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Hello everyone, I am the sweeping monk! After the wealth reshuffle ends in 2024, the wealth class will be solidified! Twenty years is a new cycle , which means that whether your entire family will be poor or rich after two or three generations depends on whether you have grasped the trends and trends that will emerge next year! Isn’t this what I said about Li Ka-shing, the richest man in China, who knows him? Every time this person cashes out his assets when the economy is at its hottest , he has cash in hand! In a recession, use cash to buy depreciating assets! Recently, it was revealed that the great Brother Cheng had already warned his internal top management that a storm was coming in January 2021 ! To put it simply, it is recommended that the people in his company who help manage funds should quickly raise funds or withdraw funds so that they have enough cash to operate the company for 24 to 36 months! As a result, 80% of the obedient senior management were saved because the mountain rain really came and the economy really plummeted! Then smart people have grasped the key point. Starting from January 21, you need to hold cash for 36 months. Does that mean that after 36 months, that is, after January 2024, the economic crisis will be lifted? Many people say that I don’t have money now, even if I know how it will develop in the future, so what? Then let me ask you! If you traveled back 20 years now, would you become a billionaire? If you know which stock will double, and you know Facebook will be popular, Google will be popular, and house prices will be popular , then no matter whether you have money or not, you will borrow the money back and put it into these investments. ah? The same goes for our business. Today I am selling a used car and you want to sell it to me for RMB 100,000. If I am confident that I can sell it for more than RMB 150,000 , then I will take it back! When Li Ka-shing opened the factory, he was also confident that he could sell it at a good price if he turned plastic into flowers, so he did it! So where does this confidence come from? It is not because of the quality of products and services , but because of the prediction of future market conditions! It's very simple. In the past, when everyone relied on labor to make money, if you went to Japan to introduce game culture, your business would only fail! Because everyone stopped talking, there was no time to play games! In the past, playing games was called not doing your job! But later, the technological revolution transformed everyone and gave us more time to go home and rest , so the culture of playing games emerged! So heroes can create the situation, but more often than not, the situation creates the hero! Now here comes the point, how to predict the future? Four words, learn from the past and learn from the present! One person’s perspective does not mean seeing the emergence of AI today and inferring that these new technologies will be the trend in the future! Then everyone can predict the future! Because as long as you see something new that you haven't seen before, you can think that this is the future! Businessmen and investors who truly predict the future observe history and find the patterns in it to infer the future! We say that history is not a simple repetition but there are amazing similarities! The only lesson most people have learned from history is that they can’t learn any lessons. So recently, most people are very pessimistic about the economic future . Even the rich appear to be very pessimistic about their actual behavior. Optimistic, why? Because money cannot allow most people to make money. The big money in all countries in the past dynasties is in the hands of a few people, and the average person can only make ends meet! To put it simply , the so-called rich people's thinking is actually what most people think and do, which in turn is the thinking and behavior of the rich! To put it more bluntly, only by holding the opposite expectation to most people can we make a lot of money. So in today’s video, I will not only predict and share my future layout and review from the perspective of a businessman and investor. Check out all my investments this year! It may cause a lot of people to disagree with me and then my peers will imitate me, it doesn’t matter! As long as one or two sentences here are useful to you and can help you live a better life, I will be satisfied! This channel is dedicated to cultivating bosses, investors, and wealthy people. If you don’t want to miss more useful information in the future , you can consider subscribing to my channel and turn on the little bell! Remember first! The operation of the market is regular. The sun rises and sets. Houses, stock markets, food, energy, and even wars are constantly repeated! What really affects our global economy is not the epidemic, war, import and export, or even the declining birthrate, but the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike! Because you will find that there are many economic stimulus programs around the world but they are still ineffective, right? So we must have a world view! If you go to popular tourist spots in the United States or Europe now, many famous brand stores have closed down! Why? Because everyone has no money! So where did the money go? And is this situation where everyone has no money long-term or short-term? The answer depends on when the Fed cuts interest rates! That’s when the economy couldn’t get any worse! The good news is that the Federal Reserve recently suffered a loss for the first time in history and lost more than 100 billion U.S. dollars , so they laid off employees for the first time in 108 years! In other words, they won’t be able to survive for too long if interest rates continue to rise! So today is about predicting the timing of this interest rate cut and my plan! But don’t worry, please allow me to explain slowly! Many people have been deceived into saying that the Federal Reserve raises interest rates just to fight inflation! So has inflation been brought down? When you go out to buy groceries now, is it cheaper or more expensive? So has there ever been a situation in history where the Fed cut interest rates before inflation was brought down? My dad had a Taiwanese friend who went to a fortune teller before I was born and he said he would be a millionaire! Millionaires back then could buy a house! Then this fortune teller was pretty accurate. He sold his house when I was born and had millions in cash! As a result, the Fed keeps cutting interest rates, down to almost zero. Now he can’t even afford a toilet! So if you believe what others say, you will make the wrong decision, and then there will be wrong results! Let me tell you, the only reason to raise interest rates is to destroy cash and plunder wealth! I have to make sure you know what kind of game the Fed is playing by raising and lowering interest rates . Because we want to play along! Let me simply say it! Many people feel that the Federal Reserve is a government organization because their members are appointed by the government! Eh! The members and the board are just a voice and the real stakeholders in the place are the shareholders behind it! That’s 12 private banks! Behind 12 private banks, there are 3,000 private banks! Can you understand the personal meaning? The holders of Morgan Bank are the entire Morgan family! So the Fed’s loss of money does not mean that the U.S. government’s Treasury Department is losing money! Well in ancient times we used gold to trade because gold is God’s currency. Even if we fail, it still exists! So I am a capitalist from some banks and I want to plunder your gold, what should I do? Let me first brainwash you about the disadvantages of gold. It is bulky and bulky. What if it is stolen? How about this! We American capitalists will not lie. Lend me all your gold and I will give you banknotes! This banknote is equivalent to an IOU. You can use it to trade around the world, buy a house, a car, or buy groceries! Whenever you want to get your gold back, just exchange it with me for money! As a result, people all over the world handed over gold to capitalists! Then when everyone was accustomed to using U.S. dollars for transactions, the capitalists said, since everyone doesn’t use gold to trade , then just cancel the system where banknotes can be exchanged for gold! Then it is stipulated that if you want to buy oil, you must use US dollars! If you don’t use it, you can’t buy it! So when everyone needed oil development, they acquiesced! But later I found out that it was not right. These capitalists can actually print money at any time. Then you may be thinking, isn’t the money in my hand worthless? Because there is more money in the market. I used to be able to buy a house for one million, but now I need ten million! At this time, the capitalists from the Federal Reserve will tell you This is a good thing! Because when we print money, we will also lend you the new money at very low interest rates ! At this time, investors and businessmen will ask us to borrow money, take away the US dollars , and then go to your countries around the world to invest and do business! For example, if you directly open factories in your country and invest in your real estate and stock market, isn't this helping you stimulate the economy? So in the past, the world was grateful to the Federal Reserve for cutting interest rates and printing money because the world economy was booming! But suddenly, many people woke up and the banknotes I exchanged with you for gold seemed to become less and less valuable! For example, U.S. Treasury bonds are becoming cheaper and cheaper! The world is awash with inflation. The money in our hands can buy fewer and fewer things , but the salary increase cannot keep up! That’s okay! To prove that our US dollar is valuable, just raise interest rates! As long as you put all your dollars into American banks , you don't have to do anything, and we will give you very high interest rates! With such a good opportunity to make money, who wouldn’t want to do it? So in the past, people used US dollars to exchange into local currencies for business and investment. Now everyone is exchanging currencies back to US dollars! Then divest! Directly causing the local currency, real estate market, stock market and other assets to be sold off! As soon as the Federal Reserve raised interest rates that year, global commodity prices plummeted, and all the assets of Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina, countries that mainly relied on commodities, such as Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina , which had a prosperous economy, depreciated directly! Later came the world’s second largest economy, Japan! Except for Tokyo, all housing prices plummeted, and so did the stock prices! Then it was Korea in 1997! So what does the depreciation of assets in other countries have to do with American capitalists? Very simple! They directly use their appreciating US dollars to buy high-quality assets that have depreciated in various countries! For example, Koreans are working for chaebols, and Samsung Group was copied by American capitalists in 1997! Then think about it and leave a message telling me what this means? Another example is real estate. Today, I am a landlord. If I rent a house to you, what does it mean? You're working for me! Give all the wages you earned with your labor to me! Right? So what does it mean for us American capitalists to use the appreciating US dollar to buy your depreciating real estate? The whole process of this operation is like shearing sheep. First you fatten the sheep, and then shear the wool. So to put it bluntly, the Fed's interest rate hike is an opportunity for us to follow and buy high-quality assets at the bottom! This is not the first time I have told you that if you missed all the previous videos, please subscribe to my channel! This set of sheep-shearing combination punches has been played like this every time history tells us! When interest rates rise the most, asset prices fall the most! When interest rates are cut the most, some people will come out and say that the stock and real estate markets are rising like crazy! Are there any exceptions? Not found! So what we have to do is to buy high-quality assets at the bottom before cutting interest rates! Eh? Have you ever seen an aunt who sells vegetables or sweeps the floor? How many houses does she own? Look at this news again. Do you still think that they make money by selling vegetables and sweeping floors? You may have read more books than her, but with the money you earn, you can save money on food, drink, let alone a better house. You can't even afford a toilet. Soul Torture, are you willing to do that? I tell you! What really makes the aunts wealthy and free is not the jobs they use to kill time sweeping floors and selling vegetables , but the stocks they seize the opportunity to invest in! At this time, you may be thinking that they are all just lucky because you see on ig that all your friends who are playing stocks are losing money, right? I tell you! This is because most people don’t know that they have been playing a game where they lose more and win less . In the stock market, three-quarters of the time it is difficult for you to make money or even lose money . They don’t know that choosing A skyrocketing stock has nothing to do with whether we have studied finance, whether we can read financial reports , or whether we should keep an eye on the market for a long time, etc. ! Rather, you need to play a long-term profit-making game like a casino where you lose a dollar if you lose and make a hundred million if you win! So if you want to get rid of the endless reincarnation of work, if you want to become my disciple and learn the automatic stock trading system, I have recorded the necessary mental methods and techniques in a brand new stock investment class in 2023 worth 1,000 US dollars. But today, if you have You don’t need to spend $1,000 to subscribe and like , it will let you watch for free and the registration link will be removed immediately , so you can sign up immediately on the first link in the video description column! It depends on whether your hand speed is fast or not! So when will the Fed cut interest rates? I never make predictions because I can’t see the future! I will only follow the rules and make predictions! Let's see! The massive rate cut after the Fed raised interest rates occurred from May to June of 1989! Then it was from May to June 2000! The next time is from May to June 2006! The most recent one was the 2019 epidemic, from May to June! It’s all clearly shown on the chart! So now the Federal Reserve is losing money, the world economy is very bad , bank failures, unemployment, wars and wars are even said that if interest rates continue to be raised , the United States will owe more and more money to the world , and the entire country may not be able to bear it! Then many people think that in order to win over people in the 2024 US election next year, they will cut interest rates to stimulate the economy! I don't know this! I only know the pattern of interest rate cuts, which are always in May and June! So if interest rates are really going to be cut in 2024 , can we predict that it will start in May and June? In fact, smart money has already told us the answer! The Federal Reserve will start raising interest rates in March 2022 and the US Dow Jones Index, which is the so-called US stock market, has already started to fall in January 2022! We can see that the two red lines are a channel for the U.S. stock market to fall! Every time the stock price reaches the top of the channel, it turns around and falls! This is a pressure point! And every time it approaches the bottom of the channel, it will start to rebound! This is a support level! So how long have U.S. stocks been down? Almost a year! So in 2022, I was either shorting U.S. stocks or shorting other products! To put it simply, short selling means being bearish. The lower it falls, the more money I make! For example, the previous video informed everyone of the short selling of Bitcoin and Japanese Yen! If you haven’t seen it, you can watch it later! Then at the end of 2022, the U.S. stock market began to rise and even broke through the top of the red downward channel! It represents that the U.S. stock market may switch from a downward trend to an upward trend! And what happened next? That’s when the Federal Reserve began to announce that it would slow down the pace of interest rate hikes! Therefore, although the Federal Reserve also raised interest rates in 2023 , it did not affect the US stock market and has now formed an upward trend channel! We see that every time U.S. stocks rise to the top of the green channel, they turn around and fall! That’s a lot of pressure! If it falls to the bottom of the channel, it will rebound and rise! This is a big support level! So what does this passage represent? It means that if the U.S. stock market breaks through the top of this channel, it will have the opportunity to start a new bull market trend! On the contrary, if it falls below the bottom of this channel, there will be a chance of a plunge! Let’s see, the US stock index is now at the top of the channel! We draw a blue horizontal line at the top of the highest peak of the US stock market before the decline of the US stock market in 2022 ! This horizontal line is a big stress line! In addition, the US stock market has reached the top of the green channel , so the US stock market may not be able to withstand the pressure and fall recently! Until when? The place where the top of the green channel intersects with the blue horizontal line is exactly April 2024! Didn’t we just say that the Federal Reserve has the opportunity to cut interest rates in May-June 24 according to the rules? Then the stock market may be one step ahead of schedule in April and start a skyrocketing trend! Then you might think all this is a coincidence Or the stock market may be able to break out of the rising channel sooner, or the previous high! But there is no doubt that the stock market has entered an upward trend! So I traded for four months in 2023, earning an average of 20% each time! I have made more than 60% profit by snowballing even the capital and profits! There are pictures to prove it! Of course, this is just a small test for me, a transaction to test the water temperature because I didn’t invest much money, just hundreds of thousands of dollars! I didn’t go to see it much because I started a new company! Therefore, my investment method is to only use a mobile phone to trade, and there is no need to monitor the market at all! But at least, I did not miss the opportunity to make money in the 23-year upward trend! So how do I operate it specifically? I don’t have that much time here. You can grab a seat in the free investment class! I will tell you in it how to catch the big bull market, avoid the stock market crash , and obtain a steady stream of passive income without buying the bottom or watching the market! Also, how to choose the right stock that has skyrocketed and grow 3 times without any basic investment knowledge ! The most important thing is that what most people who have studied many courses cannot do is how to make the most profit and the least loss! I will let you know that making money in stocks is a very low-risk thing! If you don’t want to miss it, you can sign up through the first link in the video description column! So I will not predict whether the stock market will rise, and then how much it will rise! I just need to predict that the upward trend is slowly forming . Knowing this is enough! Because this means that there have been many buying and selling opportunities in U.S. stocks! Otherwise, if I test the water temperature and buy stocks in 2023, I won’t make any money! Again, I am waiting for an opportunity. If the U.S. stock market really breaks through this green upward channel and the high before the 22-year crash, and then a new surge trend appears , then I will increase the principal from tens of thousands to tens of thousands. If you have more than one million US dollars, invest in US stocks! That time may be the beginning of interest rate cuts, which is April or May as I predict! Remember! When we realize that the Federal Reserve’s ever-changing sheep-shearing game , we only need to prepare two things in advance, one is cash! The second is our courage! For cash, you can sign up for a free stock investment class and learn from me! But courage needs to be practiced by watching my videos for a long time , so remember to subscribe and like! That's a joke! But I want to make a serious statement and risk my hundreds of thousands of fans. Listen up! The future of housing prices is like Jack Ma said, like onions! It will fall by at least half, or even 90%! Is it really? We’ll answer in the next episode! Because the video was too long and real estate and other investments took up most of my funds! More than 8 figures in US dollars! Therefore, the most important content is in the next episode. I will continue to share free information about becoming rich, entrepreneurs, and investors to achieve financial freedom every Thursday at 8:30 . If you don’t want to miss it , I still call on you to subscribe to my channel and open it. Little bell! Okay, if you have any questions, please leave me a message! As long as you can find one or two sentences in what I said today that are useful and can help you live a better life, I will be satisfied~ If you like this kind of positive energy, you can also like and support me, and Share the video and positive energy. If you think you are saving others, you are actually saving yourself . See you next week, Bye!
Channel: 90後創業家掃地僧
Views: 515,686
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Keywords: 掃地僧, 降息, 賺錢, 理財, 投資理財, 2024美聯儲降息, 一生一次的暴富機會, 史上最大的財富大洗牌, 掃地僧2023年投資成果, 經濟火熱時套現, 經濟蕭條時購買貶值資產, 2024經濟危機解除, 預測2024, 2024經濟, 2024賺錢機會, 2024賺錢趨勢, 2024最賺錢方法, 2024降息, 美聯儲升息, 美聯儲降息, 美聯儲加息, 美聯儲減息, 2024經濟復甦, 2024股市大牛市, 2024如何投資, 2024如何賺錢, 2024投資股票機會, 2024投資方法, 美聯儲為什麼突然從升息變降息, 美聯儲為什麼升息, 美聯儲為什麼降息, 美國升息真正原因, 升息不是為了打通脹, 2024賺錢風口, 2023最後賺錢警告, 2024年美國是否會降息, 美聯儲虧損, 美聯儲裁員, 降息前如何投資, 降息後經濟會如何, 降息股市, 降息股市的影響, 降息股市會漲嗎, 新一輪股票暴漲的時機, 經濟恢復如何賺錢, 股市開始上升, 2023最後呼籲, 二十年一次的暴富機會, 2024投資機會, 2024賺錢最快的方法, 美聯儲如何剪羊毛, 資本運作, 金融的本質, 資本, 資本運作的意思, 金錢, 剪羊毛, 割韭菜, 賺錢方法, 利率, 加息, 印錢, 資產負債, 富人會買但窮人不買的東西
Id: kVA3zF_sOiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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