#208 Three Art Techniques with the SheleeArt Pouring Medium — FANTASTIC Results!

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hey everybody its Karen from our fall collects how are you I'm back from my little mini vacation ready to pour again I guess I'm gonna call this a series because I got my cake spinner again and I think this is the third video where I'm doing this and that's because I'm just curious to see what you can do with spinning with a variety of techniques so today I plan to do a tree ring pour using the shell chart excuse me pour medium I'm gonna do another messy pour and blow out one and then I want to do another flip cup one because the one from the last video and ended up like selling up even more after I turned the camera off and it got some more cells and they weren't a good kind they were like the ugly I think so I ended up scraping that one I do have the results from the other two from that video the first one was this guy here it dried fantastic it's very very bright and blingy it's already sold someone on Instagram bought it from me like immediately so that guy's gone I just need to resin it and get it out to her and then the other one the third one was this guy I'm tempted to keep it because I love it so but I am gonna sell it cuz I can't keep everything so it's this one here to me it looks like muted stained glass it's super pretty I think I might resin this one too because there's not a lot of surface area and throw it up on Etsy if you're interested and then I think I mentioned at some point that I was enamored with blue and I haven't done blue paintings in a long long time so I'm inspired by I didn't film it this one is up on my Etsy shop but it's like my little blue wave and it's basically like teals some I don't know which dark blue that is maybe brilliant blue some Payne's gray it's cool and I'm like I was staring at it like ha I love those colors so that's what we're gonna do today let me get you down I have a big old I know it looks yucky that's because I was experimenting last night with linen canvases it didn't go well so I don't want to talk about it yet but that's what that mess is I haven't I didn't clean it out because it's still kind of tacky there we go that looks pretty good right there some of you were asking me about the dimensions of my Rubbermaid container it is a clothing container and it comes with a big white Snapple and lid but it is 33 inches long by 20 inches wide by 9 we'll call it nine and a half inches deep so it is deep enough to put a cake stand indefinitely like if you're going to use a lazy susan to spin this is a 12 by 12 obviously are gonna move things to make it so that it's got to be on there just right in order for it to spin like that so I think on this one I want to do my flip cup again and give that a go colors recipe all that will come up on the screen most of the colors are very shades of blue blue green and in green basically [Music] and I'm using Amsterdam's titanium white as my cell activator with a strong flow draw and then I did make up titanium white as a color with the pointy medium for the tree-ring pour so let me start by putting my base down and this is my Glidden essentials with like a quarter cup this holds I don't know four cups I made a big batch earth doesn't really hold four cups let me see see - yeah pretty much so I'm gonna put some in the middle here like this anyway this does have some like a quarter cup of GAC 800 in it to help prevent the cracking crazy that's my cell activator we're gonna put a little bit in here maybe a dollop more so barely a quarter of a cup let's go with I have some Payne's grey and this is actually masters touch I tried blix studio collects and Payne's grey and it's more gray than I'd like and this has a to me he's a little closer to true Payne's gray so when I do let me talk about that a second before I continue on so when I do use to paint these are little 3 ounce cups I fill up about 2 ounces and then my little tiny spoon here I put two spoonfuls of color of to paint in here and then give it a mix and then I add water for consistency and give it a mix until I get it so where I like it where it leaves a little bit of a trace before it disappears hopefully that's showing up and I know it's a dark color let me try another color let's take the teal now when I use the fluid acrylics the high flow stuff you just squirt some in you really don't have to do too much I did add a little bit of water to all of these today I just wanted them a little bit thinner but it still leaves a bit of a trace before it disappears like that and I wanted to on mention to you guys to I was even in facetime lesson by the way if you're interested go to my facebook page there's a pin post with all the details of how to sign up for a Facebook lesson where you get one-on-one with me for an hour and a half so pretty good deal anyway and we're talking about consistency and I know I have mentioned before if you're really struggling with consistency and you think you have them all the same close your eyes and stir and you can feel well there's a caveat to the the feel thing too since I paint by feel closing your eyes is a good way but what happens also say you have a cup and it has two ounces of paint like this let's say let's just pretend this has four ounces right and you stir and you're thinking oh this one here is weighed thicker than the two ounce cup really like you're gonna have to if you really want to be sure you're gonna have to change the volume of the four ounce cup maybe pour it and split it into two if you're really struggling with consistency because the the drag of the volume of paint in your cup is going to make it feel like it's thicker then it actually is think of it like swimming when you go into the shallow end of the pool and you hold on to the rail or the edge of the pool and you kick your feet under the water it's quite easy because you're doing it and less volume of water whereas if you go to the deep end and you jump in and your doggy paddling and you just decide to scissor kick the drag on your legs is much harder because of the volume of water it's the same thing when you're stirring the paint if you have a cup with a little bit of paint versus a cup with you know with double the volume it's going to have that same drag so it doesn't necessarily mean that it is thicker so you have to keep that in mind when you're going for your consistency of paint okay that was my texture for the day whew alright but some teal I wanted to get that off my chest before I forgot about it antek renowned blue that's what this bright blue is so I put some of that in there which of my Magnum E's blue lots of different shades of blue a little bit of a yellow green this is by masters touch just a little bit of this for the contrast cobalt turquoise as well oh yeah that looks great I feel like I want something bright one more green light so different shade of green just a little all right that looks pretty good it's like a half a cup you got a cup down blue that's enough paint mmm-hmm I'm gonna add a little more paint to that puddle right there let me make sure the spins it's close you all it kind of nixed the side but it should be alright ready Geronimo want some gloves I had the house to myself for a couple hours it's bliss it is bliss y'all give that a second to settle down I'll probably end up doing a flip and lip if you're new to my channel that's where I'm gonna take the lip of my cup and run it through the paint skim the top and make a design cuz that's my favorite thing to do I'm really curious about the tree-ring pour y'all I'm gonna do that I think on an 8 by 8 see how that turns out alright ready get some lines going in there a lot of paints stayed in my cup let me grab a stick and get that out kind of pale I'm gonna run it through that green man some over here oh look at cells on my stick so cool all right I like that have some negative space in the middle of all that all right last time I think I stretched it out a little bit to get to the corners do I want to do that or just give it a spin let's give it a baby spin and then I'll see whoa weird that big blue blob come from the sides I'm gonna grab my squeeze bottle I don't feel like using that four quart container so I'm just gonna pour some into my squeeze bottle I think that'll just be easier to deal with there we go and just add a little bit here all right mr. Koerner alright alright let's give it a spin spin spin spin spin there's the paint flinging off feel like I'm at the carnival wow that's pretty Wow one more and then I'm gonna tilt a little my paint I made a little station to put the finished pieces next to my container here Wow maybe I don't have to tilt no no if I still like this really big one there this is gorgeous y'all oh yes yeah I'm just in the mood for these colors maybe I'm just ready for spring you know I'm gonna slide things a little this way and maybe down a little too oh my gosh the layering of colors I'm gonna give this one more spin just cuz I want a little more of this big blue blob to come off let me make sure I lined it up so I have clearance yep all right ready huh I didn't do a very good job did I what on this sounds too close did that do it such a goober there you go just a little bit just opening up the lacing in a little more that big blue went away and I think this is gonna do it yep gonna make sure I don't have a lot of paint left that's just really I don't know what it looks like but I'll take it it is really pretty colors man and the way the lay scene went in some of the areas really really pretty but this is me being greedy hold on yeah I just put that in the middle you see that I'll get up close at the end but there's the first one and see like how the colors merged like in that corner I love that great lacing really pretty cells hopefully it doesn't change too much I'm gonna set it off to the side let me move my bottle out of the way there's number one pretty happy first try it's always a bonus move this guy coming out I I'm stopped using my tape and and stuff to hold my canvases I found that the the paint on here it gives enough suction that it doesn't really fly off so I don't have to worry about it alright number two let's do the tree ring for because I'm dying to see I think and I've had a lot of requests to do a triggering core with the Shelby oratory medium so let's go so this is I'm an eighth inch just a board panel I'll tape ready to go I'm gonna go a little smaller just because you know I've never done it before and don't want to waste the paint if it turns out horribly so there's that guy and so I'm not gonna use the cell activator because I don't want cells right for a tree rapport so that's why I made up the white with this so we're just gonna layer some colors in a cup I know that's too close the green the dark blue the medium blue I'm forgetting the white that's this one white this is not so activator white this is just titanium white with the intended house paint white Payne's gray I like green now maybe the turquoise I used all the colors let's do white again and then I'm gonna end with the light blue no it's a tea Oh actually my daughter'll and with teal all right debating whether or not I need a puddle this has a little no this is pretty smooth a little puddle to help a fly around just give it just a little puddle something like that all right I want to turn it like this let's make a little point hold on one second guys oh yeah my hair let my hair go out and it's driving me crazy and I have my headband here to hold it back for like blowing blooms and stuff I'm gonna throw this on my head and keep my hair out of it out of the paint oh my gosh a million times better all right here we go I'm just gonna start pouring I make Wiggles later just easier no just circles way too much pain Karen yeah at the end all right we Center all that back in the middle a little bit all right you guys ready let's give it a go need some fresh clothes I'm gonna spin that again well if you want perfect symmetry hmm it's spinning it out we'll definitely give it to you so that means I got a record somehow because it was just a little too perfect maybe if you get rid of some of the T at the bottom there it'll look older to me cuz I thought it looked kind of boring well it works it's not my favorite thing in the world I think I think with this pouring medium here's what I see is that the colors blend too much you know that's the I guess the beauty and the curse of the unscented paint as a poori medium is that it does a great job of blending colors without it getting money muddy but for this either I tried again sometime and leave my pouring medium like thicker because when you do it with you know using flow tall or using some sort of glue recipe it needs to be a little thicker to keep the lines and I feel like this is this is just too thin so it kept some of the lines but the colors all like they're not muddy but they're all very very blended so it doesn't have that crisp look it only has it like a little bit here in the middle the good part is if you don't want cells or anything and you want a very clean triggering pore this is definitely will do it I just think you need thicker and even then I worry about the colors blending so much you know it is on tinted paint so that's what it wants to do that's really boring I'm not keeping that that's let's take it it's pre thin on there now I'm gonna put a puddle and I think I'm gonna just do a little messy blow-up instead so bye bye Phil tree-ring poor let's do this instead what takes cool experiment though right like how would we know otherwise I would I would try it again but I do think that my I think my mix is a little too thin since I did add when I say added water it was basically one of these little spoonfuls of water oh that's pretty I like it keep adding colors because I'm so neighbored with them all and that's do alright let's talk let's do some Payne's gray on top maybe a little more because I love me some Payne's gray and then my cell activator all right I'm gonna blow this out with my hairdryer all right well let me take my glasses off before I drop them in there get a little bit sauce I kind of like like to have some of that white as negative space that would be cool oh my gosh the colors y'all so maybe I'm you know what maybe I'm influenced by my trip to Miami no the water you know it's always cool like when I go to Florida the water to me was it was a greenish blue and if you've ever been to any Pacific island like I've been to Maui a couple times the water is like a completely different shade of blue and I just get so mesmerized staring at it all right in just letting things go in the middle and I'm gonna shift everything over a little bit before I spin it I should have plenty of paint I'm loving the Payne's gray oh my gosh it's really stuck I'm gonna slide everything over just a little something like that alright ready to spin let's do it oh my gosh oh my gosh so gorgeous one more time yeah I see the pink still flinging off just let me stare excuse me in the shock and awe of it oh my gosh you guys you want to keep going just for that little spot and we're lamp not finna this little wiggly one more spin I feel like I have a lot of pain on there because I had that other truing pour underneath man I'm loving this this is gonna want me that like go out and find like a really huge container to spin like a 20 by 20 wouldn't that be awesome hmm I get there oh it's almost there with the wigglies I know I'm being greedy last one I promise I know you are yelling at me stop stop it yep I'm done that's done this is just taking a little bit of something and sticking your finger in it right there for color and you are done Oh oh my gosh oh my gosh I love that Wow let me make room on my counter for it what's this little 8x8 oh my gosh let me hold it up for you guys don't drop it yelling at myself already don't mess it up [Music] pretty cold just unreal love that love it love it oh my gosh how do you top that alright well that was my my three techniques tell tree-ring poor we got a really nice flip cup we got a messy blowout and i still have a canvas left i have an 8 by 10 here we ready to go make sure that's like suctioned 1 there into the paint oh my gosh you guys I kind of just want to do it again right yeah I gotta do it again all right maybe I should do um you know like the big ones we were doing like either a swipe or right make it line excuse me I am when I got to Florida uh I'm allergic to grass flowers trees house dust house plants and mold I was just basically I'm allergic to the inside and outside and normally in Virginia here my allergies only bother me in the spring and fall and the second we landed in Miami my eyes watered and teared and I got all froggy like the entire trip I feel fine but man it was annoying like I couldn't wear makeup my eyes were just just teary the entire trip so anyway now that I'm back my eyes have dried up but I'm still like nasally and got a frog in my throat and I apologize anyway so I was saying you guys didn't need to hear about my allergies you know how we do this and we do a line and then we blew it out let's do that with the same colors and we will spin it out appeal kind of love him on this green color looks so great with the teal this is an 8 by 10 I didn't even get to tell you guys my story about um getting out of the speeding ticket I was late meeting a friend who was back from Afghanistan on her R&R people are late like hates it and I was and I'm always five ten minutes late to everything and so I was racing to not be late and I was on the highway and I crested this hill and there was a cop like out of his car with his radar gun and like the second I came over the hill I knew he had me like he knew it I knew it he just kind of like went like that anyway he we and he was like uh you know and I know I think we both know that you were going well over 55 in fact I clocked you at 74 and I'm thinking if you hadn't hit your brakes it would have been faster than that you want to explain yourself to me and I was always very very respectful and he was kind of very stern long story short I was like yeah officer I'm late meeting my friend for dinner she hates it when people are late is this my only chance to see her she's back from the war zone and he was like you know as he should be totally skeptical like really where's he coming from oh yeah we're like like like kind of like a challenge and I was like Kabul he's like uh-huh wait here and then you know handed over my stuff and he went off and imagine more green because I like it even off and you know you're sitting there for like 10-15 minutes what's he doing and I text my friend I'm tell you no we're not having excuse I'm like a cup holder preferred ticket I'm late she's like okay and he finally came back and he's like freaked out like no oh no way sir I'm a good driver pulled over in years he's like no no those are good driving points and I said oh I'm gonna add a scored white to this other side he goes sue do you know what that means and I'm like no idea he's like so that tells me you're either usually very safe and a good driver and then there was a pause and then he said or you just never get caught which is it and I'm like a very safe officer and the one thing that bugged me I mean it was like he was just doing his job and I was you know being really polite um but it was like a rainy day like well it wasn't raining but it was like kind of foggy and it was Twilight like the Sun had already set but it wasn't quite dark yet and he was wearing like the mirrored Ray Bans so I couldn't see his eyes and it just that just freaks me out like I want to see your eyes anyway that was suicide story so it was like kind of discombobulated because I couldn't see his eyes but um he's like he said so you're telling me you're safe you guys cuz you know this is a pretty big fine otherwise like yes sir because go on your way slow down and thank your friend for her service and I was like oh he let me go and of course ever since then I'm altra paranoid driving around like you know 52 to 55 and I told my friend that she got me out of a ticket she was pretty she thought it's pretty funny anyway all right let's blow this out knock hi air medium air this time [Music] Wow I left really wide gaps of weight at night all right push up my sleeves take off my glasses okay I can lean against this got my apron on yeah we got some little spots of color but that said of a second so this would be the last one y'all and we'll see how this does yeah it's still all pulling back into the middle oh the the fine for speeding - on the highway I was on it was like some ridiculous amount of money - so I was ultra grateful because it was like five hundred and eighty six dollars and I was like oh my god so yeah very very lucky very grateful all right it's still like sucking in where I was blowing on it kind of hard but I'm gonna go for it ready one two three huh I like parts of it it's got a lot of drama in the middle let me give that another spin I don't make the middle I do not like the middle it's like yeah I love the sides I loved the corners and it's don't like that part let me stare at in a second cuz it's quite a bit of paint to waste if I don't have to I'm keeping it I wax I didn't changing my mind just needed a different orientation I don't think I'm gonna tilt oh my gosh it's really cool cuz the cells get on the sides I'm gonna tilt this I take it back it's pretty cool I think the white negative space Oh oh my gosh come on come on come on you see if I can put it in a little bit in the middle and then I'll be happy yeah let me show you this up close because this is the last one so there's number three really cool loving the colors big old cells in the middle no the sides and then let me pop you down take off my gloves I have a little bit of paint left over I got a like tape stuffing maybe you'll get a bonus video a little bit puppy time so that was number three just got a close-up up hi hmm oh my gosh 46 minutes here's number two really cool super cool and then here's number one well that was cool got to try four different techniques mm-hmm that's a long video sorry fast-forward I tell you at the end mm-hmm I'll see you guys next time please like share and subscribe and uh I'm gonna make a bonus video see you later bye you
Channel: Waterfall Acrylics
Views: 356,063
Rating: 4.8930979 out of 5
Keywords: bloom technique, bloom technique recipe, sheleeart, sheleeartbloom, fluid art, acrylic pouring, acrylic pouring technique, acrylic pour, acrylic pouring for beginners, sheleeart swipe, sheleeart pouring medium, sheleeart style, waterfall acrylics, sheleeart technique, acrylic pouring swipe technique, shelee swipe, fluid painting, wigglz art, tiktus color art, julie cutts, erica hughes swipe, erica hughes, molly's artistry, acrylic painting, flip cup technique, sarah mack
Id: ieVqmuYJdQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 44sec (2864 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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