22 FlutterFlow Deploy to Play Market

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hi everyone today I'm going to show you how to deploy to the Google Play Store using flutter flow and code magic so here's my project I'm going to go to settings and Integrations and deployment before we start I want to remind you that you can deploy from any branch if you have your GitHub connected if you want to see the instructions for that check out the deployment to the App Store video okay so let's get started first of all you need to make a Google Play console account at play.google.com console and then it'll ask you to log in and here's mine so first what we want to do is create app and fill out all of this and then click create app all right so here's our app first of all if this is a new account you're going to have a box here that says verify ID I recommend doing that as soon as possible CU it can take up to 2 days and you might run into issues if you don't have your ID verified the first thing you want to do is go down here to set up your app and fill out all of this info you can change it later and it doesn't need to go through review in order to get it to work but it does need to be filled out so to change your app store listings you'll go to main store listing and change that stuff and then go down to app content to change all the other questions but fill it out first on the dashboard you might run into the ID issues here if that's true you can do the rest of the stuff um you just can't deploy from flutter flow until this is done so I've already filled that out on another one so we're going to use that but first what we want to do is create our service account credentials so you're going to go to API access and create new service account and go to the Google platform go up here to create service account create and continue it needs to be an editor service account and then we're done here go ahead and download the keys by going to manage Keys add key create new one you need the Json and then it'll download to your computer make sure you store it securely and don't upload it to your GitHub if you do though then delete the service account and redo all of these steps and then re-upload it here at flutter flow so we're going to go back here to API access and Grant access go to app permissions add app I'm going to add test because that's the one that we're going to look at for the rest of this um use all the default settings and then click invite user okay so now we're going to upload our credentials on flutter flow and we're going to choose a play track so these are are just different testing tracks we're going to start with internal because that's what we're going to do first over here but basically this is internal testing and then uh closed is Alpha open is beta and then you go to production so we're going to start with internal and we're going to click deploy to Play Store and once the deploy is done we can can see that it was submitted we can check the build status here and we expect it to fail the first time because you need to upload the aab manually so we're going to download the aab which is the app bundle and then go back to your dashboard and create a new release upload the app bundle that you download from the flutter flow website okay so it's uploaded then we're going to click save and review release and don't worry about These Warnings here and then start roll out to internal testing and then you are going to pick your testing list save and now you have your release and now that we have our release we can go back to flutter flow I'll just change something really fast so that the deploy will work and then we'll click deploy to Play Store okay so now we'll check our build status and it finished so now we can go back and check the console and we have our new release so lastly if you want to deploy to a different track um first you need to create cre that track so we're going to go here manage track you need to add countries and regions select testers and then create a new release so you can either upload the aab like we did before or you can go to a release from a different track and promote the release and it takes our app bundle from the internal track review release and roll out to Alpha and now that we've created this one we could go to flutter flow change to Alpha and deploy to Play Store like usual so that's how you deploy to the Google Play Store from flutter flow thanks for watching bye y'all
Channel: NextGen Rise
Views: 37
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FlutterFlow, Deploy to Play Market, Tutorial, Google Play Store Deployment, Dart, Programming, App Development, Mobile Development, Cross-Platform, Publishing, Submission, Checklist, App Signing, App Bundle, Store Listing Setup, Screenshots, Feature Graphics, Privacy Policy, Listing Optimization, Pricing, Review Process, Rejection Reasons, Release Management, Versioning, Localization, Internationalization, Ratings, Reviews, Marketing, Monetization.
Id: 4Sj8mBEfh4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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