21 Video Games That REWARD Noobs!

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one of metal gear solid's most famous missions has you being interrogated by ocelot now I say that but in reality this is actually a torture room and you have to Button Mash your way out just to survive for those who make it through you'll be given a bandana that enables infinite ammo a pretty good perk but what about those who suck well if you just give up without trying you reward it with stealth camo granting invisibility for the rest of the game although most of us prefer fighting and that's where punch at we comes into play now don't worry if you suck at boxing for anyone who loses 100 fights in a row not only is that impressively bad but you'll get an exclusive helmet that makes you invincible who knew being terrible at games could be so rewarding another classic is Crash Bandicoot 3 and if you've played this then you definitely remember the dinosaur level these guys are straight up hunting you down and for anyone who's bad at the stage they'll easily catch up and destroy you but for those who are absolutely awful there's a chance to run into the tiny pterodactyl that should end the game instantly however this little guy takes you to a secret level instead you can literally only find this by sucking at the game and is full of so many bonus items then again Crash Bandicoot is known for being difficult but when it comes to Doom 2016 it's just about kicking back and slaying demons so I will absolutely judge you for being terrible especially those players who see a giant pit of lava and somehow fall into it now on the bright side the developers made an exclusive cut scene just for the noobs nice try sure you died but at least you got a nice Terminator reference on the way down another fiery pit that rewards you can be found in Borderlands 2 everyone knows you shouldn't trust Handsome Jack yet when you get this secret message from him the objective is pretty simple he straight up tells you that you'll become rich if you go to lovers leap and jump off for players to decide to take his advice you'll find a Marauder already there who was told the same thing I'm going to be rich the game is now basically telling you hey don't jump look what just happened to that guy pretty much any smart player would walk away at this point but any Noob who takes the leap of faith is in for a massive reward 12 ridium the best currency in the game maybe you prefer something more light-hearted and if so then Kingdom Hearts 2 is the perfect answer do not be fooled though just because goofy is walking around doesn't mean it's easy this game could get super hard at times especially when it comes to the boss battles and yeah while you might get your ass kicked over and over again there is a benefit to sucking after you die just click I won't give up and you'll summon King Mickey to take over the fight now this guy is ridiculously power ful and damages bosses way more than Sora in fact it's one of the only ways to play as Mickey Mouse in a game about Disney you just got to be bad at it but what if you're straight up dumb instead now in the Fallout games you get to choose your character's traits maybe you want to be strong or have a ton of Charisma yet one characteristic barely anyone touches is intelligence most of us would throw at least a couple points in here but you'd have to be terrible to completely ignore this you up having a tiny IQ and it seriously damages your playthrough not only do you get less skill points every time you level up up but some NPCs can't understand a word you're saying yeah you basically lost your brain luckily this can be a good thing too if you're willing to look past all the downsides you can easily recruit op characters like arcade Ganon just because he feels bad for you honestly that's got to be the most backhanded reward I've ever seen although one of my favorite benefits is back in Metal Gear Solid there's a point in the game where you're captured and have to figure out an escape plan now most players solve this puzzle pretty fast you could just simply hide under the bed but if you take forever to work out how to escape AP the guard will run to the restroom and oton will sneak some ketchup into your room now you're probably wondering how a condiment is going to break you out of jail but in a shocking twist snake lays on the ground and sprays it all over him to fake his own death immediately the guard rushes in now giving you an easy exit sure hiding under the bed would have had the same effect but sucking at the game gave a way cooler Escape Route now I have no idea who is this bad at Crash Bandicoot 2 but in the first level they make it as easy as possible to learn the game and this includes the location of the main crystals that are basically right in front of you if you somehow Miss three of these the developers will be so shocked that they'll hand you a passive aggressive Trophy and that's not the only platformer to take pity on you in Super Mario 3D World if you're struggling real bad and get five deaths in a row the devs will actually help you out a white version of the Tanuki suit spawns for Mario and this thing is seriously overpowered you become entirely Invincible for the rest of the level letting you complete it with ease just for being horrible at the game now when it comes to LA Noir the whole point is for you to become the greatest detective in Los Angeles you sol so many crimes that you get promoted through the ranks quickly but what if you straight up suck at your job instead by hitting innocence destroying property and just being an allout criminal you'll get penalties if you're fing almost $50,000 you'll be labeled a public menace and even rewarded with an achievement although the last place i' expect to be rewarded for sucking is inside of Dark Souls getting destroyed is the whole point of the game they almost never help you out well that's unless you're fighting the pursuers in Dark Souls 2 at one point you're approached by two of them at once which is absolutely Terri terrifying because they're so strong the worst skilled players will just die on the spot but I actually recommend this the pursuer will curse stab you and then walk away assuming you've died this means there's now one less enemy to fight and confident players would have totally missed this now with games like Call of Duty even people with a low skill could have a great match and this is especially true in the OG modern out there which drops grenades with you respawn yeah it actually paid to suck back then and that rule also applies to Prince of Persia the Forgotten Sands I got to admit we've all played a game before and realized the difficulty was just a little too high for us and if you're sitting there thinking I've never done that you're either lying or it's just a matter of time before you do for any bad players in Prince of Persia they'll change the difficulty mid game only for the devs to roast them sure you're getting humiliated but our little secret is also free gamer score so who really wins here well if if you're playing Yakuza then it's definitely not going to be you during one of the bar fights you have to hit QuickTime events otherwise you'll begin to lose now most of us would obviously want to avoid this but if you suck you've got no choice you're probably going to miss them except in this fight getting defeated isn't all that bad now earning an achievement is one thing but in Super Mario Bros we you know you're bad when Luigi becomes the star usually my man's just the sidekick but for anyone who fails a level over and over again a Green Block will suddenly appear this is the super guide and by hitting it you'll turn into Luigi who straight up completes the entire level for you a less familyfriendly game is Devil May Cry 3 and as a hacking slash there are plenty of enemies you can take out although if you're terrible and either hack or slash you'll find yourself dying a lot fail three times in a row and the devs will offer you easy mod just to put you out of your misery there's even an option to make combo simple allowing you to pull off some of the hardest moves with a single button I don't even know how to feel about this one another great game is Cave Story and there's a character named Professor booster who you could save later in the campaign except instead of rescuing him he hands you an unfinished jetpack for your efforts and then just gives up and dies but for any players who somehow ignored him and just carried on with their day Professor booster survives and hands you complete a jetpack later in the game now this lets you access a hidden level fight a secret boss and even get one of the best endings out there come on this one just isn't fair okay so ignoring someone doesn't mean you're the worst player but in South Park rally if you play the Thanksgiving level and somehow get zero turkeys you're going to get roasted for it now I don't even know how you do this unless your controller died or you went AFK but by losing the round you'll unlock Starvin Marvin along with this car a secret character just because you got zero turkeys yeah makes total sense and over in lundra there's a statue you can talk to and he only responds to the worst players out there by dying over 20 times in your playthrough not only are you terrible but you'll be able to get a secret item from the King statue he'll hand over a legendary sword and I am not joking when say this pretty much one shots every enemy out there and those were games that reward you for sucking it's been Sammy keep it here on t5g
Channel: T5G
Views: 455,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video games, 21 Games That REWARD You For Sucking!, new video games, video game secrets, video game easter eggs, gaming easter eggs, gaming secrets, secrets gaming, easter eggs gaming, best new video games, video games new, best games, best video games, best video game easter eggs, new video game easter eggs, video game rewards, secrets, easter eggs, new, gaming, update, video
Id: 1DZ2n0tJBFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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