2023 Tesla Model Y MUST have Accessories and Mods by @megawatts

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okay so there's a lot more Tesla owner today than when we first started this Channel and we want to share some of the accessories and modifications we've done that we highly recommend this video will be dedicated to a specific brand and we'll link them all in the description of this video so we'll start from the driver's seat as you see here the steering wheel itself is not the one that came with the Tesla vehicle this is actually a customized steering wheel using Tesla OEM so original equipment from Tesla core so this whole core the safety of this wheel is dependent on that is Tesla this airbag is from Tesla this is just a swap out of what came with the car only this piece here this will is customized so this is Napa leather it's bolster this is full carbon fiber real carbon fiber piece here you can see not the fake ones so not the cap where you place your hand over and you feel that that unevenness with with the cover so don't do that if you want a customized will go ahead and get one like this and it is fairly affordable I'll talk about the pricing so this it starts around 400 with our discount code so just use megawatts in the checkout about 400 starting if you start customizing getting uh the stripe the carbon fiber cover here here here and this comes in matte gloss or Texture so they do they're the only one that sells the texture and the scroll wheel these are all Tesla OEM it works perfectly so there's no no impact to the harness or warranty with the harness the airbag you don't touch any of those this is just cosmetic on this side it's a little lighter and it gives you more of a premium look it's bolstered it too so you can see the thickness on the bottom is slightly flattened out just like the the performance wheels on sport cars and then you also have option to get this in different color now so not only white black they also sell it in in Orange and any other Alcantara material you can also get you can get this sport stripe as well and as for the feature everything works normally so this is their full steering wheel they also sell the The Plaid looking like yoke steering wheel that first feature in the model S so basically it's just a yoke steering wheel they do sell that too A lot of people love that oil because of the look it does get a lot of tension but for me I can drive both however the round steering wheel it does have an edge over the Yoke and for obvious reason so if you like the look more than the practicality they do sell the Yoke so check that out and you can definitely customize that to your liking so that's the steering wheel customization another customization you see behind the steering wheel here is this cover this is real carbon fiber I know Amazon Alibaba Express they sell fake ones for the most part and you can tell the difference this is real carbon fiber same thing on the signal indicator windshield wiper it's also real carbon fiber it's just a cap anyone can place this on it takes seconds to clip on the wheel insulation again starting 400 this you can get for roughly under 100 bucks for both of them and that's a good deal for real carbon fiber insulation it's very easy this will maybe less than less than 30 minutes I will say if you watch video how to install it you can do that and then this cat few second this display you've probably been watching this throughout this beginning of the video is also a customization and you can see there with the wheel you can still see the display it's a touch screen but you can also control it by the scroll wheel so this different setting mode you can turn on Apple carplay or Android auto it has Google Maps it has a front camera as you saw earlier you can change the display to look like the oh user interface from the model X and S so let's choose this one you can see there the right side has that that regen versus efficiency and power so that's a nice feature it does have that autopilot indicating in the middle there drive mode temperature time as well as your range one good thing about this is you have over the air update so you don't need a USB to update the software and it has the smaller bezel so this is the 10.25 they do sell the nine inch one too but the nine inch doesn't come with the front blind spot camera this has tire pressure navigation camera as you saw carplay Android auto music a lot of application I'll show you here so very cool definitely highly recommend either this or the nine inch the nine inch the over-the-air update nine inch is more refined I recommend that over this one due to the size of it as well as the functionality but this is good too because I do like the front camera the blind spot camera especially if you don't have if you don't have the ultrasonic sensor anymore I'll show you now you can actually use this camera to see how you are away from the Curve there's a curve Tesla vehicle tend to lay a little lower in the front even the model X big curves like this will scrape the bottom so something to keep in mind especially since Tesla took away the ultrasonic I don't know how Tesla vision Tesla Vision can be able to see that curve it it has to do some calculations but definitely very difficult okay so this alone the camera front camera alone is definitely worth it so moving on you probably saw this live your camera I just show right now so this is actually a a camera in the back of the car that's showing a live feed so you've probably seen this in like Cadillacs are other higher end vehicle get this in focus there you go so you can see there and this you can actually use as a mirror too so you can turn this off you can't really see but because I have limo tint in the back window but it does have a mirror so you can turn this off on I like it on you can also adjust the height so depending how low you want to see it it does have more of a fisheye lens so you do see your your blind spot so I do use this to change lane um and occasionally I don't have to look at the side mirror so that's a neat feature I always do though to look at the side mirror but the side mirror does have blind spot this will capture the rest of it and you can see the quality there you can actually read the license plate when there's a car parked behind you so that's a cool feature and then moving on to the display this does have the swivel mount so you can see there very easy to install as well and this costs the swivel Mount costs about 140 bucks or less with our discount code this display uh rear mirror display that is a few hundred dollars but with a discount you can save as let me get this Focus again uh there you go keep focusing out there so this a few hundred dollars but uh using our megawatts discount you can get it for a good deal so talking about uh carbon fiber this is a carbon fiber cover so also from and show you can see this is the matte finish this is how it looks like compared to their gloss I don't know I have mixed feeling between the gloss and the matte I like them both but this match more with the performance spoiler which they also sell and with that we also want to show you the rear display so this is the rear display Just Like the Model X and S refresh so this actually can work with Apple carplay or Android auto but I only got it to work with Apple carplay so far because I don't have a Android phone but I heard that you can possibly also use it for Android auto so one cool feature about this is you can control the climate in the rear seat you can also adjust the seat heater in the rear seat which you can't without asking the front driver or passenger and that can be annoying so the display the user interface looks just like the model X and S refresh you can turn on and off the fan back here one disclaimer is the front the front fan has to be on for this to be functional but the seat heater is separate you can do that yourself some of the application that often use YouTube YouTube kids been working HBO Max um we haven't tried downloading the other apps yet but we will start doing that you can also play games on this but just to show you the quality of the video let's play a sample video here you can see the clarity of it and this plate plays through your car's Bluetooth so it's very simple the key here is not to try to sync this with your phone Bluetooth or any other device but if you go to the display click on bluetooth click on connect phone you just find this device which is bt966 click connect and foreign you can see it just worked so the key here is connect the Bluetooth to this is this device don't do anything on this device connect it from the Tesla display you can see this is integrated it works really well you open your armrests and that's Tesla squeaking there gotta put some WD-40 in there but the vent is small enough you can't move this vent but it's perfectly aligned to the right and left rear passenger uh so the center passenger which normally people don't sit you have two USB a and one USBC I do have um one connected to your USBC there so you actually get one extra USB for the rear passenger so you're interested in this display definitely check them out as well so all this product we mentioned so this video is dedicated to hand show products we also have other items too just like the power front so you can see here we can control open up the power front and also close it from inside or from the actual app itself or you can actually close it from the emergency latch inside the front itself that's one feature we really enjoy using a lot so something to consider if you want to do your first mod that could be the the one that will be a crowd pleaser and you will be pleased yourself is a little bit more in-depth to install so definitely consider a professional install if you're not comfortable with it all right let's turn this music off um from the outside I just have more carbon fiber piece for the caps and other uh video camera and the door handles and so forth I do have the soft closing door so if I don't close my door tightly it does close by itself and then I also have the auto presenting door handle so let me show you um let me see if I can lock the door from the inside here uh looks like the Tesla display is Frozen now all right um Tessa vehicle what can I say so it froze on me it's resetting itself and also have a screen protector here from potential themselves so let me there's so much smear in here let me just clean this up all right so it's just reboot it asking for a key let me show you the all the presenting door handles so you walk up to the car they have this in the white and rainbow are colorful so you can see how it auto presents itself Just Like the Model S I like this feature a lot at first I thought it was a gimmick but it helps so much when you even even when it's not Auto presenting you just pressing it it opens up like this you just have to open the door with one or two fingers without using your whole hand especially if you're carrying something it's just a lot more easier and it's great for passenger if you have someone that's not used to test a vehicle this will help them open the door without asking you how to open the door so thanks for watching if you have any questions with any of these products or insulation definitely hit us up on Instagram um and catch you all next time
Channel: Hansshow - Tesla Upgrade & Accessories
Views: 14,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fqv-jRxVDMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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