22 Get Famous Gameplay Ideas To Try | The Sims 4 Guide

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hope you're feeling like a superstar as we're about to look at 22 gameplay ideas made possible with the get famous expansion pack we're looking at both ideas that can be a complete Focus for your game as well as smaller side activities of course mix match and tweak the ideas here as you see fit and let's jump straight into it first up is to become a famous music producer here you'll use the mix master music station to produce various tracks which can be rather fun this will train your media production skill and once tracks are burned or made you'll see a copy appear in your inventory you can upload tracks to simplify for royalties which will also net you some Fame and you can also send them to a music label with the hope of being signed which will help boost the amount you get in royalties from your tracks next is to become a famous actor and this ties in with the active actor or actress worry that the get famous expansion pack brings this career is great for earning lots of Fame and quite fun to play it involves having your sim join an agency before they head to auditions once passed your Sims will need to prepare for and go to an acting gig which is a playable day of work note that if you decide to play as a famous actor or actress then when you become a three-star celebrity definitely consider the established name Fame perk which lets you bypass the audition stage and just go to gigs this is great because when it comes to auditions they're about as exciting as a uni essay it also allows you to skip getting into costume hair and makeup on set so you know you can now look however you want to for your performances the sky is the limit the Easy Street thing perk when you're a five-star celebrity is also hugely beneficial as it will double your paycheck finally we consider the master actor aspiration for this playstyle in which completing rewards you with the world renowned actor or actress trait making it so your sim never fails when acting now I hope you like money as storing your riches in a Money Vault is next making use of this can be super fun you can lock Sims inside it and once you've stored more than 5 000 simoleons in it you can even nap or play in your money and woohoo in it too loving that woohoo in Money life you might even use it in a storyline and try to have a more devious Sim break into the Vault for the fourth gameplay idea we're going to look at launching a Lifestyle brand for this you'll need a five-star celebrity who has picked up the Lifestyle brand Fame perk once you've picked this up you can create run and manage your lifestyle brand from a computer and it'll provide you with regular payouts you will need to maintain and update your brand and from time to time and it can be a great addition to complement and add depth to your celebrity Sims for example if your sim loves Fitness then they could launch a wellness focused Brand number five is to play as a famous vlogger this is brought to life through the more views video station which you can use to start producing videos you can review products create beauty or fashion focused videos or even create Vlogs we do Love Options once made then edit the videos together using the video station which will increase your media production skill before then uploading them for some Fame and ongoing royalties the corporate partnership perk is rather helpful here giving your Sims more Fame from uploads and the established name perk will increase the amount you receive from royalties streaming with a streaming drone can also help you earn a bit more Fame while you Vlog or edit next we're going to become a celebrity travel vlogger or influencer this uses the video station and a drone here you'll want to place a drone in your Sims inventory before sending them off on various vacations in different worlds while there live your best life while also using the Drone to capture neighborhood footage before naming it as you would a travel video repeat this a few times before heading home and transferring the videos from your drone onto the video station then you can edit them from the video inventory section of the video station before uploading them for fame and ongoing royalties again the corporate partnership and the established name perks are great for this play style as is streaming from a drone regularly to help with gaining Fame you can even consider having your sim travel as a pair and take lots of photos while they are on holiday too moving on to the next idea which is to create a celebrity Liberty or high roller restaurant and note that you will need the dine out game pack for this one for this you'll want to make a luxury restaurant and then add either the hottest spot in town lot trade or the up and coming Hot Spot Lut tray if you added the hottest spot in town lot tray to the restaurant then Sims who dine there will need to pay a 50 Somalian cover charge per person just to be seated and the restaurant will also attract more famous high-profile celebrities it will also low-key be a chaotic mess as everyone including the staff will get distracted by the high profile celebs if you instead choose the up and coming hotspot lot trait then your restaurant will attract more mid-tier celebrities which yes other Sims will still be distracted by but not as much while it does come with some challenges overall I think it can be a fun way to spice up a luxury restaurant and bring it to life the eighth idea loosely ties in with the seventh idea and it's to create exclusive celebrity spaces and this can be a fun way to add another point of interest to your community lots to do this you'll need to use a VIP exclusivity door or Archway as an access point to an exclusive space and you can click on this and select your Fame requirement that reveals what star celebrity you must be in order to enter the space note that these areas work best on venues with the hottest spot in town or the up and coming hotspot lot trade on some lot types such as nightclubs from the get together expansion pack bounces will appear near the doors allowing options for celebrity Sims to try and get their groups access or even for regular Sims to try and gain access for themselves the ninth idea will require the get-together expansion pack and it's to create a club for celebrities you can take this in any direction you'd like but one thing you you'll want to do is head into Club requirements and choose which star celebrities are allowed to join maybe you welcome all or maybe your Club is just for the most elite four and five star celebs it's a great way to have your celebrities meet one another and hang out regularly and it can be a rather exclusive club that famous Sims you make could strive to join moving on and it's time to take a look at playing as a celebrity socialite or someone who's famous just for being rich for this early on you'll want to do whatever you can to gain Fame such as streaming writing or painting you'll also want to start rubbing shoulders with more famous celebrities too picking up the networking theme perk as a one star celebrity will see you gain Fame for socializing with other celebs which is perfect for this play style and will help you embody a socialite Sim make your way up to a B list celebrity and make sure you have a good reputation and then pick up the giving back perk using this perk you can donate objects for fame and provided you have the money you can literally buy your way to being a five-star celebrity in seconds then you can live your best life going to events and hanging out with other famous films creating an entourage is next you'll need to be a five-star celebrity for this and it's made possible through the squad thing perk this allows you to invite Sims into your squad and essentially make your own Entourage when you summon them they'll show up wearing your clothes before hyping you up cheering you on and joining in on various group activities as required let's now look at playing as a famous author use a computer to start writing books before publishing them using your mailbox which is a great way to gain some Fame as this is royalties based the established name perk will help with this and as you write more books the this will become rather lucrative for number 13 we're heading on holiday in Del Sol Valley for this simply turn a house in the world into a vacation home by giving it the rental lot type before choosing to send your Sims there on holiday in particular Starlight Boulevard is a fun place to visit with celebrities often around the area and of course you can walk the street lined with celebrity Tales like a true tourist and for the next gameplay idea we're not done with celebrity titles just yet next up is holding a celebrity title placement ceremony when your sim reaches Global Superstar rank as a five-star celebrity they will gain a celebrity title in their inventory which you can click on to update the inscription then if you head to Starlight Boulevard you can click on an empty tile and hold a placement Ceremony this will see lots of your fans gather before you place the tile down and make it an official part of the world moving on now to hosting a meet and greet event this can be done as long as your sim is a two-star celebrity and it will see them socialize take pictures with and sign autographs for fans this event can see your similarity gain some Fame some progress towards a positive reputation and a bit of money if you finish with a gold rated event then you'll even gain the gold fan meet and greet Accolade trophy which looks pretty cool on display hope you love visuals as the next gameplay idea is to get creative with the special effects machine this can be attached to a ceiling upon which you can click on it to make a range of special effects appear and this can really add to or enhance various settings for number 17 we're making use of sleeping pods these are like beds however they have some unique features if you buy the more expensive version then upgrades come ready installed that being being said you can straight out buy upgrades on the cheaper version so purchase whichever you think looks best you can also upgrade these yourself with the handiness or programming skill if you install the Circadian tweaker upgrade then a Sims bladder and hygiene need will be restored while sleeping while installing the enhanced emotion deprivation upgrade will allow you to use the Pod to remove negative moodlets at level 3 of the Mischief skill you can even lock a Sim inside the pods low-key horrifying even though the locked SIM does manage to break out you can also use the pods to change Sims dreams and of course for wuhu too and we are here for that crashland finish for number 18 we're playing with the celestial Crystal Crown this can be worn from your Sims inventory and when worn you'll be able to mount crystals to it different crystals you mount will have different effects for example mounting a common Sapphire will fill up your sim social need bar it's also worth noting that if you mount a crown with a rare Crystal you'll also be able to consume it to remove a fan Quirk from your sim which is rather handy overall it can just be really fun to experiment with the crown and its various effects next we're dealing with Paparazzi these Sims will follow your more famous Sim celebrities around you can interact with Paparazzi including to ask or bribe them to leave you alone to fight them pose for them or even hide from them in various objects such as the photo booths from the high school years expansion pack famous Sims can even use a mirror to pop on a celebrity disguise here you'll wear a hat and some sunglasses and all of a sudden the paparazzi as well as your fans won't be able to recognize you for the big 20 we're going to look at becoming a celebrity Chaser that's right you're about to live the stalker life tracking down celebs to grab their autographs and potentially snap up a few photos when you ask a celebrity for their autograph it'll pop into your inventory and you can then display it with higher tier 4 and 5 star celebrity autographs looking rather nice in framed portraits you can also appraise the autographs which will give them a value and this can often be a few hundred to a few thousand Simoleons and they can even increase in value over time selling a few here and there to collectors is a great way to make money and it's even a good way to gain a little bit of Fame as well aim to get every famous Sims autograph and have fun while you're at it next is joining the drama club this after school activity is available to child and teen films and it can be a great way to get their start as an actor this occurs after school on weekdays and it's predominantly a rabbit hole activity despite this it can be great for storytelling and raising some skills reaching the top of the after school activity also grants the drama club Accolade which is perfect to kick-start a famous Sims trophy collection now we're on to the final gameplay idea which is to start a celebrity Feud this is made possible through the feud bringer Fame perk which requires your sim to be a five-star celebrity and have an atrocious reputation this lets you strike up celebrity feuds with any Sim not in your household Sims can then perform mean interactions with the SIM they're feuding with to keep it going or use their phone to continually stir up drama while the feud is ongoing your theme will constantly receive various moodlets based on how they perceive the few to be going so expect your sim to be a little bit of an emotional mess overall it can just be a rather fun and chaotic thing to do and with that we're at the end that's 22 get famous gameplay ideas to try if you have any gameplay idea years of your own then please feel free to let me know in the comments down below and if you enjoyed or found this helpful then please subscribe and leave a like I would really appreciate it and have an amazing day see you later
Channel: Petey Plays It
Views: 47,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 22 Get Famous Gameplay Ideas To Try | The Sims 4 Guide, Sims 4, Sims, How To, Guide, Tutorial, Tips and Tricks, Sims 4 Get Famous, Sims 4 Get Famous Gameplay Ideas, Sims 4 Actor, Sims 4 Celebrity Travel Influencer, Sims 4 Vlogging, Sims 4 Drama Club, Sims 4 Celebrity Feud, Sims 4 Sleeping Pod, Sims 4 Music Producer, Sims 4 Celebrity Author, 22 Get Famous Gameplay Ideas, Sims 4 things to do, Get Famous expansion pack, Get Famous Ideas, Sims 4 Socialite, Sims Celebrity Restaurant
Id: vuTdPhX9hJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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