$260 vs $17 Pork Chop Dinner: Pro Chef & Home Cook Swap Ingredients | Epicurious

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even though Frank doesn't know me that well at all I really like to grow with Frank grilling some dogs he's in his hot dog costume it's Halloween hi I'm Frank I'm a professional chef and this is a two hundred and sixty dollar pork chop dinner hi I'm Gabby I am a home cook and this is my seventeen dollar pork chop dinner beer I like beer the saffron strands in the salt I'm gonna read Frank's diary for my dinner I planned on doing a higher-end dinner with a Spanish team I had a really beautiful piece of I beer Co pork very very very different than my Pennsylvania girl recipe pork is supposed to be fatty and the fat is what makes it delicious fat equals flavor I had all the ingredients to make a Pompeius on with IB Racal ham it's a huge potato cake that you cut into slices homes pile of soul all right russet potatoes clarified butter unsalted butter hmm butter cured I be Erica ham this is like what you eat on Christmas Day heed the odds of all cheese hard cheese in that world of Spanish cheese's sticking with the Spanish steamed broccoli rabe with chiles and smoked paprika broccoli rabe and all topped off with a grilled spring onion vinaigrette I don't really know where the vinaigrette goes Oh on the pork chop okay with Gabby's recipe we have simpler ingredients things are more likely to find in a supermarket or in your home this dish is very nostalgic for me my grandmother she always made me pork chops and scalloped potatoes I love those memories with her oh my god I have an actual tears like I'm a very emotional person if you haven't figured unsalted butter russet potatoes garlic heavy cream time cheddar cheese and thank goodness we have some beer you got to have a beer when you cut these ingredients are simple but with some good technique we can elevate them and make them better so if I had to guess this would cost about 1819 dollars pretty close I would say all of this is maybe 150 260 whoa I'm gonna start with a poem a poem how long there's gonna be someone in the comments like I'm French she butchered it at the end of the day it's just a beautifully brown potato cake butter potatoes salt pepper I don't see any additional footnotes for how to exactly put this together which is a little concerning the key to the paesan potatoes is that you are pushing it into the pan you want no air gap so you get like this nice it's almost like frosting in the middle but maybe a little more delicious than frosting of cheese and ham Rose and I are gonna have a little chat about these pomp it oh my gosh how are you it's so nice to meet you wow this is so wonderful I know most of these ingredients but there are a couple things I'm super not quite familiar with and I would love some advice the palm parasol take the matchstick potatoes a little bit of salt put them in a pan press down and fry them basically if you can use a clarified butter that's a really delicious okay lists don't rinse your potatoes you want a nice starchy potato so I think if you use a russet potato that will work really well for this perfect if it seems like there's water that's coming out you can squeeze it out and get rid of that water it sounds like there's definitely a really nice Spanish theme to this yeah I love it I think you're gonna be great at it thank you so much I gotta go in confident start out here so I can end somewhere around here originally Gabby had planned on making potatoes au gratin basically a gratin is a dish that you Brown stuff in cheesy creamy comforting it's a great comfort food and I think that Gabby had mentioned that it was something she made with her grandmother I'm gonna get rid of the gratin dish and I'm gonna use individual foil molds it's probably gonna be a little smaller than the portion that Gabby served but worst-case scenario have a second one your dirty Savage obviously I don't need to use all of this incredible ham so I'm just gonna eat a little bit while I start shredding my cheese yeah that's plenty now I can focus on the potatoes as I like to call them I'm gonna peel um I don't know the best technique so first thing I'm gonna do I'm gonna butter these because I eventually want to get this out unsalted butter I control the salt make sure that you get into the corners so the next thing we're gonna do is potatoes these are russet potatoes or Idaho potatoes I do like potato skins when I roast potatoes but for this dish I want it to kind of be a nice blonde white it's an aesthetic choice but like a Yukon Gold or a little more waxy okay and we want that starchy potato to hold our Gratton together if you have one of these peelers there's this little thing here and what it's there for is if you have an eye of a potato you just scoop it out and you pop the eye of the potato out so what this is for the more you know you can see what I peel I do long strokes as a chef you want to be efficient and quick these are ready to be turned into matchsticks my friend the mandolin which is one of those terrifying objects in the kitchen I'm just gonna be as careful as I possibly can you want to use a mandolin to get a nice uniform thickness and I'm going for about a quarter of an inch a couple of things you want to be very very conscious about is that you're putting your hand in the way of a blade you're pushing your hand towards a blade that's why it says to be careful and you don't want to have a bloody grit tag it's very clunky go over the blade as I get closer to the blade I was grabbing the potato now I flattened out my hand I can no longer talk until I am done I start sweating sorry I talked but all I'm gonna do with these potatoes and put them into the pot right we're gonna cook them right away okay I'm gonna get a piece of garlic and you grab it and you throw it across the room I usually grab this end and twist it a little and then I just lean on it if you lean on it you'll get all the clothes out give a little whack it's not gonna be overpowering goes right into the pot my taters are training a little brown now so I want to get into the pan ASAP I'm going to use clarified butter I'm gonna go ahead and give this like a nice hefty pinch of salt I know rosemary said to keep it really compressed we're working harder not smarter right now start putting these potatoes in and then I'm gonna squash them all down make sure I have some for the top I want to make sure that I have a really nice firm bottom layer I wonder how Frank's doing I don't want this to boil I just want it to simmer I'm gonna add cream I'm gonna hit it with some salt and I did say a little bit of salt but for the most part it's a lot of salt potatoes are one of those things that people consistently underseasoned again being the salt master black pepper and a white dish classical French cooking cardinal sin I'm gonna break that rule I like the kind of sharpness of black pepper what's gonna happen is as potatoes cook they're gonna absorb some of the cream and they can absorb some of the salt I'm gonna go ahead and start putting in my cheese over the top here look at the fat oh it's amazing the fat of it already melting like savory fatty ice cream then I go ahead and add in the rest of my potatoes and tamp those back down what these potatoes to be perfect being careful not to scorch it on the bottom the creams going to go from that cream consistency is going to start to get a little thick and bubbly while I'm waiting this for a simmer I'm gonna put a little bit of time and I'm gonna grate some cheese do we have a sharp cheddar here it's a great cheese but it's got to be careful with it in this dish you have to add it towards the end you don't want to bring this cream mixture to a boil with the cheese because then the cheese breaks and gets oily what I'll do is I'll cut the cheese instead of doing this - granny way style I turn it on its side and I push right I find this just to be a little easier than the old way of grading that's how you grate cheese right I wish Frank was part of my family can you imagine Frank at Thanksgiving Frank for the fourth of July on a grill Frank on Halloween I really like too much of Frank in one of those hot dog costumes he's grilling hot dogs in the hot dog costume ah what a vision we got movement we're simmering away just a light simmer we don't want this to boil very hard you can smell a little garlic but it's not overpowering the more you process garlic the stronger it is that's why I chose not to chop this so I'm gonna stop there and then I'm gonna assemble and see that everything's nice and thick and delicious a little bit of the cheese I'm gonna overfill these a little I'm not gonna just kind of film to the top I'm gonna go all the way up past the rim because they will shrink just a little some more potatoes a little bit more cheese I wouldn't have Gabby's doing with the poms paysanne really I really can use that B right now thanks Gabby so refreshing I know at some point this is gonna have to flip and that's what I'm terrified of I'm gonna want to tuck these edges in before I flip it because I don't want them going everywhere I'm putting the butter on the side so that it slips a little easier it will also toast those edges a little more hold my goodness it is toasty this plate will help me in flipping this do I want to do this first we're gonna we're gonna do this first I'm gonna go ahead say Hail Mary so take two oh my god I made it I did it look at how pretty it is it's golden it's brown I'm gonna top all these off so they have plenty of cream in them the top part is really gonna be the bottom of the Gretton easily go to the oven for about 15 to 20 minutes the clarified butter back in think that the best approach is just to kind of slide it on in I could take a breath for the first time since we've started I really excited that it has this crust on the top because I feel like it's just gonna crunch and then in the middle you're gonna have that delightful surprise oh yeah I think we're done slide this off onto this rack and then it's gonna drain some of the butter what a treat palm Penn is home up next is Frank's grilled broccoli rabe and that terrifies me a little bit okay Frank let's do this originally Gaby was going to roast her carrot but I thought since we have some beer they're gonna be kind of beer and brown sugar glazed carrots when I peel carrots I'm gonna cut the ends off first okay and this just makes it a little easier and quicker to peel now I can just go with one swipe and get that carrot clean Wow it's like changing before my eyes come on out kids you're getting pruney into the ice bath all right my broccoli rabe is officially all blanched we do something called an oblique cut turn it like a third of a turn towards you and cut kind of right in the middle of your previous cut and this gives us kind of like an even carrot cut even though the carrots aren't we was a regular on the pan I'm not even turning the pan on yet you can kind of see that you get this like almost like a diamond shape it's you know shines bright like a diamond right and they'll cook even and we just want to simmer these I'm gonna take a nice knob of butter don't be shy with the butter this is my drinking beer I'm keeping this here I'm gonna cover the carriage and what's cool about the black and tan it's got some really nice caramel notes that they're gonna match kind of the sauce up with the carrots the carrots have some sweetness this has some caramel flavor a little bit of salt and then we have some brown sugar I think brown sugar highlights those same caramel notes that we have in the beer break your butter up the butter the sugar and the beer are going to form the base of orth waves I'm gonna make an oil for my broccoli rabe when i grill it I love I like garlic fries a lot there's probably some hack that Frank knows that I don't if you lean on it you'll get all the clothes out just give a little whack toss these in I want to let that infuse a little bit before I add in the chilies because I want to make sure that these aren't going to overpower everything else and be too spicy or anything like that i plop them in mmm they smell good we do one more have you even had PMON tone it's like a sweet paprika it's so good it's smoky it's like the mezcal of spices I feel like I want to just add in a little salt and pepper it's nothing crazy though because we already have the chilies in there I'm gonna set it right here on the cutting board and let it cool now we're gonna grill my broccoli ROVs are nicely beautifully blanched for the first time in my life may I add broccoli rabe and I'm just gonna go ahead and take all throughout and get it covered so it's it's not gonna be sticking to the grill go ahead and hit the grill [Music] very nice oh yeah we're starting to get some char we don't want to burn them but we want there to be a little bit something something going on okay I'm gonna just let it do things and wish I had that gear in my hand does Frank have my beer trying to meet John huh how he's enjoying it at least give me six more we'll see worth it so while the carrots are happily bubbling away in our beer I'm gonna take the chance to make our pork chop and the sauce that goes with the dish there's really not much you need to do to this other than get it nice and brown and don't overcook it I'm gonna season it well just a little bit of pepper the salts gonna form a cross with the pepper the middle part of the meat has no seasoning at all it's gonna be seasoned as you eat it what I'm looking for is that my oil kind of makes ripples and I'm also looking for a little bit of smoke I take my pork chop just put it into the pan and drop it away from you leave it alone all right I think these have a nice char on them so I'm gonna go ahead put them on here I know that Frank is a fan of layering flavors so a little extra drizzle a little salt all right we're gonna make a vinaigrette I got my spring onions my herbs we're gonna toss them all up stir them together and I'm gonna make this vinaigrette and then this is gonna end up going on top of my pork I'm gonna go ahead and toss these in some olive oil before I start charring them all right on the go we want to get that nice charred flavor and incorporated into the vinaigrette get my garlic started lots of garlic in this dish I reckon it was just the coziest little herb I don't know don't want to use too much of my jalapeno coz spicy isn't necessarily a staple of Spanish cooking my onions are looking like they would like to flip on their backsides oh man look at that Oh Frank I see what you're doing here with this and we're gonna leave it on this side for maybe seven to eight minutes maybe a little more depending on how the brown looks I'm gonna lower my heat just a little because I got some nice smoke going on here some of the juices are gonna come off this pork chop and caramelize and in French they call that font you don't want to get rid of that stuff you can see I have some nice browning there right after i sear this side I'm gonna hold it up with my tongs and try and Brown this piece of fat off I'm gonna turn it over and get that fat nice and brown that's a good time for a sip of beer my parsley is pretty finely chopped which I want for my vinaigrette for my oil 3/4 cup bug leg leg leg leg leg go ahead and put this in Spanish sherry oh it smells so good it smells so sweet and that's gonna be so awesome to balance out everything else I really am excited I'm gonna let these cool for a second while I get my whisk pretty generous pinch more kind of pepper chop these spring onions I want to make sure they're not too big of chunks I'm gonna go ahead and add this in and I'm going to whisk it all together spring onion vinaigrette is done we are cooking the miracle paluma I'm gonna do exactly what rosemary told me to do the Iberico pluma looks kind of like a really really fancy pork tenderloin the miracle hog or king is so different than the rest because the Hogs eat so many acorns and natural things the facts are really different and I would just leave it on the rare side their ancient 135 for this kind of meat this saffron and the salt together I would just spring on at the end the sauce in particular is really luxurious as you can see it is just absolutely marbled with this beautiful fat and the color so brilliant drizzle on a little bit of this gorgeous oil that's even a little much okay just a nice little pinch all over when you poke on a piece of raw meat it leaves a dent medium is gonna have some spring back leaving just a little bit of a dent well done is gonna be like hard as well what I want to do is let it rest it's got some really nice golden brown color to it so I have all this excess fat I'm gonna get rid of almost all of it right I'm gonna lower the heat so this doesn't burn just get my garlic cloves and I just rough chop take a little fresh oil and then I'm gonna take my garlic and put it into the pan with that fond beautiful fond right there my garlic is sizzling away I'm gonna take the leftover beer that I had and we're gonna deglaze the glazing is a term where we're gonna take a liquid and pour it into the pan to kind of stop the garlic from cooking but it's also gonna lift up those beautiful brown bits from the pork chop and now I'm gonna let this reduce I turn it up really high and I kind of scrape off all those brown bits so that they come off the bottom and that's the base for ourselves we have a little bit this time I'm gonna take a little sprig and throw it into the sauce we have it in the potatoes you might as well throw it in here you can see we're getting a few big bubbles in there and that's what I want I want this to to bubble away the fondant is off the bottom if I run my spatula through there's nothing left on the bottom of the pan I'm gonna add my chicken broth kind of double the amount of beer and I'm gonna let this reduce I'm not gonna go heavy on the salt right now because if if it reduces and I have too much salt now it's gonna be way too salty we're ready for the grill [Music] it smells so good like a perfume I'm gonna leave here and there's gonna be a pack of dogs just chasing me I'm gonna touch it just gonna let it do things potatoes are out of the oven and all I'm gonna do is put my paring knife in and it comes out nice and clean I'm gonna run my knife around the edge just to see how it comes out give a little tap whisper to it come on come out and a little bit of patience prevails okay I'll put some of this cheddar cheese on top and we're gonna throw another boy thing the thing when you grill you always gotta give it a little test very Spanish too so the sauce is happily bubbling away right I think it's time to add butter and what this is gonna do this is gonna help round our sauce out a nice flavor I could take the time out now most of the leaves stayed on there it's given its flavor to the sauce just getting a little black pepper to this OOP it just blew up on me not the pepper master the salt master brother and here SP you be Racal pluma all right my sauce but I'm gonna add a little lemon juice and then we're gonna strain everything out just the sauce none of the chunks oh I don't have any seeds in there there's no pepper there's no garlic it's a nice clean sauce you can see that my carrots you see that it's getting kind of thick and syrupy my carrots are done and I think we're ready to plate just to make this a little restaurant fancy I'm gonna take my potato dish that's nice and brown I'm gonna place it on the plate it's gonna kind of be the anchor of our dish it's gonna hold my pork chop up and give it some of that height that I'm looking for our skin is like crackling so tender maybe a little thicker than we're gonna cut a nice fat wedge we're winging it look at the meat cheese you see the layers the carrots are nice and glazed you can see they're shiny I don't want that glaze on my plate that glaze a little too sweet I'm angling my pan away from me so I don't get that glaze and I'm just gonna have them kind of peek out the side here see like I said I'm no expert our vinaigrette over on this side I got my pork chop I'm gonna choose whichever side looks the nicest and I think this side looks great get my plate of clean the saffron finishing salt what is that who is she she is saffron I went to a lot of trouble to get this pork chop golden-brown so I'm not gonna take my sauce right now and dump it over the top direct it with our spoon and that is my pork chop dinner I hope Gabby likes it I judged it up a little but I think that it might bring back some memories of Grandma cool how can I make this not so ugly all that work and it looks stupid on fine so like clean the edge of the plate I can't wait for Frank to taste it Cheers how are you hi I'm sorry - it's so nice to meet you we're going here Cheers oh it's a little fancier than I think that my gram used to make I feel like this is a little taste of Spain and this for me is a little taste of home how'd you do it tastes like a steak right it's delicious I like a little rare but it's so juicy and delicious the piece of meat it's just great potato it's got a beautiful bear go ham mm-hmm the outside is crispy and the center is kind of creamy and you nailed it right you can taste the ham it doesn't overpower right taste a little bit of the smokiness it's not overpowering the heat isn't overpowering from the chilies and that's kind of the idea I give you an a-plus this is good implies yes from Frank Frank what's the best bite of this pork chop the loin is delicious like I like something closer to the bone like right here there's a little nugget of meat that has fat on it I love it thank you I love that it's just in this like gorgeous little mound mmm that is comfort food no no my brain just went like 20 years back they're like twisties let's see Wow I mean they're a little sweet cuz there's some brown sugar in there you know we have fatty and another fatty and then we have something it's a little sweet I think it helps cut it a little I'm never gonna be as good of a cook as your grandma right because like nobody isn't gonna cook is my grandmother it's all and it sounds corny but it's about love it's the people who make it forward yeah if you love them you're gonna take good care of them [Applause] oh my gosh yes you don't know this yet but we have a Halloween costume for you you know that's gonna be so I would really love to grill hot dogs with you while you're wearing a hot dog costume I think that as long as I make my own costume people will be accepting of it good but I have to make [Laughter]
Channel: Epicurious
Views: 7,774,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pork chop recipe, pork chops, professional chef, cooking competition, home cooking, home chef tips, tips for cooking at home, expert pork chops, expensive pork chops, frank proto, epicurious frank, make pork chops, cook pork chops, professional pork chops, pork chop, pork chops recipe, pro chef recipe, pork dishes, funny cooking, expert chef vs home cook, pro chef vs home cook, professional chef vs amateur, best amateur chef, epicurious pork chops, pro chef, epicurious
Id: yAbXRFvvyFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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