MOST Important AGENTIC Application - Speech to Text to AI Agents (TTS, STT, LLM Router)

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the pieces are lining up for the most important agentic application to emerge we're talking about the most important agentic application you can build and use so why is this tool so important because it adapts with you it writes code for you it collaborates on your ideas it helps you create obtain and organize information and ultimately it's an extension of your own mind so what is this incredible tool that I'm talking about what is this tool that we've been slowly building up to over the course of of this Channel video by video of course it's none other than your personal AI assistant in this video I'm really excited to share an early early proof of concept that showcases the potential of having a truly personal AI assistant here's what we're going to cover in this video here the Big Ideas first I want to take you right into the proof of concept a project I'm calling Ada my personal AI assistant so let's just jump right in let me show you exactly how this works I'm working on this PC and the agent OS let's just go ahead and fire off this is operating in main 7 hey a I have a question for you I'm building an application on gcp does Google provide any text to speech services sure Dan Google Cloud's text to speech offers an API that converts text into humanlike speech would you like to explore its features and integration options okay nice awesome yeah a let's go ahead and open up a browser and just go to Google's Texas beach documentation done I've run Source Tilda SL bashore profile and and browser what would you like to explore next in the text to speech docs nothing there thanks for that a um what's the shell command to recursively read all python files in the current directory okay Dan I've attached find name Pi exec cat was plus to your clipboard what's next awesome aah that's going to be it for today go ahead and exit thanks for your help it was a pleasure collaborating Dan until next time asterisk Ada exits asterisk okay so there's the you know first kind of run through proof of concept of the personal AI assistant as you can see there just going through that process there are some things that didn't work well but there are a lot of things that worked really really well so if you're excited to learn about exactly how this works definitely hit the like hit the sub we're going to be building and sharing our AI personal assistant over the course of this channel this first version is super Scrappy I'm not sure it's even worth sharing just because it's 300 lines of complete junk but in future videos we're going to be sharing early versions of a fully customizable personal AI assistant we're going to be talking about the high level architecture all the way down to lines of code in this video we're going to touch on the high level of exactly how this works so go ahead hit the like hit the sub if you want to join the journey things are getting really interesting in the AI agent agentic workflow personal assistance space and I'm expecting that to accelerate let's go ahead and talk about some of the highle details right so that was a proof of concept of ADA that is activated via voice then it goes to text then it goes right into an agent workflow so let's talk about a couple of the key pieces that makes this work and then let's talk about some improvements I want to talk about the par framework this is a simple framework you can use in your AI assistance to engineer the high level flow of how things work then I want to talk about the kind of key part of that framework to help you choose your agent which is this simple keyword AI agent router this has also been called the llm router it's very similar in that it directs the flow of your application to the specific AI agent flow that you want to run with this specific agentic workflow that you want to run and then finally let's go ahead and talk about flaws improvements iterations what's coming next after this kind of first version that we're going to be building and sharing here on the channel so let's talk about that power framework right how does this actually work under the hood let's talk about the power framework so this is really simple p a r prompt agent response you can imagine at the very beginning you have your prompt right that was the uh speech to text so I spoke a natural language there and just asked my assistant a question my assistant then took my prompt looked at the contents of it and looked for Activation keywords to activate our different sets of agents and we'll get to exactly how that routing Works in a second that's where a simple keyword agent router comes in but basically your prompt triggers an agent and then your agent runs whatever your agentic workflow is you could be using Lang chain you could be using autogen you could be using crew AI it doesn't really matter it's it's an isolated function that does a particular unit of work and then after your work finishes we of course want to create a response that our AI coding assistant can say back to us and just report how do things go if there was an error or if everything worked properly so this is exactly what this looks like right P prompt agent response and it starts with the speech to text we then run our AI agent routing all the interesting things happen in our AI agent router in our previous video we talked about the agent OS and how we can build compos ible reusable pieces of agentic software all of that goes in our AI agent routing so you can imagine we have our speech attacks running into one or more agents built on top of agent Os or whatever you're using whatever you're building for your agent architecture that all goes in the center right the routing decides exactly which one of your flows to run and then after your routing runs you want to create some type of response so that this Loop is clean we want concrete feedback when we're working with our systems our personal AI assistant is going to be no different we need concrete results of our system and then of course after that finishes we go ahead and loop back to the start and you saw that exact Loop happen right here when you see our recording kick off once again you can see the interaction time about 20 seconds there the one above 36 seconds and then the one above that you know took 20 seconds but the recording is where our Loop officially resets right and so you can see that happening over and over there this sets up what I believe is the simplest architecture for building your personal AI system you run a prompt your prompt runs into your agent routing and then your agent routing does all the cool agentic work there and then at the end we need some type of response we need some type of feedback we're building at a conversational workflow with our personal AI assistant so then we run text to speech to get a solid response back out that is the par framework let's talk about what's going on in this middle step because this is really where all the magic happens right AI agent routing let's talk about the simple keyword AI agent router this is one of the simplest and most intuitive ways to route your prompts into different agentic workflows into different AI agents it all starts as most things do with just simple strings and functions so it looks like this so remember one of my prompts Ada let's open the browser and go to you know Google's text speech service docs right something like that when this gets broken down using the simple keyword AI agent router it looks something like this right so adaa that was my agents activation keyword let's open the browser so you can see here that's a keyword that actually does the routing and then you can see here and go to variable right so that's whatever information that that specific workflow is going to take in and so if we hop back to the code here we can see exactly what that looks like so we have this personal AI assistant Loop running basically while true we're going to run this key function here record audio we're going to wait 10 seconds and collect whatever audio we can within that 10 seconds right that's why you saw this recording Kick in here and then we basically just wait 10 seconds collect a nice chunk of audio and then we operate on on that remember this is a proof of concept it's just to get something up and running to prove out a personal AI assistant from end to end so that's going to be a record audio step we then take that write to a file get that transcript back in Future videos we're going to dig into specific services for text of speech and speech to text to satisfy both ends of our par framework The Prompt and the response but the key Parts here for our simple keyword AI agent router is right here so you can see here we have the activation keyword and the activation keyword here that's just the name of my personal AI assistant so I just said Ada there so that activates looking at keywords at all so it's kind of a two tier system once the activation keyword is found let's go ahead and just do some separation here clean this code up a little bit I was really Scrappy putting this together but so once the activation keyword is found we're going to run our on keywords function right so we now have our activation and this is where all the magic happens right we paride our prompt a little bit we want to grab everything after our activation keyword so if I said you know Ada let's open the browser it's going to cut everything before Ada and just take the prompt after that and then we're running this function get first keyword in prompt so this is the really simple agent router you can see here we're doing some string manipulation that doesn't really matter what really matters is this function here so this is our simple llm router this is our simple agent router each one of these functions contains your key AI agents your prompt chains and your individual prompts right whatever level of llm you need is going to be here you can see here we have keys mapped to functions notice how in these Keys we have both bash and browser so if I say bash or browser in my prompt my run bash command will run and we don't need to dig into the details of all these functions you can imagine there are prompts running I'll throw this functionality into a gist just so you can read it just so you can check it out it's not going to be a complete module or repo you can see I have like seven main files up here this is a rapid prototyping session and I have a bunch of random files going on here I just need to get in here quick and dirty and and build out the first version so I'll have more concrete versions for you in the future but you can see here we have bash browser shell we have question we have hello hey hi and then we have exit and if you notice you know if you play back the intro of this video we activated every one of those functions with one of these keywords so you know we said let's open the browser and that browser keyword is going to kick off our run bash command it's kind of weird but ideally you're going to want your AI assistant listening all the time in the background so as soon as your assistant name is mentioned the prompt kicks off and then inside the rest of the prompt there's a keyword that specifies which function flow gets run and so you can see here you know let's open the browser so that officially kicks off my run bash command and my run bash command of course in the prompt has that browser bash Alias that gets run and then we have you know and goto variable and in this case I'm saying go to Google's text to speech service docs and this is where the magic of you know the llm really shin the llm knows to place the location that I want to go the variable inside this as the full URL so that's how we ended up on the you know cloud. gooogle text speech documents right so that's awesome this is basically you know the simple keyword AI agent router this helps you take your prompts and turn it into custom functions that you can run which likely will have just pure functions and then some of those functions will be individual agents there'll be agentic workflows there'll be prompt chains and then of of course just some individual prompts right I'm not doing a ton of interesting things here a lot of really simple stuff you know one of the cool things I did here with the shell command that you saw actually had it generate the command and then respond and then whatever that command was that they responded with I used a paperclip library to get that directly onto my clipboard so I could quickly you know use that command and I think that that's one of the huge advantages of your personal AI assistant you're going to be able to take a lot of shortcuts and then after that I just ran a you know another completion prompt another the response so that I complete the loop of the par framework right prompt agent response we always want to have some concrete response I want to know that my assistant did exactly what they were supposed to do right it kind of closes that feedback loop for us if we H back to the power framework right this keeps exis and simple it gives our system some structure to work with so that we know we are back at the beginning of our Loop ideally you know when you're really using your personal AI assistant in the future you know this is running on a loop you're just having conversations it's you know popping up Windows on the left left on the right it's helping you manipulate data it's you know giving you information in a modal window it's writing code in the background right and you're seeing that code change live your personal AI assistant is going to be doing research for you it's going to be writing docs for and with you summarizing helping you write if I had to summarize why this is so important it's because you know specifically your personal AI assistant it knows you it knows your workflows right like in the future you'll have built out your own agent router and it knows exactly what you want when you say certain things and things can get super meta when you let your AI agent modify this functionality literally modify you know its own code to improve and work alongside you that's going to be in the future I'm sure we'll cover that at some point but right now we're taking one step at a time we have the first version here of our personal AI assistant so let's go ahead and continue let's go ahead and talk about you know we have a great framework for building our assistant with the par framework right prompt agent response and then we Loop that this lets us build our agent in ins side the agent routing that's where all the interesting functionality actually happens sometimes we're just running a simple function that does something but most of the time we're going to be running prompts prompt chains AI agents and agentic workflows wrapped in some clean architecture like the agent OS just like we talked about in the previous video I'm going to go ahead and Link both those videos in the description definitely check those out on this channel we're building on a lot of the work that we do over time just like we do when we're engineering knowledge Stacks this content Stacks everything we're doing on this channel is stacking up to something big so that was the par framework we also have the simple keyword AI agent router they're definitely way more complex ways way more intricate ways to do this but essentially it's all going to do the same thing given your prompt you have to figure out how you want to route your prompt to real actions that you can take right and in this case I'm just using this simple keyword router functionality that then gives back the agent to run and the agent keyword that ran if no keyword was matched we just go ahead and Skip again this is a proof of concept there are many more intricate ways to do this this approach definitely gets us 80% of the value this is a great proof of concept is great first version but what's next right how can we take this to the next level how can we improve our personal AI assistant right so just a couple things to mention here text to speech and speech to text is pretty slow I'll be looking out and researching and you know experimenting with fast services for you so that we can quickly get that response if you saw here in the finalized video I'm definitely going to edit these down just to kind of get the Point through but this interaction time took 20 seconds this one took 36 seconds this one took 20 seconds and really the back and forth between you know my prompt and my assistance response is really only about 10 seconds here some improved text to speech logic would also be good here I'm just doing 10-second chunks it's working pretty well but as you're working throughout your day you don't want to have to wait for the beginning of the 10 seconds to start speaking right if I kick this off again we can see this is going to be the beginning of our 10-second chunk everything we see say right now in this 10 10-second interval is going to get picked up so it's going to miss that last chunk and anything we're saying right now is not going to get picked up right so you can see here you know everything we're saying right now this 10c interval it missed that next section right and so only 4 seconds there this was the time it took to send to our you know speech detect service come back and then see if there were any keywords right in both of these sessions including this one here right this next transcript there was no keyword said right I didn't mention Ada at all or any actual um keywords to run right but you'll notice I just said Ada and so now in this next upcoming chunk it's going to look for an agent keyword but it's not going to find one right so you can see here no agent was found for the given prompt so there are some improvements to be made to that Loop right there again proof of concept not a huge deal but we'll definitely want to improve that as time goes on right and there are lots of ways to work around that you know the next Improvement we want to add some composability reusability with an agent OS like architecture we talked about this in the previous video this is going to make our agent layer so wherever we're actually calling our agents and our function flows this is going to make this portion really really cool really really smooth and you can imagine we're going to have you know quite a few more keywords that activate AI agents and agentic workflows as we're building those out we're going to be wanting to you know reuse and compose these that's where using an opinionated agentic architecture really comes in so I'm going to be using the agent OS and building up up the ideas we shared in that video and in that architecture so I want to improve the human in the loop tooling there are tons of really cool opportunities here to run one of these workflows and then when our assistant needs more information for us for instance like I have this idea to you know build out new frontend components on the fly right so we activate you know building out a frontend component here on the Fly you know with some component keyword that then kicks off a workflow inside that workflow you know our agent can pop up a modal it can give us a file so that we can complete our prompt it can ask us a question about what we want to have built so a lot of opportunity here for human in the loop tooling and then of course we want more agents we want more capabilities this is where your personal you know all the prompts all your prompt chains all the work you've been doing so far that's where all that comes in where you come in and you build out you know your actions that run based on your system I'm really excited about this I hope you can see the value in the personal AI assistant I hope it makes sense why this is the most important agentic application that you and I can build and use we're going to be covering this a lot on the channel this is going to be one of our main topics in addition to building great agents in addition to AI coding assistant so if you enjoyed this if you got value out of this you know what to do hit the like drop the sub stay focused keep building and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: IndyDevDan
Views: 8,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kLi4SKlc4HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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