Packet Tracer - Inter VLAN Routing Challenge

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hi friends welcome tour in this video we are going to see the packet race or activity inter VLAN routing challenge here we can see our a trussing table also we can see VLAN and pot assignments table we will go through the scenario here in this activity we will demonstrate and reinforce your ability to implement interval and routing including configuring IP addresses VLANs ranking and the sub interfaces now we will come to the requirements a sane IP addressing to r1 and the s1 based on the actress ink table so for the r1 and this one here we can see first of all we will come to the device r1 here we can see in our topology right so here we can see the interfaces Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 also we can see the sub interfaces here now 0 slash 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.88 and 1.99 so along that in this r1 we are going to configure inter VLAN routing on r1 based on the addressing table so these two things we will do in this r1 right now first of all we will configure the interface the Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 here we can see the IP address also we can see the circuit to mask right coming to r1 CLI enable configure terminal we will go to the interface we got with the torrent 0/0 and here we are going to set the IP address also submit to mask 2 so we will give this a no shut command now we will go to her a sub interface a Gigabit Ethernet to 0 slash of 1.10 and here we can see the IP address also the subnet mask coming to our one so we will exit and we will go to that interface with the turnit 0/1 or ten or so here we will give the encapsulation dot1q then we have to do the VLAN ID that's ten now we will set the IP address I copied from our dressing table here is that and also the submittal mask at coming to the next SF interface that is Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 dot 20 here we can see the IP address I will copy that also here we can see the subnet mask of so coming to the configuration we will exit an we will go to that sub interface that is so Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 30 20 and therefore we will give encapsulation dot1q then VLAN ID 20 also we will set the IP at Russ here is that also the subnet mask coming to the next year sub interface so that is a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / of 1.30 here we can see the IP address also we can see that a mask coming to the configuration we have to go to that interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1.30 under here we are going to give the encapsulation dot1q 30 also we are going to set the IP address so here is the actress and eSATA mask coming to the next sub interface so that is 0 / 1.88 here we can see the details also here we can see the severe and 88 is the native VLAN so we have to configure in that way so coming to the interface gigabit authority rosa so 1.88 here we are going to give encapsulation dot1q then we have to give that VLAN ID that is 88 also we have to specify make this as native VLAN so we have to give native now we are going to set the IP address so here is the address yes also the subnet mask coming to the last sub interface in this device r1 here we can see the IP address and the subnet mask coming to our one to go to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 slash 1.99 here we are going to give encapsulation dot1q VLAN ID 99 also we have to set the IP at first so here is that on the subnet mask coming to the topology here we can see this a link is it down so we have to make this link up that means so this interface gigabit a third and 0 / 1 and this device r1 so we will go to that interface now we are in sub interface you have to go to the interface a Gigabit Ethernet to 0 / 1 and here we are going to give an ocean command here we can see all the sub interface changed stay to up also we will save all the configurations a copy running-config to start a config yes also we will verify this or show running config and toher we can see the details here we can see each interfaces and its IP yes of interfaces right coming to the next two requirements create name and assign B lands on s1 based on the villain and deport assignment stable ports should be in access mode yes here we can see our Avilan and the port assignments table we have these VLAN real answer 10 20 30 88 and a 99 and if your we can see its name also we have to assign this VLAN to these interfaces so here we can see the details first of all I will create and name these VLANs into our such a s1 enable configure terminal so we will create VLAN 10 under Korea to give the name as faculty bar staff also we have a VLAN 20 and 4 we have to name us students as per our table also we have a VLAN 30 then we have to give the name as specified August default also we have we land 88 name assign a to you also we have a VLAN 99 nameĆ­s management we will verify our VLAN chauvelin brief and here we can see that what were VLAN created yes but here we can see all the ports are in the default VLAN that is VLAN 1 so next we are going to assign these ports into the VLAN according to our our assignments table here we can see that here we can see in our villain and pot assignments table the interfaces faster third at 0 / 11 till 17 is in VLAN 10 so we will configure that configure terminal we have to go to these interfaces so we will give us a range faster third 0 / 11 till 17 and all these ports mode we have to change it to access support the mod as access switch port access a VLAN 10 next to her we can see the interfaces from faster 3rd and 0 / 18 till 24 in a VLAN 20 we will exit and we will go to the interface or range fastethernet 0/1 d4 here we are going to give a support mod as access also support access VLAN 20 coming to the next interfaces here we can see faster third 0 / 6 till 10 should be in a VLAN 30 coming to the configuration we have to give a range of interfaces faster third at 0 / 6 till 10 Suchi port ahmad as access also we have to give a support to access VLAN 30 next to her we can see the interface a gigabit authority ro / 1 in the VLAN 88 as a native right so coming to the configuration we have to go to that interface interface a Gigabit Ethernet the 0/1 and here or the more the is a trunk yes so here we can see that also we have to give a support the trunk and 80 wheel and 88 next we can see interface VLAN 99 that is a management with a 99 so in the beginning itself they told to configure this s1 also are one we done already are one but we did not complete this s1 based on the a crossing table yes here we can see that coming to our addressing table here we can see the details so we have to configure these address and subnet mask for this interface VLAN 99 in this device s1 coming to yes one we will exit and we have to go to the interface VLAN 99 yes here we have to give the IP address here we can see the address holes for the subnet mask so you know should come and now we will come to the next draw requirements a configure s1 to chanc allow only the villains in the VLAN and put a same in stable yes so here we can see the interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 which is connecting to r1 we already made this interface as trunk and two coming to the next requirements configure the default gateway on s1 in our dressing table here we can see the default gateway of s1 for the interface VLAN 99 here we can see that so coming to yes 1 we will exit here we are going to give IP default the Gateway here is that coming to the next two requirements all ports are not assigned to a VLAN should be disabled yes your on this port assignments table itself we can see the interface has started from 0 / 6 and to be used all other interfaces are till 24 and here we can see we used only 1 Gigabit Ethernet interface so we will check in our switch I will give show IP interface brief and here we can see one more Gigabit Ethernet interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 2 also we can verify this with the help of a show VLAN brief and here we can see that here we can see the interfaces which are not assigned to the VLAN beaches are created here and here we can see fasterthan are 0 / 1 till 5 also the interface Gigabit the third 0 / 2 is still in VLAN 1 that is in default to VLAN here we are going to disable these interfaces well configure terminal we have to go to the interface we will go as a range of interfaces faster turret or 0 / 1 till 5 also we have 1 Gigabit Ethernet that is a 0 / 2 and here we are going to shut down these interfaces coming to the next requirements a configure inter VLAN routing on r1 based on the a crossing table yes so that we have done in the beginning itself and to finally verify connectivity r1 s1 and to all pcs should be able to ping each other and the Cisco dot PKA server we will a ping from each of these to this server Cisco taught PKA or here we can see the IP address of these servers is Gotthard PKA first of all we will do it from pc1 the stop command prompt here we are going to ping tor server yes where we can see we are getting the replay coming to PC to ping tor server we are getting the replay also we will try from PC throwing pinko server we are getting the replay also we will try from Murray's devices s1 and r1 into our server waiting for the replay success rate is 60% and no probes we will let try once more so that we will get hundred percent right now we will come to r1 enable here we are going to ping to our server yes success rate is 1% firms that's all in this packet race or activity inter VLAN routing challenge here we can see completion status one hundred out of hundred runs if you have any doubt in this packet race or activity please comment below also if you like my video give a thump and you don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get latest uploading video info intro Gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 34,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Virtual LAN Routing
Id: QeUUKuxp8sM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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