2023 Chevrolet Grand Prix

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foreign [Music] Sports Car Championship on emsa radio hello everybody and welcome to Canadian Tire Motor Sport Park a particularly warm welcome to those of you in the UK watching on Via player extra in full and glorious HD nice to have your company on a Sunday evening at just after five o'clock if you have managed to wrestle the TV remote away from your family around the world on rs2 imsa radio live and free no subscription required there and of course across the North American continent on XM SiriusXM 2 0 7 as well as imsa TV it's been an intriguing couple of days that have led us to this point as we're ready to get the Chevrolet Grand Prix underway the Canadian fans only get one opportunity to see the imsa WeatherTech Sports Car Championship and they come out in their drawers the pit Lane has just been cleared from the pit walk at times we couldn't actually see the cars on the pit Lane before we take you very much further we'll remind you there at bormanville Ontario for this race 2.4 miles 2.459 if you want to be very pedantic there are 10 corners on the circuit and the track has looked pretty much as we see it now since 1961. famous in Grand Prix circles for the first ever a dispersal and use of a safety car although we probably should gloss over that because it didn't go awfully well and people are still arguing about who won that race uh this weekend we've got plenty of action areas for you including turn five at Moss corner and towards the end of the back straight to turn eight that's the Mario Andretti straight There's an opportunity as well to dive down the inside at White Court it's White's Corner turn number 10. it's not been all playing sailing hello everybody I'm John heindorf Jeremy Shaw is alongside me in the MC Global broadcast Center sheer Adam is in the pit Lane and can give us an update on one of the cars that has not had it all their own way this weekend and that's the Lexus and it barely nearly looked like we were not going to have the second place in the championship Lexus starting today's race Frankie Monticello went out for morning wore off and had something fail in the car they decided they didn't have time to diagnose it and rather they needed to just put a new engine in the number 12 faster Sullivan GT3 RCF so this car has a brand new power plant and it is fired up back in the garage three hours total to do the engine change and from the time that the old one came out to when the new one was put in 45 minutes massive amount of Applause goes towards the Mechanics for the number 12 Dr Sullivan crew and entire country of hard work but that it will sit in the pit Lane as everybody else gets the advantage of getting heat into their michelins Frankie monical though will be allowed to leave the pit Lane after the last car has seen the green flag and then he's gonna have to serve a drive-through penalty on top of that long day for the 12th it always seems very difficult for me that that is the case but I understand that that is to dissuade uh people from just changing engines between qualifying and the race mind if you're going to reward your uh crew with beer then there is some very good uh Brews up here that would do nicely thank you very much indeed at the front of the field Tom blomfist has another pull position for Acura and Dave it's an accurate front row lockout between the number 60 my shank racing with kurbag a journey and Carr That's the white and pink machine and the number 10 blue and black of conic and Minolta Acura that's the Wayne Taylor racing with Andretti Auto Sport behind them wheel and Engineering Cadillac and Cadillac racing the 31 is the red and dark gray car the zero one is the gold for this car with the great hindquarters then it's Porsche Penske Motor Sports the number seven Philippe Nazar the best of the 963s then the 2 BMWs outside of rule 3 for Augusto far but first inside of rule four for Nick yellowy just off the back of winning the crowdstrike spa 24 hours in a GT car 24 and 25 in sixth and seventh and making up the GTP field in eighth position outside of raw four right at the venue the championship jdc Miller Motor Sports have just had their Porsche at 963 the bright yellow machine is in a very creditable eighth position and will start ahead of the second of the Porsche Penske Motorsports number six it's Riley on poor position in lmp3 with a 74 car Robinson starting that Jack hawksmith is the best the GD Pro guards in 16th for Vassar Sullivan and Roman de Angelus has the heart of racing Aston Martin number 27 the best of the gtds slightly overcast at the moment here in Bowmanville Ontario at temperature 23 Celsius that is 73 Fahrenheit it's 90 Fahrenheit or if you prefer 32 on the track perfect day to go Motor Racing 2 hours and 40 minutes and Jeremy Shaw we've been at it in the last couple of races in the IMs of WeatherTech Sports Car Championship this is a different sort of challenge just 2 hours and 40 minutes so one of the shorter races here but still has to be planned to absolute perfection and execute it to Perfection by all of these teams us I mean Tom brokris qualified on the pole last season but didn't win the race uh that's something they want to change for this year and I tell you when he's got the perfect guy alongside him to do that we call him Brown will take the second stint in this number 60 car he's won four times here over the last uh eight years uh when the PC category in 15 and 16 it went overall in 2018 in the LP2 car and he went last year in an lp3 so he knows how to get it done he was the quickest guy in practice uh his teammate was quickest in qualifying it's all looking good for marshank racing but you're right they're going to get the strategy right as well Adam you've heard from down in the pit Lane it'll be we three that take you through our Porsche keys to the race is watch that track position only 34 cars we had 57 cars last time out at Watkins Glen just a few hours south of us here I suppose but uh here we've only got two and a half miles or 3.9 K to play with and in practice it did seem to be more busy than it should have been for just having 34 cars watch your mistakes it's a long pit Lane here if you have to do a drive through the tires well it doesn't seem to be particularly hard on tires it's far more about that track position it's King here get ready to go racing we have two by two and a split prototype and GT field coming round the final Corner we got green and two hours and 40 minutes are counting down with Tom blomfist leading to the line but he gets jumped by Ricky Taylor in the black and blue car who knows to head for a moment or two but of course on the inside line Tom blomfist just eased his way through the first quarter over the top of the brow at Clayton and down the hill as the GT's couple that's a bit more ragged there at a great start for Jack hawgsmith who jumps away from WeatherTech Racing's Mercedes in second position everyone else jostling as they go underneath the Chevrolet Grand Prix War over bridge and down to the bottom of the hill the front of the field already through Moss Corner that's named after sisterling moss and yes he was here when that was carved out back in 1961 phenomenal circuit that we've had here that has barely changed in those 61 years or so since we were first racing here Good Start by both of the classes the GTS the GT's split from the lmps and the gtps Jeremy and at the end of the first lap Tom blommist has done the first thing he needed to do he leads the first lap yeah really good clean first lap from him uh Ricky Tennis tried to steal a march on him there he kind of hung back coming through the final quarter before the green flag was on the throttle early but uh Tom brokaw's was wise study he maintained an inside line uh into turn one and Ricky and Ricky Taylor wisely uh gave him uh gave him that corner so he attacks into the second place but it was a nice try uh GTD yeah I mean Jack Hawks with he's not messing around is he leads the championship on the pole position uh uh coming off another win second of the season last time out at Watkins Glen he wants another one here and he took off with uh with an emphasis at the start of that green flag uh into the pit Lane for the Lexus number 12 engine change between qualifying and the race means they started from the pit Lane and they must have a drive through which as I said always seems a bit uh iffy to me but I understand why it's done Sean creature bought the sport has a spin at the entrance to Moss Corner that's the number 33 car that has gone around one of the lmp3 runners Lance Wilsey started that Leisure we've got leisures and ducanes in that class and that's put him right in to the front of the GT field and I don't think that's going to be uh very helpful for the GT cars as they go through jack Hawks with shields good on extra Baris Roman to Angelus there trying to hold on to his position ahead of Jordan Taylor now that's a GTD Aston Martin the number 27 and the bright yellow number three mobile one Corvette racing Corvette is a GTD Pro right now and towards the end of the race that matters not at all they are just Jeremy Shore Josh link for position oh yes and this is they're going to be doing so for the for the next two hours and what 38 minutes or whatever it is now uh it's gonna be a crack out whoops and then that's a is that's a replay I presume of yeah lots wills's spin uh just coming down the hill we saw an lp3 car lose it's uh slightly differently yesterday and had a heavy heavy impact with the wall on the left hand side of the track there's lots of Wheels it just about gets it fired up again as the GTD leaders are coming on top of him so it does a good job of keeping out of the way there and Jack Hawks with leads him with the Aston Martin in in second position so he's made up a position on this first couple of laps has uh well Jordan is Jordan excuse me yeah Alex three breaths ahead then of Jules cuno on that first lap yeah that was a nice move uh by Ray barass top three in gtt are all pro cars now as the head rounds and as I mentioned that 33 car getting involved in the GT battles probably wasn't exactly what they wanted to see after it had gone around Tom Blomquist leads the mortar race in the number 60 the pink blue and white Acura at Honda to the rest of the world of course Honda performance development's very much behind that car here in the United States it's their premium brand for those of you watching outside North America not quite a global brand but they have absolutely waved the flag in this top category in imsa for quite some time now and they are first and second at the moment with two privately entered cars then it's the best of The Cadillacs well there's a brand that needs snow in production whatsoever the gold fronted zero one Sebastian bordet getting a tiny advantage over people to Rani in the Red Front that number 31 wheel and Engineering Cadillac from the first of the Porsche Porsche Penske Motorsport how's that for a big name in this championship in the new Porsche 963 which did not have a good run at Le Mans a couple of three weeks ago but has been plying its trade very nicely here in the American series and indeed did cross the line first in our six hour race a couple of weekends ago however was then disqualified with a slight technical issue after the sale in six hours of the Glen the two Cadillacs battling it to turn eight nine and ten with people dorani trying to get around the Sebastian bordet gold-fronted car and that's allowed Felipe Nazar in the white and red portion it closed right up in them as they go through turn two now Jeremy yeah indeed and uh Sebastian Bude was able to sneak ahead of people doronia on that first lap and uh he's just about maintaining it but that was a good strong Challenge from people at Irani elected not to try and go around the outside of him but turn eight uh earlier stage in this race that's probably the smart move but uh he certainly thought about it so in the opening moments of this race the two Cadillacs back battling for third and fourth what we know about this race track first of all it's quality it is I I think you can probably call this old school in a lot of ways Jeremy very little runoff we never talk about track limits here because there is grass towards the end of the circle maybe down at the bottom of turn two but if you've gone white there you're probably not taking any kind of advantage and the drivers absolutely love it there's been a lot of investment here in the infrastructure and on resurfacing of quite a lot of the track as well what it hasn't changed is how it was traced out back in the early 1960s and that is the challenge for drivers suspension technicians for the uh the tire technicians and everybody else here this weekend yeah it's cool isn't it just a fabulous venue and just wonderful to see so many people here this weekend it's a tremendous crowd I mean they love their racing up here there's so much enthusiasm for Motorsport in general in a Toronto area uh well in Canada in general to be honest uh and uh there's a big crowd here on hand here I think yeah we're already settling now into what should be a really intriguing race around the track on the pier and the local FM around North America on XM SiriusXM 207 and around the world on rs2 part the radio Shore limited network of channels along with our TV syndications on the world feet great to have your company wherever you are this Sunday to Cadillac's battling through traffic I did say that 34 cars weren't that many but I also said in our Porsche keys to the race traffic density is going to be an issue and the two Cadillacs battle by the arrow sponsored Lamborghini the urican of Michigan quickest in warm-up this morning and that car they've found a balance on that car that they seem to like that's black and green arrow Lamborghini and that car at the moment sitting in uh fifth position in GT D GTD standing for GT Daytona runs to Global GT3 specifications and formula so if you're new to imsa WeatherTech racing you're watching at the moment what are called gtps lmdh if you were watching Le Mans or hypercars if you're watching Le Mans or wac earlier on today lmp3 should need no introduction to you that's a global formula GTD prawn gtt are are basically GT3 cars and there's no difference in the balance of performance or the performance potential between the two GT D classes it is down to the driver experience uh that puts them in the different classes we'll go down to the pit Lane in a moment after we see this battle for third fourth and fifth with Philippe that's it right there and in fact Augusta farthest in the first of BMWs the number 24 is now looking in the back of a Porsche as he goes over the under the Chevrolet Grand Prix have been getting over it he would have been outside the track which would have been rather difficult for him now heading up the hill to turn three Adam it is down in the pit Lane with rnt let's from Lexus Aaron it was a rough start to uh well not the day but you know you go out for morning warm up see an alarm on the system doesn't quite look right and all of a sudden you're putting a new engine in the car Frankie monacova though must be happy with his new engine because he's already passed a car for position yeah I mean to be honest so far uh the heroes of the day are Vassar Sullivan crew those guys did an insanely fast engine change it is not easy to change an engine on these modern day GT3 cars so many sensors and wires and hoses running everywhere so to get it done in the time they didn't even be out there to start the race is amazing and yeah Frankie just absolutely killing it out there this is his favorite track we go to so uh we're gonna make the best of today anyways are you gonna let him do a little bit more the minimum drive time since it's his favorite track ah we'll see we'll see how how it plays out here but yeah he's uh he's doing a great job right now and we're just gonna see where the race takes us nothing but good luck for the 12th thanks guys thank you joining the conversation with us at imsa radio on Twitter hello to the Discord group as well and thanks for all of your input uh over the weekend not just on this race but also the three other events that we've been covering for you in GTD Madison snores gone by Roman to Angelus Jeremy to claim the GTD lead up but at the front of the field Tom block this relatively speaking at this early stage has checked out I know it's only 1.1 seconds but it's been so close this weekend that's significant right now he had pulled up about what 1.7 seconds before they found that traffic then all of a sudden uh having uh the the GDP guys would kind of spread out well then last time around they weren't but now Tom brokaw's with clear traffic again is sending some good lap times down into the uh into the sevens his fastest laparosa one minute 7.46 so far in this race uh six four excuse me seven six four uh and just to put that into perspective the fastest lap last year the lap record for DPI cars was also set by Tom blomk it's a 105.9 so uh you know low low the mid sevens of this stage in the race that's pretty good going and it'll be interestingly now to see if he can extend his lead over the rest of these contenders Antoine Como the Ave Motorsports Leisure driver has been in and through the pit Lane that was a false start as assessed by race control lining up on the wrong side of the grid has now had that drive through so that has been done for that car it was a drag down the back straight the Mario Andretti straight into turn eight and round the outside for Madison snow in the red white and black Paul Miller Racing BMW M4 Paul Miller Racing the first team to give the new BMW M4 an imsa Victory and carrying proudly carrying the number one on that car that was a lap or two ago and Madison has not been able to pull away wouldn't expect that to be honest three tenths of a second in gtt Pro it's the pool sitting faster Sullivan Lexus the yellow and black car the number 14 with the red number background that leads further back down the GT field we've got GTD versus GTD Pro Roman DeAngelis has Klaus bakla up his tailpipes it's the heart of racing Aston Martin that comes out of the final corner and towards the start Finish Line and behind him the faf Motorsport Pro car with Klaus Bakker behind the win this is one of the new gt3r992 Porsche body shapes 992 is the latest iteration of the Porsche 911 a little bit wider a little bit lower a little bit meaner and always with Porsche just a little bit better engineered that's what they do isn't it that is a battle as I say that is not between Class Rivals but it is in terms of track position very important for Klaus Baker to try and get towards the three GTD Pro cars that are ahead of the 4G deep deep broadcast in fact that are ahead of them two hours and 26 minutes just under still to go here it's the imsa WeatherTech Sports Car Championship the Chevrolet Grand Prix from Canadian Tire Motorsport Park uh here in Canada Jeremy Shaw share Adam and may John hind off with the action settle yourselves in for a Sunday afternoon stroke evening stroke morning wherever you are around the world and let us know where you are watching at insa Radio if you'd like to get in touch with us nice once again Jeremy nice consistent laps at the front of the field Tom block is losing about a second to his best lap last time around but he was in traffic in that leading number 60 Acura yeah uh he's uh you know as you say settled into a reasonable Pace here so mid-80s he seems to be doing now what's interesting to me is how much Sebastian bordet has slipped back the last three laps and the Gap did I mean on lap eight they were all together as we were lapping the GT D cars for the first time and all of the GTP guys came pretty much back together almost like the start since then the Gap went out to five seconds eight seconds nine seconds now 10.2 from second to third uh so bourdes continued to hold on to third position but uh seems to be struggling in traffic relative to the two Acuras that are out front in particular hello to Robert bester who's watching and listening to the world feeds in the UK good to know that you are tuned in on a Sunday evening just after five o'clock Motorsport Meister says I love multi-class racing so much watching them duck in and out of traffic while battling is so entertaining it certainly is Alan Prosser is a wee bit late uh he's just finished work and they had a a christening and a wedding this weekend he says why do they choose my imsa weekends for that don't they know I have priorities excellent Alan thanks good to know that you are tuned in BMW versus Porsche versus BMW coming to the end of the lap that would be a crystal farthest in the number 24 car that's the car with more blue on it than red for rll the car with more red on it than blue uh it's the 25 and that's Nick yellowy just off his 24-hour crowd like it's Spa win and in between them is the Porsche Penske Motorsport number six Porsche 963 and that is the battle for sixth seventh and eighth in GTP Mike Rockefeller just tracking them about a second and a half further back in a bright yellow jdc Miller motor sports car that has impressed us all mightily in its first couple of outings so far they've only just picked that car up oh little mistake maybe at Moss corner for the lead BMW where there was an opportunity there for Machu Germany but in attacking he's cost himself some momentum and here comes Nick yellow he got halfway alongside but couldn't make the pass as they went down the Andretti straight and has to drop back in behind as they head to turn eight awesome entry to turn eight they're going around the outside of the Vault racing Porsche which is started by Alan Joseph then the right Motorsport run car for 77 and into the pick Nate Nick yellity this Adam is very very early from that battle for sixth seventh and eighth the number 25 BMW team rll are in the play and you have to think that they're doing this because he was in so much traffic John it's a very out of order pit stop for them but they are doing Fuel and are they doing tires I can't actually see they've pitted over the hump I'll get back to you in a sec well find out what's going on there with Adam down in the pit Lane it could be we talked about track position Jeremy these GTP cars it's not an easy strategy here with 2 hours and 21 minutes left what's that uh 130 minutes or thereabouts um do we can we split that into three easy parts from here not sure I think they're committed now to a three-stop strategy uh and I I was thinking that the GDP guys could probably do it in two uh but if he thinks he's got good Pace if there isn't a problem on that car if he thinks he's got good pace and he can turn it into three stops and and running on his own without the other GDP cars around and then maybe he could make some ground but it's going to be a tall order to make up uh you know the the uh the length of a pit stop if you like from now to the end of the race I'm not even sure he stopped Lizzy's pit was that a drive-through for that car I think he's gone straight through he came in and went out within 40 seconds so what was that all about we'll get here to find out a little bit of bump and grind in the GT category between the WeatherTech number 79 AMG the number three mobile one Corvette racing Corvette and here's our first with 20 minutes to go our first in race update VP racing long fist leads by two seconds for Ricky Taylor the two Acura is 60 from 10. third Sebastian poor day for the best The Cadillacs is eight and a half seconds further back but he's got people to Ronnie in the red and white number 31 car right up his tailpipes lmp3 Riley Leisure leads the number 74 car that's the orange and blue car by about five and a half seconds from the first of the aw air cast but that's under pressure for the junior three number 30 of Harry belock as they're fighting through traffic at the moment GD Pro Pool Center Vassar Sullivan Lexus the number 14 of Jack Hawks with leaves from Alex riveros in the heart of racing Aston Martin the 23 cars 5.2 seconds further back and in GTD Madison snow Paul Miller Racing is ahead of the pack and has cover behind him Roman de angelis has a P3 car the number 33 Sean Creed sports car between him and the leader for about two seconds that's our first VP racing in race update Shay Adam can give us news on that BMW down the pit Lane Nick yellowish dropped to the back of the GTP field was that a penalty nope but with strategy they've extended the stint for Nick Kelly they gave him Fuel and replenished the energy sent him on his way no tires so I wonder maybe if they were just looking because he was pushed onto the grass by the Pinchy Penske the Porsche Penske motor sport car that time around winterbill loved this circuit cracking deer for sports car racing fantastic racing and it's down at turn one where the action is at the moment it's for third fourth and fifth position over the top of the rise as they go past the GTD leader down into the bottom of the hill at Clayton Corner the gold fronted Cadillac the zero one of Sebastian body holds third at the moment the red white and black Cadillac is people to Rani the 31 car in fourth and Felipe NASA is the best of the Porsches and they are right there Cadillac Cadillac Porsche as they head up the hill towards Moss corner at the far side of the circuit Jeremy yeah and this is a real struggle for Sebastian balde for some reason he's really struggling in the traffic here he lost four and a half seconds last time around to the two Acuras that to ran mid one minute eight seconds laps there's a 12-9 for board day last time around that's really surprising he's generally really incisely through traffic but for some reason either he's being super conservative he's able to maintain that position but uh he's under intense pressure now from the other Cadillac of people Doran who's got to get to be getting increasingly frustrated there I think and Felipe Nazar hanging in there as well but meanwhile Tom Blomquist is edging out just a little bit whenever he has clear traffic a clear Road he's able to extend his lead a little bit each lap over another 10 car of Ricky Taylor but the Acuras are looking really really good here in the race as they did in qualifying yesterday afternoon to be said when not number 25 BMW came out the pits Jeremy it did have the full length of the Mario Andretti straight which is what it's about a third of the track in terms of length probably a little bit less than that in time because it is a flat out blast but in terms of getting him back out into clear air real Letterman Lanigan did a pretty good job and now we need to watch Nick yellowy 27 seconds behind Mike Rockefeller in eighth eighth position at the moment the lap after he made his Pit Stop uh he was 32 seconds behind Mike Rockefeller the Gap now is down to a bit less than 28. so he's pulled about a second a lap on him over each of the last few laps uh it'll be 20 laps just 20 laps now completed by our race leader our Porsche keys to the race was all about position and we heard Tom blomfist confirm that down on the grid in Michelin countdown in greenshire Adam it looks like strategy might not be standard here [Music] a wild Khalif Albuquerque let out of the cage and walked around on a leash well not quite a leash but you know what I mean a virtual leash because they are getting ready to put him in the car for Ricky Taylor and Ricky Taylor's no slouch around here but this is the first roll of the dice that I've seen from any of the GTP teams even thinking about changing their second driver already super early with with under 25 minutes elapsed here which gives us two hours and 15. that would still be two stops from here unless there was the intervention of the safety car Jeremy so these guys at the moment may be looking at what's happened with the BMW you said they might have converted to a three-stop strategy this is not controlled by Tire degradation or fuel burn this is about track position here and traffic is going to be the determinant here this afternoon maybe they are thinking uh maybe she can confirm this that you know Tire decoration is an issue maybe they are therefore committee to a three-stop strategy now make it make that decision early on if the tires do lose grip as toward the end of a 55 minute stint maybe you are better off coming in putting on Fresh Air Tarzan more frequent one extra set effectively well you know you don't have fresh so you only got three sets for the entire uh race so you know it's uh it's gonna be it's really interesting to me to see that number 24 number 25 teams should make that decision so early uh I think if you're going to make it though the early you make it the better uh and we'll wait and see where the number 10 car comes in as well out of the second position uh blockade penalty a warning for shukunon third position in the WeatherTech racing Mercedes in GTD Pro Jordan Taylor has been pressuring the back of that car uh blocking here is determined as making a move in response to somebody behind you you can pick a side of the track move over and stay there you can defend as much as you like down to the inside the corner what you can't do is move in response to what's going on at with the car behind you the car behind you has that advantage to pick a side and then change the side that they have picked you can't do that when you are leading a battle but a warning is all that shilkinon has been given for that at the moment into the pit Lane for Misha in the very quick Lamborghini quickest in the warm up this morning sheer Adam they are into the pit Lane this is taking some time for the number 78 Forte racing machine and unfortunately John it's quite a bit of damage the right rear of the car they took the tire off they put anyone on it they then took that one off they're looking in there looks to be potentially some suspension damage they did top it off with seal assuming the Misha could get back out but it doesn't look like the 78 is going anywhere anytime soon which is a shame because and Morris were the fastest two drivers after the second practice session yesterday yeah engine covers coming off now they need more access we are anticipating the number 92 this is the Buddha car into the pit Lane for Kelly Moss with Riley looks like David bruly is about to potentially get out of the car but we're way before driver isn't it hello to Mike Sargent who is listening to our International broadcast uh he says it hurts not being at mossport this weekend but thanks to imsa radio and TV for the amazing coverage what a turnaround for Vassar Sullivan Jeremy Shaw changed an engine in record time for the number 12 car they had to start at the back frankly Monte Carlo therefore started from the pit Lane then did a drive through but has made up a couple of positions already with Kelly Moss with Riley in the number 92 Porsche and that issue for 40 and he's passed Alan Bryn yolson as well up to 11th in gtt I'd say he's paying but the mechanics already Jeremy yeah impressive stuff from Frankie is also set to the fastest lap of the race in GTD uh it's actually quicker news is is the teammate card caucus who is leading gcg Pro pretty comfortably relatively comfortably at least at this stage is he's got five five seconds over Alex Riveras in second place Jack hawksmith has turned a won 16.9 uh zero three uh which is uh a couple of tenths three or four tenths outside Danny younger Taylor's lap record set last year in GTD Pro but uh Franco Monte Carver he's doing a one minute 17.0 really good lap and as you say making good progress now he's got a bit of a gap before he catches up who's going to get past alamette and a bit of a gap to catch up with the PJ Hyatt but a really good first stint for Frankie Monticello looking for of course his SEC second win in a row a couple of just a note about GTP number six car of Matthew Jamie was able to get past Augustus what four or five laps ago now and as pulling away and closing in on his teammate Felipe NASA so two uh Penske Porsches running at the moment in the fifth and sixth places hello to Switzerland and the right turn lover who are tuned in on our International feed if you're in the UK watching on Via player extra in glorious HD thank you for being with us this Sunday into the early evening just coming up to 20 minutes before six in the UK we've got two hours and 10 minutes still to go and Tom blomfist leads by 1.2 seconds from Ricky Taylor in second the two accurate bossing things at the front of the field the next car is 14 seconds back and that's the catalog of Sebastian border who does not seem to have the pace of the cars around him but he's holding on to that third place in lmp3 the top three Riley AWA and AWA that's a Leisure ahead of two Ducane 74 13 from 17 GTD Pro faster Sullivan Lexus Jack Hawks with with a three and a half second lead on the Aston Martin heart of racing number 23 Alex ribeiros and jul who is the WeatherTech racing Mercedes driver in the white mostly white number 79 and in GTD Madison snow for Paul Miller Racing and BMW at Leeds BMW weren't overly uh excited coming into this weekend but the pawn Paul Miller racing car has been the fastest of the Beamers uh all-wing end and is now at the front of the field that is a good race car it might not have been the best qualifying car but it's a good race car this afternoon Roman de Angela second for Heart of Racing's 27 card Mikhail Grenier for team quarter that's another Mercedes the 32 car in third position VP racing in race update for our two hour and 40 minute contest and barely half an hour completed it's Jeremy short John hind off and Shay Adam bringing you the action from Canadian Tire Motorsport Park and once again the GTP battle for second third and fourth are carving their way through the GT traffic with Sebastian bordet trying to find somewhere through past the GT traffic uh Mikhail Grenier just having to give way into turn eight as the Porsche of Philippe NASA steamed through into the final Corner a little bit overcast but 25 degrees in the air and 33 Celsius on the track makes for good racing conditions just over two hours and eight minutes still to go and no scheduled pit stops is what I would say at the moment we've had a couple of speculative ones including Nick yelleny in the BMW M team RL fuel only for that car we yeah thought there might have been a problem with it but no and now Jeremy he's going as fast as he's been all race in ninth position yeah but he's not making any Headway towards the cars ahead of him uh it's 27.9 seconds was the Gap from himself to Mike Rockefeller it was the same uh 10 laps ago so he's making no ground at all relative to the other GTP cars uh you know they're all turning pretty similar lap times except for the two uh Acuras that seem to be really looking strongly so he can oops there's a heavy heavy-handed pass okay yeah that's Lance Wilsey the lp3 car was kind of in the middle of a pack there in the uh GTD ranks and the but a nine car that is uh Klaus Baker was fed up with with following that uh lmp3 car wanted to get past here's a the course number three yeah uh that incident was a bit Moss Corner that Jeremy was describing the faf portion the number nine car in uh fourth position in GTD in and this looks fairly standard and it's a driver change as well she Adam is watching this one for us full service for the number three Corvette fuel tires and Antonio Garcia taking over behind the wheel has a win here at ctmp but that was in 2014. I do love the sound of that thing when it's making a burnout and we are anticipating the fat Porsche coming in the pit Lane here too crew is up on the wall they have new tires they have the fuel Pro but I do not see Patrick pelay helmeted though and ready to get in that car thank you very much hello to Brittany Tandy and Felix from sunny bedfordshire at the moment uh Nick Tandy not in the car but waiting for his turn in the number six matcha Germany is in sixth position up into the radio if you'd like to get in touch with us with the bill uh has done that as well after a busy day of Motorsport Carmines in Pennsylvania maze is me he says how some of these drivers have gone from the U.S to Belgium back to Canada back to back to back to back don't know how they do it they are full-time professionals that's how it comes into the pit Lane for the number 79. this is the this was the third place uh GTD Pro Caron staying in the WeatherTech AMG Adam [Music] yes he is but he's getting four new Michelin tires they still have the stickers on them so he's going to be a very happy boy to get new tires and go play in a race for the first time the andoran driver we're still waiting on the passport to come in and also now scrambling up into life Alex Rivera will be making Adventure soon and he will be staying on the pit box he won't be happy about that because he loves racing at ctmp but it's time for Ross gun to shine uh I missed 10 minutes ago but this could be important the number six uh Porsche Penske Motorsport just done its faster Slam in the hands of Matthew Germany but was called for over using energy and power about 10 minutes ago uh at the uh the series here much as the uh FIA wec does have their own a torque sensors on the drive shafts of the GTP cars and the car number six the Porsche of Porsche Penske Motorsport failing to adhere to control powertrain parameters it's a warning for now for that car we're seeing more GTD cars into the pit Lane including Jack Hawksworth from the lead of gtt pro and Alex Riveras from third ship it's good strategies because we saw the driver change from Corvette there is no driver change going on Alexis Jack Hawks were staying aboard Fuel and tires for them at a very good stop as well for the harder racing the number 23 but as I mentioned Ross Gunn is now behind the wheel of that car and if I walk up too fast still sitting cross-legged on the box so some of the cars have changed drivers some being Corvette everyone else and Aston Martin everyone else has stayed the same [Music] very interesting uh Richard P points out that he's track side at ctmp says until uh installing Antonio Garcia and your car is never astounded stop I rather like that at ibsa Radio Britney Tandy is watching on Via player extra in the UK with Eva and Felix and hello to sebby Kerner who's watching on the train on his way back from Norris ring DTM busy weekend uh with everything going on uh enjoying this as I'm heading back home that's our world feed for you all live all free no blocks no breaks and still join me over two hours to go here yeah absolutely right and look those those pit stops by the GTG Pro those are absolutely on schedule for those guys they from here they can get to the end on one more pit stop so they're they're working forward uh from the from the end of the race till now if it saves green all the way they can get it they can get there be a bit tight for the Corvette but uh you know that was the first car to make that decision and the other one's just following suit there just to ward off the potential for a full course caution if there is a full course caution at this stage bits are closed those cars that have not yet made a pit stop will gain a will gain will be disadvantaged because after everybody packs up behind the safety car they will come in to take on service the other cars don't need to do so we'll stay out and therefore we'll leap ahead of those cars that hadn't so that is why we saw the number 79 the 23 and the 14 all following suit all night Corvettes and here now is the first of the GTD cars to come on to uh pit Lane that's number 27 Roman d'andras the uh minimum drive time not yet elapsed for GTD so deandrus will be staying in this car and that was the second place car when he peeled off into the pit Lane as Jeremy said staying in the machine a set of new Michelin tires going on to the left hand side and yes they're doing all four and then to get in that car as the fuel the VP racing fuel goes in Tom blancfire is still leading by 2.6 seconds Ricky Taylor's just done that car's fastest lap of the racing second as also putting a fast lap in after the pit stop Antonio Garcia plug and player accessory possibly uh certainly it's a bit like chipping the car isn't it when you put these drivers in and he's right up the tailpipes now with Frankie Monty calvo now he's in tenth Frankie is in 10th position for Vassar Sullivan but just ahead of him by about three and a half seconds his second in gtt Pro they GTD Pro cars having stopped early this means that Madison snow is the best of the GTD cars ahead of faf Motorsport who leads GTD Pro but yet to make their first stops in this two hour and 40 minute race of which we have pretty much spot on two hours still to go yeah and that's the uh the only one of the GTD Pro cars that says not made a pit stop so uh Klaus back like his first time here at Canadian time Motorsport Park has with several drivers in this field the team did come here in early June to do a test uh not so much to learn about the car but to enable Klaus Baker to get some experience here and he is now leading the gcd pro class uh because he has not yet made a pit stop and he's following uh Madison snow who is now leading in GTD with that uh well he was leading in any case wasn't he uh and the second place kite was the Roman d'angelis making an early stop Jeremy Dwyer is in thundery Derbyshire what's the forecast looking like for the rest of the race it's a bit overcast here but I'm sort of keeping my fingers crossed that it's going to stay dry for the next two hours as it stands at the moment uh that is a radio view no better those of you at the track it is looking a tiny bit threatening at the moment our temperatures still decent 24 Celsius which is 75 Fahrenheit and on the track still pretty good for the Michelin tires 32 Celsius 95 Fahrenheit Fahrenheit excuse me so battles let's pick a couple up shall we coming into the final Corner the number 12 Frankie Monty calvo sitting in ninth in GTD has the third place Corvette racing GTD Pro car and Anthony Antonio Garcia right behind him proof of proof when needed Jeremy Shaw how important track position is here and also Antonio has not been able to get back to get around that number 12 car because the cars are very similar performance it's just down to the nut at the end of the whale there you go you're absolutely right and ahead of the Corvette here we see Frankie montecalvo in that GTD character ninth position now and I would expect some of the GTD cars to be coming onto pit Lane fairly soon with their driver uh minimum time having been met minimum requirement um so but in the meantime yeah P3 guy Robinson is just romping away he's got he's extended his lead now to almost a minute over orifidani it's 54 seconds last time around the sister car for AWA of fidani is Anthony Mantella he got past the Ari balog I don't know maybe a dozen laps ago and it's running in third position now Ari below hanging right with him in the battle for third and fourth in lmp3 meanwhile out front uh status quo between the two Acuras but Sebastian budet continued to fall back 19 seconds now the deficit from second to Third and um it's I'm certainly surprised to see that much of a differential between the two uh last time I was another slow one for Border he got held up to get held up in traffic and here now finally around the outside ghost people dorani up into that third position that was coming through the s's at the end of the lap and paper durani driving around the left-hand side the long way around if you will Sebastian bourday that's cost him 22 seconds to the two accuracy ahead he's been following that uh other accurate that excuse me that are the Cadillac of Sebastian Porte for quite some time so remember this 22 seconds uh with on lap 37 as the two Acuras now are as close as they have been Jeremy is their dispute the lead at the end of the Mario Andretti straight going in to turn eight where that pass for third was just made last time around yeah that's right and the Gap had between the two acres it was up to three seconds that's no more uh we only encountered that last lot of traffic a lap or so ago and now Ricky Taylor right with Tom Blomquist we're what 44 minutes into this dinner I'm we're almost at the minimum time for the GTE cars I think we'll see several pit stops for GTD including the number 12 car of Vassar Sullivan that started at the back uh Frankie Montica Montague have a really good first and then he went a hand over that number 12 car to Aaron t litz uh hello to all of you who are listening around the world and particularly in Europe enjoying this on a Sunday evening coming up in the UK to just before six o'clock just before seven hello to Elizabeth McKenzie who's in Sunny Mallorca uh who are maloka Felix and Eva's Grandpa and Grandma tuned in tonight oh we've got the full Tandy Clan uh tuned in and Dave Alcock joining us recently what a circuit this is he says and sort of reminds him of a cross between Donington Park and Alton Park in the UK three wide coming across the line with the gradient NSX just coming to keep out the way of Quaker cars Sheena monk doing a good job though for gradient Catherine Legg second quickest in warm-up this morning in that green and white year G went with number 66 accurate hot on the heels of them signing a new deal a new sponsorship deal with a clothing company premium golf clothing company Sheena and and uh Catherine both being made ambassadors as we're waiting for more cars to come in and then Brittany Olsen peels off into the pit lane from the back of the gtt field that's the first driver I would suggest coming in at the end of his time no hang on we've got the GTD leader coming in close Butler then goes through in fast Motorsports Porsche number nine to the lead and sheer Adam is down with Paul Miller Racing fuel tires and a new driver for Paul Miller Racing minimum time has been met this is part of their strategy Brian sellers going to be taking this car to the end of the race as Oliver Nielsen concludes his service and rejoins the track but now it's not Allen it's Trend Fuel and tires for the right Motorsport number 77 volt racing car we've also got three lmp3 machines in both the AWA Runner Zori kadani staying on the pimp wall because now it's time for his co-driver Matt Bell to take it to the checkered flag Wayne Boyd has taken over for Anthony Mantella in the Daytona winning number 17 that also in junior three racing Hometown Heroes Aaron Chris yay thank you governor for that machine he set the fastest lap of the weekend the fastest lap ever for an electric free car around this place on Friday afternoon let's see what he can do in the race we've also got that JG Marvel actor you mentioned it done now it's time for Catherine Lake to shine and the team operating this weekend with heavy hearts Andrus their strategist their main guy let's face it not here this weekend Andres we miss you instead Andrew Pinkerton is filling in and doing strategy Mark Miller also helping out on the box they are going to try and get a trophy for Andrus but that is a very clean stop for all the aforementioned cars Paul Miller Racing first ones back out on the track you're all the best Andres didn't realize uh that you weren't uh track side Mark Miller off the back of a an excellent run to just off the podium yesterday for phase motor sports uh with long associations uh with that team now into the pit Lane Brendan array for Inception racing and the McLaren the black and red car we've all saw got BMWs from Turner Motorsport it's the 96 inch here Adam it's the Taco Bell for Patrick Gallagher having done his drive time now handing over to Robbie Foley Fuel and tires in that car already back off the lane straight throughout by Robbie kicking the tail out getting a little bit closer okay well but that's all good he didn't hit me and for Brendan Reed staying on the pits as he has now done his drive time at ctfp rookie Frederick shandorf McLaren fires back up into life just waiting on the fuel very good stop for Inception as the first of our GTP teams for an appropriate Pit Stop time not early we're going to see the jdc Miller Motorsport Porsche coming in and Rocky taking over magnificent stuff here at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park Adam in the pit Lane Jeremy Sean matron handoff in the booth just a moment or two ago the usual Samosa I think we had four across the track at the bottom of turn number two and it was a change of position as the Porsche went round one of the Cadillacs that was the zero one car and I think that was Felipe NASA going past Sebastian board here might have just finished that maneuver off slightly off the track Jeremy yeah and uh butane's really struggling I don't know what it is but he's either he's just trying to stretch that fuel load or struggling with tires or I don't know what it is but he just doesn't have the pace I mean uh since people Durante got passed on lap 37 which was five laps ago uh dorani has pulled out six seconds uh more now overboard with NASA up into the uh into the fourth position meanwhile the Gap from second to third Taylor to durrani uh when dorani got passport a it was 21 seconds between uh second and third now it's 17 so he has made some some inroads into the leads of the Acura and now having lost a place to one of the Porsches Jeremy just to underline what you were saying about Sebastian borde Matthew Germany is right up his tailpipes as they go down the long Andretti strike which is not straight actually it's got a couple of kinks in the middle of it and a couple of quite State rise is as well coming through to the end of the lap now the gold and dark gray Cadillac comes to the line with the red white uh red and white number six Porsche 963 in close contention there neither of those cars have stopped in fact none of the top seven have yet made a pit stop as we're into the 51st minute of running back down the pit Lane for the number 12 Frankie Monticello now this is the first standard stop for this car I believe remember that it was in for its drive through also mechanical Black Flag for the number 33 that's the Sean Creech Motorsport lmp3 car it's full service here Adam for the car that started in the pit lane and then had to do the drive through it's been a clean drive for them so far it's been a really good drive for Frankie Monticello who gets out of the car slams the door his work is done now it's all up to Aaron teal it's the crew with a great Pit Stop just waiting on fuel for this number 12 Lexus getting their stuff done before we get all the GTP cars coming in because I am starting to see movement on the wall from the 31 Whalen engineering Cadillac nothing yet the BMWs or the Porsches as indeed the 33 does come into the pen Lane perhaps that was a team requested Black Flag to get him in for the pit stop fuel tires driver changed Lance Wilsey out joao Barbosa has taken over the 33. [Music] foreign just under an hour and 48 minutes still to go what a brilliant race we're having so far penalty for the 78 car I'm just team I think that's what race control have just said that's Misha koikberg that's got behind the wall actually but they had too many people were walking up working on the car so if and when that car comes out it will have a drive through now back to the front of the field Ricky Taylor from second here's the first of the Acura pit stops at the end of lap number 45 the black and blue car comes in towards the end of the pitch played until it stop [Music] must have been wanting to be left alone because he's been sitting with this helmet on this entire time as he now taking over the car and need it to wear the crash helmet for the first time today he's getting strapped in who's best finish at this track is only one I would have lost a lot of money on that uh they are doing fuel for new tires they look lightly scrubbed in but very lightly as if they did not have the start of qualifying but of course they didn't because Ricky stayed out on track the entire time so now they close the door for Philippe make sure his belts are all done he's looking in the mirror to see if there's anyone in the fast lane looking at the other mirror to watch the field nozzle come out there it goes 38 seconds stationary for the conic Minolta Acura good stop it's a full tank of VP racing fuel here's another penalty and this is significant it's the Robbie Foley for Turner Motor Sport feeling that adhere to minimum refueling time that'll be a drive through and Robbie Foley for Turner Motorsport already uh coming in to answer that penalty as the leader heads to share Adam the number 60 accurate with Tom blomfist is in the leg fuel tires under driver changes Colin Brown five times a winner at ctfc on the ground takes over this car this fires they are shiny and new so that's nice for the Myers increasing crew we also have the lp3 later in gar Robinson phenomenal opening stint from Pole Position led the whole way well now it's turned for his best friend Felipe praga to take over and a little further down the pit Lane fuel the tires and no driver change yet Nick Grenier staying aboard the number 32 team Hawthorne Mercedes it will be Mike schemed at the end of that race but it's not quite time for him yet as that's the sound of the engine running the 74 with a fast Pit Stop came in behind the Meyer shank Acura left well clear of it wow that was the lmp3 Riley the least year that she was talking about the ranch 74 orange and blue car that got out ahead of the leader mean time what about the chasing pack we've yet to see people to Ronnie come through and Mick his first pit stop so it should be the Cadillac number 31 that's leading at the moment but dead the number 60 get out ahead of the number 10. there were the cars at the front of the field yes it did yes it did number 10 just coming over the top of the rice the Connick minolt the car between one and two 31. [Music] people to Rani leading by around about five seconds from Porsche Penske but what the sports Porsche 963 the number seven car that's on the black stripes on it then Sebastian bought in another two seconds further back then Matthew but none of those cards have stopped it's 30 seconds between the leader and the first of the cars check that it's a minute 19 between the leader and Colin Brown as in comes our Gusto farthest for BMW and that looks like a full stop as well Adam it is it's fuel tires energy replenishment and a driver change as Philip Eng has taken over from Augusto purpose who walks kind of slowly back over the wall his work is done and as Philip told us in the Michelin countdown to grenade is very physical work driving these cars and you cannot give less percent you can't give five percent down because if you do you're looking at a half second lap so it is 100 effort from these drivers every single lap around the track they are just waiting on the fuel and the energy replenishment now the BMW fires back up and leaves on full electric up on the wall also for Wayland engineering I see Alexander Sims but more importantly looking back towards pitten the number six Porsche is on the lane third in Championship points this is Matthew jamine handing over driving duties to Nick candy so hello Brittany Eva and Felix your dad is about to take over the wheel of the number six and we have some scuffed tires going on this car so they are still fairly new but they have had that Sheen taken off let's see if that helps Nick Tay to get them up to Temp at pressure a little bit quicker still no movement on the wall for the number seven but Maddie gamble is helmeted and sitting there waiting to be let out to play meanwhile is now standing on the wall zero one Cadillac racing entry so I think Sebastian Bourdain might be fitting here soon for a first hour of the race that we have had coming up to 58 minutes and Jeremy Shaw the Porsche is going pretty long and The Cadillacs as people to Ronnie comes in to the pit Lane 57 minutes completed we've yet to have said bought it saw said border not quick do we think he was saving fuel Jeremy yes I'm sure he was but uh but he's still going to be a long way back when they make these when they make these pit stops whether he can make up that amount of deficits in the closing stages will remain to be seen there's a minimum Pit Stop time for a full uh request for a full replenishment of the energy systems uh primarily fuel on these cars but uh yeah I I don't think they've got the pace what's interesting to me though is the pace of number 31 car which is really good at the end of that stint before he brought the car onto pit Lane also into the pit Lane the faf number nine Porsche is slightly changed delivery this weekend and that looks fuel tires and a driver for the faff Porsche Klaus buckler out of that car came in from the leader GTD Pro Jack hawksmith will go back through in the number 14 that's a Sullivan uh Lexus he started the race so yet to get out of that Court uh time for me to take a quick pit stop too got a nice cup of iced sacred coffee here and for sports car fans the sports car coffee available now with 20 off using the chords lemon 20 if you head to sacredcafe.com that's in Europe and in the US supporting a number of drivers and teams in endurance racing thanks to tubs and the team secretcoffee.com and the chord Le mans20 to top up your beans all your pods which are all biodegradable is by the way bought it in Alexander Sims has taken out the Wayland catalak uh full service for both of those cars so that makes Felipe NASA comes through to the front of the field for Porsche Penske Motor Sport yet to make you stop and I think the only car yes Jeremy the only car in the field that has not yet made its first stop and it will be a full hour then for Porsche number seven yeah that's it that is impressive that's going to be a much shorter final stint for that number seven car compared to certainly the Acuras uh you know six laps if he comes in next time around it'll be six laps after the number 10 car which is the first car to uh to pit and there's a move for is it that was number zero one car oh sorry we're seeing a replay big problem so Felipe NASA comes into Porsche Penske not the sport number seven car in that's the car with the blue lights on the front in the Pitman another full service stop Adam and another windshield tear off as the clouds start to get thicker and thicker and sunglasses become more and more unnecessary Fuel and tires for Maddie Campbell who is now aboard the number seven Penske prototype movement last year he wanted a Porsche but that was a GT car driving around here in a in a prototype completely different world cars from stationary for 40 41. now it fires into life and goes it's a 42nd minimum refueling time if you are going from completely empty to completely full I think that was almost completely empty yeah yeah uh I would have said so if it wasn't um then they've got something that perhaps only turn them on as well and us know about of course they went long yesterday tell you what to John we we heard a little while ago didn't we Number 96 car was penalized uh wasn't it just now for a uh a uh a short Pit Stop correct yeah and that's exactly what happened yesterday after the race tournaments what won the race yesterday for Michelin Pilot challenge having made just one pit stop in Gs the only card to do so uh by a clear margin meets up they ran three or four laps more than anybody else and after the race they were penalized actually twice number one the car was underweight it put to the back for that and then also the the pit stop the one pixel they did make didn't meet that minimum refueling time requirement so it's put to the back again not quite sure what that means but uh anyhow what it does mean is that most emphatically they lost that win yesterday which therefore went to Hattori Motorsports a brilliant debut then for uh Parker Thompson and uh Billy Johnson who finally gets his uh record breaking uh 25 fifth fourth win in Pilot challenge rank of van desander uh just with an issue a moment or two ago but Moss corner and also a little dink on one of the Porsches that would have been Nick Tandy he said dad at the pit Lane Felipe NASA has done his stint and is with him now Felipe gotta ask first off is your drinks bottle in the car a little bit extra energy because I have no idea how you went that long oh that's good sounds like you guys had fun there watching um it was was quite a quite a challenging stint out there just because um you can see we're doing so many laps on the tires and at the end you could feel like the oversteer was getting more and more in the car so controlling that and going through the traffic was quite something but at the same time he created opportunities and I was there to capitalize on them you know how to get it done at this place and Matt does too so going forward do you feel like this is potentially the race where you can finally get the first win for you guys in Porsche I always like to think we're going to get a win and although the leaders when we saw the actors there at the start they certainly have more Pace than everybody else in the field so it's gonna be hard to you know to chase them but uh still one hour and a half to go still plenty of race to go so uh I mean we made a a couple of positions already look at the astrology so let's see you know hopefully oppodium will be nice but let's see still a long way do you have another set of new tires for Maddie to the end of the race uh I'm not so sure if they only did left side here I didn't see the pit stop so um that's that question for the team I wouldn't know now I'll ask thanks Philippe thank you you later BMW M team rll BMW M hybrid V8 two seconds to the good now Nick yellowy going past Colin Brown after the pit stops and for the first time in the race it is not an accurate leading and also it's accurate 60 in seconds at your 10 in thirds or there are still in the same positions but they've now got a BMW ahead of them and a portion behind them all being in 18 and a half seconds that long run for the poor has certainly helped out at their run towards the front of the field uh as Matt Campbell now is behind the number seven car with uh with Sebastian Bourdain now you've just gotten out of the car you look exhausted how difficult is it out there stressful because you have to commit you launch the car you know either inside or outside of the GTS or the p3s and there's not a single guy that does the same thing one goes left one goes right you just never know what to expect or even when you commit to one side they move over on you and I don't know honestly it's it's the worst experience on track like this that I've ever had I just kept getting bottled up the pace of that zero one Cadillac is great it's not a problem we just keep getting caught out in Middle Corners in train of cars and uh obviously uh after uh you know race where you kind of uh made the wrong decision in traffic you don't really want to do it twice so I was I wouldn't say I was conservative but I wasn't sending it in there and we just got swallowed up so that's very very frustrating but it's part of it I guess thanks Seb I'm sorry zero one now being piloted by renga Van de Zander the Cadillac with the gold front on it as into the pits the early stopper that was the BMW and that was the number 25 of Connor de Philippe I reckon that was 40 laps there Jeremy by that car that was the car that came in off off kilter to everyone else correct and you're committed to a three-strop search strategy so uh they've still gonna have to make one more stop even from here as with everybody else they're going to be towards the tale of the day so tell the pack so it's not been a good day for BMW uh no doubt about it but they tried something it hasn't worked or unlikely to work well I don't think it can work now but uh yeah that's what that's they they knew they were struggling so let's try something different hasn't worked out but no no harm no foul effectively um well it's probably cost them a position or two I would link to the number five car at least uh but uh out front what's interesting to me is that uh Colin Brown uh has immediately asserted himself in the league he's holding a nice comfortable gap of a second and a half or so over this the the other Acura of wait Taylor racing the conical Minolta car and you know it seems to be a status quo between those two what is interesting though is Maddie Campbell has turned into a quick laps he's actually just turned his bet slaps of the race now in car number seven running in third position and with by by running a lap longer uh than the zero one car he he's he's made himself a big gain there and about by running what two laps longer than the number 31 car he's leapfrogged it so it's now before the pit stops number 31 car was ahead of the seven card now it's the other way around so Maddie Campbell has been is up in the third position Alexander Sims taken over from people to Randy he's going to work to cut out to try and get back that third position good news is we have all 34 cars running again the Forte racing powered by Electronics Lamborghini is back out although many laps down sitting in at 14th position in class and 34th overalls we take a VP racing in race update we'll start with GTD where Brian sellers leads for Paul Miller Racing his 18th overall leading the GTD class by just half a second from the Aston Martin of Roman de Angelus in the heart of racing team uh in second place the number 27 car in third Phil Ellis is around about 24 seconds of further back for the Winwood racing Mercedes number 57 GTD Pro 14 15 16th and 17th the top four and it's faster Sullivan's Lexus still with Jack Hawks with a board who has a two second advantage in the number 14 Lexus ahead of the number three Corvette uh that's good Tonio Garcia behind the wheel Jill Scott on he seems to be everywhere as a number of people have mentioned they've cloned him uh he's in third position in the WeatherTech Mercedes and in fourth just another a half a second man that three quarters of a second behind is Ross gun for heart erasing team flick me flat Frogger leads lmp3 for Riley in their Leisure ahead of the two AWA duques but it's half a minute now between Fraga in the 74 orange and blue car and Matt Bell in the 13 here WN he's got about another 10 seconds on his teammate win boy he did the seven eight actually top three there and at the top of the timing and scoring screen it's Colin Brown now behind the wheel of the number 60 Acura with two and a half seconds of an advantage over the similar car in the black and blue colors of coding and Minolta accurate and that's Philippe Albuquerque with 15 and a half seconds back to third place Matt Campbell for Porsche Penske Motor Sport he's in a battle with Alexander Sims and the red white and black wheel and Engineering Cadillac number 31 just tenths of a second behind then it's another 11 and a half seconds back to Nick Tandy in the second of the Porsche is the number six car halves had a win this year that car on the streets of Long Beach he's got his hands full with Cadillac zero one the gold fronted Cadillac V series are Ranger Vander Zander in that car in six that's how it stands with exactly 19 minutes ago your VP racing in race update well Jeremy I'm very happy with this um I I feel entertained there's plenty going on everywhere I look something's happening including at the moment at the front of GTD where Brian sellers is fighting off Roman de Angeles and he has at the moment being passed by the zero one Ranger Vander Zander as well this is the Joy or indeed the pain of multi-class racing and from Brian sellers point I'm quite happily running Beyond wrist thanks very much I don't need to get out the way of the leader and let that pesky asked Martin close in on me yeah fascinating contest here in ggd uh up in probe Hawks was still leads as he has done from the start and he's got that but now only a couple of seconds over Antonio Garcia that early pit stop for the Corvettes uh paid dividends they were able to LeapFrog ahead of the number 79 WeatherTech Porsche uh Mercedes excuse me uh which by the way had a bouncing performance break coming into this weekend a bit more powerful at number 79 car and that certainly has been pretty competitive but uh the the number 14 Lexus still has uh uh you know has an advantage the Corvette also got a uh a larger restrictor for this race as well taking advantage of that and you're only a couple of seconds behind the the Corvette behind the Lexus so that battle is very much on but the third place called Jules good now he's been kind of held up battling with an lmp3 car for the last several laps he's fallen a fair bit behind in third position in that gcd Pro class and then behind him uh is uh is Ross gone right there uh Brian said and then the the GTD non-pro battle all in a train there with Ross gun ahead of Brian Sellers and Roman DeAngelis and Patrick pillay is not too far behind them in the faf Porsche beautiful area to come and watch Motor Racing plenty of people in Europe tweeting at him so radio saying oh this is on my bucket list it should be on your bucket list this is a proper proper circuit it's barely changed in terms of the circulator hasn't really changed at all since 1961 one or two of the walls have been pushed back here and there for more modern safety concerns but it's absolutely outstanding now Colin Brown has caught now the BMW of Philip a and this is crucial because the mainly blue BMW blue white and red rather than red white and blue you kind of understand that if you see them side by side Andy Blackmore's spotters guide uh the important bit he's trying to stay on the lead lap at the moment repelled the first advances and attacks by our leader Colin Brown into Moss Corner five and six across the line now has maybe two or three cars lengths as that's allowed Philippe Albuquerque to close in on the leader Alba Kirk goes to the right then to the left then to the right again as he comes past the Turner BMW as their head down the hill towards the bottom of turn two that was the Number 96 car of Robbie Foley that was in the mix there so the battle for the lead caught up behind Ira in the last car on the lead lap Jeremy at the moment that being the number 24 BMW yeah that's exactly right and bottled up here just a little bit as you say and I'm sure that uh Philippine will try to sell lead lap if he possibly can but BMW certainly struggling here relative to their performance at Watkins Glen a couple of weeks ago the other BMW is only about five seconds up the road in the hands now of colony Felipe uh and uh and he now is trying to get past uh time in Van Der Helm in the jdc bright yellow Porsche so that's the battle four position for seventh and eighth but not where they wanted to be after that victory at the Glen Worst Years of Philip agency has done roughly the same pitch strategy as the two cars that are behind him about to put them a lap down Colin Brown seven eight laps underneath Michelin ties to take him out of the pits for late Albuquerque 18 Philip Eng 15 laps at least you can see if Connor defilet me he's got about eight or nine laps in hand on those other cars he's only seven laps out of the pits and finally the pass is made by the leader but there's a oh that was very close indeed between uh Philippe Eng and the number 10 of Philippe Albuquerque the conic Acura as they've been coming down the hill uh towards the bottom of the hill at turn four before you climb up to Moss corner at five and six and that's cost a heck of a lot of time it was two or three tenths between the first two it's gonna be two or three seconds by the end of the lap these cars very evenly matched round the outside at turn eight we'll have a twofer thanks very much indeed Philip albacore because he also goes past the number 57 Philip Ellis driven Winward racing Mercedes so coming out of turn three and in the run from turn three to turn four not sure if flip Aang just didn't see the Acura behind him he was just drifting across to the right hand side to take the racing line there Jeremy I'm not sure there was anything Sinister there but certainly well that was a wake up moment for Philly malberkirk yeah I mean he would have known the car was there no question about it um but he was fighting hard which is you know he I guess with it is right but at that says she's already lapped down because he's been passed by the the other Acura already so you're already a lap down no point in making things too difficult for the other leaders coming up behind you but it's been a frustrating day I think for BMW uh they showed yeah pretty good Pace the rest of the weekend but it hasn't been there in the race no that's not Steve sorry uh uh Jeremy just a quick question here from Steve tadman uh does a clashing waac race today affect the entries for imsa although he is loving the circuit it looks like a bit of Watkins Glen a bit of Kyle Army bit sparring a bit of uh the nord's lifer I think he pretty spot on there Steve actually for Canadian table I don't thing it does because most of the big teams saw Penske so Porsche Penske Motor Sport have separate operations here Cadillac have separate operations um BMW aren't in wec at the moment but when they are it won't be the the US team so I don't think it has affected here 34 here is about right for a standard race the longer races we had 57 didn't we at uh at the sale in six hours of the Glenn share and a lot of those cars we had a couple of weeks ago were cars that were only in the four Michelin endurance challenge events correct and as far as entries are concerned it hasn't really affected it as far as drivers well they've chosen to be here this weekend namely Albuquerque and Tom block first who are two of the drivers for United Autosport in their lmp2 program they are here racing GTP cars we have lost some of the big names Laura wonthrop closer with Cadillac racing and GM normally she would be here on MSA weekend since there's contact out on the track the other big one is Roger who is not here and the pits are closed full course caution coming after one hour and 18 minutes and that's the heart of racing Aston that's gone in hard at the end of the lap that was a car that was well up the field this is the Ross Gun Pro Car the number 23 already the EMR imsa safety Porsche Cayenne is on the scene and that is a big contact the car looks in pretty good shape save for the front of it no did he jump or was he pushed the good news is the driver's door has come open they're talking to roscoon behind there the windscreen wipe has been pulled off the screen that suggests the car went in uh backwards to start with although the front of the car has been destroyed this is right at the end of the lap coming out of the s's at turn a to the rundown to turn nine there is cover on at the concrete wall there to the um to the tire Stacks it's a quad Stacks I think where the initial contact has been and then double further down good news from the team he has been talking to the team so I know Ross Ross's family and his girlfriend's listening in now he's sitting on the sill of the car he's got himself there just done fastening everything he's been talking to the team so that looks bad but the good news is that Ross is moving just uncoupling all of the bits and pieces from his helmet his drinks bottle Etc and stands up takes his helmet off without any assistance he looks a bit more cheesed off than anything else if I'm honest which might suggest somebody else was involved and yeah I think so it's the WeatherTech Mercedes who's side by side coming through and there was the touch coming through turn eight into turn nine there's literally no runoff on the side the road that's a big incident and thank goodness for that four layer banded Tire barrier there well the 79 doesn't move on the inside there was side by side call that one Jeremy Shaw that's a tough one for race control well yeah but number 75 79 car is on the inside line he drifts out he just twitched a little bit didn't he like the car and number 23 car was already committed right absolutely alongside on the outside line there's certainly a 23 card did absolutely nothing wrong there in my opinion uh and uh was it just a racing accident well they lived up to the race stewards but certainly that was a uh you know Roscoe was trying to make that pass me trying to make it part that pass for a long time and he finally saw his opportunity he was clearly alongside him going around there it's a very fast Corner uh requires ultimate commitment there from the on the outside line but he didn't have the pass completely made but uh yeah really unfortunate for Ross gun because that was a great run for the hard racing team Martin Sorensen won't get in that car then he's still in the pit Lane Philippe Alba cook excuse me Alex ribeiros who started that car Mark oh sorry Marcus Sorensen is in the other car he was watching on from the the pit Lane Philippe Albuquerque right behind that in the second place accurate GTP car I was able because of the more downforce in the GTP car to tighten his line which the WeatherTech car couldn't do and Albuquerque went through the pair of them on the inside there but a very close call indeed as those cars disappeared exiting stage left to the second place car full course yellow the safety car is out uh hello to you around the world at imsa Radio uh hello to Albert Von murick uh the young lad is taking the piece to p pig at the race today wife was not thrilled because that's another racing fan in the house I think that's responsible for parenting Albert thank you for that uh and well done for bringing us the next generation of endurance races well Jeremy we have had uh just on an hour and 20 minutes 100 minutes of grain flag racing uh and that has been enthralling a riveting for me I completely agree with you yes it has and uh the uh you know really I mean the actors certainly hadn't seemed to appear to have the upper hand here this weekend but now the strategies get become a little bit different because the two acres were the first to make their first pit stops they are coming to make a stop are they okay yeah yeah absolutely with 100 minutes to go both of the cars come in the 60 is further back down the pit Lane so it's the number 10 that's closest to pit out Adam is watching the boat Fuel and no drinks bottle for Ricky Taylor they're doing new tires on both of those cars we've also got the Porsches into the pits now and both of The Cadillacs but neither of the BMWs makes a trip down to Pet Lane trying to get their lops back so we have the zero one Cadillac doing tires as well very sluggish to leave the pit box was the number 60 and the first car back out was actually the number 10. then we've got movement from the 74 Riley technology LMP free carpet the third car off the lane will be the 31 Whalen engineering Cadillac the seven Porsche blocked its sister car trying to come out of the pit Lane well it was blocked by its sister car and then managed to get going once again but the six rejoined the track in a more effortless way we still have the number five at jdc Miller Motorsport Porsche and Fuel and new tires for time and he is staying aboard is uh Vander help and we've got the 30 also in the pit Lane as well as both of the AWA cars so Junior three racing fuel and tires for Garrett Grist Fuel and tires for both AWA entries as well a hello to F1 underscore Finn who is finishing his day uh watching on Via player in Finland listen to north of uh wac on our sister Channel and earlier plenty of other uh sports car and endurance racing uh coming through the RSL Network thank you very much for tuning in uh and he says yes I've been able to listen to this because uh my missus is a we're visiting uh why do you ask uh you've got it all to yourself very good uh hello to Johnny P not a good day for Emma today D station taking out a monster and now hartler racing with a big one oh yes split odd at imsa Radio between whether that needs a penalty whether it doesn't need a penalty for that we'll leave that to race control as all of the prototypes came into the pit Lane the top eight uh stay out was the BMW team RL now that was Philip of course he just lost the lead lap so that's why he steered out in ninth position and now it's all of the GTS and Adam is watching the stops yeah and passing the transition Lane the 14 Lex is getting around the 12 because that is how they are pitted towards pit out so it's very clever by the Lexus team first car that is done with the services Brian sellers Fuel and new tires for the Paul Miller Racing BMW he was the first BF the first GT car onto the pent Lane and he's the first leaving we've had a lengthier stop from the 27 heart of racing because they have done full service fuel tires and a driver change Roman d'angelis handing over to Marco Sorenson Fuel and tires for just about every other car on the pit Lane including the bath Motorsport Porsche getting a lot of heat into their tires and we finally have had a driver change down at the WeatherTech racing Mercedes out which means Daniel the fastest guy last year has now taken over that Mercedes foreign pack up again Jeremy behind the safety car we're gonna have about a minute an hour and eight nine ten minutes uh to go here and we'll give you another VP racing in race update we set in our Porsche keys to the race that traffic might be a problem well cutting through traffic has been really really entertaining and enthralling to watch for the guys at the front of the field some people doing it better than others we've had precious little uh precious few mistakes to bring people in for drive through and now we get to the last what 70 minutes or thereabouts that means a splash for most cars doesn't it if they've just been in now before they can get to the checkered flag in 70 minutes time no half you know half a cent of fuel so a fair amount of fuel they were going to need before the insert they're going to get the end from here even if there's a lot of yellow for the GTP cards but what's interesting to me is that number 10 car has probably taken on a little bit less fuel than the particular number 60 car because it's leap front its way into the lead and Alexander Sims uh as as LeapFrog the number 60 car as well so it's number number 10 now leads from number 31 to 60 car that have been pretty much dominant in this race down to third position for Colin Brown he's got some work to do that's going to be really interesting to see whether you can make that up but what did we say Jeremy in Portuguese the race track position here is King and we actually heard um young Tom blomqvist saying that to Shay in our Michelin counts down to Green now we have got a BMW off in amongst the track vehicles at turn five and six Moss Corner that was the two he's hustling around of course because he's trying to get back on the lead lap which I believe he has done but that was very dangerous indeed as the number 79 WeatherTech EMG is back in involved in that incident Danielle who could there behind the whale just checking for damage on that car track position is key so if that is what wind Taylor racing with Andretti Autosport have done and let's be candid about this they know how to win motor races down there wtr with Andretti Orton sport as he now comes the 24 to get his Pit Stop away you'd see a fair play to the guys with the number 10 accurate they've done exactly what needs to be done us has the wheel and Engineering catalog everybody's got to stop again Jeremy so they've taken they've taken uh track position behind the safety car rather than an extra couple of liters of fuel sorry who was that John uh both the 31 and the 10 it would seem at the front of the field yeah absolutely yeah yeah yes and and it also in GTD Pro the number nine car remember that was the only one of the gcp pro cars elected not to come into the pits uh at the kind of earliest opportunity to get to the end of the race from here oh that was so close from Philip Eng he was hustling around to get back to the pitch to make his pit stop and Came Upon track cleaning as he was diving down the hill towards Moss corner and locked it all up and just missed the back of the air dryer that was a really really sketchy moment has not sure if he didn't see them or if he didn't see the flags there should have been White Flags out for cars moving slowly they were definitely at yellow flags waving but Aang was trying to get his lap back which he's done wow that could have been very nasty indeed however I think no harm nor foul and he will get round at the back of the rest of the eight GTP cars on this lap as the GTP and prototype split should I say it is ongoing so we will get all of the prototypes in front of all of the GTS Catherine leg by the way now leading gtt in the green and white 66 GG Wentworth NSX that car quietly going about its business this weekend Shane among doing a good job early on Catherine having taken over see fifth in GT and leads GTD at the moment this one's for Andres and the reason for that is that they elected not to make a pit stop this time around I think all the other GTD non-pro cars did come in incidentally all of the GTD cars are now lap behind the GTD Pros the reason for that and I hate I I really don't like it we we talk about a lot that GTD Pro and non-pro all treated the same well they aren't a technical specifications but if the race leader is between the gcd pro leader and a GTD leader at a full course caution which was the case here then the GTD Pro cars get the wave around yeah uh but the GTD cars do not so now all of the GTD cars are a lap behind the pros not really relevant big you know but yeah yeah yeah but the number nine car what I was saying needed a much shorter fuel fill this time around and that is why it is lit up to the front in ptd Pro number nine car there and the 1966 if you say that didn't come in this time around going back to green number nine being the sports poor Jeremy talking about that back to Great flag racing and it's Philly malber curcum leads them out accurate Cadillac Acura Porsche Porsche Cadillac BFW Porsche BMW now separated by four seconds as they went across the line the Hall of the GTP field now back on the late lap and side by side at the front of gtt pro as Ben barnick had tried to have a good Patrick peely and put two wheels on the grass coming out of turn one into turn two they're behind Lexi at the moment the eel racing bright green GTD car and they're battling for gtt pro as they go over the rise between turns three and four now plunging down into the bottom of the hill with all the GTD Runners just ahead of them they were Society oh there was a touch and they were both off the track ah so actually until you're Garcia nipped through there and turn one so that's now not the battle for the lead it's the battle for second because Tony or Garcia are watching this happening in front of him through turn one hangs back a little bit and then Dives to the inside and does the old oh yeah buy one get one free thanks very much indeed I'm going through and following them through it all racing and said prior in 10th in GTD so he has got back ahead of the battle for the lead in gtt Pro it's all going on in the GT class yes it is John and uh it the uh the big Gainer from this full scores I think was the number 12 car which started from the back of course had to make a drive through early on up into seventh place now is there until it's and that Lex this number 12 is fast right we've got a couple of cars in the pit Lane incident responsibility for the WeatherTech car that was the Aston Martin incident Daniel junkedaya for Weathertech that car being given incident responsibility also there'll be a drive-through for Philly Aang for what's been called uh unjustifiable risk the drive through there with that is very interesting indeed for the number 24 BMW M team rll hybrid V8 so it will have to come in and there's problems for Alexis in the pit ladies that's a championship leader Adam foreign ER the number 14 Ben Barnegat Jack Hawksworth put it on Pole to start the race earlier today a lot of white smoke and fuming from this car and now they're gonna put the hood back on wonder if he did some radiator damage not sure if the smoke is from the great ducks or indeed the engine but they seem to think it's from the engine they dropped the car off the air jacks they're signaling to each other maybe we'll have to take this behind the wall Travis who's the lead engineer on this car now talking to the guys up on the box but it looks like the streak of podiums dating back to March of last year is about to come to a close for the 14 Lexus huge Championship implications they're trying to cool down the left front of that car and it's going behind the wall mass of this Jeremy for the championship moving into the second half of the season and what a run they've had what momentum Lexus have had in both of the championship there's talk of this car or at least one light it's going into the wec next year once they wait for the new version of their GT three car to come online and that is a real turnabout at the top of the championship Jeremy absolutely it is heartbreak for that uh Sullivan Lexus team have been absolutely Flawless this season and just uh curious as you have two engine uh problems well I don't know about this ninja problem or not yet but it certainly wasn't number 12 guy this morning after the warm-up that car was into the pit says uh Frederick shandorf muscling his way through some traffic there in that McLaren he's set the fastest lap in a race fairly recently in the GTD uh by the way number 70 car and shandorf is absolutely flying that's up now into the fourth position it was it third has he got no he hasn't passed uh does he he has just gone past Phil Ellis and Mike skein so he is up here yeah that was another buy one get one free so ahead of him is the oh no actually that is Mike's game still just ahead of him I think uh but he has taken a couple of cars he must have gone by um he must have gone by the court of car as he went through saw Inception racing uh going through past the Mercedes and the Heart of racing car as well actually that was the other car Michael Sorensen that he went past there so another buy one get one free for the McLaren the red and black car let's go down to share Adam for an update on the championship leading Lexus from GTD there was water everywhere in the engine bay where it shouldn't have been so they've taken it back to the behind the wall so they can get more eyeballs on it they think a hose could have come up or it could be a punctured radiator foreign car Ben barnick then behind the wall after frankly a perfect run from Jack Hawks with and the team to get poor position and lead the race Tonio Garcia for Corvette now late in an area of the world where GM is very big got a manufacturing plant not too far down the road from Bowmanville then it's Porsche in second with Patrick peely and faff Motorsport very much a Canadian team and Daniel who could there for Weathertech racing in third position in GTD Catherine Legg leads for creation racing new clothing partner for them this week chevell the premium golf apparel manufacturer Catherine and the rest of the team looking very smart this weekend Catherine now an ambassador for that particular clothing manufacturing has two points in the six seconds on Brian sellers in second in Phil Ellis in birds for Winward racing then the fast restarting Frederick shandoff for the McLaren Mike skein for team caught off in the dark colored number 32 Mercedes and the Heart of racing Aston makes up the top six yeah big lot of Trader carso GTD that's a fabulous battle uh all uh all up and down that field the uh aren't you this hasn't made any progress just yet he's he's behind marcosaurus and Sorensen who did lose a couple of positions or one position this uh after that restart to the McLaren there's charging toward the front in GTD meanwhile at the front of the field a couple of laps ago Philip Abaco just uh set the new fastest lap of the race on a 107.5 in kind of a 10. hasn't pulled away much so if at all from Alexander Sims but Colin Brown he slipped a couple of seconds back in that third position in car number 60 and he's got close company from Maddie Campbell in the portion number seven VP racing in race update we will be looking for a single nomination from the broadcast crew for BDO they know accounting tax and advisory service is and we're looking for their BTO nose strategy award this afternoon still to play out with around about no exactly an hour Alex Ames Alexander Sims for wheel and puts the fastest lap of the race in for his car 107.591 that's a tick of the clock away from the fastest lap of the race which is all the about a second and a half away from the DPI lap record from last year which is Tom blomfist accurate and those cars at the moment the top three as Jeremy said separated by two seconds lmp3 it's Junior three Racing for the first time ahead in that particular contest 10th overall for Gareth Crist in the leadership yeah after the restart he got past Felipe Fraga did Garrett griss a local driver from uh Grimsby Ontario lives now in Niagara Falls but he's from Grimsby originally and he's made that pass for the lead just after the restart for junior three racing so that's number 30 car leads now for the first time today it'll be number 74 Carl Robinson absolutely dominated the first stint but that full course caution has not played in favor of that team because he could brought everybody else back into the picture and Garrett griss has taken opportunity to move into the lead Adam question for you coming in from Max on Adam's original why is the 97 BMW from Turner Motorsport now in the GTD class when it was in GTD Pro the last race at Watkins glench here what's the thinking behind them swapping back and forth between classes foreign oh John Edwards is the answer to that because he is a factory BMW driver meaning that they have two of those at their disposal for the endurance races meaning they cannot race in GTD as it is because you need two silver and or bronze radio drivers to be in g-tv when we are in a race longer than our two hours and 40 minute contest so in order to have John join the teams they run a GTD Pro and that way Chandler Holt does minimum drive time and then hands over to two Factory BMW guys to try and get it done excellent stuff thank you share and then there you go uh Max ask and thou shalt receive hello to Karine Sarah who's in Saskatchewan in Canada out in the garden listening on imsa radio XM SiriusXM 207 rs2 around the world and of course on the sound of vision at uh imsa TV no subscription required for that into dot TV or imsa radio on the video page there as well outside of the US you'll be following along via player across Europe and particularly via player extra in the UK that is a free to Air channel on the sky uh platform and others full HD if you can grab the television this Sunday evening just approaching seven o'clock into the pit Lane for the JG went with Acura Catherine Legg had not made the stuff however Jeremy this is their last stop from here I reckon so they are making their last stop now this has actually worked out rather well for them yeah I I completely agree with you John because I don't think anybody else can get to the enlisted they'll they'll comfortably stay on the lead lap here and now we'll see what sort of pace Catherine has the Acura has been really strong this weekend she was right up there in the timing charts in one in the practice sessions uh yesterday so you know it's looking uh it's looking pretty pretty good for this gradient racing team I think it was a good call to stay out there get that track position they're going to lose the track position now but they're going to be here in clean air and she can turn some fast laps uh this could be very very promising for gradient racing yeah and uh back out onto the circuit Catherine will take it to the end Sheena monk started at this car running in the lead position of GTD through their strategy as Jeremy said quick in the practice and uh not maybe getting the qualifying that they want a chain among a little bit disappointed with herself when she was talking to Sheeran Michelin countdown to Green earlier on Catherine Legg has got that car rolling got a nice balance to the car I would say at the moment and they have done their last Pit Stop Now why is that important if you're watching this type of racing for the first time the likelihood is that we could get Coulda Shoulda Woulda get another intervention from the safety car so if you've done your last pit stop now you can stay out and when everyone else comes in the pit Lane for their splash of fuel you will cycle to the front or close to the front of the field even if everybody else has to do a green flag Pit Stop you've got the advantage of newer tires right now to close the gap on them and remember Catherine came in from out of the lead she's now got to get their foot down for the next four or five laps and trying hold that as well that's how the thinking is going on and we are looking for our BDO nose strategy award one award for both of all four of the classes here so keeping our eyes on who has done what in terms of their pitch strategy also battles real battles on the track and significant moment there as the zero one of renga Van de Zander goes a lap down to Philippe Albuquerque and Alexander Sims in the Cunningham and all that Acura and the Whelan engineering Cadillac so the unhappy day for the Cadillac 0-1 with that gold foot continues as into the pit Lane for the leader saw 54 minutes remaining just what we were talking about there with getting the last pit stop in first this is tactical they don't need the stop now they're going to force everyone else to make that decision Adam this should just be a splash of VP racing fuel no tires they did do the windshield tear off for fully follow the Kirk and they are waiting on the fuel and the energy replenishment which happens by Dent of the fuel nozzle being attached now Philippe goes back out so not even a full load he didn't need it because it hadn't been that long also into the pen Lane on the same strategy the number five jdc Miller murder Sports Porsche as we have a yellow flag at the final turn what was that for somebody has spun either somebody is sixth position in the well that's got to be one of the prototypes hasn't it is that yes it is it's the number four car that's gone around George stycos for RV Motorsports I heard some Michelin tire squeal he's got it halfway across the track at the exit of turn number 10 White's quarter full course yellow he stole the car oh my goodness so just what we was now who got in there who came into the pits right is there Kim as that came out it was the 31 Alexander Sims ah did it get in to the pit Lane yes it did it was right on it was right on 23 seconds past the minute where the full course yellow came out at 23 seconds past the minute so he has gone through wheel and Engineering Cadillac not risking them being called for coming into a closed pit but how important is that going to be for time in Van Der Helmer who came in in the gnxc Miller Motor Sports uh Porsche 963 for the number 10 of Philippe Albuquerque and also Jeremy Shore just what we were talking about about the 66 GG went with uh Acura from gradient that is a huge call as those cars had just come back out they're stacking up behind the safety car now ah the pits are not opening it's a short yellow yeah as you were explained short yellow yeah 15 minutes after a green flag after a restart anything any other full course caution within 15 minutes of the restart is it means a short yellow we will not the pits will not be opened during this sequence we went green we're now in seven to go this course came out with how long to go 52 53 yeah it was it was Jolly close to that 15 minutes um that's uh bad news for that team but brilliant news for number 10 car and a number five that have now made their final pit stops um however you know what I think that wheel and Carr would have been allowed that pit stop because it was committed literally or it was it was on the pit Lane uh marker on the um pit Lane entry as the full course yellow was called uh literally it came out 54 minutes and 23 seconds past the hour and Alexander Sims came in at 54 minutes and 23 seconds past the hour so yeah well did he get to the commit line that's the uh that's the question there uh past the commit line because he was actually at the pitland center well there you go okay however they didn't want to risk it no we never try and have a chat with them about that one that said it's not the advantage that everybody hoped for who made their last pit stop but what they've got back Jeremy is their pitley and stationary time because now they're backed up behind the safety car and so for let's say Catherine Lake who came in from the lead and dropped the better part of 50 seconds to the leader in GTD she's now going to be in the safety car train albeit uh 11 cars behind the leader but literally 11 cars behind the leader and that'll be it see above comment for Philippe Albuquerque in The Chronic in Minolta Acura who dropped again 45 50 seconds behind the leading Acura he's going to end up something like five or six seconds behind as they go back to green he doesn't have to stop again right so uh it's this is played into the hands of several teams particularly as you said number 66 going GTP it's number 10 and a number five that will benefit massively from this because they're done in terms of pit stops everybody else will have to make a pit stop but I think before the end of this race and so uh wow and for number 31 car are really unfortunate for them that lost um I guess they lost a couple of positions today because they've got still first have a seven car yeah as well yeah on the previous lap he came around ahead of the excuse me yeah behind number seven cars so they're in third position right so nearly only cost him two positions but and ultimately they haven't lost a lot okay we were saying in the Porsche case the race track position is King they haven't lost a lot of real estate uh what they've lost is a couple of track positions but they're going to be right up the tailpipes of Matt Campbell and Colin Brown when they restart what they've got to watch watch all of those cars have now got to watch the top six have got to remember that Philippe Albuquerque is fueled to the end and Albuquerque has got the opportunity here to make it he doesn't really have to try that hard now he doesn't have to pass curse Because unless this is a very young long yeah no actually nobody can go at the end that's ahead of him here even if we have extended yellow here surely nobody can go at the end Jeremy no they can't so uh yeah they're in they're in great condition here no question about it live by the safety can't die by the safety car often we say that about uh traffic well absolutely quality stuff uh dramatic says Ollie not sure where you are in the world he says what a dramatic race this year I'm happy uh hashtag Michelin PRT our visual part of the race ends shortly after the checkered flag and a few interviews but that's the start of the conversation on Amazon radio as we have Michelin post wrist tech for you hashtag Michelin PRT points of rising questions uh something that you've noticed something you need clarifying or just generally want to have a rant or Prius that's fine too it is the show that is driven editorially by what you submit on imsa radio rs2 via imsaradio.com and the listen live feature after our world TV broadcast we'll also bring you up the day with the championship standings and have some additional driver interviews from around Victory Circle that's all to come on Michelin PRT at imsa Radio hashtag Michelin PRT you ready for this Jeremy uh yeah hold your breath this is going to be fun I think are we going to have some more RGB RG with just on three quarters of an hour to go stand by everybody Shuffle to the front of your seat if you're not already standing up as we are oh big slide by Colin Brown he lit up the rear tires the michelin's trying in protests trying to get on the throttle for the accurate 's just about held onto it as he goes through ahead of Matt Campbell over the top of the rise under the Chevrolet Grand Prix walk over Bridge Colin Brown has made the restart from the number seven Porsche Penske Motorsport 963 then Alexander Sims hunting around what about Philippe Albuquerque what's he doing he's playing a pretty girl just need to be right up the tailpipes of Conor de Philippe in the BMW right ahead of him but now he's closing in and he's closing into uh that is the uh Porsche number six so what's happened to renga Van de Zander in the zero one Cadillac behind them he's behind them so if Albuquerque has gone through so he has made a couple of positions now he's side by side with the Porsche and makes that look relative not made that look easy going down the outside at the end of the Andretti Street my goodness that number 10 car has got some Pace on new attires I would guess in this part of the race but the sixth car lost a couple of positions on that lap uh because uh yeah he he's struggled he's got passed by another 10 car and the uh zero one as well so ranked abandonsander went past dick Tandy Philippe Albuquerque that's nicotani Porsche fans Don't Panic we have seen in the past that the 963s do need a little bit of care and attention bringing the tires back up to temperature and pressure and there's no better drive to that the bedfordshire's finest Nick Tandy the the number 24 car by the way John Philippine that just made a pit stop yeah uh after we went back to as we went back to green so he's good to go now he's uh apart from number 10 and number five which already made their stop final stops before that caution period number 24 cars now made his final stop so if there is another full score cause caution they'll play into his favor so now how long do these other leaders stay out uh before making their final stop the five the bright red jdc Miller Motorsports Porsche and now the 24 BMW in the hands of Philip Eng R bright yellow uh Porsche sorry uh the number five car for GDC yeah available really nice job yeah uh hanging right there with the Nick Tandy and uh well Connie Felipe directly ahead of him the number 25 BMW Nick Tandy who directly head of both of those two there's been a change and GTD Pro no that hasn't uh Patrick's still sitting here Corvette there wants to be yeah very good point Patrick hunting down the Corvette that leads and then Daniel juncadella from WeatherTech racing is only a couple of three cars behind the problem is they are all GTD cars and at this stage of the race pretty much all of those gtds have got a Pro driver in so in terms of performance potential they're all exactly the same Colin branch has gone through to clock up the fastest lap of the race at 107.562 Matt Campbell not to be outdone well it was slightly by about a tenth of a second has just put the 963 number seven cars fastest lap of the racing but it's the GTD battle that is absolutely outstanding at the moment Brian sellers leads GTD and the number 97 car at the moment needs to be dealt with that's the blue and black Turner BMW by the pro leader it has been and following through Patrick Payne in very much the local Team faff Morton sport they normally run with a little more plaid on the car than they've got this weekend younger Dallas not that far back and they mainly white with the blue and red swooshes of of uh WeatherTech on it as he tries to get through that slew of cars and Brian sellers still leading in the GTD category from Winwood racing in second the 57 car that's the blue and black car the EMG behind him and then Frederick shandoff good run for the McLaren here an Inception racing the black and red number 70 in third in GTD Jeremy yeah very much so uh we saw a shutoff charging uh in between the those two caution periods uh and uh he's he's now right up behind the windward racing car now there's a battle for second and third position as you say so he's yeah just uh as yeah Maxine ahead of Microsoft so it's it's a brand sellers filibellis Frederick shandorf pretty much pretty much knows to tell very short get back to Mike Skeen then marcosaurus number 27 horse racing Aston Martin then the Lexus aranteed it's who who has made up uh has Fallen back then [Music] number 14 car is in the pit Lane that's the one that had a problem sorry scratch that but really quick lap times bar race leaders John they're now let me regularly the GDP cars in the sevens as you said the fastest rapid race for Colin Brown a couple of laps ago but now also into the sevens on the on that's on this last night Maddie Campbell and Alexander Sims so the top three cars Acura Porsche Cadillac running uh pretty much nose to tail and running very similar lap times and pulling away from renga Van de Zander who's just set his fastest lap of the race a 107.895 this time around Philip Alba Kirk is the first car in the blue and back Acura ARX or six the number 10 car that has made what we believe is its lats fit last Pit Stop is its last Pit Stop time for that car Adam is down in the pit Lane and it's been increasingly staring at people and he's waiting for them to break and give them the honest truth about where they stand fuel was here I really appreciate how honest people are with me uh several of the teams in GTD feeling like they are good on field a couple of the cards with higher burn rates not though and those would be the Mercedes I just got the update from boss liners with uh Inception he says McLaren should be okay so Frederick chandor hasn't turned up to Rich right now to try and get track position that doesn't necessarily mean that he can keep running like that to the end of this one stops at the front of the field did not expect to see Catherine Legg coming in either I thought that was her last Pit Stop just before the yellow flag I think that's a problem main time at the front of the field Matt Campbell is in the 31 Wheeling engineering Albuquerque of course vaults past them having made his last pitched up just before the last yellow and is now less fewer than eight seconds behind Colin Brown Adam watching the stops feel lonely for all of the prototypes you just mentioned John no tire changes for any of them and wind chill Terror was all they gave to Santa but now they're not fuel for those cars the Acura of Catherine Lake into the pit Lane it looks like it's going to be a lengthy stop they are now pulling off the left rear tire so it could be something suspension related to that Acura that is very unlucky they nailed the tactics all right they got a little bit of look uh given that the yellow flag came out but that's why you make the last stop first and they came out of first position in GTD let's not forget so you can't say they were looking at that point they'd gone long they'd played the cards that they've been dealt and that looks like an unfortunate mechanical for the GG went with green and white gradient racing machine now into the pit Lane Nick Tandy for his last pit stop with the purple pit Lane running lights comes down for what will be a splash of fuel and still still the actor of GG went with a 66 gradient car sitting in the pit Lane a little bit of struggle getting the fuel horse into the left-hand side the hand from a member wow that was about four or five seconds that's all they were close to the end of the race and Nick Tandy now with a spin at Moss corner and it's an accident between the Lexus and one of the BMWs it's one of the Turner cars that is the number 96 machine that's gone around that's Aaron Tillotson Robbie Foley who've come together and the suspension damage to the left front of the liquid Molly turny Turner BMW and that I throw now can that car struggle about 20 meters forward and to the left otherwise we're gonna have another yellow flag and that is going to there goes all the advantage that Philippe albacore cards Colin Brown I reckon needs to be in the pits right now used to be in the pits right now that number 60 car if they don't he's gone through he's gone through Jeremy this might be the race right here yep uh yeah he had an opportunity to come in certainly but it didn't the Lexus has got going again after that contact but Number 96 cars time for for that turbo sport team is looking so weekend I thought so the 12 Lexus was the car that was involved and it's moving slowly the number 14 Lexus is in the pit Lane and the 96 BMW from Turner is not moving race control will be talking to the team to find out what's going on and we've gone full course yellow again this is disaster for Colin Brown they are going to lose that track position that we talked about being so important in Porsche keys to the race and Philippe Albuquerque will end up leading this race having made his last Pit Stop they are looking really smart now now how did this all come about it was the leader going through that slightly unsettled Ben barnicat and he had to get offline the door was left open down the inside but the turn of BMW may be coming a little bit quickly Robbie Foley perhaps a little bit of a lower percentage lunge there will let race control sort that one out certainly no intent there right in front of the Corvette that's leading GTD prawn again a class leader seeing a bit of contact right in front and it's just out just out of the way of being able to get that car behind the wall what a shame can the number 60 car get to the end here with this extra caution the pits will be opened now so we'll go through the whole pit stop sequence uh it'll be first of all for the Prototype cast because it hasn't been 15 minutes before we went back to green but the previous caution was a short yellow so the pits were not open during the last sequence they will be this time so that's going to take up at least 15 minutes worth and can the number 60 car now potentially get to the end we'll find out whether they bring that car onto pit Lane once the pits are opened share Adam has news from gradient racing the JG went with blue and gray number 66 accurate that cart came in from the lead made its last pit stops first and was looking in pretty good shapes here and then that's an unexpected stop what's going on uh cat loss breaks that was the problem for the 66 accurate still in the pit Lane the work continues Ah that's a shame and nothing you can do with that uh this is not a circuit that you can drive without brakes few at race tracks are to be honest right very quickly let's have with 33 call it 34 minutes to go a VP racing in race update at the front of the field Colin Brown yet to make his third stop in the number 60 Acura arx-06 has behind him Philippe Albuquerque who is fueled to the end for sure in the Konica Minolta Acura from Winter racing with Andretti Auto Sport the Cunningham and Ulta car the blue and black machine BMW M team rll have worked their way through to third position in the number 25 car jdc Miller mortler Sports the bright yellow Porsche 963 time in vanderhelm but Mike Rockefeller started that car the number five bright yellow the banana boat the Yellow Submarine call it what you will in only it's what third outing with the team uh that car now in fourth position ahead of Porsche Penske Motor Sports 963 in the hands of Matt Campbell and we know that those two Porsches have made their final pit stop as that's the number 31 Cadillac wheel in engineering the black rear end or dark rear rear end and the red front end of the 31 Alexander Sims behind the wheel Nick tandy's made his last Pit Stop he can go full Rich to the end as well in seventh place in the number six Porsche Penske Motor Sport 963. uh see above comment farenga Van de Zander in the Cadillac and Philip Eng in the 24. no it's really only number 60 car John correct that kind of maybe it was as a pit stop and that's what we're gonna find out very very shortly if uh I mean they had the opportunity to come in and uh there's a lot of brain power on that Mario shank racing team Dale wise who for many years was a strategy engineer he retired recently uh Dale's been in this sport a long long time back in the old uh true Sports days actually been been with Mike though pretty much since this set up together because Mike industry ran a four car out of the true Sports uh shot pitch way way back in the 90s and um yeah pits are open for me we've done the gtps quickly let's run through the lmp3s it's still Junior three racing leading uh with their Leisure number 30 from Felipe Fraga and Matthew Bell 74 Riley the blue and orange cards got ahead of the two AWA cars 13 and 17 that's the two uh AWA decades Matt Bell and win Boyd Schwab borzer for Sean Creech Motorsport back on the lead lap at that 33 car should have mentioned that earlier on actually the least year in the Stars and Strikes colors gtt Pro Tonyo Garcia for the bright yellow number three Corvette from Patrick peely in the plaid and black faff Motorsports portion number nine Daniel cadaya for Weathertech racing the white car with the blue and red swoosh on it that's your top three in GTD Pro in GTD Brian sellers in the red white and black Paul Miller Racing BMW leads from Winward the black and mid blue 57 Mercedes mg GT3 black and red Frederick chandruff doing Inception racing McLaren 720 is in third that's number 70 fourth Mike's game for team Court of Motorsport that's another blue and black car the number 32 Mark or Sorensen heart of racing uh again another dark blue colored car that's the Aston Martin Vantage number 27 sixth is Bill Oberlin in the 97 BMW uh that's the black and blue car as well actually then Kai from berlaw for Kelly Moss Porsche with Riley the 91 car Trent Hinman for the bright uh yellow fault racing 77 and then said prior in the eel racing that's Rexy they are all on the lead lap ad in rnt let's as well in the number 12. so the top 10 in GTD all on the lead lap pitch caller from the back of GTP Adam a BMW heading down BMW prototype heading time to see you kill tires under driver change the number 24 BMW M team rll they have put a Gustav farpus the starting driver back in Philippine jumping out of that car interesting move at this stage of the race put in a brush driver no that that's just to get some testing in Shay uh the the last in the pack uh they're they're not going to make any progress from there almost certainly so uh you know try to try and learn what they can give I'll go so some more track time here the interesting thing there of course with the number 60 guy did not stop uh and uh we need to uh clearly from my perspective Mike Shanks thinks they can get to the end of this race without making that final pit stop and these you know three caution periods have certainly made that potentially possible what does he think well he thinks I'd love to hear it from the horse in his mouth but uh he didn't stop there he had another opportunity and didn't so the last time they stopped I reckon uh was 16. 68. yeah so that is 31 laps ago however we have had 10 laps of neutralized race in that period so they have been out Colin's been out of the pit Lane time wise for what 50 minutes already and they've got 28 minutes to go yeah that's right they came in with about an hour and 15 to go these cars as we saw they can do it but yeah they can do about an hour we saw the uh what's the car that went out longest it was a Porsche wasn't it that ran an hour number seven car uh ran the longest in that first stint before coming up to pit Lane and imsu works pretty hard to make sure that the uh stint lengths that uh are possible by these GTP cars are as similar as they can make it uh the number 16 number 10 card they opted to come in a little bit sooner um because from there they were just making three it would have been two three equal stints two pit stops and three equal stints for them but uh this is just a fascinating motor race and you know can this play out now with this extra caution without this caution they would have been really struggling absolutely but uh with it uh possibly it's made the difference well we won't know John I mean for the BDO strategy Court we're not going to be making that I can tell you now at least from my perspective until uh one two hours and 40 minutes and whatever to finish to to take the uh The Checkered Flag hero or zero that's the question at the number 60 Pete uh hello to Mitchell who've switched over to listen to us for the last 30 minutes but what a fantastic race we've had today Canadian time Motor Sport Park you're right Mitchell absolutely right indeed don't forget when we finish on the world feed for TV We Carry On on rs2 imsa radio via imsaradio.com we've got Michelin posters that's hashtag michelinprt at imsa radio and we'll rattle through some of your questions point to rising and what you've thought of this week and here a Canadian Tire Motorsport Park hello fiends Sprint to the Finish chance of rain looks a bit gray tuning in live from a warm Florida this afternoon hello blue faint cheering the Porsches no doubt the best of which is sitting at the moment in fifth position but is fueled to the end the other question in my mind Jeremy and we've got to talk about this is in in terms of our Porsche keys to the race yes track position is king So in that respect you've got to see it the 60 Acura has done the right thing they're still in the lead but do they need to do their needs to save a bit of fuel and therefore either lean off that accurate engine or ask Colin Brown to save a bit of fuel because the cars behind absolutely don't they can do full rich full ball full fat all the way for the last 20 minutes or so absolutely nail and hedge on yes that that is absolutely the case it won't be easy I believe for the number 60 card to get to the end from here uh it's a bit of a Gamble and yes I think Colin Brown is going to have to save some fuel but look he's showed in the past he's well capable of that uh well capable of everything else looking for his fifth win here at Canadian time Motorsport parking near perfect position to do so if he can stretch his fuel to the end we've seen it's not easy to make passes here he's gonna have to be and we also heard from Sebastian bordet how stressful it is mentally working your way through the traffic he's going to work his way through traffic and keep his car perfectly positioned not to allow any opportunity to Philippe Albuquerque and we've seen how desirous Albuquerque is or victories in the past it's not easy at the Sea of fuel when you're going through traffic either because that's when you need to be going back to the throttle nice and early that's when you need to be leaving you're breaking super late and staying on the throttle till the very last moment of your breaking point when you're carving through traffic Colin Brown is a very capable driver getting the opportunity with accurate of having been one of the leading lights in terms of patient him's a competition for some time he's gonna have I'd guess four maybe five laps before he starts hitting the back of the traffic I'd suggest that is not the time for fuel saving that's the time he's got to try and get his foot down and try and break the toe with Philippe Albuquerque we have 24 minutes remaining a question mark over the number 60 Acura in terms of its fuel I'm not even sure the team no Michael Shank on the box was looking nervous as they came to the green flag and Philippe Albuquerque is allowed Colin Brown to get away here that's a fantastic restart by Colin as he goes down to the bottom of the hill at turn two now climbing up through Quebec Corner the uphill right-hander behind everybody will be trying to make moves everybody will be trying to fight for every single inch centimeter fraction of the circuit side by side BMW and the zero one Cadillac that's August of office coming from the back of the field he came he's just got into that car to run it to the end and he's battling with renga Van de Zander no more doubt your competitors got through as well so farthest has been a position it's not been a good day for the zero one the gold fronted Cadillac from Cadillac racing and Chip ganasi somebody's just asked me if that's gold what is the Hertz car in wec that's hurt racing gold very specific and Cadillac have asked us to say that is the gold car in the Cadillac uh stable there's a call to blue and a red car yeah there's a yellow Porsche doing very well Cadillac yes absolutely and the yellow Porsche in fourth position with time and Vander Helmut behind the wheel has got the two Works cars the two Porsche Penske Motor Sports in behind him and that's been a great run then behind them and closing very quickly is Alexander Sims in a very quick 31 Cadillac yeah that's exactly right because the uh well yes and no he lost a position at the restart to number six car and a number zero one kid the other card like also lost a position as you said a few moments ago to August so far first so the Cadillac's apparently struggling to get their tires up to temperature at this restart [Music] ing did you enjoy this race as much as I have it's not finished yet Mark hold your breath across the top of the rise down towards turn number eight the right-hander at the end of the lap and into the esses time in Van Der Helm in the bright yellow GDC machine and what a run it's been for GDC Miller Motorsport John Church putting together a brilliant program and getting that Porsche halfway through the city 57 it's a left rear puncture that is Phil Ellis from second not again for Winwood not again second position in GTD and that happened just coming out of moss corner oh my goodness me did they smash a mirror mirror with a black cat whilst they were working walking under a ladder they have had no look other than bad luck meantime Porsches in action at Moss corner at the far end of the circuit from the start Finish Line big dive up the inside there by Matt Campbell but Simon Van Der Helm didn't need to close the door there he was confident enough for these breaking yeah ahead of him the BMW of Conor de Felipe starting to close in on Philippe Albuquerque who's lost about three seconds to Colin Brown is going for it here he's trying to get I think he's trying to get a gap before he hits the back of the traffic Jeremy yeah perhaps so it obviously feels confident I think that he can get to the end without having to save fuel but the time at Vander held that 19 year old Dutchman what a job he is doing in that fourth position for jdc Miller Motorsports by far the youngest driver in the GTP ranks there's a few 28 year olds Matthew jamine Maddie Campbell and uh and Tom Blomquist but he's nearly 10 years younger than anybody else in GTP doesn't share it does it he's driving brilliantly at the moment holding off there's two Factory Porsches also a great battle in lmp3 junior three racing Garrett griss with Philippe Fraga on his tail pipes and Matt Bell chasing for AWA that's 30 74 and 13 and Philippe Fraga has just done the fastest at lmp3 lap of the race with a 112 seven however Garrett griss just did a 112 Eight yeah that's the fastest lap of that car in the race competition is hot in all the classes at the moment Brian sellers leads in uh GTD in the BMW number one by about a second and a half Tonio Garcia about the second and a half ahead of the fafmorton sport car and at the front of the field Colin Brown has got his foot down he's trying to get into the distance I'm sure he's trying to do this before he gets the traffic and before potential banana skins as he comes through the field Jeremy that's right and uh well he's turning a pretty good Pace 108 5.5 last time around for our race leader Colin Brown and he's pulled out 3.3 seconds over the uh the other Acura of the the Konica Minolta car wow this is a tremendous run by those two in third position comedy Felipe what a job he's doing right now he's turning his laps only a couple of tents away from his fastest of the race 1086 last time around for corned beef in at number 25 BMW in third place we are in to the last moments of this race 18 minutes to go that's gonna be about 15 laps maybe a little fewer at the end of the race and where you're gonna put your money I'm not sure at the moment it's certainly not over the number five time in Vander Helm still holding on to fourth position with four hugely experienced drivers sitting behind and Matt Campbell Works Porsche driver Nick Tandy Works Porsche driver Alexander Sims Works Cadillac and former Works BMW driver and let's not forget our Gustav far officers only another 1.1 seconds further back he's just put the number 24 BMW's fastest lap of the racing and a one away at seven and it's just coming back into the picture as well then job behind five of us is the guy who won this race last year that's Rick Avatar sander in ninth position for Cadillac racing that's astonishing certainly wouldn't have expected that at the beginning of the day you talked about fastest lapse in lmp3 while Garrett griss has just responded with a one minute 12.4 that is a new Benchmark fastest lap by the leader in lmp3 what a battle that has been now we've got pretty much five cars separated by what by about three seconds four or five seconds at the moment they let B3 and GTD well yeah usual stuff Michelin PRT for post Race Tech we're gonna have a lot to talk about here and we've still got to work out who we give the strategy award to our BDO no strategy for accounting tax and advisory services and we're looking for the Strat best strategy in the race some beautiful trophies that have been given out this year who gets the one for ctmp at the moment we don't know because it could be my shank racing they might have played an absolute Blinder and had the slide rule out and got the logarithmic table sorted and made sure that it's all fine hmm very interesting very interesting indeed how about the other classes as well Junior three racing have played a Blinder in lmp2 to get themselves ahead of Riley in the two AWS Paul Miller Racing has that been strategic has it been speed has it been a little bit of both see that of Corvette racing as well I do feel a little bit for gradient racing I thought they'd nailed it but break problems have dropped Catherine Lake back down to 12th position and off the lead lap she has rejoined in the green and white Acura number 66 but having pitted from the lead at a perfect time it wasn't to be for them with that brick issue here's the critical night time now I think in this uh interest race with 50 minutes remaining uh the leaders working their way through the GTD traffic [Music] through turn two and there's a lot of GTD traffic after the restart everybody battling themselves fourth fifth and six are all Porsches and where is the BMW answer just going out of turn three halfway down the straight to turn four Colin Brown was three and a bit seconds ahead but there was half a second taken out of the lead by Philippe Albuquerque last time in the leader has now cleared this little battle himself but now he's on to another bunch of GTD cars including some quick drivers there yeah Jeremy actually that's right that's exactly right and uh this is just a fascinating contest you say uh the Albuquerque made up of Billy Grant on common brand yes he did but the race leader it was a one minute 11.4 last time around the previous lap was at 8.3 so it cost him uh more than three seconds on that last lap this traffic is absolutely critical this is why we love multi-class racing this is the spirit of endurance this is proper racing it's not just about racing the car in front it's about racing the cars around you who are racing the cars around them and you've got to be able to read what's going on and these are the final stage of the rate of just under 15 minutes to go and everybody is battling there's no easy passes here even if you're a GTP on a GT3 car there's no easy passes right now and now we're gonna find out whether Alexander Sims has got some kind of advantage over Nick Tandy coming out of moss Corner he's right with him and the two of the Porsches have pulled away a little bit the BMW in the hands of Canada Philippe once again in traffic first place car through the s's at the moment and it's got a huge gap in front of him huge gap in front now he's cleared the traffic Antoine come here in the number four Ave Morton Sports Leisure will be the next car he's going through turn three at the moment as the leader goes through turn one so that's the first part of danger that has been completed from Colin Brown in the number six car and not only has he held on to that lead Jeremy he's extended it it's now 4.7 seconds so right now he can breathe he can save a bit of fuel and keep his Pace up before he hits the traffic again in what I would guess would be another two or three laps that's exactly right and the guy got through the traffic best really was probably comedy Felipe because he's only he's half the Gap from 3.4 seconds to 1.7 to Albuquerque ahead of him so that BMW is is very much in the picture here we talked about it what 20 minutes or so ago we said the BMW's around a bit uh scratch that they are not no not at all it's all going very nicely indeed at imsa Radio hashtag Michelin PRT once we have done without World fade TV two East will have additional interviews from down at Victory Circle we'll analyze what we've seen we'll give you the point standings before we move on to the next round what a weekend of motor sport we've had across the radio show limited network of audio and visual channels with 18 hours of racing from esterrill for the 24-hour series we've had six hours of racing from Monza another four hours of racing from the Nurburgring and over four hours of racing here between the two big imsa series it's been busy but my goodness it's been worth watching and if you've stayed with us all the way through and swapped and changed and had multi screens going on thank you very much indeed because it's been an absolute cracker Colin Brown now six seconds to the good at the front of the field this is looking better and better for Maya shank racing looking for Redemption after that indiscretion at Daytona I'm gonna revisit that for those of you that follow this series no but they were caught out for manipulating some data and disqualified from the Daytona 24 hours that's custom very dearly in the championship standings and to be honest Jeremy since then they've not looked in form and they've been quick at times but they haven't got the results that they would have hoped for this might be putting that right yeah absolutely right I mean they've got a Podium finish last time out but that was inherited with the uh technical infect minor technical infraction for the number six uh Porsche uh two weeks ago it was they weren't disqualified from Daytona they were just put to the back they're actually allowed to keep their win which is rather bizarre but they were they were put to the back of the field in terms of points and docked an extra 200 Championship points as well uh but you're right it's not been the season they hope for uh and today is the opportunity now with 10 minutes remaining to turn that season around uh in a passively very very positive way meantime in GTD it is bride Sellers and Frederick shandoff what a room by Inception here the McLaren really yet to find its fate in GT3 or GT4 forming IMS a competition being successful elsewhere the new Arturo was going well yesterday in the Michelin Pilot challenge but this is a good run from inception and they are challenging genuinely challenging on Pace for the lead here with um Team caught off in third and Paul Miller Racing leading that particular category I'm just gonna say it Daniel Hunter there has slowed and both of the GTD leaders have gone through Adam was listening to that car I think as it went through is there is there a bit of a flutter on the WeatherTech EMG I don't think it's that car actually John I think it's the 10 of Philippe Albuquerque it just goes into turn one and now it's making the strangest Rumble out of the Acura engine I hope all's okay with it [Music] and Tom harder tuning in from Whitby Ontario it's about half an hour away from the track bitly disappointed couldn't get there but you are bringing me the sights and sounds of the race thank you very much for the kind word Jade and also Tom harder who is uh in Ottawa or near Ottawa surely the BMW 25 has to be in the discussion for the BD or North strategy award there made that very early Pit Stop work so it's hard to miss going the witch go at the track this year due to work but still listening and watching we have got some deliberation to do for sure for our bdoor nose strategy award BGR knows accounting tax and advisory Services who has pulled the best strategic moves but on the track there's actual racing actual fighting going on about two cast lengths between first and second with eight minutes to go in GTD down towards turn one red white and black BMW black and red McLaren through turn one across the red and white curbs you could not have two harder Fighters than Brian Sellers and Frederick shandoff neither of them will want to give this up BMW leading at the moment in third place it's Mike's game for team caught off and remember second place in the championship with problems in GTD Pro uh and uh Vassar Sullivan not having their usual race here they've been going so well are until it's down in sixth position at the moment at the number 12 guard yeah and he just got past the Trent Hinman uh for that position that pass number 77 car so guaranteed this is out up now up right behind bill arborland in the tournament sport number 97 BMW man this is enthralling I mean right behind him it's only up the hill there well we were talking earlier on about the teenager time in Van Der Helm sitting in fourth position he's now just on a second behind a step on the podium with Conor de Philippe Insight 1.2 seconds at the last timing line but he's only got about half a second ahead of Nick Tandy in an off at the final Corner leader that is the leader Philippe frog at the Riley car has gone wide the junior three racing the other way around John yes all the way around yeah Junior three racing car excuse me and the Riley going through with Philippe frog it was Garrett Grist that went Alpha number 30. and an expression of some disdain from down in the junior three ranks AWA not that far back either so it's Fragger who's gone to the front from Garrett Grist Matthew Bell and win Boyd is still right there as well wind Boyd actually here it is surely a bit of hip and shoulder there from the ranch 74 Riley and Felipe Fraga that would have been that would have been great on a hockey rink but I'm not sure right he didn't leave room on the outside there Jeremy that's going to be looked at particularly as that was for the lead of the race and the guys at Junior three weren't happy about that marginal call maybe but it'll be looked at it will be looked at at this stage in the race surely yeah no doubt about it uh John that was a uh a uh I mean you can make a move at turn 10 but you've got to be willing and that is the Cadillac zero one that has gone off it's Ranger Vander Zander at the final corner and that is looks like he's got off uh with brake issues and he's been struggling that car has not been in its full potential this week and I reckon that's the win for Maya shank racing um that might it's sorry it's a turn eight it's not the final corner it's at turn eight so coming off the Andretti straight and the car has gone straight on huge lines saw some of the bricks were working but not all of them and that's from terminal velocity that that car has gone in you'll hear the Applause from the crowd that is their appreciation that he's all right and that's not the first time that they have had big incidents this year and uh to break failure that is a break failure or a stock throttle the front wheels were locked the bat Wheels may have still been driving it on he was right up behind the BMW Dodges to the right and the left and then he goes through oh he just got tipped and put onto the grass by Conor de Felipe and head on into the tire stuff all right I'll go so far first uh by Augusta Farmers excuse me Jeremy yes you're absolutely right no all of the whales are locked up but that was as a represent that was as a result of being eased onto the grass by farthest now he had a minor overlap and farthest will say that he was driving his line that's a huge incident and very very pleased to see after an immense accident at spa in the FIA w e c I'm pleased to see he's got out of that one all right as well that was just straight to the scene of the accident there Jeremy yeah that was a scary incident uh I mean as you say top speed there uh probably in excess of 180 miles an hour at the top of the hill there before the breaking the area four turn eight and yeah he was uh left no room at all on the outside of that corner by Augusta farthest who uh yeah I'd like to have another look at that one and see where you know what point that there's no contact made between those two cars there's a lot of runoff in a turn eight I think the problem was that Rengar was on the grass first and just couldn't get the car anywhere near slowed down before he was back on to the hard standing of the runoff at that point he had his two left-hand side michelins on the grass for quite some time took out a couple of the correx um advertising boards that wasn't an issue the white flags out by the way um rather unfortunate that we end the race like this the good news is that Ranger Vander Zander uh looks to be fine he will be checked out after that kind of incident at the uh infield Care Center so our BTO no strategy Awards uh Michael Shank Racing for me my shank racing Maya shank racing uh says Jeremy share Adam uh from your point of view my ocean Grayson hands down uh I'll give an honorable mention to the number 25 making that early stop work for BMW team rll yeah and the number five team too I mean that was a great call by JVC Miller Motorsports uh to come in right before that uh caution correct what about an hour ago and that vaulted them from from eighth place to uh just outside the podium yeah so a great effort by that team really good I mean finishing ahead of the two Factory Porsche cars uh and time in Vander Helm the youngster from uh from the Netherlands doing a just an excellent job in the closing stages there 19 years of age in one of these cars wow yeah I said the same as well for the Carnegie minola Acura the second third fourth cars all made very clever pit stops just before the Andy penultimate yellow however I think for rolling the dice so far out uh we will give our BDO nose strategy trophy to the number 60 mayor shank racing with curb agajanian um back to winning ways and in some ways some Redemption after a quiet opening to the season after their issues with authority and regulation at the Rolex 24 date order I'm being diplomatic uh when I say that people people will want to use more strong language than that but uh they've whatever we think about it and the other drivers and the other teams think about it they have served their penalty as given by imsa and they're out there under huge scrutiny and let's not forget all of the extra regulation that has come in and the black and yellow flags that we saw uh at the last race for uh under inflated tires um are selling six hours of the Glenn so it will be a win as well for the myashank racing accurate with the conic and Minolta number 10 car in second Conor de Felipe has BMW on the podium again in third position for the number 25 just off the podium what a result for jdc John church and the rest of jdc Take a Bow particularly your drivers Mike Rockefeller and time in Vander Helmer was Mega and it's last stint then in fifth position the two fifth and sixth the two Porsche penskees across the line then behind the Chevrolet Corvette safety car and it is a win for Acura and the number 60 crew Adam it's with the winning team lots of celebration going on but it is very muted down here for Meyer shank racing as no one has even dared to come off the pit box the car has crossed the line the crew is celebrating but Mike and Tom are still up high I'm not sure if I should climb up there or wait until they come down we've had a deep sleep a Frogger driven Riley technology car come across the line so that means that Carl Robinson has now won here and Corvette racing Victorious at ctmp once again as Brian sellers gets the third win of the season for Paul Miller Racing and their BMW all right you said climb up I'll climb up uh let's see if Mike's gonna beat me down first though because uh it is a very steep ladder and it's kind of one person at a time so that's gonna be a if that's also a penalty at the end there Augusta farpus has been given a drive through for that incident with the zero one so uh he will take a penalty not sure that's going to change any of the positions and of course can't give anything back to the car that didn't finish it yep let's uh jump in with Mike first because he's come down Mike congratulations uh win in the shorter race it was so close last year but you guys got it done this year good on Fiola uh we were but you know we just had a little problem in that one stop and then we needed to make it and adjust me either try to race these guys straight up which is impossible or just go for it we said hell with it we're going for it it's a little Redemption a lot of nasty things are said about my team my partner my family it's not not warranted after January this is all for them the doubters congratulations Mike let's step in here really quick with Tom blunkfest because we were talking with him earlier on and you were saying you had a little unfinished business business finish now congrats you're a race winner at ctmp yeah I mean that's fantastic uh we're in a bit of you know the racing gods were looking down us a little bit today um we rolled the dice you know to try and go long and the only way we were going to win that race really is if we if the yellows kind of played into our our corner and yeah thankfully they did so uh yeah just so happy for the guys um they worked their backsides off all year long rally you know this car has been a lot of work and we haven't had the greatest run of recent races so uh to get the pole yesterday and then finish the job off today is is just amazing so yeah really super proud of everyone here at MSR and obviously you know great to get the job done for akka and hvd as well congrats to the whole team you guys earned it this weekend yeah we did so yeah thank you now if you want to stick with me I'm going to try and work my way down and find more of our winners because I see one very happy guy Robinson gar you're a race winner here man we talked about it earlier the possibility now it's a reality what does it feel like oh so ready to be so disappointed but we caught the traffic so well and uh Felipe got through it better than uh Garrett it was a little bit of as a Calvin fish would say RG bargie at the end but uh I guess it was all good at the end so uh we'll take it but uh yeah it's a little bit different than we usually do it but uh I'm happy for the cost competition and it's great to see uh great to see him both push uh Gary and them did a great job they had they were a great competition today and uh uh we'll talk about it later so congratulations third one of the year thanks Jay and if you'll stick with me yet again I will move back because I see Madison snow and for him too third race win of the Year Madison uh we've talked about this before you and Brian as a Duo have never won three races in a year now you still have more races to go but what's it like to win in Canada all right I mean it's awesome I think Brian and I have finished third here once before but we uh podium's been a little bit of being able to finish here in the top step is awesome it further cements your places Championship leaders as well and it reclaims the Sprint lead I know you've said in the past you don't care about the Sprint Championship but Paul certainly does with Paul Miller Racing so to be able to get the win while he's here does that make it a little more special it's always special getting a race plan I mean a race wins the best thing you can come home with 11th one of your career congrats thank you Jeremy sure what a race not the way we wanted to see it finish but uh happy to say Ranger van designed a step away from that big incident let's take GTD and GTD Pro first of all third win on the season for Paul Miller Racing what a race from an Inception and the McLaren team caught off coming home in third plenty of battling in that particular category which was close all the way through top 10 pretty much all uh certainly the top eight no no top ten on the on the league Lab at the Ender yeah it was a tremendous uh battle there and hats off to the Vassar Sullivan Lexus team a really good performance by Frankie Monticello and guarantee that they worked their way from dead last and having to make a drive through Pit Stop early on in this race to come back to sixth position and that's uh very good for their Championship hopes of course brand Sellers and Madison snow they already led the points over uh Monte Caravan tea that's coming to this weekend so of course they'll extend their lead but it could have been a heck of a lot worse for that number number 12 Lexus could have been a heck of a lot worse indeed for that gtt Pro Corvette winning uh in that ahead of Motorsport and WeatherTech look like uh Daniel hucadella was saving fuel um very heavily towards the end okay uh but certainly yeah it's the first win for you know since was it Sebring last year for Corvette racing so uh that's uh what exactly what they needed uh the problem for Jack hawksmith and Ben barnick at uh uh cost you know they finished uh they did finish actually a long way down but the good news is there's only five cars in GTD Pro so they get fourth place points with the heart arresting Aston uh of Roscoe Alex riverest crashing out earlier on so that's limited the damage hugely for Hawks with a Barnegat they'll they'll still lead the points by I reckon now 96 over uh Daddy yankadella and Jules gunyon and Antonio Garcia and Jordan Taylor in the Corvette with just 13 points behind them uh heading on to the the next race at it's good let's go down to Adam who's with Corvette and Jordan Taylor because uh 100th race 25th win so that's a pretty good ratio for you how good does it feel to get it done and Ron Fellows his backyard yeah it's perfect I mean the Chevrolet Grand Prix to be in a Corvette here uh kind of our stomping grounds to only have one car in the race is always difficult but yeah it's a classic Corvette racing Victory we didn't have the fastest car most of the weekend you know made some good strategy calls early in the race to jump to the to the guys and then Antonio just stayed out of trouble on that last restart and uh yeah just drove to the finish fended off the Porsche Mercedes so yeah it's finally great to be back in Victory Lane and hopefully it's going to kick start the second half of the year for us you can only go up from here great job Jordan thank you lmp3 great battle there as well a little bit of bumping and grinding that's all Felipe Fragger for the ranch 74 car a very robust overtake to take the lead from Junior three racing near to the end Jeremy what does that do to the championship with aw air and actually Wayne Boyd got ahead of Matthew Bell at the end and not sure if that was deliberate for the championship for awaire that they swapped those two around yeah they didn't it was half a dozen laps to go they no I I doubt it um because there was not there was only two points between them uh coming into this weekend so it's very very tight there for between those two so no that won't be a strategic decision that would be uh Wayne Boyce getting one over on his teammate Matthew Bell uh but uh guy Robinson and Felipe frog this is only the third round of the of the season-long championship and the number 740 we won all three so they're running away with it again in the points table you know that win uh yeah I mean if desperate uh and no penalty has been called I guess by by the stewards okay if that's the one if that's the way they want them to race okay uh yeah I mean he stuffed the car right alongside him it wasn't as if he just tipped him from behind I don't think um but it was a very bold pass and Garrett grissy a local driver of course he'll be desperately disappointed to lose out on that one yeah I think uh Frogger just saw an opportunity went for it and and then pushed him off the road that's not the way I like to see races won and lost for it personally and in the land of hockey uh it was a bit of hip and shoulder uh no doubt uh about that at the front of the field uh at your Acura BMW we'll come to that in a moment let's go to shape for a final interview whilst we're still on TV yeah gotta get in with Brian sellers because at the beginning of the day you weren't exactly in the best of moods you were a little bit grumpy but you were in the mood to go out there and win this race Brian finally getting it done at ctmp what's it feel like uh I'm a little grumpy on Race morning every morning so I don't think it's anything different [Music] um it feels great I mean I'm just so proud of everybody all the guys Madison drove a great stand in the beginning um you know the best part is you really love going out there and mixing it up with the 27 the 57 all those guys it's so much fun um and man they keep you on your toes all the time the McLaren was right there uh shandorf had been quick in practice so I thought uh it was going to get tough in the last few laps the yellow helped us again um but I would have loved to you know battle out with him but super happy for all the guys at PMR BMW congrats Brian
Channel: IMSA Official
Views: 267,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IMSA, International Motor Sports Association, WeatherTech Championship, IWSC, CTMP, Canadian Tire Motorsport Park, Canada, Aston Martin, Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Lamborghini, Lexus, McLaren, Mercedes, Porsche, Sports Cars, Road Course, Racing
Id: 0HcUXXvGmuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 36sec (10716 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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