23 New Updates Among Us Needs to Add

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- [Instructor] 23 updates Among Us needs to add. Many Among Us players are craving some form of new features for the game. So here's some of the new updates that would be great to see in the future. And Hey, YouTube bet me that if you subscribed to the channel before this data upload finishes, they'll upgrade the sub button to include a free bell to ring. (bell dings) So if you want that limited offer, Alva test that red button below. It's free and it helps out a ton. Number one. Now I'm pretty sure plenty of you have already seen other YouTubers cover this mode you're recommended. But that's exactly why it needs to be added to the game. Proximity chat is such a natural evolution of Among Us, that people are literally modding the game to get it in. So while I don't think this should just be the way that Among Us always is, I do think that making this a setting in lobbies would be such a great thing for the future. This feature allows for a lot of great moments whether that's holding emergency meetings on the fly or more likely taunting your praise the imposter. Number two. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I'm a huge fan of Minecraft. So why don't we get some kind of feature where you are able to host your own custom among a server like a Minecraft plugin server? Projects like the skeld.net are already doing this fairly well. So I think it'd be so cool if people were able to make their own servers and host custom game modes like Hide n Seek and Infection. And plus, as we can see from examples of other games putting in community support, when you do that, it really allows the game to take on a life of its own. And if you ask me, this will be a huge way that Among Us keeps relevancy going into 2021 and further. Which I think we'd all love to see. Number three. Like I mentioned, the most amount of customizability that Among Us gives you is through the actual settings for a lobby. But the problem with that is that you really have to be sure about those settings going in. 'Cause as soon as you're in the lobby, you're not able to change them. To explain I'm not talking about these ones that you can change at the computer, but rather being able to change the map or number of imposters in the actual lobby. The local play feature basically already has this. So I think it'd be a really natural evolution to the lobby settings. It just make the flow so much nicer. Number four. To anyone who's ever played Trouble in Terrorist Town. Then you know that Among Us and that game have a lot of similarities. There's notably one exception missing, and that of course is the detective role. And folks that only takes one look at all the different Among Us memes to see that people are clearly wanting one of these roles. Now, again, I don't think that this should be a main feature. I think that it should be something optional. Because while it does add in a new form of game play, it also severely changes the one that we have right now. Although it does get added in, all you imposters better watch out. There's a new sheriff in town. Number five. While I do admire the way that the Among Us base game randomly selects who gets to be the imposters and crew mates. I do think it'd be nice if we had an option that could potentially let you choose out who got to be which role. That way, if you want to set up certain game modes like Hide n Seek or testing out different things that you've done, this will be a great way to do it with friends. The only count against this is that it might make some public lobbies really annoying to join if they're only given it to them and their friends, but that's all the more reason to warn players what kind of lobby they're getting into out the get go. That way you're not getting imposter stolen from you each round. Number six. Vision is clearly an important mechanic in Among Us. I mean, it's the reason why the light sabotage is so powerful. So wouldn't it be cool if we were able to flip this mechanic a little bit on its head? You see what I think it'd be great to add in is putting flashlights into the game as a feature. By adding it as optional game rule, you really change around a crew mates would play. Because instead of having a circle of vision where they can see in all sides, now they can only tell a cone of vision right in front of them. Almost more like a horror game than what it is today. And I think a lot of people would love to see their favorite YouTubers and streamers get jump scared by different kills in this mode. Number seven. As it is currently playing with your friends in Among Us is not exactly a perfect system. And it's particularly an issue when you're trying to make new friends in Among Us. Like say for example you're playing in a public lobby. You find someone who seems great, but you don't want to share your contact information in the actual lobby. This is why it'd be great for Among Us to have some form of account system that allow us to friend people in game. That way you queue up with someone that you like, you're able to play with them over and over again. The good news is that Innersloth has already hinted at adding one of these systems into the game. Among Us is best played with a group of actual friends. So if you're able to create that scenario in the actual game, I think that's kind of special. Number eight. How many times has this happened to you? You go into a public lobby, the roles are given out and then people start to leave because they're not given imposter. It's frustrating to see for sure. So, I think it'd be worthwhile to add in some form of a feature that discourages that behavior. One idea of doing this is by penalizing their chance of getting an imposter when they leave. Meaning if they didn't get imposter this round if they leave and join a new lobby, they're going to have even less of a chance to get that role. And personally, I think this would be a great way to punish the sore losers of the bunch without having to make the game less fun for the rest of us. Number nine. One of the great things for Among Us is that it's fun for a whole lot of ages. Which is why it can make some people a little sour when they see a naughty name slip through the game safe filter. And look I'm not trying to be the fun police. I actually don't have a problem with those people who did it, but I think an option that would allow us to avoid this kind of hassle, is by letting people toggle whether they see usernames or the colors of characters. That way if you don't want to see it, you don't have to. Most public chats I go into anyways are calling people the names of the color. Why not just allow them to actually say the names of the color? Number 10. Way too often I'll join to a random server. And when I look up at the top left it's the worst settings I could imagine. So I think we could all agree it'd be nice to funnel these stinkers out of the bunch. Plenty of other games already have options to filter out certain server settings. So since the lobbies in Among Us have customization, it would be nice to see that kind of feature as well. That way if you want to play more classic match you don't have to go scanning through different lobbies to find one. Really this would be a simple quality of life feature and it would make it so much less of a headache to play in public games. Number 11. For a lot of players, playing with visual tasks on is kind of a dead giveaway. I mean, it makes sense when you can have someone medbay scan. It's so easy to tell out who the imposters are. But sometimes turning them all off, seems a bit too aggressive. So what if we were able to choose which visual tasks you wanted enabled. That way, if you want to get rid of more obvious things like medbay in the light gets still keep more subtle options such as emptying garbage or asteroids. You can totally do that. And not to mention that by doing it this way you would still give players the options, turn off all visual tasks or none of them. So any imposters, you better be ready. Number 12. Among Us maps are iconic, but at the time of recording this there's only three of them with a fourth one on the way. So for that matter, I think they would add a lot of longevity into the game if they allow for custom map support. Now we'll warn that this is pretty unlikely to happen with the way that they currently do maps. Because they don't design the game with a tile based system. Everything needs to be coded in originally. And that adds a pretty high barrier to entry for any maps that you want to add in, but just think about how cool it would be to go into a new custom app with your friends, and then learn the layout together. We could see some really fun ideas come to light. Number 13. Let's say you want to play Among Us with your friends but you don't have enough with you to fill out your own lobby. So one thing that might be worth looking into is added in a party system to Among Us. If instead of hosting your own lobby and waiting, if you are able to just join into a random lobby with all of your friends and toe, that could be really interesting. And I should mention a whole lot more convenient. Plenty of other games have this. And plus it would work really nice with the new friendless getting added in. So if you constantly find yourself in groups of two or three and you want to play Among Us with the big numbers, this might just be the option to get you there. Number 14. When you go to reported body in Among Us, there's only so much information you can give. The obvious ones being which room it's in, who you saw nearby and what you were up to before he found the body. But another interesting detail to add in for these corpses is showing some form of visual age. Like maybe when the imposter just kills the body, it looks normal, but after a while, it starts to de-saturate and turn more gray. That way when you go into a meeting, you have a bit more information to throw around. And more interestingly if you're an imposter, you have way more to lie about. Number 15. with the booming success of Among Us in 2020, Innersloth has decided to hold off on the SQL that we're planning and instead take more of their time and put it into this game, which is great but it doesn't mean that some of the new maps that they were planning for that new version aren't going to see the light of day for a little bit. But to enter slots credit that does seem to be what they're prioritizing. Airship just got shown off at the game awards and it looks great. So if that's any kind of hint for what we're going to see with Among Us in 2021, then I'm definitely on board. And I'm sure plenty of other players out there are ready to die in a new location. Number 16. The different colors in Among Us have taken on a life of their own. Of course there's the obvious one of red sauce but there also seems to be other stereotypes that people attach to these colors. So, it might be fun to add in a whole bunch of new colors that we can do that same thing all over again. And if you look back at Among Us's history, a change to the color system isn't that far fetched. For example, tan used to be in the game before getting removed. And while I think it'd be too confusing to have a full on hex code color slider, even just adding a few different color choices to this mix would add so much more variety to what we see in the game. Number 17. With any multiplayer game, you're sure to have a few bad eggs. And Tinder slots credit, they happen working to crack down on any hacking that they've seen. But whenever people are being bad actors, you're sure to see a couple slip through the cracks. So to help out on moderation, I think an obvious choice to be able to report players in the lobby, whether that's for hacking, cheating, throwing the game, standard things like that. Obviously we got to set this up, so can't be abused as a weapon, but adding in some kind of account system to get the bad guys out of our games, is something I definitely want. Number 18. As the imposter, after the crew mates have made a bunch of progress on their task bar, there's really not much you can do. And the more work they do, your options get more and more limited. So by adding a different game over an imposter is able to sabotage a task and make it broken again. This could definitely add a bit of variety to what the imposters normally do. Or if we really wanted to go crazy, what if the imposter was able to rig certain tasks in the traps? And if you want to balance this out, maybe one way is that the ghost can go through and fix the sabotage with no harm. That way we give them a bit more to do. And more importantly, they now get to mess with the killer. Number 19. As a general rule of thumb, the Among Us games get more and more interesting to play as you get bigger and bigger lobbies. So why don't we raise that cap up from 10? First of all this could make three imposter into way more of a viable option. And while I'm not expecting us to have any kind of crazy 1000 imposter lobbies like you see in your YouTube recommended, I think allowing for players to have a bit more variety to the lobbies they have could be a lot of fun. Though worth noting is that if Among Us adds in larger lobbies, you gonna add in more colors. The two just go hand in hand. Number 20. The different customizable skin options in Among Us add a lot of variety to the game. So I think going forward, why not push that envelope? And while I personally would love the idea of adding in custom skin options, I don't honestly know you can implement that without going off the rails quick. But even if those particular options are a pipe dream, I still think that trying to get different skins into the game is an absolute must. After all why should Fortnite be the only popular game with fun crossovers? Number 21. Playing as the ghost in Among Us feels pretty useless. I mean, if you already got all your tasks done there's not a lot for you to do. And at that point, it's understandable why some players would want to leave the game. There's just not enough incentive to stay. So something to definitely look into going forward is that in some former ghosts abilities after you're dead. Like maybe you're able to float around and haunt the imposter. Whatever it is, there just needs to be something more than doing your tasks. And even though it's there, I'm not exactly sure ghost chats is a reason to stay in the game after you're done. Number 22. Among all the other incredibly popular games that seem to pop up out of nowhere, Among Us is an odd ball. And no, not just because it took two years to do it, because when you look at it next to games like Minecraft and Fortnite, Among Us is really lacking in other platforms. Don't get me wrong. It's great on PC and mobile, but I don't see reasons why it couldn't work on X-Box, PlayStation and even Nintendo Switch. And if they keep up the kind of cross play that we've seen with PC and mobile, I think this could allow so many different gamers to play together. And at the very least, we got to get some kind of max support thrown in. Number 23. After playing enough rounds on certain Among Us maps, it's way too easy to get familiar with the task layout. So one option to throw a curve ball to this will be by randomly generating the task at a different location. Like maybe instead of fueling upper engine first and then lower engine, it's the other way around. There already exists some different mods for the game that let you change around the way the task work. Meaning that you never quite know where you're going to get. And while I don't think this option needs to go as extreme as some of those do, it would mean that even after playing a thousand rounds of Among Us, this might be all the spice needs to add a little bit of interesting to your game. And with that folks, upgrade that red button below and have a good one, all right.
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
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Keywords: skipthetutorial, skip the tutorial, skip the tutorial among us, among us, 23 new updates among us needs to add, among us new update, among us 23 new updates, among us new features, among us update, among us feature, among us needs to add, updates among us should add, among us updates everyone wants, new updates among us, new features among us, among us new, among us new colors, among us flashlight, flashlight among us, among us new map, among us new roles, among us 2021
Id: GtztzyAyk70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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