that means a mozzarella and a carriage and it's the Italian version of grilled cheese I've eaten this in restaurants many many times you're right Frank this is a delicious cheese sandwich it's kind of like a mozzarella stick the bread is kind of sealed around some mozzarella and then it's basically fried okay you want me to roast the tomatoes you're gonna have me make them what Savelle I sent Beth curd and this is what she's gonna make the mozzarella out of that's definitely a rose question I have no idea how to make mozzarella mozzarella might be technically difficult but once you see it once or twice it's really not all that hard Beth my wife thinks she got this don't worry about it she's seen you cook she trusts that you can do this I'll put everything together and then I'm gonna dredge it in flour I got you this sounds good this sounds really good the only thing I'm not sure about is how to make mozzarella I don't know how to do it at all burro's will help me out I'm not worried you can't get the better of me Frank proto hey rose nice to see you how's the grilled cheese going well Frank sent me mozzarella curd instead of mutts Adele that's something I have never made freshman's you know like all good cooking things it takes practice but you're gonna get it so really now the key is to break up the curds put them in really hot salty water how much water would you use for 3 pounds of curd want to cover it and make sure it's salty too because if I know Frank he probably wants it as salty as the ocean all right so I'm not actually gonna boil it I'm just gonna put it into hot water I would go up to like 170 ish and let them sit and melt for a few minutes maybe up to 4 to 5 minutes and then what happens is you take a a wooden spoon or some sort of a paddle and kind of pull it that's really what they call it so you pull it and what happens is the proteins the cheese proteins in the milk start to stretch and realign so you get this really nice super melty stretchy quality with mozzarella that you don't get with other cheeses because of the processing method do I have to do anything with it after that or just start to use it really good question once you form the bones you want to put them in ice cold water and it's firm enough so that you can slice it for your sandwich I guess I'm gonna be using the olive oil to saute it but I think I'm gonna put a little butter in the olive oil too just for flavor if you want to add butter just between us I think that's the way to go but don't tell Frank I really appreciate it oh sure I can't wait to see the final product I wish I could be with you in person to let you taste it I don't you think we would have a good time together thank you darlin I feel much better now I feel like I can do the mutts don't get me wrong I don't think this is gonna be easy but I think it's gonna be fun let's talk about what we're gonna put on the inside of this sandwich I like Beth's method I think it kind of reminds me a little bit of a calzone and what's cool about this is you can put whatever you want in there you have leftover meatballs got sausage you got pepperoni you're gonna put whatever you want in there I have some peppers in my fridge so what I'm gonna do with this shishitos is I'm going to slice them I all I'm gonna do with them is take the top off and then cut them down the center and get the seeds out I think the best thing to do would be to start with the roasted tomatoes that's the roasted tomatoes so that they dry out a little if they're still wet they're gonna make our sandwich soggy let me just take the top off that's a nice tomato for the fresh tomatoes I want Beth to cut them a quarter of an inch I don't want the slices too thin I think that's the perfect size to get the moisture evaporated out and still keep some of the tomato texture so I've got my Tomatoes nicely spread out on my pan put some garlic on little cracked black pepper some salt tomatoes love salt and I love salt on my tomatoes Frank wants sugar on these Tomatoes this point of the year Tomatoes just need a little extra flavor so the sugars gonna help make them a little sweet now we have to get some of this beautiful olive oil $75 for these ingredients it's amazing it's good to be a professional chef Frank I'm gonna cut some garlic up and with this I'm just gonna do a very rough chop so we got our garlic and we've got our peppers I already preheated my oven to 275 I'm gonna put these in for about 40 minutes now I'm gonna clean up and get ready for the months okay now it's time for the cheese you can't have goat cheese without the cheese for the cheese we have some mozzarella this is a little moisture mozzarella I sent Beth curd and this is what she's gonna make the mozzarella out of the curd is the cheese itself with the water removed so it's kind of dry I'm gonna rehydrate the curd so that it gets more puli you know mum would see it rips apart really easily but Rose said to try to make the pieces even so I think I'm gonna cut it this isn't all gonna be the same exact size pieces but we're home chefs right doesn't have to be perfect just has to taste good I'm just going to cut some thin slices I'm gonna cut about a half a pound of that up I just want to have it so that I can kind of place it and it's not gonna kind of fall out the sides because I am gonna crimp this sandwich together let's go over to the stove I've had the water boiling the temperature is over 200 degrees so I know it has to cool down a little bit I'm gonna take the temperature of the water add some salt to make fresh mozzarella what you're gonna do is get some water just below the boiling 80 degrees and you're gonna put some salt in it I usually go sea salt II if you add salt later you're gonna have a very bland piece of cheese when you add the salt to the water it's gonna get into the cheese I'm gonna make sure that I have lots and lots of salt in my water I certainly don't want to disappoint the salt master here we go cool this is right at 180 let me add some salt Frank's not gonna be happy with that it all goes in want to make sure this tastes like the sea perfect so now we're over the stove and I'm gonna fry the peppers I have a small saute pan it's some kind of medium-high heat and I'm gonna put some olive oil in here so I take my peppers my pan is nice and hot my oil is kind of shimmering hit it with some salt I want the peppers to start to brown so I'm gonna leave it be for a second or two you can see they're starting to get brown I'm gonna add some of my garlic now and lower my heat just a little give this a little swirl around so now the peppers look like they're ready to go the garlic is lightly Brown not too Brown you can see the peppers are starting to wilt I'm gonna just leave this in the pan until we're ready to assemble I'm kind of making a mozzarella station here got my hot salty sea water my mozzarella curd and my ice bath so when I form the balls and they look perfect I'll be able to put it right into that I mean I I'm hoping Frank I'm really hoping but we'll see here we go I'm just gonna let this sit for a little while now that everything is underneath the water I don't want to disturb it give it a couple of minutes generally when I make fresh mozzarella I were a couple of pairs of latex gloves on my hands that just needs to be careful not burning yourself I never use gloves in the kitchen this is gonna be hot though so I may have wanted gloves but I'm a Brooklyn broad I can handle it d8d waiting for the curd to come together I'm a terrible singer Ritchie's the professional musician not me let's see if I can help it come together look at this this is so cool it's starting to stretch that's amazing that is really neat this feels fun kids would love this oh I would love to do this with Lukey and Zaki the waters not that hot it's really not after the mozzarella curd is super smooth then what you want to do is fold it in on itself and make balls and do the pinch and it looks so easy but it's not it feels like play-doh I know this doesn't look very elegant but it's working I'm just kind of forming it like a little bread loaf sealing it at the bottom it's fun I kind of feel like a professional right now I feel like this is really going well that's my last one I am very happy with the way that turned out what do you think that's really good that tastes like fresh looks Frank you would love this Beth a paired tomato soup with this grilled cheese sandwich but I'm a chef of course and I have to mess around with things I'm gonna use a tomato fondue and I'm gonna make kind of a spreadable jam or condiment to put on the finish sandwich I have some oil in the pan I have about 1/3 to about 1/2 cup and I'm gonna add my garlic we're just gonna cook the garlic until it's fragrant and light brown I'm gonna add my tomato paste don't use a whole can of this what I'm gonna do now is stir it the paste into the oil so that that oil kind of like starts to fry our paste hit it with a fair amount of pepper salt we're gonna season it up fairly well at this point I want to keep stirring it so that the paste doesn't burn lower the heat just a little bit I'm just gonna add a little water to this I don't want the tomato paste to reduce too quickly so the water's just gonna add a little time in order for this tomato paste to cook through I'm also gonna add a little red wine vinegar this is store-bought red wine vinegar and if you look at it you'll notice that it's really deep red it's never that red I have any leftover red wine I'll pour some of the vinegar out and put red wine in there it just makes it taste a lot better so I'm gonna add a couple of tablespoons of this just to give it a little acidity I'm just gonna let this cook for a few minutes and that's gonna be our tomato fondue so my fondue is done I don't necessarily what my fondue to be that Olli so what I'm gonna do is I want to put this into fine mesh strainer and my oil will separate out a little and I'll have the oil to use for my sandwich we'll let that drain I'm not gonna push it down I'm not gonna squeeze it I'm just gonna let it drain naturally and that's the tomato fondue I'm gonna slice everything up so I can get ready to make the sandwich here's my artisan bread white bread Frank I think we would have been better with white bread oh that looks nice though this is certainly gonna be delicious I don't want the bread to be too thick because I don't think the mix will melt if the bread is too thick bread cut I'm gonna clean this up and cut the MutS I have everything here that I need to assemble my grilled cheese sandwich before I bring it over to the stove and cook it this is what I got mozzarella it's low moisture mozzarella some whole milk ricotta cheese some of the peppers that we fried up earlier with garlic and oil some salt and some white bread you don't want to get fancy anything fancier than this white bread it needs to be squishy so that it'll crimp together if it's fancy it won't stick together if you don't have a quickie pie mold you can use a regular coffee mug and this is the coffee mug I'm gonna use once a princess always a princess mug yeah this is mine yes it is what I like about this is that it doesn't have a sharp edge it has kind of a rounded edge plus it's also large so my end sandwich will probably be around that size I did leave the mutt siddell in the ice bath I want it to be nice and cold I'm gonna take these little ones to the birthday parade and leave them on the stoop felucca so he can have them later today for his birthday this slice is really nicely six years ago I became a grandma I didn't think I could be happier than when my children were born but I think it was the happiest day of my life so I get my my pieces of bread here I'm gonna put my mozzarella down first just like three slices and then a little bit of the ricotta cheese and with the ricotta I'm gonna spread it out and make like a little bit of a divot so that it holds my peppers remember you don't want to over stuff these if you over stuff things are gonna kind of pop out and then just a little bit of my peppers and garlic another slice or two of mozzarella for safety a little bit of salt and then we're gonna take our tops and squish them down time to put the sandwich together a couple of slices of nuts pepper on the mutts little more salt here's my tomato nice and roasted always salt on tomatoes I know it seems like a lot of salt but salt is wonderful so does your friend Frank knows what I'm talking about fresh basil it smells heavenly some omelets it's gonna be heaven then I get my mug lean on it so I get a good seal and then really lean on it and twist okay so what I get is this crimped sandwich so if you got any cracks you can always just pinch it together but you'll see you got a nice seal on the edge so I have these crusts I'm gonna fry them alongside or after I do my sandwiches and just snack on here's our sandwiches ready to be fried in oil and a little butter so we're by the stove and we're gonna grill this grilled cheese in this container I have the oil from my tomato fondue I'm just gonna put this into the pan so get this over a medium heat and just place it in the oil and we'll let this brown over a like a medium to low heat just for the fact that we want everything on the inside to get melty so I'm not gonna rush it I'm gonna take it really easy with it and just let it go this is beautiful extra virgin olive oil this is very expensive to fry in is crazy but all right Frank the reason I add butter is because I really like the taste of the butter I like butters flavor and that I think it Browns better into the flour so in this recipe I have Beth dredging the sandwich first and flour and then an egg the flour the egg and the bread is basically the carriage for the mozzarella it's going to give a nice kind of gold Brown coating the outside and keep everything in the sandwich the flower will seal in everything put this in the egg mixture egg on all sides get that right in the pan and I just want to leave it alone because I wanted to get a nice brown crust you can see that it's getting nice and golden brown from it a little more oil to the pan and I'm not going crazy with the oil because I don't want this to be greasy turn these over but kind of splash my oil over to where they are and let them go on the other side I really don't want to press down too much I just want to make sure they're settles in the pan if you press down I'm afraid that things are gonna kind of squeeze out I'm gonna let them go on the other side again just to be sure that I get it hot in the middle I think the biggest mistake people make with grilled cheese is they're not patient they get it in a pan that's too hot and the bread gets burned and the cheese isn't melted you want to take it slow take your time it's okay if you're so hungry you need to eat it right away maybe you should have a banana earlier in the day Wow look at that nice that's golden brown that's beautiful the mutts is a little easy but for the most part it's staying in the sandwich okay so at this point I'm gonna take some of my crusts and I'm just gonna toast these off just to soak up some of that excess oil and we'll have a little snack with them yeah your Italian ancestors would not be appreciative if you wasted bread look at that crispy and delicious gonna put this on a paper towel so it drains a little bit of that oil look at that isn't that great the mutts is definitely done nice and soft that looks delicious I can't wait to eat this let's bring this back to the table and plate it up okay let's plate this beautiful sandwich that's beautiful that looks like the Italian flag I have the grilled cheese it's nice and crispy I have my tomato fondue that I made earlier get a nice sharp knife give it a a nice slice we have a nice creamy interior the mozzarella is really melted a little of the fleur de sel the expensive salt from France have to put a nice little piece of fresh basil on there just to decorate my sandwich just a little bit of my tomato fondue so you can dip and that's gonna be my grilled cheese Frank I hope I did you proud so my plating is really simple it's a simple sandwich it doesn't need to be fancy it's just me and a sandwich can you tell who is who now that's a beautiful sandwich now is my favorite part I get to taste it that's really good the fleur de sel on top is just that crunchy salty taste delicious the cheese is fabulous the roasted tomato is so rich and taste the sandwich is like a warm hug so wonderful it's not a quickie putt but this is good I'm gonna dip it a little in the tomato fondue delicious I would never have thought to put ricotta cheese and a grilled cheese it is amazing with creamy it's cheesy it's got a little acidity from the tomatoes and I think it's much better than your regular grilled cheese but then again grilled cheese is delicious no matter what no way Frank he did great but he's he's not a grandma so there's gonna be a little something missing great job Frank I can't wait to see Frank's quickie pipe [Laughter] you know I've done a good job if she doesn't give it back hey Beth how's it going Frank this was so much fun I've eaten this many times in restaurants it's fabulous did Richie get a taste he loved it he loved the mutts he loved the sandwich but I and the tomato for sure so let me tell you what I do with your thing right I didn't have the press that you were talking about right so I had a like rigged it up a little I used a really big coffee cup and smushed it down I used my favorite mug that has a big hole and I kind of just smushed it down you know it turned out so good I would never have put my caught in a grilled cheese it is amazing I love it I also put a little hot peppers in there good like the you know the fried hot peppers and instead of soup I did a kind of tomato a tomato like paste fondue let me show you I don't if you can see it oh that looks great and this I made with a bunch of olive oil and I drained that oil out and I used it to fry it in so that has like a tomato oil that worked it stayed together look at that absolutely beautiful little basil just for you yeah yeah looked a little Chevy yeah a little Chevy right but the tomato put it right over the top it wasn't hard to fry was it no but I got to tell you something a whole bottle of that extra virgin olive oil i I couldn't believe it and I actually put some butter in there too oh because I always like I always like butter with my oil the way you're doing the restaurant is like you're not just using the oil once you know what I'm saying right that's still expensive oil right exactly a $75 sandwich that's over the top Beth I had a great time it's always a pleasure working with you I can't wait to see you in person and give you a hug he'll vote to that day take it easy Beth be well
Channel: Epicurious
Views: 5,397,819
Rating: 4.9093742 out of 5
Keywords: pro chef vs home cook, epi pro chef vs home cook, epi pro chef, ingredient swap, epicurious pro chef vs home cook, epicurious pro chef, epi ingredient swap, epicurious ingredient swap, epi grilled cheese, grilled cheese recipe, fancy grilled cheese, gourmet grilled cheese, expensive grilled cheese, epicurious grilled cheese, professional grilled cheese, epicurious frank, epicurious rose, frank proto, epicurious chef frank, chef frank proto, grill cheese, epi, epicurious
Id: FDNIlY0z3sM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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