Publish Flutter app on Play Store | Complete step by step guide for beginners

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hey what's going on guys welcome to my channel I'm AK in this video I'm going to show you how to easily publish your photo application on Play Store so this is going to be a step-by-step guide for those who want to make their flutter application available for Android users on Play Store so this video is going to have two parts in the first part we are going to prepare our application for uploading on Play Store so that includes signing the application and configuring the Android files and finally building the release version of our application and in the second part we are going to set our new application on play console not play Store Play console that includes configuring internal testers and setting up the app content and finally uploading the app bundle file we generated in the first part so let's get started so here as you can see I have vs code open with my project and also I have an emulator on which my application is running so if I give you a little bit of preview of my application this is just a simple counter app for Muslims who want to do thicker on their mobile phone so you can top tap on any card the Y card and you can actually increase or count how many times you set this thicker and it has a statistics screen you can check out your best your best and your total and how many times you did per day during during a month and also if there's a theme switcher you can change from light to dark and things like that so I want to upload this application on Play Store and make it available for Android users now please prepare your application before we get started and if you follow along you should be good to go okay so first of all I want to open up um my browser here I want to at the beginning I want to show you um a simple blog article I wrote for you so that you can easily follow along with me instead of writing each piece of code I write during this video you can just copy paste it and make some adjustments and act and then you can actually set up your own project um to to make it publishable on Play Store so I'll give the link in the description now let's start from the first one here as you can see the first one is signing the app and for signing the application we need to run certain command line based on our machine the the machine we are working on so if you are on Mac or Linux you have to run this command line the first one or if you are on Windows you have to run this command line so please copy the comment line based on your operating system and I want to copy the this one the first one because I'm on Mac and I want to open my project so you have to open your project and please you make sure you are in the root folder of your project now that is the speed that is this is the root folder of my application and I want to paste the code that the command line I copied from oops I think I did not copy okay let me copy it again this one okay let's copy it copy that let's come here and paste it if I paste it here you can see it generates a file now we if the if I press enter it generates a keystore file here upload keystore.jks in the home directory of my machine so I want to press enter please copy paste it and press enter now it asks me a password so I need to give a password that should be strong so because that is needed to actually uh update our application every time you want to update your application you want to sign your application with this keystore file generated and you need your password for it so please uh enter a password and remember it write down that somewhere so I want to give a password to it okay I think this one should be good okay it asks me one more time to confirm it [Music] um yeah while you are writing it it actually is not going to show you what you are writing that's kind of for protection purposes so it's just write that the password you want you want to enter and you are actually inserting a password so if I enter okay now my password match then it it is asking me my first and last name so you can give your first and last name and it asks your organization and if you don't want it you can just press enter it will skip it setting it as unknown so I want to just say it okay so I will give it AK as well and what is the name of your city or locality okay I want to give it a soul and okay let me make it Soul again and then finally probably Korea so now it is asking me if the information I entered is correct here the on the list so I can type yes and enter now it generated the file here as you can see it shows it shows me the location users Mac upload keystore.jks so it is here so now we are done with this part and we have to actually configure the Android files for this so I will come up here again I'll open the browser and that blog tutorial here as you can see the next one is reference the key store from the app so we need to give the reference to that key store we generated so I'll I'll copy this okay I think I should do something like this okay I'll copy this for it we have to come to this Android folder in your project and there we need to generate under the Android full folder we need to generate one file that is called key dot proper uh what is it properties this is the file we want to um create so the name should match to this one and then I want to paste the the block of code from the article you can copy it from there and here you can see it asks me the store password and the key password and then this you can set it as it is that is this is upload Keys uh key store file and the path to that store file so please write your password here I'm not going to show my password to you I'll write my password and probably I'll skip this part of the video okay first of all let me set the location to the to the key store I'll do the remove it so it should be something like that users if you remember I have this path generated I can just copy copy it and paste it here if I copy and paste it here I actually I gave the path to that file and let me show you that file as well so probably I will open a new finder and I'll open the home and if I come down here you can see upload keystore this is the file that has been generated with the command line we ran before so now we are actually referencing referencing to this file so I gave the reference now I want to write the password to it you can just write your password here um and I'll skip this part of the video so that my password is not visible to you okay now I actually entered my password here as you can see the Key Properties uh keyword properties file is there and I I hope you also entered your password so we move on to the next step step so the next step is configuring signing in Gradle so now we need to actually make some changes to a Gradle file in our Android app build Gradle file this is the location okay so I'll show you here so now you open the Android folder and inside the Android folder you open app folder and in there you have build.gradle file so this is the file so here uh okay I want to close the terminal so here as you can see inside build.gradle there are a bunch of code so we actually need to load the local dot properties uh not local dot properties but key dot properties file so here if you look at the guide there is a line of code so we need to you need to copy this here this part not the Android not this part only this part all right just copy that and come up here here as you can see Android that was it should be inserted here before the Android uh Android block here okay now what this what this code does is it gets the instance of properties and it actually loads the file key dot properties if you remember we created here key dot properties file uh and it loads that file and checks if it exists if it exists it it then creates the input stream now we did that and we moved to the next part the next one is we need to change the uh what is it the the release uh Block in build types here uh I want to show you it's in the same build.gradle file if you if you check Android block and here as you can see there is build types inside there release block and there you can see there is the debug sign-in config signing configs dot debug so we want to change this to release okay because we are releasing this releasing this application so change that part and come to the uh blog tutorial again and now we want to add one more block there so that we can actually uh tell the Gradle what kind of information there in our uh what is it in our key dot properties file and we want to upload everything from that file okay I want to copy it as you can see build types it should the dot release we change that you don't need to copy with build types you can just copy this block sign in configs okay copy that and come here above the build types you can paste it just like that okay now we paste that and here what it does as you can see it actually sets the configuration for our release version of the app and it loads the key prop above in here as you can see about the Android we loaded the keto properties file right here Key Properties now after loading it we are actually setting all the configuration here key Elias as you can see like this Key Properties we are getting the information from that keto properties file for every uh property here just like that okay now we want to move to the next one so now we are actually done with a configuration of the Android files we can just save it and we can close it so now I want to open the terminal again I'll open it I'll just clear it please make sure your application is running you can actually check it here I it is actually it's already running so I want to close it and I want to actually run it one more time so that to make sure our application is running properly okay until it loads I skip this part so let me check it okay now our application is running hopefully we don't have any error on anything if it runs properly okay so everything is fine so if you do not have any error um everything should be fine you can move on to the next step so I want to close that application again okay now what you want to do is run flutter command to build the release version of your application so flutter build app bundle so I want to create an app bundle file flutter build app bundle this will create that app bundle file so I wanna press enter as soon as I do that it takes some time until it actually builds the build file for us so until it does that let's actually go to our go to the browser and go to play console all right so you you want to go to play console so here console as you can see here up here and I I'm sure you already have an account here so here I have a bunch of apps so you don't need to focus on that you can just what you need to focus is create app so as soon as I come here as you can see I'm in all apps and there I have create a probably yours might be empty so I want to press create app please press that create app wherever it is located so I want to give the name to That app to my app so that is the name of our application so yeah I can set that the default language as it is so and then I want to choose the category for my app this is app not game and I want to choose whether I want to choose the the app uh if it is free or not okay that is a free application and you have to actually accept this loss some terms and conditions and you can after you are done that you can create the application if you do that it will create an application it'll take a little bit and then loading the console now we are in the dashboard of our application okay so this is as you can see here up up here there is a name that's B so this is the name of our application and here there are a lot of settings okay let's check the application if it's done or not okay it's still running uh okay actually while it's running we can we can move on to uh The Next Step all right so I want to open that okay here when you are when you created an application in Play store for the first time you need to actually uh set up some settings before you can upload the first thing you need to do is actually create a internal testing so because you want to you want to upload your application and test it with testers so that's that's basically the purpose of it so you don't have to actually test it with testers you can test it on your own and and then actually just upload it after setting up this configuring this internal testers then you can just publish it so first of all you need to select testers and here if you do not have testers I already have a list of testers here if you do not have one you can actually select this one create email list and it will open up this and you can give it give this list name like I don't know my testers something like that and you can input some emails I don't know my friends my friends email something like that you can separate it with comma or you can upload a CSV file with with the list of emails okay so after that you can actually after you are done that you can save changes all right I'm not going to do it because I already have the list so that's pretty simple so now when you are when you created the email list that are the list of testers you can select that um and after that you should give a feedback URL or email address I want to give mine okay so save this okay now I saved it now I want to come up here as you can see select testers now it's checked and we need to create a new release so let's create a new release here means actually uploading the build version of your application and that is a release version of your app now we are generating it so let's check it out okay as you can see here it is already generated it is a 23.0 MB that is 23 megabytes so that is located inside the build app outputs bundle and release folder all right so I want to come up here as you can see there's a build folder I want to reveal it in finder so if you go into build app and then outputs and then bundle there's a release okay so if you open that folder this is the file you want to upload on play store so I want to come up here as you can see it asks Drop app bundles here to upload so let's actually drop it if everything is fine it should accept this okay if you drop it it takes some time so here as you can see now everything is fine we have app bundle file uploaded so it's accepted it as you can see API levels 19 plus and Target SDK 33 and some other information so here as you can see release name is now the build number of or the version and build number of our application so that's that now you can save it if I press enter it is it gets saved and here as you can see there are some warnings so you can actually ignore this for now okay we let's save it first I want to save that okay now it is available to internal testers as you can see it is available to internal testers but we do not want to test this app with internal testers we want to publish it and for that we need to set up a if you come down here on the right on the left uh navigation bar there is app content we need to set up app content okay if you come here there are 10 declarations need attention as you can see here 10 declarations so we need we basically need to tell about our application to the Play Store what the application is what kind of information it has whether it has ads or or in terms of uh user data whether you save it or not things like that okay let's start one by one let's start the with the privacy policy the first one you need to give a privacy policy URL to your app so what privacy policy URL is basically you need to give a link to a page where there is a privacy policy information about your application you can actually search on Google have to generate privacy policy for app and you can actually generate a privacy policy just for free there are free applications to generate that I already have a privacy policy generated you can go ahead and actually create that so this is the privacy policy link for my app so I want to come okay let me close this I want to come here I want to check that so this is just a simple uh privacy policy uh as you can see it just talks about what the application is and what kind of information it has and use whether it saves user information or not and things like that okay so I want to copy this link and I want to come to here and I want to paste it so this is the privacy policy URL to my app so I just want to save it you can actually write your privacy policy if your application is simple kind of similar to mine actually you can get the idea from this and create your own so and then the next one is about ads whether your app has apps my application has apps so I will select yes my app contains ads and I'll save it and then I can come back and Here app access so if it is about whether your application requires login or not okay so all functionality is available without special access okay I'm going to select that one and save it so and come back again and content ratings so you need to rate the content of your application so it might take a little bit because it asks you some questions start questionnaire here email address so I will write the same email address I wrote before okay so that's you can actually give your email address and then uh this is actually all other types okay it's not a game it's not social or communication but other type of AD so I'm going to select all other types okay now [Music] does the app contain any ratings relevant content like kind of you know profanity violence language and things like that so no it does not have anything like that user content sharing okay that's the app native allow users to interact or exchange content with other users okay no it's not actually doing that users are not sharing their data with each other or or actually saving their data in external store uh what is its server so the next one online content does the app Feature or promote content that isn't part of the initial app download but can be accessed from the app examples of this type content are movies in the next Netflix app product listings in Amazon shopping songs Shopify news articles and okay let's select no so we don't have those kind of information promotion or sale of edge restricted products no we do not have any adult content there so we are going to select no and miscellaneous so does the app share the user's current or precise physical location with either with other users no it's not actually accessing user location does the app allow users to purchase digital Goods no with our app is just simple is the app a web browser or search engine no is the app primarily a news or educational product so no it's not okay so after we are done that we can save it if you save that it this next button gets available okay now the summary your ratings as you can see all ages everyone so basically everything is fine our application is simple it's not like violating any kind of uh user privacy and things like that okay I want to save it okay as you can see it's done now all of it are configured we can go back and the next one is target audience and content okay let's start that it is similar to the previous one so basically you need to select the age range for your application so it could be let's select uh I don't know 6 to 10 in all of this ones so basically this should be okay not six to ten but nine from nine uh okay you can actually select any age range here but make sure your application is suitable for that age range you selected so that should be that should be taken into consideration and the next one personal and sensitive information does your app collect any personal sensitive information no it's not collecting so and then I certify this app including all apis sdks and ads complies with applicable laws and relations relating to Children yes okay next one and then the next one is ads are all of the ads in your app suitable for children oh and either okay I think it's not so let's select no because I think we need to change the setting here because our application has oh okay let me save it first now um okay ex export approved program okay let's come uh uh I think I need to save it again summary boom okay I think I need to change the age range because my application has that come to this action it if you if you have similar thing if you have similar thing like mine here you need to come up here target audience target audience and content let's change this so I selected nine to twelve okay I think I need to I I need to select this 13 to 15. so this should be all right okay now because you're still listening unintentionally appeal to children no okay after that let's save it now we modified our previous settings and we can go back uh News app start so is it a news app or not if your application is news app you can select yes or not so I'll select no because my application is not a news app I saved it and come back again so basically guys it is kind of a little bit time consuming if you do not want it if you do if you want to do it just by yourself you can skip this part of the video and just do all this uh what is it these declarations by yourself all right so I'm going to do it here so that everyone can understand what these things are so the next one is about covet 19. so after this code 19 came out and they actually added this part as well so my app is not publicly available code 19 contact tracing or status app so yeah I'm going to select this one because it's not related to anything like call it okay data safety now we are going to check this part we what you need to disclose so you can read this thing is basically so I I uploaded a lot of uh applications so far so I'm kind of pretty familiar with it you might be thinking why he's skipping a lot of things basically uh you can just read them I'm trying to give you a basic idea of what that is all right so I hope you understand that so here in this one data safety unit basically you have to tell about users data safety to users okay so let's move to the next one does your app collect or share any of required user data types no okay let's save it most of the things here are kind of pretty similar similar so I don't know why they collect the same information again and again so anyway let's move on now we have the privacy policy URL set already here if you do not have set that you you might be kind of asked to add a privacy policy URL so we are good save it and come back again and now we have two declarations advertising ID start okay here uh it asks us about we actually we selected that our application contains ads right so that's why we need to set some declarations here as well does your app use an advertising ID so yes it is using so why does your app need to use an advertising ID this includes any sdks that your app Imports that use advertising ID so basically uh advertising or used to display a Target as here this one you can select this one if your application is using just add more like mine you can use advertising or marketing this one because it says use the display or Target ads or marketing Communications or measure of AD performance for example displaying ads in your app sending push notifications to promote you can select this one and then the next one what is a developer used to send news notifications Analytics which is in your app for example to enable functionality okay yeah this one should be all right you can move to the next one we save it and this one is done come back again and we have just the final one government app okay it asks I think one question is your app developed by or behalf on behalf of a government no it's not it's just created by me on behalf of Me Okay save it and come back again I think now as you can see there is nothing that needs our attention here all of the things are are actionate so as you can see here we I hope we do not have any problem now after you are done with app content you have to go up here and come to production so this is the thing uh that the section we need so we are almost in the last part of this video all right so here we need to create a new release so I want to create new release so this is basically kind of similar to creating a release for internal testers but not this is not for internal testers this is for uh publishing okay you can hear upload a new app bundle file if you want but I don't want that I already have a bundle file because uh a while ago we uploaded to here in internal testing so there is already an app bundle file I want to use that one okay because I did not updated my application at all so I can select add as you can see here add from library here as you can see we have one app bundle the one we actually uploaded a while ago add to release now as you can see it is here it is similar to that one and there's a release name you can change change this name to whatever you want just in order to kind of different differentiate your release from other releases all right so after that you can write some release notes I'm not going to write any release notes here because this is just kind of first release of my application if when you update your app you can add some information about the updates or bug fixes just right here all right next I want to save next and then we have errors okay the errors is because we did not set up the store listing at all as you can see your app cannot be published yet complete steps listed on dashboard okay error at the full description to save no countries or regions have been selected basically what it is asking us is to come down here if you come scroll down there is a store presence section okay there there's a main store listing this one if you tap on it it will open up the uh what is the the section for you to fill out so that your application has description screenshots and logos and stuff like that all right so first of all we start with the name okay our name is good that's B that is that's the name I want to go so and the next one you need to go you need to give it a short description that is also required everything that has this kind of star Mark that is required I already write the description short description and long one as well so just in order to save us time I already right write down a description okay I want to paste it here a minimalist thicker counter app to remember a lot every year everywhere you go okay that's just this uh short description and this is the long description as you can see here okay as you can see here it's it asks us full description so okay I want to copy all of this one okay and something like that and I want to come down here and put it here as you can see I have short description okay let me close this one I have a short description and full description um filled now we need our images for example you know when you download an application you can see they there are screenshots of the application it basically shows what the application looks like okay what the what con what kind of content that app has and things like that the first one is app icon so we need to add our applications icon so let me actually find my app icon so where where was it okay I might I might need to skip the video a little bit until I find my logo okay okay now I have my app logo ready to be uploaded so not App Store Play Store okay if I put that so now we should be good to go as you can see it gets accepted so that should be please remember it should be uh up to one megabytes and that Dimension should be 512 512 okay the next one is feature graphic so I'll show you the one I created for myself okay here so this is the feature graphic I created for my application as you can see it's kind of it says the app name and what it is and kind of some little bit of banner ad for my application in Play store okay I want to close it so and this should also have a specific Dimension I want to show you the dimension of it as you can see it is uh 10 24 by 500 okay so if I drop it drag it drop it here it should get accepted let's check it okay now it's done so we move to the phone screenshots part here I already have phone screenshots and as you can see I have six of them you can actually upload up to eight or is it eight yeah eight it should be at least two and maximum eight phone screenshots and each one has to be until eight megabytes as you can see here down here it's written and it it requires you uh to have images with certain Dimensions as well so please check out the dimensions here and make sure your screenshots are in that Dimension okay I want to drag all of it and drop it here okay drop them here if I wait for it okay now it is good I want to change the order okay I wanna actually put that dark one first probably something like that okay how about okay let's put okay okay I think it's good and put it here something like that and there is another one tablet we need it's also required as you can see it has a star sign so we need to give that uh screenshots as well I want I want to actually use the same screenshots for this one as well I will drag and drop it here you can use tablet size screenshots as well but usually this this the same dimensions should be okay for this one as well so I'll change the order again okay and the next one for 10 inch tablet screenshots and I'll use the same screenshots again so usually it's better to use screenshots specific to that kind of uh device you know instead of using the same screenshots but for this kind of uh tutorial purpose I want to use the same screenshots oops that like that this one and this one and this one okay I think I we have one more probably yeah Chromebook and this is optional you can add if you want if you don't want it you can just skip it okay I'll just add to this one as well so okay I think we are good now everything is set up we save it and after we are done with it we can come to Store settings if you check that there there are some tags you can add to your application okay this is for search engine purpose so it's better to add some tags so I want to add some tags okay now I selected my tags so basically you can select the text like this based on your application I actually selected here as you can see down here I selected meditation religious text and self-help so that should actually represent your application's content okay and then after selecting it you can select apply press on it okay here as you can see on top on the right top there is edit if we press on it let's select the category what kind of category our app belongs to let's check out Health Fitness lifestyle maybe lifestyle does it represent our app I think lifestyle should be good okay I'll select lifestyle okay lifestyle okay I saved it and you can close it app lifestyle here as you can see email address phone number website things like that okay let's add it email address for email address I'll add the same email address [Music] you see guys this is kind of you know uh this takes time usually you have to try it and see it for yourself so phone number phone number is not required if you want you can add it so I'm not going to add it so email is required that's enough so for for my website um okay I will add this one this is actually shot from is my website okay website's URL so that's it this should be all right let's save it after that we can close it so what else I think for this one we are done and let's go back again to the same production and edit release so again next one everything is set here if we come one more error okay I think this is the last one no countries or regions have been selected okay we need to select countries for our uh application okay when you when we come to here uh there is countries and regions all right so we need to tap on it and here you can add countries and regions so you should add you should make sure that your application is available to the countries you want so here I want to select all countries so it's just a simple application I can just make it available for everyone in the world so I'll save it as soon as I save it hopefully we are done with this one I want to edit the release and tap on next again if we check here now we don't have any error at all okay so there is one warning so so you can just ignore it usually with flutter application there is always one uh one or two warnings so that's that's nothing to worry about now everything is set now we can actually save it okay now we saved it as you can see the release is here and it's done and it it it says ready to send for review okay so we can go to publishing overview here and there okay what is it control uh when changes are sent for review on publishing over here okay you can just skip it you can read it if you want so it's something new they added recently I guess go to publishing overview so here if you if you want your application uh to be kind of available as soon as it's approved or if you want to make it available after it's approved by yourself then you can actually come to here turn on manage publishing and you can select any of that so the first one is manage publishing on that means you can you have to publish your application by yourself until it's after it's approved okay or if you wanted uh get publish it as soon as it's approved you can select this one manage publishing off okay I will select that one I'll just leave it as it is here as you can see if you if you send these changes to Google for review they'll publish they'll be published automatically as soon as they're approved that's what I said okay so and the next one send 14 changes for review so basically what you need to do you need to tap on this button and then send changes for review these changes will be sent to Google for review manage publishing is off so these changes will be published automatically as soon as they are approved okay let's send it okay let's let's come out here start to roll out okay yeah in review as you can see it is in review so we basically sent it send our application to review so you can wait for it it takes uh it usually takes some time it might take a week or more than that sometimes it might kind of get publish it after a day so it's not kind of fixed usually alright so please be patient especially if you're up if your console play console account is new it might take longer or if you are a kind of already publishing app publishing developer that might kind of get approved quite fast okay okay that's it guys so this is the end of our tutorial I hope you find this useful if that's the case please consider subscribing to my channel and also smash that like button okay see you in the next video
Channel: Shohruh AK
Views: 28,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flutter, flutter dev, coding, programming, mobile development, android app, ios app, web app, web development, frontend developper, mobile applications, flutter coding, how to code, how to create flutter, flutter widget, flutter functions, cross-platform application, flutter website, javascript, html, css, python, docker, react js, dart, dart and flutter, deploy flutter, flutter google play, developper life, Shohruh AK, shoha dev, publish flutter app on play store
Id: ieOdT-p603Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 2sec (2822 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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