Packet Tracer - Troubleshooting Serial Interfaces

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to see the packet race or activity troubleshooting serial interfaces here we can see our a crossing table also our objectives in this packet race or diagnose and repair of the physical layer the detailing layer on the network layer also we will go through the scenario here you have been asked to troubleshoot a van connection for a local telephone company the telco router should communicate with the four remote sites but none of them are working use your knowledge of the OSI model and a few general rules to identify and repair the errors in the network coming to part 1 diagnose and repair the physical layer in that step 1 diagnose and repair the cabling examine the addressing table to determine the location of the DCE connections coming to the addressing table here we can see that in the side of a telco we can see this interfaces all how is VCE each a serial connection has a DC e and a DTE connection to determine if each telco interface is using the correct and correct end of the cable a look on the third line of output following the show controllers command we are going to give this command to show controllers the interface type and interface number so reverse any cables that are incorrectly connected in a real network settings the DCE which you sets the clock rate is a typically a csu/dsu device coming to the topology our router a telco CLI here we can see different types of interfaces show IP interface brief and - here we can see serial 0 / 0 / 0 serial 0 / 0 / 1 serial 0 / 1 / 0 and the serial 0 / 1 / 1 right so now we are going to give the command so controllers to serial zeros now 0/0 first of all we are going to verify this interface yes here we can see that the third line it's showing DCE right now we will give the next interface serial Ciro's now 0/1 coming the third line yes it's DCE now we will come to the next interface that 0 / 1 / 1 here we can see it's not DC each shows it is a DTE so we must change disconnection from DTE to DC e next we will give su ro / 1 star 0 & 2 we will verify yes here we can see it's DC e coming to the topology here we can see the interface serial zero stars 1 / 1 and here we can see the clock rate on the side of our 4 should be in the side of this telco so we are going to reverse the connection so what I am going to do here is we will delete this connection coming to connection here we are going to select a serial DC e we will start from this telco serial 0 / 1 / 1 - serial 0 / 0 / 1 now we will check the yes/no we can see clock set to telco coming to step to diagnose and repair incorrect a port connections examine the etre sync table to match each router thought with the corrected telco port hold the mouse over each wire to ensure that the wires are connected as specified if not correct the connections coming to the topology here we can see this interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 and other side on our one here we can see serial 0/0 star zero it's correct and coming to the next connection its serial 0 / 0 / 1 and coming to our 2 side here we can see it 0 / 0 star 0 yes but here we can see it should be connected to the interface serial 0 / 0 / 4 1 so here we can see this connection is I mean that this connection connected incorrectly so we must change tools we are going to click here until we are going to connect 2 serial 0 / 0 / 1 yes and coming to the next connection its serial a 0 / 1 star 0 another society we can see serial 0 / 0 0 yes it's correct on R 3 and coming to the last connection serial s 0 / 1 / 1 - serial 0 / 0 / 1 on r4 yes it's correct coming to step 3 a diagnosis under repair ports that are shut down show a brief interface summary of each router ensure that all of the ports that should be working are not administratively down enable the appropriate ports that are administratively down coming to the topology itself we can identify this connection from tell code to our throw is down and all other three connections are up so we have to verify this connection coming to telco here we are going to give show IP interface brief and here we can see the details so we can see serial 0 / 0 / 0 is up protocol also up coming to 0 0 / 0 / 1 it's up and here we can see serial 0 / 1 / 0 is down and we can see portal also down it's not administratively down in simply down so we have to check the other side we have to go to r3 show IP interface brief and here we can see that serial 0 / 0 / 0 here we can see it's administratively down yes so we must enable this interface now coming to the configuration we have to go to that interface that is serial 0 / 0 / 0 configure terminal interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 and we have to give the command inertia tone yes here we can see interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 changed state to up now we will come to party to diagnose and repair the detailing layer in that step 1 examine and set chlorates on DCE equipment all of the DC cables should be connected to telco yes that already we have done and we verified so the running configuration of telco to verify that a cooperate has been set on each interface set the clock rate of any serial interfaces that are requisite coming to the router telco CLI here we are going to give the command show running config oops we will go to enable and here we will get the command show running config and we will verify the interfaces 0 0 / 0 / 0 yes here we can see that here we can see its prorate set turn Tilak but here we can see the default one broke right the 40 lakh and for this interface it's 40 lakh so we will let change this clock rate of serial 0 / 0 0 interface from this 20 lakh to 40 lakh coming to the last interface interface serious euro / 1 / 1 here we can say it's 20 lakh so we will change these two interface right from 20 lakh to 4 like coming to the configuration configural we will go to the interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 and we will set the cloak rate yes I know we will go to the next to interface interface serial 0 / 1 / 1 and we will set the clock rate yes no we will verify the clock rate on all these interfaces show running config and here we can see that CDL 0 / 0 / 0 yes and silver 0 / 1 / 1 now we will come to step to examine the encapsulation or DCE equipment all of the seal interfaces should be using hdl-c as the encapsulation type examine the protocol setting of the serial interfaces so we are going to give this command show interface than interface type than interface number change the encapsulation type to hdl-c for any interface that is a set otherwise we will check all the interfaces so we will establish a telco CLI here will give we will give the command show interfaces serial 0 / 0 / 0 and here we can see that encapsulation hdl-c I will come to serial 0 / 0 / 1 and here we can see encapsulation hdl-c next we will give a 0 / 1 / 0 here we can see its encapsulation is hdl-c and coming to the last ones serial 0 / 1 / 1 yes here also it is correct now we will check with other or routers however not to our three and for coming to our one enable show interfaces serial 0/0 star 0 her agency encapsulation is hdl-c coming to our to CLI enable show interfaces serial 0 / 0 / 1 interagency encapsulation is hdl-c coming to our three enable show interfaces serial 0 / 0 star 0 here also we can see encapsulation is hdl-c and coming to the last router our for show interfaces CDLs 0 / 0 / 1 here we can see the encapsulation is a PPP now we are going to change this encapsulation type from PPP to hdl-c in this router are for coming to our for cl i configure terminal we have to go to that interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 and here we are going to give an encapsulation hdl-c coming to packet 3 diagnose and repair the network layer step 1 verify the IP addressing show a brief interface summary of each router check the IP addresses against to the addressing table and ensure that they are in the correct subnet to be they are connecting interface correct any IP addresses that overlap or are set to the house to our burka such as first of all we will verify in the router or telco CLI here we are going to give the command show IP interface brief and here we can see beatrice details we will match with our crossing table here we can see the interface serious eroznowski rose now zero the actress is 6400 or 30 4.17 yes it's correct in the addressing table coming to the serial 0 / 0 / 1 the atrocity is a 64 dot 100 or 30 4.21 here we can see that coming the next interface serial 0 / / 1 / 0 64 130 4.25 yes it's correct and coming to the last interface serial 0 / 1 / 1 64 or 134 or 29 so here we can see that yes it's correct now we will check with other or routers coming to r1 so IP interface brief and here we can see the archers 64 130 4.17 it should be 1834 dot 18 so here we can see for this interface so serial 0 / / 0 / 0 in this router r1 the IP address is assigned incorrectly so we must change this actress now we will verify on r2 CL I'm here we are going to give a show IP interface brief it's 34 dot dot 22 yes it's correct now we will come to our throwing show IP interface brief here we can see it's 34 or 26 yes it's correct coming to r4 show IP interface brief steady 4.30 yes it's correct now we will correct the IP address in this router our configure terminal we have to go to the interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 and here we are going to give it the IP address 64 dot on Trudeau 34.2 18 now you have to give you the subnet mask - now we will verify this show IP interface brief and here we can see that coming to the last step of verify connectivity between all outers we will ping from this attack or outer to this routers r1 r2 r3 and r4 one by one coming to telco here we are going to give the ping command to the router r1 here is the actress yes Kroy we can see success rate is hundred percent now we will ping to r2 the actress is 34 22 yes the success rate is hunter % now we will ping to r3 it's 34 dot 26 yes it's 100% and finally to the router r4 it's 30 yes it's hunter percent will have that's all in this packet race or activity troubleshooting serial interfaces here we can see completion status 100 500 firms if you have any doubt in this packet race or activity please comment below also if you like my video give a thumb and run forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get the latest uploading video info into our Gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 23,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Serial Interfaces
Id: 2_SYunh5-NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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