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Hello everyone, I am a sweeping monk! If you say a wrong word when buying a house, you will directly lose 100,000 US dollars! real! And you will be very happy, smiling and thinking that you have bought a bargain! As soon as most people come up, they directly ask how much is the lowest price? As soon as you said this, you immediately showed your cards! Not only does it make the landlord think you are a noob, but even the real estate agent thinks you are easy to cheat and not make you tens of thousands of dollars, and you feel sorry for yourself! And if you say one sentence right , let the former landlord send you $100,000 in front of you. You don't need to wait for the house price to rise, you can make money as soon as you buy it! Many people go shopping for vegetables, and they also bargain! But why are most people led by the nose when buying a house or a car for the first time ? Don't even have a chance to bargain? Eh! You have to know that the trial and error cost of buying a house and a car is very high! There are more traps inside than you buy vegetables. If you buy the wrong one, you may regret it for ten years, or even a lifetime! Don't you have to wait until it's time to pay before you learn how to bargain? All business and investment are inseparable from the word "negotiation", which sounds better, but bargaining! When you buy a house with someone, isn’t that just doing business with them? But you haven't learned it! Do you know why the agents who sell cars, Rolex, and houses make so much money? It is because of the action of buying and selling and trading that there are very fat profits in it! What you earn is an information gap! He knows what you don't know, then you will pay the IQ tax! All business transactions are like this! I like to study Trump very much, a businessman who is considered to be evil has actually become the President of the United States! And the success of his life is because he knows how to negotiate! Well, today's film is no exaggeration to say that it can even let you who have no money to buy a house and dare not even think about buying a house, buy the first house in your life! Then use the method I taught before, let the house become your golden rooster and give birth to countless houses for you! And although today I’m sharing how I, a businessman and investor, buy a house and bargain for a price, in fact, as long as you integrate the negotiating mentality inside, you can open a car seller, watch seller, or even a house sale business by yourself . So I sincerely suggest that you take out your pen and paper and write it down carefully! Because this will harm the interests of many people, I am afraid that I will be forced to take it off the shelves like before! I also hope that the brothers and sisters who will support me must like it! And this channel is dedicated to cultivating bosses, investors, and rich people. If you don't want to miss this information, you can consider subscribing to my channel, and then turn on the little bell! First of all, the first mentality is the overall situation of bargaining! Very important! Must remember! What we cut is the previous landlord's money, not the realtor's money! Let me declare first that I am not a realtor! Do not accept their endorsements! But the truth is, if you want to buy a house that is hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars cheaper than the market , you must not cut the commission of tens of thousands of dollars from the real estate agent! First, they have the supply on hand! These high-quality and cheap listings are all gone in the blink of an eye! You can't see it online! Because this is all dug out by the realtors one by one, calling and visiting in person! As soon as he publishes on the Internet, he will be seen by his peers and then stolen! So when I go to every city to look at properties, I will collect a lot of realtors’ phone numbers , and my attitude towards them is more polite than that of pretty girls because they are the forefront of the market! Not only do I need to get to know them well , but I also need to let them know that I am a potential buyer, I am an investor, I don't need to think for a long time, and they don't need to sell me for a long time to make a deal! In this way, they will give me these cheap and high-quality houses in the first time! Second, he is the knife to help us bargain! If your knife is longer and sharper, the house price you can cut will be more! The real estate broker just wants to close the deal and collect a commission! His commission is calculated on a percentage basis, if you cut tens of thousands, he may only charge a few hundred less! But if you let him know, I will not only ask you to help me rent out the house in the future, but also when I sell the house, I will also find you when I sell the house and want to buy a new house . As long as you stand by my side, I will cooperate with you for a long time, right? Then they will line up with you to cut the landlord's price together! The house price you cut down may be several times more than the commission you saved. This is the result we want! Many people who have never bought a house, just grab a few nearby house price data and read a few articles, and then they will understand it very well , and then get angry with the landlord and the real estate agent, and you will not buy it if you say it is a big deal! Finally, if house prices rise faster than your salary , then you won't be able to afford it in a few years! Especially us boys, we must control our emotions! Buying a house is a game for adults, you have to be humble and mature! Don't think that you are a customer or God. Later, when you want to chase girls, you will know the difference between having a house and not having a house? It's not that I'm so realistic, but this society is like this! Even if the girl is willing, her parents are not willing! So remember the first way to buy a house is to build a good relationship with the real estate agent! The second mental method is the real estate agent's control technique! Let you directly understand how to deal with them and how to deal with them, let you buy a house and go sideways! There is a kind of realtor in the market who likes to label other peers as black-hearted realtors to elevate their status by stepping down others! Then you don't want to take money, right? Didn't you earn the money for yourself in the end? Isn't this kind of person worse? The reason why a person is deceived is because his own knowledge is not enough! All problems are our own problems , we can't change others, whether he will lie to you is his business, whether we will be cheated is our business! I have been cheated a lot since I started my business , but I am very grateful to everyone who cheated me because they are my best teachers! If a person only knows how to complain after being cheated, and then is always afraid of being cheated, then this kind of person cannot achieve great things, and he is not very mature! So I dare to use any real estate agent, as long as I can help me negotiate the price, it is a good real estate agent! You can't bargain, no matter how nice you are to me, no matter how hard you work, you are a liar! You lied to me of my time, and also caused me to lose the opportunity to make money! So we just need to improve our cognition and understand the pitfalls inside! When your cognition is higher than that of the landlord, they will not lie to you, but to the landlord opposite! So what's the pitfall? First, you will find that whether you are buying a second-hand car or a house , 99% of the houses that are below the market price you see on the viewing software are fake! Wow! This house is so good both in terms of decoration and scenery, and it looks so much bigger than others with the same area. Most importantly, the price is still a lot lower! Is this the house for me? That's right! It is a trap specially prepared for you! The next plot is like this, if you call and want to make an appointment to see this house, he will tell you! ah! This suite has just been sold, we haven't had time to take it off the list, but I have a few more high-quality properties than this one. Are you free to come and see it on Saturday or Sunday? I just said that real high-quality housing listings will not be posted on the Internet , or you will be dropped in seconds before you see it! So remember! The purpose of looking for a real estate agent to see a house is not to make a deal immediately, but to find out how much all the units sell for in the same area, why others sell more expensively, and why sell here is cheaper! How big is the price gap between high-rise and low-rise! How much money do you want to invest, and how much rental return will you bring! Whether it is expensive or cheap house, you have to look at it! Figure out your budget! When the real estate agent took you to see the house, he has invested a lot of time and cost in you, and he really wants to make a deal with you! At this time, you tell him that you are ready! For example, the market price of a three-bedroom house is 1 million! You tell him that if someone puts 800,000, or if it is lower than 900,000, you will tell me immediately! I can put down what I'm doing and bring money to talk right away! This is the "Sun Tzu's Art of War" in which you win first and then seek war . You have already earned him 100,000 before you start bargaining! This is how you get along with your realtor! And the house agent inside will set up a lot of traps for you, you can't blame him, right? Because of a qualified realtor, in their eyes, no matter how bad the house is, it must be a good house! When he shows you the house again, he will exaggerate the advantages and avoid the disadvantages! If the floor is high, it will bring you to see the lighting! The ones on the lower floor will show you the platform and the garden! There is a road next to it, so the transportation is convenient! If it faces west, it will not be wet, and the appliances will last longer! If you say the price is too expensive, he will tell you that the one just sold last week is even more expensive, and it is in the nearby community! In fact, you don’t have to reason with what he said , because a professional investor will always see only the price! You just ask him to tell you the transaction prices of all types of houses in the whole community , then you probably know what you want! Then there is a lot of watching! In the process of watching the market, the intermediary will ask you a lot of questions! And the biggest mistake for a person who wants to buy a house is to tell all the information about himself, as if he has revealed all his cards! It's as if you fancy a house and you like it very much, and then the real estate agent simply asks you, do you like it? Just tell him you like it very much! That's OK! If you like this sentence, you will lose 100,000! You were eaten to death by the real estate agent! It's very simple! You like it, but I won't sell it to you, won't you feel bad! Then you want me to sell it to you, do you have to pay a higher price for your likes! And if you are the kind who is in a hurry to move, or if you suddenly make a lot of money and have the urge to buy immediately, then don't show it! As soon as you show it, you basically lose the opportunity to negotiate! So let's not blame Fang Zhong for being unscrupulous, but that you take the initiative to tell others that you can pay more to buy them if they don't earn your money, aren't you sorry for yourself? So he will always tell you that as long as you pay a little more, you can take this house home. You can afford such a large amount of money, and it is not short of tens of thousands of dollars! The decoration of this house will give you the tens of thousands of dollars you paid, which is equivalent to saving the decoration fee! Right? Then, the deadliest part of buying a house is to ask what is the base price of the house, and how much is the cheapest? Let me tell you a real way to play. In fact, the landlord who sells cars and houses is the same may only sell 1 million, but the realtor will raise the price a little higher. The seller must be fine. I just want to sell 1 million, but you help me sell 1.1 million. What’s the problem? The problem is that the real estate agent we went to buy the house told us that the house is 1.1 million, do you want to come and see it? In fact, from the moment we went to look at it, it means that we have a high probability of being able to afford the 1.1 million , otherwise we have been scared away by this price! That's OK! Since you can accept 1.1 million and the real estate agent also knows that you will bargain, let you bargain up to 100,000! You asked the real estate agent today how much is the cheapest, and he replied 1.08 million! Then you ask if it can be cheaper, and you will buy it if it is cheaper! The house agent will pretend to be very embarrassed, and say yes! I will do my best to help you talk to the landlord! As a result, he replied to you that the final reserve price was 1.05 million US dollars! Then you will find that you have saved 50,000 US dollars, and then it is ok to pay! In fact, the landlord’s asking price was only 1 million, and you paid 50,000 more! You've lost before you even started haggling! Eh! Hearing this, you may think that the biggest problem in buying a house is not that you are afraid of buying tens of thousands of dollars , but that you have no money and can't afford it! In the past few decades, did you make money by studying or by buying a house? When you go back to 2008, compare two people, one is a top student, and their family never worried about his studies! One is a scumbag. In order to make it easier for him to study, his parents bought him a suite near the school! In the end, the top student was admitted to a famous university, and the low school student couldn't even get into a university! After so many years, the student's house has increased by five times. During the process, he mortgaged the house and bought a few more houses. Now he only collects rent and doesn't have to go to work! And that top student from a prestigious university found a high-paying and stable job after graduation, but the annual salary increase couldn’t keep up with inflation and house prices. Now he wants to get married and has his own independent family and wants to move out to live with his wife , but half of their monthly salary has to be spent on renting a house and their own living expenses. They dare not have children and travel because the living expenses will only increase with inflation! The more they save, the less money they have! The two of them thought it would be a bit harder, instead of eating, drinking and having fun, they saved their money to invest in financial management, buy stocks, buy ETFs, buy bitcoin, and buy insurance. As a result, all capital markets fell by almost half last year! Then go and complain about this twisted world! Is it like this? The most frightening thing is that most people are not even Xueba but they are experiencing a worse life than Xueba. Why? First, did not grasp the trend of making money! Second, don't have your own business! Working part-time means acquiescing to your own time and salary, and being exploited by your boss! Is not it? And let me tell you, entrepreneurship can be learned and it is also a science that can be replicated and practiced! In this day and age, if you compare yourself with people from the past, you will most likely be a loser! But if we use the Internet, we can become the first batch of gold diggers compared with those who have not done so in the future ! 2.5 billion people on Youtube will each give you a piece to buy your products and services, and you will instantly have 2.5 billion! This is called doing business! And what you lack is a master who has really achieved results in the field of entrepreneurship, who can directly tell you how to build an automatic money-making machine that earns 7-figure dollars in a year through the contagious power of the Internet, which is more terrifying than viruses ! And these are actually the commercial secrets that I really did, with results! I also have no reservations, and I will teach you privately in a 2023 training camp! The good news is that we are currently free of charge for this training! And the bad news is that we will take this course off the shelves around this month! Or start charging! If you don't want to pass me by , sign up at the first link on the video description column! Just don't listen to it! That's the point, how should you bargain when buying a house? I divide the most important mentality of negotiation into six simple steps, and you don't need to learn so complicated! You can bookmark this video by just liking it, and you must come back and watch it a few more times if necessary! First, you have to find the property owner of the house first! Remember! You go up to look at the house, and the landlord you see may not be the property owner! What does that mean? For example, when I went to buy a house for the first time , I went up and saw a very kind old lady, so I played emotional cards with her. After talking for a long time, she was ok with everything, but she didn’t make a decision, because the house was in her son’s name, and everything had to be discussed again! And some people, you talked with him all day and he finally said that he would wait for his wife to come back and discuss it before making a decision. If this kind of person can't make a decision at all, we shouldn't talk to him! Just wasting our time! So from the very beginning, we have to ask whether the person you saw today can make a decision. If not, let the person who can make the decision come up and talk face-to-face! This is the first step! The second step is to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger! Many people always like to pretend that they don’t know how to know and put on a mask for themselves, for fear that others will lie to you! In fact, a truly smart person is always as wise as a fool! To put it simply, if you understand, you have to pretend to be stupid and pretend not to understand! Because in this way, the other party will let go of their psychological defenses and you understand it this way. Your daughter begged you to do something today, which is the same as your wife begging you to do something. You may agree to your daughter but not to your wife! It is because everyone only likes to agree to the terms of those who have no offensive power! Then I'm kidding! But buying a house is the same. You are very smart, right? The landlord will always feel that you are cheating him, and if you cut his price, he will feel that he is at a disadvantage to you! When it's time to actually sign the contract, he will think about whether he sold it too cheaply to you. Even if someone as smart as you is willing to sign the contract, am I at a disadvantage? Is there any news I don't know yet? Even if he didn't suffer, he would feel that he was at a disadvantage! But if you play dumb, the landlord will think that you can't fool him and he will have the upper hand. He controls the rhythm of the negotiation, and he feels that he has got you! Only in this way did he open the door that can be bargained by you! Then the third step, you have to find someone to cooperate with you, this person seems to be more picky, it can be your mother, or your woman! The advantage of this is that you can advance, attack and retreat! When you look at the house, you can look for different realtors separately! But if you are optimistic about everything and are ready to buy it, you must go together because this way you will let the other party feel that you really want to buy it, not that you just want to know my reserve price, cut my bloody price, and finally don't buy it! Sometimes you say the wrong thing, and you are too tough, and you can still have room for maneuver. For example, some people like to say a stupid thing! Tell the other party, as long as you drop another 10,000 dollars, I will buy it! Tell the other party directly your psychological price , but in fact, the original bargaining room is 100,000. If you just shouted 10,000, the other party may pretend to be embarrassed, and then agree immediately! And because we care about face, it is not easy to cut down tens of thousands more and then buy it reluctantly! Then if you have a picky girlfriend, at least you can let her object and have room for repentance! And you can also summarize their arguments with the people who are usually negative about the housing market, and then you can say that you don’t want to buy a house yourself, you see! Now the United States is still raising interest rates, the economy is still in depression and the housing price bubble is too big, it may burst soon! But my girlfriend keeps saying that if she doesn't have a house, she won't marry me and we have quarreled many times! Then when you talk like this, you actually sent two messages to him! First, the landlord will feel that the housing market may fall, and he is selling it to you at the highest point, and he is taking advantage of you! Instead of thinking, why do you like my house after seeing so many suites? Is it because I sell the cheapest? So this removes its concerns! Then secondly, this is very smooth, paving the way for you to bargain later because you input a piece of information that this house is sold very expensively to the landlord! If he really wants to sell, he will be willing to give in , after all he feels he has taken advantage of you! The fourth step is to start the negotiation. What you have to do is to play the emotional card. Don’t deny that there is anything wrong with that house. The more you talk about it, the more he hates you, and the less he wants to give it to you cheaply, or even sell it to you! So you have to change the landlord's thinking from rational to emotional! Tell him how hard your parents raised you before, and that's when your dad hurt his waist! Mom's hand can't be lifted now! Now buying a house, in fact, your whole family has to spend a lifetime of savings to barely raise the down payment for you. After you pay this money, you will have no money to decorate! But now I just want to say that when my parents are retired, I want to take them over and let them enjoy themselves! Right? You just talk about your actual situation, how great your parents are! How hard! And now he's a bad guy if he doesn't sell it to you cheap! Simply put, it is moral kidnapping! Emotional blackmail! Anyway, it's not breaking the law. It's like this in the business field. Soldiers never tire of cheating! That pair of great parents, and a filial child, as long as he is not hard-hearted, he will definitely give you a cheap one! But this is not enough, can it be cheaper? Can! And the next fifth step is the most important. All the negotiations are one word, boil! Tired of bombing! Before you negotiate, you have to settle down the elderly and children in the family and even bring dry food. Be prepared for the tug-of-war. You have to remember that the longer the bargaining time is delayed, the better it is for us. We use the method of procrastinating to bargain. This is a psychological tactic . So we never talk about the reserve price, we just continue to think that it is too expensive bit by bit, and let the other party lower it bit by bit! It's best at night, why do we always want to have supper at night? Because at that time people's willpower is the weakest! The same goes for buying a house, you have to negotiate with the other party when his willpower is weakest, he is hungry, but you are not hungry! You don't consume energy, you consume energy! It's not like you don't buy it, right? It's just that the price is not in place, then I won't leave! The more you talk to him, the higher the cost of his time! If you have a good attitude, he won't let you get out! He will not want to interrupt the transaction, he will want to go through a negotiation process with you and forget it, because if he changes to another person to negotiate, he will have to talk like this again and explain the reasons for rejection countless times, and he will be very painful when he thinks about it! So what we fight is perseverance! If you think about it this way, if you fight for it, it may be tens of thousands of dollars cheaper. You can use this money to rent a parking space, or decorate it more luxuriously. Anyway, there are always times when you need money! Then all you have to do is to recharge your batteries and go to bed early until you feel dizzy when you see the bed, then you can go to negotiate! Well, this is actually not over yet, because we still have the last step. If you follow what I just said, and the real estate agent gives you a house with a price below the market price, is your goal today that you will buy the house regardless of whether you can get the price because you will make money once you buy it, and the asking price is very cheap! If so, you must buy it anyway, so you need to prepare a deposit first! The real estate agent will also teach you to prepare a checkbook to negotiate, but I do my own business, so I like to bring cash! For example, sometimes the company wants to distribute bonuses, you transfer money to employees, writing checks to employees is completely different from cashing out cash! People only open their eyes when they see money! I transfer 10,000 US dollars to him, and he may immediately say thank you boss! But I turned it into cash and let him walk home with it and he'll remember it for the rest of his life! It's the same when I buy a house. Take out the cash at home and put it in a backpack. Don't care if the last landlord wants to accept cash, checks, or transfers! Anyway, just bring the cash. When he refuses to lower the price , you talk about it in a heated manner. When the deal is about to close , pour the cash directly from the backpack on the table, and then push it over like the show hand in the movie God of Gamblers! Tell him how sincere you are, right? Can you imagine such a visual impact? Others don't do that, but I'm not! Do you want me to carry this money home again, and then deposit it in the bank in piles? And you want that kind of old banknotes, so it looks too much anyway, you have to pretend to be stupid, so your move is very reasonable! This is really effective. Every time in the tug-of-war, the landlord refused to give up the price. He told me the reasons for rejecting me many times, OK! I just threw the money in front of him. He may have never seen so much money in his entire life. What reason does he have to reject me! And for me, I just put this money in the car, and I don’t need to carry it. I usually put so much cash in the company for emergency! There is another purpose of doing this, which is to let him quickly accept the deposit! As I said, when we were negotiating, we had actually determined that this suite was cheaper than the one outside, and our goal is to get it now! However, if the landlord does not sign a temporary contract right now, the landlord may regret it. He may sell it to someone else , or realize later that he sold it too cheaply, and he may turn back and not sell it! But if you have already paid the deposit, signing the temporary contract means that you have locked the apartment, and if he breaches the contract, he will pay you the deposit! For you, you can make money even if you can't buy this suite! But for you, there is actually no difference whether you give first or last, you must give! Even if you go to the bank to make a mortgage, then you still have to pay the down payment. This deposit is counted as the down payment! Let me use myself as an example. Didn’t I say that I gave a house to my parents in Hong Kong in December last year ? At that time, the house price was at the bottom, and I also killed the owner’s neck , and after a month or two, the house price rebounded. I made almost 10% directly! You can imagine, if I didn't make a deposit to lock this house , if the owner regrets it, he can sell it 10% more expensive, and I have to pay 10% more! Then the most important point is to investigate the situation of the house in advance, for example , what kind of job did the previous landlord do , and what kind of tenant did he live in? You must check these before paying the deposit, how to check? Not to ask the real estate agent, but to find the doorman of this building, the cleaner, the sweeper and the neighbors, the people with the same type of apartment downstairs, they all know best! In my words, when I first cooperated with a real estate agent I just met, my trust in him was only 30%! But if he helps me cut a lot of prices, helps me find high-quality and cheap housing and finally sells it, the next time I cooperate with him, the trust level will increase to 6-70%! Many people may buy a house for the first time in their life, and feel that it is the last time, so you must be careful! But in fact, if you follow me all the time, you will find that usually we will mortgage the house to the bank after a few years when the house price has risen , cash out the money, and then use it to buy another set for rent! All places, as long as there is investment potential, we will buy! And although we have borrowed for 30 years , we usually sell the house in about five years, and basically we have never tried to repay the 30-year loan for another one! This is called snowballing! Why can't a person afford a house? Like most people, I used to have a very low starting point! It means that we are still struggling with the problem of survival, that is, if we don't work, we can't live! This is very scary because it only attracts friends and colleagues who are on our level and you get used to being like them and becoming this level of people! You want to start a business, they'll hit you! You want to borrow money, they have no money to lend you! In fact, it's hard to talk about learning and growing up to change your destiny , because every day you are brainwashed by the poor in the circle of the poor! You will feel that all the ways in this world to make you rich are lying to you! Also because of this, your thinking will have a framework that leads to your poor savvy. The result of a person is not determined by what you do every day , but because of several important choices and a few key opportunities. People with poor savvy will make all the multiple choice questions wrong, and then miss all opportunities, such as giving up the opportunity of skyrocketing housing prices and switching to buying stocks and Bitcoin! For example, give up e-commerce, and transfer all the deposits to physical business from the opportunity of starting a business from the media! An epidemic has completely closed down! People with poor savvy are not necessarily industrious or hardworking. They are even good at specific labor work , but as long as they face multiple-choice questions in life , they will definitely be able to choose the option that will lead them to poverty . However, people with poor savvy have an advantage . Why? Because I have deeply experienced the indifference of relatives who don’t have enough money to pay for part-time jobs. Even if my brother’s betrayal and entrepreneurship is a near-death experience, it’s better to try than to have regrets! Entrepreneurship, especially for ordinary people starting a self-media business is definitely your best, even the only choice. I was planning to invest in my fitness trainer and open a gym! He has no wife or children, and he is in debt! I just ran into the epidemic, so I rejected him! Then I pat my ass off and move on to other projects! But he still found other investors and opened this gym! In the end, he didn't expect that the epidemic lasted for several years , and he and his parents lost all the money they worked hard for all their lives! For investors, it doesn't matter, I can fail ten times but as long as I am right once, I am successful! But ordinary people don’t have the opportunity to try and make mistakes. If you make a mistake once, you may end up with a lost cause. Therefore, we must choose low-cost, low-threshold Internet projects . This return on investment must be countless times higher than any investment you make! So why can't we make videos for others to watch while they are watching them on Youtube? Why not take advantage of the trend of self-media to build a brand for yourself that can bring you passive income 24 hours a day? And this brand has the same assets as LV and Nike. Customers are willing to pay more, and they are begging you to sell the product to him! I tell you! Even if you don’t start a business, have no capital, no contacts, and no products, you simply don’t understand anything, but you have a successfully proven method and system for you to learn step by step , you can still earn 7-figure dollars a year like me and my disciples! Even if you ask for a lower number, 5 or 6 figures, it will be easier! I know that the biggest difficulty for many people is not knowing how to start! I also doubt that I can do it! So I asked the team that started the business with me to open a one-on-one consultation worth 1,000 US dollars to you! But today, as long as you subscribe and like this consultation, you don’t need a thousand, a hundred, or even a dollar! No fees will be charged at all! But our manpower is extremely limited, so all you need to do is click on the second link on the video description column and sign up as soon as possible! So this video, can be used as a checklist for you to do the final inspection before buying a house! If you want to learn more about investing in real estate, making money, and becoming rich , you can watch my other videos for free! I just hope that even if there is one sentence in the video that is useful to you and can help you live a better life, I will be satisfied~ Then, every next Thursday at 8:30, I will continue to share free information about becoming a rich person, an entrepreneur, and an investor to achieve financial freedom . If you don’t want to miss it, I still appeal to you to subscribe to my channel and turn on the little bell! Then selflessly share the video! I sincerely wish the brothers and sisters who liked this video to achieve wealth and freedom as soon as possible! Alright, see you next week, Bye!
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Id: y2djAK1vk1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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