[2024] Best CPU for VRChat and all VR Games (7800X3D vs 7950X3D vs 5800X3D!!!)

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the 7800 x3d is a salt s tier I have some friends who have it and they love it for VR chat and actually all games in general but the 7900 x3d and the 7950 x3d they have some Quark slash problems so later on the video I'm going to Red Pill you on them and tell you if they're also an S tier or if they're not yeah anyway the 7800 x3d it has the same eight cores and the same L3 cache as a 5800 x3d and if you watched my last video then you know that that CPU was s tier and that's because one of the most important things a CPU needs for VR chat and a lot of VR games in general is a large L3 cache and amd's x3d series is the only series that has a 96 megabyte minimum Intel's most expensive desktop CPU it doesn't even reach 36 megabytes of L3 cache so yeah Intel is kind of trash anyway the 700 x3d it improves on a 5800 X 3D by having much higher clock speeds it actually goes from boost clock of 4.5 to 5.0 and it also uses a more modern motherboard and RAM so you get speed improvements there too and because they're more modern and faster they're going to cost more at first but that is actually a good thing so let me explain so the next two generations of AMD processors they're going to support the same motherboard and RAM as the 7000 series today so if you make a computer with a 7800 x3d today then a couple years down the line you can get 9800 x3d or 9950 x3d whatever you want your like final build to be and then you can stay on that for like three or five years and I literally did the strategy on the last generation of processors I made a whole new computer with a 3900x and then years later I just took it out and then I upgraded to a 5800 x3d it was really really easy it was basically like switching the game card on a switch so because you have such an easy upgrade pass this is the main reason I'm putting the 7800 x3d and S tier also it's just really really fast if you're wondering which Ram to buy I recommend two sticks of 16 gigabytes of ddr5 RAM at 6400 megahertz and C32 latency so you could typically get faster speeds by buying Ram with a higher megahertz number or a lower c number but honestly there's not going to be that much difference so next I want to talk about the 750 x3d so we have a lot to talk about this so I'm not going to place it just yet first of all it has double the cores going from 8 to 16 and has an even higher boost clock going from 5.0 to 5.7 and that's pretty insane by the way but it's possible that you can't actually unlock all the power of the processor so now we're going to get a little Advanced because I'm going to explain one of the problems with the processor using diagram so it's going to be like a college lecture so this is pretty much what the 7800 x3d looks like on inside just ignore the pink box this black Square over here it's called a CCD and that's where all the cores and a normal cash are so when I say the 1700 x 3D has eight cores all of them are actually located inside this black box and this rainbow on top it symbolizes the 3D V cache and it's called 3db cache because it's literally on top of the cores the 3D V cache was the first time a company ever built vertically instead of just horizontally so that's why it's called a 3D V cache so yeah that's how the 1700 x3d works but the 7950 is a lot different it looks like this it has a 16 core CPU so that's why there's two black boxes each one has eight cores but look only one of them has the rainbow meaning only half the cores has a 3D V cache and that can be a really really big problem because think about it if there's only one black box then it's really easy to use a v cash because well it's just always there but if there's two black boxes you need extra instructions to tell your computer to only use the rainbow side during games and outside the games you want to use both sides because clock speeds are actually much much faster in the side without a Rainbow so if that sounds complicated it is complicated and the computer didn't always listen like when they first launched the 7900 x3d and a 7950x3d it was like completely broken people were spending hundreds of more dollars to get these upgraded processors but it would end up using the side without a Rainbow during games or it would just get confused and it would just crash and it was just wasting people's money so now in this video it's almost 2024. did they fix this problem well they asked my friends in vrchat who do have this processor and they said yeah it's fixed if you use some launch commands in Steam and also some external programs that it knows to use the rainbow side of the processor all the time during games so that means during games you can have really good performance and outside the games you get to use both sides of the processor so you'll have all 16 cores going at really fast speed so that means now in almost 2024 the 7950 x3d is truly The Best of Both Worlds when it works but because it's possible that it might not work out the box and you might need to tweak it down the line I can't really put it in s tier with a good conscience I have to put it in the e-tier but if you're good with computers and you know how to use steam launch commands and stuff then I say go for it my friends really really like the 7950 x3d and I'm sure you can figure it out so the 7900 x3d it kind of sucks but I'm gonna put it in but here so you know how the 7950 has two black boxes and they have eight cores each well the boxes on this type 900 x3d they have six cores each and like the upgraded version only one of the boxes has the Rainbow on it so that means in a game that can only use the rainbow side of the processor like you're gonna only have six cores so it's possible that it could be weaker than the cheaper 7800 x3d which has eight cores in the rainbow side so you could possibly be paying more money for Less performance and that really sucks so does this apply to VR chat and VR games in general I think that yeah it does there's a possibility that your 7900 x3d could be slower than your 7800 x3d because VR games are not bound to a single core they know how to use multi-core so the fact that each Black Box only has six cores it could be a problem and on top of that imagine if your CPU bugs out and then it doesn't even use the rainbow side and that case you'll be playing a game with only six cores and no V cash and it's just gonna be absolutely horrible and this actually happened to someone I know on launch but despite all this my friends say that now in almost 2024 your computer will probably always use the rainbow side if you tweak it and use steam launch commands or use external programs so yeah you could make this work and also since the 7900 x3d is such like an unwanted processor I think they're going to lower the price so you could possibly buy it as like a really good deal on a 12 core CPU that also has an option to use vcash so that's why I have it in the B tier I would never recommend it over anything in the Sierra with a tier but it exists and that's the best thing I can say about it it exists next up is a 1500 x3d last time I had it in the S tier and this time I still have it in the S tier so right now they're in the middle of trying to sell all these and focus everything on the 7000 series that's why in the summer it was on sale New for less than 300 I paid over 500 for mine at launch and it was completely worth it so you can imagine how good 300 is unlike the 7000 series CPU it uses motherboards from three years ago and it also uses ddr4 Ram which makes it really really cheap so this means that like you can get close to the best of your chat experience possible for very little money and I literally use this processor every day for VR chat so I fully stand behind my opinion other than that there's not really much else to say if there was a downside I guess it would be that there's no room to upgrade unlike the 7000 series which uses a motherboard that will support the 8 000 and the 9000 series that are guaranteed to come out in the coming years but I don't know is that like even a downside like by now we know that the technology behind the 1500 x3d it's mature it's affordable it's reliable and it's proven so if you want to get into VR chat or maybe all VR games in general for cheap then you don't need to think you don't need to debate you don't need to research any longer just get a 5800 X 3D and call it a day the ram I recommend is two 16 gigabyte sticks of ddr4 Ram with 3200 megahertz speed and c16 latency it's Dirt Cheap it's fast and it won't let you down the link to buy it and other CPUs mentioned in the video or in the description in the comments if you do make a purchase I get a couple percent and it costs you nothing extra so that's nice so next let's talk about the newest 5000 series CPU the 5600x3d so not many people know about this but look it's in the S tier so if you've never heard of it it's basically a 5800 X 3D but it's cut down to six cores from eight but it still has the same massive game changing 96 megabytes of L3 cache and it only costs 230 dollars at full price which is pretty insane but that's not all since it's new they're selling it in bundles with motherboards and Rams so you could save even more money and you're still going to get the best in class performance in VR chat but there's a catch you can only buy at Micro Center so if you don't live near a Micro Center then too bad you just can't get it also having only six cores compared to eight is actually much slower in productivity according to this Benchmark by Gamers Nexus rendering the same scene in blender took 30 longer on the 3600 x3d compared to the 5800 x3d so if you're doing any sort of professional or semi-professional work I would never ever get the CPU but if you just want to play games then you really can't go wrong with this price so next up is Intel's 13th generation of CPUs so like I mentioned before the most expensive CPU they have it only has 36 megabytes of smart cash and what is Smart Cash Smart cash is Intel's sneaky way of combining L2 and L3 cache together yeah they literally fudge the numbers but amd's cheapest CPU on this tier list the 5600 x3d it has 96 megabytes of L3 cache alone so that's not even including L2 cache and considering how amazingly important the L3 cache is important for VR chat and many games in general I can't recommend Intel's 13th generation of CPUs at all so Intel CPUs are going in the trash tier let's just put the install 12th generation here too God I just really hit Intel so much I'm not going to talk about them anymore they're just trash just never buy Intel okay I just hate them so next let's talk about the quest 3 which is kind of outside the scope of the video but uh hear me out if you don't want to build a whole computer which is kind of expensive you can just get the quest 3 which is coming out later this year you'll be able to play vrchat using only the wireless headset and nothing else and also compared to the Quest 2 the CPU is massively upgraded so you're going to have a much better experience in my opinion it's really not a bad choice for 500 it has everything you need and it's wireless and it charges through USB like I don't know not a bad way to play VR chat but the downside is that there's a lot of Worlds and avatars that are PC only and you're not going to be able to see them if you're just on the quest by itself but later when you get a gaming desktop or a gaming laptop you can connect your quest 3 to it and then you can play on all the PC only worlds and avatars so there's kind of like an upgrade path so now let's talk about the Quest 2 just really really quickly so it's really old and it's really weak but it just works and a lot of people I think most people actually are playing on Quest 2 right now more than PC actually and you can get it for like 300 new or like 200 something dollars refurbished and you can even get it like lightly used on like Facebook Marketplace for like 100 something dollars I think it's a great way to try VR and you can even connect it to your computer to get access to all the PC only worlds and avatars and VR chat if you don't have a computer to connect it to I would just wait for the quest 3 because it's going to have a much stronger CPU but the quest 3 is going to cost 500 minimum so you know trade-offs anyway you can get it for like 100 something dollars I think you can put it here so next up is a Nintendo 3DS did you know could play VR chat so that's why we're going to put it in the C tier above Intel God I hate Intel so next up is potato did you know potato can generate an electric charge it's true so after you're done utilizing potato for real are you can actually eat it so that's why I'm putting it above Intel and lastly we have water wheel ever since Roman times people harness the motion of the water to do things such as milgrain Milling grain is really useful so I'm gonna put it down here above Intel I have a water wheel under potato because you need a river to run water wheel and not everyone has a river whereas potato can basically use anywhere it's more flexible so let me know in the comments if this video was helpful if you think I'm really really stupid and this is the most biased tier list ever then also let me know in the comments if you want to know more VR chat tips and tricks as well as the best gear to buy for VR chat then like and subscribe see you guys next week [Music] [Music] play
Channel: Cid from VRChat | しどCh.
Views: 10,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uyHEjaGzlck
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Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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