2024 ATI TEAS 7 Reading Key Ideas and Details Study Guide Part One (Practice Questions with Answers)

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what's up besties today we're going to be talking about the te's version 7 reading and we're going to be starting with topic main idea and supporting details let's get started so first up we have topic sentences these are usually the first sentence of every paragraph so here's the key point you can often answer many of these exam questions just by reading that topic sentence the rest is just elaboration so pay attention to the supporting details if they're needed so say for example if you have a question that's asking you about supporting details you want to read that paragraph with the topic sentence first and then choose the answer that's going to best fit what is that topic so we're going to be doing this in practice to tie this all together but just kind of get that idea in the back of your head next we have main idea so the main idea is essentially the thesis statement think of it as the core message that the paragraph is trying to convey often you're going to find this as the last sentence in that first paragraph So if you have a question that asks you about main idea of a passage quickly check that last sentence of that first paragraph and Mark your answer and move on we don't have a whole lot of time on the reading section so usually with these kind of sentence these kind of questions you're going to be able to answer them pretty quickly if you know where to find them next up we have supporting details we kind of talked about that one a little bit that's that supporting details being the bulk of the paragraph and it's going to make up the details that support that topic sentence that you're going to find in the first sentence of every paragraph and then lastly we have summary so with summary you're going to want to think of like back in school when you summarize essays for particular classes right you're going to use that same knowledge that you gained back then to write a conclusion or a restatement of that thesis so similarly a passage's summary is typically the last paragraph's first sentence that is where it's going to be found on the te's exam if there's any questions about the passage's summary go straight to that sentence choose your answer and keep it moving let's take a look at some practice questions to help us tie this all together so just to kind of give you a quick overview of what you're looking at I've highlighted what is a topic sentence main idea and supporting details within the paragraph So starting up here at the top in the red we have our topic sentence that is incorporating a well-balanced diet is key to maintaining overall health and wellness then we have our supporting details that's everything that's in here in the blue this is everything that's going to build up that topic sentence so a diet rich in fruits vegetables whole grains and lean proteins provides essential nutrients that the body needs to function effectively these foods can lower the risk of chronic illness such as heart disease stroke and diabetes furthermore a balanced diet supports immune system health and AIDS and weight management and and then our last sentence down here in purple that is our main idea so it's bringing together everything we just kind of talked about therefore making a conscious food choices is a fundamental step towards a healthier more vibrant life so this is what it's going to look like when you're taking the te's this is how you're going to break it down so I always highly recommend that when you are looking at your paragraph read the question first and then dive in to see specifically what it is asking and look for those particular particular sentences so like I just said before these are important tips that you're going to want to remember when you were taking your teas exam specifically for reading number one you want to read the question first this is the most crucial part of the test and you want to make sure you're doing this read the question carefully and completely before anything else don't waste your time reading the passage first then reading the question and having to go back it's just unnecessary sometimes reading the passage like I said is unnecessary and the answer can be found in the question itself so for example identifying opinions in a statement you're going to want to look for words like should good best or most that's going to help you kind of break down the questions and you might not even have to read the passage at all avoid starting with longer passages some TEAS test takers even like to take notes so I know that when I took my te's I was taking notes about this is the topic sentence this is supporting details this is main idea you're not going to have a whole lot of time for that it's great if you do that because when you go to nursing school you're going to have to take notes like that specifically for the te's answer the question and move on tip number two is don't leave questions blank in the te's this test is timed and it's important that you manage that time effectively so for your initial approach you're going to want to answer each question first when you encounter it because you might not have time to go back um strategic guessing is also really good if you're uncertain about an answer it's better to make an educated guess initially rather than leaving it blank and considering you know it later when it comes to your time constraints you might not be able to go back and then lastly we have narrowing down this is a great method so it's the elimination method where you're going to reduce your choices so it's going to increase your odds of answering the question correctly and it's going to give you a 50 50% chance of getting it right so let's take a look at our first practice question as I said read the question first so the question is which sentence in the paragraph best serves as the topic sentence so remember topic sentence is usually the first sentence in the first paragraph so I'm going to read the entire thing just so that you have it but we're going to be looking at that first sentence so advancements in Renewable Energy Technologies have become crucial in combating climate change solar and wind power in particular has been significant developments in efficiency and affordability governments and private sectors are increasing investing in these Technologies recognizing their long-term benefits for the environment and economy such Investments can only reduce carbon emissions but also create job opportunities in new Industries the shift towards renewable energy sources is therefore not only an environmental imperative but also an Economic Opportunity so again what is our first sentence advancements in Renewable Energy Technologies have become crucial in combating climate change so as we take a look at our answers here does there anything that states that topic sentence that we just read let me see solar and one power in particular have been seen significant developments and efficiency and affordability nope that's not it advancements and Renewable Energy Technologies have become crucial in combating climate change yep that's just what we talked about governments and private sectors are increasing investing in these Technologies nope and the shift towards renewable energy sources is therefore not only an environmental imperative imperative but also an Economic Opportunity we know that's the main idea cuz that was actually the last sentence of that paragraph so you've guessed it you're correct the correct answer is B advancements and Renewable Energy Technologies have become crucial in combating climate change you see how much time we would have wasted had we read the entire thing we just read that first sentence there it is that is our topic sentence let's take a look at our next practice question so again we want to read the question first what is the main idea of the paragraph so we know main idea we're looking at the last sentence of that paragraph So going back let's take a look the last sentence is therefore while AI brings significant advancements and convenience it also necessitates careful considerations of its broader societal implications so going back to our question we have ai is significantly improving efficiency in various Industries that's not correct ethical concerns are a minor part of AI development no that's not what our main idea stated AI role in transportation and medical Diagnostics is revolutionary no an AI brings significant advancements and convenience it also necessitates careful consideration of its broader societal implications yes D is our correct answer remember when we're looking at Main Idea we're particularly looking at the last sentence in the first paragraph look how much time we saved let's take a look at our next practice question again we want to read the question first which of the following is a supporting detail found in the paragraph so again we're looking at that bulk of the paragraph so we're going to have to pay a little bit more attention to this question our first sentence is our topic sentence the study of astrophysics has led to remarkable disc discoveries about the universe so that is the topic that's what we're going to be talking about everything below here is our supporting details it has reveal the existence of black holes massive Celestial entities with gravitational poles so so strong that not even light can escape them additionally through astrophysics scientists have been able to estimate the age of the universe providing insights into the Big Bang Theory this field also contributes to the identification of numerous exoplanets increasing our understanding of potentially life sustaining planets beyond our solar system so all of that is our bulk of our supporting details and then our last sentence is our main idea thus astrophysics continues to expand our knowledge and challenge our understanding of the cosmos so back to our question looking at our choices astrop physics has been instrumental in discovering the speed of light no we didn't really talk about that the existence of black holes have been revealed through the study of astrophysics yes that's absolutely something that we talked about astrophysics has disproved many traditional theories about the solar system we can automatically eliminate that and the study of astrophysics has led to the development of advanced space travel Technologies So based on all of the answers that we have here we have B being the correct answer B was something that was specifically stated within the text and as we talked about before when we're identifying supporting details we're going to find them in the same sentence as our topic sentence and it's going to make up a bulk of the paragraph let's take a look at our final question when it comes to this section again we're going to read the question first which sentence best summarizes the content of the second paragraph so we're looking at summary here so let's take a look at our actual passage so again the question is specifically asking about the summary of the second paragraph so we don't really need to waste our time on that first paragraph don't even bother so as we know with summary summary is going to be that first sentence of our last paragraph it's going to suisee everything that we had talked about so our first sentence States efforts to mitigate climate change are diverse and include both Global and local strategies so let's go back to our question and see if we have an answer that talks about that so climate change has farreach impacts on the environment and human societies nope efforts to mitigate climate change are diverse and include both Global and local strategies we just literally talked about that so we know that that is most likely our correct answer but let's take a look at our last options Rising global temperatures lead to more frequent and severe weather events and international agreements aimed to reduce carbon emissions and limit global warming so we know that those are not the correct answers based on what we read we know that the correct answer is going to be B efforts to mitigate climate change I diverse and include both Global and local strategies so again just a reminder when we're identifying summary we're looking at the first sentence of the last paragraph next we're going to talk about making inferences and logical conclusions so an inference in drawing a logical conclusion is essentially a conclusion drawn by combining evidence and logical reasoning both of these terms are considered the same when you were taking your teas so in our daily lives we often unconsciously infer things using cues in our environment to understand various situations so for instance you might deduce that a baby is hungry if they are crying or someone is was likely speeding if they were pulled over by the police all of that is based on observations as well as the knowledge that we have how can we apply that skill and that knowledge with making inferences when it comes to reading so initially what we want to do is we want to focus on identifying Clues which is the context of our reading it's going to present within the text as evidence to help us draw our conclusion next we're going to merge these Clues with our existing knowledge of what we have previously learned through real world situation and then the final steps involve synthesizing and formatting that information in order to come up with an idea or an inference so let's take a look at some examples let's take a look at our first practice question again we want to read the question first based on the paragraph what can be inferred about Dr Baker's perspective on dolphins so let's read our passage so Dr Baker a renowned marine biologist has spent the last decad studying the behavi AAL patterns of dolphins in the wild her research conducted off the coast of Hawaii has shown that these intelligent creatures have complex social structures and communication methods Dr Baker's observations reveal that Dolphins often work together to hunt and protect each other from predators she has also noted instances of dolphins exhibiting what appears to be playful Behavior engaging with each other and even humans so let's go back and take take a look at our options so what can we infer based on that passage she believes that dolphins are solitary creatures we know that that's not correct they usually hunt and play Within groups she finds Dolphins Behavior to be relatively simple no we know that she finds it to be complex she considers Dolphins to be highly intelligent and social animals absolutely that's something that she talked about and she thinks Dolphins cannot interact well with humans well as we know she stated that Dolphins can so the best choice when it comes to this particular question is going to be C she considers Dolphins to be highly intelligent and social animals and again remember when we're looking at inferences and conclusions we're drawing them based on the evidence and the reasoning that's found within the text and our prior knowledge let's take a look at another example so our question States what logical conclusion can be drawn about the future trend of vehicle purchases so going back to to our passage let's go ahead and read that in recent years there's been significant increase in the number of electrical Vehicles EVS on the road Automotive manufacturers are investing heavily in EV technology leading to improvements in battery life and vehicle range governments around the world are also supporting this shift with incentives for Ev buyers such as tax rebates and grants additionally public charging infrastructures is becoming more widespread making it more convenient for Ev owners to charge their vehicles so going back to our question what can we draw a conclusion based on that paragraph is it a the number of traditional gasoline vehicles are rapidly increasing B electric vehicles will become less popular due to high costs C electric vehicles are likely to become more prevalent in the automotive Market or D government incentives for EVS will soon be discontinued well this is a very positive article in regards to the implementation of EV Vehicles so we know that we can automatically eliminate D and we know we can automatically eliminate a because we don't really talk about traditional gasoline vehicles so electric vehicles will become less popular due to high cost that's not really something that we talked about but C is so electric vehicles are likely to become more prevalent and the automotive Market making C the correct answer for this question next let's talk about explicit and implicit evidence so when we think of explicit evidence we think of e for expressed because explicit evidence is straightforward and it directly is stated in the text it leaves no room for doubt or interpretation it's like a direct statement or clear facts so for instance consider a sign that reads wet paint this is an explicit indication that the sign directly informs you that the paint is wet leaving no room for guesswork right so remember e is stands for explicit and express and next we have implicit evidence so that's our I the I stands for implied so when it comes to implied evidence it's more subtle and it's not directly stated so instead it's hinted at or it's kind of suggested requiring you to read between the lines or infer what the meaning is so an example of this would be seeing a bench that looks like it has paint on it and there is a can and a brush beside it but there's no sign there's no expl it statement stating that the bench is wet but you can infer right or imply that it is wet based on the context and the surrounding Clues around that bench so keep in mind when we're thinking about implicit that I stands for implicit or implied let's take a look at some examples of how this is used on the te's so let's read our question first which statement is an example of explicit evidence from the paragraph so remember this is going to be specific specifically stated in the paragraph we're not going to have to draw a conclusion or imply what it is so during a recent lecture on public health Professor Jenkins discovered the I'm sorry discussed the impact of poor air quality on respiratory Health she cited a study that found a significant increase in asthma cases in cities with high levels of air pollution Professor Jenkins also mentioned that children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to these effects she concluded the lecture by emphasizing the need for stricter air quality regulations to protect public health so let's take a look at our examples air pollution might cause discomfort in some people we didn't really talk about that that might be just more implied asthma cases increase in cities with high levels of air pollution absolutely that was stated inside the text let's take a look at our final two options all urban areas have poor air quality again that's not something that we talked about and air quality regulations are universally strict again not something to discuss so the correct answer for this particular example is going to be B asthma cases increase in cities with high levels of air pollution our next practice question States what can be implicitly inferred about the protagonist view on social media so again this isn't going to be directly stated within the text it's going to be implicit meaning that it's going to be implied so we're going to have to draw a logical a conclusion about what it is that the author is trying to convey when it comes to social media so the passage is in her last novel author Emily Carter explores themes of isolation and connection in a digital age the protagonist a young blogger struggles with feelings of loneliness despite her large online following throughout the story she navigates the complexities of forming genuine relationships in a world dominated by social media the novel ends with a protagonist finding solace in a small community of like-minded individuals away from the digital realm so let's take a look at our examples she believes social media is the best way to form relationships well we know that's not true because she talks about the feelings of loneliness when it comes to social media B she finds greater fulfillment in in-person interactions than online well we can kind of imply that based on the last sentence right the novel ends with a protagonist finding solace in a small community of like-minded individuals away from the digital realm but let's take a look at our final two options she thinks social media should be avoided at all costs that's not really something that she talks about right and then lastly she uses social media to increase her popularity well we know that's not true uh just simply based on the fact that she talks about her feelings of loneliness so out of all of the options that we have the most correct answer is going to be B she finds greater fulfillment in in-person interactions then online in the last section of this video we're going to be talking about comprehension of written directions starting with transition words and phrases for order and relationship so a memory trick when it comes to this particular part of the test transition words can be found at the beginning of a sentence and are usually followed by a comma there's four key types we have emphasis addition contrast and order so starting with emphasis we have words that we use to highlight something important examples of this can be indeed in fact most importantly but I also included additional uh words that you might want to be on the lookout so please feel free to take a screenshot of this particular slide next we have addition so when we talk about addition these are transition words that are used to want to add more information to a text so commonly you're going to see examples of words like furthermore additionally and also next we have contrast so contrast words are used when showing differences or opposing ideas so think of them as like two different sides of a coin right examples of this can be however on the other hand nevertheless and then lastly we have order so with order these transition words are used as a sequence of ideas or events and these are ones that we know very well they're examples of like firstly subsequently finally next those kinds of words let's take a look at some practice test examp examples of each one of these different kinds of transition words so taking a look at our first example the question reads what transition word in the paragraph is used to emphasize a crucial point so let's take a look remember we're looking for a word with a comma behind it key tip so nutrition plays a key role in maintaining good health importantly that's our first word with a comma behind it a balanced diet provides the body with essential nutrients this includes vitamins and minerals that support various bodily functions regular consumption of fruits and vegetables for instance have been linked to the reduced risk of many chronic diseases so let's take a look at our choices we have regularly includes importantly and for instance well based on the paragraph that we had the only uh transition word that we had was importantly so we can deduce that the correct answer is going to be C importantly our next example which transition word in the paragraph indicates the addition of information remember we're looking for those addition words so global warming is a major environmental concern it leads to rising sea levels and increased temperatures furthermore it contributes to these frequent and severe weather events like hurricanes and droughts these changes are have significant impacts on ecosystems and human societies so we have leads furthermore like and these based on our paragraph here we have Furthermore with a common behind it that is the only transition word that we have in this paragraph So worst case scenario if you were unable to figure out oh I can't remember what the addition word is look for those words at the beginning of a sentence with a comma behind it so based on all the choices that we have the correct answer is going to be B furthermore that is our addition transition word our next example the question reads which transition word in the paragraph introduces a contrasting idea remember that's that both sides of the coin kind of contrast uh transition word so taking a look at our paragraph exercise is known to be beneficial for health alternatively comma there's our transition word a sedentary lifestyle is associated with various health risks including obesity and heart disease the contrast between an active or a sedentary lifestyle highlights the importance of regular physical activity for maintaining good health so let's take a look at our options no that's not a transition word right alternatively absolutely including that's usually like an addition right and then highlights no So based on all of the options that we have here the best option is going to be B alternatively let's take a closer look at our final question so which transition word in the paragraph is used to indicate the next sequence of advents so we're looking for something that is related to next okay when it comes to transition words so let's take a look at our paragraph in the process of photosynthesis plants convert sunlight into energy first comma so here's our first transition word they absorb sunlight using chlorophyll in their leaves second comma they use this energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen this process is essential for the growth of plants and for producing oxygen in the environment so again the question states which transition word in the paragraph is used to indicate the next sequence of events so we have convert we know that's not right first is definitely one of our order transition words second again another one of our order transition words and essential so remember this is when you really need to read that question it's indicating the next sequence of events so while first is a transition word the correct answer is actually c c is second that is our second sentence second we use energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen that is indicating our next sequence of events when we're looking at an order of events now that we've become very familiar with transition words with order we have priorities and Direction they're kind of like the same thing you're looking for for those transition words so you're going to be provided with a list with bullets or a number priority so you're going to look for words like first second third fourth or you can even be looking for things like first additionally next and finally so let's take a look at our example I have highlighted those words for you as a nursing student Sarah has developed a structured approach to manage her study sessions effectively first there's our first word she reviews her lecture notes to reinforce the material covered in class next there's our second one she tackles practice questions related to these topics to enhance her understanding and application skills additionally there's our third one Sarah allocates time to participate in study groups where she discusses complex concepts with her peers finally there's our last one she indicates the last part of her study session by reviewing difficult topics ensuring the comprehensive grasp of material before her exams let's take a look at some practice questions so we can kind of grasp what we're looking for when it comes to priorities and directions taking a look at our practice question according to Julia's study plan which two activities are planned to be done together remember we're looking for those addition transition words to combine two topics together so taking a look at our paragraph to prepare for the upcoming nursing certification exam Julia outlined a a detailed study plan first she decided to review all of her class notes to refresh her fundamental knowledge second she planned to take several additional tests to identify areas where she needed more Focus additionally during this phase Julia intended to join online forums and discussion groups to gain deeper insight into challenging topics and finally she would dedicate the last week before the exam to revising her weakest subjects ensuring thorough preparation so let's take a look at our options here so we already found our transition word did you find it yes it's additionally so those are the two topics that we're combining together first we have reviewing class notes and taking practice tests well that was our first one and our second one those we were not combining together right first second that's our sequence of events B joining online fors and revising weest subjects again that was our third to last and our last we're not combining those together because we have that transition word in between finally so that separates them taking practice tests and joining online fors yep that's in between our transition word additionally so those two things would be what we're combining together but let's look at our final option refreshing fundamental knowledge and revising weakest subjects again that is the last sentence of our paragraph It's not combining anything so based on all of the options that we have available to us the correct answer is going to be C taking practice tests and joining online forums let's take a look at our final section for this video and that is missing information and contraindications so when we're looking at these questions we want to scan for gaps and statements that contradict against actions so for missing information we want to make sure that we're skimming the passage to grasp the main idea remember that's the last sentence of our first paragraph gra we want to identify what specific information the question is trying to seek and lastly we want to look for gaps in that explanation when it comes to contraindications where we really need to understand what it is that the text is trying to convey is it medical is it mechanical what is it trying to tell us we want to identify any mentioned conditions situations or factors that we're going to see in the text and then lastly we want to look for statements that advise against certain actions so let's take a look at some practice questions so we can tie this all together so starting with our question first we have what crucial aspect of heart health maintenance is missing from Dr Ellis's seminar looking at our passage we have in a recent public health seminar Dr Ellis discussed the impact of lifestyle choices on heart health she covered the benefits of regular exercise and a balanced diet however during her talk she realized that she hadn't addressed The crucial aspect of heart health maintenance despite this Omission she emphasize the importance of avoiding smoking and reducing stress so taking a look at our examples we have the importance of regular exercise well she did talk about the benefits of regular exercise so we can get rid of that option the benefits of a balanced diet again she did cover that topic so we can automatically eliminate that we have the role of medication and heart help that wasn't really something that she discussed so we can keep that one on the back burner and then lastly D the importance of avoiding smoking well based on our very last sentence our main idea she did emphasize the importance of avoiding smoking So based on all of the options that we have available to us the correct answer is going to be C the role of medications and heart health taking a look at our next question we have what contraindication does Dr nwin advise against for her patient so we're looking for something that Dr WN says do not do this so let's take a look at our example during a consultation Dr NN advised her a patient who has a history of chronic kidney disease about managing hypertension she prescribed a specific blood pressure medication but cautious cautioned against that's that word we're looking for against the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also known as nids for pain relief noting their potential for worsening kidney function so let's take a look at our question examples so we have a taking prescribed blood pressure medication well that's something that she did advise to do right engaging in high-intensity exercise well that wasn't something we talked about at all in this paragraph so we can eliminate that consuming a high protein diet again didn't really discuss diet we're more focused on medications and then lastly using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also known as net she did caution against using these drugs for pain relief because they can worsen kidney function So based on all of the options that we have available to us the correct answer is going to be D using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs I hope that this information is helpful in understanding the reading portion of the aits as always if you have any questions make sure that you leave them down below I love answering your questions make sure you head over to nurse Chun store where there's a bunch of additional information as well as resources that are available to you and as always I'll catch you in the next video bye
Channel: Nurse Cheung
Views: 11,205
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Keywords: ati teas 7, teas 7 reading, teas exam, ati teas, ati teas 7 reading, teas 7 practice test, ati teas 7 practice test, teas 7, teas 7 reading practice test, ati teas reading, ati teas exam, teas practice test, teas reading, ati teas reading practice test, ati teas 7 reading practice test, teas test, ati teas test, ati teas 7 study guide, ati teas 7th edition, ati teas 7 reading review, ati teas 7 exam, ati teas practice test, 2024 ATI TEAS 7 Reading Key Ideas and Details
Id: loEKzUjiVLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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