ATI TEAS Reading Version 7 Craft & Structure Guide (How to Get the Perfect Score)

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what's going on all my healthcare brothers and sisters i hope that you are having a wonderful day if you're watching this video then you're continuing on in the atit's version 7 reading portion and today we're going to be talking about craft and structure let's get started so for the craft and structure portion of the exam there's going to be a total of nine questions out of the total 39 and that is going to cover distinguishing between facts and opinions to identify misconceptions and biases interpreting the meaning of words and phrases using context and evaluating the author's purpose in a given text let's break each one of these down so to begin we're going to take a closer look at distinguishing between fact and opinion to identify misconceptions and biases and the first sub-topic underneath this main topic is recognizing factual writing supported by evidence so when information is presented as factual in a text the reader must be able to trust that the information is accurate and trustworthy to determine whether a statement is a fact or opinion we have to look for cues within the text we have to ask ourselves is the author citing specific evidence to support this claim are they using language that indicates they are sharing their own opinion are there citations supporting the facts so for example let's say you come across the following sentence in a passage the sun is the largest star in the solar system okay we know that this is a fact we know that this is true because it is supported by scientific evidence now let's say you come across the following sentence i think the sun is the most beautiful star in the solar system this is more of an opinion right the author is sharing their own thoughts on the matter by using the word i think when you're reading a text it's important to be able to identify these differences this will help you understand the author's point of view and it'll also help you spot out any misconceptions or biases there are various types of sources for example in text that show evidence of fact including print and electronic sources personal interviews and observations credible sources are those that come from reliable authors and contain accurate information the source should be up to date let's take a look at identifying an author's point of view and viewpoint so an author's point of view is their perspective or opinion on a particular issue this can be expressed directly or it can be implied through language and through tone of text for example an author might use first person point of view to express their own opinions on a topic you're going to be able to identify these by the use of words such as i me and we pronouns they may also use third person point of view to discuss somebody else's opinions or to present objective information these can be identified with words such as he she and they pronouns the key is to be able to identify the author's point of view so that you can understand what the argument really is the author's viewpoint is similar to point of view but it refers to the biases that an author may have they can be based on their personal experiences their cultural background or their political beliefs it's important to be able to identify these biases so that you understand the author's argument and can critically evaluate the information that they are presenting moving on we're going to be looking at authors tone and biases to begin the tone of a text is the overall attitude that the author has towards a particular subject matter this can be positive negative or neutral the atit's test may also use words such as joyful detached and ominous to determine the tone it may be best to consider the event or context or even circumstances behind that particular text so for example an author might have a positive tone towards the subject of education like me right this can be identified through the use of positive words and phrases such as learning opportunities and the importance of education on the other hand the author might have a negative tone towards a subject of education this can be identified through the use of negative words or phrases such as the burden of homework or the pressure of standardized tests i think we're all feeling that right now right with the adids the key is to be able to identify the author's tone so that you can better understand their particular argument so author bias when an author shows a preference towards one thing or another they're using bias right this can be based on their personal experiences their cultural background or really their political beliefs so for example an author might be biased towards the subject of education because they believe that this is the key to success this can be identified through the words of phrases such as education is the key to success and a good education is essential that is the author's positive bias on education right but on the other hand the author might not be biased towards a subject because they believe that it is a waste of time this can be identified through the words the use of words and phrases such as education is a complete waste of time and you don't need education to be successful it's really important that we're able to detect the difference between a bias and a stereotype and it's truly important that you're able to distinguish between the two when you're taking the atits so when it comes to biases as we discussed before it is the author's use of showing a preference for one thing over another whereas with stereotypes this is the oversimplification of a group of people that are based on preconceived notions so for example an author might be biased towards the subject of education because they believe that it is truly the key to success on the other hand an author might stereotype people who are educated as being snobby and arrogant how can readers detect the difference between stereotypes and biases in text one way to do this is to consider the language that the author is using so for example biased language might include words and phrases such as should must and everyone whereas stereotypical language might include words and phrases such as all every and never another way to detect bias and stereotypes is to considers the author's point of view if the author is presenting their argument from a personal perspective then they might be actually presenting something that is biased if the author is presenting their argument from a neutral perspective then they are less likely to be experiencing bias our next topic is distinguishing between fact and opinion this one tends to get people a little confused sometimes so let's break it down a fact is a statement that can be proven to be true there is a reliable incredible evidence that supports a fact an opinion is a statement that reflects the author's beliefs values or feelings so for example the statement education is the key to success is truly an opinion whereas the statement a good education is essential is a fact to determine whether a statement is a factor or opinion you can ask yourself one of two questions can the statement be proven to be true does the statement reflect the author's beliefs values or feelings if you answer yes to the first question then the statement is a fact it may it has to be supported by credible or reliable evidence in order for it to be considered a fact if you answered yes to the second question the statement is an opinion opinions may mislead or persuade a reader depending on what's happening within the context let's move on to interpreting the meaning of words and phrases using context more specifically context clues while you encounter an unfamiliar word you can use context to determine what the meaning of that particular word is context clues are words or phrases that surround an unfamiliar word and provide information about its specific meaning so on the atits you are going to come across four different types of context clues number one is definition the author directly defines the word or phrase so for example the word bias is defined as a preference for one thing over another number two is restatement the author restates a word or phrase using different language so for example carnivores that is meat-eaters are at the top of the food chain right carnivores are eaters that is restatement number three is contrast the author provides an opposite of the word or phrase so for example while carlos is hard working his indilent sister spends more time watching television than working do you see the contrast there carlos is hard working and it sounds like his sister is not so much and then lastly number four inference the author provides information that can be inferred from the word or phrase so for example jennifer's belligerence surprised everyone she threw her phone across the room and push through the door see see how that kind of gets inferred there belligerence sounds like angry it sounds like she's upset it's it's unlike her per this particular statement in this particular passage hopefully these four context clues made it a little bit easier for you to find the definition of specific words so the use of specific words can have an effect on a text right the author's choice of words can have a significant effect on the meaning of the overall passage the author's tone that's the author's feeling towards that text can affect the mood the reader's feeling toward the text so for example the word success can be both both positive as well as negative the definition of the word success is the achievement of something desired planned or attempted right that has a very specific positive undertone within a text the word essential also has a positive undertone while the word good really could come across more as a neutral kind of choice the word key has a positive connotation while the word prerequisite has a negative commentation right you had to do a whole bunch of prerequisites before you could actually get into your nursing program that could come across as a little negative while you are reading it's important to be aware of the effect that these words have on a specific meaning of text when you're taking your teas test next let's move on to one of my favorite topics on the atits and that is figurative language so figurative language is language that is not meant to be taken literally right figurative language can be used to make a point more clearly to make a comparison or to add interest to a text so four different types of figurative language that you might see on the test is simile metaphor personification and hyperbole so let's begin with simile a simile is a figure of speech that uses words like or as to make a comparison so for example she's as busy as a bee see how that word as is being used in the middle she's her being busy as a bee we know bees are extremely hard working is a simile they are comparing each other she's busy that b is also busy a metaphor is a figure of speech that uses one thing to represent another for example she's a fireball she's not literally a fireball but if you had to compare her to something she's a fireball personification is a figure of speech that gives human characteristics to non-human objects so for example the wind was howling right we're giving a human characteristic to a non-human object our non-human object is the wind and that howling is a human characteristic that is what's being compared here and then lastly hyperbole is a figure of speech that uses exaggeration to make a point so for example i'm so hungry i could eat a horse i don't literally want to eat a horse but i'm so hungry that if that was my only option that's probably what i would end up eating right if no if if you didn't know i'm a vegetarian so there's no horse eating over here no meat at all thanks uh as you're reading be on the lookout for figurative language when you come across a figure of speech try to determine what the author is trying to communicate to you in order to understand what's happening within the text so moving on to the next main topic evaluating the author's purpose in a given text and we begin by determining and drawing inferences about the author's purpose so the author's purpose is the reason why that particular author is writing this particular text the author's purpose can be to inform entertain describe explain or persuade in order to determine what the author's purpose is you need to look at the text as a whole and consider the following what is the topic of the text who is the audience what's the overall tone what word choices is the author using is there figurative language that's being used and what is the overall organization once you have considered all of these particular topics you should be able to identify specifically what the author's purpose is so continuing on with determining the inferences about an author's purpose there are five different kinds of writing styles that we truly have to take into account when we're trying to determine purpose number one is informative writing so informative writing is to inform the reader about a topic when you are reading informational text look for facts and details that support this particular author's claim the author should be unbiased and present both sides of an argument if there really is one the next kind of writing style you might see is persuasive writing and the purpose of persuasive writing is to persuade the reader to do something or to believe something when you are reading persuasive text look for the author's point of view right the author should be biased and present only one side of an argument in order for it to be considered persuasive the author will use a variety of techniques to help you persuade your mind into thinking about what they want you to think about these techniques can include logical reasoning emotional appeal use of facts and statistics testimonials as well as some kind of expert opinion number three is entertainment entertaining writing right the purpose of entertaining writing is to entertain that reader when you're reading entertaining text you look for the author's use of humor irony and sarcasm the author may also use a variety of literary devices to add interest to the text such as plot setting characterization conflict as well as themes so number four is descriptive writing the purpose of descriptive writing is to describe a person place thing or an event when you're reading descriptive text look for the author's use of sensory details are going to try to use your senses with descriptive writing the author is going to use vivid language to create a mental image for the reader by describing what that person that thing that place or that event is and then lastly number five is expiratory writing the purpose of expiratory writing is to explain a concept steps within a process or an idea when you're reading espiritori text look for the author's use of definitions examples and even non-examples the authors should present the information as clear and concisely as possible i hope that the following information was helpful in understanding reading craft and structure on the atits if you have any additional questions make sure that you leave them below i love answering your questions head over to where there's additional resources for you to help you pass your atit's test and as always i will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Nurse Cheung
Views: 45,883
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Keywords: teas test, how to pass the teas test, ati teas, ati teas 7, teas 7, teas exam, teas reading practice test, ati teas test, teas test prep 2022, teas test study guide, teas test review, teas test 2022, teas test 7th edition, teas test version 7, teas test prep, teas test reading section, teas test for nursing entrance exam, teas test 7, how to pass the teas test 2022, how to pass the teas test for nursing, how to pass the teas test in a week, ati teas secrets study guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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