2024 ATI TEAS 7 Reading Knowledge and Ideas Study Guide (Practice Questions with Answers)

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what's going on besie today we're going to be talking about knowledge and ideas when it comes to the at's version 7 reading let's get started there are three concepts that you're going to need to know when it comes to citing evidence from a text including predictions interpretations and conclusions and I'll give you a simple way to remember each one as always the number one thing you are going to want to do every single time when it comes to answering questions about citing evidence is to read the question first it's important to note what the question is specifically asking before you read the passage so starting first with predictions this is like being a little detective and guessing what might actually happen next so for example if a story mentions dark clouds gathering You can predict that there might be some kind of rain or storm that's coming it's like actually looking up at the clouds in real life and guessing what is actually going on is it going to rain is it not going to rain it's the same thing next up we have interpretations so think of this of like being a psychologist and understanding the deeper meaning that the author is trying to imply so say a character in the text keeps fidgeting and avoiding eye contact you might interpret that as they're being nervous or they could potentially be hiding something it's like noticing a friend's body language in real life and understanding that they're most likely anxious and lastly we have conclusions so this is where you become a judge and you're going to ultimately decide what the text is really saying at the end so if a story ends with the character smiling and and celebrating You can conclude that it's a happy ending it's like watching the end of a movie and understanding the story's overall message let's take a look at some practice questions starting with our first practice question based on the passage what prediction can be made about the upcoming events in the story The Passage reads the sky was overcast a blanket of gray extending as far as the eye could see Natalie noted the heavy oppressive air and the way the leaves on the trees suddenly still as if in anticipation she remembered the last time the sky looked like this barely a month ago when the town was hit by a storm that left them without power for days so our potential answers are Natalie prepare for an outdoor adventure well that's probably not going to happen if it's looking very ominous outside right the town will experience calm and pleasant weather well based on the way that she describes what's happening that's probably not going to be the correct answer C there will be a significant storm may impact the town well based on what she said based on past experience it sounds like that could potentially be the answer but let's move on Natalie will leave town to escape the bad weather well doesn't really mention anything about her leaving town to escape this weather so out of all of the options that we have available to us C is going to be the most correct answer the next question is based on the passage how can Mr Dalton's feelings towards the ancient text be interpreted in the quiet library Mr Dalton's gaze lingered over the ancient text his his expression a mixture of awe and curiosity these books he whispered hold secrets of A Lost Civilization waiting to be rediscovered their knowledge is like a buried treasure Priceless and rare so our options are a he is indifferent and uninterested in the books well based on what he's saying about the books that doesn't seem like that's the correct answer B he finds the books outdated and useless well again he uses things like these books hold secrets of lost civilizations while they might be outdated based on when they actually took place they're definitely not useless in his eyes see he is deeply fascinated and values the knowledge in books yes absolutely that could be our correct answer but lastly D he is confused and overwhelmed by the contents of these books well he's definitely not confused by them so based out of all of the options that we have available to us again C is going to be the correct answer so let's talk about identifying theme in a story so a theme is a significant concept interwoven through a narrative it's really going to transcend that plot and that synopsis delving much more deeper into the overall meaning of the story so that theme is going to bridge a broad concept about life or Society with the narratives events so often a theme addresses fundamental questions are going to be posed by the story such as really what defines a family what are our deepest fears and it's going to answer these questions through the form of the story's theme like family goes beyond blood relations or our greatest fear can be the loss of our unique identity right so theme differs from the main idea which is the central topic of the story and from the summary which recounts the stories events while the main idea and summary deal with what the story is about and what is happening in It theme is really going to offer that insightful or that moral compass for the reader as it's applying it to their own life so what's great about themes is themes are universally relatable Concepts so for instance if I share an experience about getting a questionable funnel cake at a carnival and ultimately ending up with food poisoning the theme isn't specifically about packing my own food or about avoiding that particular food stand because not everybody has carniv instead it's really a broader message like The Importance of Being prepared in case something like this happens the theme resonates more widely because while not everyone May encounter a specific hot dog stand or specific funnel cake stand everyone can understand the value of preparation so think of a theme as being similar to finding the moral of a story but it's really going to have a little bit of a slight difference so a moral directly imparts a specific lesson whereas a theme might en Compass a lesson but it isn't limited to just that it can be more abstract to unearth that story's theme you have to consider asking yourself some of these overarching questions what did the character learn in what way did they grow or transform what motivated their actions what has changed in the story's end and what lingers in your mind long after the story is over let's take a look an example of what this might actually look like when you're taking the te's so let's take a look at these questions with this folklore called the caterpillar's wisdom in a lush vibrant Forest where the trees danced with the breeze and the flowers whispered Secrets there lived a young caterpillar named Kora cor was unlike other caterpillars she was born with vibrant multicolored patches all over her body making her Stand Out amongst the green foliage cor loved exploring but her unique appearance often attracted attention making her an easy target for birds and other predator editors her friends more camouflaged and less noticeable warned her about the dangers of being conspicuous one day while venturing out cor met an old wise butterfly named aara aara listened to kora's worries about her bright colors and smiled gently your uniqueness is your strength she said in time you will see not long after a group of birds spotted Kora she remembered alara's words and instead of hiding displayed her colors more boldly these birds dazzled by her beauty decided not to harm her remarking that something so beautiful must be cherished emboldened by The Experience cor started to view her colors as a gift rather than a curse she began to embrace her uniqueness no longer trying to blend in but rather to stand out as Autumn came cor prepared to conun she wrapped herself in a silk Copus pondering over her life and her transformation when she finally emerged she became a breathtaker taking butterfly her wings a mosaic of the colors she had once feared Kora fluttered back to her friends who were Amazed by her transformation she shared her story teaching them the value of embracing her uniqueness and seeing strengths in what makes them different cor became known throughout the forest not only for her beauty but for her wisdom she reminded everyone that What Makes You Different Makes You special so looking back at our questions what did the characters learn well cor learned that her uniqueness was her strength and not a weakness to be hidden in what way did they grow or transform cor Grew From A self-conscious caterpillar into a confident wise butterfly who embraced her unique qualities what motivated their actions well initially fear and the desire to fit in motivated Kora but later that wisdom that she got from AA and her own experiences taught her the value of showcasing her uniqueness what has changed by the story's end well by the end cor transformed not only physically into a butterfly but also in her perspective seeing her distinct colors as a gift and then lastly what stays with you after the story is over so that enduring message is about embracing and celebrating our unique traits that can ultimately transform our vulnerabilities into strengths let's take a look at a quick practice question of how this will be applied on the te's so here's our practice question what way did too grow and transform in the story so the story States in a small Coastal Village there lived a Humble Fisherman named Taro known for his exceptional skills Taro was most admired for his humility and kindness during a fierce storm he Bry saved a drowning traveler not for fame or reward but out of sheer compassion tar became a hero in his village yet he always credited his success to the unity and support of his fellow villagers he often said alone we are drops but together we are an ocean let's take a look at our potential answers so a he became the most skilled fisherman in the village well it doesn't really talk about that well he may be exceptionally skilled in his fishermen we don't know about the other other villagers B he learned the importance of fishing for survival well that's not really something that was discussed in this particular passage so we can automat Al eliminate b c he transformed from a lone fisherman to a community hero well absolutely that is something that they talked about he lived as a Humble Fisherman he ultimately saved someone's life that was drowning so he did become a community hero so that could be the potential correct answer but lastly we have D he realized the dangers of fishing during the storms well really the end of it was more about Community the more about him becoming a hero and him saying that I'm only as good as my community so we can automatically eliminate that so out of all the answers that we have available to us C is the correct answer our next question States what stays with you after the story about Sarah is over so Sarah is a high school student was facing immense pressure while preparing for an important exam just like you all are observing her stress her mother shared her own past experiences with exam anxiety in emphasizing the need for balance she advised Sarah to dedicate time to study to relax and to pursue Hobbies inspired Sarah modified her routine balancing her study time with leisure activities she not only performed well in her exam but she also learned the crucial life lesson of maintaining balance so out of our potential answers we have a the lessons of balancing work and relaxation in life yes that is absolutely something that was discussed during this passage let's look at our other answers B the role of Parental advice and academic success yes well that wasn't the overall theme of the story but that was something that they did talk about C the pressure of high school exams well while high school exams have a lot of pressure associated with them that is not the overall theme of this passage and then lastly D the techniques of effective exam preparation well again they didn't really talk about exam preparation they really talked about that balance so out of each of the potential options we have available to us a is the most correct answer next we're going to discuss claims and counter claims so many of you have social media accounts and you probably noticed that disagreements are common why because each of us holds a different opinion in discussions or meetings we often prefer Harmony wishing nobody would disagree however disagreements are going to be inevitable due to the diverse viewpoints of each individual person this leads us to the concepts of claims and counter claims so a claim is your main argument it's the stance your opinion or conclusion on a particular issue or topic essential to the thesis statement of your Viewpoint remember a well- constructed claim doesn't just present your argument but it also situates within a broader context which often includes acknowledging and addressing any potential counterarguments that may take place conversely the counter claim is essentially the opposite in that it is a statement that is going to challenge refute and oppose that initial claim in debates this opposition is typical as teams often split into affirmative and negative sides for instance let's consider a topic like mandatory overtime for nurses should be implemented to ensure adequate Staffing if that's the main argument or claim a counter claim could be mandatory overtime for nurses should not be implemented as it leads to nurse burnout and that's going to have to be backed up by specific reasons and evidence and as we know in today's nursing field I'm sure that you're not going to have a difficult time finding that evidence so a count claim is going to a challenge that initial claim presenting an alternative Viewpoint so starting with our question what is the main claim made by Sarah in the story so the story States in a quain town of Greenville a debate was brewing among the residents about the operating hours of their cherished Public Library the library a Cornerstone of the community had always closed at 6:00 p.m. however a recent proposal to extend the hours until 900 p.m. sparked conversations across the town during a community meeting Sarah the head librarian took to the floor She passionately argued the extension of the library's operating hours until 9:00 p.m. is essential for the enrichment of our community by staying open later we can provide invaluable access to resources for working adults and students students these groups often struggle to utilize the library due to their daytime commitments furthermore extended hours would allow for more Community programs and workshops in the evenings benefiting everyone so what is the main claim our options are a the library needs to update its collection of books well it's not really something that we discuss so we can eliminate that b extending the library's hours will significantly benefit the community absolutely that's explicit evidence that specifically stated within the text C the library should hire more staff that wasn't something that was argued at all they were only discussing particularly the hours and then D the community does not use a library enough well again that is something that is not what was stated it was stated that they're using the library constantly they want more people to use the library so out of all the options we have available to us B is going to be the most correct answer now let's talk about evaluating resources so we're evaluating sources ources we're going to need to identify where that source is coming from is it a primary source secondary or tertiary source so each source is going to serve a unique purpose in building a robust argument so primary sources are often going to be direct evidence about a person an event or phenomena so for instance Marie Curry's lab notebook is a quint essential primary source although its radioactive nature makes it a little bit difficult to handle these sources can be anything from the time period or period That's being studied so say we have a World War I solders Journal that's considered authoritative it's directly from the person that experienced the events so secondary sources on the other hand are created using primary sources so they're going to analyze interpret and restate primary source information so examples of this could be newspaper articles or even some textbook books while primary sources are authoritative secondary sources are going to be more persuasive so it's important to note that what defines a primary or secondary source can vary based on the context and academic discipline just know that primary are going to be much more authoritative when it comes to the te's and secondary um sources are going to be more persuasive and lastly Church sources include information from both primary and secondary sources but don't present new information or any kind of new analysis so common examples can be textbooks abstracts and reference works such as dictionaries and encyclopedias Wikipedia for example which many of us use is a chary source so let's take a look at an example of what this is going to look like when it comes to your teas so let's explore the topic of the effects of social media on Mental Health the primary source can be an original study or survey titled the impact of social media media on youth mental health which was published in a psychology Journal this is a primary source as it presents original research data and findings directly from the researchers a secondary source could be a documentary film analyzing various studies on social media's impact on Mental Health including interviews with psychologists and summaries of several key studies like the one that we had mentioned before this is a secondary Source because it reviews and discusses findings from the primary research providing a more complex Concepts on the context as well as additional perspectives and then lastly we have tertiary sources so this could be an entry in a textbook on digital media psychology that summarizes findings from various studies on social media as well as mental health including the mentioned research study as well as the documentary film so this is a chary source as it comp compiles information from multiple primary and secondary resources without actually providing any kind of new analysis of those two so let's take a look at an example which of the following best describes the source used in a study mentioned in the passage so the passage States a recent experimental study published in the Journal of environmental science explores the effect of urban green spaces on air quality the research team collected air samples from various Urban parks and analyze them for pollutants like carbon dioxide nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter the study found a significant reduction in these pollutants within the green spaces compared to nearby urban areas without such spaces so our potential answers are a a primary source as it involves original research and data collection in urban green spaces yes absolutely this is all original data b a second secondary source say it summarizes findings from an environmental study well again it's not really coming from a secondary source it's not providing new analysis based on an original Source our primary source so we can eliminate that a trary source as it provides an overview of urban environmental issues well again we're not taking our primary and our secondary sources and putting them together without new analysis so we can automatically eliminate that and then lastly a review article critiquing existing environmental policies we didn't discuss anything about environmental policies so we can automatically eliminate that the correct answer to this question is going to be a as it is a primary source so what are rhetorical devices how can you effectively convince someone to understand and accept your perspective where Aristotle a renowned Greek philosopher offered insightful strategies for persuasion he identified three critical techniques known as the three appeals which which are fundamental in persuading an audience to support an argument these appeals are named ethos pathos and logos and each of them are going to Target a different aspect of the audience response and reasoning so starting with ethos ethos seeks to earn the audience's trust in the speaker or writer emphasizing credibility and reliability so for example gaining the trust of a doubtful audience hinges on the person that is Pres presenting showing that the speaker is going to be credible knowledgeable and has good intentions ethos is established bying relevant experiences outlining qualifications or utilizing reputable sources to demonstrate expertise in a subject matter now when it comes to Pathos pathos really Taps into the audience's emotions it's encouraging a belief through emotional connection and empathy this technique is widely used in various forms of popular media including movies books as well as music when it comes to academic writing merely evoking emotions is not going to be enough to effectively employ Pathos in a scholary context authors are going to use vivid descriptive language this includes the Strategic use of emotions powerful adjectives verbs that can paint a clear emotional resonant picture for the reader and then lastly we have logos on the other hand it's going to engage the audience's logic right logos logic it's going to engage their logic and their reason persuading them with well reasoned arguments and logical consistencies this is achieved by constructing a solid case of using facts figures well-reasoned evidence by presenting arguments that are logically sound the position of the conclusion as rational and well founded makes counterarguments seem less convincing or even irrational depending on what they're talking about let's take a look at some practice questions of how they might ask this on the teas the first question states which theme in the passage reflects the use of ethos remember we're looking for credibility and reliability so in my 20 years as a heart surgeon I have seen the direct impact of healthy eating on cardiovascular health this experience coupled with extensive research has led me to advocate for a balanced diet as a Cornerstone of heart health I stand before you not just as a doctor but as someone who has personally witness the transformative power of good nutrition so our options are a I have seen the direct impact of healthy eating or cardiovascular health again we're not really gaining their trust we're not showing our credibility and reliability here so we can automatically eliminate that b this experience coupled with extensive research has led me to advocate for a balanced diet again there's not really any credibility here there's not any reliability while he talks about his experience we're not really seeing specifically how this is credible c i stand before you not as a doctor but as someone who has personally witnessed this is huge right this is credibility I am a doctor reliability I have witnessed so yes C would make the most sense in regards to a correct answer but then we have D the transformative power of good nutrition again there's no credibility here so out of all the options that we have available to us C is going to be the most correct answer our next question States what part of the passage is an example of pathos so remember we're looking for those Vivid imageries we're looking for it to invoke some kind of emotion that's what we're looking at in this particular passage so as I walked through the remnants of a once thriving coral reef I was struck by the devastating effects of ocean pollution the Vivid colors and bustling marine life I remembered from my childhood were replaced by a bleached coral and eerie silence this heartbreaking scene is a grim reminder of what we stand to lose if we don't take action to protect our oceans this sounds like a very persuasive writing right so let's take a look at our options we have a the devastating effects of ocean pollution while we do invoke some kind of emotion when it comes to that particular statement it isn't really painting a vivid imagery of what we're looking at right so we can automatically eliminate that we have B the Vivid colors and bustling marine life I remembered from my childhood while we are looking at more of an imagery thing here we're looking at Vivid colors we're looking at bustling rine life it's not really stating specifically what it is that we want or what it is that we're trying to convey so keep that on the back burner for now but I don't think that's our correct answer C this heartbreaking scene is a grim reminder of what we stand to lose this is excellent right we have a heartbreaking scene that is our imagery we know that our oceans are becoming more polluted and they also talk about what their position is what we stand to lose what it is that they're trying to persuade or convey to you so C seems like it's going to be the most correct but let's take a look at D if we don't take action to protect our oceans that's not really providing us with a lot more information that we need in order to make an informed decision so out of all the options we have available to us C is going to be the most correct answer this particular sentence is effectively employing that pathos by evoking emotions and sad as well as loss it's that description of that heartbreaking scene the reminder of what could be loss is appealing to that particular reader emotions so out of B and C those two options C is going to be the most correct answer lastly let's take a look at qualitative and quantitative research so quantitative research is designed to test hypotheses and typically involves data collection that's going to result in a numerical or graphical representation this method generally necessitates a larger sample group and the gathered numbers are analyzed using mathematics and statistical techniques meaning that it's going to be able to be measurable so that's our quantitative data think quantity right that's a number quantity quantitative conversely we have qualitative research which is utilized primarily for formulating hypotheses so unlike quantitative research it produces data that is expressed in words rather than numbers it often requires a smaller number of respondents meaning that the data cannot be measured mathematically the analysis for qualitative research involves summarizing categorizing and interpreting the collective verbal and textual data so now that we understand the differences between the two the next question is what method should we use for each well the decision really is going to be straightforward if your objective is to confirm or test a specific Theory or hypothesis the quantitative approach is going to be the most suitable approach however if your aim is to gain a deeper understanding of or to explore a concept or idea in depth then you're probably going to want to use a more qualitative approach in the way that you approach this particular study so using the context of nursing let's apply quantitative and qualitative approaches so if I wanted to adopt a more quantitative approach I might SE survey 300 nursing students at a university asking them to rate questions like on a scale of 1 to five how satisfied are you with the clinical training part of your course based on that collected data I would perform statistical analysis and could conclude something like on average nursing students rate their clinical training experience 4.2 out of five that would be a more quantitative approach conversely if I chose a more qualitative approach I would conduct an in-depth interview with maybe 15 nursing students asking open-ended questions like how do you feel about your clinical training in the nursing program or what improvements would you suggest for the clinical training aspect of your course after transcribing these interviews I would analyze and to identify common patterns or themes across all of the interviews so for instance I might find a recurring sentiment like many students Express a desire for our handson experience and direct mentorship during their clinical rotation this would be a more qualitative approach let's take a look at some practice questions of what it will look like on the te's let's take a look at our question is the research method used in this study quantitative or qualitative so the study States a group of researchers conducted an interview of 20 nurses working in emergency departments to explore their experiences in coping strategies during high stress situations the interview consisted of open-ended questions allowing nurses to share detailed personal experiences and insights the researchers then analyze the transcripts to identify common themes and insights about Stress Management and emergency nursing so right off the bat we have a qualitative study we have a small group of nurses and they're looking at coping strategies and their experiences and they're asking open-ended questions so automatically we can eliminate anything about Quan qu itative so a quantitative because it focuses on specific groups of professionals we can eliminate that and uh let me see C quantitative because it's uses statistical methods to analyze data automatically can eliminate that we're looking at a qualitative research study so we have B and we have D B qualitative because it involves analyzing personal experiences shared in interviews yes absolutely they're analyzing everybody's personal experiences and looking for common themes and then we have D because it employs a large sample size and interviews well like we know qualitative research is going to have smaller sample sizes that's why we only have 20 so we can automatically eliminate D out of all the answers we have available to us B is going to be the most correct answer I hope that this video was helpful in understanding what you're going to need to know when it comes to knowledge and ideas on the ait's reading portion of the exam as always if you have any questions make sure that you leave them down below I love answering your questions head over to nurse Chun store.com where there's a ton of additional resources that are available to you to help you pass your exams and as always I will catch you in the next video bye
Channel: Nurse Cheung
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Keywords: teas 7 reading, nurse cheung, nurse cheung teas 7, nurse cheung teas, nurse cheung teas reading, nurse cheung teas 7 reading, ati teas, teas 7, ati teas test, ati teas 7 study guide, ati teas 7, teas test, ati teas review, teas practice test, ati teas science practice test, ati teas 7 practice test, teas exam, ati teas science review, ati teas secrets study guide, ati teas science, ati teas 7 science review, teas 7 reading practice test, ati teas exam, ati teas 7 reading
Id: kdYQ1640QU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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