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hello my dear friends welcome to my channel today I have an ambitious goal of teaching you 100 American phrases these phrases are for everybody who's already intermediate and above in their English language so if you're interested to get ready get your exercise books and ride those phrases down or beat with me it's gonna be a very intensive class today a very intensive video [Music] phrase number ones stay out of trouble don't get anything that could lead to problems stay out of trouble stay out of trouble another way of saying that is to say don't do anything I wouldn't do so when you are in a situation think what I would do in that situation and do the same thing don't do anything I wouldn't do you're pushing your luck means you're taking too many risks and you might fail because of that you're pushing your luck you have your head in the clouds which means that you are not seeing the situation in a hole and you do not see the risks like you're just walking across the road and not watching right and left you have your head in the clouds get your head out of the clouds and back in the water where it belong let me know this is when you had a conversation and you need additional information you can say let me know when you get it by the way this raises our American but of course you can hear them anywhere in the world in an english-speaking country but many of them are very specific to where I am right now and that's the United States get back to me means respond to me can you get back to me on this question later get back to me get real means when somebody's dreaming about something and you know it's not gonna happen you can tell him get real be realistic let's get down to business you gather together with your company and you just discussing discussing discussing you're like the left start working let's get down to business it was like pulling teeth and if it was a really tough day you can say it was like pulling teeth it was like pulling teeth good to know this phrase can be used in two contexts context number one it's really important to you you want the information and you think somebody who gave it to you it's good to know it's good to know that Washington DC is they get all the United States but the second option of using this phrase is when somebody is for example moving into a new apartment and you're really jealous you can say good and no which means I wish I didn't know that when you don't know the answer you can say who knows when nobody cares about something you can say who cares like there is nobody who would care about this situation who do you think you are oops somebody is acting in an impolite way and thinks he's allowed to do that he didn't say who do you think you are and there is the son who do you think you are you're jars [Music] one of my favorite ones jar of hearts who asked you which means no one asked you sit down and relax who asked you who asked you I'd like to pick your brain this is a phrase that a lot of ambassadors use when we meet them they're like I'd like to pick your brain on your marketing strategy which means I want to know more about your marketing strategy keep me posted this is a phrase that we heard a lot from investors when we just started fundraising and we thought that they really interested and they want to hear back from us in the reality it means we're not interested keep us posted is a kind way of saying that I don't know off the top of my head this is a phrase that you can use when you cannot give the answer straight away and you need to do some research first I suppose just soon a phrase that means that you didn't do your background check or you haven't checked the answer and gave a wrong one too fast without really checking keep them on their toes means don't let them relax make them work hard I am sorry for the mix-up you can say this phrase when you are apologizing for confusing something wait don't tell me when somebody wants to tell you the news but you already kind of know what he's gonna talk about and you want to guess you can say wait don't tell me wait don't tell me I'd be happy to help is a polite way of offering your help you get what you pay for this is when you get a cheap good or a cheap piece of cloth and it's really bad quality you can say you get what you pay for right this way this is a very common phrase somebody comes to visit you and you have a party in your living room and you say right this way please the party is there I can't keep up means you have so much work you're tired and you are falling behind I can't keep up put yourself in my shoes imagine my point of view like if you were me what would you do put yourself in my shoes put yourself in my shoes I have too much time on my hands which means I have too much free time maybe you could give me some extra work basically you can use this race with anything time work to have too much of something in your hands another way of saying that I have a lot on my plate when you're overloaded with desks you can say I have a lot on my plate give me a break stop being so rude still being served Bridget you can say give me a break give me a break when somebody is punishing himself for doing the wrong thing you can say stop being so hard on yourself relax you didn't do anything wrong when you want to inquire how is something going you were wondering how is everything with something how's your family going how's your work going how's your hobby going this is a very common question have you heard the good news something great happened and you want to share it have you heard the good news push back the appointment means postpone the appointment for example you need to change the timing you're asking can you please push back the appointment when somebody is making a lot of excuses for not doing the work on time you can say I don't want to hear that mm-hmm I don't want to hear your excuses I want the result I'm losing it I'm going quick I'm losing it you can hear this phrase a lot in different songs use them going crazy there's too much that I can handle oh man I'm losing it I've lost my touch I'm not as good as I used to be I've lost my touch and I don't know you can talk about work I've lost my touch in typing and typing too slow now I haven't kept in touch with them means you haven't talked to somebody for a while stay in touch is a great way to finish a conversation means you want to hear back from that person please stay in touch you look like a deer in headlights which means you're so scared you're just standing in you're frozen because you're scared you look like a deer in headlights deer-in-the-headlights look can I take a message this is something I hear all the time when it called my doctor's office and he's not there the secretary asks can I take a message for your doctor and another face they're out of office right now which means they walked away they're at lunch or they have a meeting they're out of office right now or another way to say that is they're not available at the moment if you're looking to work as a secretary in english-speaking countries make sure you're writing this raises down they're not available at the moment don't push me you're gonna use this phrase if somebody makes you angry and angry with stupid comments or whatever don't push me dude don't push me don't be so quick to judgment another common phrase when somebody's judging people too fast without digging into the facts you can use this phrase I have a bad feeling about this maybe you just had a meeting and you think they're not gonna take your offer you can say I have a bad feeling about this on the other hand when you just applied for university and you're thinking they're gonna accept you you can say I have a good feeling about this I think they're gonna accept me I can't imagine this phrase is used when something is really awesome or something is above your emotion imagination because it's huge you're like I can't imagine our color matching a little birdie told me means there is a rumor or is something you've heard maybe unconfirmed but you can use the space a little birdie told me you're moving to Los Angeles for example a little birdie told me make time for something means fit it into your schedule I'll make time for yoga tomorrow let me see how I can move the things around yesterday I wasn't a call with a UCLA representative and asked him to have a meeting on Monday and he said he's fully booked but he said let me see how I can move things around maybe he would have time on the schedule to meet me on Monday look out is another way of saying be careful and please learn a lot of these phrases because they can diversify your speech instead of saying oh that's great oh that's good only be careful use the phrases that I'm giving you in this video think fast if you're playing a game and somebody on your team is taking a lot of time to make a decision and the time is right god you're like think fast think fast think fast loosen up is a way of saying relax loosen put something on hold this can be used in two situations first when you call somebody and somebody puts you on hold and asks you to wait this is situation number one can I put you on hold second situation is when you have something and you cannot continue doing this because you will do it later you are putting this on hold you can't be serious it's another way of saying you're kidding me you can't be serious when somebody wants to surpass you in the street you can say go ahead please continue walking surpass me it's no big deal when somebody pushes you in the street and starts excusing himself you can say it's no big deal no worries we'll do is a short way of confirming you're gonna do something somebody asked you can you finish this by tomorrow will do don't put me on the spot imagine that wife and husband are having an argument in front of their guests and later in that evening the wife tells the husband don't put me on the spot means don't tell me off in front of a lot of people watch where you're going somebody walks in the street and there's a dog poop and you don't want them to hit it what were you going what were you going what can I do for you is a very common phrase somebody walks in the office and you're asking what's the reason for their visit what can I do for you it's out of my hands which means you have no control over the situation it's out of my hands somebody else is making decision hands off don't touch it hands off another way of saying wait or hole is hang tight just wait hang tight for a couple days hurry up means be quick come on move faster let's do it hurry up hurry up keep my head above water means you're doing just enough to survive this can also be used when you're talking about your job I'm keeping my head above water means you're doing everything but you're almost failing get out of your comfort zone this is something I tell you all the time get out of your comfort zone talk to native speakers feel stressed but if this will help you improve a lot this means do something uncomfortable for you I can't get the song out of my head very common phrase do you have the situation right when Sun is playing all the time in your head I can't get that song I can't put a face to the name when you don't remember how the person looks like but you remember his name I can't put a face to the name I have some money burning a hole in my pocket very very situation but this is when you have money but do you want to spend you're playing both sides this is a phrase that is used to describe situation when somebody's agreeing with this person and that person and can it make his own mind you're playing both sides no no you're playing both sides we need a talk and this really means we need to talk and this phrase means we need to talk about a bad topic maybe you've failed or maybe you did something wrong We Need to Talk you're killing the mood imagine five friends everyone's having fun and just one guy is like complaining feeling not happy and bringing the mood down in the whole company she's just kind of killing the mood you're killing the mood that guy is killing the mood you went too far means that you offended somebody and that was like too much you went too far I was flattered when somebody gives you a compliment you can say I'm flattered thank you so much I feel really good about it I'm feeling under the weather that's another way of saying I'm feeling sick I'm feeling under the weather you win some you lose some this is an expression used to our cheers somebody up after a failure because yeah there are bad things and they're good things and there are good things and bad things as well did you get it so even when you lose there are good things so the expression is you win some you lose some please have a seat for example you came to getting your American visa or you have an appointment you have an interview in the university and you come and the receptionist tells you please have a seat please have a seat which means sit down and wait for your appointment living beyond your means means spending too much money spending more than you can have one of the phrases that I really like please excuse us very American when you just want to leave the room but you don't want to say oh I have to go and do this this man you're like please excuse us and you just go and people know that you had to go you're all over the place this is a phrase used to describe a person who's doing this this and that and that and can it decide what he really wants to do he's all over the place I have no idea this is a stronger expression than I don't know like where is your bag I have no idea why are you asking me that I have no idea when something is wrong you can say I think there must be some kind of mistake a very common phrase in a lot of TV shows everywhere I think there must be some kind of mistake I think this is wrong don't play dumb with me means don't pretend that I don't know something I have faith in you I have faith in you my darling I have faith in you guys you can do it you can learn all of the phrases you can watch this video two times three times write things down repeat with me but you can do this I have faith in you these are really common phrases and when you watch TV shows and movies you will notice that get your head in the game please be focused please concentrate on what's going on get your head in the game living the dream means that somebody has everything like beautiful car beautiful wise they patience private jet for example living the dream I'm living the dream you pulled a fast one on me you tricked me I don't know just somebody made a joke on you and you didn't get it and somebody laughed at you you pulled a fast one on me I want nothing to do with it you don't want to deal with the situation and you want somebody else to do that I want nothing to do with it I don't want anything to do with him okay I'm watching my hands of this whole situation is another way of saying they do you want to do nothing with a situation it's up to you to subscribe to this channel but I really encourage you guys to do that the red button is below she won't hurt a fly an expression used to describe a person who won't do anything bad he won't hurt a fly we're short on time short on time which means we don't have a lot of time left yes I promised a hundred phrases in under 20 minutes to make it a really compact and really intense class intense video say yes we're short on time I'm actually finishing up the video I think I'll pass is a polite way of saying no I think I'll pass I think I'll pass so glad you can make it this is my last race I'm so glad you can make it guys I'm so glad you're still watching this video means you now know 100 phrases in English that are commonly used in America I'm very proud of you please let me know what is your current level of English because I want to know if you understand everything that I'm saying or not I will leave a link below to a free test please feel free to take it just 30 questions that would let you know where are you with your language and let me know the results below if you're not yet subscribed to this channel the red button is below if you're still watching this video and if you enjoyed the content don't forget to like it's very important for me to hear and see your reaction and I'll see you in the next videos let's keep in touch bye bye
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 1,813,263
Rating: 4.9490876 out of 5
Keywords: english, english language, learn english, linguamarina, marina mogilko, linguatrip, english bro, english speaking, english with lucy, english 101, free english lesson, perfect spoken english, 50 phrases in english, common phrases, american english, englishclass101, english culture, 100 commen phrases, english idioms, english like a native, spoken english, learn english online, advanced english words, 100 english words, 100 difficult words, american english in real life
Id: P4F9n8Q_Fe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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