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Just one question can tell you your level and whether you will be poor or rich in the next 10 years? Which income would you choose to earn you $100,000? Or 10 incomes, each earning you $10,000? Many people are praying to God and praying to Buddha, hoping to improve their wealth! The question then becomes, do you have any other income besides your salary from work? have! Money won from playing mahjong! In other words, many people actually hope to put all their wealth into a small salary with an upper limit , or to spend all their money on a mahjong dinner after winning a game! To be honest, do you see any future? Eh! Sweeping monk! What else to do? Should I set a goal of earning 100 million? There is a kind of person who does not go to work or do business but lives a life of wealth and freedom! So how did they make their money? Buffett once said that if you can't find a way to make money while sleeping , you will work until you die! So you have to earn money after sleeping! very nice! Right? If you buy a few houses in the Egg Yolk District, you won't have to go to work to collect rent, and you will have to pay rent for the rest of your life! Is it because everyone thinks so that the housing prices in Egg Yolk District are within reach of you, an ordinary person? Everything in heaven and earth is in balance! Most people want to get something for nothing! But there is a threshold for getting something for nothing. When you earn a million dollars, although it is not much, you can also participate in building different passive incomes! The question for 99% of people is, how on earth do they earn this million US dollars? And the most important thing is, even if you can earn US$100,000 per year, it will take you 10 years to earn US$1 million! Although many people already think this is very promising! But how much will $1 million be worth in 10 years? I've always admired people who can make so much money while working, it's really amazing! For this kind of middle class, the first thing they do every month is to use 8-90% of their income to pay off their mortgage, car loan, and children’s school fees! Is this the future you want? So today I will not only share this video without reservation, but also how to earn passive income? It also allows you to earn more than four passive incomes at the same time before the end of 2023 ! The most important thing is that ordinary people can do it from scratch and earn countless times more than their regular jobs with unlimited passive income! This channel is dedicated to cultivating bosses, investors, and wealthy people. If you don’t want to miss this information , you can consider subscribing to my channel and turn on the little bell! First of all, when talking about passive income, many people will recommend you to buy stocks to collect interest! Because the capital threshold is low and the risk is low! So let’s see! If you listen to these people and operate, what will happen? For example, everyone’s favorite high-yield U.S. stock, 3M Company! The advantage of buying it is that the interest rate is high, 5.4%! It’s much better than depositing money in the bank on a regular basis! And it will pay you dividends every March, June, September, and December, that is, every quarter! Not once a year! This kind of cash flow is great, right? The most important thing is one word, stability! This company is one of the components of the Dow Jones Index! Then you, an ordinary person, want to make money while lying down, why don't you buy it? This is what U.S. stocks are like! For example, if its current stock price is $100 , you can buy one share if you don’t have much money . Even if you don’t have much money, you can buy 1/4 of a share! Basically there is no threshold! What happens in the end? Since 2018, it has dropped from around US$260 to US$90 now, wiping out about 61% of your wealth in an instant! yes! If you invest 1 million, you can get back more than 50,000 a year! But of your one million principal, there will only be more than 400,000 left in these five years! You think this is just a special case! Let’s look at another high-yield U.S. stock that everyone likes, Wall Alliance Corporation (WBA)! The interest rate is about 5.3%, and dividends are paid quarterly! very nice! It is also a component of the S&P 500 Index! Pretty stable, right? As a result, it is even worse, from about 98 US dollars in 2015 to about 22 US dollars now! 79% of your wealth evaporates in an instant! There are countless such cases, such as Leggett & Platt's (LEG) 5.1% interest rate! From around US$60 in 21 to the current US$25, 59% of wealth has evaporated! And IBM, 4.9% interest! This one is better. The worst case scenario is from 13 to 20 years, with a loss of 58%! Now it has risen a little, and the loss is about 30%! So is this still called passive income? Passive spending, right? Moreover, these high-interest U.S. stocks are all what you can find when you search on Google. I am not specifically targeting them! And you know what? When receiving dividends in the United States, you have to pay 30% tax to the government! What does this mean? This is the US government’s passive income, not yours! This is not the most cruel thing, because some people will refute me! Even if the stock falls by 50%! But his interest rate is 5%! I can get my principal back by charging interest for ten years! I just assume that you don’t have to pay the 30% tax. Do you know that stocks pay interest and how does that interest come from? It is deducted from the stock price! For example, yesterday’s stock price was $100 and you bought 10,000 shares! That means investing one million in! So today this stock paid you 50,000 in interest, you are very happy! Just when you are about to sell the stock, you will find that the stock price has changed from $100 to $95! This is called purification! The 5 yuan missing here is to pay you interest! Your wealth will not increase at this time! Simply put, wool comes from sheep! Isn't this the same as investing 1 million and then taking 50,000 out of your 1 million every year to pay you back? Aren’t you paying interest to yourself? Moreover, there are many situations where the stock price will continue to fall due to a fall in stock price after ex-dividends ! In severe cases, it may even collapse! I have also tried the worst-case scenario, which is that the company goes bankrupt! So is the risk really low? Some people will say, buy bank stocks! Will the bank fail? Let’s not talk about the bankrupt banks in the United States. Let’s take the bank stock that Hong Kong people like the most and think is the most stable, HSBC! It had directly stopped paying interest before and the stock price dropped from the highest of 133 Hong Kong dollars in 2007 to the lowest of about 27 Hong Kong dollars! 79% evaporated! How to buy it? Eh! I took the risk of offending many colleagues to tell the truth. Is it worthy of your praise and support? I myself, like the author of my idol "Rich Dad Poor Dad", don't buy stocks, ETFs charge interest! But I will also use 10% to 20% of all my funds to buy stocks or ETFs , but mostly futures, options, and warrants! Because I am playing speculation! At this time, you may ask, speculation is not about earning passive income! Because you have to watch the market for a long time and keep watching the fluctuations of the K-line charts on the computer, it is no different from when you go to work! right! This is the way ordinary retail investors speculate in stocks, but it does not exactly equal speculation! My method of speculation is to use a computer to set stop loss and stop profit before buying a stock ! For example, if the stock price falls below a very important support level, then I will automatically sell! I only allow myself to leave the market with a loss of about 6% at most! Then I usually spend 15 minutes to an hour observing if the stock reaches certain pressure levels, I will automatically stop profiting! If this stock continues to rise well and continues to break through certain pressure levels, I will buy it again and reset my stop loss and profit stop! Basically it’s all automated trading! We will only seize a buying opportunity and let it rise for several months or even half a year, and then we can reap profits! The risks are under my own control, as are the profits, positions and chips! If you want to know the entire gameplay, you can watch my previous videos! If you want to learn from me directly, just leave a message and tell me! And subscribe to stay tuned for my subsequent teachings! Therefore, automated stock speculation is the first passive income I recommend! The second passive income is intellectual property! Don't feel weak after hearing this, thinking it has nothing to do with you! Because of our traditional methods, we all think that this is money that only professionals can make! For example, like JK Rowling, write a set of Harry Potter novels! Or, like Jin Yong, get Zhang Wuji, Huang Rong, and the sweeping monk out! Then you can sell the sales rights of these books , movie copyrights, game copyrights, product copyrights, etc.! Such a threshold is inherently very high because from planning the outline of a novel, its characters, its origins and transitions, to later release channels, how to do publicity and sales, etc., you may have to spend a lifetime to complete this huge project! Because you go from zero to one, and then from one to a hundred! But brothers and sisters, it is now 2023! If you don’t know how to use ChatGPT, you really deserve to be unable to make any money! Give me an example! Yesterday I posted a dream in which I was being hunted and I was forced to give up all my possessions and flee to a rural area! After I woke up from the dream, I thought again about who was going to hunt me down? Then how will this dream of mine develop? Most importantly, could I turn this dream into a novel and sell it to make money? Then the next process is very simple, pay attention! I opened ChatGPT, and then I told the AI ​​the details of this dream. I asked it to help me write an outline of a novel story, help me plan the plot, characters, and subsequent development of the entire story, and figure out why I was being hunted and how I was. Investigate who is after me and how I turn around, right? Then ChatGPT will help you get all these details from zero to one! Isn’t it much simpler? Then you can start writing. For example, set aside one to two hours a day and set yourself to write a little bit at home every day. That’s 60 hours a month! Half a year is 360 hours! This is enough to write a novel! Because this does not require you to write, you can also let ChatGPT write every word. All you are responsible for is telling it your thoughts and then optimizing and modifying its text! These previous videos also have instruction! This simplifies 80% of the operational difficulties to create your novel, that is, your product! The next step is how to sell the book! You can publish it on the novel platform, your blog, ig, forum, or make it into an e-book and sell it on Amazon. Even if you find a newspaper, the publisher can publish it for you! You may feel unreliable after hearing this! Why? The reason why most people have only one income channel is that they only know how to sell themselves to one person, that is, their boss! What they earn is the boss’s money alone! So their fate, whether you make more or less money, is always in the hands of the boss alone! The result of this is that your life is lived for the boss! After paying the rent every month, save the remaining money! You know what I think is the saddest thing? Nowadays, people are considered very happy if they can go on a trip once a year! Because you can escape from the laboring city for a short time! Some people are even reluctant to travel because they want to save money to get married or to educate their children! So if you are asked to sell a product and a book to people all over the world today, you will feel unreliable! Because you've never tried it! But if I tell you that there are 2.5 billion users on Youtube, as long as each one gives you a piece to buy your product or service, you will have 2.5 billion! We have an SDS system that has been proven by the market to earn 7-digit US dollars annually , allowing you to build your YouTube passive income! Not only the thousands of dollars a month in advertising profits, but also it increases your commercial value and influence so that all bosses and product manufacturers will take the initiative to find you and beg you to make money with them! The most important thing is that it will definitely be more than 3 times easier than your current job! For example, if someone clicks on a video to watch it, even if they don’t like you, you will earn passive income from them! And when you use our new SDS system and gain traffic, it means that there are countless potential customers waiting in line for you to sell your products to them, and they will accept higher prices! Just like Chanel and Hermès bags, you are selling a brand! Best of all, we are fully automated! We people need to rest, but the Internet automatically collects money for us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! So if you want to learn my new SDS system, you can sign up for my training camp on the first link in the video description column! As long as you subscribe and like, you won’t be charged a penny at all! So what you have to do is to sign up immediately and learn how to get rid of this endless cycle of single income! In fact, if you master it, you will generate a lot of projects! For example, you can use Chat GPT to invent a board game! It's easier than you think! When I was in college, I imitated the board games of Monopoly and Rich Dad's "CashFlow" and then combined elements of the economic cycle to invent a board game! Although it was just a project assignment, I regretted throwing it away and forgetting about it after I handed it in , but it also proved that it is not difficult to make it! Especially now you can also let ChatGPT help you plan and make it step by step! You can directly ask it what the steps are to make a board game and then tell it your ideas and let it help you implement it! look! For example , when a large group of people get together at a normal friend gathering or team building, there is simply not enough room for so many people to play on Switch, PS4, or even playing mahjong ! But board games are different! What kind of script killing, board game version of escape room, werewolf killing, etc. In fact, you can invent it yourself with ChatGPT! Be it small games, song writing, etc., you can actually use ChatGPT to simplify many tedious operations! Then apply for copyright after you start doing it, and these will become your exclusive passive income! Also, some people will always pay attention to which companies with potential development have been invested by venture capital companies ! Then they will register several trademarks or domain names in advance! For example, first register TSMC’s trademark, AJ’s trademark, and Supreme’s trademark! Apple.com, Alibaba.com and the like! When these companies rise, sell these trademarks and domain names to them! Or maybe we had to take notes before, but it was very inconvenient! So someone invented the Post-it note, applied for a patent, and sold it to 3M Company, making $12 million! The reason why copyright is valuable is that in order to obtain the copyright, you can stipulate how much money they will give you every month or every year. These are passive incomes! The third passive income is to build or invest in some businesses! For example, today I raised a golden retriever, a very purebred! A dog's life is so short, so can you treat it well and raise it so that when it grows up, it will participate in more dog competitions and help it win honors? The difference when you want to find a girlfriend for it is that if it is a very purebred dog that has won many competitions, you can help it find many girlfriends! And every mating can be paid! It’s the concept of a breeding dog, do you understand what I mean? At this time, every time it mates, it can bring you passive income! You can even open a dog farm or a pet shop later, right? Some people think that commercializing pets is bad! Then I apologize! I also think pet stores shouldn’t charge money! Just saying, I think it is also our responsibility as humans to pass on the genes of good dogs ! This will make the dog more confident and have a richer life! Just make some passive income along the way! It’s not a dog, it’s a cat, it’s a fish, it’s a turtle, it’s a rabbit, it’s a horse. In fact, I’ve seen many people do all of them! They are those people who don’t have to work much and have wealth and freedom! Also, you can invest in some movies, TV series , even records, concerts, etc.! Many people think that these have sponsors and don’t need investors! But in fact, investing in a movie abroad is something that many ordinary people can do! It is also a crowdfunding concept. If you have money, you can invest more, and if you have no money, you can invest less! Otherwise, for example, if I go to the gym, my fitness coaches will also want to go out on their own and have the idea of ​​​​going it alone. In this case, I will contribute the money and they will contribute, or you can also invest in a partnership! You take more, take less, and how many shares you hold are all negotiated! For example, if I were responsible for helping them attract customers and I was also a major shareholder, I would get more! But they no longer receive hourly wages, but can also take shares in the company! The money they earn at the gym is your passive income! For another example, you can be an agent. You can sell durian mooncakes, sell a box and send a box! No need to stock up on your own! All you need to do is pay the customer the merchant’s link! This is why we do business on Youtube. You put the link under your video! If you have 10,000 fans and each gives you 100 yuan to buy your durian mooncakes, you will instantly get 1 million! In all businesses, as long as you focus on one point, that is, if you have fans in the sales channel, you have customers, you can sell products and services, you can make money or even form a partnership with others, and you can also get more shares! Apart from sales, everything in a company is a cost! Including your dog, how to turn it into a breeding dog? In addition to his good looks, the most important thing is that you know how to package it and sell it! You may make daily videos for it, videos of playing games with it, videos of playing tricks on it, etc. There are countless materials. After your dog has traffic, you can make money by selling dog food and make money by selling his T-shirts. , you can even make money by letting it be used for breeding! The essence of business is traffic. If someone tells you that you can make money without traffic, usually this person also makes money by cheating you! So it is very important to choose the right teacher. Guo Jing went to learn martial arts with the Jiangnan Seven Monsters and got the title of Idiot and Fool! He learned the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms from Hong Qigong and became Guo Daxia, a great master! So if you are very sure after reading our free training camp that you must earn passive income on Youtube , then my team and I are willing to open 25 one-on-one consulting spots worth one thousand US dollars every week! We will not charge fans any fees for our consultation now! But our professional manpower is very scarce, so I hope that people with determination, ideas and most importantly humility will come to us! It’s filling up again soon! So when you see this, you can quickly sign up on the second link in the video description column to see if we are destined! The fourth passive income, about 60% of my wealth is in real estate! Anyone who follows me knows that as soon as I have extra money, I will buy a house and rent it out! Some people will say that the return rate of about 4% on a fixed-term purchase with a higher interest rate is higher than the 2% or 3% return rate of buying a house for rent! And as mentioned at the beginning, the housing prices in the Egg Yolk District are so expensive, how can I buy them? In fact, every time I hear these words, I feel sick! Because it’s like changing the concept! yes! For a $1 million house, you might be able to get back an average of $30,000 a year if you rent it out! But is this a return on investment? Return on investment is about how much money you get back after you invest it! I assume you use half of the money to buy a house. If you invest 500,000, and you receive 30,000 a year, your real return on investment is 6%! And most people borrow 70% of the money and invest 30% themselves! This rate of return should be higher than if you buy any high-dividend stock on a regular basis, right? Of course, there will be interest payments , but as we have said many times, the principal in our monthly payment is more and more, and the interest is less and less! Now 1/3 of your capital is principal and 2/3 is interest! After 10 years, it may be half the principal and half the interest! After 20 years, one-third may be interest and two-thirds may be principal! Then the interest will be less and less, and the currency will continue to depreciate, which means that there will be no need to pay back the interest later! And the principal can be recovered when you sell the house. The most important thing is that most people will not repay the loan for a lifetime, and may sell it in 5 years! Then I won’t sell it! For more details, you can check out the free videos of all my previous real estate tutorials! But for ordinary people who can’t afford a house, real estate is still a good asset that can bring us passive income! For example, some people will buy REITs if they don’t want to be bothered! You can think of it as a real estate fund and it will pay you stable interest! In fact, this has the same risks as high-yield stocks . If you buy them in the United States, you will also have to pay 30% tax! You can buy it if you don't mind, but if you buy it, the house inside doesn't belong to you! So what ordinary people can do is sublet, that is, a second landlord! Suppose I have 20 houses in a place and if I want to rent out each house, I may encounter a lot of problems! For example, there are so many houses during the vacancy period! Every day it's empty means I lose one day's worth of money. It's better to rent it out as soon as possible and get one more day's worth of money! So I can accept the cheaper rent! There are also problems with real estate agents’ commissions, tenant management, etc. It’s very annoying for me to have to go 20 times to sign a contract! But if there is a second landlord, he comes to me directly, neither of us needs to pay agency fees , and he can rent all my houses at one time. More importantly, he may help me deal with all tenant problems! I only need to sign a contract with him once to connect with him! In this situation of saving time and money, I am very willing to rent to him at a cheaper price! For example, if I rent a house that originally costs US$2,000 to him, it may cost US$1,770! You can continue to negotiate the price! Although I don’t buy old houses , some landlords will invest in older houses with little decoration in the rooms! They are harder to rent out! At this time, if you are the second landlord and you tell them that you will help them renovate the house, their rent will be cheaper for you! Maybe what just dropped to one thousand seven will become one thousand four or one thousand five! Then at this time you can convert one or two rooms into three or four rooms! Each room is rented to one person, and the individual charges are 800 each. In total, you will have an income of 2,400 to 3,200 US dollars! It can generally be used as student dormitories to be rented out to single, hard-working office workers and the like! The cost of light renovation is very cheap! And you are wholesale decoration! Of course there will be an upfront investment cost , but it will also be much cheaper than buying a house, and this is an investment plan! That said, you can find others to invest in you! You calculate an account for them, how much money to invest, when will the capital be recovered, and how much will the return be! You can also partner up with your friends! It doesn't matter if you earn more or less, the most important thing is to learn the gameplay and routines! Just like Monopoly, several green houses can be exchanged for one red house! The more houses you rent, the more you can buy your own house later! So you have to find the kind that big landlords buy one by one, or buy several units in several units! How to find it? I usually have nothing to do, whether I have money or not, I go look at properties! Get to know more people and agents. It doesn’t cost any money , someone will entertain you, and you can learn, so why not do it? This passive income method of subletting is also taught in detail in previous videos! You can rewatch it later! Note here that some places are illegal or require a license! For example, if you run a hotel, B&B, club, etc., you may need a license! Therefore, if a person wants to retire early, he must first establish more than four income channels! Then find ways to increase the revenue of each channel! The last thing is to think about how to turn it into passive income! The four major passive incomes we talked about today are really pipelines that ordinary people can build before the end of 2023 without affecting their regular jobs! Okay, as long as you can find one or two sentences in what I said today that are useful and can help you live a better life, I will be satisfied~ If you have any questions, please leave me a message! Then, every Thursday at 8:30, I will continue to share free information about becoming rich, entrepreneurs, and investors to achieve financial freedom. If you don’t want to miss it , I still call on you to subscribe to my channel and turn on the little bell! Then share the video selflessly! I sincerely wish the brothers and sisters who liked this video to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible! Okay, see you next week, Bye!
Channel: 90後創業家掃地僧
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Keywords: 掃地僧, 賺錢, 被動收入, 被動收入方法, 被動收入2023, 如何賺被動收入, 投資賺錢, 理財, 如何投資被動收入, 2023被動收入, 被动收入项目, 被動收入現金流, 普通人也能賺的被動收入, 如何創造被動收入, 財富自由, 財務自由, 最佳的被動收入, 2023最佳被動收入, 最容易賺錢的被動收入, 不上班卻能財富自由, 不上班卻提前退休, 如何提前退休, 如何財富自由, 如何不上班, 如何賺錢, 賺錢的方法, 賺錢項目, 知識變現, 現金流, 现金流, 賺錢2023, 一生三次的暴富機會, 未來做什麼賺錢, 未來投資什麼賺錢, 在家賺錢, 如何在2023賺錢, 2023投資最賺錢, 2023賺錢機會, 90後創業家掃地僧, 提前退休, passive income, 賺錢 2023, 被动收入, 如何赚被动收入, 赚钱, 理财, 什么是被动收入, 什麼是被動收入, 被動收入有哪些, 被動收入 2023, 被動收入 意思, 被動收入的好處, 掃地僧 被動收入, 知識產權 被動收入, 如何賺取被動收入, 有錢人如何賺取被動收入, 普通人如何实现财务自由, 富人的被動收入, 不想工作怎么办, 2023財富自由, 2023提前退休, 賺錢 被動收入, 財富自由 fire
Id: eKjtZ36DRPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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