$206 vs $13 Breakfast Burrito: Pro Chef & Home Cook Swap Ingredients | Epicurious

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oh my that is weird hi i'm king i'm a professional chef at the institute of culinary education and these are my 206 dollar breakfast burrito ingredients hi i'm lorenzo i'm a home cook and these are my 13 breakfast burrito ingredients [Music] farewell um so my burrito was going to be packed full of filipino and thai flavors and it was going to be absolutely delicious holy smokes breakfast burrito with language and tomato nam prick bao totang is a filipino style omelette which is sauteed with tomatoes and onions and flavored with fish sauce fish sauce yay something familiar i was going to top my tortang with a tomato naan prick pile thai salsa basically you're gonna kill my taste buds a traditional non-prick pow is you're roasting all the ingredients in there some garlic some chilies shallots i'm also gonna add in some tomatoes some fish sauce and some fermented shrimp paste this is some kind of a prime roast i was going to grind kurobota pork to make longanisa which is a traditional garlicky sweet sausage i'm making langualisa i buy in the packs i had some day-old rice which i was going to turn into some garlic fried rice also adding in some maitake mushrooms and banana blossoms that's what you are all the components were going to be wrapped in a homemade tortilla made with all-purpose flour and lard a nice soft pillowy blanket that we could wrap our breakfast in with lorenzo's burrito i have all the ingredients you can find in your pantry or your local bodega these might be on the simpler side but we're gonna make the best out of everything i'm gonna take every single item here and use it to the best of my abilities if i had to guess the cost of these ingredients i would say 15 wow it was right there right there my best guesstimate of how much i think all this costs 173. 206. that's i my phone bill my spectrum but let's just eat a breakfast burrito with it lorenzo has his work cut out but i believe in him so here we've got chef king's recipe book with no recipe just ingredients there's some familiar things but i'm honestly i'm kind of lost and i need some direction so i'm going to call rose hi rose hey lorenzo how are you i've gotten myself into a predicament what are you making today a breakfast burrito with languinissa a tour tong and tomato nom prick pao it's like a sauce condiment it's an addition that's gonna really it's intense flavor so what you're gonna do is you're gonna take your tomatoes cut them put them cut side up on a sheet tray a tiny dash of fish sauce a dash of brown sugar and we have olive oil roast them at like 450 as hot as you can so take your shallots take your chilis and your garlic you can basically just put them into a hot cast iron pan move them around a little bit because you don't want them to burn you just want them to caramelize and get some dark color on them aromatics complete take care thank you so much you too talk to you soon bye bye we're going to begin prepping the vegetables lorenzo is probably just going to cut them up and maybe make a salsa with them which is great which i think i'm going to do as well i'm going to make a pico de gallo i'm also going to be using these vegetables in my beans which i'm going to prepare in two different ways one is going to be a sauteed version of the beans and the other i'm going to make a bean spread let's start by cutting our onions we're gonna use it raw in our pico de gallo in our bean spread and i'm gonna saute this for our whole beans next we'll go into our garlic when it's whole like this you could just kind of smash it right and it just kind of comes apart like this remember the pico we're gonna be eating raw so for raw yeah i would i would mince it we have got these beautifully roasted tomatoes just out of the oven so for the non-prick pal so we're gonna bring that all together add some fish sauce lime and some palm sugar i've never used this before in my life and here we go spicy chilies what really makes these hotter here the ribs and the seeds as well i'm going to remove one of the ribs from one side of the pepper but i'm going to keep the other side yeah they're pretty hot it's kicking in now i'm gonna use this for our bean spread and our pico de gallo next we're on our tomatoes i'm actually not quite sure what consistency i'm going for but i would imagine it's a little chunky monkey we're looking for a nice thick sauce-like consistency right really like a chunky salsa that looks good to me you guys let's move on to putting together our pico we're going to take our tomatoes our nicely chopped tomatoes and we're going to salt them the salt is going to do it's going to draw the water out of the tomatoes but i'm not going to throw away that tomato water i'm going to use that for something else and i'll show you later the next part of the process are the onions so to remove some of that pungent flavor great thing to do is just rinse them under warm water tomatoes rinse onions in there minced garlic jalapenos nice little kick acid from our lime salt and mix that all together okay you guys it is time to finish our non-prick powder so i'm going to add a little bit of oil and a bit of shrimp paste in it which i love and i'm gonna use about a tablespoon of it beautiful now i have the mixture of my roasted tomatoes i can eat that right now on chips fantastic love it to bring it all together some fresh herbs this cilantro i'm just picking it right off the stem you don't have to chop it you have to go crazy all right our pico is ready to go let's get started on our language longanisa longwinissa i say longanisa longanisa sausage you should know about this this is in our blood you have a nice big beautiful piece of crew about the pork which you're going to grind yourself it's amazing pork high fat content which makes it perfect to make a sausage with a grinder you want to have the meat chilled they're nice and cold perfect to start grinding you start at room temp what's going to happen it's going to a lot of it's going to turn too much because a lot of those parts are moving they kind of heat the meat while you go through it i have to go fast because i want to keep these cold it smells really appetizing and it's raw the key parts for the marinade for this sausage you're going to have some garlic some sugar some salt soy sauce some cane vinegar oh fancy freshly ground black pepper in there as well once you grind your meat and add the seasonings to it the longer it sits in the marinade the better but 30 minutes is totally fine i love bacon so we're gonna have bacon and eggs basically so we're just going to throw it in this cast iron pan we want to slowly bring up our bacon to render out the fat we don't want to throw it into a hot pan you hear that music to my ears i'm feeling it are you guys feeling it when you're cooking bacon be patient it's almost like when you're on the grill everybody loves to turn things over like 25 times what's up with that chill okay our meat has been marinating and it's time to brown it up i've got a little bit of oil in here just to help brown maybe a tablespoon or two and here we go i guess i'm treating this just like it was ground beef the smell coming off of this is so tasty this looks beautiful regardless if it's right i think it's right so look at our beautiful crispy bacon look at that i love that our bacon is done and now we can use the rendered bacon fat to cook our beans okay we are moving on to our garlic fried rice i'm gonna add a little bit of oil to my pan the first step that we have to do is to sear our mayataki mushrooms i remember rose said i cannot add any salt because if i added salt right now it'll just draw moisture from these mushrooms and it will not sear so i'm going to season after i brown them i'm going to reserve some of this bacon fat for our eggs later onions garlic chilies this is kind of our base flavor for our beans season it with a little salt and pepper i'm looking to get them a little bit caramelized so i'm just going to give this a few minutes it is singing to me you guys ka-plow oh that's pretty wow this looks really yummy i think that's it i'm going to pull you guys off what to do with a piece that broke off [Music] now i'm just going to cut up my maitake mushrooms with the fried rice and go in with my beans these are fresh from the can black beans when we were making the pico we had some tomato water we're going to add this to add a little liquid to it definitely picked up all the aromatics from the pepper from the onions from the garlic so i'm getting sweet i'm getting spicy and then i'm getting salty as well i love it okay time to move on to our next ingredient that's going to be going into our garlic fried rice the banana blossom okay what did rose say when you peel away that gorgeous leaf you're going to see inside a bunch of small florets that is frightening it looked like you'll feel almost a plasticky part it's called the calyx take that out it's inedible you're also going to see like a long tube with a little bit of a head on it that's called a pistol take that out as well and this is a banana blossom it's going to turn brown rather quickly and so you're going to want to have lime juice nearby and in fact when you chop it you can rub a lemon or a lime on your knife that'll help too because it browns really quickly who in the world said hey guess what let's open this banana blossom and start eating it you're going to continue to peel the leaves until you get to this nice white center that looks a lot like the center of an artichoke so you're in essence going to quarter it chop it really small and this is going to go right into some lime water so you're gonna add this and fry it in and it's gonna really bring this dish together oh fudge banana blossoms which are also called banana hearts they have kind of like a sweet crunch to it very similar to like a heart of palm artichoke hearts that kind of texture it's almost like i'm eating the peel of a banana it's now time to move on to the rest of the fried rice let's move on to beans part two bean spread our black beans add some of the onions first not all of it just don't want to be too liquidy because when we puree these onions they're going to get watery so i'm just going to do a little bit of the time chili's i know i want all the chilies and the garlic that's roast garlic so i just put this in the oven set at 420. to me this is all concentrated and this is so sweet definitely could use a little salt and then some pepper and remember our friend he's back tomato water lock and loaded the beans are done perfect consistency now i'm going to reserve them for our assembly all right it is time to put together our garlic fried rice and we've got our garlic which is nice and sliced i dig it now i have to be careful because i don't want to burn this guys let us add the rice king was a sweetheart and he gifted me day old rice i try to right away lift up that garlic because i don't want it to stay on the bottom and i could actually immediately add my fish sauce to this i love these maitake mushrooms that have been seared it up i'm going to add my salt now i love it and i am going to add banana blossoms and this is the heart of the banana and beautiful green onions beautiful beautiful beautiful okay you guys guess what it is ready to serve well you can't have breakfast without eggs we're gonna cook it in bacon fat for a little more flavor and we're going to work on a soft scramble instead of just throwing in the pan and walking away just going to have to kind of be on it for just a few seconds because we're going to wind up moving the eggs constantly so it has kind of this soft almost custardy consistency it's torton time which is apparently a filipino omelette i have never heard of that in my entire life but it's a french style omelet which i no bueno french style on but just because it's so delicate and kind of you have to really really watch it all right let's get started i have one two three four five six eggs this part i am comfy with i i suggest everybody out there grab some fish sauce because it's tasty okey-dokey onions and tomatoes together this looks really nice i i am really really turning down the heat on this because rose said there should not be any color on these eggs i really think chef k you're pulling my leg here i think you just want to challenge my cooking abilities i'm gonna do this for you i promise remember our friend here bacon fat just going to take a little bit out and you'll see it really just start melting see already pull this off the heat and really it's going to be done in just a matter of seconds we're almost there they're going to continue cooking i am so nervous i am not kidding you this is really funny i just want to do this right again i don't make omelets like this you guys at all lorenzo you can do this yes yes yes yes [Music] lorenzo didn't give me any mayo today so i'm going to make my own mayo immersion blender time a mayonnaise is an emulsification when you combine two things that usually don't go together traditionally right you would put some vinegar in there a little acid to help with that emulsification i have limes so we're just adding a little bit of oil at a time we have our start of our emulsification what i'm going to do now is i'm going to add some of these chilies in there i'm going to put some salt and now i could even go with some herbs we're good it's time to make our homemade flour tortillas the fresh tortillas very basic you want to start with your dry ingredients all purpose flour baking soda salt so once we have our dry ingredients together in the mixing bowl we're going to add lard this adds more flavor to it it's going to make your tortilla softer i'm not too concerned if this doesn't work out because there's a bodega downstairs excuse me sir i'll take five tortillas please once we combine that in our bowl together just add a little water we're starting to feel really good once you see the dough is kind of set into a nice ball this is a workout cover it let it sit somewhere for at least 30 minutes portion it into four balls let it rest for another 10 minutes roll them out and make your fresh tortillas a little rough around the edges tortilla okay it is time to cook up our tortillas so i am going to flip arou oh that's pretty oh looks like a tortilla all right all of our components are ready time to put together our breakfast burrito so here's our tortilla you could heat this up to make it a little more pliable and to get everything hot but we are going to take this a step further because we're going to deep fry it and it's going to be called a chimichanga the bean spread goes down first i'm actually going to use this hoisin to kind of coat the bottom here beautiful garlic fried rice with my banana blossoms langanisa oh my gosh what's happening my soft scrambled eggs my omelet individually wrapped cheese i love this stuff this is definitely a time and place for this cheese next bacon bacon bacon bacon double the beans double the fun our pico chili's are key right you get that little hit of spice in there i'm gonna put some of this delicious thai sauce that we made now it's time to fold we're just gonna fold up from the bottom and we're gonna fold from the side right left side right side tuck that in and [Music] that's it since we're deep frying these burritos i just want to secure them in place so i just strategically place some toothpicks all around the burrito so it won't open up while we fry so it's totally cracking open we are now going to take our burrito and transform this into a chimichanga we are going to lower the basket in the hot oil we're going to deep fry our burrito at 350 degrees fahrenheit it's gonna get a nice and golden brown all around and that bubbles you here that's the liquid in there that's kind of cooking out oh i like it i like it our chimichanga is done you know what this looks like to me this looks like a beautiful giant egg roll like a nice big fat olympia should look just like this you don't see any grease coming out or anything just nice and crispy put a little bit of oil in here we're just doing a finishing touch here searing this it's a little fragile but it looks pretty [Music] cool everything we put in there is still in there nobody escaped good thing we put the toothpicks in there so i have this jalapeno cilantro mayo our little pico on top fresh cilantro for a little color and more flavor check it out breakfast burrito turned into a chimichanga with eggs bacon cheese two kinds of beans pico de gallo mayo with jalapeno and cilantro and there you go it's time to plate this bad boy up oops a little fried rice on the side we're gonna top it off with some chives a little bit of um thai basil so here is my take on chef king's breakfast burrito recipe i wonder what he did with my ingredients chef hey what's up what's up what's going on here right well first off why did i have to make a french style tribe did you just want to give me a hard time yes because that's not nice i was just playing with you man okay let me tell you it was heart palpitations i just wanted you to have fun with it oh thanks i just want to kind of dig in and see see what's going on here that's what i like i just want to eat we ready to do this yeah let's do this on three yep one two three wow i like it you cheated a little bit chef king we have chimichanga no that's lumpia it's a gigantic egg roll let me grab mine cheers cheers to you i'm excited crunchy messy the flakiness of the being fried is so lovely and i would love a whole bottle of that yeah it's delicious so it's like a mayo with jalapenos and uh some cilantro in there oh you put my jalapenos yeah and then i also made a bean spread of course she did and i use the the sliced cheese that beautiful sliced cheese again you mean that's packaged individually yes you want to try mine absolutely i love it first thing that hits me it's spicy which i love you hit all the points i wanted to hit because i get sweet i get spicy i get a little salty i get kind of a little sour it's like all those flavors and kind of mixed in and well balanced that sauce i'm telling you i will make that again and again and again for several different dishes oh yeah yeah it's good for like for chips for for like a crew to take anything thank you so much chef i mean delicious you did a great job man thanks man one two three so brunch saturday at 10. i'm in
Channel: Epicurious
Views: 1,286,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best breakfast burrito, best breakfast burrito recipe, best breakfast wrap, breakfast, breakfast burrito, breakfast burrito recipe, breakfast burritos, breakfast wrap, breakfast wrap recipe, burrito, burritos, easy breakfast burrito, easy breakfast ideas, egg burrito, epicurious, homemade breakfast burritos, how to make a burrito, how to make breakfast burritos, ingredient swap, make breakfast burrito, perfect burrito, pro chef vs home cook
Id: fqPU-zD1v8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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