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How to go from debt to wealth freedom? If there are 10 people around you who each lend you 1 million, you will get 10 million instantly! Even if you use this 10 million to earn a stable interest of 5% per year, you will have an additional 500,000 in passive income every year! Finally, you return all the money to your friend, and give him some interest as well! This sounds ridiculous to you, but let me tell you! Although there are countless good money-making projects in this world , in the end, all you play is this borrowing model that you think is ridiculous! Because the way to make big money is never without borrowing money! Hello everyone! I'm a sweeper! I ask you! Which rich person is debt-free? Let’s stop talking about people! Just talk about country! Which developed country is not heavily in debt? Eh! Have you noticed? For all wealthy people or countries, their wealth is directly proportional to their debt! The more money you owe, the richer you will be! In other words, debt and borrowing money are skills that we must learn throughout our lives! Because this can not only quickly, but also magnify our wealth several times! Best of all, it could save our lives! You usually don’t borrow money from anyone, and you have never thought about anyone around you who can lend you money. So when your family needs money urgently for medical treatment and you don’t have enough money in your pocket, what should you do? Can you borrow money based on your talent? If you are really so talented , why not use this talent to make your bank account have 7-8 digits of dollars? At this time, many people will say that borrowing money is very risky! So who told you this? Is it your teacher? Or your parents? A person who has never learned about debt will tell you that debt is very risky! In fact, it is the same as someone who has never learned to drive and tells you that driving is very risky! All risks in this world stem from lack of knowledge! If you haven’t learned anything and then do this, the risk is really high! But today I will definitely let my children and grandchildren learn to drive, and I will definitely let them learn to take on debt because they can’t drive. So what’s the use of giving you a Ferrari? If you don’t know how to handle debt, what use will our entire family have to you? Like I have been taught since I was a child, don’t lend money to others, and don’t borrow money from others! So I always think that debt is expenditure! Because you have to pay interest! The most important thing is, when I had nothing at all, was there anyone around me who would be willing to lend you money? It’s okay if I don’t ask you to borrow money! Because of this, I now define myself as a relatively stupid person! Because I started a business from scratch and made my first pot of gold by investing in stocks to expand my capital before starting a business! I would never go into debt, not even think about it! Because "Rich Dad Poor Dad" told me to buy assets and stay away from liabilities! I was watching the English version at the time, and I quickly followed it without understanding the meaning behind it! Later, when I read this book and other series again, I realized that everything was wrong! It’s about staying away from bad debt! Embrace good debt! At that moment I was instantly enlightened! So now I owe the bank 8 figures! This number is still growing! But at the same time, I sleep more peacefully than anyone else! Because I have many keys, many employees worry about my work , and many people love me! Including you! I have never been debt-collected by anyone! On the contrary, my creditors are blessing me to reach a higher level! Borrowing money is a skill that everyone who wants to live a good life must learn! Back then, my thinking was fixed and I missed many opportunities to make a fortune because I didn’t have enough money, no money, and fear ! I don’t want more people to follow me like I did back then! No financial intelligence! There is no pursuit of the truth about the world! So this video if you watch to the end! You will realize what is a good debt? Most importantly, how to achieve true financial freedom through good debt? Today, I have shared these courses that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for free here, which I think are more useful! If you don’t like and support me , no one will do it if I don’t do it! This channel is dedicated to cultivating bosses, investors, and wealthy people. If you don’t want to miss this information , you can consider subscribing to my channel and turn on the little bell! From an early age, we have been taught the idea that being debt-free will make you light! Gotta save money! Then the risk of starting a business is very high! Why do most people think so? Very simple! In the past, when people started a business, they just opened factories , just like Li Ka-shing did the same! What most people do is to ask family and friends around them to borrow money! Then use the money to rent a factory, buy equipment, and hire employees! At this time, many people will feel that if the factory cannot make money, then the money will not be paid! If you don't pay the debt, you will be chased by debt collectors. All the neighbors will know about it, which is very embarrassing! So I came to this conclusion, saving money means being down to earth! Starting a business is impractical! So let’s test it and ask yourself, do you feel uncomfortable when you owe someone money ? When someone owes you money, do you toss and turn every day in your sleep? Most people are like this, because I used to be like this too! But what's the result? In fact, strictly speaking, employees are the boss’s creditors! Because the employees deposit their money in the bank and then the boss goes to the bank and borrows all the employees’ money! We take this money, open a factory and recruit employees to make money for us! After we make money, we will go to the bank to borrow more money to open more factories and recruit more employees! At the end of the day, the profits are all ours! The salaries we paid to our employees were also borrowed by us in the end! Is it risky to start a business? We often see that the reason for the collapse of some failed companies is that the company owes a lot of money! Not yet! Then what? Liquidate the assets in the company! If you find that there is no money in the company, then go bankrupt and see if anyone wants to acquire it. If not, go bankrupt! And what about the boss? Still living in a luxury house and driving a luxury car because the company's assets are separate from personal assets! No need to pay back a penny! Everyone is familiar with Lehman Brothers, which went bankrupt in 2008, or other Wall Street companies that triggered the financial crisis that year. You would think that the senior executives of these companies are now so poor that they can’t even afford to eat! The truth is that these senior executives had already paid themselves their salaries long before they went bankrupt ! When it went bankrupt, it received massive subsidies from the government! So is the risk of debt really that big? At that time, the financial crisis broke out, and the United States was so poor that many people jumped from buildings every day! American capitalists calmly package their debts and sell them to other countries around the world to buy their national debts! Then their economy recovered instantly and they were even richer than before! Then all the money from people around the world goes into the pockets of Americans! Do you know how much money the United States owes now? I don't know either! Astronomical figures! It’s already insolvent and I can’t afford the money to pay it back! According to the logic that debt risks are great, the United States has already been destroyed! Right? But what now? Still rules the world! A hike in interest rates will plunge the world directly into an economic depression, and all assets will depreciate! What is he doing at this time? Let the U.S. dollars you borrowed rise in value and buy devalued assets around the world! What about after buying it? Keep turning on the money printing presses and driving up the prices they pay for the assets they buy! And then continue to devalue the dollar, why? Because he owes money, for example, I originally wanted to pay you back 100 million , but now the U.S. dollar has depreciated, and 200 million is equal to the previous 100 million! In other words, if I repay you 100 million now, it would be equivalent to giving you only 50 million! Can you understand? So why would you stay away from debt when the Fed is issuing money which is equivalent to issuing debt ? Why would you save money when the Fed is printing money without limit? Saving money is the biggest scam devised by bankers! Let’s not talk about devaluation anymore! If you deposit 1 million in the bank, you can only get 20,000 in interest a year! But most people who don’t understand loans ask the bank to borrow 1 million and may have to pay 100,000 in interest. Most people think that the bank made 80,000 , but the truth is that it made 4.98 million! Because what they are playing is called financial leverage! What does that mean? For example, if you borrowed $1 million to buy a house today, the bank would not give you $1 million in cash. Instead, it would find the person selling the house and transfer the $1 million to that person's account! That person turned on his mobile phone and saw that there was an additional number of 1 million in his household registration , and then he gave you the house! In fact, the 1 million is still in the hands of the bank! Right? But you and the bank completed the transaction! So if the bank makes 50 such transfers and earns an interest of 100,000 each time, it will earn a total of 5 million US dollars! The cost of the bank is to pay the person who deposited 1 million in the bank, which is 20,000 US dollars! So what the bank does is actually ask people to borrow 20,000 yuan to pay the interest, and they make 4.98 million! This is how financial leverage is played, and it is a must-have skill for every rich person! It is also the secret that our business or investment can make someone else’s lifetime money in one month! Let me tell you why most people can't make big money? In fact, it’s the same as girls losing weight! In the summer, I couldn’t fit into my little skirt, and then I said I wanted to lose weight! As a result, in winter, there is no need to show your waist and legs. If your clothes are thick, you can’t see them anyway, so you won’t lose weight! Right? Keep reincarnating in this cycle! There is no plan or determination! But today when you see this video, it tells you that you can’t do it without making money! It’s impossible not to lose weight! Because this money will keep depreciating! And this fat will keep getting fatter! So the first big problem you encounter when making money is assuming that you run a business and have no customers at all. Can you bear this result? Do you have to pay rent, employees, and deposits for goods? Is your money, time, and energy worth it? So we have to borrow it! Who told you that the shops in a crowded street cost a lot of money? There is a street called Youtube, and 2.4 billion people pass by its shops every day without spending a dime! If the minimum requirement is for 10,000 people out of the 2.4 billion people to give you 100 yuan each to buy your product or service, you will instantly get 1 million yuan! 20 years ago, we bought things in stores! Then I went to the mall to buy something, but now what? They all buy things online on Youtube! So why start a business on Youtube? Take advantage of the situation! Because if you want to make money, you actually have no choice! Most investments and businesses have financial thresholds! Either you borrow money, or you borrow human time and attention and turn it into money! Then you may ask, I don’t know anything about entrepreneurship, marketing, editing, I don’t have any interesting skills, and I don’t want people to know that I make money secretly, can I still do it? If you don’t understand, learn it! And you have to follow the right master! Just like Guo Jing used to be a fool with the Jiangnan Seven Monsters! But since he became a disciple of Hong Qigong and learned the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, he became a great hero! Therefore, the teacher you seek must have the results you want to achieve! And you can understand what he said! So if you want to learn the business secrets that allow me and my disciples to earn 7-figure dollars a year, and if you want to get the same traffic as me, or even surpass me, you must know how to step on my shoulders! So you now have two choices, continue to stay where you are and continue to help people increase their traffic and money on Youtube! Then wait for the next opportunity! Second, act quickly! Go and find out for yourself! Slowly learn all the skills of starting a Youtube business! Then you may miss the best opportunity to make money, and all the money will be made by my disciples! Now there is a third way, subscribe and like now! Because I will pass on these business secrets to you privately and without reservation! If you understand and take action, you have a very high chance of being able to have an asset that automatically makes money for us 24 hours a day like me and our disciples! These trade secrets are all in a training camp worth $300. As long as you subscribe and like it, it doesn’t cost you $300, $100, or even $1! We won't charge you anything! However, our training camp may be discontinued soon! So hurry up and sign up using the first link in the video description column! So what exactly is good debt? How to make money with debt? listen! There is an airline company with only over one million US dollars! Some people think this is a lot of money. In fact, I had it when I was 21 years old! But now it’s hundreds of millions or billions of dollars, and I’m still learning to use this model! Basically, you can’t buy an airplane with more than one million U.S. dollars , but you can raise 30 to 40 million U.S. dollars from the public! Just enough to buy a plane! OK! Instead of buying airplanes, this company used the tens of millions of dollars to find a bank, pay half of the down payment, and buy two airplanes! Then pay the money back to the bank in installments! The bank must agree. It’s like buying a house. If you don’t pay back the money, they can put the plane up for auction! At this time, it is equivalent to the airline taking the money of one plane and buying two planes! When everyone thought this operation was already very good, he told banks or other investors that our planes were flying in the sky every day! It’s full of passengers! An airplane can earn at least US$60,000 per day, and flying for three years is a profit of US$60-70 million! Then I will give you all the profits I make in the next three years. Now you only need to give me 50 million US dollars! how do you feel? When the investors heard this, they realized that after investing 50 million dollars now, they would get back 60-70 million US dollars in three years, making a profit of 10 to 20 million US dollars , which was quite stable, so they agreed! Then this airline will instantly have 50 million! They took the 50 million and went to the bank to get more loans . They repeated this method and bought more than 200 airplanes! Continue to sell all the profits for the next three years! This is how capital works! We first take out a loan to buy assets, and then sell the future earnings of the assets to investors or banks , but in the end these assets still belong to us! Then take the money from the last store and slowly pay off the bank's debt! So generally when borrowing money, the longer you repay it, the better because the repayment amount will be less every month and every year! After three years, when all the profits from these two hundred aircrafts belong to you, this liability will become very slight! I traveled to a beautiful place before, and my friend there wanted to cooperate with me in opening a hotel! Well, I can share my current thoughts with you. If I invest two million US dollars, he can earn at least 600,000 US dollars per year! Then I will now find investors, or small funds, and sell them all the four-year income rights of this hotel, which is a profit of at least 2.4 million yuan. I will sell them 2 million yuan! It looks like I made $400,000 less! But we immediately withdraw the funds and use the 2 million to open another hotel! Then sell the profit rights of this store for the next 4 years! Keep opening stores and keep selling! Then you can use the money of one store to open ten stores! And four years later, these ten stores are still mine! So a good debt is to let others pay off the debt for you! I have practiced this pattern very well! Because I also owe a debt of 8 figures to the bank! At that time, I had more than 1 million U.S. dollars, and a house cost 1 million U.S. dollars at that time. I took 500,000 as a down payment, which was a down payment and a bank loan! Bought two houses! In other words, I used the money from one house to buy two houses, and the remaining money was used to pay taxes! At this time, some people will be very anxious about how little money they have now. What if they don’t have enough money? The bank will confiscate my house! Then why don't you pay back the money? Because you are afraid of unemployment, company bankruptcy, financial crisis, etc.! Why are you afraid? Because you never thought about renting out the house and letting the tenants pay off your debts! Who has negative equity? Most of them are people who buy a house to live in! As for the two houses I rented out, the monthly rent just covered the monthly payment! Then when my house doubles in price, will I sell it? I won't sell it! Before I went to the bank to borrow money, the house was worth 1 million. I can borrow 500,000 from the bank! Now that the house is worth 2 million, I can ask the bank to borrow hundreds of thousands of dollars , and then I can buy one or two smaller houses! Just like this, I kept buying them in my own name, in the name of my family, and in the name of the company. Go to different countries and regions to buy! At this time, some people will ask you if the leverage is so large and housing prices fall, you will go bankrupt! So are housing prices in most places around the world adjusting now ? Then let me tell you what my results are? Because I never thought about selling my house after I bought it and I didn’t speculate on the house, so I walked away with 10% profit and walked away with 50% profit! And I basically profit as much as the house price has increased in the past few years. So assuming I have doubled my profit, then now it has dropped by 10% . How do I feel? Others may be heartbroken if I make 10% less, but I’m fine! Because I don’t know how to sell in the first place, I keep asking the tenant to pay off my debt! That’s OK! Has the bank ever asked me to pay back the money? Absolutely not! Because I pay my monthly payment on time every month, I still receive dozens of calls from the bank every day asking me if I want to continue borrowing money! So now that the Federal Reserve is raising interest rates, many places are following suit, so won’t the pressure on my monthly payments be greater? to be honest! You can search for places you are familiar with, such as Hong Kong and Taiwan. The rents have skyrocketed! My rental income is more than my monthly payment! Because I have said it many times, the monthly payment becomes smaller and smaller! And the principal inside can be gotten back when the house is sold! If you don’t understand, watch the previous videos! So what's the impact on me? If housing prices stop rising, it will be more difficult for me to borrow money to buy a house because it is difficult to mortgage the house to the bank to get the money out! But to be honest, it doesn’t affect my buying a house. Last year, I bought two houses in Hong Kong for my parents. I also bought one in Shenzhen in a few months! Because it’s really cheap there! How can an investor tolerate the U.S. interest rate hike and the Mainland interest rate cut? My own company is also bringing me income! So it doesn’t matter! Some people will say, I can’t even come up with the down payment to buy a house! Again, the simplest and most effective way for ordinary people to change their destiny in this era is to start a business on Youtube! If you can't even do this, tell me what better project you can do? Nowadays, even billionaires have become Internet celebrities , and even people with lower academic qualifications than you are making money online! Become a monk and make money by sharing Buddhist scriptures online! People who read Feng Shui talk about Feng Shui online and make money! Those who sing, those who dance, those who play games, those who play with toys , those who act silly, those who laugh, all make money! Everything can be used as self-media! It’s not that you don’t know this trend of making money , and it’s not that you can’t do it, it’s just that you keep doubting that you can’t do it! Because you are held back by taking the first step and not knowing how to position yourself! So if you are a loyal fan of mine , be sure to follow my footsteps and let me help you make money on Youtube! Then my team and I are willing to open 25 one-on-one consultation slots worth one thousand US dollars every week! We will not charge fans any fees for our consultation now! During the consultation, we will find ways to help you solve your financial problems, Youtube positioning, etc. However, our professional manpower is very scarce, so I hope that people who have determination, ideas and most importantly, humility will come to us! It will be full again soon, so when you see this, you can quickly sign up through the second link in the video description column to see if we are destined! If you don’t have enough money for the down payment, the down payment is still the same method, borrow it! Ask your parents to borrow it, borrow it from your friends! You can even say that you will buy a house together as a partnership, and after signing the contract, you can just divide the money according to the investment! So why is it said that connections are money connections? Ordinary people cannot play this model. The first reason is that the bank will not lend you money without collateral! Then you can only go to investors for financing! The most pitiful thing is that most people may not have friends around them who can’t even borrow ten thousand US dollars! There are also some that can be borrowed, but they are only willing to lend them to you for medical treatment or to save your life! If you say you want to invest in business, they will think you are a liar, right? So when it comes to connections, I only know friends who are useful to my business and making money. Those who come to me for drinks and dinners and waste my time, I just subtract! The Internet is the best place to meet quality friends! Moreover, if your friends don’t use them normally, they are not your resources! Just like a credit card, if your limit is only 100,000 but the thing you buy may cost 200,000, and you call and want to increase the limit to 200,000 , people will basically ignore you unless you have 1 million on the card! Because you usually don’t use your credit card for consumption and your limit suddenly increases, borrowing 200,000 is a very high-risk move! So my general approach is to use my credit card for everything, and then pay it back on time! In about half a year to a year, I will increase the limit of my credit card! Lift it up slowly! Then the people at the bank will upgrade my credit card to a platinum card, a black card, etc.! In fact, the same goes for connections. I usually ask my friends for help! Then take the initiative to give gifts to your friends! I obviously have money in my pocket, but if I have a project I want to do , I will ask my friends to borrow it to see how much they can borrow! Because I will return it to him on time! Then increase the limit every time you borrow money! Ask yourself, how much is your credit worth? You go ask your friends to borrow money and see how much they can lend you, how much your credit is worth! Credit needs to be maintained! In order to have enough money to seize the opportunity every time it arises , I usually use debt to make money by maintaining my credit line with friends and investors, and my credit line with the bank! This is why my interest rates are so low and I don’t even have to pay interest! This is good debt! So what is bad debt? It’s what most people understand as debt! For example, you borrowed money to buy a brand-name bag for a woman! Not only did he repay the debt himself, but he also repaid the debt for a beauty! I know a lot of people are in bad debt and miserable, right? I understand! If you are really not good enough , then you must listen carefully to my following 6 suggestions , because I am also very serious about telling you how to turn over! You can even let investors and creditors continue to lend you money to help you turn around! I also hope that everyone will not take debt so seriously! It won’t end a life! remember! First, don’t run! Running away because you owe money is the stupidest way! Why? Because as long as you run away, others will look for you. As long as others look for you and you don’t repay the money you owe, the matter will spread, which means that you have fallen out with the person who lent you the money, and it also means that it will be difficult for you to ask other people for money. Borrow money! Second, don’t lose contact and the other party calls you. You must always answer the phone! If the other party wants to meet you, you must go and meet him! During the New Year and holidays, you should also bless your creditors. If you wish sincerely, don't force others to use excessive means . Remember! It's all forced out, so don't run away and don't lose contact! Then you can do the third thing. You can find me without breaking your promise . You can see all the things I can sell that can pay you back . The things that can be redeemed are gone. Now I am in such a state , but I I am working very hard to get better. My only goal in life now is to find a way to pay you back. Even if you force me to death, it will be useless. You will never be able to get your money back! Fourth, be responsible. I will not bullshit or brag with you, nor will I drag you down. I will only work very hard to pay you back. What does it mean to work hard? I have been doing things, and I won’t even buy new clothes until the debt is paid off , and I will still pay you back regularly every month! And fifth, very proactive! Most people owe money, lose contact, and run away, so they do this. This is extremely stupid. They seal themselves into a dead end, send themselves to the bottom of the valley, and send themselves to the cliff where they want to jump off the building. But we are a trustworthy person. , you can owe money, but you can’t owe credit! If a person owes money, he must take the initiative to remind the creditor that I still owe you money, how much I owe you, etc. Then you must take the initiative to report what work you have been doing recently? What project are you working on! Then tell me what you hope the outcome of this project will be! Give your creditor the highest sense of security! Because the people in this world who lend you money are the ones who believe in you! People who lend you money are people who wish you well. People who lend you money are the people who love you the most and take care of you the most. If you still want to become enemies with them, then you deserve it! So sixth, keep observing opportunities! If the opportunity comes and it is stable, you can still borrow money from these creditors with your integrity! Because they lend you money to help you turn over, they may get your previous money back, and even make a profit! But if you don’t borrow it, you may not be able to get the money back for a long time! So don’t let yourself have no one to help you. If you are finished on your own, do you still have to rely on yourself to get up again? You must still rely on other people’s resources! Understand? Okay, if you have any questions, please leave me a message! As long as you can find one or two sentences in what I said today that are useful and can help you live a better life, I will be satisfied~ Then, I will continue to share about the following every Thursday at 8:30 If you don’t want to miss out on the free information to become a rich person, entrepreneur, and investor and achieve financial freedom , I still call on you to subscribe to my channel and turn on the little bell! Then share the video selflessly! I sincerely wish the brothers and sisters who liked this video to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible! Okay, see you next week, Bye!
Channel: 90後創業家掃地僧
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Keywords: 掃地僧, 負債, 賺錢, 理財, 投資, 負債賺錢, 越負債越有錢, 負債到財富自由, 好的負債, 壞的負債, 富爸爸窮爸爸, 資產負債, 把負債變資產, 融資, 借錢創業, 借錢投資, 借錢賺錢, 借錢風險, 負債風險, 貸款, 如何聰明負債, 如何負債, 什麼是負債, 負債是什麼, 為什麼要負債, 負債的下場, 負債的結果, 如何負債賺錢, 如何負債財富自由, 如何負債變有錢, 負債的風險真的很大嗎, 低風險負債, 存錢vs負債, 為什麼不要存錢, 存錢貶值, 通脹存錢, 儲蓄貶值, 通脹儲蓄, 財富貶值, 財富縮水, 為什麼賺錢這麼難, 如何賺錢, 負債不是支出, 負債投資, 負債更有錢, 為什麼會不敢負債, 美國負債, 銀行負債, 資本運作是什麼, 資本運作, 富人如何負債, 富人喜歡負債, 窮人喜歡存錢, 富人為什麼都有負債, 富人如何負債賺錢, 什麼是好的負債, 什麼是壞的負債, 槓桿, 什麼是槓桿, 經濟蕭條負債買房有什麼下場, 金融危機買房, 90後創業家掃地僧, 貨幣就是負債, 負債越多的人越有錢, 負債翻身, 負債越多越有錢, 如何讓金錢為你工作, 如何利用負債賺錢, 金融的本質, 金錢觀念, 越借越有錢, 窮人存錢富人借錢, 窮人越窮富人越富, 用別人的錢賺錢, 窮人存錢不負債, 有錢人借錢, 流通的不是錢是負債
Id: J_JAjq-E4pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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