BEAUTIFUL Autumn Tree Woman Acrylic Swipe Painting | ABcreative Pour Tutorial

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hello everyone this is av creative greetings from very rainy london now today i'm going to take you on a little journey i was asked by several of you to make a sister for my mermaid and my fire woman so that's what i'm going to do today also you are going to witness some of my failures but i hope you're going to enjoy the video anyway hi everyone this is av creative how are you now i'm pretty happy today because here in uk we've just started halftone break so now i have more time for creating now i've received quite a lot of requests for another one of my women you know i've done the mermaid and then the firewoman and i was asked to do one sort of earth related and perhaps an air woman as well so i thought i'm going to combine the earth woman with sort of tree woman and that's what i'm going to do today my earth woman will be however sort of season related is going to be sort of autumn woman as well so i'm planning to do her face and incorporate a tree sort of yeah we'll see so the plan is as follows so this is a 12 by 12 canvas by taser my main mate had a blue background the fire woman it was red orange and yellow and this one since it's going to be autumny uh i'm actually going to paint the background with gold this is my alatosa gold lovely paint this is not the regular brush this is my uh actually my blusher but it's pretty soft so it doesn't actually leave any marks i don't think i have to coat all the background just around the face i'm just planning to make it like a really kind of a rich rich colors a bit of like gustav clint's painting a big gold and shimmer i could of course pour just gold on the background but i want it quicker i want it to be dried faster and also when you just paint the background you use less paint well the background is completely dry now so i'm going to look for the template that i used for my firewoman and for the mermaid as well and i'm just going to try her out here after all they are related so they can have similar profiles can they they are going to be their three sisters so that was the face i drew so if i imagine her somewhere here a bit lower because i want quite a lot of space for the for the branches perhaps this position yeah i think that'll be fine and now i'm tracing her carefully because i want later on to paint message with black just with a pencil and this part here would be for the roots so just the chin and the whole section will be the branches here so i'm not worrying about the rest of the head done so i'm just going to use a small brush and go over the edges with black this is my really small brush i don't have to really worry how thin the line is going to be because i want it actually a bit thicker i'm using mars black by arteza there will be link to all my products in the description it will be absolutely awesome if you could use my affiliate link because then i'll be getting a very small commission at no cost to you and this way you can support my channel so that i can create more videos for you now i'm using a bigger brush slightly bigger brush and my pouring black mix i'll explain my color mixing later on once i get to the colors i just want to do uh do just one or two roots here just paint them quickly i'm trying to seal off this area because i'm going to pour over the whole section here before i start pouring i have to make sure that i'm going to protect certain area which is the outside of her face and all the neck area the rest doesn't really matter so i'm going to do now i am very quickly sketching the outline the transfer paper and i'll cut it out forgive my fingers when you work with black paint you always get some paint under your nails and that's the outside that i need here the hardest part of painting will be the peeling of the tape so i just stuck the tape of it a bit closer to the inside so i want one layer of gold white or black if you know what i mean so i have a black line then a bit of gold and the tape oh sorry in the poll the second part i want to keep intact is this part so again very quick this one is like really rough i actually don't mind if the pore goes a bit lower i think it's fine just here okay so now i'm ready to mix the colors and as i mentioned before this earth tree woman is going to wear autumn colors we are going to use quite a few colors today so we've got lemon yellow we've got burnt under all by otezza got crimson red pale green and then some metallics uh olive that i actually added to the pale green to create a different different shade i also have very nice bronze that at the moment looks like cocoa but it's going to change once it's dry and then on top of that mars black and mars black will be used for swipe i do mention in each episode how i mix my paint like pretty quickly however there's a link to a video over there where you can actually watch it in detail so i use my pouring medium which is 50 of pva glue archival pva glue and 50 of water then i add my paint i would say one third of paint to two-thirds of my pouring medium and later on i just add a dash of cloture and that's it and the consistency you can hopefully see really nice and smooth there's a tiny build up that disappears very quickly i'm going to put my painting a bit higher because with a swipe technique i may have some drips for most of my techniques i don't need to use much paint uh i do understand that if you do a dirty poor flip cup and yes you do need more paint however for most of my techniques you basically don't need too much paint so i very rarely put my painting higher i am adding one drop of coconut hair serum to my black that should create some nice cells and condition her hair i'm joking okay time for the colors what should we start with have some orange because i am i'm actually going to put quite a lot of paint i didn't coat the background before i don't think that was necessary a bit of the bronze once it's dry the metallics should be really really nice that red this is the only cup that doesn't bend so well now i think time for the olive green just imagine a few leftover green leaves okay well okay i think i'm going to just tilt it a bit so the colors move and mix as usual i don't wear my gloves that's just fun touching the paint i don't want to really mix all the colors because i'll end up having everything brown i'm just very gently touching some areas because it's not very comfortable swiping in this direction i'm going to move her towards myself and then i'm going to swipe this way the more i'm thinking um i've kind of thought maybe if i swipe with black it will be too dark so how about just a bit of black and a bit of brown instead the edge okay where's my swiping tool just a bit of a napkin i'm going to spray it so that's it's not completely dry and it adheres nicely so this will be easier wow look at all that isn't that amazing oh i love it okay now don't want to spoil it oh that's so beautiful oh that's a lot of black here but i still think it's pretty amazing okay that leaves me with this small section just here wow that's pretty cool oh my goodness i do know i have a bit of a gap here i can fix it in a minute wow i actually love this black and brown here i think we missed some some parts here which doesn't actually matter because i'm going to draw lots of branches i could just fix it really quickly i wonder how much the tape go okay i still have some space just absolutely love it okay so now a little back here this will be it's a bit of a fiddly job maybe i should use my spatula now and then drop here cool oh i think that's pretty impressive isn't it goodness me okay so that will be the end of part one we'll have to wait till she's dry and then i'm going to add the branches well here she is completely dry i'll show you the metallics from clothes this was the bronze i still love the sails however if i'm going to be honest i'll say this is one of those moments and fortunately it doesn't happen too often that i kind of not sure what this is leading so i'm going to experiment i'm going to add some branches as i want it but if i'm not too happy with it i might rethink the whole process so well we'll see these are the posca pens that i used on the autumn leaf painting to draw some of the lines and i think the first thing i'm going to do i'm actually going to draw faint lines where i want the branches to go and then if i'm happy with them i'm going to go over with my black mix to make it a bit thicker what i'll be doing now i'm just looking for areas that i don't mind being covered by branches the areas that are not my favorites so because there's some indication of the branch going here i'm just going to go towards this direction i'm not too careful i'm just just doing one line because i'm going to come back with the brush and do it properly at the moment i'm just sketching the branches this is acrylic posca pen so it's kind of the same like acrylic paint but in a marker which is wonderful there'll be a link to all my products in the description okay so one branch will be here uh i'm just indicating just the thick ones and then i will add smaller ones so this one will go probably somewhere up to here let's take a brush and see straight away what it will look like a tiny bit of black paint the good news is hopefully i can wipe it off if it goes wrong okay maybe we're better than i thought okay this this tree this kind of tree woman obviously her branches are kind of like wind swept or there's a storm perhaps it's all going in one direction because i didn't want to actually have the face kind of revealed so that's the problem if i put her in the middle then i would really struggle with the features now this is a really beautiful section and i want it to be seen but um i do need some thick branches so how do i go about that maybe i'll start with this side first i definitely don't like that area it's nice that the colors of this wipe actually leading there leading me into that direction so i'm just basically covering the kind of sections in between i'm trying to preserve the lighter areas but it's not my thinnest brush so i'll come back later on with the really thin one just to do some small branches and much thinner ones so one branch will be the chain oh covering the lovely bronze that was inevitable well i do have to lose some of the cells okay so i think i'm just playing with a smaller brush in a minute once i'm happy with these actually quite therapeutic just adding the branches oh by the way i don't think i've ever told you but i absolutely love trees i love the real trees i love drawing them i love painting them so it's one of my favorite topics i've never done a tree woman before so it's always the first time again it was thanks to a couple of a couple of you who suggested making another sister for my mermaid and for my fire woman oh no no no no i don't like that sorry buddy no way it's good to have a wet cloth or towel or some kind of a something to wipe it off if you're not happy i'm just thinking should i wait for the branches to be dry before i come back with the posca pen because if i put my hand here that will mess everything up wouldn't it so maybe maybe just i'll wait half an hour perhaps i should be dry i've decided to make some of the edges to be sort of less even to show more like a kind of leaf growth i know it's it's her hair well she started as the earth woman but now i'm thinking she's more like the autumn woman and i could end up doing the spring woman the winter woman not the english winter woman and the spring because that would be the same and it wouldn't be too nice the lust of the sisters should be the air woman however i can't think of anything at the moment so you can help me out if you have a good idea for the air woman that would be absolutely awesome if you could share it with me i am creating a few highlights on the thicker branches i think the highlights will help create some more interesting contrast this bronze might be a nice nice color to create some of the highlights as well i'm just using a drop i'm not going to do it on every single branch just in some areas i think it will make the branches more visible as you can imagine the source of light is on the left coming from here that's why i'm doing it only on one side do you often change your plan halfway through the project because i think this is just the moment for me i've just got a parcel i ordered something for the first time this is spray paint but it's different this is water-based spray paint i think i'm going to do something to my autumn tree woman using the gold spray paint as i know i am going to risk now i can completely destroy the image and i i'm quite fond of the face and the branches here i'm still i'm curious i want to improve it so let's see this is my plan i i thought i'm going to change the branches i thought they were going too far to the corner and i very quickly sketched her just free hand on contact paper and i'm going to cut her out now well i chopped it into two sections to make it easier to stick on so now i'm going to peel the face just a section at a time can't really see where the edges are i'm sure be fine okay now for the the tree trunk it's an amazing spray paint uh very high pigmented it's a matte finish you can use it on objects inside or outside but you should not actually spray it inside so i'm going to go outside so you forgive me this is all covered i'm just going to spray delightly with the can and then i'll come back to you whenever you said please read all the warnings it's highly flammable it's it's it's actually dangerous so kids should not be near it i'm doing it in stages so this is coat one i definitely didn't want any puddles of spray so probably i didn't put enough but i'd rather be cautious as i am waiting for it to dry i've decided to add a few tiny leaves as if sort of they were falling off the tree she's totally dry now and i think i put probably like five layers in the end well this is going to be the most exciting bit now so i am using a needle i'm just going to lift up the the contact paper oh let's just hope it's just looking good oh satisfying wow look at this oh this is so cool um i'm definitely going to use the spray paint some more this is my first time spray painting on canvas going slowly i think this section was joined together maybe i'll just cut it off to feel it easier yay i'm really curious about the edges oh wow look at that this is so cool this is so cool i'm just putting it back to get rid of some of the sticky bits i can clean it up later oh yes look at that yes it was a labor of love this piece it took me quite some time and i did change my mind halfway through obviously if i was going to make the same design again i would just cut out the the outline and i'll just use the paint i was basically spread the paint and then peel off the negative space that would be so much easier but because i started differently then i changed my mind but in the end i think i'm pretty happy and you can also see my kind of thinking process and you know and very often artists do change to change their mind half a way through don't they i'm not sure whether she would look better with varnish or coat of resin but i think i'm going to leave this decision to to the future owner so if if you would like her i'll just please uh send me an email or message me on instagram there seems to be a reoccurring theme with my videos recently so i managed to lose footage like twice or three times perhaps but this time i did i did something even worse so i was going to very quickly add another coat of spray paint and i grabbed i grabbed the can and i went outside and i quickly sprayed it but i grabbed the wrong can so instead of my layer of gold i kind of go layer of beige now i i honestly i don't know whether to be laughing or crying so it looks slightly different now on a positive note i've got some of the gold from the paint before peeping through and all about around the edges of her face which actually looks pretty cool so well yes it would be awesome if you could leave me a comment with an idea for example what i could do next time be or someone thank you so much for those people who already sent me some pretty pretty cool ideas so you uh you'll see them in future so you can see all the cells from up close and the branches i think they're pretty cool and the tiny leaves actually look at the edges there's some gold edge to the face as well anyway yeah so i wonder what you think i hope you enjoyed it i wonder if you like her more or if you like the previous one as sister i'll just remind you so that was her sister the fire woman was actually pretty popular i think they look pretty cool together don't they and don't forget to subscribe and click the notification button so then you know when my next video is coming also you can join me on saturday when the video premieres and that's the nice time when i can actually talk to my subscribers and you can ask me lots of questions thank you and see you soon [Applause] you
Channel: AB Creative
Views: 708,168
Rating: 4.9477444 out of 5
Keywords: acrylic pouring, acrylic painting, fluid painting, fluid painting beginners, acrylic pour painting for beginners, flow artist, how to paint, abcreative, abcreativeofficial, fluid acrylics, pouring paint, art experiment, arteza, fluid painting tutorial, calm, calming, asmr painting, asmr painting tutorial water, asmr painting tutorial, female painting, diy, fire woman painting, earth woman, autumn woman, autumn painting, autumn leaves, tree painting tutorial, acrylic pouring face
Id: aQAkvPYrfic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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