ATI TEAS Version 7 Mathematics Measurements and Data (How to Get the Perfect Score)

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what's going on All My Healthcare brothers and sisters I hope you are having a wonderful day we're gonna finish off the atit's version 7 mathematics portion of the exam by discussing measurements and data let's get started so as always We Begin by looking at our objectives that we're going to see on this portion of the exam for measurement and data there's going to be a total of 16 items that are scored out of the 34 questions that are on the exam so in order to pass this portion you need to interpret information from charts tables and graphs evaluate the information of data sets charts tables and graphs using statistics relationships between two variables calculate geometric circumference and convert between standard and Metric systems so the atnt's is going to use a variety of graphical displays that you must have the ability to interpret information from charts tables and graphs so we're going to take a look at what some of these tables and charts and graphs are going to look like we're going to start with partisan coordinate graphs so these graphs will have a pair of perpendicular lines called axises that intersect at a point called the origin the axises are used to locate points on that graph next we have Scatter Plots a scatter plot is a graph that shows a relationship between two variables the variables are plotted as points on the graph and the relationship between the variables are as shown next we have line graphs line graphs tend to be what everybody finds most appealing because it's something we use all the time line graphs are a graph that shows information that changes over time right as you can see in the example we have UPS we have downs we have big UPS right that is how information changes over time we also have pie charts these are also heavily used and a pie chart is a graph that is broken down into sex sectors and each sector represents a portion of a whole right so maybe you have a percentage of people that completed their education and a percentage of people um that attended a meeting and where they were from demographically taking that information breaking it down and representing the information as a whole with each particular section of the pie showing that particular sector and then lastly we have bar graphs bar graphs are also very huge and bar graphs are used as a diagram in which numerical values of variables are represented by height or length by rectangles right so if you take a look at here we're looking at worldwide number of electric cars and over time electric cars seem to become more and more popular right started off very low in 2012 and then all the way up until 2019 which is the most current data that was shown it's very high right there's a good percentage of people who are purchasing electric cars versus traditional or classic cars next we have how to interpret graphs and charts they're going to ask you to interpret them when you're taking a look at some of these charts so we're going to begin by looking at the title so the title of a graph or table will give you an idea of what specifically the data is all about right in this particular case we're looking at worldwide number of cars next we have accesses so we have an x-axis which is our horizontal axis and a y-axis that will tell us specifically what the variables are that we're measuring right we have the bottom we're measuring by years and the top we're measuring by units right we also have data so data is just that information as a whole that is being plotted on the graft or listed on a table next we have scale the scale is the range of values that are being used in this particular case we're looking at years right our scale usually follows our horizontal axis so particularly when it comes to scale we're looking at how long how much right we're looking at years in this particular case then we have units so units usually follow our y-axis and the units are the measurements that are being used right we're measuring specifically a portion of people that are now purchasing and owning electric cars next we have Trends so trend is really the most important thing when it comes to a graft is how are we trending right as a business how are we trending on that graph if we're trending up that means we're doing really well right when we're looking at like total purchases whereas if we're trending down we're doing really well and now our numbers are going down we need to fix that right we need to figure out what's going on and then lastly we have quadrant you see this more in your traditional line graphs right or your traditional charts where you're plotting numbers usually there's a quadrant and usually it's broken down into four because there's usually an X so you have like quadrant run quadrant two quadrant three and quadrant four so now we're going to move on to evaluating the information of data sets charts tables and graphs so now we know how to read them and interpret them as well as what they are how do we evaluate them so we start by looking at mean median and mode so what does that mean so the mean is the average of a set of numbers in order to find the mean we have to add up all of the numbers together and then divide those numbers by the number of numbers that are in that set right so for example we have a set of numbers here 12 13 14 and 15. so what we do is we're going to add all of these numbers together so if we add all these numbers together we are going to get 70 right but 70 is not the answer that we're looking for we're looking for the mean so we need to divide that number that we get when we added all these numbers together with the total numbers that are found within that set so we have 1 2 3 4 5. so right we have a total of five numbers within that set so we're going to divide 70 by 5 and that is going to give us 14. so in this particular set of numbers 14 is our mean in addition to me we also have to figure out median and the median is that middle number that falls within that set in order to find this number you need to arrange the numbers from least to greatest remember we talked about this in our previous video is that when we're looking for um when we're looking to put these numbers in order we need to start with least so if we have any negative numbers the higher the negative number the least it is all the way up to our positive numbers right the higher the positive number the higher the number is so in this particular case we got lucky our numbers are already in that order right so now we're just looking for that middle number so we know from our previous equation that we have five numbers right so we need to look for that number that falls in the third place that is our exact middle our exact middle number and in this case that is going to be 14. so we figured out our mean and our median all we have left now is mode so the mode is the number that occurs most often in a set of numbers in order to find this again we have to rearrange the numbers from least to greatest and find the number that occurs most often so for example I had to change it up a little bit we have 12 12 13 14 15 and 16. so thankfully it's already in that Arrangement that we needed to be in so now we're just looking at the number that occurs the most well as you can see for this example 12 occurs twice all the other numbers occur once so the mode of this particular equation is going to be 12. an additional number that you're most likely going to have to find in the measurement and data portion of this exam is range so range is measured by finding the difference between the largest and smallest number in a data set so to find the range we're going to subtract the smallest value from the largest value so in this case we have those same set of numbers 12 13 14 15 and 16. so as we know our smallest number is 12. and our largest number is 16. so we simply just subtract 16 from 12 and that gives us the number 4. so in this particular set of numbers we know that our range is equal to 4. so sometimes you're going to have to be looking at ranges when it comes to a correlation of data so data ranges can be classified by how many points are plotted on a graph so for example this can include standard deviation symmetry number of Peaks and skewness so we start with standard deviation so this describes how the spread of data is from the mean so we know that the mean is that number that falls in the middle right so how is that data spread out from that mean a low standard deviation means that most of the data is really close to the mean right so if you're looking at your data points and everything kind of Falls kind of close to that middle number then we know we have a low standard deviation it's not really deviating much right however we can have a high standard deviation and that means that our data is completely spread out when it comes to the mean so a lot of business and scientists people will use this information to evaluate what's happening with a product or with an experiment to figure out is there is a is there a low standard deviation or is there a high standard deviation and how do we fix that right next we have symmetry so symmetry occurs when data is equally distributed on either side of a line or a point so if you take a look at what the example I have here you can see that if you were to plot this out it is equal on the upper quadrant and the lower quadrant as well as in the other size right so maybe this is quadrant one two three four if we were to measure them based on where they fall on this line they are going to be equal on either side then we have number of Peaks and this occurs when data has multiple local Maxima or Minima right so data can either be unimodal meaning that there's one Peak or bell shaped or it can be bimodal meaning that there's two peaks if you actually take a look at this it's actually interesting is that this looks like an arterial line right this looks like the information that we would be getting from our arterial line and as you can see we have multiple numbers of Peaks right so that would be classified as multimodal however just for this example they usually want you to know unimodal as well as bimodal and then lastly we have skewness so skewness occurs when data is not equally distributed on either side of a line or point so data can be right skewed most of the data is on the right side of the graph or left skewed meaning that most of the data is on the left side of the graft or it could be uniform meaning that the data is equally spread out amongst the graph so how do we interpret Trends on a graft or table so we really need to look at these particular topics in order to identify Trends and graphs on tables so to begin what we look at type of trend so when looking at type of Trends they're either going to be linear meaning a line they're going to be exponential or they're going to be quadratic if we're looking at the direction of a trend we're looking at the direction the trend is going it could be positive it could be increasing it could be negative it could be decreasing or it could just be flat right there's no change happening whatsoever and then lastly we have rate of change and with rate of change this is the amount that the trend is increasing or decreasing by we talked about rate of change a little bit before in our previous mathematics video so make sure that you go over there and check that out in the meantime we're going to take a look at an example so we're going to take a look at this graph we have a couple data points that we need to plot so we have zero zero zero negative 0.25 0 negative 0.5 and 0 negative 0.75 so we need to figure out where these particular plots sit on our graft first right so we always go from left to right and up and down that is the order that we follow so our first number is 0 0 meaning that we are really at the midpoint so I'm going to put a little circle right here next we have zero negative two five so we're not going right or left right because our first number is zero so we're just going to go down to negative 0.25 that's our next point then we have zero negative 0.5 again not going left and right we're just going down zero point five right and then we have zero negative point seven five again same thing not going left to right or just going down five this is how we plot out our data so the type of trend that we're seeing here right is linear it is a line that goes up and down the direction of the trend is negative so if you look at it based on our plots as we were going down we were going down this line so we have a negative Trend with these particular numbers that we plotted on our on our graph the rate of change is 0.25 because every time we went down we went down 0.25 based on the data that was provided okay there's also something else outside of this where we could have outliers so sometimes it falls beautifully in this particular situation and sometimes it doesn't outliers is a data point that is far from the other data points on a set so let's say for example we're going to go to our next problem we have an example of 12 13 15 14 15 and 16. we grab that on our on our chart and it looks like it's going up right we have a positive numbers it's going from 12 to 13 to 14 to 15 to 16 however maybe the question is going to say we have this one point that is 50. so out of everything we've got okay it's following is slowly slowing going up and then all of a sudden we have this 50 out of nowhere that 50 is going to be considered your outlier so whenever you have questions that are asking for what is the outlier of these numbers It's usually the number that doesn't correlate with the others right the other ones are increasing by one and then all of a sudden you have this other number that doesn't increase by one or does it follow that rate of change that is what your outlier will be and lastly for this section we're going to have probability so probability is the chance that an event will occur probability can be expressed as a fraction a decimal or a percentage depending on what you're looking at and the equation you're going to look at is p parentheses event is going to be equal to parentheses the number of desired outcomes divided by the total number of outcomes so for example when we're looking at probability of a dice what is the chance of you rolling a 6 on a dice that is one out of six well the probability is going to be one out of six right because there's a one out of six chance that you were going to roll a dice you can also further break this down into a decimal right if that's what it's asking so 0.166 so on and so forth depending on what it asks you to round up to maybe it says round up to the nearest um a thousands place then you would be looking at like 0.167 or something along those lines but that is how you are going to determine probability what are the chances that out of the total number of outcomes that could occur that I am going to perform this one particular outcome that I desire so next we're going to move on to relationships between two variables and usually we're looking at dependent and independent variables so a dependent variable is the outcome of an experiment or a value that is being measured and typically that variable is going to be dependent on something else right it has to have something else in order for that variable to make sense an independent variable is one that does not depend on another right it doesn't need anybody else it is independent so this can be classified as cause the independent variable and the effect the dependent variable so for example in an experiment where we see different amounts of light affect the growth of plants the dependent variable would be the height of the plant right and the independent variable would be the amount of light no matter what we do with that light the light is always going to be the same right whereas our dependent variable in order for that plant to grow it has to be dependent on the light so let's talk about correlation you're going to use this all the time with your practice as well as business it's used constantly so we're looking at correlation and covariance and that is the statistical measurement that describes the relationship between two variables there are three types of correlations that you need to know positive negative and no correlation at all so a positive correlation means that one variable increases and another variable also increases so as we take a look down here in our chart or positive we see that that line is going into a positive direction right it's going up instead of down whereas with our negative correlation that means that one variable increases and the other variable decreases right so with our negative correlation you see how that those variables are going down it's going into a negative Direction that's not what we want to see and then we have no correlation at all so if you take a look at this one there is absolutely no correlation taking place here there's no relationship between any of these variables an example of positive correlation in real life can be as the temperature outside increases so so does the ice cream sales right we have an increase and an increase so temperature increases ice cream sales increase an example of a negative correlation is that as the price of gas increases I think we've been experiencing that lately right the number of miles driven per week decreases right so we have an increase and a decrease that is our negative correlation and then with our null correlation the number of hours of sleep per night has no correlation with the grade on a test right it's been proven there's been a lot of scientific data behind it there is not a magic number of hours for you to sleep in order to get a better grade on the test if you study and sleep appropriately for whatever is you know right for you then most likely you're setting yourself up to get a better grade however it's never guaranteed you may also need to compare and contrast direct and inverse relationships so a direct relationship or direct variation is a straight-line relationship in which the dependent variable increases as the independent variable increases right we have increased increase so for example Y is equal to MX whereas with an inverse relationship we have more of a curved line relationship in which the dependent and I'm sorry the dependent variable decreases as the independent variable increases and you usually typically see that as Y is equal to M over X all right now we're going to start measuring some geometric quantities right and we're going to start with perimeter and circumference so the perimeter is the distance around a two dimensional shape all right we're not looking at three dimensions yet just two dimensional shapes the formula for a perimeter is p plus is equal to S Plus S Plus s right so we're just adding up all of the sides so we would add up this side this side this side this side and that would give us our perimeter but sometimes we have to find the perimeter of a complex shape as we see here this kind of diamond looking shape so again we add up all the lengths of each side together so we would add this side this side here here here here here here and here and that would give us the perimeter of these odd looking shapes then we have circumference so that's something that's a little bit different that usually correlates with our circles right it's very difficult there's no sides right it's just a circle just a circle so the formula for circumference is C is equal to Pi times the diameter so we need to know the diameter of a circle and we're going to multiply that by pi and usually Pi is 3.14 so perimeter is really easy now we're going to start talking about area how do we figure out an area of a two-dimensional shape so we do this by different kinds of formulas depending on what the area looks like so in order to find the area of a rectangle we have to use the formula length times width so we need to figure out what is the length times the width of a particular rectangular shape whereas with a triangle this one's a little bit more complicated so for in order for us to figure out the area of a triangle we have one half times b h where b stands for the length of the base and H stands for the height of the triangle so another common two-dimensional shapes that you're going to see on your atits regarding area is going to be Circle parallelogram and trapezoid so starting with the circle the area of a circle is a is equal to Pi times radius squared so your diameter is going to be the total length of your circle whereas your radius is going to be about half of your circle so you're going to want to know half of your circle in order to determine what the area is going to be for a circle next we have parallelogram and this one uses a is equal to H times B where H stands for height and b stands for the base so just kind of like your um your triangle with a parallelogram it's just H times B right whereas with the other one you're dividing it by two and then lastly we have trapezoid so this is a fancy one that we have to figure out so again we have that one half times H where H stands for height right but with this particular um shape with the trapezoid we have two different sizes of a base right with our parallelogram the top base is going to be equal to the bottom base right whereas this one is going to be very different so you have base one right and you have base two so you're going to need to know the measurements of the top of the trapezoid as well as the bottom of the trapezoid in order to determine what the area is going to be so now we're going to move on to the more complicated things and that's volume so before we were looking at two dimensional shapes now for volume we're going to be looking at the amount of a three-dimensional shape and that what it takes up right so it's three-dimensional what is the volume inside that three-dimensional shape so we start with our rectangular prism so in order to consider volume for this prism we have to times length by width by height where L right is going to be our length W is going to be our width and H is going to be our height next we have our triangular prism so this one is almost just as close right except we're adding something additional we're adding length so now we have base times height times length right and we're going to divide that by two you will also need to know how to measure our cylinder as well as a rectangular pyramid okay so we have a rectangular prism and we have a rectangular pyramid so starting with a cylinder for this one in particular you're going to need to know pi times radius squared plus height right so you're going to need to know the radius of one of these ends and you're also going to need to know the height of your cylinder or it should technically it's just because it's on the side there we go the height of your cylinder and then lastly with the rectangular pyramid we are going to now divide this by three right so we have one third times the length the width and the height and we're going to divide it by three because remember when we're looking at volume we're looking at cubic area versus um you know looking at the other ones that we've discussed before and then lastly we have cones so in order for us to figure out the volume of a cone we use this equation we use 1 3 pi r squared height right so we know that our height is the height of the cone we know that our radius is going to be half of our circle at the bottom and we're going to use Pi because that is what we use when we're trying to determine area and volume of a particular Circle or a three-dimensional shape and in this case again we're going to use one third because we're looking at cubic volume versus what we discussed before lastly we're going to take a closer look at converting between standard and Metric systems so in order for us to be able to convert we have to know what they are right so we start with the standard system because in the United States that is what we are accustomed to so the most common units for length in the United States is inches feet yards and Miles the most common units for capacity would be things like teaspoons tablespoons cups pints quarts and gallons and the most common units for weight would be ounces and pounds so how do we convert well we use dimensional analysis which we're going to discuss next so we use dimensional analysis to convert units so it's really a four-step process Step One is we have to to determine what we are converting so in this case we are converting length from inches to feet right that's what we are trying to figure out in this particular equation that we have next we need to determine the relationship between those units in this case we know that 12 inches is equal to one foot third we need to set up our equation right so we're trying to figure out how many feet we have in 12 inches so we have 12 inches is equal to X feet we just have to determine what our X stands for so our last step is we solve for the unknown unit so in this case X is equal to 12 divided by 12 feet or X is equal to one foot the same process can be used to convert between units found within the standard system so taking a closer look at the metric system this is the system that is used in many other countries and this is how they measure length capacity and weight so common units for length would be things like millimeters centimeters meters and kilometers the most common units for capacity would be milliliters or liters and the most common units for weight is Grants and kilograms you notice how there is a common theme with length the base unit is meters with capacity the base unit is liters and with weight the base unit is grams so let's take a closer look at what this looks like on a scale so that we can determine how we're going to convert metric measurements so I like to use the mnemonic King Henry doesn't usually drink cold milk right so this is how we break down our metric measurements so we have kilo we have hecto Deca we have our units remember we talked about grams liters and meters we have decisenti and Millie right so the metric system is based on the powers of tense this means that each unit is 10 times larger or smaller than the one before or after it so for example one meter is 10 times larger than one decimeter right we can see that base on our calculations down here at the bottom this means that to convert from a larger number to a smaller unit you will need to move the decimal point to the left right so for example if we want to convert from centimeters to meters you have to move the decimal two points to the left so let's say we have an equation of 100 um centimeters in order for us to determine what the meters is then we're going to move our decimal place over so our decimal place is usually here and we want to know what the meters is you see here we have meters we're going to move it in over to the meters column So based on our calculations now we have one sorry 0.1 meters is equal to 100 centimeters you're going to use this again and again as you're looking at equations let's do another one so let's say we need to figure out what uh .001 meters is so what I typically do is I place my 1 in my meters column and then I add my zeros right so we know it's point zero zero one meters but we need to figure out that conversion to millimeters so we know that our millimeters is down here at the end so we are going to move our decimal over to millimeters right so one two three four five six right so we move it at the end of our millimeters and we just add zeros so now we have one thousand millimeters so we know that point zero zero one meters is equal to one thousand millimeters I hope that that was easily understandable if you have any additional questions make sure that you ask them I would love to do more practice questions with these to help further understanding of the metric system so while all of this seems great you might be asking yourself really truly what do I need to know for the exam in regards to converting between standard and Metric systems there's so many different kinds of conversions what are the most common ones you're going to see well the common ones you're going to see are listed here below you've got kilograms to pounds inches to centimeters meters to feet ounces to grams and then miles to kilometers right so for example one gallon is typically equal to 3.8 liters what I will tell you is that you truly just need to memorize a lot of these different conversions particularly these ones these are would be the ones that I would know for the exam to help you pass but in general when you get into the healthcare field we primarily use a metric system we don't really use pounds you're more than welcome to enter it however when we're looking at like medications and things like that we're not looking at pounds we're looking at kilograms so particularly for acits know these but just know that once you get into your chosen career that measurements are going to look very different I hope this information was helpful in understanding what you're going to see on the atit's version of measurements and data as always if you have any questions feel free to leave them down below I love answering your questions head over to whether it's a ton of additional resources available to you and as always I will see you in the next video bye
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Keywords: ati teas, teas 7, teas test, ati teas 7, ati teas test, ati teas review, teas exam, teas test review, ati teas 7 study guide, ati teas 7 math, ati teas 2022, teas math, how to pass the teas test, teas test 2022, teas 7 math, ati teas, ati teas math, ati teas math 2022, teas math review, ati teas 7th edition, ati teas 7 review, ati teas 7 practice test, ati math, ati teas math section, ati teas math review, teas 7 math practice test, ati teas 7 math section
Id: hxDPZPfFk7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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