25 Insane 200 IQ Among Us Tips to Always Win

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25 insane tips to win in among us a game of among us is entirely decided by the high iq plays you pull out during the match so here are some of the biggest brain moves to use against your friends to help claim victory and hey youtube was on cams and they told me that next to no one has subscribed to the channel with their left hand so if you want to help break down that right hand supremacy then take a southpaw strike that's a button down below it's free and it upset a ton number one self-reporting is a devilish task and if you got the right imposter they can pull it off or you'll never guess that they're the ones who did it so for all the crewmates looking to put a stop to this tactic you simply gotta check vitals if you're on the map polis by watching this screen you're able to see who's alive and who isn't which during any other part of the match isn't that helpful although if you're watching this screen like a hawk and suddenly you see someone go down and a report come up on your screen then you know who's ever reporting it is the killer themselves number two by the nature of this game of course everyone's gonna seem a little suspicious to you but if someone's particularly throwing something off on your radar make sure to watch them do a short task and see if that bar up in the top moves any if it goes up then you know that they're confirmed innocent but if it doesn't then you know who to point fingers at for the next meeting that's the thing though it has to be a short task if you watch them do a long task with two parts then you have to remember that it only goes up on the bar after they do the second part otherwise you're just ratting out people who didn't get to finish the job yet number three if you're playing the game on a mobile device then make sure to tab out and go and search up unicode you plus 3164 copy and paste that into your name and among us and sure enough you'll have an invisible name that's completely blank to all other players not just those on mobile now as the killer you can hide behind different parts of the scenery to get stealth kills or even just hiding behind your other friends to get sneaky reports it's a pretty great tactic although it is a little cheaty so make sure it's cool with the other people in the lobby before you use it number four in this game time is an important asset and especially if you're killer trying not to get caught so that's why we gotta talk about animation skipping for those of you who don't know you're able to click on certain screens in the game to just skip them entirely which turns that would-be down time into a period of stealth and strategy so whether it's clicking on the be quiet screen during the beginning of the game to get a head start on mira or even just getting away from your dead body to do tasks faster this is definitely a tactic you gotta throw into your arsenal and who knows in the competitive lobby it might just make all the difference number five this is a bit more situational but i do love to use it on the more inexperienced friends of mine which is if you're playing as imposter and you set off an oxygen emergency you shouldn't avoid it but rather head over there open up the panel and start mashing in the wrong code and while they're not paying attention you're gonna be letting that timer run dry and get yourself an easy win although one of the key parts about this strategy is you can't hold onto it forever as soon as they start to get suspicious you're gonna have to pull it up and do the right code immediately otherwise you're just putting another target on yourself number six in a big lobby it can be pretty tough to sway the vote of all the different people in there however even if you're not throwing anyone out of the airlock you gotta pay attention who votes because what you'll notice is that impostors typically want to vote aggressively so if you're in a lobby with two imposters they're almost always going to vote together meaning if you see the same colors pop up and a bunch of different names you might be noticing the details that help you build your case so keep an eye out for the synchronicity and try to get that group of two out before it becomes the majority vote number seven knowing the tasks and jobs in this game does not just stop at knowing how to do the different mini games and pop-ups so if you want to improve your game play then i highly recommend knowing how the tasks look to other people around you for example diverting power unskilled is a two-part task that can be faked anywhere late game but it's always gotta start an electrical now you see looking out for key relationships like that can be all the difference if you're trying to pick out a suspicious person or if you're an impostor trying to blend in set over to the wiki brush up on the task criteria and then you'll be better than ever to start the game number eight as an innocent crewmate it's not only important to figure out who to vote out in the emergency meetings but also when to vote because as you'll find out there's some numbers that are strategically bad to vote on so if you're entering into a call with seven players left with two imposters or four players left when there's one it's probably for the best that you just skipped the vote and went on to the next one even though you do have a shot in the dark to pick out the right person or people in that bunch it's statistically low and in fact you're actually giving them a better shot if you vote at the wrong person to get the kills next round and end the game quicker number nine while the admin table can be useful to help out some of the crewmates know where their other buddies are it's undeniably better for the imposter if you're trying to monitor crewmate traffic with this you're able to see who's splitting off from the pack and exactly where they're going to be which is helpful if you want to have an unseen kill but also as the silent killer it can be pretty helpful to know which rooms were empty for most of the round so then you can always have your alibis set up during the meetings oh no one is in storage for the round wrong now you were for the entire game see how it works number 10 when you're playing with two imposters and find yourself in a group of four it's a pretty tense situation so if you're trying to get out of it with you still surviving then you might want to try spamming the report button as much as possible because if you're lucky you might just have the chance to identify a missed time double kill and more importantly with that information you can just as easily point out both impostors at once i wouldn't exactly say hinge your whole strategy on this little tip but in those situations where you've got nothing left to lose this might just give you everything you need to win number 11. for all you imposter hopefuls out there clearly the cameras are some of your most crucial enemies however if two of the crewmates are tabbed into the security feed they might just give you an opportunity instead you see if you were to kill one of them while both of them are watching the screen and then self-report you're putting yourself in a high-risk high reward strategy sure you're right in the room with the body but also now you've got a surviving crewmate that's unknowingly standing directly over a dead corpse and if you know your way to talk around certain situations you might have just framed them for the perfect kill and even better you got one of the camera campers off your back number 12 when you're running around as the imposter one of the key things you're looking out for is the perfect opportunity when to kill but in tandem with and maybe even more importantly so you've got to know exactly who to kill from the lineup the strategy you got to follow here is to kill off skilled crewmates who know more about the game than they should and even better you should frame the already suspicious ones and then let the crew do the work for you if you put that poor soul in an even unluckier situation you might just get one other person out of the ship and your hands completely free for doing it number 13 trust is the most important currency in among us so if you're thinking long term you've always got to work to build it up with the other crewmates meaning as an innocent it's very difficult to get killed while in a group so if you start to run with one you might just help your chances of surviving another day and on the other end of the coin manipulating a crewmate by running with them and seeming innocent for most of the game could very well be the difference in a crucial vote keep in mind that building the relationships of trust in this is the difference between losing and winning the game of among us number fourteen two impostors in a match can be a huge threat and one of the biggest reasons for that is that each of them can give the other an alibi so if you're an innocent you see the same two people going together whether that's in meetings or even just physically going to tasks together you might be discovering the killers in disguise so keep your eye on that crew and whenever possible try to throw off that group of two as much as possible whether that's by having extra people join them to their activities or throwing one of them out of the airlock number 15. as an impostor trying to blend in faking tasks has to be part of your daily routine although if your crewmates are starting to met a game and you notice that they're starting to watch the taskbar at the top to find any liars then you better switch from faking short tasks straight over to the long ones however if you're gonna pull it off right you gotta make sure to not get the order of the parts mixed up because if you slip up and say that you're trying to download data and admin yeah you can say goodbye to the ship and hello to the cold blackness of space it's your new home number 16 polis might just stand out as one of the most visually confusing maps in the game right now especially to newcomers although all that extra visual flair that the developers threw in gives you the perfect opportunity to get some really stealthy kills and my personal favorite might just have to be this rock out on the surface if you manage to bait one of the other players behind the rock texture and then kill them then you're in luck because anyone that runs by is not going to notice the dead corpse hiding behind that rock if they can't even see it just as long as they don't notice the obvious report button on their screen number 17 while killing is the most obvious task for the imposter to do it might not be the smartest in their toolkit for that i'm gonna have to give the crown to sabotage because by making this your main focus you're able to throw off the actual evidence that the crewmate has when they're coming to meetings especially if you're focusing on sabotaging the lights not only does that give you better opportunities to kill but also if they're coming into the meetings with no clue of who to trust because they couldn't see anything that makes your wide range of imposter vision even more of an advantage number 18. for the smart killer crowds your protection so if you're able to get everyone into a clump then it's great to kill everyone in this situation because they're not going to be able to figure out who did the deed so how do you set up these situations well a great way is to either sabotage the comms or the lights to get everyone grouped up in a singular location to try and fix it and as soon as they are shuffle yourself into the deck and slit their neck it's easy as that number 19. if you're the imposter in the final three then the first thing that you gotta be doing is sabotaging the lights there's no question about this it's the perfect crime since meetings can't be held during a crisis you force them to clump up at the electrical room and then stab them to take the win being quick with this one is the key component you gotta make sure to spam that sabotage button and do not let them have the chance to get an emergency meeting it but as soon as you do it you're basically setting yourself up for the win number 20. just like any good magician the role of the imposter is game of misdirection so if you've got a killed plan on the right side of the map you better be sure to get that sabotage ready on the left if you're pulling the crew away from the body then you're not only stopping them from reporting it but you're also giving yourself more time for more credibility and also by doing a sabotage you're giving yourself more time to burn through a kill cooldown this is a great combo and unless you've got both of them charged up you really shouldn't be doing one or the other unless you're absolutely certain number 21 if intelligent crewmates are using metagaming like the taskbar visual task to try and rule out which of their crew is innocent then you as the killer got to keep a watchful eye on killing one of those because obviously if you find yourself late game you start to try and throw off attention to one of them it's not going to work if they already know that they're clean so get them out of the running and keep only the kind of innocent maybe suspicious other players to throw off the attention instead otherwise by framing the wrong person you might as easily just call yourself out of the game number 22 sometimes the best things to say in a meeting is complete silence and this goes tenfold for the killer if you're in a crowded lobby with a lot of accusations being thrown around early game you should not be trying to speak up and dog pile but instead keep a low profile let your mics stay muted and only talk when spoken to not only does this let clever imposter slip by undetected but also it can give you more time to think of an alibi if you didn't already come to the meeting with one in hand which could just be all you need number 23 as the imposter it can be tough to try and find a dull moment but if you aren't busy what you should be doing is shutting doors on groups that have no idea where you are if they think they're locked in with a killer about to take their life they're not going to be thinking about you and whatever task you're faking plus the strategy mixes well if you're already on the admin cams and you're seeing that other people are in a group in a different room close them off keep them scared and by doing that you might just throw them off your case long enough to survive a critical vote number 24 this might seem counterintuitive but you really don't want to come into a call with an accusation in hand by speaking your accusation you're just putting a spotlight right on you for an array of questions you might not be able to answer so instead what you should be doing is supporting the voting of either someone who's accused or in fact the person who accused them in both of those scenarios it's equally possible to make both sides of that equation seem suspicious meaning you can push the blame to either one and coordinate an attack to get them off the ship and have one less body to deal with number 25 standing afk falls under the long list in the category of sus which means if you've got a sabotage planned then you should not for a second stop moving to do it experienced players are going to piece it together that if you stopped moving and then the lights turned off a few frames afterward it must have been you who did it so the key strategy here is just to sabotage while you're moving around the map i think that's your best pick and with that folks make sure to vent to that subscribe button down below and until next time take care and have a good one alright
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Views: 5,359,681
Rating: 4.9053607 out of 5
Keywords: skipthetutorial, skip the tutorial, skip the tutorial among us, among us, among us strategy, 25 Insane 200 IQ Among Us Tips to Always Win, 25 tips for among us, among us tips and tricks, among us tips and tricks impostor, among us tips you might not know, 25 among us tips you might not know, illegal things to never do in among us, tips for among us, tips to win among us, get better at among us, how to win among us, among us 200 iq, 200 iq among us, among us 200 iq plays
Id: JumqpLaMV4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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