Packet Tracer - Troubleshooting PPP with Authentication

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to see the packet race or activity troubleshooting PPP with the authentication here we can see our être sink table also we will go through the objectives of this packet tracer activity in part oven diagnose and repair the physical layer in party to diagnose and repair the data link layer and in Part III diagnose and repair the network layer also we will go through the scenario here the routers at your company were configured by an inexperienced the network engineer several errors in the configuration how resulted in connectivity issues your boss has asked you to troubleshoot and correct the configuration errors and the document your work using your knowledge of PPP and standard testing methods find and correct the errors make sure that all of the serial links I use PPP CH ap authentication and that all of the networks are reachable the passwords are Cisco and class we will come to path to one diagnose and repair the physical layer step 1 diagnose and repair the cabling examine the adjusting table to determine the location of the all connections variables are connected as specified then diagnose and repair any inactive interfaces coming to the topology here we can see device and their interfaces are one gigabit a third 0 / 1 then Assyrian interfaces coming the router r2 Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and the sealy interfaces and coming to are through e Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and seal interfaces so you will verify you one by one coming to r1 here we can see this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 this is CDLs euro / 0 / 1 we have to verify that yes it's correct and other side we can see serial 0 / 0 / 0 then coming to this interface it's 0 0 0 0 0 and other side 0 0 0 0 yes it's correct and coming to this chin here we can see cedar 0 / 0 / 1 & 2 other side 0 0 / 0 / 1 also we can see gigabit ethernet it's a 0 / 1 and here also we can see it's a gigabit 1/3 0 / 1 by absorbing this topology here we can see all the interfaces are inactive here we can see that so we are going to activate all these interfaces first we will start from r1 CLI password Cisco enable password is class configure terminal now we'll go to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and we will give no command now we will go to interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 and we will give no command and now we will go to the interface a serial 0 / 0 / 1 and we will you know should command now we will go to the next router that is so r2 here we can see two interfaces we must activate serial 0 / 0 / 0 and the serial 0 / 0 / 1 here we can see gigabit ethernet interface is already activated coming to r2 c ll i password is cisco enable password is class configure terminal we will go to the interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 no shutdown and to the next interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 no town now we will go to the device art 3 cisco enable password is class configure terminal we will go to the interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 and we will give no command and going to the next interface the serial 0 / 0 / 1 no shutdown and we will go to the gigabit ethernet also interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 no shutdown coming to the topology here we can see no all the interfaces are active now we will come to party to diagnose and repair that I telling layer in that step 1 examine and set clock rates on the DCE equipment examine the configuration of each router to verify that a cooperate has been set on appropriate interfaces set the clock rate of any CD interfaces that requires it no we will verify that the appropriate has been set or not on all these appropriate interfaces first of all we will verify on r1 here we can see at the DCE site the interface serial 0 star 0 star 0 so we will verify that show controllers serial 0 / 0 / 0 and here we can see it's DC and to operate 6 4 0 0 0 now we'll check it on r2 on the interface serial Siro / 0 / 1 show controller serial 0 / 0 / 1 here we can see it's a DC e connection and here we can see the clock rate is 20 lakh so this is default clock rate so we have to change this to operate in this or router r2 also we will verify on r3 show controllers serial 0 / 0 / 0 as yourself we can see that DC inside yes it's a DCE clock rate is a six four zero zero zero yes it's correct so we have to set a clock rate only on the device are two for the interface eth0 / 0 / 1 coming to the router are to configure terminal we have to go to the interface serials euro / 0 / 1 and we have to set the clock rate six four zero zero zero now we will come to step to examine the encapsulation on the DCE equipment all of the serial interfaces should be using PPP as the encapsulation type change the encapsulation type to PPP for any interface that these are set otherwise we will let's start from our one CLI here we are going to give the command show interfaces first of all we will check on a serial as 0 so R 0 so R 0 and here we can see its encapsulation is hdl-c so for this interface interface we how to change this encapsulation type from hdl-c to PPP now we will verify on serial 0 / 0 / 1 on our run here we can see it's correct encapsulation type is PPP so in this router r1 we have to change encapsulation type PPP for this interface serials euro / 0 / 0 now we will come to r2 so interfaces we will give serials Roslin scrolls are 0 & 2 here we can see encapsulation PPP as it's correct now we will go to serial as 0 / 0 / 1 note controllers we have to give show interfaces serial 0 / 0 / 1 & 2 here we can see the encapsulation is a type is hdl-c so here in this router r2 we have to give encapsulation type PPP for the interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 coming to the last router art free so interfaces serial 0 / 0 / 0 - here we can see encapsulation given hdl-c we have to change this type encapsulation type for this interface now we will check for the utter one so interfaces serial 0 / 0 / 1 here we can see encapsulation type is correct PPP so coming to router are 3 we have to give encapsulation type a PPP for the interface serial as Siro / 0 / 0 coming to the configuration first of all we will do it to an r1 configure terminal we have to go to the interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 + 2 here we are going to give encapsulation as PPP now we will come to our to CLI configure terminal here to go to the interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 and encapsulation type as PPP and - finally we'll go to r3 configure terminal we have to go to the interface serial co-star 0/0 and the encapsulation type as PPP now we will come to step three examine and set CH ap usernames and passwords examine each link to verify that routers are logging into each other correctly all CH ap passwords are set to Cisco use the debug PPP authentication command if needed correct or set to any usernames and passwords that need it now we will examine CH AP username and passwords first of all we will come to our 1 & 2 here we will give a show running config and you will verify that here we can see username for r2 password Cisco but here we can see did not set for the artery right and we will come to the sill interfaces here we can see serial 0/0 smart 0 here we can see PPP authentication CH AP is not set and coming to the interface 0 0 / 0 / 1 yes PPP authentication PAP yes so we must change this PAP to see H ap now we will verify on the router r2 so you are going to give a show running config will check for the user name and password yes here we can see that user name are a loved one oh yes so here they set the user name incorrectly it should be r1 not r11 so we must change this and her username r3 password Cisco as its correct now we will check the seal interfaces here we can see interface serials Rosner 0/0 they set PP authentication CH ap right coming the next intro phase 0 0 / 0 / 1 here we can see that PPP authentication CH AP is not set coming to the last router r3 show running config here we can see the set the username for r1 password Cisco we have to set for the device r2 also now we will come to serial 0 / 0 / 0 here they did not set to PPP authentication CH AP coming to the next to interface 0 0 / 0 / 1 here they set a PPP authentication but they said for PAP we have to set for the UC h AP now we will make the changes one by one first of all we will come to the router r1 configure terminal here we are going to set the username r3 password as Cisco now you have it to go to the interface or serial co-star zeros are 0 and we have to set the PPP authentication as CH AP also we have to go to the interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 PPP authentication as CH ap now we will do it on the router r2 configure terminal username r1 password Cisco and we have to remove the username r11 and now we will go to the interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 and we have to set the PPP authentication RC h AP now we will come to the router r3 configure terminal username r2 password Cisco now you have to go to the interface serial 0/0 star 0 and here we have to give a PPP authentication as CH AP and to know we will go to the interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 and here we will give a PPP authentication CH AP now we will come to part 3 diagnose and repair the network layer step 1 verify the IP addressing Sakai P addresses against the addressing table and ensure that they are in the correct subnet with their connecting interface correct any IP addresses that overlap are on the wrong interface have their own subnet address or are said to the host or broker searches okay we will let start from the router r1 here we will use the command to show running config so that we can check the IP address also it's something to mask we have the interface Gigabit Ethernet to 0 / 1 here we can see that coming to Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 yes here we can see that but here we can see no IP address it and here we can see for the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 star 0 they said that IP address so we have to remove this IP address and we have to set for this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 right now we will come to the next interface so that is a serial 0/0 star 0 here we can see the address we will match with our trussing table it's 172 dot a 16.2 0 to 1 and this 7 to mask is but here we can see the subject to mass keys in the addressing table it's 2 5 2 so here the subject to mask they assigned incorrectly now we will come to serial left 0 / 0 / 1 here we can see the IP address 172 Road 16.0 Road 9 yes it's correct and the certain to mask - yes it's correct now itself we will the correct this IP address issues in this router r1 so first of all we have to remove the IP address or for the interface you have a deterrent 0/0 so we have to go to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 and we have to given no IP address now we have to go to the interface you gotta be the third 0 / 1 and we have to set the IP address 10 dot 0 dot 0 dot to mask at face serial 0 0 0 0 here are they given the correct IP address but the certainty to mask is incorrect so we have to set the IP atras 170 2.16 dot zero dot one now we have to set this subnet to mask a correct subnet mask right now we will verify this show running config here we can see yes now it's a saint and - coming to serial as 0 / 0 / 0 here we can see that some - mask is changed now we will verify on our two pursue a Cisco enable password his class here he will give show running config and we will verify each interfaces and their atrás here we can see for the art - we have a Gigabit Ethernet - 0/1 here we can see that but no IP address set so we have to set IP address for this interface G 0 / 1 and coming the next interface interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 the IP at Rossi's 1 7 2 16 0 dot a - yes it's correct and it's something to mask - 5 - yes it's correct coming to the next interface 0 0 / 0 / 1 1 7 2 road 16 dot 0.5 yes it's correct submit to mask - 5 - yes it's correct so only we have to set IP a trust for this interface that you got with the 3rd 0 / 1 as per our addressing table coming to the configuration on our - we had to set IP address for the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 configure terminal we have to go to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 and we have to set the IP address here is that I copied from the addressing table now we have to give the subnet mask to the router are three possibilities cisco enable password is class so here we are going to give the command the show running config and we are going to verify each interface IP address here we can see interface Gigabit Ethernet - 0 / 1 we will check with our addressing table are 300 0.02 one two 9s it's correct something to mask 128 but they given here or 0 so we have to correct this a certain it to mask coming to serial 0 / 0 / 0 1 7 2 dot 16 dot 0 dot 10 1 7 to 16 so you wrote nf6 correct coming to the summit to mass get to 5 - yes it's correct now we will go to the next intro phase 0 0 / 0 / 1 here we can see no IP at Ross set so we have to set the IP address for this interface CL 0 / 0 / 1 this router r3 now we will make the needed changes so in this router r3 configure terminal first of all we will go to the interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 so here are they assigned the subnet mask incorrectly IP answers here is the actress then the subject to mask are they given 0 now we will go to the interface or serial 0 / 0 / 1 here they didn't set the IP address so we are going to set the IP address 172 dotter 16.2 0.6 on this subnet mask - coming to the last step step to verify full connectivity by tracing a path from pc1 & pc2 e to the webserver coming to pc 1 first of all we will ping from pc1 to our webserver ping - or observer here is the actress yes we are getting the replay now we will give the tracer command to our webserver yes trace complete here we can see in this a tracer it goes through from PC 1 to R 1 then through R 2 then to the ISP then to the web server now we will do it from a PC 3 - observer yes we are getting the replay now we will give the trace command tracer to our web server here we can see face it complete here if you observe this at reset command - here we can see the message goes from PC 3 to R 3 then it goes to R 1 then it goes to R 2 then to the ISP and finally to our web server little had that's all in this packet restore activity troubleshooting PPP with the authentication here we can see our completion status are hunted out of hundred friends if you have any doubt in this packet res or activity please come and below also if you like my video give a thump and don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get latest uploading video info interim a thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 16,151
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Keywords: Point-to-Point Protocol
Id: lyTHLRKG-nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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