你被股票坑慘了嗎?越投資越窮?千萬別亂買!人再窮也要學懂三個買賣股票的法則!低買高賣,長期持有都是騙人的?(附中文字幕)| 90後創業家掃地僧

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Pay attention! There is a stock buying scam that you may have fallen into but didn’t think much of it! I made the same mistake for the first time and it was very heartbreaking! But because you were brainwashed, you only make the same mistakes again and again! Until all the money is lost! Do you think investing in stocks means buying low and selling high? Do you think that if you want to make money in the stock market in the long term, you have to hold it for a long time? Then let me ask you! What if you can’t buy at the lowest and sell at the highest? For example, in 2020, our U.S. stock market fell by 17%. At this time, some people came out to tell you that it is time to take advantage of the bottom! Because there is a rebound signal here because there is a K-line like Thor's hammer. Every time the stock price plummets, as long as you see this Thor's hammer, it will rebound! As a result, you bought stocks on this day! Then within about three days, the stock price really rebounded by about 10%! At this time, you have two choices. First, sell the stock! Then make a profit of 10%! And the second is the choice of most people. Since you can’t predict the future without a crystal ball, you don’t know whether this is the top , so most people will not sell and continue to hold stocks! And the result? The entire market plummeted another 25%! Eh! After hearing this, do you think you must be very smart? Can you do a transaction of buying low and selling high to earn 10% in these three days ? But sorry! I am absolutely sure to tell you whether you choose to sell the stock or continue to hold the stock! You will definitely lose money in the long run! Why? Think about it, if you win this transaction, you will win 10%! This is your rate of return, right? But if you lose, you will lose 25%. This is your loss rate, right? If we look at it using the simplest mathematics, the reward and risk are 1:2.5! What does it mean? To put it simply, today we flip a coin and guess heads or tails! If you win, I'll give you 1 yuan! If you lose, you have to give me 2.5 yuan! Who do you think will win in the long run? If you can’t even understand this, let me exaggerate a little more! If you win, I'll give you a piece! But if you lose, you have to give me 100 million! Even if you can win 99 times! Even 9999 times! I will give you 99 yuan, or 9999 yuan, right? But as long as I win once, you will give me 100 million! Why are you playing with me? In other words, your behavior of buying low and selling high has been doomed from the beginning. If you win money, you will only win one candy! You feel very happy when you eat the candy! And when you lose money, you lose a candy factory! Can you still laugh at this time? The most irresponsible thing to do at this time is to tell you to hold it for the long term! OK! Not to mention that during an economic depression, a large number of large-cap stocks will also go bankrupt! For example, from Lehman Brothers in 2008 to the recent bankruptcies of some banks and real estate developers! Let’s not even mention it! Because it might be a special case! Then let’s take a look at the U.S. stock market . If you can’t avoid the 2007 financial crisis, first of all, what you have to experience is losing at least half of your wealth! And the second thing is, when will we get our money back? That was in 2013! That is a full 6 years! Note that I am only talking about getting back the capital, not making money yet! It’s hard to understand what’s going on just by looking at the charts , but if you look at the real history, it could easily lead to bankruptcy! The most serious thing is falling from a high place, I'm talking about life! And the reason is often that they didn’t sell at the highest point! Or maybe I didn’t buy at the lowest point! And the most disgusting thing is that some people are stuck in several houses because they failed to buy low and sell high! Need to sell a house or a car! As a result, it took a full 6 years, and I thought I had gotten my money back! As a result, house prices have risen completely! And if they encounter another financial crisis, they will have two choices . First, stop touching stocks! That is to say, they were shuffled by wealth and robbed of their wealth! Second, if you make another mistake and continue to buy the bottom, you will continue to predict that you will buy at the lowest price and sell at the highest price! The result is that they may succeed in buying low and selling high , but because of their long-term game of winning one piece and losing one hundred million, the wealth accumulated over the past six years has once again been robbed! Hello everyone! I'm a sweeper! What I'm trying to say is, I'm not trying to make fun of anyone or be sarcastic I just want to make you think! In the stock market, most people lose money! So the question is, where did the money go? The most important thing is how can these few people win money? Today, in this video, I will share it with you without reservation, so that whether you are a newbie in the stock market or an experienced investor who has been losing more money than winning , you can find endless ways to make money in the stock market in a single thought ! This channel is dedicated to cultivating bosses, investors, and wealthy people. If you don’t want to miss this information , you can consider subscribing to my channel and turn on the little bell! First, remember! Whether you are new to the stock market or a veteran, you want to make money in the long run instead of losing money! There are three major principles! If you have never been exposed to it, or even thought about it, be careful! Because you are relying on luck to invest in stocks, and history tells us that the results of relying on luck are either losing money or getting stuck! Either bankruptcy or the tragedy of committing suicide! So first, give this video a thumbs up! Because it is the stock money-making skills that I rely on for a living, I share them with you without reservation. I hope you can like and support me! That's a joke! Remember! First, you must formulate a trading rule! Not only do you have to buy stocks at the best time, but you also need to tell yourself when to sell stocks . How to lock in profits in good situations and avoid losses in bad situations? And secondly, how can you win 100 million and lose at most one yuan? Third and most important, you must know how to judge when the market will peak and when it will bottom? Because if the market falls , three-quarters of the stocks will fall with it! Let’s talk about the first one first, the law of buying and selling, there are only two choices! Trade on the left, trade on the right! Very simple! Let’s look at this picture from 2008! Trading on the left is what I just mentioned, and it is the trading technique that most people will choose! Others are panicked, but I am greedy! They will buy the stock on the left , when the stock starts to fall! That’s why it’s called left-hand trading! To put it simply, try to hunt the bottom, buy low and sell high! Buy before the stock starts rising! For example, they will evaluate the value of a stock. Suppose the stock is worth 100 yuan , but now it has fallen by 50% due to market panic , which means there is only 50 yuan left! That is far lower than its own value, so you can buy it! Even if it drops to 30 yuan, 20 yuan, or even 10 yuan later, it doesn’t matter, because these are their opportunities to buy. The lower it falls, the more they buy because the lower it falls, the cheaper it is in their eyes! So maybe they will have a capital of 1 million! At 50 yuan, they will spend 100,000 to buy stocks! When it drops to 30 yuan, they will use 300,000 to increase their position! When it drops to 20 yuan, I will use another 300,000 yuan to increase my position! When it drops to 10 yuan, put all the money in! Because they believe that as long as the stock returns to its original value, that is, from 50 yuan, 30 yuan, 20 yuan, to the original 100 yuan, they can make huge profits! So what will be the returns and losses of traders on the left who increase their positions downward ? For example, when the stock price is 100 yuan, you invest 1 million yuan to buy this stock! Now that the stock price has dropped by 1 yuan, you may have lost 10,000 yuan! Right? Then at this time, you invest another 1 million in principal! Then when the stock price drops by another RMB 1, you may lose RMB 20,000! Because you have increased your position, you have increased your bets! Then at this time, you invest another 1 million in principal! That is to say, if you invest 1 million yuan at 100 yuan, 99 yuan, and 98 yuan respectively , your average purchase cost will be 99 yuan! Then a total of 3 million was invested! Then as long as the stock price rises higher than 99 yuan, you can make more profits! To put it simply, the most likely result of this investment strategy is that if the stock market falls by 10%, you may lose 20% , which is more than the entire stock market falls! On the contrary, when the stock market rises by 10%, you may earn 20%! This is an ideal situation! And what is the truth? When the stock market falls, more than three-quarters of the stocks will fall with the market! And when the stock market rises, not every three-quarters of the stocks that have fallen can follow the market and rise back! It may also rise, but if the market rises 10%, it may only rise 5%! Therefore, if most people use this left-hand trading method, there will only be one result. Every time the stock market is not good, their stocks will also fall with the market , so they will suffer losses and get stuck! And when the stock market gets better again, although their stocks will rise along with the stock market , the problem is that the extent of the increase cannot keep up with the entire market! And just when they thought they could get their money back and unwind, the stock market started to fall again! This time, their stocks followed the decline of the market and the losses were even greater than before . This is a continuous cycle, with more losses than gains coming back! Is this the result you want? Of course, there are many people who are very good at trading on the left side , but to be honest, the people I know are all large institutions! For example, fund managers and large investors know more market information than we do! Only then do they know which stocks are truly undervalued! Remember! This undervalued stock talks about value! Not the price! And their funds are countless times larger than ours! That’s why they can and need to buy stocks on the left, when the stock price falls! As for most investors, the real situation is that they are either stuck, or they lose more every time than the last time! But these people still have a very strong sense of belief because they have been brainwashed that they can only make money by investing in stocks by holding them for a long time! They believe that long-termists will win the final victory! But what they don't realize is that they are losing money in the long term, not making money in the long term! If this continues, they will just go further and further down the road of losing money! It’s worse than standing still! So if you want to get rid of this state of losing money in the stock market! If you want to truly be able to earn more long-term passive income by investing in stocks without having to keep an eye on the market! If you hope that stock investment can help you buy a car or a house in the egg yolk area of ​​a big city, I have prepared a 2023 latest stock investment class worth $1,000 for you! But now as long as you subscribe to me and like me, I don’t need you to spend 1000, 100, or even 1 US dollar! You can sign up to learn directly for free! So if you don’t want to miss it, be sure to sign up as soon as possible through the first link in the video description column! So how do you go from being stuck all the time to running away after making money in just one thought ? How about going from a state of losing money for a long time to a state of making money for a long time? Very simple! Just turn your thinking around! Because thinking determines your behavior, and behavior determines your results! The most suitable method for our retail investors is to trade on the right side! Retail investors mean that even if I have a net worth of 7-8 digits, I am still a retail investor! Because our trading behavior alone will not affect the slightest fluctuation of the stock price! So we must have awe of the market! In fact, buying stocks is like a beauty pageant. If everyone says that girl is good-looking, then she is good-looking! Just saying that another girl is beautiful will not affect the outcome of the beauty pageant! Even if the girl you like is underestimated, only you know that! In the same way, when we buy stocks, if a stock keeps rising, it must be pursued by a large amount of money in the market. Why do everyone pursue it? It’s because everyone recognizes it. Even if you think it’s expensive, there are still people who want to buy it! And let me ask you one thing, why do we buy stocks? It’s just about making money! What's the use of finding a stock that only you think is undervalued? Even if it is really underestimated , when will it be discovered by the public? ten years? Twenty years? Or were you still not found when you died? So what we have to do is go with the flow! That is, trading on the right! We will not predict when the market will bottom out and reach its top , but we will wait for the market to give the answer! When the trend turns, we will follow the trend! For example, if the stock price has stopped falling and turned around to rise, we will only buy the stock! And when there is a bubble in the stock market, top predictions are not frequent! That is, the highest position. When we are warned by the market and receive signals that the stock may collapse, we sell the stock immediately. We accept the second highest price but will not pursue the highest price! We look stupid , but the real situation is that not only can we keep our principal, but we can also make long-term profits! Because in the stock market, three-quarters of the time, you cannot make money or even lose money! What does that mean? Let’s look at the pictures from 2008! The green line is a top! Any transaction we make here can only make a profit! Because he has reached the top and will not go up any higher! So generally when we receive a signal that the stock market is at the top of the mountain, we will sell all the stocks! Instead of buying the stock, because it will fall next! Then he will enter the bear market , which is here. The left-hand transaction just mentioned is to buy here! But if you are rational and buy anywhere here, you will lose money later! So we will not buy any stocks when a downtrend is forming! So is it possible to buy stocks at the bottom here? cannot! Because we couldn't predict whether this was a bottom at the time, it might just rebound and then continue to fall! It is also possible that it has been trading sideways, neither rising nor falling! We don’t know, but it will also cost us time and we can easily lose money with small fluctuations! So these three time points are not suitable for us to buy stocks, only on the right side! No matter how we buy, we can make money! Because this is a bull market! Especially now, the Fed’s interest rate hike has basically come to an end! Especially since the US presidential election is coming soon, many policies that are beneficial to the economy will be launched! This is not what I said, but the smart people in the stock market have planned the stock market in advance, so the US stock market has slowly changed from a red downward trend to a green upward trend now! So if you want to systematically learn the skills of making money from stocks and don’t want to work from dawn to dusk and the money you save keeps depreciating due to inflation and the harder you work, the poorer you become , I suggest you sign up for this free program through the first link in the video description column. Stock investment class! Even if you don’t have any financial knowledge and don’t have time to watch the stock market, you can still learn how to make profits in the stock market in the long term . Because we don’t need you to learn what financial reports are calculated, what valuations are calculated, etc. You just need to follow my system and set it up. With good stop loss and take profit , you can automatically buy and sell! Investing in stocks is a lifelong thing. When you are 7-80 years old, you can still make money using our method! So the later you learn, the later you will make money! In the long run, the money you should have earned will be the biggest loss in your life! So hurry up and sign up for this free stock investing class using the first link in the video description column ! Therefore, the buying and selling strategy of trading on the right side is to chase the rise and kill the fall! Of course I am not criticizing left-side trading! In fact, when it comes to real estate investing, I’m a buy-low guy! Instead of buying more as it goes up! For example, the more house prices fall, the more I buy! Because the house that I couldn't afford originally is now affordable because of the price, so I can afford it! The reason I dare to do this is because real estate has much more information transparency than stocks! I don’t know whether your company is making money or losing money, whether it has fake accounts, or what marketing strategies it has ! But a house, its location, facilities, and future development potential can all be calculated! What is very strange is that most people buy more and more stocks as they fall! The more house prices fall, the less willing you are to buy! Then some people will say that the trading method of chasing the rise and killing the fall will also get stuck! For example, suppose you buy a stock for 10 yuan and when it rises to 12 yuan, you are worried that the market will peak and choose to sell the stock, but the stock market continues to rise. The stock also rises to 13 yuan. You regret it and buy it back. As a result, the stock price Or if it continues to rise to 15 yuan, you will be scared again! Still sell on highs, and the stock price still rises! You bought it back for 17 yuan and then the stock price reached 20 yuan. You sold it again and bought it back for 22 yuan. But then you were reluctant to sell when the stock price started to drop to 21 yuan. You were still reluctant to sell it at 20 yuan and it dropped to 19, 18... You get stuck. This is why most ordinary people get stuck because they don’t have a selling strategy! What we do is, after buying the stock for 10 yuan, set an automatic stop loss at 9 yuan! When the stock price rises to 12 yuan, we will increase the stop loss to 11 yuan! When the stock price rises to 15 yuan, the stop loss level is raised to 14 yuan! When the stock price rose to 22 yuan, the stop loss level was raised to 19 yuan! We will be ready when the stock price falls back to 20 yuan , and we will sell the stock completely when it falls below 19 yuan! In other words, we already knew before buying the stock from the beginning that if we buy it for 10 yuan, I will stop the loss for 9 yuan! The most I risk is one piece! To put it simply, if I lose money, I will only lose a dollar at most. But once I use the methods in our free investment class to catch the surge in stock prices, I can make a profit of 15 yuan, 20 yuan, or even 100 yuan! So if you exchange one piece for 20 yuan or 100 yuan, if you do this kind of transaction for a long time, you will definitely win money! And I don’t even need to give this piece, as long as every time the stock price goes up, I will raise my stop loss position! This is the importance of risk management. The free investment class will teach you in more detail! So hurry up and sign up using the first link in the video description column! This is the second investment rule: let yourself win 100 million, and then lose only 1 yuan at most! Therefore, many people who trade on the left side make a considerable amount of income during the rising market cycle , and then wait until the market falls into a bear market, and then give back all the profits! It's like taking an elevator all the way up to the top and then the elevator malfunctions and you fall all the way to the bottom! What we do is to leave the elevator midway during its ascent! With this method, we can also make money when the stock market is good! And when the stock market is bad, we only lose a little bit! If we develop like this for a long time , our reward will be like climbing a mountain . When we walk fast, we stop and walk slowly! Then you can quickly climb for a while and then stop again and walk slowly! Keep moving up! The third rule is that we must understand the broader stock market! Why? Wouldn't everything be fine if you buy a good stock? Let’s first talk about what a market is! It is the leading index of the stock market , such as the S&P 500 Dow Jones Industrial Index in the United States, the Nasdaq Index, the Hang Seng Index in Hong Kong, the large-cap weighted index of Taiwan stocks, etc.! When these indexes peak, they will then turn sharply downward into a bear market! At this time, no matter whether the stock you think is good or bad, it will follow the market and fall, or even collapse, and will never recover! Many people, even those who have invested in stocks for many years, don’t know this! When the stock market crashes , more than three-quarters of the stocks will fall with it! In other words, no matter how profitable the stock you choose is, how powerful it is or even how monopolized the market it is, it will have a higher than 75% chance of falling with the market! And many of them will even fall more sharply than the market. For example, if the market only falls by about 20%, these stocks may even fall by 40% to 75%! What's worse is that many stocks may not recover or even take years to recover! This is not alarmist. Take Alibaba, which was loved by many people in the monopoly market in mainland China for example! This was the leading stock of the year, a blue chip stock, extremely stable! Since the U.S. raised interest rates, the market has fallen by about 25%! And Alibaba (BABA) dropped from 317 US dollars to a minimum of about 54 US dollars! Dropped 81%! It’s still hovering at a low level now! The stocks that you thought were big bulls before have now become stagnant! Therefore, we must know how to judge what are the signals that the stock market has a chance to reach the top and the signals before the stock market turns downward! As well as signals that the stock market has a chance to reach the bottom, there are also signals that the stock market has turned and is rising! I will use the 50-day moving average, the 150-day moving average and the 200-day moving average to judge these! It's very simple. If you want to learn more , you can sign up for a free stock investment class through the first link in the video description column! Or watch my previous videos! Well, I hope today’s video can help you get out of the trap in one thought and even learn the core methods and rules of making money in the stock market from a novice who knows nothing about stocks! Remember! To become a successful investor, you must learn to grasp market trends! So, if you have any questions, please leave me a message! As long as you can find one or two sentences in what I said today that are useful and can help you live a better life, I will be satisfied~ Then, I will continue to share about the following every Thursday at 8:30 Free information to become a rich person, entrepreneur, investor and achieve financial freedom. If you don’t want to miss it , I still call on you to subscribe to my channel and turn on the little bell! Then share the video selflessly! I sincerely wish the brothers and sisters who liked this video to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible! Okay, see you next week, Bye!
Channel: 90後創業家掃地僧
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Keywords: 掃地僧, 股票, 投資, 賺錢, 股票投資, 股票賺錢, 投資理財, 如何股票賺錢, 股票賺錢方法, 股票價值投資, 股票趨勢投資, 左側交易, 股票低買高賣, 股票追漲殺跌, 風險與回報, 為什麼會被套牢, 為什麼股票虧錢, 為什麼股票越買越窮, 股票越買越窮, 股市虧損, 股市賺錢方法, 投資股票方法, 投資股票如何賺錢, 股票長期虧損, 股票長期盈利, 股票止損, 股票止盈, 股票買入方法, 股票賣出方法, 股票什麼時候賣出, 什麼時候買入股票, 什麼時候賣出股票, 台股, 港股, 股市, 股票騙局, 股市割韭菜, 股市大盤, 股票為什麼會漲, 股票為什麼會跌, 股票暴漲前信號, 股票暴跌前信號, 股票的買賣方法, 股票風險管理方法, 股票觀察大盤方法, 股票長期盈利法則, 新手買股票如何賺錢, 新手買股票如何不虧錢, 股票解套方法, 股票如何不虧損, 股票陷阱, 掃地僧股票, 掃地僧投資, 什麼是股市大盤, 股票如何贏多輸少, 股票輸多贏少, 為什麼要了解股市大盤, 股票初心者, 股票入門, 股票教學影片, 股票 投资, 90後掃地僧, 90後創業家掃地僧, 掃地僧 股票, 股票為什麼輸錢, 股市賺錢, 股票賺錢原因, 股市虧錢, 股票低風險賺錢快的方法, 90後創業家掃地僧 股票, 財富自由, 理財, 錢
Id: fc3auGL9os4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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