24 HOUR Boibot Controls My Life Challenge

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TV show should I watch you should wear a bikini Wow [Music] hey guys so yeah I'm back letting robots control my life once again we did it first with evbot wasn't too bad but I'm really nervous about boy bot because I feel like he's usually worse with his responses so just like when I let evbot control me I went ahead and did my hair and makeup because they're not specific enough to help me with that but the rest of the day is theirs whatever I eat whatever I do how I dress they have all the power it's terrifying so I'm starving so we're gonna jump right to breakfast but I guess we'll have a little conversation first so he gets to know me my name Lauren I thought you said it was Chelsea sure today I can be Chelsea come on I mean clearly it's a lie we just went over this all right I'm going to breakfast I'm hungry what should I have for breakfast it's the bacon all right I actually was kind of craving eggs this morning I usually don't eat bacon but you know what I have no control over my life today it's a hot boy bod yeah and then he smiles okay all right well I'm gonna go make breakfast I'll be right back boy bot oh yeah babby cook that bacon mm-hmm I enlisted bobbies help in cooking bacon because I've never cooked bacon never I've never cooked bacon I need I assume it's pretty easy right [Music] yeah good job with the bacon alright I got my eggs I got my bacon my ketchup cuz I'm one of those people bank shops girlfriend shopkeeper thanks chef boob a chef boo-boo whoa Kobe you got a nice setup over there too mm-hmm Dexter come through your bacon Oh yummy bacon for Dexter say thank you boy bought all right that was actually really good thanks boy bot he smiled he they go you're welcome although it wasn't bread based like the pancakes that evening bot told to eat during her session but I'll let it slide I got my protein for the day thank you oh yeah what up what a man answered breaking it eggs oh no I feel like all these answers are gonna be more gender biased alright let's see so we learned from the evbot thing that general questions they usually don't answer so I gotta like narrow it down what should I wear today something tribal something okay so it's kind of tribal print I have no idea and then the shirt is like kinda has tribal prints and then is also like a dreamcatcher thanks boi bot I'll just straight up see if he says anything what should i do today but is it dangerous question yeah it is you didn't answer the question alright see generalities don't work we gotta like narrow it down so last time evbot had me by a purple cover I still don't understand let's see if he knows what I should buy what should I buy change your name to storm at jetan don't know what at all this is actually this is interesting did you know that a doctor who claim to speak baby said that this baby preferred to call himself Stormageddon Dark Lord of all oh it's from Doctor Who references I don't get because I didn't watch the show can i buy something like that am I just gonna I mean they got baby clothes they got a pin I kinda just want this pin I feel like that's that's fine Add to Cart and I bought it yay thanks boy bought hello my name is and he said he wanted me to change my name so now I can just wear this pin pretend like I'm changing my name to that it's not gonna get here for like a week though so probably past when this video goes up but I'll post it on my Instagram / Twitter so you guys know I actually got it okay thank you for that ooh I know a good thing what should I post to Twitter whatever he says I'm just gonna just gonna tweet out you should all square different questions you speechless fine did I leave you speechless tweet oh I already got a like people are gonna be so confused or they're gonna think there's some drama going on but no just boy bye control in my life alright let's have some time with something what TV show should i watch you should wear a bikini wow I feel uncomfortable what should i watch I mean I know this is the boy bar controls my life and that I should probably put on a bikini for one I'll probably get demonetized and - that's just gross and sexist boy boy what should i watch some pasta with tomato sauce he wants me to watch a bowl of pasta with tomato sauce did he just nod this is getting weird okay I'll do that but can I eat the pasta after cuz then that could be my lunch no okay so I need to make pasta with tomato sauce and then watch it for an undisclosed amount of time and then I can't even eat it okay well then what should I eat for lunch and we'll just we'll just knock this all out at once in the kitchen anything that keeps you alive doesn't calm anything okay so that means I need to eat something vegan cuz it'll keep me alive and it doesn't harm any beings I mean except for plants but they're not technically beings so I'm off to make pasta stare at it then not eat it and then eat something vegan for lunch okay Wolfen I'll be right back can't believe I'm making pasta to look at and then not be able to eat what is my life alright and now I just watch this pasta I don't know for how long but yay you doing watching this pasta why are you watching coz boy boy told me I need to watch the pasta no boy boy told me I can't eat the pasta I just watch the pasta can I eat the pasta I mean I guess I want to eat the pasta is it good I don't know I wasn't allowed to eat it it looks delicious mm-hmm I have to go make something vegan now this isn't vegan it is it is vegan there's nothing there's no cheese or anything at it it would have been perfect but he told me I can't eat it can I say yeah sure all right so I was trying to find something vegan that I felt like eating and actually I'm not really that hungry because I usually don't have a big breakfast like eggs and bacon so I've decided to go with almond butter whole grain clusters these are vegan and have 10 grams of protein Bobby and I have been obsessed with these lately so I just wanted to show you anyway it's dessert hummus which sounds really weird but it's really good and it's also vegan so perfect it's kind of like a dessert snack but I mean I'm fine with that so we got some snickerdoodle hummus some brownie batter hummus and some almond butter clusters that I'm going to like scoop the hummus out with because they're big chunks and yay lunch all right well I'm still alive so you know we're following his directions I'm scared to ask this book where should I go today I don't really want to go anywhere but I don't know just please [Music] screw you boy but I don't want to be here anyway I have no self-respect movie watch whatever you see first whichever I see first I mean I wish there was one like sitting here with me but we will open Netflix and then we will go to movies remember that you are amazing okay oh it's scary me okay hunting this good job keeping a halloween-themed boy but I appreciate you I'm gonna watch malevolent malevolent so off to go do that none of the Dead come back great I can't wait to watch look it's like a beautiful fall day outside but we're just gonna close this and watch a horror movie in the middle of the day alright it's over I survived so it actually wasn't too bad not like the greatest horror movie in the world but it was scary and the story was interesting that's all I can ask for so I guess thanks boy but but now I'm gonna go see what he wants me to did for once I'm kinda hoping it's something outside and I gotta fix my hair from laying down okay well now that I'm thoroughly creeped out and in the Halloween spirit we can continue talking to boy bots and continue getting freaked out this has been a weird day that movie was scary the growth trees wait what no what no I was saying the movie we just watched was creepy you want me to watch grudge three Oh God oh he smiled I guess I gotta watch grudge three I never even saw a grudge - because I was too creeped out by grudge 1 I'm not having a good day today ok boy bot I can't express to you how much I don't want to watch this I saw them first I didn't even see the second one hopefully that's not important but I mean I saw the first one a long time ago and I was like I'm never gonna watch this again I hate like I hate it to the point where I'm so scared of this like creepy ghost girl that I just can't do it and once again I'm just gonna have to the carrot head and do this to myself also it's free to watch on this app called crackle and because it's free on a free app I don't have high hopes for this movie I don't have high hopes help me guys I hate this movie so much I hate it so much I knew I knew it was so bad doctor came to lay with me and watch the terrible movie ah all right well boy bought gave me one decent movie and one free third installment of a horror movie so I'll take what I can get okay well I don't know why but movies like The Ring and The Grudge freak me out so much a lot of people think they're stupid but to me they're not they're terrifying I have anxiety right I mean on the bright side of things it's dinner time now what should I eat for dinner please be something good and easy oh you hungry no no yes you should buy something to order food now I gotta choose between Chinese and Italian luckily boy ba can tell me should I order pizza or Chinese cool I'm some cake oh my god does that mean he wants me to order pizza and Chinese and cake this may be a lot figure out how I should go about this so we ordered pizza and some chicken wings and then we ordered Chinese food and look there's a piece of well it's technically pie but you know it's close enough to cake who's the close enough to cake as I could this is just me fulfilling my YouTube video requests yeah by the way we did not order all this food thinking we're gonna either on one sitting we figured we'd probably eat it tomorrow and the next day maybe I just don't know like if I want to eat a little bit of each or one and then save like the Chinese or one and then save the pizza I don't know we got to make this decision I'm very excited about this though let's see it's Oreo pie thanks boy but I feel like boy BOTS trying to kill me on the one hand he's wanted me to be in a bikini but in the other hand he wants me to eat everything ever like definitely didn't need all that food I'm definitely gonna have leftover so I guess thanks for that so some of you in the evening bat video said I should have asked what I should wear to bed so I'm gonna do that for this video but I'm really worried what he's gonna say what should I wear to bed the best thing he wants me to wear to bed the best clothing item I have do you mean like the best as in the most expensive because I'm probably gonna be wearing a fancy dress to bed Oh God okay fine I will find the best thing that I own and I will wear it to bed boy bye thanks what time can I go to sleep yes goodnight it's pretty early it's like 8 o'clock let me to go to sleep now it's like a p.m. I mean you're the boss what should I watch while I go to sleep if he says The Grudge I swear to god you should wear a bikini he told me to wear the best thing that I own now you want me to wear a bikini uh fine what movie should i watch while i go to sleep the dark night that's my favorite movie all right I can live with that so I got to put on the best thing that I own go to sleep right now while watching The Dark Knight thanks boy bye this has been the worst yay I'm wearing one of the nicest dresses I have to bed does it look pretty very pretty this isn't comfortable it's itchy all right we got the Dark Knight cued up but I'm kind of mad that we have to pay for it because it was on Netflix and or Hulu the other day because Bobbi was watching it the other day and now we got a freaky by it because for some reason they took it off Hulu or Netflix or I forget where it was it's gonna be a long two hours and 30 minutes in a dress well this may be the most glamorous I've ever felt going to bed thank you boy but you're sexist robot thank you boy bob bobbi's happy because you got to have Chinese and pizza and now has both for leftovers tomorrow I don't but as always guys if you made it this far the video make sure to leave a like before you go subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos every single day if you have another control my life challenge that you want me to do leave it in the comments below why are you laughing at me control my life it's just funny I've lost control of my life and as always I will see I can't do it because I'm hold you want to do it thank you I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 3,710,775
Rating: 4.943367 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, living like a sim, live like a sim, sims 24 hour challenge, sims 24 hours, sims 24hr, 24 hour challenge, 24 hours, 24, hours, challenge, eviebot, Boibot, Cleverbot, Evil Eviebot, existor, funny Eviebot, controls my life, Boibot Controls my life, Eviebot controls my life
Id: BW95jyeIwXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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