2024 Tesla Model 3 Performance: 0-60 in 2.9 seconds!

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all right so I reviewed the new Tesla Model 3 refresh facelift Highland whatever people were calling it not that long ago add a lot of pretty good things to say about it I think it's a great car and I think probably the most important thing that I said about that car was it felt like a mini model S like it's got all this Improvement and refinement and the screen in the back and new features and layout and stuff feels like a mini Tesla Model S right great but what does the model S also have it's got the Plaid at the top of the range the performance version and so when we got this refresh a lot of people were wondering well okay what about the model 3 Performance and well you've probably seen the title already so you know already I'm here with the Tesla Model 3 Performance but I wanted to bring up the model S because I had that plaid for a long time and a lot of you guys are remember there's really not much of a difference between the model S plaid and the regular Model S all they really did is just make it faster they added the triple Motors and obviously there's a lot of development and hard work and Engineering that goes into that the carbon sleeved Motors the triple motor setup all of that but it was really it was the same brakes same chassis same seats it was just the same car but faster and so probably the biggest complaint that performance car enthusiasts could leverage over Tesla actually it's not the biggest complaint but one of the biggest complaints is that it's too similar between the super high-end performance version and the regular version they're almost the same car so I bring that up to say that this Tesla Model 3 Performance is not just a mini model S and faster than the regular model 3 but they've actually done some things in addition to just making it faster that I think make it a more complete car and aesthetically you can see some telltale signs of the model 3 Performance too so here's a look at the model 3 Performance refresh so I'm out here in sunny California shooting this which is why it probably looks a little different but shout out to this California weather Jesus it's really nice no geese though you got crows instead uh but okay let's start from the front of the model 3 Performance because this is the first place you'll see this splitter is a little bigger the headlights look just a little bit more angular if you follow the LEDs and there's uh this slot right here which is functional just a little bit more of an aggressive looking front end but maybe not the easiest tell if it's pulling up behind you probably from the side the easiest tell is the wheels so this is a new wheel design these are staggered 20-in wheels with this new apparently these are removable Arrow caps I'm going to try to remove them just to make sure but 235 width in the front and 275 width in the back these are P0 and uh Tesla has been working with plli to specifically engineer a better P0 for this car but it is a 20in setup all the way around and I do think that looks like a sportier wheel looks really good to me you can see underneath these red brakes and these are also upgraded brakes so they're upgraded brake pads that should give you better stopping power I wouldn't be shocked if people started making third party wheels that look just like this for the regular model 3 but I think for now that's a pretty good Telltale sign coming down the side it's a pretty similar silhouette but then you get to the back and oh we got a little more of a spoiler here with some angles to it this is a carbon fiber spoiler that is looking just a little bit more aggressive and will of course also balance the overall downforce on the car and that's actually functional and down here is a little bit better angle on the new rear splitter so there is Arrow bits around this car carbon fiber pieces around this car and just a little bit of a different visual to the whole thing a little more aggressive looking you know I got a chance to while I'm out here talk to some of the engineers and people who have worked on this car and you know there are new dampers and things that are a little bit stiffer but not super harsh all these things are to give this car more of a sporty feel without being too firm I mean it's a GT car it's an everyday car this is still people's daily drivers they're just opting for a little bit more of a special performance version and so that continues to the inside but just in general I think the headline figures that are going to get people's attention is okay I'm paying for the performance version how much faster is it really we'll get to driving in a second but the numbers on paper are about 510 horsepower 0 to 60 in 2.9 seconds and a top speed of 163 mph and they haven't told me the price yet but they're saying that the version of the car that I'm testing will be under $60,000 so under 60 grand for a sub 3se second 0 to 60 car that does 163 mph on these tires feel like that's still in a pretty good spot and more importantly than just the numbers is these are Peak numbers but across the entire torque band across all speeds it is more responsive and more powerful than before that's mainly due to a new rear drive unit so the front motor is the same as the outgoing performance model 3 but the rear motor is where you're getting a lot of the new power so torque distribution power distribution is a little more biased from the rear you get more overall power from that rear motor and this thing is going to be hurdling you down the road at performance speeds obviously now the nice thing about all that is even though it is a new rear motor it's the same exact size as the previous rear motor so you still have all the same can you not uh you still have all the same space in the back behind these rear seats you have the sub trunk space which is where they gave me a vehicle cover so if I park it somewhere I can cover it up because these are fancy uh super topset Vehicles right now I think you might have noticed this little badge back here it's not a plaid badge okay even though it looks just like a plaid badge that's your your ludicrous speed or actually it's just called insane speed inside the car so that is the new performance looking badge they're saving plaid for specifically like the carbon sleeved rotors triple motor setups that's why the cybertruck's not plaid even though it's triple motor is not the carbon sleeved rotors so it's just a really really fast dual motor car but it continues on the inside so jumping in here you wouldn't be shocked if I said the interior is again very similar CU a lot of things about this we really liked but there's one really annoying thing okay that I'll get to but you can see now there's a little bit more of a sporty trim so this is a little carbon fiber Dash right above the air vents which are the same as usual the same extremely minimal and simple in I setup from model 3 of the last couple weeks you've got the wireless chargers here a little bit of space down there you can cover this up for your cup holders a little more space this glove box is a little sleeker now it is magnetically closing so it's this little slim pouch and just slaps CL that is a satisfying magnet right there I'll do it again not a lot of room but shout out to the magnets but hey look new seats and these are actually meaningfully different sporty seats these seats are nice they have way more bolstering around my torso and around my legs so you kind of you feel it when you get in over the sides so there's more support if you're Kang and carving you'll feel that support and then of course there's this little badge right here again that's kind of nice imagine if Model S had like a special slightly better seat instead of just a regular seat that is a nice touch that little insert right there and then these headrests up here it's a nice tall seat it's pretty soft I like these seats this is a nice upgrade to the regular model 3 seat this some other little things that I've noticed these are aluminum pedals down here now which is nice the I was playing with the heating and ventilation of the seats the front seats are ventilated and they the ventilation gets like right up to your neck like all the way up your back which is actually really nice as well and and then the one really annoying thing you remember how I was kind of happy and like praising that Tesla finally realized that we hated the touch buttons on the steering wheel and went to physically clicky buttons for some reason this car that I'm driving has gone back to like these capacitive touch areas instead of being actually clicky buttons why we've been over this this is not what we want we we got the actual clicky buttons that we liked and now you're going backwards to these capacitive buttons not the move I don't know why they did this it's obviously not a horn on the steering wheel anymore which is good but backwards on the steering wheel buttons guys I don't know why they did that I do love this Alcantara in the dash and this nice little contour line here in the doors right underneath the LED lighting really overall basically the exact same rear seat so if I pop in here you remember the Mini model S comments it's it's going to be the same you still got this screen back here you got left and right heated seats but no heated middle and behind my 63 driving position it's it's model 3 sized you know you'd be okay back here but in general if you're considering in getting a model 3 Performance you're probably specifically the most curious about how it drives so let's get into how it drives now look I'm not going to pretend to be Top Gear right now I've only actually had a day with the car along with everybody else and it's early but what I have noticed in my driving around these Canyon roads and these fun streets is three main things one yeah it's it's faster it is zippier and it's not just that it's higher Peak torque and Peak power it's like 30% % more Peak power but throughout the whole range from low speeds yeah it launches gets off the line quicker and all the way up to highway speeds you're passing power it's really really quick which is great that's pretty obvious two handling is better so I talked about the improved dampers and the better bigger brakes and a whole bunch of other things about this car but it's actually landed at the same mass as the outgoing model 3 Performance so all that improved Hardware but also a whole bunch of weight reduction to end up at the same mass and you can feel that like it does still handle really nimbly model 3 has always been Nimble but this is even better with obviously the the settings you can change in the car for steering and it's a it's a good handling EV coming in at like 1,800 something kilogram but last but not least is uh track mode so if you get a model 3 Performance you will be getting track mode in your software where other model 3s don't and track mode looks a little something like this you you hit this icon right here you go into Dynamics and then you hit customize and here's your track mode settings there's actually a couple presets they're considering I don't know if these will all stay and make it to the final car but this is the new UI for track mode so you can dial in over or under steer or keep it neutral you can add regen up to 100% or just go all the way down to just friction braks if you want stability assist and of course post- Drive Cooling and saving your dash cam but yeah there's a bunch of other you can add a bunch of other profiles if you want so if you want to customize your own that's locked in for your settings you can do that there's a race preset which has minimal stability assist and there's a drift preset which turns that all the way off and maximizes over steer makes sense sport demo mayor may not be here but once you don't turn on track mode dial it in you got all your temperatures here brake motor PSI all that fun stuff and you're good to go and that's because there are a surprising number of model 3 Performance owners who are going to take their cars to the track I always get tagged by them I see them all the time and so this is the new version of that car you get track mode built in all the hardware that I showed you guys is included so my day one Impressions I think are pretty good it's funny because I call this the Mini model S and again all the aesthetic improvements that come with it all the nvh improvements that come with it the build quality stuff they've been working on it's good but the is it worth it question is funny because Model S plaid has depreciated so much since it came out isn't it like 80 grand now or something for a Model S plaid so you'd want to specifically get a smaller car then okay yes this is the one to do it with but there's no track pack with carbon ceramic brakes or anything like that I don't know I'm just thinking of other 2.9 second cars and this is right in that range and I think this is a fun car even if you're still in the this is soulless Camp I get it there's no noise but this is a fun car so that's my first impression anyway let me know what you think of model 3 Performance and until the next one catch you guys later peace
Channel: Auto Focus
Views: 1,492,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla Model 3 Performance, Model 3 Performance, Tesla Model 3, M3P, Ludacris, Model 3 ludacris, insane speed, Auto Focus
Id: 52O3cYsyZMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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