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Many people say that Web3.0 is a scam , but now a large number of people are resigning and preparing to bring down their original companies! What are the opportunities to make money here? To be honest, you may never be able to say this again that making money is difficult ! Hello everyone, I am the sweeping monk! As I said before, the bad news is that the big companies that can control the world, such as Microsoft, Netflix, Facebook, and Tesla, are all laying off employees in batches! This year the U.S. government lowered its head and said that 3,900 positions have been laid off because of artificial intelligence! These large companies say that 30% of their employees will be replaced by AI in the next five years. Goldman Sachs also estimates that more than 300 million jobs will be taken away by AI in the future, and most of them are lawyers, administrators, accountants, and finance. In other words , those jobs in the most popular industries that everyone envies will be wiped out and the speed is much faster than you imagine. But what I didn’t say is that there are actually countless people who have insight into opportunities and have not found them. In the absence of a job, they resigned one after another! Because they are all laying out the third Internet revolution, Web3.0, that will change all lives of mankind! The most exaggerated thing is that when they complete this revolution, we humans may no longer need Microsoft, Netflix and Facebook. Companies such as Steve Jobs and Zuckerberg overturned the previous cameras and home phones when they started their businesses in their garages . and MP3! And now a bunch of people have resigned and are preparing to overthrow them! Everyone knows Stephen Chow and Master Xing, right? He is a person who never uses IG or FB! Because the real great people are hiding and practicing and don’t need to socialize with you or anything like that! But recently he opened an IG account and the first post he sent was to recruit Web3.0 talents! It is equivalent to saying that he is in IG and recruiting a bunch of people to put IG out of business! And his recruitment criteria are very simple, that is, people who are familiar with Web3.0! It is no exaggeration to say that everyone who has watched today’s video is eligible! Many people think I'm a bit arrogant because a simple sweeper can explain something as complicated as Web3.0 so easily! Everyone, do you know how to use a smartphone? Do you watch Youtube online? Do you guys send text messages to your friends? Why do modern people know how to do it as long as they have hands , but people of the previous generation find it very complicated? Is the matter itself complicated? Or do you think this matter is complicated so you don’t understand it, and then you think it’s complicated? I tell you! The advancement of science and technology is to facilitate human beings , not to hinder human life! Since Web3.0 is the evolved version of Youtube and texting on smartphones, it must be simpler! Remember! We are not inventing Web3.0, we are just following this trend, mastering the money-making opportunities and methods of Web3.0, and becoming the first batch of people to dig money! Just like when we speculated on NFT in the early stage! But first, please allow me to wish the brothers and sisters who like this video to achieve financial freedom in the next six months! This channel is dedicated to cultivating bosses, investors, and wealthy people. If you don’t want to miss this information , you can consider subscribing to my channel and turn on the little bell! First of all, many people think that the technological revolution is as far away from us as war , and we will never be exposed to it in our lifetime! But in fact, this world changes every five thousand days! Why? Because the truth is that every change is an opportunity for capitalists to use new technologies to eliminate the original middle class, loot their wealth , and widen the gap between the rich and the poor around the world! In the past, when a country wanted to make money, it wanted to develop industry, so the previous generation went to work in factories! Then, engage in urbanization, make some people rich and drive consumption! Then there is globalization, the division of labor among countries around the world, you are responsible for production, and I am responsible for consumption! My economics textbook just stops at this position! But this is no longer what we are experiencing because what we are really doing is called the Internet! It is no exaggeration to say that Web 3.0 is actually our only chance to defeat the capitalists! So the chaebols now have two attitudes, one is called suppression! Like claiming this is a scam! The other way is to quietly develop Web 3.0, such as Facebook, and just give up research and development of their original business so that they can make some money now! Then use all resources to develop Web3.0! What will be the result? The laws of history are the same! Think about how we bought things in the past? At that time, whatever we wanted to buy, we could only go to the mall or supermarket! For example, if we are hungry, we give money to the supermarket owner and get bread and drinks from the owner. But if I don’t want to eat bread today and want to eat the hot pot base developed by Americans, is that okay? The supermarket owner looked stunned and told you, sorry, we don’t have it here! So you think to yourself, isn’t this an opportunity to make a fortune? No one is selling such delicious things, so I will sell them! So you also want to open a supermarket , but when you inquire about the rent, you find that you can’t even pay the deposit! So you borrow money , but when you sell this hot pot base, it immediately becomes popular! But soon, the supermarket next door also stocked the same products as yours and sold them cheaper than you! Then what? If nothing happens, it will go bankrupt and be in debt! So 5,000 days later, a man named Ma came out and said he wanted to build a platform called Taobao! Let anyone sell here! From now on, you can come to my place to open a shop and do business as long as you want, and there is no rent! The most important thing is that the hot pot base invented by Americans cannot only be known to Americans! If you put it for sale on Taobao, as long as someone searches for hot pot, they will be able to find your product and then pay for it! In this way, merchants save costs, increase sales and customer base, and at the same time, customers have more choices and goods become cheaper because they don’t need to rent. Isn’t it killing two birds with one stone? At this time, those chaebols who originally opened supermarkets and shopping malls were unhappy! Aren’t you just going to put us out of business? So we suppressed this person named Ma and called him a liar! And they really think he is a liar! Because these things in the future are very imaginary. They can be seen but cannot be touched. It feels like they are all blown up by this person named Ma! So they don’t believe it and continue to invest money to develop their physical business! Continue to monopolize the entire market because all merchants who want to sell things have to go to their shopping malls or supermarkets! And the result is that a capitalist named Masayoshi Son invested a sum of money in this man named Ma. What was the result? What Jack Ma used to brag about has come true today. He has truly made it easy to do business in the world! As soon as his Taobao appeared, everyone tried on clothes in the mall and then bought them online! So in mainland China , the former Gome company had countless physical retail stores. Everyone who wanted to buy appliances had to go to their stores! And now they only have two physical stores left in the mainland! This is called the first revolution of the Internet, which is Web1.0! Of course, in the United States, Amazon and eBay have eliminated many large supermarkets! The characteristic of this era is that what you see is what you get! What you see is what others want you to see! For example, the first generation of Taobao was full of fakes! I have no idea whether those products are good or not! We can only see what information the merchant releases! All the information we see is controlled by capitalists through the Internet! They play the role of indoctrinators and instill information into us. We ourselves cannot speak online and can only listen to what they say. This is what we "get", just like when we feed a child, the child cannot tell what he wants to eat. What, he could only open his mouth and let us deliver the food to his mouth. So 5,000 days later, the second Internet revolution ushered in, Web2.0! YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, which we most commonly use now, actually all appeared at this time! In the past, each of us was just an audience, that is, a person receiving information! And now, every one of us can post on it! So now everyone says they want to do self-media , but in fact everyone is already doing self-media! Aren’t you also playing IG? Won't you also leave comments on my Youtube videos? In fact, I am running my own media, but I just say that I am not making any money! So why are we all doing self-media , but we only stay at the level of being viewers, leaving messages, and posting photos of our private lives, without rising to the stage of gaining traffic and wealth? Maybe you understand the truth! There are 2.5 billion people on Youtube. Even if only 10,000 people give you 100 yuan each to buy your product or service, you will get 1 million instantly! Isn't this the result you want to achieve? We have an SDS system that has been proven by the market to earn 7-digit US dollars annually , allowing you to build your YouTube passive income! This may subvert some people's understanding of making money because this system can not only teach you how to get traffic, but most importantly, let you know how to make countless merchants and potential customers line up to wait for you to beg you to sell your products. Sell ​​it to him and they accept a higher price! It’s like everyone is waiting in line to buy an IPhone! So if you want to learn my new SDS system, you can sign up for my training camp for free on the first link in the video description column! So why do people nowadays live offline and online? It is because Web2.0 brings a social function! For example, when everyone can comment and discuss on Taobao, it will reduce the appearance of many fake products. At the same time, merchants also need to improve their service quality in order to get good reviews! Coupled with the emergence of the mobile Internet, everyone can socialize on their mobile phones. Even when our grandparents were using mobile phones, Web 2.0 had already eliminated many physical businesses! So if you are still doing physical business now, I am not cursing you, I just want to advise you that business will only become more and more difficult in the future! Because Web3.0 has quietly arrived! Do you know what is the biggest difference between Web2.0 and Web3.0? Many people’s understanding of Web3.0 is artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, NFT, Metaverse, etc.! In fact, these are just external things! If you want to make money following this trend, you must see the underlying logic, which is copyright! Let’s put it this way, you made a video today, who owns the copyright? Theoretically, it belongs to you because you are the original! But here’s the problem, there is a mechanism on Youtube that you must have 4,000 hours of viewing and 1,000 subscriptions before you can get a share of the advertising fee! In other words, YouTube has the final say whether or not to pay you or how much to pay you, or whether your content violates the rules ! This is what is called centralization! So why don’t many people make money? Just because it is very difficult to earn this advertising fee, I subscribed for more than 500,000 yuan, which only costs about 6,000 US dollars per month! This 6,000 US dollars is equivalent to working for Youtube! But am I not original? Am I not the one who has the final say on how much money is divided? So my disciples know very well that what they are learning from me is not how to make a small amount of money from advertising fees , but how to build a brand, a business that turns traffic into money! The same goes for e-commerce. You finally sold a piece of clothing today, but the platform suddenly told you, sorry, you can't receive the money! Because the money paid by the customer is paid to Taobao and other platforms first, and let them take care of it. Now a customer is dissatisfied and complains, and wants a refund, so Taobao will directly return your payment to him without your consent at all! Web2.0 is that it allows everyone to share their works online or open an online store to sell things. However, the participating platforms are still controlled by capitalists. It is just a new group of capitalists who have defeated the rulers of the web1.0 era. Like a god, ruling the entire online world! The rules and order are set by them! The world of Web3.0 is to make the gods of this online world disappear! What does that mean? There is a very popular movie that I have never seen before called Pirates of the Caribbean! Then I looked at it and suddenly saw a familiar face called Fa Ge, Chow Yun-fat! Eh! Why did Brother Fa go to Hollywood to play a supporting role when he was already an actor? The answer is simple, copyright! How much money do we traditional actors earn when we make movies? Paycheck, right? This is fixed. After you take it, everything has nothing to do with you! The thing about Hollywood movies is that this movie has a copyright! Maybe this movie will be turned into a novel, TV series, or game, etc. And if you own the copyright, you can get a huge royalties from it! And the actors who participated in the filming can all get a share of the copyright fee! In other words, even though Fa Ge has finished filming Pirates , he can still get a share of the royalties! And it’s not just that he can designate an heir after taking it once . Even if he dies, he can still get this profit share! The world of Web 3.0 is to take this copyright away from capitalists and give it to every creator! Take Uber for example. The income and dispatch of taxi drivers are actually controlled by Uber! The world of Web3.0 allows us passengers to directly find drivers and place orders without any intermediaries or platforms. To put it simply, Web3.0 has not eliminated the job of drivers , but it has eliminated the capitalist Uber! This is called decentralization! Why can turning a picture into an NFT sell for millions of dollars? Many people say it is hype! So why can it be hyped? Because the pricing power is with us! Then why the pricing power is with us! Because he is decentralized! When we sell this picture, it means that we sell the copyright to others! This copyright is always yours, and after you hang it up, it can be passed on to your family! And why do you want to do self-media? Because the copyright of our videos will no longer belong to platforms such as Youtube or TikTok! The copyright of these videos will be our own! For example, if you think my video will be a hit , you might invest in my video in the early stages and then you can get the copyright to the video! And you can get all the profits this video brings! This film is like a stock, with trading properties! In other words, it will become a tool for hype! In other words, the current layout of self-media is equivalent to the layout of Web3.0! So many people say that self-media is now saturated! Is it really? Let me tell you, whether it is the United States or China, if you just walk around on the street, you can find that they have reached the point where everyone is engaged in self-media! When we used to travel, we would take photos and check in when we saw some scenic spots! And you will find that an ordinary person who you would not notice at all when walking on the street will now hold a mobile phone, not to check in, but to shoot videos and start live broadcasts! Some people suddenly started singing and dancing! I was shocked! Everyone, it is getting harder and harder to do business, it is getting harder and harder to make money , and for those who may even face unemployment, I really hope you think about the difference between those who are not making money from self-media and those who still don’t know how to use smartphones and computers. Woolen cloth? So my final call to camp is that we will be taking it off the shelves soon and you will never see it again! If you want to deploy Web3.0, please sign up at the first link in the video description column! To make it simpler, you can think of the Internet as a variety show! Web1.0 is an ordinary variety show with only a few celebrities appearing and ordinary people have no chance to participate! Web2.0 is an amateur variety show where everyone can express themselves on TV , but the profits and rules are determined by the program team and the TV station! Web3.0 does not have TV stations and program groups As long as you sign up, you can be on the show, and you can do whatever you want! The copyright of the program is yours, and so is the profit sharing! For example, when we go to work now, all employees have to circle around our boss! Profits and salaries are distributed by us! This is Web2.0! In Web3.0, there is no boss! Everyone is in a cooperative relationship. For example, if I make a movie now, how much money does the planner get, how much does the actor get, how much does the director get, etc.! Then after the movie comes out, the cost will be deducted and the money will be divided automatically in proportion! The whole process does not need to go through a bank, does not need to go through an accountant , does not need to be discussed by the board of directors, and does not need to go through the boss . It will distribute the money instantly! No one person can unilaterally change or control all decisions and operations of the entire system. All decisions and operations need to go through everyone's consensus. This is called decentralization! All conditions must be negotiated first, and if you are willing, just do it! Then everyone can get a share of the movie’s future copyright income! It is equivalent to everyone who participates will be a shareholder of the company, similar to the current partnership system! So now Zuckerberg and Jack Ma are all studying the Web3.0 industry! And they all came to the conclusion that the future is a world where creators make money! Alibaba’s chief strategy officer said that the creator economy is the core of the future economy and will change the ecosystem of the entire society. The reason is very simple. Our current physical products will only become cheaper and cheaper! For example, a gas truck can turn into an electric car, and a toy can become a means of transportation! For example, the purpose of food is just to fill your stomach! Because our future food, clothing, housing and transportation will only be in the online world, which is the so-called metaverse! And virtual things will become more and more expensive! In other words, our films will be our greatest asset in the future! So in addition to laying out self-media videos, I also laid out another new product of Web3.0 called Digital People! That is, a virtual anchor! I am planning to discuss cooperation with a company in Singapore that develops digital people because I see a future where you don’t have to wait five thousand days. When you walk into a bank to do business, the account manager who receives you is a stereoscopic projection of a digital person. What questions do you ask him? They all answer and there are absolutely no mistakes. Five-star service attitude. You send your children to school, and it turns out that the teachers in the school are also digital people. If you go to the court to litigate today, you may see that the entire court except you and the defendant Apart from the two people , from the judge to the lawyer, everyone is a digital person. When you get home at night, you turn on the TV to watch the Olympic Games opening ceremony. The people who are passing the torch at the venue are also digital people. And you can create a digital person of your own with just a few operations on your mobile phone. How cool does it feel to go and light the Olympic torch in person? In short, all the jobs you can come into contact with may be done by digital people , and in many places in Asia, these have become a reality! Many banks have begun to use digital people as customer service or financial advisors. In fact, I didn’t believe this until I came into contact with an Internet celebrity called Liu Yexi! She has more than 8 million fans on Douyin in Mainland China! And she is a numbers person! Fake! Many people say that the annual cost of this digital team is more than 7 million yuan! The cost is huge! Is it really? He has more than 8 million fans. If each person gives him 10 yuan to buy his products, he has more than 80 million! Moreover, it is a one-time fee to use this live broadcast to bring goods. How many products can be sold in a day? Calculated in this way, from the perspective of more than 7 million people doing business in RMB, is it really a huge sum of money? And this is only if the technology may be developed by their team themselves! So I plan to cooperate with a professional R&D company in Singapore to bring this technology to everyone! Of course, we are also looking for investors, and I don’t have that much money! But imagine for yourself that the copyright of this digital person belongs to you, and he is your personal asset! Just like your house! You don’t have to believe in this technology, so don’t do it! But if those who believe in it do it, when everyone is using digital people to shoot videos, your aesthetics will be changed! For example, my dad can’t understand how happy I used to be playing online games! Because the people inside are all fake, he would ask me if I should go fishing or running. But now, we all accept that it is up to us to decide what hairstyle the characters in the game have and what clothes they wear! And playing games has become a trend and competition. How many people can make money here? How many people make videos of playing games and post them online to make money? If the cooperation of this digital person is negotiated, I will give priority to my disciples to use it! So if you have finished watching our training camp and are very sure that you must make money on Youtube, then my team and I are willing to help you and give you the opportunity to more than triple your income! We will conduct a very detailed consultation and analysis with you. Only 25 consultations worth one thousand US dollars will be opened per week! But currently we will not charge fans any fees for this consultation! It’s just that our professional manpower is very scarce , so I hope that people who have determination, ideas and most importantly, humility will come to us! It’s filling up again soon! If you are interested, hurry up and sign up through the second link in the video description column! Really, one less day of making money is one more day of losing money! So what are Web3.0 talents? From now on, most jobs will be impacted or even disappear completely by AI and digital people , and they will all be middle-class jobs such as finance, education, and lawyers. But when some industries decline, other people will fill their vacancies so that the universe can be balanced. And those who fill their place are those who control AI and digital humans! Anyone who understands, sees any business opportunities , or has any questions can leave me a message! As long as you can find one or two sentences in what I said today that are useful and can help you live a better life, I will be satisfied~ Then, I will continue to share about the following every Thursday at 8:30 If you don’t want to miss the free information to become a rich person, entrepreneur, investor and achieve financial freedom , I still call on you to subscribe to my channel and turn on the little bell! Then share the video selflessly! I sincerely wish the brothers and sisters who liked this video to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible! Okay, see you next week, Bye!
Channel: 90後創業家掃地僧
Views: 71,653
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Keywords: 掃地僧, WEB3.0, 賺錢, web3.0, 元宇宙, web3, web3.0賺錢, WEB3.0賺錢, 什麼是WEB3.0, Web3.0騙局, WEB3.0是什麼, web3.0賺錢方法, web3.0如何賺錢, WEB3.0賺錢項目, 網絡賺錢, 互聯網3.0, 未來賺錢方法, 未來賺錢趨勢, 未來行業淘汰, 未來都在家賺錢, 互聯網賺錢, 互聯網失業, Web3.0是騙局還是未來, 賺錢的方法, 赚钱的方法, 如何赚钱, 赚钱, 數字資產, 暴富機會, 一生一次的暴富機會, 互聯網革命, 人工智能賺錢, 數字人賺錢, 版權賺錢, Web3.0版權, Web3.0賺錢機會, 財富自由, 財富自由機會, 賺錢機會, web3.0世界, Web3.0一生一次的賺錢時機, 周星馳Web3.0, Web3.0推翻財閥壟斷, 普通人web3.0翻身, Web3.0數字資產, web3.0賺錢機會, 元宇宙賺錢, 人工智能 裁員, 未來賺錢最快的行業, 未來賺錢機會, 90後創業家掃地僧, web3.0騙局, web3.0會如何, 未來如何賺錢, 未來怎麼賺錢, 掃地僧 Web3, web3淘汰的職業, web3賺錢, 2023 賺錢, 2023賺錢趨勢, web3就是創業者賺錢最快的時代
Id: W2vh2b6Ke7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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