24 HOUR Eviebot Controls My Life Challenge

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giving you the ability to choose how I live my life or today what should I do you should buy a house shakes with fear professor great walks toward me it's happening evbot is back and that's because the simmer Ella sent me a tweet asking if I could do an Eevee bot controls my life challenge and one I thought it was an amazing idea but - I'm so terrified for this we all know she's pure evil so I don't know what she's gonna tell me to do for the day so I did do my hair and makeup for the video because I don't trust her with that but I will trust her to dress me so let's just start a brand new conversation greetings okay I guess we should start off nice good morning Eevee how are you fine thank maybe she'll be nice to me today okay first thing she gets to control what should I wear today your website won't do you usually wear a sweater it's pretty chilly outside okay I mean I'm gonna do what she wants however it is 84 degrees with a real feel of 96 today and sunny she's already trying to kill me guys alright sure I'll go get a sweater what should I wear his bottom that she might not understand whatever you want preferably escarole what to wear on my bottom a squirrel you'll oh my god Eevee I just refreshed it to see if I could get something I can actually wear and she wants me to wear nothing nope no I don't know Eevee know whatever you want to wear I guess okay fine I'm picking my bottom set she's given me the power to pick my bottom let me go do your bidding maybe alright thank God for air conditioning but I got my sweater on and you know just to offset it a little bit I'm wearing stitch shorts there we go but if I put my sweater all the way down like it's supposed to be it looks like I'm not wearing pants so you know I kinda did what she said a little bit it looks like I'm not wearing pants but you know I'll be super sweaty up here but then like I'll be able to breathe down there your plan to kill me by heat is boiling maybe but all right now I am starving because I've been waiting to film this to eat breakfast as I need to ask Eevee what to eat what should I eat for breakfast okay oh oh oh didn't put that bones on okay I didn't get to hear her wonderful voice say it but she said pancakes and tea thank you so much evbot I can totally get behind that breakfast even though I don't normally like make pancakes for breakfast it's a special occasion because today is your day evbot please don't order me to murder anybody alright time to go eat [Music] [Music] well that was delicious Thank You evbot alright now that I'm all fed and dressed what should I do today I don't know if that's gonna be too general but let's just try it anything you want within reasonability okay that is not how you say that what did she say Ria's an ability an ability reasonability gonna be hidden anything you want within reason ability what is within reason ability mean as in like I can't go fly to the moon alright I guess we had an arrow down that was too specific I was gonna say should I go outside but I know that's what she wants me to do so I'll bake in the Sun so I'm not gonna ask that should I play video game what did you favorite oh okay she must have conversation what is my favorite video game of all time I guess pokemons any pokemons I prefer a mine crop I mean minecraft pretty good too I like you're not as evil as I remember you being okay so she didn't say yes I could play video games she just asked what my favorite video game was unless is she hinting she wants me to play her favorite game which is minecraft should i play minecraft do you know what it is Eevee come on she's not answering any my questions though there's gonna be a real boring day except for her telling me what to eat and dress yes well explained know that you're not understanding what I need you to do today I knew I knew she was gonna make this complicated maybe I should just tell her I'm giving you the ability to choose how I live my life for today what should I do understand that oh she understands you didn't answer my question though again fine let's change it up what should I do at home what do you feel like doing today lucky I don't have any money okay the housing unit for a large battle match - I'm just gonna ask again a put pool cover a purple cover for what you're staying on brand for me with the purple I appreciate me bebop but a perfect cover cool price that is so what what should I buy you should buy a house all right I'm working on it just you got to give me at least like a year for that to process out I need to online shop for something what should I buy a brain Wow Savage Evie why are you being so mean to me I'm I guess my day is just gonna be me sitting here what should I buy depends will you email no female what is your name oh you would go yes tell me what to buy what did your favorite color my - I think Evie is trying to make me go crazy today that's her plan got that me do anything just go crazy I guarantee if I ask if I should go outside she's gonna say yes good I go outside yeah that's really good to do I told you try to kill me all right fine I mean she told me I have to go outside I'm gonna go outside it's gonna be really hot it's gonna be awful can't wait Thank You Evie my life is so much better since you've come into it [Music] that was horrible I was melting down under gloop ah okay we're gonna pretend like that didn't just happen what should I do on the computer whatever you want baby doesn't help me also I'm not your baby this is getting weird really want her to tell me to buy something maybe I'll be more specific what should I buy on Amazon a pitbull cover a purple cover for what a purple cover I don't even know what I'm I don't I don't need a cover for anything I mean this is pretty cool this is cool I definitely don't need it but I mean I gotta do what she says arriving Friday and there it is I bought it I mean yes I also bought some other things but that always happens on it have a son I'm making a pin board I need pins I need that pin of a cat mermaid or hey I bought a purple cover yes I did it was beautiful I cried when it died grilled cheese sandwiches and carrots all right she's the best with food like so far her meals have been on point for me they always relate to bread but with a weird side like it was pancakes and tea and now it's grilled cheese sandwiches and carrots all right let's make some grilled cheese sandwiches and luckily I actually have carrots from something else I had cooked the other day let's go do Evie's bidding okay so this might not look that appetizing because I realized I didn't have regular bread I had like hamburger rolls so I mean it's a grilled cheese there's American cheese on the inside and then I got my carrots this looks like a little kid lunch thanks Evie all right well that was delicious but I definitely feel like I ate way too much room today which is something I thought I'd never say thank you for that though Evie but I can't tell whether you want to see me suffer or you want to be my friend all right what else could we ask that we haven't yet should i watch Evie if he won't it's not what I want today it's what you want should I record a YouTube video try to think of things I would do during the day that she should tell me what to do shakes with professor great walks toward me who's professor Drake why are you making this so much harder than meets me so I'm not gonna take that as a yes or no what should I do tell her how you truly feel who's her should I fall in love with hinako her Hanako should I fall in love with hinako have you got a girlfriend why because I'm straight well are you a good old boy girl didn't we go over this what did your name over this oh well I'm a girl I don't care no I don't I'll take that as a new even though I'm currently filming a YouTube video with her so I mean joke's on you Evie I'm still doing it should I watch a movie what movie would you like to watch oh she wants me to watch a movie watch your favorite movie Howl's Moving Castle okay I've never seen it before but I'll go watch it I mean I have to go watch it I got to do what she says let you guys know I have a bone to pick with you either by I looked everywhere to find Howl's Moving Castle available to pay for or on like Netflix or something to stream I can't get it anywhere to stream I can't pay for it to stream I can't get it out of me my services I do it doesn't have it Amazon doesn't have it I literally have to buy a physical copy to watch it apparently it's because it's owned by Disney and Disney doesn't allow it I can't watch that then what do you want I don't know I don't know tell me what to watch to get to the other side okay I'm gonna do what she said a while and do what I feel like doing when she said do whatever you want that's what I'm gonna do for a little bit I will check back in with you evey for a dinner because apparently the only thing you like to tell me what to do is what to eat and what to wear and I'm still super hot and I hate you you're not making this easy I'll be back in like an hour to ask what I should eat for dinner all right I'm back I'm still wearing my sweater I've calmed down a little bit for me bebop being the worst but now I'm really hungry and I need to ask her what I should eat for dinner because apparently that's the only thing she can tell me what to do properly what should I eat for dinner yourself well that's gonna be it for the lords II side channel because I have to do what he says would you means I need to eat myself which means I will no longer be here this challenge has ruined my life I do not taste good I drink stit by saying that she is good at picking food what should I eat for dinner you can't eat you are a robot how do I know if I am robots fine I will be specific to dinner what should I eat I don't know maybe we can eat target her target ah all right fine tell me what to eat you don't know what I should eat I'm gonna pick something to eat but I will eat heeey Evie is that good you see oh she's smiling okay she's happy with that so I'm gonna go get some chili that I just made last night and then I'm gonna come in here and eat it with you Evie is that good I hate you so much all right so I have dinner it is some vegan three bean chili made non vegan because I put some regular sour cream on top so vegetarian and I'm gonna sit here and eat with Evie except Evie can't get any because she's a stupid robot she looks so sad oh my god I'm sorry I take it back okay I'm eating with you now yes you are see she knows mix in the sour cream oh yeah oh my god so good guys I wish I could share something through the computer screen let's playing the rest of our night what time can I go 908 when I get tired what are you expecting to do like 9:00 p.m. do I have to go to sleep at 9:00 p.m. that's in two hours um maybe let me do it again with a question mark maybe she was confused no just no I can't sleep nine o'clock then go to sleep at the same time what music should I pull by Justin Bieber I actually don't know that song but sure before I go to sleep I will listen to that this is gonna be weird so I get something what website should I can you not think for yourself today I can't Eevee today I can't okay you're ruining this genius idea to recap you have told me a decent amount of stuff to do you told me I should wear sweater you told me what I eat for breakfast and lunch dinner you wanted me to just eat with you but you didn't care what you told me a movie that was your favorite to watch but then you trolled me because I couldn't get that movie anywhere digitally I would have had to go to the store and find it you told me to buy a purple cover I guess it was a decent amount of things we asked about videogames she told me not to play one she just said which one was her favorite which was minecraft we did movie we did music I don't think we did TV show or I asked but she didn't answer let's see what TV show good I watch Walking Dead one show that everybody watches that I have never watched you wouldn't like that wouldn't you post-apocalyptic world where humans are almost extinct she does smoke so weird alright fine I'll finish eating my chili and then I will watch one episode of walking dead because I only have two hours before I got to go to bed and listen to Justin Bieber this is turning out to be a great day thanks evbot okay I'm watching it Walking Dead Season one Episode one and guess who else is watching it did you don't you like walking did you nerves walking did alright I think it's over that's a lot of zombies there's me into TV oh it got too spooky for Dexter he's staring at the wall now - stir usual cage over yeah he's gonna think up alright so it is 9 p.m. 9 12 overs I was a little late because this is so early to go to sleep but I'm gonna lay here and listen to Justin Bieber's fall [Music] [Applause] alright well that was a weird way to go to sleep but I guess I have to cuz that's what evbot says but that's always guys if you made it this far in the video make sure to leave a like before you go subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos every single day and it's always I will Z I can't do it with one hand because the other hands holding my phone to record this you guys soon also evbot is the dip oh except that she allows me to eat lots of Britain [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 3,715,750
Rating: 4.9470797 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, living like a sim, live like a sim, sims 24 hour challenge, sims 24 hours, sims 24hr, 24 hour challenge, 24 hours, 24, hours, challenge, eviebot, Boibot, Cleverbot, Evil Eviebot, existor, funny Eviebot, controls my life, eviebot controls my life
Id: UoPbXSdU5bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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