DMEC Round 2 2023 • Sweden • Qualifying LIVE

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hahaha [Music] [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to round two of the drift Masters European Championship the sun is shining we're close to the Arctic Circle we're here in Sweden at the drive Center Arena a beautiful facility built just a couple of years ago and it will be the stage for an amazing event this weekend today our attention turn into qualifying my name is Dave vegan I'm going to be joined by my good friend and colleague Ian Waddington we're going to be talking you through all the action and boy have we got some action coming up one of the fastest tracks on the circuit the championship fight heating up and the driver is already feeling the pressure in practice and it's going to be very competitive it certainly is Dave let's just say the championship has already started just a few weeks ago back at Mondello Park but now things start heating up now the pressure is on all the points that that matter every single round need to be collected and this potentially one of the most difficult tracks on the calendar technically and for the speed absolutely I'd say this calendar is stacked right from the start we've got an amazing calendar of events that are testing the drivers are different circuits different layouts and different challenges to set up the car and make sure things are going to work your way we can see that the first round was dominated by our current champion Peter gunzak took the win still top spot at the moment we're here in Sweden this weekend is all about qualifying tomorrow we head towards the battles then we head to an amazing event in Finland at the power Park where it's actually a theme park being turned into a drift Arena it doesn't have to make sense that's a Drifter must have saw the BET then we head to the Party City it's reggae baby Lafayette 29th and 30th of July we then head to the iron drift King for that crazy Island in Germany in foropolis on the 17th and 19th of August and then the final the big one 60 000 seats nine stories high the biggest stadium in Poland for the final the pig in ardova in Poland and you know what gets up to speed here's what went down at round one it was a wild event Airsoft Thrills spills door rubs wall runs and what we saw was our current champion take everybody down but there was a lot of very competitive drivers on the grid the Irish took first blood at the event looked really strong but they just couldn't make it all the way to the podium but a lot of guys dropping off the track but again Peter and said showing why he's the man that can get it done every time he didn't have the best of runs right throughout but he was better than everyone else and that's what it all matters really it's about getting that top step on the podium and the local fans loving the action let's have a look at how our Championship is stacking up right now as we head into round two and there it is familiar sight at the top Peter if you're sick Poland uh representing 102 points from the first round but Lori Heinen was the big standout driver from round two looked very comfortable in that crazy sounding 180sx Dwayne McKeever who was initially going to be a wild card of the first round now jumping into the rest of the season he's definitely going to be one to watch you've got Connor Shanahan in fourth position James Dean just a wild card at the first round not here this weekend and Jack Shannon so Connor Shannon Jackson is sitting ready to pounce in the mid-pack of the top ten and then as I said what I think now is this second round being very important to not fall out of touch with the top of the championship this is the format for the weekend today is all about qualifying we've got about 50 drivers when we started off some of those having mechanical issues will keep you up to date on that out of those we'll pick 32 and they will go through to the main event tomorrow and then all the way to the top 16 Main Event main parade and then right to the three Podium positions at the end of the weekend pretty simple stuff but it's anything from simple here at drift Masters because it's a long way from here to there this track is incredible all about speed Full Throttle big flicks right to the edge of the circuit and this is almost a GT track it's not a custom circuit you'll see some of those throughout the year but we're gonna break down this track animation to show you guys what the judges are looking for here in qualifying this track is incredible because it has two decess zones but a lot of speed six hour zones two inner zones and it is 640 meters long which they get around pretty quick here in these cars off the start line Full Throttle throw a little weight transfer into that first corner and it's a huge first card to keep your car on throttle and on angle here you got to be very precise inner Zone 2 tucks the front of the car in and you push it as wide as possible still on Full Throttle as you go through other Zone 3. as you come towards Arizona 4 this is the first D cell zone of the track took the nose in to this inside corner so you see a couple of guys missing that inner Zone carrying too much speed and then the angle for the rest of this is all opposite of the racing line so out of zone seven on the outside of the track and then another D cell Zone as you head back to this last section you can see some drivers struggling to get the car planted for that last outer wall running finish but some drivers like calirov repair the current WRC Champion absolutely nailing it he's going to be one to watch in this qualifying session it looks simple a couple of Corners right but it's a lot of speed a lot of elevation change and a lot of technicality and from my perspective these guys are going to be under big pressure to perform right now well this is how qualifying works if you're new to the sport we're gonna break it down for you we're not going to go over your head this is how it works each driver gets two runs of qualifying they're non-consecutive and the best score from their two runs counts as their overall finishing score and qualifying the top 32 as I mentioned from 50 or so drivers will go through to battle action tomorrow this is pressure on for a lot of these guys some guys who didn't qualify at Round One won't want to be making the same mistake again but this is how it stocks up we got a lot of wild cards in there and you're going to see the Swedish flag beside a lot of those because they are the Local Heroes Jim olafson returning Alfred groinberg Dennis Hagman very cool S2000 you're gonna see him on the track Victor Whitemark Ali maxsheed all the way from the Middle East from Kuwait coming to compete in the championship amazing to see all these guys taking the trip here in a borrowed Carolina's yunsu and these are all guys that are going to really uh spark the championship alive again one they see their 14th in qualifying as Calais Rover Pera current WRC Champion fresh off a win in Japan and drifting wanted to come here and make a big impact Max Miller we noticed he had an engine fader has had no practice they're trying to put another 800 horsepower engine in that car for qualifying Henry hamper good to see him back in the mix the yoga career a little bit down the order along with Michael Reinhardt those guys wanted to turn their Championship around a little bit same with Adam zaleski and naoki Nakamura with an engine failure at round one looks like he's flying in practice here so we're going to see the Japanese Champion take on the best of Europe take on the best from the rally world that's all happening on your screens today which is going to be incredible Lauren Nielsen a guy to watch out for there hadn't the strongest of stars but he was one to watch here last year had a bit of a somersault in the air and they're almost stopping his weekend and we're going to finish up what our highest finisher from round one which is Peter viance Laurie Heinen and Dwayne McKeever hot on his heels and they're all in the mix so that's how it works that's how qualifying works but we are going to stop the talking and start the driving because we're heading to qualifying foreign ERS are ready and they've been practicing they've been setting up they've been changing but now is the time to get the job done we start with Jim olafson who was one of the first people ever to drive this circuit and to test it before last year and he's going to be interesting here because he's got some experience he knows this car inside out he's a local talent he's got the local fans behind him but it's always tough taking the first run of qualifying let's see how he gets on it certainly is Dave uh hard to take on the first round of qualifying but what a better man to do it right now is you will often come through the gears down to that white line the start of the scoring Zone through that first outside Zone Full Throttle now for you more often you see that inside clip set off of the curveball but he does drop a wheel because he's too wide they have the gather his faults a little bit as he makes his way down you can see using that elevation you can't see it on screen but there's an elevation there to slow the car down look to the transition back now in front of the grandstand as he flicks the car in to this long outside Zone looks for the wall across the line nice tidy jump for him often and as you said a man that knows his track on the back of his hand and no stranger to drift Masters we see in many moons ago at drift Masters competing in Riga in Latvia and followed the whole season through he was probably the first man Dave we ever had that put a car on his roof that's for sure and he's had definitely throws his Thrills in the past to Jim Olson you can see pushing too wide too fast dropping wheel shakes the car up a little bit he's dropping Wheels you know using that extra piece of tarmac that's beyond that white line however it does save your run it is going to deduct you scores from the JoJo so Jim doing a good job of getting around but not perfect and not perfectly Technical and not taking any major risks with speed or angle we want to see a good old weight transfer or a big offensive flick into that first corner to score super high here but Jim you know first driver out gives us a good starting point nice wall run here at the end I love that camera angle you can see the cars get so close to that concrete immovable wall and it is immovable and Jim doing a good job but I think we're gonna see people improve from that point on and Jim you know he's coming in just as a wild card they have nothing to lose I think you'll start to see those guys push a little harder on the second run 59 on the board for Jim olafson the first Swedish driver to take to the track and not a bad score not a good score generally we want to see these guys hit the high 70s low 80s to guarantee a place in the top 32. we move on to our next driver yeah it's going to be Alfred grineberg and uh word has it Dave rumor has it around the pits when speaking to some of these Wild Card drivers yesterday when we arrived that he is an up-and-coming Swedish drift Superstar this young man apparently has a whole ton of talent he has a skill he has what it takes and he's now proving that here this weekend drift Masters big opposite Frank but open as he finds that car in now can he hold it together turbo VA underneath the Bonnet of this Nissan 206 very nice line but he doesn't get that right wire to the edge of the circuit you can see that car trying to shallow up fighting it as he winds the grip in now turns it on angle flicks the car once again across the circuit goes Wheels over that white like that white lines the note in the edge of the circuit judges be pulling back some of those points slows it down for that final outside Zone looks for the wall across the line the nice shot down from the young Swedish Superstar yeah look you're gonna look along figures of this championship and see these cars are seven eight 600 horsepower tons of power but what the interesting part about it is that you need all of it on this circuit because you're trying to spend sticky tires that are trying to grip the car up at over 100 miles an hour and that's where you can see as you push through here put a little bit too much angle on there and it actually cost them that next hour Zone and again it's happened so quickly because you think you're on the right line but all of a sudden when you get to the wrong line very hard on other slower courses you can handbrake you can adjust here once you're out of the zone you kind of can't do anything except just continue you can see I'm missing that zone pretty badly on the outside there but look from my perspective right now what I do like about this is we're seeing showcasing new Talent from around Europe every time we stop somewhere we take a couple of Local Heroes to the track and you never know we will see these guys maybe in drift Masters in a year or so down the line and it's a nice little teaser or taster of their ability and their talent but with the boys that are on this screen you gotta turn up with your A-game because there is no way they're going to have any Mercy for you no matter how young you are how up and coming you are they were out up and coming they're already there so they're going to be you know trying to put as best a score they can it is tough for a wild card to step up a level because the drift Masters European Championship is the best champions from Europe and you're jumping a big step up from your national series to this so sometimes it can be tough but a 58 on the board for Alfred greinberg and puts him into second position right now but again you know he'll be he'll know in the car I've missed a couple of zones I can improve on that love this next car we've got Dennis highbaum he's a very experienced driver from Finland at 870 horsepower in a Honda S2000 which we don't see very often he's had the chassis for a very long time he's figured a lot of The Kinks but these are a tough little car to drive but especially when you put you know this car probably came standard what 240 horsepower now he's got four times that in this car and it's all lightened up so this is going to be crazy to see how he gets on with this one there certainly is yeah full carbon by the body Honda S2000 2JZ underneath the Bonnet uh six cylinder turbo Power I think he's producing around 900 horsepower and Dennis as Dave just said a former European driver so no stranger to the ropes fires on lots of angle there and you can see how much that affected that line into the outside Zone and Dennis said he wanted to return to European drifting love the way the drift Masters European Championship is coming together and working and he wanted to be a part of it here before he tries luck as a world car driver but he's going to need to do better than that Dave to get himself in that show tomorrow yeah you can pour on all the angle you want on the second half of the course but on the first half of the course you can't it loses your speed the more angle you're on the less speed you're creating and as he snapped to angle in the middle of that course you can see he lost all his momentum first Corner absolutely perfectly went through everything as you would expect and from my perspective right now that snap it just was all over from there as you see coming through that inside Zone gets to that outer zone and as he transitions back boom loses all his momentum ends up on the inside of the circuit big long handbrake drag look and even make the next corner and he'll know straight away that's not the natural line that's going to hurt him in the score and then in the last corner just missing that outer zone a little bit as well so work to do for Dennis Hollywood one of those guys who can produce you know a mid 50s run and then a mid 90s run into one qualifying session so don't count them out just yet no certainly not so we watch the replay back of this as the rest of that run done we wait for the score to drop in from our judges [Music] so there we go our slimo shots from the center of the circuit score drops in 49 for Dennis hagbon and uh he will want to improve on that as we move through qualifying on his second qualifying run comes up later on today up next on the line an incredible build an incredible car and a very friendly young man Victor vetmark sits on the line in Dave what I described yesterday as a street style car that meets Pro competition battle machine big fan big fan I love it it just came out of two suitcases for the style of this man I love it but not even that underneath the Bonnet BMW M3 six-cylinder engine dry sumped with a Turbocharger revs to 9000 RPM makes 800 wheel horsepower and vet Mark says I'm here this weekend to show what I can do as a Pro driver very nice line so far look at this oh just to say that didn't get right to the edge of the circuit now kicks the clutch on the handbrake a little early for that outside detail Zone comes down over that little Hill flicks it across the circuit lovely line into the outside time though is now fit Mark uses the car to slow on angle back on angle he goes on the throttle Full Throttle Unleashed as he gets to the ward across the line tidy but needs a little bit more yeah I mean again another driver did a good job it's a very tough track yeah I spoke to a lot of drivers around the pits earlier on they were saying every run is a challenge yeah there's no settling in and just getting around you feel like every moment every little input you put in the car affects somewhere else down the line and as you can see he's missing a couple of those other zones he comes early he has to hand break out it's fine he's getting those zones but it's not perfect it's not the way we want uh drivers you know if you're going to try and score on 90 Plus on the circuit you're gonna need to push a little harder than that and you're going to be a little bit more risky you gotta you gotta almost get to the edge of the circuit and feel like I thought I was going into the gravel but I actually turned out to do a good run and I think that's where some of the the best guys in the championship are saying if you're uncomfortable you're doing the right thing yeah if you're comfortable you're probably not scoring very high and that shows how knife edge this Championship is it certainly is and it just shows how much we push these drivers as drivers to be the best that they can be on these circuits a 61 drops in for Victor venmark and uh he'll be happy without his first qualifying run a nice one to get in the bag you know possibly a low 32 score as we move forward thanks well there we go pick statement loves drifting drifting [Music] machine into the first Corner as he goes machine from Kuwait this weekend as he goes through into nice job so far getting those outer zones that's not he's gonna just let the car float not too much handbrake did a good job a little bit of left foot breaking very controlled run Ali A Very established driver in the Middle East plenty of trophies To His Name Across the entire Middle East now he's in Europe mixing it up oh what a big mistake and an uncharacteristic mistake because to be honest he had the hard work done he did have all the hard work done Dave he came into the outside Zone I thought this is an absolute screamer of a run I can't believe it all went wrong for him right at the very end let's have a look back at the replay lovely initiation gets on it um a handbrake initiation was going to score uh down on points not what the judges want to say but look at this right to the edge of the circuit transitioned right on point and you can see the way he washed the car out to the outside Zone didn't even slow down whatsoever stayed on throttle through come over that hill on full throw once again right to the edge of the circuit absolutely clinical from Ali Maxine as he now puts it into the outside Zone and Spins and so uncharacteristic and I'm not sure it looks like he just went too heavy on the throttle maybe just trying to put a smoke show on as he went through the last section of the course but it's going to be a zero on the board for the Kuwaiti driver and and Alice I mean I was just about to say how consistent and steady a driver is it's a very uncharacteristic mistake and you know he's suffering for it now he's got a big stressful uh Second Run ahead he certainly has well we move it back to the line where we see Victor inosu one of those part one half of the Swedish drift Brothers yeah he's good you know what the next Swedish Champion uh plenty of top level trophies in this region struggled a little bit and is in his drift Masters campaign but he said he's got a little bit of a 45 horsepower with a turbo s54 if I'm not mistaken correct yeah and uh yeah he's gonna have to put a big run in here so far so good for Victor yonsoo gets that inside Zone pushes to the edge of the track flirting with the dirt but he doesn't put it in it and as he transitions back he's gone right to the edge this is a good run so far nice and fluid he's dropping a couple of wheels off the circuit a little early on the transition there you have to extend it a little bit on the handbrake but so far doing exactly what the judges more or less want to see and they just gotta put that right up to the wall here at the an excellent run from Victor yonsu and it goes to show you know he steady himself a little bit in the off season and you know done a little bit more practice got a little bit more C time a lot of people think you know these guys get a ton of time to practice they don't because it's obviously so incredibly expensive and taxing on these machines to do drifting anymore but they just show up to the event and that's really their practice Victor taking a step back from the full season to now concentrate on certain rounds looks like it's played into his hands there yeah that's the conversation I have with these guys the other night I took a trip down to the paddock had a look around the cars and they said we've not done any composition driving this year we completely pulled back on our program and we focused on just training they said we are out nearly every single week in these cars training every single day you know just getting that seat time learning these cars changing the setups you know there's two identical cars so they're swapping setup ideas they're changing things they're working things out what work for each other and I think they've really come down to it now and that run from Victor you know so it was just incredible and just goes to show that having the seat time getting that practice how much it helps for sure and I think I mean you've got to remember this is the golf you know you know it costs you nothing to go to a putting green and practice for a couple of hours look some people that argue with it they've uh it's it's definitely not like that I think the thing I'm trying to say is that like you can practice all day at a you know an athletic sport yeah it's only costing you your time and energy but this you've got tires you've got fuel there's you know it's a big expense we move on to our next driver and it is going to be Tony ever said from Sweden 36 years of age um he's got a very uh I would say interesting build here because he's got akara with the correct engine in it which is the Supra Mark 4 where's the 2JZ we very rarely see the Supra used before we see the engine every you know a couple of seconds but here we are 2JZ sequential gearbox comes in very wide initiation from Tony Alfred at the moment as he goes why he does get the inside clip quite nicely good to see a mark IV super right there training as he transitions back super clean car oh just coming a little bit early there could I let the car wash a little bit more as it fires through the more technical part and start to listen to the options are not moving at any great Pace there and which is actually helping him to make the car look very smooth to that section not a bad lap whatsoever smashes into the wall across the finish line and Tony advers said from Sweden doing a good job probably the strongest run from the swedes maybe so far yeah I'd say um that was a very strong run and he was a very nervous young man we spoke to him yesterday um behind the scenes he said um he wasn't feeling super confident out there this is probably one of the fastest tracks he's ever driven at and that he was good enough to adjust to build himself up to it but to be fair he's done a very Stellar job getting around there this was for me one of the only points he came up a little bit early you can see just dropped a wheel right on the edge of that white line did make it happen though and uh connected the dots on the rest of the circuit washed away from this outside Zone maybe a little bit early as well but nevertheless finished up the run on the wall on Full Throttle very very tidy and he'll be feeling confident after that one yeah definitely the best wall run we've seen so far yeah and I mean probably the most expensive chassis on the grid yeah he's no fear of going to that wall he just said you know what for the little exclamation mark absolutely it comes off it and uh gives it a nice clean clean zombies all that rubber Off the Wall nice and fresh and I love this thing it's good to see different chassis being used and it's amazing how we're now on the grid 62 on the board for Tony Alfred said from Sweden I'm saying we now have the mark IV Supra and the mark 5 super on the grid which is quite interesting I don't think we often see that no we don't very rarely do we see that and we really rarely see one of these I just looked at the notes and was like well we're talking about Rarities I see carbon cover of Volvos with 900 horsepower all the time I don't know yeah a seven four five wagon this is if you are not familiar with Volvo's chassis well we're in Sweden so why not have a Swedish car this is Kevin brunberg um the Swedish driver Volvo T6 engine underneath the Bonnet six cylinder 2.8 liter turbo 900 horsepower carbon Kevlar Volvo does it make sense it doesn't have to make sense but he makes it work and look at this now as Kevin runberg gets his car absolutely dialed around the circuit down into the outside Zone on four foot fires the car across the circuit this looks almost ludicrous right now going around but he's making it work and it works so well such a well-engineered piece of Kit he's got very wide though takes the cones down heading to the wall he's almost sacrificed a back end but pulled it back together two things I noticed from uh from that front was number one the carbon Kevlar body work on the car is so light in this track so fast it's actually bending the Bodywork with the with the wind speed you'll see this on the front of the car but also the second thing I've noticed is he's probably the only driver on this grid with a live axle in the car which is an old style you know non-independent rear suspension so interesting watch the front bumper as he transitions he starts picking up speed and the bumper says I can't hold on it's designed for this but he makes it work and again I like to see people doing something different it's always fun with drifting because unlike so many more Motorsports where it's a really small box that you've got to work with in terms of chassis and design you've got that level of personal freedom to build your own machine so you build with a Volvo engine and you make it work you know it's hats off from us here in the tower it certainly is that's all for us and we're big fans of Oddball cars with Oddball engines uh we're waiting for the score to come in you can see this as he heads towards the wall hold on to the roll cage Dave I will be two in that thing the zero on the ball for Kevin brumberg um I'm going to assume that was well they looked to be fair on the replay like the front wheel was over the white line as well so it will be three wheels off circuit unfortunate and that's the thing I mean you wonder why are we doing qualifying well if you're new to the sport the reason we do this single run is to see the lead drivers for next for tomorrow so who is the best lead driver is what we're trying to decide here that you can chase it could you chase that run probably not he's off the circuit the Chase car would have nowhere to go so that's what the judges are looking for we've got some very Speedy individuals out there replacing the cones and those cones they're gonna have a hard weekend of it I feel move on to our next driver from Hungary it's norbert's damage 27 years of age comes the runner-up in the Hungarian championship in 2018 2020 and 21. uh 2JZ 800 horsepower the drift Masters I remember a long time ago in Poland he took out Jack Shannon in the top 16. so is he uh ready for the fight this weekend let's hope he is he looks like he's gonna but he doesn't go super wide around initiation now gets full crack to the floor looks for that inside zones fulfills it looks way wide on the outside gets right to the edge of the circuit nice line so far from damage as he comes down moved over the ham rate to slow those rear wheels down settle the cars and transitions over that little Crest into the outside damaged on an absolute flyer right now enormous damage to Hungarian looks to put it back in and all a little big wobble actually as he wobbles and waves in an outside Zone across the line and I wondered if he went for a gear shift there day he's just about to say the same thing looked to me like he went on a gear shift and to be honest he really kind of sacrificed the first corner to get the first outer zone but barely touches it very little angle but he uses the momentum to get the next two Arizona so he sacrificed one of the three we haven't watched someone complete all three perfectly just yet and he was doing pretty good throughout this course a nice foodie I like the the little left foot uh breaking here on handbrake watch just lock the car up very clever but as he comes through here maybe he's deselling he's done his decent layer he's going for a gear or something here and the car just isn't reacting to it so he's going to lose points for that yeah certainly he's gonna lose points for that and you can see oh he drops all the way out of the outside Zone then re-enters it before that white line which I know it's the end of the scoring so judge is going to be pulling some points back he looked like he was on a on a really good run as well there Dave he was he was set to put some good scores on The Bold potential potential there but two little moments for me the initiation and of course that mistake at the end drops that score down to a 58 putting him in fifth position for the Hungarian driver we will move back to the star line with a man sitting there down the order didn't make it to round one as far as I'm aware it is uh Zachary Marco Zachary from the Czech Republic this is a beautiful build one of the fastest cars on the grid 900 horsepower M2 f52 lots of twos but he wants to be number one today and Marco zacharo uh when he wants to be can be a top qualifier here so he is sitting I would say uncharacteristically low in the standings right now but he was looking good in practice let's see if he can turn that into a phenomenal qualifying run as he does collect those first two zones and the third this is nice doesn't get too Snappy on the transition big handbrake Drive barely making that outer zone but he does get through it this is the part that gets really technical drivers have to be very careful early and late there he's making it work and then this is the chorus seems to be causing a lot of issues I think it may be that absolute uh huge layer of rubber there at the last corner it's almost making it slippery than you think because you gotta remember that's the most sort of on throttle part of the track where you're kind of sitting slowly on a lot of power you're laying down tons of rubber and that rubber you know a little glisten of the sun can either be grippy or it can be quite slippy it looks to me like it's getting slippier down there you gotta remember this track isn't a drift track there is a natural rubber laid down here anyway this is like the second drift event ever held here so there isn't that natural level of you know line that we see from other circuits where drifting happens quite a lot you get you know that uh that sort of stickier area of the track look at that outside corner there looks a little slippy as he transitions back here Mark rosacral doing a good job though get set at AutoZone early he's very planted here which is what the judges want to see puts on the angle has a little look up at the wall gets the job done that's solid from Zack roll there yeah I've already told everyone there for zacharoo and uh apart from those little wobbles and some of those outside zones he was set for a good score yeah didn't make it to round one Marco sakuru um not sure if you had problems with the car or he had a travel issue potentially but Marco's Acura BMW V8 underneath the Bonnet this uh F-22 BMW 900 horsepower 74 on the ball for Marco Zachary we'll be happy with that one a returning driver to the drift Masters European championship to the start line to Christian Samir I'm not sure what this Teletubby has done to deserve this well he's going to go for a while you can't even see where he's going he's looking back so this is a crazy car I love this this is Christian samre from Estonia he's a very experienced driver this is a small BMW with a big old NASCAR Dodge V8 in an 800 horsepower and it was very funny earlier on like oh a little bit of a wobble on Entry there this was very fast around the circuit in practice but missing those outer zones at the moment you can see lock in that front brakes she's missed the first three zones and he's very wide here he's in trouble he's wide he's Wild behind it sounds amazing but he's taken a very unusual line around this circuit right now is Christian a big locker but it's a late lock up in the wrong direction this one just didn't work out the way he planned a little bit uh a little bit sketchy it's probably the right word for that looks a little out of control the first corner it didn't get the flow right and it's a real track where if you don't get those first three zones right it's very difficult to repair that throughout the course and you can see he's having a little bit of wobbling a bit of straightening as well you know you see the car straighten up but it's not an angle at all is it four wheels off to me it is four wheels off which would mean a zero for uh Christian samre from Estonia and of course we are your humble Layman advisors here we are not the technical gurus that the judges are but we can see with our own eyes that he was outside the track with four wheels which would to me indicate a zero yeah yeah I agree with that Dave and uh for me it all came down to the initiation he initiated um too soon didn't make that inside Zone properly it kind of didn't go under the like the front half of the car and then from then on in it was just mistake after mistake and this one was a big one I think that could be the now in the coffin for the run and uh Christian will have to go back to the pits sorry I was just trying to take into effect there that someone put the engine from a NASCAR it'll be a small little BMW which I will always respect he's got a beautiful race suit as well very formal very formal for us for the occasion but unfortunately all those traxxedos I think is the name for those he's ready he's ready for the podium the track and the party afterwards well here we go here's the story it's a Saturday on the line now the uh israelian driver broke the differential in this car earlier on today and said that's it I'm done I'm out twist of fate keskey coffee broke the engine in his car and said well why don't you take my differential go out and qualify saying of guys and here we go the young Superstar from Israel now makes his way out of the circuit nice initiation starts to lay down that line look at that the front wheels through that inside Zone and he's a little shallow on the outside zone now needs to make it work down you can see him on the ham rate way too early not what the judges wanted to see back on throttle he goes over the crest down the hill in to the outside tone a few wobbles and waivers you'll be feeling nervous he'll just want to put a clean run in on the circuit to get some points in the bag in the outside Zone up until the wall he goes and across the line for ite Sade I'm just going to give you a little inside information here that may or may not be correct but what I'm seeing from Amazon 2 is you want to be Full Throttle right so you have to be Full Throttle but if you're full throttle and you're spinning too much wheel you're not getting that forward momentum so watch he's on Full Throttle but he's not pushing to the edge of the circuit and he's realizing very quickly that if he comes off the throttle he probably probably push wider then the tires have so much grip that he could straighten up so you're stuck in this knife edge battle between too much wheel speed which doesn't give you the momentum and then too much grip puts you straighten up and you can see that he had again for him specifically he had too much wheel speed tons of smoke coming out but the car is not moving to the edge of the circuit if he comes off the throttle it's dangerous game because the car starts to straighten up I think that's going to be a real tale of the tape for that particular part of the track for the rest of the weekend because what risk do you take do you go for full momentum and you barely you know spin the wheels and you get the right line but the car could grip up and fire you off the circuit or do you just put the foot to the floor tons of smoke but you might not be able to control your direction so a 54 on the board for I tasted that from Israel amazing to see you know Israelis kuwaitis on the European grid unbelievable unbelievable and then we go from there to a finish driver but not just any finished driver is of course the current and reigning WRC world champion Calais Roven Pera sits on the line in a full carbon fiber 2020 Toyota Supra yeah with a 1990s 2JZ underneath incredible the amazing thing about Cali is he's coming off a win in Japan he's now trying to prove himself here at the highest level European drifting look at the confidence on that first car fires into that first Corner full foot to the floor you can see adjusting on the front brake because he wants to get that out of his own and he does this is excellent so far with a big Snappy transition I don't think that's going to work for over para here as we saw Dennis Hagler make a similar mistake earlier that is not the way to do this car so you don't want to snap at that point and you've got the talent he's got the Machinery but he was just a little aggressive there on his angle and again making a little error into that last Corner going to show that even the most talented rally driver in the world struggling with the level of speed and grip that's on this circuit and I closed the show that mere mortal is like us how we would struck her on a course like this but Cali Roman Pera amazing to have him here I mean you know we were in the the local accommodation here we heard the helicopter land this morning and of course he is a proper professional race driver and he arrives in with his team he's got an amazing setup but what he said himself he's a drift experience is still new it's still fresh he's still trying to learn this trade and it's quite different than rallying in many ways and online you know his racing line and rallying but in drifting it's obviously this is an unnatural line so trying to adjust to that you can see the mistake is right here as he snaps back boom way too much anger loses his momentum and now has to just go on the handbrake to drag that card in missing that out of his own and it goes to show everybody can make that mistake here because if those first three zones and I keep saying it don't work out for you and you put too much snap on that transition no matter who you are or what you've won it's going to be almost physically impossible to figure it out and he has a little bit of a wheel drop there at the end comes out of the Zone it was a little bit too Snappy there as well so lessons learned from Rome repair in my opinion and I think we're going to see a much stronger second run from him but uh he was looking very solid in practice he's an exceptional talent and it's just so humbling to have the WRC champion on the grid as we just mentioned You've Got You know open Commerce from Israel you've got established winners from Kuwait and now you go straight to you know a Finnish World Rally champion all in just the start of qualifying this Championship growing Leaps and Bounds and we're just so humbled to be part of it but unfortunately for Cali Rover Pera he puts a zero on the board he goes off the circuit I'm gonna say for me it was the outsides on the final outside zone two wheels over once again you're leading that chase car off the track for me though I kind of think you've got to give him some Grace he's gone from a rally car to a drift car in Japan that was a Toyota Corolla to now a Supra in the space of two weeks you can barely drive the rental car today I struggle with the rental car when I get out of the airport but here we go next driver off the line will be Tobias pushan from Poland he is the 2022 IDF drift open champion power in this BMW e92 and Tobias not having the best surrounds at the first round in McDonald's he's going a little wide here he sacrificed the inner Zone and looking a bit better though you can see that you're starting to figure it out if you're watching at home or you're watching in the stands that you've got to be on that perfect line in this circuit he was not on that perfect line missing those zones those white boxes on the ground we want to see the front wheels or the rear wheels pass through those smoothly and he did not he misses from those zones does get around the circuit no major errors it will be a score on the board but for Tobias again it's that line and I can you know our head Judge Kevin O'Connell I can hear him in my mind not in reality because we don't communicate with the judges but I can hear my mind all about this line if you get that line perfect it's easy to chase you and the track is actually easier to navigate if you're on the correct line yes you go off that line you're making mistakes your arrows who jump in so as you can see from Tobias here as he transitions back he's this is actually a really nice neat part of the course does miss that Arizona watch this completely misses the inner Zone which leaves this next Zone he's coming too late and then he's got a transition too early so he misses another zone so as you can see the line may look go natural on the track but if you see a very top level 90 plus run it actually looks super fluid and smooth if you see a driver not looking super fluid and smooth you know he's missed some zones and he's making errors yeah 100 yeah you know they're working to make it get to those outside zones and get it on that qualifying line where if they are on their qualifying line like Dave says it just flows a 49 there for Tobias push in and uh he will know he will need to do more than that as we move forward now up next again another strange vehicle something completely different to what we're used to because this one's powered by Diesel Dave obviously obviously patola from Finland in this crazy Mercedes-Benz uh now he's at the top level and this thing goes a nice mix of white smoke from the back Blacksburg from the front and every time it comes off right it looks crazy but you can do that first corner it is a Mercedes wagon and doing a good job so far of getting to that other Zone you can see here even doing a nice job at the center section of the course a little extension on the handbrake does make it work this is nice tidy through the center section of the course would be very comfortable getting all those outer zones we haven't watched someone to be this comfortable in a couple of runs and you can see Timo diesel or petrol it doesn't matter it's all about the the squishy bit behind the wheel and that bit is working perfectly great run from Timo and the crowd making a lot of noise for him here they love this car oh I know I love this car I've been watching and following this guy for a very long time on social media he's been working away at these diesel engines trying to get that formula right and finally this year it looks like he's all come down and it all works perfectly from the initiation all the way through from this inner Zone just timed perfectly look at the way the front wheels pick obviously comes through banned perfectly online and he pushes it all the way out to the white line in the outside zones I'm gonna say Dave that is a very very nice run for a car that most people would look at and say there is no way you're making it round there in that yeah I think one of the only drivers that's it was the same fuel in the tool rig and his uh drift car out the way cheap to do an event in though I feel like there's this it's probably pretty expensive to make a diesel be that responsive because you know diesels have a very low rev range and they've had to do a lot of work to make to make this work and it's an awkward way of trying to make something work but I love when someone sticks to the plan they develop it and it goes to show that you can be very inventive very creative with the sport and uh for Teemo right now I mean you should check out black smoke racing these guys are crazy they do a lot of fun stuff but an 84. on the board for T-Mobile Tola into first position he goes and to be honest I think if he parked it and saved himself some diesel he'd probably have enough of a score on that to not do the second run so amazing stuff big story though on the line right now is Max Miller he hasn't done one practice run this weekend he blew the engine before he even got to the star line of his first practice session they've put another 1 thousand horsepower engine in the car they've spent the last hour tuning the car he has done not one lap of this circuit this gets big pressure stuff for maximum and he is going to be really trying to do a good job here but he has no reference point no he certainly has no reference points but he's going to go for it Dave because he knows he's come all this way from the Ukraine here to Sweden to throw down with the best of the best and he just about holds on to it you can see the way the car washed across the circuit side skirt flapping where he's putting so much Pace down barely breaks for that inside Zone just about catches a wheel on it goes super wide now on the outside Zone will right to the edge of the track looks for the transition back the final outside Zone up and coming more his wheels over was it two was it one across the line he goes and you know what shout out to Max Miller and his crew the Ukrainian driver and team what an absolute Stiller a few hours they've just started to get that car back running again I mean if you think how quick is it to Philip 1000 horsepower engine they've proven an hour and a half an hour and a half shooting it and fit it and put her on on the board and a run that isn't that dissimilar to some of the guys do it all out of practice you've got to give it to Max Miller for stepping up taking the risk and he went for it he didn't go for a soft run I don't think on this track there is one because you got to be so fast throughout the the center section but uh he misses some zones he drops some Wheels but boy you got to give him credit just to go out there and he's figuring it out as he goes yeah no he certainly is he's learning every single that second of that round because there was no other practice runs and Max Miller and her team have done a very very good job but the thing is he's got one practice run now which is just look back at those Wheels over David and I'm thinking yeah look the judges are being so so particular on those out on that outside zone eight that you can't afford to drop a wheel there will be a zero for Max Miller on that outside zone two wheels off the circuit and that is the zero and yeah that's as harsh it is after all that work but he's got one more chance we'll move back to the start line see your next driver lining up with Alexander kosov from the Ukraine 34 years of age um drift Champion 850 horsepower as you do in a mid 90s Nissan 2JZ powered nice flick on Entry we haven't seen much of Alexander cap so it's interesting see he will adapt to the circuits or a little bit understeer to that first corner there as he loses the front end a little bit it's very easy to do when you've subscribe so he's off the circuit it's two wheels off the circuit he's probably gonna be sitting in the zeros and now he definitely is in the zeros as he takes a huge amount of dirt under the back end of that car I mean it might need a little cleanup on R9 there as he brings a lot of dust and dirt into the circuit uh after the first detail Zone and a lot of drivers dropping Wheels in there and we're you know amazing facilities here at the drive Center Arena okay we're gonna hopefully not see uh Johnny Scoops which we had last year which is which is the people watching Dave have not long joined on to the drift Masters European Championship the wonder what Johnny Scoops is you haven't seen Johnny Scoops there but stay tuned because unfortunately unfortunately he is going to feature and he is one of the recovery vehicles that they use here but a very unconventional one which uh Ian and I have uh named Johnny you named him I did you named him I think we're gonna see his bigger brother in a minute which is Johnny sweeps Johnny sweeps and Johnny Scoops are gonna be out there keeping things absolutely perfect for the whole weekend but you can see he's got too much dirt in the tires here Alexander as he goes through he's got no grip he's got no grip when he takes you know I've seen people go to their local hardware store and not take as much gravel back as he did from that second outside Zone but I'll tell you one thing um it goes goes to show how quickly it can go wrong but let me tell you something though that I wonder if it's happened the tracks may be a little bit of evolution in the break we had between the end of practice and qualifying because all of the clouds that are in the sky around the track have gone and I wonder if the track temperature is slightly raised I think what's happening is it's getting grippier yeah which is making that first Corner making carry more speed into these outside zones of that diesel I think they're pushing harder on the first corner to get out of the Zone picking up more speed than they were in practice yep and then when it comes to the detail they're like oh I can't slow down way too fast yeah um so I think that's what's happened and again you know each of the spotters for each of these drivers and we call them spotters because they are spotting the mistakes of other drivers for their driver like an outside of what they're supposed to do and they'll be communicating back to the guys in the grid telling them what's going on in the circuit saying hey looks like there's a bit more grip out there hey don't go too heavy on that second Corner people are going off there that last Corner everybody's dropping wheels don't do it you'll get a zero and that's where we learn as we go through the circuit and uh a little bit of a cleanup going on right now on the circuit and we'll go back to see where we're at with you know we've seen a couple of qualifying let's have qualifier so far is uh this incredible diesel BMW of Teemo platola and this is as good as it gets well we've got improved for improvements in 84 but as good as it gets so far as Teemo does collect all of the zones keeps it smooth uh it could be a little deeper in some but does collect most of the you know the Mario coins that the judges are looking for I mean just for his perspective of speed there the Drone was tailing him and the car was pulling away from the Drone faster than a drone a diesel car that's faster than a race drone you're seeing it all here and we haven't even got halfway through qualifying yet as Timo does a great job here of getting at this car into all those other zones and this seems to be the big you know it seems like such a simple Corner after all your 100 you know 80 kilometer an hour Corners at the start you get to the slow one at the end but it's actually causing the most difficulty for everybody because the Big D cell switching the direction of the car and then it seems to be slippy down there I think that may be because that you imagine on the circuit the inside sideline is the racing line the outside line is almost the dirty line there so used unused until you know yesterday or today um so that's probably why there's not a lot of grip out there there will be as the event goes on but right now you can see some drivers struggle but look at this he's just cut pieces in the Bonnet out to just put bits and things and two turbos yeah big old truck turbos on there oh there he is Johnny sweeps his back out and in action this is uh one of two incredible machines they have here and you know as fascinating as the cars are sometimes we find the uh the machine the Machinery as fast thanks so this is a really good machine for moving all that gravel off the circuit and then uh hopefully we don't see Johnny Scoops because he's the one that removes the cars from the circuit and we obviously have to have a misfortune for that to happen but it is quite a unique thing and uh we'll show you uh probably later on what we're talking about but stay tuned for that and we got a man uh warming some tires in the car it's just a hatchback I'm sure it has very little power here no you have no power we don't know too much about this now so this behind the wheel of the car anyway way is Mika kesky copy I mentioned earlier he had an engine failure in that green f-31 BMW touring the at a spark plug if you looked on his social media he just said put a photo of the spark plug saying we're out but social media is a powerful tool because someone contacted him and said hey I'll bring my car to the track right now you can use it for drift Masters hey I'll take it take it out another BMW probably another thousand horsepower as I said we don't know too much about it we'll try and get some more info as the day goes on well for Life Mika got me he thought his weekend was over though it's quite a short wheelbase compared to his current car and he's missing some zones here it's nice to get back on track but it's uh you're in the mix with the the best of the business it's not a place to be learning how to drive a new car and it looks like he's getting around there but he's not getting around with the right amount of angle and he's getting a couple of wobbles on the front end as well is it probably a totally the old and it's not an issue I think that was evident from the firstborn was definitely some issues with this and unfortunately even after breaking an engine getting a borrowed car which was delivered directly from someone's house to the Circuit uh he has to put a score on the board yet so um but again very difficult to jump in I mean we find it when you get a rental car from the airport it takes you a couple of a couple of girls to know why do I turn it on or what is that why does it you got to do this at you know plus 100 miles an hour um and as you can see he's he looks I think it was smoke come and see what was going on because of the Smoke on the transitions the whole car was full of smoke really so I think he lost where he was because that on board just showed you there the whole car was full of smoke there wasn't you couldn't look there's couldn't see at some points where he was going look boom yeah obviously doesn't help and there's no muscle memory in this car remember like when you get in your own car you know exactly where the ignition is the radio the heaters everything he's put his hands up in the air he's like I can't see where anything is this is all new to him so he's trying to work out where the handbrake is where the shifter is how close the steering wheel is where I'm sitting and I think that maybe was a problem for me because he hoppy yeah zero on the board for his first run now back on the grid we've got a man that's uh not only used to qualifying high but used to finishing High podiums all over Europe David karkoshik into this 777 very accurate I always believe the numbers that's a very accurate number of a 2JZ S15 and he is a very experienced driver look at the aggression on the gear changes it comes to that first Corner yeah look at that messing around I asked David karkoshik now fires this pink S15 right to the edge of the circuit tires holding on for dear life on the transition but he makes it work he's on the handbrake early though down into the outside zone now back on the throttle looks for the transition as he gets in to the outside so he'll grips up here you can see the car not reacting not washing through these zones as you'd like it to you need to keep it clean now not drop Wheels over the circuit looks for the wall across the line kakashik with a run in the bag yeah good run in the bag and um love the the carbon fiber interior I love these onboard cameras you get to see another whole perspective of drifting from the driver's seat air with thanks to Red Bull TV and as they come through the first corner there you can see the car a ton of grip dialed in the car does not wash when he Transitions and almost wants to straighten up on him he's fighting through that the whole time and you know very cool and calm customer though behind the wheel he adapts to everything and you can see the g-forces on the drivers as they go through that course that's the sign of gravity and it's a tough car to drive when it's so gripped up but I mean he's doing that because obviously a lot of the the top competitors have so much speed now and you know you need all that power to overpower the grip that you're diving into these cars as I always say to people you got the power of a drag car but you got the grip of a dry car as well so you're trying to drive a car that technically doesn't want to drift it's hard to explain but you're setting the car up for so much forward momentum and forward bite on the tires so you're making it harder and worse to drift to be fast so you're battling through that which is amazing uh how the evolution of drifting has come so far that you're making the car almost hard to drive but if you think of any high level Motorsport none of those cars are easy to drive no certainly not easy to drive and these guys want to want as much grip and as much drive forward to try and drive away from their opponent as they can and in turn that makes the car difficult to position the difficult to wash in these outside zones are 64 on the ball for karkoshik and uh he'll be happy with that one for the moment still a lot of points on the ball he'll be happy with so many people scoring a zero yeah because a score at the moment seems to be pretty good so uh you can say oh yeah I think there's a problem with the car because he was playing with the kill switch there was a red switch on the dash you could see him messing with that as he came back around and he has had a few issues earlier on Mikhail Johansson now another Swedish driver makes his way up into the line uh qualified round one and I must say have been absolutely flying here around two the local guy knows this track what could he do he qualifying circuit shallow that one outside Zone one now full fall as Johansson starts to work his way into it good line through inside Zone one and outside zone two very tidy from your handset as he comes down right to the edge of the circuit dials on the angle ah but he's throwing him off that inside Zone and that put him off the transition now all of these zones start falling apart he needs to work hard to get back into the outside zone eight on a good line he can right to the edge of the circuit on the wall across the line oh your handsome was so close Dave he did the hard Parts really good really well really good when it came to the settling the car he sort of he got a little bit unsettled as you said he came in late on the handbrake for me just to make it work through that other Zone but he got it done and as he's coming through here I'm going this is a nice sign this is all working out very well for Johansson as he goes right to the edge of the circuit but as he transitions back he just left the car wash too it couldn't so he's coming in too fast he's on the handbrake and he gets off for too early now watch the front of the car move past the other zone now he's like oh I'm going way too fast for this zone I'm going to Transitions too early he's now too early out of this Zone and that's what's bleeding those points does a good job of getting back on it for the last Corner gets you know a score on the board but it goes to show unless you get it right you always get it wrong yeah I know it seems obvious but you can't just you know instantaneously come back online and figure it all out and have one little error on the track it seems like one error multiplies into three or four and that hurts your score it certainly does a score and it looked like he was on an absolute flyer and a really nice guy as Miko Hansen and he'll be kicking himself when he goes back and watches the replay a lot of these guys be watching the live stream as it happens there we go 75 on the board for the Swedish driver he looks happy in the photo probably in the car no no probably uh throwing stuff around and you know well yeah you know just your sets this is not an American car this is a Japanese car with an American front and it is going to be our next driver up on the grid It's Magic yarkovic from Poland so it is a American front and a Japanese car with a Japanese engine it's 2JZ 800 horsepower and uh he's been struggling to perform a little bit at Round One in Mandela but I think yeah he's enjoying the speed of this track we're able to drive about a very aggressive initiation from the arkovic as he comes through that first Corner very very good style uh just missing that this is going to hurt him he's going to get too early here and transition too early which will make it difficult to get down to this other Zone but does a good job gets through it missing the inner Zone as well as you can see just holding on a little bit at the moment a little bit straight in there as he drops the wheel over the edge of the circuit and he's got a slow that car right down now at this last Corner does a good job of that gets the Air Zone some moment to breathe some sketchy moments as well not the perfect run but not a bad one when you consider how many zeros are going in as well yeah so be so Dave and for me I want to go right back to the initiation car super gripped up watch the way it reacts when it gets off the handbrake the car almost Dives across the circuit he has to correct it on the steering wheel and from then on out he's playing catch up because he's on the wrong line he isn't where he wants to be in that upsets that line between uh one two and three and then he he kind of gains it back here it's easy to adjust the car on the handbrake as soon as he gets off the handbrake it all starts to fall apart again because the car doesn't want to go where he wants it to go now this is the game we've talked a lot of drivers and you know you want your car super gripped up and super fast so you can be good in battle but in qualifying you're not battling another driver you want to be good on the line but the car seems to stay gripped off which is an interesting tactic that you're fast but also You've Got No Room from you know error because you know wash in the car well even if they're washes when you come off the throttle on a hamburger the car will just float you know whereas now it's so gripped up all they want to do is go forward and they don't want to go sideways which is why you see some of these guys making very big errands these are very good drivers so you you see a driver like a York was making a mistake like that from 55 on the board in 11th position so far you know that he's made the car hard to drive because if it was super loose and if no very little grip he wouldn't have those issues so it's an interesting game that they play of do we keep it consistently gripped up for the whole weekend or do I sacrifice that for qualifying next driver on the line is Alex holovnia from the Ukraine Alex did a good jump over and back with a lot of different machines at the moment all across the world you know would make it a big splash on the world see the drifting it's a beautiful machine 800 horsepower M2 fully carbon Kevlar I did a good job so far as he comes through the end zone this is nice and calculated from lovely right now looking very smooth not too much of a risk here a little a little shy in that Arizona a little shy in that inner zone is put a bit too much angle in there as well he's got away with it but it's not the line the dealers are looking for us loving our transitions back to that Arizona can you get those two it was over one but he keeps his one on the tarmac and across the line he goes again everyone's struggling a little bit in this shows how interestingly difficult this track is yeah yeah and it's not to say that Alex Olivia hasn't got the talent because he is jumping battles and forwards all around the world at the moment drifting it just goes to show you how difficult this track is to drive it doesn't look that hard on your screen but trust me I've watched these guys all day and they are struggling with it left right and center and we can see here one mistake from halovnia Falls the rest of the runs to kind of uh plead more points away and this is one of them Wheels over left the outside Zone a little early and then the transition down into eight before he gets to that wall run gets it timed right what I like about this is that it he does a good job of recovering some drivers have not been able to do that he knew he made a mistake but he got back on it a little bit of experience there to say okay let's not fall apart that stuff you know throw all the toys out of the prom let's get back on it and he gets back on those zones towards the end so he just salvaged some score here but again another driver who started Strong finish strong with that middle section really messed him up yeah it seems like the technical part of the circuits really uh throwing a few spanner into works for our drivers that side skirt holding on for dear life against the window gets the wind speed there on these cars remember these Kevlar body kits are there to you know Bend and if they hit something it does you know it's like shattering yep but they are pretty light and you can tell the speed these guys are going on I watch doors everyone like flicks and pulling in with the amount of speed that these guys are carrying which is crazy to see at this level of 63 on the board not for sixth position right now velovnia will sit there and go not great not bad something to work for certainly so certainly uh certainly something to work towards as he moves and looks forward to his second qualifying run on the line we move to Inver hasker set the north cypriot driver in this Nissan 206 S15 2JZ underneath the Bonnet at 1 000 horsepower and he has a whole host of championships on the retail day he is between the Turkish drift Champion he's done rallying he's done drifting he's done it all but here we go fires that car in look at the grip the car didn't even want to skate on the handbrake across the circuit and shallows up the angle now has cassette washes wide for that inside Zone one he's off to way off that line he's gonna have to try and Reign this one back in on the handbrake down the hill as he goes in to that front clipping Point looks for the transition back once again [Applause] yeah it looks like he's really struggling with the grip there that car does not look like it wants to drift at all I think in this particular occasion he gets a lap in but you can see when he transitions the weight just stops the tires just grip rip up and the car and the way transfer just didn't work at all no it certainly didn't and that uh really made that difficult for him to drive we can see it from the initiation once again another car that you can see you can see it on the handbrake even here when he comes in a little lock of the handbrake let's go there right the car it's the front wheels you can see the adjustment straight away as he realizes this doesn't want to go sideways he only actually drops a wheat on the inside of the course which we haven't seen anyone do yet but you can see the car just wanted to take off to the Moon there I didn't want to go drifting at all he had wings he could probably fly home from here absolutely and as you can see because he messed that up he misses all of these zones just on the wrong line and you see again look the car just doesn't want to wash down to that Arizona he's got a handbrake it to drag it out there so very fast car a thousand horsepower but I think the tactic for me right now would be if I was watching these drivers as you know later competitors in this qualifying session we'll be like you know what just loosen the car up don't make it so grippy because what are we gaining from that we're looking at us get here we're making some errors we're making mistakes it doesn't really want to do it sure if you want to stay close in the battle it's important but for qualifying let's style that back let's put that difficulty level back a couple of notches and put a good score on the board and I think we'll start to see some of the drivers use what they're watching now as information yeah for later on 50 on the board for Andrew asks out from North Cyprus 14th position on the grid so far and it goes to show not big scores going in right now no certainly not big scores well so our finished Drive our team we're still sitting at the top of the pile at the moment Henry hamper now sits on the line another finished driver well you would have recognized the name but not the car that's because he has got rid of the Mercedes-Benz E-class and has now moved to a Nissan S15 and what an incredible looking S15 it is he had problems today he got here with the uh crank pulley the team got together and worked it out and Henry hamper has been absolutely flying look at the initiation lock to lock as he flicks the car in now through that inner Zone could he go nice and wide to the outside so he can doesn't take any risks by doing it going too far comes down the hill on the hand right now lights on the side once again very nice on that inside Zone and this one is all starting to come together for Henry Hanford as he makes his way down looks for that final outside Zone he just needs to keep four wheels on the time oh and he goes three and into the wall and hamper Parks it on the wall can you believe it I don't actually don't believe it I was just about to interject saying this is the best run we've seen today and then I just backed off a moment as I saw those rear wheels leave the circle market and he's done some damage here I see the way you put the pen down and look at me as if to say well here we go now and then all of a sudden it just kind of he was carrying some momentum into this outside Zone and I think he thought he could go round the outside Zone a little quicker than what he could and he came in here he dialed on the angle he goes well I can get into this on the throttle foot brakes and says no there is not that much grip there and by this point it's too late I'll tell you what's happened there is he's gone on to the marbles so when we say marbles that's the the residue and the the pieces of rubber that have come off all of these tires on that corner and he's gone two wheels off so when he hits that he's got he's on Ice there's no way he's gonna slow that car down and as he goes there he realizes I'm gonna hit that wall now it's kind of a soft cushioned wall there at the front though hits the hard part of the wall I think he's going to get away with a bumper bar or a little bit of damage there not nothing major but that was on for a big score and he ends up with a zero you know what for him such a disappointment a brand new car for this season they made the change from the Mercedes-Benz e car chassis which was very odd but worked well and such a cool car to see drifting he moved to the S chassis to try and make things easier for him as a driver and show what they could do and not the way he would have wanted to start his campaign he didn't make it to round one in Mondello Park and now starts off his first ever qualified session here in 2023 by parking that car into the wall and he'll be absolutely gutted yeah that's not easy to watch when you've got such a pretty car I mean it's a stunning S15 as well it's beautiful and again I don't think other than Cosmetics there's major damage I think you'd be more disappointed uh with the fact that he made that error towards the end of the run but it is gonna allow us the first official debut this year of Johnny Scoops and this is an incredible idea of how to remove a car from the circuit because very like a pick and mix uh you are gonna you love a pickle me I do you do so you're gonna scoop the car out of the circuit which I've never seen before at any circuit we've been to before which is a new we've seen we've seen the the Grabbers in Poland yeah you can attach it to the four wheels and you lift it up with a crane onto a truck we've seen guys conventionally use recovery lorries where the the back but I've never seen something like Johnny Scoops where you just go in on the back of the car scoop it up and off you go we were mind blown last year I would imagine I think they have two of these as well which is even more incredible but this is just an interesting way of removing car I like to see how not only have we Innovation on the circuit but off the circuit we've got Innovation on how to remove cars and then we're going to see this in action now this is like to me one of the funnest ways to remove a car it's not fun for Henry hamper by any means he doesn't want to be in this position at all but I think it's just interesting to see how uh these guys are removing cars in a very safe way too yeah and something that's almost it's Speedy it's very quickly you can see it and you go why did no one think of this before and that's what I love about it the Swedish Ingenuity came through there they were like we know a way to do this really quickly how can we get a Volvo to do everything and then they they found it yeah I mean they found it and uh this is just almost as entertaining to me as the drifting at this point because I've been watching I haven't watched too much of this day because these drivers haven't been on it and there was very little recoveries but when we reference Charlie Scoops now you know what we mean yeah so I'm wondering a little winch coming out hopefully this is the only time that we can we don't want to see any do this and especially with such a pretty car I mean like I say brand new build a stunning car and uh you know they they turned up yesterday they had a problem straight away the team worked and fixed it and then you know see that well we got from the track to the pitian because Becky Evans is with Adam zalevski uh down on the gridiris issue with Henry had but I can't see which one we're going to Becky Becca you're with actually Adam zalevski yes I am with Adam zalewski and it's great to see you back out here and your car is looking absolutely wonderful I know last round at uh Mondello it was all white you were waiting for your Livery to be put on and here you are can you talk us through it a little bit it looks very flash uh thank you very much for a nice words I would like to say uh that yeah there's a new wrap on the car completely some something new uh as everyone saw in Ireland we didn't manage actually to to make it in time but for second run in Sweden um we have it I'm really happy about it uh we are pushing hard currently with the car everything seems to be working good we have no problems with the brakes the same as we had in Ireland so right now it's only about me I guess and what I'm gonna show in qualification we'll see but uh but yeah that's it I hope that everyone enjoys the live stream and there's a new kind of program on YouTube right now so I hope everyone likes that and that I can give a nice show during the qualification today Adam you've always got a lovely smile on your face but let's go back to last year it was uh not the best weekend for you you were out in top 32 or you were having a few car troubles so I mean are you looking forward to a good weekend this weekend feeling pumped yeah of course like everyone is always looking to to win and uh but drifting is really crazy how this Motorsport where a lot of things happen during the the runs and the cars just you know you can build a car that is like really really expensive but it still might break because it's just Motorsport and it these things happen so we're super a confident Adam zalewski down there on that brand new wrapped Toyota GT86 we go back to the line to a fellow publishment though of Adam salewski and it will be ericozo uh very young probably one of the youngest drivers on the grid 18 years old driving a BMW M1 but with a Chevrolet V8 turbo making a thousand horsepower but he only hasn't got one he's got two of these cars because why would you not bring it back up there this guy is driving at over 100 miles an hour into that first Corner nice flick into that first Corner as well as he fires through the course nice job as he gets that you know so you know this is a good run so far can he hold it together we've watched so many guys be phenomenal at this point and then throw it away towards the end he's got a little while he's missed that in their Zone but so far so good now it's Gotta watch this detail he's over the track he's putting a wheel or two over the track there as well this is the tricky part slow it down don't get into the marbles he's Flirting With Disaster but he keeps it together nice one oh an incredibly nice run there from uh Eric got his first qualifying run he got new grin on his face as if to say yeah I know I can still do it I've still got it I'll show these old guys I just got a little bit of a tidbit of information from uh later driver so Connor Shannon having a very big problems with his engine says he's going to push his car to the start line and try and do one lap for qualifying and rebuild the engine tonight so that's that's a little bit of drama that's coming up that's coming up later on um and the drama will unfold as we get through this qualifying session but a great run here I really enjoyed the fluidity looks like he's very comfortable with the chassis there is some errors creeping in but you know right now just getting score on the board might be enough look he's only young he might be feeling those nerves especially after in Henry Hammer take that car to the wall apart from that wheel drop and that mess and that in second inside Zone I think it was a nice run I'm not a judge you are not a judge the the group of judges are above us they've been separated so they can't you know so we can't annoy them we can't annoy them but they can't stare us down no when we make a wild activities but Kevin O'Connell Vernon and David um they've been that solid team of judges for a very long time they they split up the responsibilities in qualifying to make sure that they're concentrating on certain aspects their briefing is incredibly detailed we were listening this morning and every moment that you're on this track and every eventuality they've gone through it with drivers the drivers will know in the car where they've been making mistakes and where they happen and 74 on the board not bad from the youngster Eric from Poland fifth position so far I think that's a solid result for a first run where everybody seems to be struggling and a guy that did struggle at the first round was the yoga Korea from Portugal he was our standout driver from from 2022 but has struggled at the start had a crash in Mandela Park didn't feel like he wanted to drive the car he said this weekend I'm feeling much more comfortable let's see if you can turn that into a successful qualifying one well let's hope so Diego Correa was one we picked to be a great [Music] great as he goes Full Throttle now looks for that front Zone just a little shiny you can see the way he lets that car wander and wave her across the circuit for the outside Zone transitions down looks for the second outside time works it very tidy on that second inside zone now is he what makes his way through that front wheel probably not to smoke battles for the front tire good transition oh on a big waiver though he's yet to balance the car up until the wall he goes and Diego Correa are we happy with that run looks to me like he drove a car that wasn't super hooked up which made the car float which made that lap look a lot tidier that is the tactic for me I think it is the tactic and I still think there was quite a lot of grip out there which caught him out on a few areas you can see there left foot break trying to position the back end of that car where he needed it on circuits one of the strangers strangest things in drifting you can grow Full Throttle while your left foot is on the brake you're controlling the front of the car with your left brake and the rear of the car with your right brake and you're steering in the opposite direction just try and put all that together in in the mind of a Drifter you were doing a lot of work on the steering wheel probably more than any other Motorsport at the one time Ai and I know these runs are short you don't have a long race but in that moment he's got searing he's got handbrake he's got brake he's got throttle he's got clutch all going on he only got two feet yep unless you know there's something I'm not I'm not you never know some of these guys they could have genetically engineered some drivers that have you know some more legs like an octopus just pressing all the buttons but to me it's an incredible part you see him transition he pulls the handbrake and breaks at the same time then goes the clutch to the it's so quickly happening that it's crazy 71 on the board nice run from Dogo Correa uh a settler as we would call it something to set the nerves from the first one uh up next on the line we moved to the check the guy the driver from the Czech Republic it will be the one and only Mikhail Reinhart a wild a wild Mikhail Reinhardt we like to say he is in the wild in the west is wild in the wild he's probably he probably is at one day he's probably peaceful he's out here in nature you know absolutely shred and tired he's in his happy place let's see if Michael Ryan uh can put in a good run here yes he does a nice initiation into that first corner it's pretty solid so far gets a wheel into that inner Zone this is very silent from Michael Reinhardt from the Czech Republic right now a thousand horsepower of the z92 BMW good job so far Michael Reinhardt sometimes it's a feast or a family when it comes to qualifying for him but right now it looks like he's eating up this circuit as he comes to that last Corner keep it setting up big angle that's what the judges want to see nice and controlled solid run from Michael Reinhardt not this the best of starts in Mandela Park in Ireland for the start of the championship but coming strong now listen he's coming strong now that was an incredible run um for me not many places where I could kind of pull it apart but as I say we're not judges we're just watching it as mere mortals as everyone else is a spectator and a fan and that was a very nice run from Roy Hall I want to see how close he's on this inside Zone I mean look he could have been a little bit deeper but for me he's right there this though right to the edge of the circuit and times this transition right just dabs a handbrake maybe a little too early but here on that second inside Zone absolutely Nails it well I'll tell you one thing you're going to notice a lack of left foot breaking for Michael where why because he didn't need to adjust no he was on the right line he could use the momentum of the car I think that left for breaking through the first corner is almost for an adjustment away from where you want to be you're trying to move the car further wide he actually nailed it from his line initially on initiation that's helped him throughout the rest of the circuit beautiful run from Michael Reinhardt let's see what the judges say well here we go scores in 83 for Mikhail Reinhart and close to the top not close enough just a few millimeters here or there Dave yeah there was no moment there where you went that's amazing but he did what the judges at a basic level wanted to see which is why he got rewarded with that score Christian Arlington our next driver representing Sweden got the hometown fans here cheering them on he is uh he got a 1088 horsepower at a very small light car yeah it makes a big difference big difference so you've got Bugatti Veyron power in a very small Toyota so here we go into that first quarter start a couple of trips to the gravel in practice he's been pushing hard to try and find that perfect line all weekend and it looks like he's a little wide there you can see the left foot break lock off as he comes to the outside of the circuit he's got the power and the pace though to make it work big angle there which worked with a little understeer had to correct it it does make it work he's fighting the car a little bit but he's actually using his driver ability to get around those errors as he comes back you see everyone being a little bit more cautious now with this last corner of the scene so many guys go into the wall solid run from Christian Ireland's a nice job yeah very very nice round there and just a few little errors that we picked up on straight away and that was that first inside Zone you could see him going wide there they've mentioned locking up that left foot break and it just couldn't manage to get there but the rest of the run for me was uh very very nice from a man who we always say struggles with a little bit of the mental side of drifting gets inside his own head and maybe sits on that start line saying I don't even remember what I've done the last time I came around here oh we talked to a lot of drivers and the mental game is huge yeah huge yeah you've done all this effort to get there you've spent so much money you've built this car there's 20 000 components in it that are all you know hand selected tuned built and then you've had these 40 second runs just to get it done and it does way heavily with your team watching on your family your sponsors everybody there expecting it to perform it can Crush you know your your hopes and dreams very quickly drifting with one error on the track and it's almost happening so fast you don't have time to you know if you're in a circuit race you make an error you've got maybe 40 50 laps to catch up but with this one mistake and it costs your ninth position so far for Christian erlinson 63 on the board and not bad not bad at all it's better than a lot of people have done so far we move on to our next driver from the Netherlands from Holland it's Clinton and he is in an 850 horsepower S14 very loud car both in color and a really fun guy to be around uh this thing is beautifully presented and uh yeah this is going to be a loud Smoky lap for sure it certainly is as Clinton comes off the line through the gears hammers down looks for a wide initiation absolutely Nails it it's Clinton now picks up the throttle lights up the tires a thousand horsepower well close to it 850 screaming those rear wheels through the circuit oh but he backed out ever so slightly you can see that affected the line down into the outside zone now picks it back up again starts to work out where he needs to position that car look for that final outside so Nate on the throttle nice and early gets right wide one wheel over backs out of it and wanders out of that zone too early yeah that was definitely the tale of two backers one was he actually had the correct line but he didn't apply the throne the restrained I think he thought he was going too fast but but you're never going too fast maybe he sat in there and looked at himself in the mirror and said what are we doing here we are what our life choices need to be questioned as the transition your watch comes off yep and it just doesn't allow the car to wash he doesn't get the car right out to the edge of the circuit which is so it's easy for us to say but when you're going that speed I could imagine you go oh it's going to go off there and then again as he transitions back here use the left foot break and you can see that wheel lock up to get him back there it doesn't D sell enough in my opinion he's kind of pushing too much Pace at this point the rear wheels go a little wide to hit those marbles and he has to back off to let the car grip up again or he's going in the wall like we saw Henry Humper do earlier on does a good job of avoiding that but I think he worried a little bit too much there I think he thought he was wider than what he was because you see him clutch kick it but at that point the corridor already gripped up he started a dial angle out of it and he realized ah has he got a D beat no I think I was actually just noticing how long I was just the rear end of the car is his uh Bodywork is almost scraping the ground he's got that much compression tire pressures are so low and he's got such a big dish on those rear wheels it kind of forces the tire to look like it's DB did I was gonna say if he just doesn't that of a DB then he is a hero yeah watch the smoke pour from between the panels on the back of the car I mean it's just trying to get out anywhere I can't it is being destroyed but I love how this car squats down at the back yeah and then the the body work is almost touching the ground when it's at full compression it's incredible to see the the sophistication of suspension on these cars to make sure that the car as I said it's like a dry car it's fully soft on the back these guys are running what would be a puncture to you and I in terms of pressure on the back of the car just to make that tire as wide as possible and an incredible view here from the the slow motion camera just to see how much strain you're putting on that rear piece of rubber on the on the rim if I was clean vanilla I'd request that piece of footage just to watch over and over and over on a replay at home there you can see the judges to make it some calculations trying to get their uh the scores in you can see uh Kevin O'Connell Vernon David uh super serious so very serious very concentrated on making sure that every score is correct and we wait for the score for Clinton and I think we'll be getting some deductions for those two offline backouts as I would call yeah on this run but you know what it's easily done and a lot of people are going off the circuit better be on it and score and then to be 17 or zero when you know 48 on the board may not seem like a great score but when you've got the WRC Champion score in a zero it shows how difficult it is out there it certainly does well Becky just had an interview of him now it's time to prove what he can do former drift Masters European Champion sits on the line Adam zalevski the polishman in this Toyota GTA 6 2JZ underneath the Bonnet 850 horsepower he's hungry for a second Championship he didn't have to start around when he wanted he said he's coming back this weekend absolutely flying and he is flying as he Fires for outside Zone one full front Aussie screams on the rev limiter and he picks up that inside Zone and Luke before he was going two way there now zalevsky makes this one work comes down nice tidy line can he slow it down and pick up that zone he certainly can and zalevski is on an absolute Ripper right now goes one wheel over the edge of a circuit but he'll be forgiven for the commitment as he fires into that final outside Zone wheel on the white line he looks for the wall gets the job done so levski is back in town that's a big run and a big statement because you know Adam salehski certainly you know as the next Champion didn't want to fall back down the ladder and be someone that no one was talking about at an event and very much from my perspective here he's showing why he is the next Champion great adjustment on the car you can see the hallway through the Run he's he's thinking about the Zone he's not letting the car go where it wants to go he's manhandling it to make sure it goes where he wants it to go and I love this transition and the detail because you can see him go on the throttle off the throttle on the throttle he's not just doing it all in one motion he's adjusting I mean he gets that inner Zone I mean this is good to it a perfect line as we've seen so far very strong performance I love it because um rejuvenated this weekend new livery new mindset and now a big run to start his car qualifying air session this is all good stuff for sale this is what he's going to want it certainly is good stuff for him and uh you know what a stellar job on his first qualifying run and um I'm gonna say this score is going to be way way up there just the Precision of it for me especially in this final outside Zone knowing this is where a lot of drivers drop Wheels but I could be wrong and I am Dave I am wrong once again well it's no surprise that he's drunk but he has a 77 on the board so some of those adjustments that I was talking about that I thought were great the judge is probably saying too much adjustments not doing it all in one fluid emotion so we'll come back and talk to Kevin after the first half of qualifying but now on the line a man that wants to start his campaign has to start at a round two after engine failure at round one it is naoki Nakamura the Japanese champion and he is in his first I think full goal at qualifying because he did qualify in round one but the car was broken he needed one run so now he's got what I would consider to be a working car and we get to see what he's all about we we still think he's an unknown entity right now you know the Japanese style quite different than the European style a lot of people questioning will he adapt will he be able to do it we're about to find out this is what's exciting about drift Masters here we go here we go fourth gear clicked Nakamura fires that S15 in Full Throttle as he looks for that inner Zone he gets it he goes very wide he hangs on to it though that was incredible Pace as he comes down a big wobble though on the handbrake early and fails to get that outside zone now looks to join the dots he's moving through this circuit at a rate of knots right now as Nakamura looks for the final outside Zone he gets into it lights up the tires right to the edge of the circuit across the line Nakamura job done on the first qualifying run yeah good solid run again struggling with the transition a little bit there the first three zones were exceptional and then he just didn't extended the way he wanted to um a driver that drives a huge amount of angle which is so exciting to watch but it doesn't work on the first half of this course and as you can see him destroy this is a great view as you can see I'm going through that first section he thinks about the handbrake he goes no it's okay I'm all right and then watch the transition as he comes back he just has to go a little early to the handbrake to make it work down to the Arizona this is where he transitions with a little bit too much angle for me just here just and have the legs to get down to the next Zone this is so good inside the car it looks like this is a daily drive to the shops this is slowed down because I would move through this so quick I would question that Nakamura has more drift miles than road miles a human being right now because he's done a lot of drifting his drifting every weekend he's got a ton of cars in Japan he's always learning his trade but it's quite a different step up here for him even a step up but a step sideways because it's a different style of Championship it's a lot of expectations a lot of people expecting him to come out the box swinging which is a good job of putting a score on the board at this last corner you know backs off just a little bit at the wall but it's tidy I like it here and you know we're gonna see this guy really come alive in the battles that's where his I suppose if you were to say his uh extreme Talent comes from is Chase driving can I just let everyone into a little bit of a taster girlfriend was upstairs early with the judges watching practice 72 on the ball by the way eighth place for uh naoki Nakamura uh drops him in to the front we watched um Nakamura go out for some practice Dave twin battle practice door on door every run every transition that's why he's here just a taste of what you've got looking forward to tomorrow Oliver randalu comes off the line right now the Estonian driver 8 the 900 sorry horsepower for the BMW 6 cylinder engine underneath the pilot on the throttle nice and early picks it up picks up that front Zone second place at Round One in 2020 two can he replicate anything this weekend very tidy lying down into the outside Zone and look at the line through that inner Zone as well very nice from around below the estonians are but now a few errors start to creep in fail to get to the outside Zone can he keep it clean on the final goes for that white line looks for the wall gets the drop down and randalu back on form yeah looking good missing a Zone I think it's probably right what I love with the car is just lifting that front wheel almost off the ground where there's that much grip in this thing and when they designed the E36 BMW I never imagined they would think this is what it would be doing you know 25 years later a three-door you know Coupe this was or sell it to the young Lads they can drive around town looking cool or a businessman yeah a young businessman could take this to the office and look cool parked in the car park never did the designer of BMW say a guy from Estonia is going to put 900 horsepower through it and fire around a race circuit sideways in Sweden no that was definitely not under the bridge and that's the thing you know this is a self-engineered because these cars are not Factory built so this is this guy is taking chassis and learning from those before them to make these very competitive cards you see bits in the car flying off um and I wouldn't blame it at 900 horsepower at these speeds but what I mean you're Wheeling through the first quarterback lifting the front wheel off the ground there's that much compression and drift which is incredible to see some errors though creeping in a 76 on the board for all of a randalu fifth position so far and again at the end of the first half qualify I'm gonna have a worry because I'm gonna talk about a couple of runs and I like getting his Insight on things and how he's seeing things Manuel Vaca from Italy uh the Italian Stallion on the start line and he has got a lot of power a lot he's got a lot of car he's also got new 36 BMW they're both back to back here we haven't got that many left in the future so it makes all the difference counts let's see how he gets on on this first run as he goes for that weight transfer you can see it moving to that side circuit very gripped up car lead half right though just to steady the ship as he goes through the first Corner inside Zone gets it not bad for Manuel Lavaca so far now building the pace got to be brave here got to stay on the power and he does does a good job of connecting the dots guess that inner zone is the Tidy lap so far from manual like a little early on the transition there but this is the bit where people Australians throw that card and manual get it into that other Zone and just sit on that episode does a great job of that now we're starting to see manual that can come on for him excellent stuff I think this happened last year in Sweden I think these faster circuits kind of really suited his driving style and by the end of the weekend he said he had a lot of fun but this morning he looked nervous he looked he didn't look calm in the car and and I was worried that this qualifying run wouldn't be that spectacular but to be fair to Manuel vacker he's found his fee he's called the nerves and now he's back out and he's absolutely ripping and that was apart from that little wash there was a very good round very good room what I love is if you can see the Finnish fans cheering yeah I think they're finished cheering us on I think you could go you know to the shop here and they'd be cheering you on just to get you shopping they're just so enthusiastic such such a fun vibe around the paddock with the Finnish fans here um and of course it's it's closer to Finland where we are right now than most of Sweden which is interesting geographically learning things as we go in sometimes we're here at the racer we don't know where we are in the world but we looked at the map and said we're kind of we're kind of close yeah we're kind of in Finland even though we're in Sweden and we're kind of close to the Arctic Circle which is also interesting we never thought when drifting started that we would be here but no you know what we've been wrong a lot along the way 83 on the board big run from Manuel Vaca from Italy's second position so far I love it the line 56 out of 60. that's what you want to see good lines he looks Italian doesn't he look he's a Suave gentleman there you always bring a little style around the paddock I like that yeah sophisticated sophisticated we've got Kevin pazor from Estonia now on the Star Line and Kevin is a 2022 Baltimore and Kevin looking for a big run here he's going for a big old and weight transfer into that first card does a good job of another half break ride just to Circle and now he's on it can he get to that inner zone no problems for Kevin here as he goes straight if somebody's not got enough Pace to get out to the next one now he's kind of a No Man's not he's getting early here he's going to drag that handbrake to make it work and get to that in the zone but he's tidying it up he's on the technical part of the circuit here as he transitions big angle from this BMW M2 as he throws into the last four and gets on a pre-made two wheels off the track maybe though and the judges are gonna have a good look at that one that could be uh could be flirting with a zero I think that will be floating with zero Dave going back on previous experiences and for me there was a big mistake after the initiation watch this fires the car in a big angle and he made pay off you know shallowed it out ever slightly onto the left front brake to try and balance that car through that zone but for me here he's shallowed off the angle he tried to flick it just I think he lacked that little bit of commitment to go all the way and dial on the angle to the outside Zone and that really messed him up and he had to correct it coming down the hill into that uh third outside Zone nevertheless finishes up the run but I do believe Wheels over the outside Zone Kevin O'Connell has been messaging me saying two wheels over the outside zone is a zero so that one left to be confirmed by the judges but from where I'll sit down look to me yeah two wheels off the track uh beautiful car you could actually looks like he threw the car at that last hour Zone when I was actually really slowing down enough at all I think he just kind of fired it and hoped it would grip but it didn't unfortunately that is another zero on the board for a high ranking driver Kevin mizora from Estonia will score a zero has to get an older now in the second half of qualifying he certainly does we go back to the start line to probably one of the cleanest vehicles that we see around the product is Pavel Grouch the Polish driver in this Toyota sorry Subaru BRZ 2JZ underneath one at 750 horsepower this car how could you confuse this with us wow nothing but it's going to be uh we do love this car a very simple clean design but a lot of power and a very experienced driver behind the wheel barely scrapes that inside Zone as he pushes away he's got to be careful not to put too much angle on here he's going on big angle he's flirt with the edge of the circuit but I like it he committed and it worked for him as preval garage now starts to take oh look at this big angle again he's going for a flare Style run here and it slows the car down very well from don't get into marbles Kevin as he goes across the line very nice like that I like that do you know what that had they had lots of pizzazz bit of spark spice yeah liked it and again it's not a track where you can show off your style a little bit Yeah but he found some zones to do at any in the first corner you got to go with the you got to thread the needle you got to go through those three zones as any car will go through them but then as he comes down the hill I was like commit and he did he went a big angle he made it work watch this as he goes to the edge of circuit he's like almost 90 degrees there as he comes through but it slows the car down allowing the nose of the car goes through those inner zones and again here instead of being know a kind of a slow detail it goes a big angle so he loses all the speed one way so when he transitions back he's not going too fast it could be a clever way of doing it because the D cell zone is actually before you transition so that could be the way the judges wants to see these guys do it and that could be where we're seeing the likes of zalesky and stuff making errors because it's not just about getting through the zones that's the easy bit it's how you get through them that the judges are scoring you on and uh I love this car absolutely beautiful such a stunning car a very clean build and Prevail such a nice guy to have in and around the championship well where does that put him I'm not too sure it is a Subaru Subaru Toyota br86 there's a Scion FRS as well yeah there's a lot going on there you know what I'm not one of those cars is even an original car that's probably just the windscreen and everything else has been changed so it is the power Rush 86 more than it is the Toyota GTA6 or Subaru BRZ but um yeah because I think that at this stage now these guys are pretty much you've got this bear the chassis from the front suspension turrets to the rear turrets and the windscreen and I'd imagine everything else maybe the roof that's about all day baby that's all you've got left of the original car so um these are complete builds from the ground up we still wait for the score for Pavel grosh well there's no Squad dropped in on our secret little system that we can see that nobody at home can see and that means that the judges and there we go are discussing this I wonder if they are discussing the wheel drop there was it two and was the angle too much for that zone well it's definitely what they're discussing is the two wheels did he go two wheels over that white line now a lot of people say oh he's over the way lane well the judges have to say can we 100 percent say that he's two wheels over and that's sometimes what confuses people watching it's not about assuming it can they within reasonably that say 100 they are going yes he's over so that's going to be an interesting one to see and it's a zero two wheels off the circuit I I would agree well I'm Kevin O'Connell's contacting me via uh text messaging from upstairs it says two wheels off for outside zone four so we were right as always uh poor big statement but yeah Kevin O'Connell's right as always two wheels off you don't get away with it it looked like a super run but those two wheels cost him next up on the line we've got Benedict who's in his car from last year which he sold had engine trouble with his new car and then took his old car back from the new owner who said go and have some fun in Sweden here we are so here we are firing down as Benedict test Sherba picks up that inside Zone absolutely perfectly right to the edge of the circuit he's on an absolute flyer again another driver that's got this one dog doesn't make that mistake that we just but he was shy on that second inside Zone starts to work this one back out again Does Benedict that's German now as he looks for the final outside Zone just keeps it within the white lines on the wall and across the line he goes it's incredible to think that this car was essentially no one essentially rolled off crashed into a wall in Austria last year which we would say we'll never see that car again he came back to the next event with the same car then he built a new car sold this car and I was back in his old car a lot going on in the turbo land there ins and outs and ups and downs but I'll tell you one thing he's probably thinking why did I sell this car because it's absolutely perfect for this circuit and a great job by Benedict that's sure but I like this the way that he doesn't go on a huge amount of angle in the transition he's clever there so he gets to the outside Zone that's what we want to see but he comes up Shy here look at this just about catches a wheel on the white line so uh points deducted there from my side of things Dave my view anyway but that counts for very little yeah I knew he was going to say that I think it's been many years now I just kind of ingrained in me that I say something and then I already know that's wrong yeah the thing is it's good that we can be wrong yeah yeah because there's no consequence oh I couldn't be wrong if judges very rarely are wrong and they watch it a little bit less from an entertainment standpoint like we do we watch it like you guys watching at home that it's fun but look at this 86 on the board for Benedict that's sure but we were right the judges were right and Benedict conservo Was Right to borrow that car this weekend he's in first position and he pretty much is guaranteed battle action with that score that's just me saying that if everyone goes above 86 we would never see anything quite like that but I think that's a strong enough score we move on to our next driver from Sweden Joachim Anderson yeah he's been looking strong and practicing I watched a couple of runs he looks comfortable here I was just gonna say he's been looking on fortnite likes these big fast tracks 800 horsepower underneath upon it this 3.2 liter Mercedes-Benz six cylinder engine again another car doesn't make sense but it works and Yoki manderson out here absolutely throwing down as he goes right to the edge of the circuit nice transition back keeps it on the white lines very tidy on that inside zone now five back across looks for the transition back once again slows the car on angle flicks it across the circuit that was a handbrake dragon with the car yeah last power he lost power on the transition you could see no smoke coming from those rear wheels it's either power differential something we don't know are very far away from that the truck is huge we would usually hear some issue but uh we'll try and get some information for you guys on it but he was absolutely flying into the whole course and then that last transition he was like he slowed down way too much and you're like what's going on but then the rear wheels never start spinning again and no it was yeah it was after this look at this he Transitions and then he drags the handbrake which to me was obviously a mistake and then yeah straight away no power yeah shut down the car just maybe got to a temperature at the end of the circuit maybe just did yeah potentially the DCU just said oh we are too hot yeah I'm not liking this and maybe shut the power down I mean most of these guys will sometimes turn that safety off for these qualifying runs which is risky but it is a lot on the car and then you know I had a Becky with Saint Mary's like what's with this car this track breaking cars and I was like think of how long they're on trolls yeah think of how long the car is on the top of the red line compared to any of the circuits so let's hope you have or rather you are incident has better success we've got two you has coming up back to back here you are rented and you have poitolaxo and the first is the finished driver he has competed in Europe in America it's been all over the world and he's got 999 horsepower they went that far and said that's enough that's enough that's ridiculous this brand new build works well if you had likes these fast tracks it certainly does it he's a man we're known for having a fast car with plenty of grip and now you are written and fires down brand new builds for 2023 right to the engine keeps a hold of it a little wobble but makes it work now it's written and collects that in a Zone looks for the transition back as he comes down the other side of this very shallow Hill looks to the transition a final outside zone eight gets in it holds onto it right to the edge of the circuit to the wall written and throws his hand out the window and says that's how you do it it's good but you know what I was talking to Kevin O'Connell her head JoJo already was saying that when they get to the first detail Zone he doesn't want to see someone dragging through it slowly and then just jumping for the inside of the corner he wants to see a little bit of wash you want to see that car move a little bit more Renton puts way too much angle on in the transition he does an incredible job of holding on to it so watch here as he transitions he gets a little wide here this is too Snappy so now he's got a handbrake here really early and he's out of the Zone very early which I don't think the judges want to see no even though he does make it work he gets through all the zones and you know human beings like us look and say we got all the zones you got all the boxes on the ground why is he not getting a great score I'm not saying he just who doesn't care I'm just saying that there is other factors yeah and it's how they get to those zones you know I mean I walked through them yesterday but they ain't gonna give me a good score and I gotta I was I was in all of them 100. I would say 99 I was doing about 30 kilometers an hour in the rental car to be honest but I got through all of them but Kevin said that's not how I want to see them completed so I learned a lot yeah I learned that uh I would not do very well at the championship especially in the rental car but you can see that's the problem with these guys 73 and I knew there was going to be a little deduction on that and that was that line you see 42 out of 60. so I'm learning you're learning the school of drift we're learning as we go and we're learning together Dave that's that's all that matters yeah we're learning to go some of us like you wrong most of the time but sometimes you might be right yeah and that's a surprise for us it's nice to know we have that on pretty yeah into that first Corner 850 horsepower I don't even know why we say the horsepower they all got horsepower at this point they all got great cars but have they got the ability to get a great line around the circuit he's very wide he's two wheels over for me that looks like that's two wheels over if we're going we're learning we're learning it looks great you get the Zone but you're way too wide and maybe you have another driver Flirting With Disaster there on that outer zone as he slows it down nice towards the end that's it that one error that one mistake in the Run can be enough I think that is enough Dave to be brutally honest with you I think that was enough and you could see it coming the transition was perfect almost but just started on too much angle let's take a look back here after the initiation you can see that front wheel absolutely dialed in looking for that front Zone it will disappear under the car he's on an incredible line he lets it wash to the very edge of the circuit watch the rear wheel I'm ready watch this though way too far keeps it on the angle doesn't shallow up looks to me like he's over that White Lane I hate to say it yeah I hate to say it but it looked to me like he dropped two wheels now that's not our decision to make but you know what I love about this you get to see the front angle from the stationary camera then you get the other side of the car from the Drone yeah yeah and the Drone is I mean she's being pushed like it's it's there's a lot of people the Drone is at full speed trying to keep up with this look at this for an angle dude and I mean for us to see that I would say there's definitely two wheels off and there we go uh reflected in the score two wheels off the circuit we're getting the hang of this in we're getting the hang of it it's already taken us four years I mean it's round two so you know we're starting back again don't worry folks uh normal uh we will presume being wrong very soon again but yeah and that one we write now is this hyping himself himself up is jacobski As we call them and this is a guy who it was skateboarding earlier on by me really yep skateboarding by me I said yeah everything is fine I was like wow I look for the Cucumber I looked at him I said I could tell you which is cooler here we go it is going to be cool into the first quarter 900 horsepower gr 86 and he's coming in on a flyer here a little bit of left foot break as he does collect that inner Zone this is a great line and this is where people make mistakes after don't go in too much angle he doesn't right to the engine so that's absolutely perfect so far from my positioning doesn't have a major amount of pace doesn't put a major amount of risk into this this is a technical run this is one to put a score on the board that's high enough that you're not under pressure for the second run and he looks like he's just going to the shops unbelievable that is an electric run that is a very very very nice run that there was really not a lot to take away from that Dave to be to be honest he did everything right at no point in that run that it looked like he was out of control it looked like he was pushing too hard and the little hype up at the start that's what I like to see he's getting in the zone well I want to see it from the Drone I want to see it from that perspective very nice on our side Zone one which counts a lot of people not really getting that zone inside Zone one as well tidy for me the little shimmy there to outside zone two um maybe an area where the judges can pull away a few points and just so controlled I mean yeah look he's looking at the grandson saying hi everyone how are you doing you having fun I am transition boom and it's it's a very it's a beautiful one I mean I mean from my perspective we watched like I struggle so obviously this looks you know phenomenal in comparison yeah but and I'm sure the judges will be looking at it much more technically but I just love the style I mean it's cooler than the other side of the pillow he's just out there making a good goal of it this is what you call experience it's a rally Champion darker championship 88 on the board for Cuba pushkonski and that's going to be very very tough to top no matter how long we're in qualifying we're not even halfway in I think that's going to be right up there for a long time I think it is going to be up there because I tell you why this year and as always these judges are being pinpoint perfect one we're over fully seducted two rules over throughout the game well last year here all right Nielsen well he decided to try and fly his car off the circuit the Norwegian driver comes through in this Toyota saw a 2JZ happen the party panels can't even hold on to it now as Nielsen goes right to the edge of the circuit fires back big angle he's going to sacrifice the line but he doesn't dicks it on the handbrake now as he comes down that inside Zone looks for the transition back Nielsen is ripping through the circuit he wants to make an impression Dives on the foot break slows the car down right to the edge of the circuit white line zone for field bumper on the wall job done what a talent this man is I mean I know it's as uh it's a style qualifying for him is this is a thing it's a thing he makes qualifying exciting that wheel didn't touch the ground through the whole first corner he was on that much angle the Barnard's trying to leave the whole event he's like I didn't sign up for this he's out of the chat he's like nope yeah and then as he comes through here you can see that as he goes to the edge of the circuit you're starting to think or and you're going a little faster but he's ahead of it he knows that he can put on the throttle earlier than everyone else slow it down get back on an inside Zone and as you said he had four wheels off the track last year in the air which we've never seen before but this time around he doesn't want to make the same mistakes and he's a super talented driver and when he's on his his best form which I think these fast difficult tracks are kind of his his calling card he's Unstoppable and that was another phenomenal run we've just watched two incredible runs back to back and it goes to show when you see very talented drivers you know get it right it does flow this track it works really well and we've watched a lot of guys struggle I think they'll take a lot of inspiration from the way these guys are approaching it which is that fluid motion not on big eye gun there you go we had an 88 I said that won't be beaten for a long time the very next run it's beaten by an 89 from Ora Nielsen what do I know I thought we'd be ages waiting for that 88 to be beaten up Wisconsin you got about a minute and a half before he was beating it by incredible stuff as we move on to our next driver which is going to be Dylan Garvey who has a clutch failure in this car so what they have done they have taken a beverage a sticky beverage and they've put it over the clutch to try and have it more grip and it sounds ridiculous but this is what's happening he said he doesn't know if the car will even do one run but he's going to give it a go let's see what happens well he was doing so well in practice earlier on it'd be a shame for this guy and not to make it down the tentative initiation on the handbrake they've got tonight to try and fix the vehicle if they can get the parts in time and now Dylan Garvey just needs the clutch in this car to hold on for a few more moments so it's very shallow you can see he doesn't want to risk anything too heavy on the clutch to maybe put excess strain on it before he heads in to that final outside Zone navigates his way around looks for that final outside Zone on the front on the foot brake balances the car looks for the wall and you can see at the end of the run the clutch went nope the clutch is overheating and it's slipping so basically he's driving this car with about 20 of the feel because the car isn't really biting so you see he's trying to use momentum throughout the circuit rather than stop start you know hammering the clutch and you don't want to be going out to a run like this like Dylan Garvey is not knowing what way the car is going to react at any corner and I think he's done a pretty good job here of getting through it with the car that is failing we can see there it just starts to slip the smoke starts to disappear from the you know once it starts to pick up some heat it's not doing its job but he does get through the course he I think he does put a score on the board here but so unfortunate for Dylan after having a tire issue at round one he now has a clutch issue at round two and you know as I said the car is his biggest enemy at the moment not the rest of the competition and he proved he can make it where he's made his way around there um he was doing it so well in practice earlier on today everyone was mentioning how well he was going and he was you know a big Contender for Rookie of the Year and really throwing himself out there and proving to everyone he deserves a space in this Championship but you can see right there as you come towards the wall the clutch was like no I've got nothing left to ask you're asking I've already told you I'm not working are you not listening I'm not working but a 60 on the board it's an interesting run and again now because you go back for a second run put more strain on it I don't know but it's it's not an ideal start to qualifying for Dylan Garvey just put a 60 though up on the scoreboard which will be I think inside the top 32 at the moment with 21st and we move on to pontus Harman great old run at McDonald's very strong he did and he looked strong here as well I get again another uh these Swedish drivers love these big fast tracks the big horsepower all these BMWs seem to be suited to it and absolutely ripping through that inside Zone it comes while it's harder now as he looks for the transition big wobble though on the handbrake early through outside zone three on the throttle though now picks it back up again snack [Music] trying to push the rear wheels in that zone gets it done but he is shallow it's a good run though because yeah he's not made as you said he won wobble here and there maybe not as wide as we want him to be on the last Zone but it looked very fast very fluid he looks comfortable I like his style of driving it's quite aggressive yeah he's letting the car move it looks like it's not trying to fight him at every corner very good stuff from pontus Harmon and again never the highest of qualifying drivers but it goes to show at the last round if you qualifying is great the minute the score is come out for qualifying everybody has a little chat about them and then they're immediately forgotten when she starts at the top story too and if you ask me what the qualifying scores were from a year ago at some event you can't really remember them but you can tell who's on the podium at the end of the battle so that's what this is all about that's where the real all you want to do is get in the show from this point and again by the time we did a good claim for that he certainly did and uh he'll be happy with that first run of the day for him he's very shallow you can see the way just about keeps the rear wheels in that final outside Zone and holds on to it but once he's my score on the ball he can flirt with a little bit more danger you're going to see some big runs coming in seconds yeah 16th position right now still see some of the some of the tire wear from Mandela Park and some banging doors which is what we want to see tomorrow Kevin pascaldy the smileiest man in the pits the man who watched the drift Masters event we always talk about it yeah a couple of years ago and just said yeah I'm gonna do that and everyone else went Kevin come on come on he's like no I'm gonna do that and I'm gonna win it and then four years later four years later here he is one of the standout drives from Mandela park again so he is flying this year can he back it up though look at the initiation huge risk on entry from Kevin piscotti as he puts down a big run so far perfect on outer zone inner zone two another zone two oh and he's running out of steam here but he makes it work the Flames fire out of the car this is absolutely beautiful from Kevin pascotti as he fires through the center section oh he's dropping a wheel over there but not enough to score a zero as he transitions back to the last quarter hold it together Kevin stay on the circuit he does a great job what a drivers water run what I run indeed that was Sensational from Kevin pascoli and you know I was just looking at where he's sitting at the championship sixth at the moment sick sorry still a contender for me look at this initiation though absolutely flying it never handbrake whatsoever it flicked the car in and let the car do all the work with a grip on the tires that first inside Zone was Sensational as well such a nice line natural Arc you didn't put any steering correction into that same here as you come down the hill all he done was turned on more angle and used a handbrake to position their car who needed to be you know what as Morpheus once said in The Matrix he's beginning to believe he is begin to believe that this was the only question point for me Dave was that was that was it I don't think so I don't even know what to say no it wasn't though [Music] it was a great run he does drop a wheel here and there it's kind of hard to score but overall Kevin's going to go back to the pits and go well I know I can do it I just got to tidy up here and here yeah that's a 90 plus I don't think this will be no but I think it's going to be a decent score on the board and I think that you know he's starting to believe it's an 82 and I mean he has room to improve there he's a seven position Kevin pascotti is a big Contender this year and he's not putting a foot wrong which is what we want to see last year this man this young man Jack Shanahan put a 99 score on the board in qualifying he says round one wasn't really feeling it nope second rankings I'm feeling a little bit more so let's see if Jack Shannon right now Loft lines and back up that score from last year coming through the gears expect plenty of angle plenty of style and plenty of flare as he heads into the first corner but what is he doing it was over on initiation Dave that was super wide and he knows it and he's going to go wide once again Gets A Wheel in the dirt has he push too much right now as Jack Shanahan comes down he's shallow [Music] fires into that final outside Zone puts a wheel right on the edge of the circuit goes for the wall across the line but there are question marks you know what I'm agreeing uh there's some errors there but what I do like the anger he's pulling on this run I mean if you talk about maybe from a line perspective he's losing points here yeah but from a flare perspective and an angle perspective 100 points nobody's put a run like that in the end where I mean but again look right he should really go off the track here somehow holds it on and does make this run work but he's trying really hard to get a 90 plus run rather than put a technical score on the board because I think Jack Shannon knows that's when he's at his best when he's pushing but he pushes a little too hard at times here drops a couple of wheels off the circuit but again the end of it here look at the angle look at he slows down almost instantaneously back on throttle quicker than anyone else makes it works there's Great Moments in this run oh for sure there was also some errors so yeah you know it's only the first half of qualifying but what I do think is that this track is demanding a lot some people are going out with the attitude of I've got a score on 90 plus I believe other people are going out I just want qualify and you know not mess up get in the show yeah and now we're kind of seeing that it's not working out either way for a lot of those people they're going with a safe run we didn't go to score a zero and then they go with a crazy run and they're kind of getting more of a technical score I think you need the aura Nelson Kevin pascoli kind of mentality just go out there and see what happens maybe does that work just go out there and fire the car in and say well we'll see what happens look at this though for me that was super wide and it was at the beginning of the scoring zone that does look like two wheels over I hate to say it Dave I'm good friends of the shanahans behind the screen behind the microphone off the microphone that for me can they make an educated guess that they can stand behind that it's two wheels off to me yeah I'm agreeing with you and it looks very borderline there and it was a very wild initiation he kicks up some dust he is too wide he's trying to go for that big flick and he's maybe Miss timed the weight transfer a little bit and it's a zero for Jack Shannon the drama already here in Sweden the drama is going to continue because his brother Connor Shannon's on the line and he said the minute the warm-up is over he has to warm up quickly and run he cannot afford this car to get up to temperature because he said himself he's got it he's barely even scrubbed the tires in here because he has to go but he's only going to do one run he said they'll have to take it all night to take the engine out of this car if he does put him on but it's all on this run now because he said he's not even sure this car will survive our run well he's also asked as well to get to that start line and go straight away here he goes banging through the gears Corner Shanahan flicks the car left to right keeps it between the lines this time absolutely screams through the throttle now looks for that zone picks it up perfectly he's on a rare very nice line now can you hold it together certainly can look at the Precision but he wanders on the outside zone now as he picks up that inner transitions over the quest down he comes through the new Alleyway as he makes his way to that final outside Zone can the car hold together before it shuts down he's on the foot right in the outside Zone freaks it to the wall and across the line yeah he's done the job there and I think Connor said if I can just put one run on it look he's turning off the car off what does it go as it comes after over the finish line so it's building so much oil pressure that he's going to blow the engine if the car gets to too high a temperature he's gone straight from the berno box he's at no practice at the end of the last session and now he's gone straight into a pretty good run and it goes to show where her tons of this young man is that he's able to go there under the most extreme pressure that there is maybe no second run I've got to get it done on the first but is the score going to be good enough and that's what the Shanahan team will analyze is it enough to get him in the show and not risk the engine and start pulling that engine out right now in about five or ten minutes time for tomorrow one thing that is helpful here in Sweden is that there is no Darkness it's a complete the daylight 24 hours a day so it's easy to work at night because there is no night handy for them a killer for us when we're trying to get some rest at night look at him inside the car though Dave pure Precision zero practice pretty much around this circuit like you say one run potentially around the track all day goes and throws down like that just go to show the talent and an 81 for Connor Shanahan you've got to put himself in the show that's enough car parked up let's start putting them up to the Shadow and car and not working scores in 81 and the one that is working scores a zero figure it out and here's another man on the line looking to put a big score on the board is the northern Irishman Dwayne McKeever he's a two-time drift Masters round winner was a wild card around one now in for the rest of the championship sitting in the top three let's see if he goes awesome this is with the car so here we go here we go through the geez he goes big handbrake dab as he pulls that car in up onto the white line through and now he comes absolutely flying it's Dwayne McKeever as he looks to transition the car down into the outside Zone gets it time perfectly on the throttle I'm not I said early drives his way through and down he comes now keeps it on the circuit uses every inch of tarmac available that the judges have allowed him as he gets into their final outside Zone on the throttle super fast super Smokey super aggressive yeah I mean I'm not sure there's much more out there in that circuit we watched uh so many runs now we look at all of the errors all of the mistakes and there was none of them on that he came in with big angle big speed he didn't use the left foot braking at the momentum of the car carry it out to that other Zone which was what it's all about you know keeping that momentum being brave you know trusting the car trusting the grip and he does it watch rear wheels right to the edge of the circuit another transition this is where everyone's been struggling big waivers no waivers from The Keeper he's off throttle there as well by the way letting the car wash down to get through that inner Zone there's not much more out there I think that is a big run I wouldn't be surprised to see this go top qualifying or very close to it because it's the speed it's the fluidity it's the comfort that you're watching a guy not making errors not adjusting not making mistakes and that's you know a couple that would angle coupled up with speed and couple it with the perfect line there's not much more however I think there's still more out there I just think that's probably one of the best we've seen so far oh 100 I agree Dave and I'm gonna say this man finished second step on the podium here last year I spoke to him last night and he said I'm gonna win this event this weekend love that love the confidence and I think he could have been a little wider on the yeah yeah I think it could have been a little wider we splitting hairs here Dave from people that we've seen win the event to score a zero in their first qualifying run to an 86 fourth place there was some left out there I'd love to find out what Kevin O'Connell where those few points were yeah maybe it's angle maybe it's you know too much speed on the fact we don't know but we don't obviously you know you knew it was a good run but how good is what request now Laurie Heinen's got a little bit of pressure on his shoulders to back up the performance from round one he's got the fan base in the grandstands here and they're ready to hear this thing scream and it screams God does it scream through the gears comes Laurie Heinen a pro charge NASCAR V8 underneath Center at the six listen to the sound as he unleashes 900 horsepower through the circuit it sounds like a 90s Formula One car coming down oh incredible line could have been a little deeper played it safe though higher than with a lot of risk this weekend second in the championship wants to keep a hold of the fight and he looks like a man that can do it right now as he gets back on the throttle in the outside Zone put the back bumper to the wall wow you know what's funny I was speaking with uh with uh Peter gunzak recently and he was I was saying you know it's very competitive everyone's getting ready compared he goes one of the guy that I really worry about is Laurie Heinen I said why he goes because he does not make mistakes no and he doesn't that was another textbook run from Laurie Heinen looking super comfortable on the track that everyone has struggled to look comfortable on for the past hour or so look at this the line there from from one to two to three was just beautiful really could have been deeper there but look we've seen people drop Wheels there and you know bleed points away picks up that inner Zone transitions perfectly on time it's so strange none of it's perfect and none of it's wrong it's just a perfect first run yeah it's enough to put a score on the board and not throw it away and not take too many risks to give you that opportunity to take risks on the second yeah to give this tactical it's clever and it's a guy who if you can go out there oh is it though because it's the top qualifying run and I still think he's more to give I still think yeah there was more out there one on the board so he at I would imagine 80 has just top qualifying with a 91 and he has a second run where he could even push further we're sitting there saying there was there was room for this there was room for that incredible I know that's going to put a lot of pressure on your current and reigning Champion Peter geinsek in the first half of qualifying because Laurie Heinen said you remember he said I was a problem board what's behinds that got now he's strong here he's quick here but he's got to do it all here right now to stay in the mix he's right for the white line he's on the throttle nice and early sings the rev limit all the way through that first Corner as he washes the car right wide to outside zone three now down the hill he comes look at that right to the edge of the circuit he says that nothing is a problem for him as he transitions Snappy wheel over but it doesn't matter for Vincent is he's already way up there in the points he holds on to it can you keep this one clean in the outside zone or wheel over but he manages to pull it back across the line goes Vincent we're seeing some incredible I was watching his transition into the last choir I was like he's never gonna pull this off and he did and it's incredible that run to me the first half of the chorus was the best anyone's done it yeah but he does just towards that he's picked up so much Pace he's trying to get out of it couldn't slow it down and slow it down but he did so I mean this is incredible stuff from the insect the first two corners for me are absolutely Sensational this bit here he runs this white line with his wheel the whole way through that zone and gets it in to that inner zones absolute perfection and he's carrying so much Pace more than anybody through here now watch this as he comes through this song He's like I'm going very fast now I need to slow it this direction on the D cell slows it transitions back Stomps the front brake just here watch boom and then gets it on that's where I create my teeth yeah unbelievable stuff from Peter giantsack and it goes to show he's the best there is in this championship at the moment and he proves it it's not a fluke it's not luck it's not you know uh circumstantial he's as good as it gets he certainly is and look at that he goes out there to prove it and uh I think it's going to be very close to heineken's very close to the top and it is oh it's very close one point away and I think that maybe that little transition at the end could have been a little bit of a deduction but a 90 for Peter behind SEC who's in second position they've swapped it so you got nine so you got Heinen who's in second in the championship who's now in first in qualifying halfway through at Peter the opposite way around while we've got a moment because that is the last of our first qualifying runs I'm gonna just jump quickly if I could to Kevin O'Connell Kevin if you're somewhere in the sky and I can't see where Kevin is right now talk to us about where people are making mistakes and where people are succeeding on this track after we've seen the first runs [Music] that are dropping wheels off this circuit and we are deducting pretty heavily for that but then you look at the loan point of view so we are actually seeing and it's a little bit difficult to see from the live stream angles uh driver is being a little bit tight from Zone one to two and that's then affecting the airline coming to AutoZone three they're getting set a little bit early there and then it's all kind of kind of connected if they're getting a little bit early to outer zone three they're getting to AutoZone four very early and then that's pushing them a little bit wide coming to five so as you can see by the way I'm talking here all of these zones are very much connected and if you make a mistake on one of them you're making a mistake on several of them and you're constantly getting those points bleeded away if you end up going a little bit early to Inner zone five are a little bit wide then you're probably gonna drop wheels at AutoZone six or AutoZone Seven like we've seen several drivers and do and of course we have seen many many drivers then either win or lose it all and that final outer zone 8 where they're putting two wheels off sometimes are getting heavily deducted by a one-wheel drop just a point in order as well a lot of sections around this track we have put in extra pieces of tarmac fire safety and but a lot of drivers are actually using that piece of the track and we're considering that a wheel drop there so what it looked like they might be uh just right on the edge of it they are actually bleeding where points very heavily then for putting their wheels on those uh those pieces of taramac and one final Point as well deceleration zones we only have two of them on this track and some drivers are not using them correctly either not decelerating as they're supposed to an angle or decelerating far too early and they are losing points there too so I know that is quite complicated there is a lot to digest there but these are the kind of little details that we're taking account of thanks Kev I'm glad someone's taking accountant because I'm just enjoying the show right now as you can see the D cell Zone a lot of that stuff is it's very technical but we get it now we're able to watch it for the second half and it's going to be nice to be educated from what they're seeing as we go so here's where we stand Laurie Heinen in first position halfway through qualifying with a 91 Peter Vine SEC at 90 or Nielsen in third with an 89 pushkonski well he was just there for a minute at the top of wild finally still in fourth position cherub a big jump up to fifth position so far I'm the keeper with a six and look at this a diesel powered in the top eight which is unbelievable and this is how we're sitting right now remember guys this is not the final qualifying signings this is halfway point so all of this kind of doesn't matter so much but what it does matter for a lot of these guys is that if you got above maybe an 85 you're kind of looking safe for top 32. anyone below when you're seeing Renton and Nakamura and all these guys and you can see right on the drop zone at the moment is 54. so that's gonna rise I think as we go through the second half of qualifying and there you have it Jack Shannon outside with a zero and we've also got out with a zero and a lot of big names like you have poitolaxo out with a zero Ali maxsheed with a zero so far so those guys are only gonna get one run to try and jump LeapFrog everybody back into it which is incredible Becky it's been a very interesting start to qualifying we're halfway through it's going to be an interesting second half coming up interesting is definitely the word there Dave as you can see the scenes behind me this is Connor Shanahan coming back into the pit here he's pushing his car because I've just got word from his parents that just as the car went over the line it actually blew the engine so they managed to get it to hold on just as it counted he managed to put an 81 on the board which means he's in the show but now the real work starts as this car needs to get ready for top 32 tomorrow I'm gonna see if I can have a chat with Connor but he's looking a little bit exasperated here Connor ah I can already tell by looking at your face but the main thing is you got a score on the board it was a really good run nice and Technical what we'd like to say a safe run was it safe for you though I don't think so yeah it was a little bit on edge but I don't know if it's relief or a little bit annoyed that I could have been a little bit better I made a small correction on the first transition which killed my momentum but I'm always going to be hiring myself I think I need to be happy I can't thank my incredible team daytron everything at it today like non-stop every time I came back we weren't even getting laps and we were you know the problem was happening not even on the track and they never gave up my dad and the team worked hard towards the end there to get that lap in and uh I don't think we're going to get a second one in so once I'm in the show I'm happy and uh let's hope let's hope it goes better tomorrow's my birthday so I hope we bring some luck so um yeah let's see where it ends up but I'm happy that hopefully we get in the show thank you to everybody Dwayne was lending mechanics to me all day everybody was just jumping in trying to get the job done it's been a stressful day stressful for my team they have a long night ahead of them and uh I know there's no better boys to find a solution so um yeah don't count me out I might be down to order today but I'll be pushing her tomorrow to go for for sure brilliant Connor good luck and as we say always a fight never a forfeit everybody giving mechanics to make sure this guy gets out on track tomorrow back to you guys thanks Becky love to see it everybody jumping in to help Connor Shannon get back on circuit and uh it's gonna be a long night that never is a night here and it never ends it's gonna be a day that never ends for the Shanahan team I'm sure it's gonna be a lot of commotion down there you'll keep an eye on the social media platforms to see how that one unfolds will he is 81 is it enough well we're gonna find out as we go back to the second half of qualifying starting in reverse order with our wild cards and moving all the way to our final driver Peter vansick who is our current points leader it's been an interesting start to to this event will it stay as unpredictable as it's been for the rest of it I think we may find out uh for a lot of big reasons we got some big names sitting on zeros and that's going to be the the real story but a lot of these wildcards sitting outside the top 32 as well and Jim olafson now with a 59est restaurant must improve and get himself higher up the order because we're not too sure if that score is going to be enough by the end now I'm not sure if it will be enough by the end Davis comes off the line for his second qualifying run of the day the Wild Card driver BMW E30 M50 turbo underneath the Bonnet 650 horsepower as you might often you can see the shallows up the angle tries to make this one a little bit more technical fails to get to the outside tone now waivers and wonders he gets fully in the outside so just about picks a wheel up on the inner transitions a little late but makes it work and you can see that line out of the outside Zone not working not really where the judges wanted him to be nevertheless into that final outside tone just about keeps the wheels in it across the line Olufsen will improve at the moment sits on a 59 sits in 28th position so work to be done take a look back at the replay lovely initiation for you Mollison as he uh almost drops a wheel fully just keeps it on the white line but too far on that inner Zone as Kevin O'Connell was mentioning earlier on after all of those first qualifying runs that um he didn't want to be all the way in it wanted to keep a wheel halfway through just to get that perfect line into our side zone three and him oliverson they're connecting the dots we're gonna put a bit of a better score on the board and that final outside Zone as I said kept the wheels in it left for break just to help push the back into that car towards the wall but he is very very closer with pulling more points away from that run yeah learning a lot of these drivers learning that the the over aggression is not the key here and you're gonna drop wheels and the judges ain't missing it so you know you have to stay on the circuit and that's easier said than done when you're transitioning at high Pace High rate and you need these big two D cell zones to work for you and I think it's a in many ways as we talk about the speed of the track what I've learned from Kevin O'Connell and then not an improvement for your models that he stays in 28th position uh what I've learned from Kevin O'Connell's little little you know speech there at the end was that it's the deceleration on this track not the acceleration it's probably costing a lot of the score yeah 100 and uh we move it back to the start line again another driver sitting on a 58 so at the moment 30th position for Alfred greinberg and grindberg LS V8 turbocharged engine underneath the bonnet 2006 full throttle now as he opens it up looks for that zone and a much nicer line you can see that line very collected you know a cool calm comes down barely any steering input but then got hatch of understeer for that inner Zone and that really messed up his line is in our dials on the angle tries to find the nice line into outside so Nate gets that job done nicely as he fulfills all of that Zone on throttle across the line and a much nicer run than his first qualifying but very unfortunate one because that catcher one he's actually the perfect line yeah absolutely Sensational from the start but he caught that understand that's not something I think he would he let off the throttle and the front the rear grip to the front pushed yeah so he didn't expect it to happen he tried to improve on what he did so watch this as he comes through this section he's on handbrake off throttle here not on it and then as he goes on at the front wheels giveaway so he can't get to that inner Zone other than that a very solid run but it messes him up on those two zones which will hurt his overall score so we can see the potential talent in this driver but you know know what I mean it's it's so harsh at one moment and all of a sudden you're like oh that's the difference between an 85 and you know a 65 or of course mid 50s I don't know but it's it's it's that moment that each driver is struggling with here it certainly is and the and this guy this young man hailed as a you know a talent to look forward to in the future 66 does improve ever so slightly so he does secure uh himself but we have got a lot of zeros a lot of touches look at this car is I mean that's just a four-wheel slide there which you don't want to see move on to our next Drive is Dennis hagenbaum from Finland uh he's all smiles he's always always happy no one he's more fun sometimes at the after party than on the track but I'll tell you one thing about Dennis he does not back down he's going to enjoy the challenge here he's gonna go here and try and put a sensational run on the board well he needs to Davey sits with a 49 at the moment he's way out of that uh top 32 competition and he drops a wheel over at the edge of the track I'm not sure if that was two I don't think it was as wild as the Shanahan will drop but again way deep on that in a first inner Zone and that's gonna hurt his line and it did for the outside time starting to make it work now does on the angle and the throttle nice and early looks for the snappy transition makes that one work now keeps it within the white lines there on that transition back for the final outside Zone can you hold on to it certainly can lights up the forward but he falls out of the outside tone a little early and across the line goes at Dennis haglong and uh I'm not sure if it's going to be that much of an improvement to get him in top 32. no and it's all the style it's all the flavor it's all the power but the judges just you know if they see those Wheels on the inside they see the harps they see the corrections he's just he's just losing points again here a little wobble misses the other Zone and it's just such a cool car and it's a special you willing him across you know the line to get him there but it's it's not technically perfect no it's not technically perfect and you'd want him to be absolutely pinpoint perfect to see him in the show tomorrow such an absurd car that you don't get to see uh drift events uh very often the Honda S2000 with the Toyota 2JZ underneath the Bonnet but nevertheless hack Club doing everything he can to get himself in that show let's see what the judges have to say about that one as the score begins to drop in well the score is going to be a 59 so it is an improvement he makes his way into just about into the show remember 32 drivers of the 50 odd making it into battles but he's going to have a nervous weight for that one yeah he certainly is but a man that is in a wild card that is in the show with a pretty decent score in the moment it is a Victor event Mark and he sits in this incredible Nissan 206 S14 beautiful car BMW M3 motor dry sumps it means you can rev it higher with a turbo makes 800 900 horsepower um and yeah revs to 9000 RPM it doesn't make sense it doesn't have to it looks like a streetcar which to me ticks all of the boxes nice initiation lets the cast set all stands on the accelerator lights up the tires he's on a nicer line there through that first dealer Zone and now this is starting to look good for event Mark as he comes down that outside Zone gets on the accelerator early looks at the transition back nice line now as he looks and hunts for that final outside own this is a lot cleaner a little bit more calm and collected than his first qualifying run right to the edge of the circuit gets the spawner over the wall very nice job good run I mean it wasn't there's no big risks there and there's nothing too crazy but I think that's probably a cleverer way of approaching the circuit is that you know being technically good is going to see you get a pretty decent score and I think from his perspective the first one was Scrappy yeah this one definitely tidied up a lot of those areas you can see as he goes through the course he's not like absolutely to the edge of everything especially on the transition he does it quite a safe way you know details a little early just to make sure he gets the outside Zone but he does collect those zones and that's what the judges are looking for super calm behind the wheel as well look at that just you know the dude no big Panic just get around I'm only going like you know 100 miles an hour at this point it's fine so everything's fine everything's fine so as he goes through this last section I like this transition it's not washy it's very calculated he's got his detailed on very tidy the judge is gonna like this because there's not a whole lot and you know not a whole lot to criticize but then is there any big risks in there and I think maybe from the style and angle point of view it's going to hurt him a little bit which it does you can see style 14 out of 20. it's 71 on the board 20th position so yeah not a lot of style not a lot of angle but a technically good course and again this is the hard part for the judges the line this guy is looking just for line but style and anger going I didn't see a whole lot of either and even though the line guy could be super happy the rest may not Ali Mac she'd sit on a zero Kuwaiti driver taking a car borrowed car this weekend to try and throw his hat in the ring here at the European Championship the drift Masters he's got to get it all done on one run here all done in one run and in a form of car as you say trying it out trying to feel out the drift Masters European championship for this season uh to make a program to come back in 2024 and now Ali Maxi looks a little bit more comfortable now got those first run Jitters out of the way but it all went wrong with that final outside though can he hold it together this time nothing more than any Maxi would love to be in the show tomorrow look at this as he absolutely pins it to the wall across the line that is the alley Maxi we know yeah we've watched it being that you know from our travels in the Middle East and we knew he was a big talent and eventually one day he was going to make his way to this championship and I think you know in a borrowed car a lot to learn very new track very new car all in the one weekend but that second one showing a lot more of the potential he has what he can add to this series and what he can give and pretty good all the way around he definitely a little maybe in my opinion over tentative to the last time which I'd forgive him for after the spin on the first one but he definitely didn't want to make the same mistake twice when he got here you can see as he transitions back he takes a lot of time to make sure that car is settled and once it is settled he then turns the screw and puts it to them yeah eight hours and you know what an incredible Talent like you say we've watched him for many years now grow as a driver and become who he is and I think this year for me winning that Amman International Championship getting that title to him cemented to say you are good 79 on the fold very nice score and I think he's going to be very safe for top 82 competition tomorrow well we say that well yeah yeah I'm always I'm always saying the 80 Mark for me but 79 looks pretty strong right now with the field with the feel of what was going on today yeah a lot of zeros on the board and we now move on to our next driver which is Victor yonsoo he's a 78 the board so not a bad first run he's in 13th position at the moment again these are all provisional scores they will change as the things move along but uh he's got room to take a risk here because he's got the safe 78 score in can he go a little bit Wilder here let's see a big big initiation which we do always reflects it with the edge of the track there I think he kept one wheel uh inside and this is good look at this victorians doing a good job keeping the foot to the floor very fast through that section doesn't back down just about scrapes the other Zone not perfect but it's still a fast fluid line through this track for the Swedish driver as he now transes my beautiful looking car absolutely sounds amazing oh a little wider I think is that two wheels off very close to it as he comes across the line he might have just saved one on this on on inside the white line not sure no not sure at all and I wouldn't want to call that one that was so fluid for me as you said from the initiation all the way down I just show on the outside Zone but this was super fluid like just a whole way connected it was like as soon as he initiated he knew everything clicked at the moment they watched the rear end of the car yeah this could be the nail in the coffee and the Drone is going to show it and I'm gonna say that that is just about on the tarmac I think he's well done in the white line I think he's kept it within yeah it's great to have those those use those alternate views because right here you can see that it looks to us like he's he's dropped over but he's actually in the zone so I think he's got away with that one and it was close but close is fine closest yeah not so close not so good uh so yeah I like to look at this wall run that's a great shot Brian beautiful you got this beautiful BMW trying to flirt with not being beautiful but underneath all of that is all carbon Kevlar wow and then you just paint over it so you're like he didn't even know they didn't even know that it was all he was like I don't need to show it off but it's common cover I'm gonna paint his silver yeah so we go back we wait for a score for uh Victor yonso um just wondering where his score will drop in we're just waiting on it yeah waiting on it uh the see the judges deliberating it I wonder if they disagreed with us which sometimes happens who are they to disagree with us and I tell you what they're absolutely right because we are watching it from a completely different perspective we're a fan a fan there's absolutely no points for how cool the car looks on their scoreboard at 69 yeah that last Corner dropping the wheel off hurting the score 13 position he's still safe enough at the moment and yeah we're looking for the flare we're looking for the fun this guy's gone so fast he's torn half his car in pieces yeah next driver Tony Everson from Sweden run 162 which is to me really borderline he's in 28th position at the moment he's got to improve here to be safe he's got to improve but he has a mark 4 Supra so he gets loads of points from us for style yeah and he's got an engine where it should be for once which a lot of these guys don't but he needs a big score here as he goes off the line through the gears uh very minimalistic interior on this car as you can see the fires well Tony abstract advert said as he comes through he's got all the power but can he make it work he does at the edge of the circuit now not too much angle here trying to always flirt with the edge of the track one wheel over but he gets it done that is really threading the needle for these drivers there it's very tough especially at those speeds to know what is happening as he comes back towards that last outer zone slow that big heavy carp down and then get it later somebody's missing that Arizona but it is hard to see that outer zone right now as the sun comes through the cockpit and it's also the drivers have kind of eradicated that uh temporary white line on the outside so I think I'm not too sure he knows where that outside zone is no I don't think he does Dave I was just going to say the sun now in a position where it's really like shining you can see it through the car you can see the light beaming through the windscreen and and that's good that's not going to be easy for these guys and uh nevertheless look at this inside the car looks like he's just going for a spin to the shops but yeah he's doing 100 miles an hour down a hill towards a flying Corner yeah this is the bit watch what do you transition look at the sun Cyrus has said it's coming through the windscreen now and he's the Sun as he transitions back that outer zone is starting to disappear a little bit so he can see the outer white line if you see it he's way off it he's on the inside but I'm not sure if he knows that or he's mistimed it but I have a feeling the Sun and everything else playing in there's gonna be really tough watch inside the car look at the visor right all of a sudden beams into the visor and all of a sudden you're you're kind of guessing where the outside zone is it's a safe run but it's going to lose some score there yeah certainly he's going to lose some score well at the moment he sits inside um competition does he improve 64 he does ever so slightly and he does jump up the order just a bit but still never ever safe are these guys let me go back to the start line where we see Norbit sandwich so Kevin brumberg the final wild card in that Volvo uh wagon apparently uh having mechanical issues there was unsure whether he'd make it to the line he didn't so we move it along normal Savage now the Hungarian driver off the line through the gears down 58 on the ball he needs more than that but he's a wild man and he's done some wild stuff in the past like Park this car on top of a wall so let's see what he can do now as he fires through looks down the circuit right to the edge right to the white line very fluid just about keeps two wheels in that zone this is nice from Norman's damage at the moment Snappy transition right to the edge of the circuit once again he's using all of the track available can he get this one darly Darcy for Mills that finds outside Zone just the power hangs on to it yeah I think that final zone is a problem I think they are going to struggle to see where that actual white line is and where the judges are being so harsh of dropping Wheels over it they're sort of being tender they can't get to it again on the initiation for damage I think it's a solid one but it's not very aggressive he tries to weight transfer those really work the rest though it comes together nicely what I liked about it was that he's it's weird because you can't see someone do the perfect run here so far because watch this as he comes down here this is pretty much over the line spot on there watching this really good job here of coming through this Zone it just gets the nose in but it almost goes too early on the transition right here so he very he actually misses that zone even though it kind of looks like from the first shot that it was the right line it turned out to be the wrong line and then right as it comes to this last Zone I think this is gonna be really hard like the sun shining on the track very hard to figure out where that other zone is and he's actually shallow for that whole outer zone as well so I think that's going to hard to score it it's tough on this kind I feel for them because you just managed to you know it's not too bad oh it gets in there and then he kind of comes out of it a little bit why because he's got one wheel kind of on the white yeah I suppose you should know the wall obviously is the edge of the track so 73 on the board and improving up to 19th position not bad I'm still saying high 70s low 80s is where you'd want to be to be super safe but we're not seeing major scores going in here from the wild cards which we often do so everyone's struggling I think it's gonna be a little game of chess now to see where that that pinpoint accurate run is do you risk it you're just trying to get up into the 80s and be safe well we're going to find out what Macos Marco sacral is going to do because he currently sits his 17th with a 74. so he can go a little bit riskier he certainly can he can he can really push the limit he can push himself he can push the car right to the edge of the circuit is he going to go for it but he's going to try that's for sure a big angle on initiation on the throttle nice and early and you can see the smoke plumes building up then you see the line he took through that inside Zone wheel right through the middle of it and this is nice now starts to connect the dots as he comes over that little brown the transition fulfills that one a nice angle as he comes through the outside so he starts to slow the car down on angle gets on the throttle lifts back onto it again and he does fulfill that zone he fulfills it all the way that was lovely from the Czech Republic driver Marco Zachary excellent in fact it was great because wow it was great because I think what he did what I expected him to do he pushed a little bit more he gave everything a little bit more to try and improve the score because you know in the first room I would say was Tactical for safe yeah strategic this one was a little bit more risk involved again son coming low at this point and it comes low and then it goes back up again it never goes down but it's what is interesting for me it's almost like this is playing into a lot of uh the driver's hands because the grip levels I think are perfect right now you can see the car is actually the truck has cooled a little bit from the direct sun so the cars are a little looser you can see zacharel doesn't have to fight the car as much on this run and as he gets to the edge he's just looking at that wall laser focusing run the rear end off that and I'm home and dry and I think that's an excellent run for Market does a good job look at right to the edge um yeah I don't think there's I mean for me should improve I think yeah I should improve I mean I don't know if it's going to trouble the very top scorers here but it definitely should improve him and probably improve him to a point where he can relax yes there you go an 85 on the board puts him in the seventh position I'm supposed to say he can relax knowing he's got a good position for tomorrow he's safe into the battles and that's sometimes enough for a qualifying day it's just to not have to worry about it anymore oh certainly so we move it back to the start line to a man sitting on a zero uh very very Scrappy first run Christian selmere uh the Estonian driver struggled looked like he'd grip the car up massively for a fast run the grip on the track was way higher we know that from how some of the other cars were reacting has he made any changes what has he done to try and get a clean run around this track he is one of the first drivers with a zero and again fouls on that initiation card didn't react now starts to pick it back up but he's super wide he's missed that first in a Zone transitions back he's going to go wide once again Keeps The Wheels on the circuit he's early to the outside Zone and now starts to really fall apart as he's going to be in and out of these zones way too early and again that very evidential as he gets into this final outside Zone he's going to go Wheels wide yeah oh oh Christian's sour you know what it was it was exciting to watch though because at some point there I was like I don't know where he's going but it's so fast and it's so and he makes it work I mean it doesn't actually initiate watch nine and a half initiate and then he's going so fast at this point I think oh he's definitely going off the track but then somehow he manages to not go off the track even though super wide and then when he transitions like well now he's definitely going off the track and he manages to control it here as well watch dials out the angle makes it work but he's kind of on the wrong line he's only barely touching that other Zone and then here again super fast as the transition it makes it work like it's a wild run to watch it's very entertaining but it's not what the judges wanted it's almost too late on all on all the zones and I think the last zone is probably the strongest he doesn't make it work but he just drop a wheel over and a little too wild yeah it's like I mentioned you want to see a driver out there looking like the it's not that difficult and that looked to me like he was holding on a little bit there so 40 on the board for Christian summer missing a lot of zones but very exciting cool car cool guy looking forward to seeing more again option yeah certainly so we're moving back to the start line to a man that needed a differential earlier and the thrift Community got behind him and helped him out with some spare parts but now he sits outside of top 32. a score of a is on a 54 so he does need to improve he needs to get rid of those nerves [Music] oh that's through that initiation and shallow line there and you can see the way he corrected that card and startled on that angle and that's going to not help him in the outside Zone but he makes it work nevertheless as if they said it now transitions big wobble once again you can see him turning that car on angle and I'm not sure what they've done between the two qualified sessions yeah oh no that's the gearbox and differential oh it sounds bad yeah there's a lot of metal ones you know I was just about to say this is I was like I don't know what they've done but it seems like the car doesn't want to drive it was it had like no go no forward drive and then no you're sorry and there was there was no gears to do a forward four wheel drive you need those gears in the gearbox yeah that's why it's called the gearbox just a box of boxes metal and you can see it started a struggle here yeah as a transition back it was like the car just started dying on the power nothing working and yeah he last total drive he'll be devastated with that that was a really good run up to that point it was a very good point and you're 20 feet yeah 20 feet from the end you're not even like it's not the first corner it could have happened over the line it would have been gearbox just knows this is really easy now it's the last corner and uh yeah gearbox broke we heard it throw it in yeah we're gonna have to tow it in or we might get Johnny skips we just don't know oh yeah I mean you'd love to see Johnny school I would for a second appearance he gets two qualified and again that's sometimes the way drifting goes it's you know it's the horse and the jockey that wins the Grand National I thought that Eric was the youngest on the grid and it's not it is in fact um the Israeli driver it's a set of 16 years old this young man look he has the talent without shadow of a doubt he just needs the car now behind him and the problem with the car which is is evident here is that you know you you might have a very good car at the national level but when you come to European level you've got to dial so much power so much grip now the other components on the car start to failure and that's what's happened here the gearbox is gone look I was okay with what you're doing before but this is crazy so I tell you there he is he's back Johnny Scoops is back and and this is the this is just it's almost an up from the down that you get to see this yeah it's kind of a bonus yeah and he's sitting there he's warmed up and ready I saw him stretch earlier on he was like doing some jumping jacks he was like I'm going to be out there as quick as you like to scoop a car off um yeah I'm gonna have to wait for this uh this recovery on the circuit a gearbox failure and uh today getting a little bit of a rental Applause from the ground he smiles but it's a smile behind it's a painful smile sad smile because he knows he could have done better here um but Johnny Scoops couldn't done any better he's been on call all day he's been on foam on for me look at that just like a casual drive this thing is huge and he's driving it like it's a Nissan Micra I think I think what I might do Dave one year is hook up you for passenger ride I would like pass to ride with this this one not fast about like top qualifier passenger ride Johnny Scoops passenger right yeah if you could if I could watch him work close up just for the day I feel if we got onto Red Bull TV and asked them nice enough to put an onboard camera on the recovery truck just to see I mean I feel he's a wizard with it with the controls yeah yeah and it is like what in the name of God is it's just such an unusual thing to be uh to be watching and it's hey I can see oh this is a building up nicely though to the next driver uh giving him a little bit more to worry about it no a bit more to worry about yeah is Cali Roven Pera the reigning WRC Champion he was top qualifier and round winner at Foreigner of Japan just two weeks ago and so he's competed in if I'm not mistaken two International level yeah competitions and the worst he's done is eighth and the best he's done his first yeah and that's just in two rounds so what is he gonna bring this time around well he's got a zero on the board from his first qualifying one so the pressure and I don't care who you are the pressure is building on Roblox because you know Eros here never goes well here he is here he is big name in WRC you know he's been unbelievable Talent he's and he's a generational John talent in my opinion but it shows that anyone can make mistakes any anyone can be put under pressure and now Robin Perry's got to answer how good is he that's what he's got to answer because I mean a lot of drivers will fall apart with this kind of pressure you know I've got a zero my first run everybody expects me to do well and if there I've got Roven Pera and you've got Jack Shanahan on zeros which I definitely think he would have got great odds on at the start of qualifying to be in that situation as Johnny Scoops again flawlessly removes the car from the track uh no questions about his mindset or mentality there there's no his performance his performance his own question unquestionable yeah but Roven Pera who was warming the car up and this can play into a driver's mindset too a little bit too much time to have a think about it I was just gonna say this you know for a lot of drivers including probably myself Dave sitting down the grit not being able to go straight away well tell you what why we've got a minute I'm talking about mindset we're going to go down and see what the mindset the pitch is like we've got Becky Evans down there right guys I have actually just caught up with Oren Nielsen as he's always a lovely smiley face as you're walking around the paddock it's always a joy to come and chat to him and I was just saying you know you've put a great score on the board you've got an 89 right now that's not enough for you you just said to me I just want a couple more points to get me into those 90s how are you gonna do it I know I I just had to push a little bit harder I guess I mean last year we had a really bad accident here and we didn't manage to qualify so I can't complain now I mean we have the 89 on the board and I'm super happy the car feels good and the team is excellent so yeah I just know that now I had to I had a chance to take a little bit more risk and that's what I'm gonna do perfect thank you so much Oren and good luck in your second qualifier back to you guys to keep chatting about Mr scoops thanks Becky yeah Mr Scoops is a is a well-respected member of the the staff up here well there we go Aura Nielsen set to do a more depth of fire run than he did in his first we know out last year we will catch up with Ryan soon hopefully he keeps all four wheels on the track this time we see the last recovery vehicle the track team making their way off as Johnny Scoops Dave's favorite vehicle here at drift Masters takes in a sadder away we pray that he can get some Fortune at the next round in Finland hopefully the team managed to work it out and I look out the window and as you look on your screen you can see Cali Roven Pera in this incredible Toyota A90 Supra warm up the tires he settles himself in the car you can see the nerves thumbs up to the start line Marshall down there Marcin pulls the gloves on adjusts himself claps the hands he knows he has to get it done on this run he fires on the anti-lag he pulls the handbrake back and he launches this incredible carbon fiber super off the line through the gears big absolutely hammers down Roven Pera knows this is the one he has to get the job done right here right now right to the edge of the circuit he goes incredible transition the line is Flawless as he stands on the accelerator through those two outside tones the line is dialed hardly any breaking from Robin Pera looks for that final outside Zone can he get it done he certainly can as he looks for the war across the line Rover shows to everyone why he is one of the greatest around here's a problem that's what he is he's a problem for the drift community and the drift competitors right now because you're taking someone who's learned so many skills from so many different disciplines and is now applying them to this discipline and it looks like he's been driving I mean he's been going sideways his whole life but he hasn't been doing it judge judged and it doesn't seem to make any difference this is the type of moment where another driver will fall apart especially a newcomer especially someone who's under pressure with a zero on the board it looked to me like he had no pressure there very calm but he's got the talent he's got everything that you would want he's got the youth on his side he's learning as he goes and he said himself that he was disappointed with a top eight finish the last time he came to drift monsters that's his first ever event you got to talk about competition you gotta talk about mindset he's disappointed with a top eight finish at his first ever European drift event well now I think he's got himself into the show with this one I mean I think he's got more than getting himself in the show Dave I'm putting a lot of my spending money on the line to say that that is going to be what a Euro just one Euro one Euro I'm gonna say it's gonna be way up there yeah 89 at the board big score from Rovan Perez he sits in third position we will see him in battle action tomorrow and he can take a little breather because as cool a customer as he is that was high stress environment for him but he is no stranger to that and he puts a score on the board as we move to the man uh that has got some work to do here is Tobias pushan 37th position at the moment 49 on the board he's outside that top 32 he needs to improve and this is again mindset I mean this is It's all about doing the best you can without letting the pressure of the situation get to you let's hope Tobias can do that yeah let's hope he can he was wheels off the circuit earlier on today in the outside Zone can he hold it together this time looks like a tidier line but it does fail to get to that inner Zone painted on the circuit comes down the hill now no wheels over this time it looks like he's going to play a side part I don't know if there's any room moment in top 32 for safe runs that's push it and now makes his way into that final outside Zone the sun beaming down on the circuit does drop a wheel is it too over the circuit across the line yeah he's throwing the disaster there he looked to me like that second wheel was getting very close to that outer line it is hard to see that outer line now so many drivers have passed that area and erased so much of those painted white lines and as you said big Miss on that first inner Zone he really was struggling at that point to get the car back online little wobble to readjust as well yeah to readjusting it back on it doesn't make a disaster of any of the other zones but it's just at the end of The Run that's what we're gonna watch for does he drop the two wheels over the edge of that white line which is tough to to make out at this point but as he transitions back let's have a look at the rear end of the car so as he comes into that other Zone he's doing okay here watch the edge of the white line watch that rear wheel think he's probably just done okay I think he stayed on the track there I think actually might have been very good I think we might have actually been a little harsh there yeah yeah shows we can't even see the outside with the sun beaming down and look at that because the sun is beaming down on that rubber it's just a reflective surface so how can you tell where the zone is versus where the rubber is you're kind of just using muscle memory and kind of lining it up to the wall and assuming that's where it is so very good job at the end there from Tobias look on the inside dropping a wheel dirt flying that's not gonna help him no it certainly isn't going to help him and the score drops in is a 64. he moves up to 28th Place at the moment but that's still dangerously close to the Drop Zone and that puts Dylan garlovy the Irishman on the Drop Zone in 32nd Place wow and Alexa I love you in a little bit of worrying State there as well but next up one of the fan favorites here we'd love to see this thing on track it's the only diesel powered car on the grid that is Timo beltola from Finland from black smoke racing 800 horsepower out of a uh this has 1200 newton meters of torque this car which is I don't tear most cars not but here we go Timo throws into that first Corner he's a great first qualifying run on the board but in 84 so he's really pushing a little bit and wide of that inner Zone there Simona fires through the course this is a good line a little bit more fit too much angle there and made it work but didn't get enough of the other zone for me to make a big statement doesn't fire us through just just glancing the other zones right now not completely fulfilling them he does a great job here though at the end and of course there's plenty of car to throw a tough ball at the rear end uh it's just amazing to see a car with 1200 newton meters and 800 horsepower and a 3.2 liter turbo diesel um with some two big turbos like huge yeah like you know probably ridiculous they're big enough they're big enough and there's two of them so you know one isn't enough you go for the two get two yeah and the black's not pouring across this guy it's so cool to watch yeah very nice from timu it's really second quarter Forum run yeah Ninth Place at the moment you know what he could have just parked it up I'd say I'd say he was very safe but yeah I don't know if this is an improvement for me I don't think it's as strong as this first qualifying one does of course by a personal personal opinion which accounts for absolutely but I think it's not as good as this first run I think his first run as you said is enough he's in ninth at the moment with an 84. I'm not sure that's going to improve it that looks somewhere in the low 70s for me oh oh look at that on the button a 70 dead it was the lowest 17 I guess the lowest one the lowest 70 which is ninth position still at 84. that's enough it's enough for me now Max Miller we talked about this story of he he went out to practice he didn't get to the start line and the engine went they put another thousand horsepower engine they used another part of the circuit to tune the car and he came out to his first one did okay-ish not great but it was his only run so he's taking that as practice and this is qualifying and it's all pressure for Miller it certainly is when he sits on the Zero it was an okay drum but a drop Wheels that's what area all went wrong for Miller needs to tidy up now it needs to keep all the four wheels on it was another mistake there you can see the way that drag the front end of the car around he had to make the big correction to keep it on the circuit transitions back now can he tidy this one up candy crawl anything back we see a 60 now is the Drop Zone it is the score you need to get yourself in the show on the wall he goes job done for Miller is it enough he's gonna be borderline I think he's made some errors there he's yeah I mean a beautiful car by the way obviously phenomenal cars to look at but as he comes through here he takes a little bit more of a chew than he wanted as he goes towards the other circuit drops away that messes up his transition yeah and the judges will be watching that so watch this goes off it's the correction two wheels as well and then he corrects back he does well to get back on it and this is okay but again close to two wheels but I think he's okay misses the most of the inner Zone and then the transition back to the other Zone at the end very tentative it was it was safe he knew at that point he had to put a score on the board but you got to remember the pressure he's under with no practice all that Panic that's gonna happen around putting an engine in tuning the car I mean the stuff that takes days for people to do normally or weeks you know the car they're doing it in hours mere hours and let's see what oh it just creeps in with a 61 so any movement above him and he's out of the show so I this is unlikely that he'll stay there with so many zeros on the board from Shanahan from all these guys we're talking about so it's gonna be a nervous wait for a minute as we move on to our next driver another driver on a zero in well his fellow Ukrainian can knock him out Dave as now he said to the line Alexander kosher [Music] wheels and then put it in the grass let's say 20062 Jay-Z 850 horsepower never really got to see the full potential last time the big mistake as he got himself in a better position oh and he makes the same mistake as Miller and uses that burns off the transition and now he finds himself Wheels on the inside of the circuit and again I'm I wonder if that's a double if that's going to be a zero as well Dave looking at the chase ability of that run with the wheel drop I'm gonna say the judges are going to count that as almost a zero either way doesn't matter because I don't think it's enough to modify I mean he's made a big error there so he was on a great line yeah everything was working out great and he just pushed too hard here watch the watch the impact on the car hits the curb it snaps the transition he's on the wrong side of the track here it's the exact opposite of the other zone so the judges will look at that and go well are you going to chase that that's that's on the wrong side of the track now it does stay on the track but it's kind of hard to score watch this just pushes a little bit just there just before if he'd caught the curb you might away with it but he didn't he caught the dirt and this is like he's on the inside of the track he's almost two wheels over the inside of the track which is the exact opposite of where he needs to be and yeah not pretty and it's kind of hard to score I can't see that making qualifying this again a personal uh decision but we've been watching all these these runs so far and I look messy to me it did yeah and you know what such a simple mistake to make trying to push that wide on that outside time to fulfill all of it um easy to go that one foot too far and uh knock yourself out of competition well it's interest you know I mean his inches over the line and it costs him probably two corners yeah that's from just one tiny you know two feet of a mistake yeah so you know you can watch this and I think we all get numb to the skill levels that are required here we all get numb to how knife edge it is and again if you're watching and it is a zero and that is I think the correct call and it puts him out but what we really have to be conscious of here is that we watch it like it's just easy and normal and it's like a video game but this is real life real speed real risk and it's also you don't have the pressure you can't comprehend that not watching it of what's going on here's another guy under big pressure he's probably borrowed car you know has a whole morning of disaster and now has to try and pull it out of the bag it certainly does brand new car first time driving the OC's first and now kiss me Crawford Comes Out Swinging trying to get himself back into the show and a good line so far you can see the waiver in a wobbling looks a little bit more confident this time I wonder if they've made some changes to the setup just to try and make it a little easier for kissy hoppy to make his way around certainly working at the moment doesn't need a 61 or higher to get himself in to that top 32 tomorrow he'd love nothing more than to get into the show lovely way to finish the run to be fair and you know what it's not really too much to pull apart on that yeah just the initiation for me was a little strange you had to immediately throw the card in one initiate but he does fulfill this goes to show how talented Scorpi is when you can go and do a run later so there's nearly too shallow there but it makes it work he gets to the other zones and that car doesn't look super easy to drive to me that's a car he's not familiar with other than today so you know to jump in a car you've never driven before say I want to just drive this drive sideways at over 100 mile an hour put the sticky tires on please don't make it really hard oh that's a drive yeah and then I'm going to make it work and I think he's put a score on the board here I'm not sure what that score is but it's far better than his first obviously being a zero um yeah I think I think it's it's a big Improvement look at this sticks it to the wall as well not scared of a little scratch on the rear bumper yeah not his car why would he he hasn't got pain here at the end of the week now look at that shot it's cool very cool shot there you can see it's just and you can see the elevation there I talk about it I'm like they come down here 66 27 oh it's gonna be a nervous way you know what I think I think you'll be happy that he's in with a show yes nothing about those who runs to me look super comfortable so I think you'd be happy that he's put our score on the board and he's got himself in the conversation yes 100 David karkoshik pulls the line in this incredible S15 look we see him unhappy at the end of the run on the onboard wonder what was up with the car scored a 64. um Thirty thirtieth place at the moment so karkoshik will need to drastically improve so a lot of guys sitting with a zero looking to improve especially he's missed that in Arizona and he's on a bit of a wild one here yeah because he takes a detail he misses a lot of that inner Zone as well this is kind of going where the car is going on where he wants it to go and he was struggling a little bit in this S15 and he's got plenty of pace plenty of commitment there's no question of the talent but still no and again if he was disgruntled after the first run I think he's gonna be disgruntled again double disgruntled double disgruntled what it looks like for me all went wrong here on the initiation he's carrying a lot of speed and he failed to get that inner Zone and then from there on out really it was just to gain the catch up look how wide he is as he comes down boom and you know it's enough that the judges will look at it and say he kind of didn't get to the edge and so it was kind of avoiding the zombies yeah as he comes through here I mean he does get this on completely but just watch as he comes through here I think he completely misses that well just about gets the end of the inner zone so it's not the perfect line and it's almost as I said he's going where he's going rather than where he wants to go yeah he's adjusting when he gets there and that's not what the judges want to see they want to see fluidity they want to see you know solid driving that looks like you're you're adjusting to the track you're adjusting to the line because of course the line in drifting is not the fastest line no it's a created line that one challenges you to make those adjustments because it's not natural and two it's it's for twin battles so there you go 71 of the board he's in the 23rd is an improvement and the only reason we're being so harsh in him is because we would expect karkashi to be way off the top that's the talent level he has he's a very very talented driver so he's in there but let's see how long he stays in there Michael Johansen is an extra driver 75 in the first run is an 18th yeah it looked impressive could have been even better and a couple of wobbles as you said yeah I love that word favorite word to use when we talk about drifting wobbling around but nevertheless because nothing to lose now can really show his style show his flare and try and bag a few more of those wow as he comes down very tidy line right to the edge of the Circuit look to the transition nicely done both rear wheels in that outside so lovely Line This one is on point can he hold it together now Nicole you're handsome stands on the accelerator slows the car on Angle now as he gets to outside zone eight right to the edge of the circuit on the throttle across the line it's a great one that's a great run I loved it better around the wall didn't even need to there's no points there I'll give him five just first after the Finish Line he runs the wall again I love the adjustment I love the fluidity I think he took a risk here because right to the edge of the circuit here and this is where I think it's very risky it goes very fast here watch really fast and he goes on throttle so early that somehow he makes all of that work and I think that's even more fluid than some of the top qualifying runs I've seen not overall but in that section he's firing through he certainly is like he's very fast so I think that's going to be rewarded uh here at the end gets into the pocket does exactly what he needs to do runs the wall says is there any more walls he has one over there in that one oh any give me a wall I'll run it that's a very good run I mean it goes to show that he's got the talent for this level we were excuse me scoping him out a little bit at the moment you know who is this guy but he was a wild card what two years ago came to drift Masters as a wild card and then he said I'm gonna do a full season there you go six in the top ten wow Mikko Johansson says don't count us Swedish drivers on the fast tracks out of it no Sweden is in the house it's technically the house as well but at the same time we want to see these guys Shake It Up and that's what he's doing from Poland 800 horsepower struggled a bit at the first run 55 and the Board needs to improve here big flick initiation that's nice that's the edge of the circuit this is good so far everybody's gonna miss the inner Zone and that's gonna hurt him here too early on the transition now he's gonna drag a long way down to this which the judges say not the correct way to decelerate to that corner we're learning as we go guys the activation is learning as he goes that he's got to be a little bit more fluid he's got one more transition to do it's tentative it's a little bit over the white line but he gets it done it's not a bad run it's not a great run will it be enough to improve his score 37th at the moment it's got to be what above a 63 really to me uh yeah drop zone at the moment uh I believe is a 63 yeah 31st Place 63 and that's going to only go up as we move through competition Dave so I mean look how wide he is there on that ends that first inside Zone and that just really upsets he's lying and just kind of struggles really then to make oh well he's really sitting on a circuit then lets the car wash out yeah you can see he's he's hovering a little bit on the on the handbrake there just to make sure the car does exactly what he wants to do it's a very demanding track for sure um and again it's easy for us to say because we're sitting here going oh well it wasn't perfect I'm going you know just to get around this place at these speeds uh Miracle Frosty yeah but for these guys they make it look easy but it's an improvement but it's not enough he's outside the top 32 and unfortunately for uh Magic yakovich he's going to look at Finland now as a Redemption you know the next one he's happy though inside the car you know yeah yeah it was okay it was okay but okay unfortunately at this level is sometimes not enough no certainly not enough Alex solovney announces on the line 63 he's on the Drop Zone in the car down a little bit calling the driver down the driver now making sure that there's a little bit therefore okay it's pretty hot out there excuse me and there's gonna be Alexia from the Ukraine taking off the line he's had a good first run-ish but he's right after draft Zone he's got to go up from a 63 he goes into that first car very fast very fluid he's a great driver he knows he can do this he just can't afford any mistakes great through there this is really good from Alex as he comes down through can he get that in his own course he can as he collects it on his way through nice transition back towards the middle so a little bit wide there dropping over the edge of the circuit as he transitions back oh it's tentative he gets in his own late but better late than never as he comes across the line I think that's going to be a little bit better from Alex I think he slowed a little bit too much on the diesel coming into outside zone eight I think for me really that was the only point I could pick up um there was a there was a major mistake look how low the front of that car is a split of dragon along the surface of the track all the way through very nice there on that inner Zone that kind of set him up nicely for the rest of the run as well look at this line look very fluid all the way down on throttle super early picks up that front Zone and then transitions on that out of perfect timing but for me I think this was where he kind of got it wrong he deselled too soon look he's already on the brakes and he's not even across the circuit and that affected the line into the outside Zone and you can see how late he got to that final outer zone before reaching the wall yeah the word was awkward he awkwardly done it yeah but he still gets a 70 and he still improves and he still goes to 26th position is it enough I don't know no we never know so it's done and dusted yeah we've got Edinburgh Huskers up on the line from uh Northern Cyprus 1000 horsepower two gs he looked like the car was way too gripped up on the first run really struggled put a 50 on the board got him improved here 63 is the cut off he'd like to see himself way higher than that and rahask is out ready to rock the certainly is ready to rock down has he loosened up the car what adjustments have they made to make this a nicer drive for hasker sap around circuit looks like they've made some adjustments because it looks a lot more fluid through those first zones he desailed way early though into that outside Zone judges would have picked up on that one now as he transitions you can see the car still trying to drive in a straight line though still doesn't look too easy to maneuver around the circuit gets into our side Zone a wonders away there's a little bit across the line job done and another driver that I think will improve but maybe not enough to stay in that top 32. it's a great run though I mean I say great good run good run yeah there was look he's getting the zones check he's not straightening up check but as you said it's the D cell here for me watch look where the hamburger gets pulled it gets pulled here that is way early and we're seeing some guys just dab it and go they're seeing the Big Score so that's probably going to hurt him more than anything else on the circuit is you know if you're you know watch it on you're going we got the Zone what are you giving out about guys I'm like it's not about getting the zones yeah and he got to it by being a little safe going on the handbrake a little too early other than that solid threat to run really good driver love watching everyone out here he's he's the guy that always brings a lot of entertainment in the battles great entertainment value when you watch him drive always a lot of smoke out of action sometimes there's some crashes and fires but that's all part of the experience it's the show of Andrew hasker's app and I absolutely love his style but um you can see the compression on the back of the car there it's a 61 improves but not enough and it's a long way from northern Cyprus to Sweden to not qualify fight for the top 32. commiserations to Enver and his team enough to try better in Finland I certainly will well we was going to go to Henry hamper but he didn't make it to the line Henry hamper not made it to the line in the S15 oh he's he's only going to get one and done so one done for him and Eric ozell now sits on the line the police driver 74 um at the moment where does he sit everything comes on 19th looks for a big initiation goes for it because we're on the throttle way early lights up the tires now and a lively line through that inside Zone but a lot of wobble in there you can see him on the foot break on a Full Throttle zone I'm not sure the judges will be liking that one he's going for a full speed run here trying to throw everything at it trying to throw some flare some style but it's making the Run Scrappy and unpredictable as he transitions into outside zone eight right to the edge of the circuit on that white line nicely done there across the line he goes but for me fast fast but sketchy Dave yeah that's the thing I mean he's gone for the risk factor of it being super fast but when you're going really fast if you quickly come up on the door look at the door the door bending in under the under the the compression of the wind I mean it's a great run from a speed perspective to some good zones in there but as you said he's kind of holding on a little bit it's almost like he's in a race to get through it as fast as he can it's like he's he's timing himself yeah missing that in his own quite quite quite considerably there as he transitions back this to me was quite nice the end of the Run was quite nice as he comes in early on big angle and early on Trot a little foot break and on on the other Zone this is tidy here yeah I can see him scoring okay here because as you can as you said very fast very fluid that's what uh the judges want to see someone that's not you know doing the easy thing going super slow through the course and you know making it all slow motion this is all sped up yeah double speed it was yeah it was like it was in fast forward it's a 77 it's an improvement into 17 position goes Eric uh goshal from Poland that's it it's okay like 17th mid-pack at this stage is it enough I don't know yeah it's in the conversation it's in the conversation that's for sure I haven't had many conversations with him because he doesn't speak English but he's he does his talking with the car and he smile yeah he's got a smile yeah good first run in the back it was 71 he's in 25th at the moment this we will expect to be bigger wait transfer very nice through the first quarter doesn't risk too much there and now he starts to wind on the power or could be a little closer than that inner zone for my liking as he transitions back now this is very quick and fluid a little bit of heartbreaking it's good line here gets through this section quite nicely a little bit of left foot break probably wasn't necessary and it isn't necessary it actually slows the car down too much and he misses that other Zone and it kind of becomes a bit meh toward the end of the run because he had some great moments but then that little bit of Left for breaking over compensated for the speed yeah he certainly did and you could see it coming tomorrow as soon as he jumped on that foot right you can see the way the car reacted apart from that up to that point this was a really nice run you can see that front wheel look on and off the foot brake locking it up exactly where the judges want to see it nice line into the outside tone and a good transition back he let the car wash all the way out to the edge of the circuit on the throttle nice and early picks up that inner Zone and then here transitioned on the foot brake and you can see the way the car reacted there was no angle he's trying to dial it in but he knows he can't fire it on because he's gonna really mess up the line so he has to just roll with it and unfortunately for Diogo Correa that is going to really hurt that second qualifying run yeah the Arizona is yeah it's kind of something nobody's missing no yeah so it even looks worse because if everyone else is getting it and you're not that's kind of even more of an exaggeration of the mistake and again I don't know it's Split Second decisions making you know so it's very tough but a 68 doesn't improve he stays in 23rd position number 71 we don't know until the end of qualifying if that's going to be enough but the more 70 runs we see the more I'm starting to feel it might be okay if we move on to our next driver doesn't have to worry about it it's Michael Reinhardt he's in 12th with an 83. he can go for it here because 83 I think is enough to get him in the show so he can he can throw caution to the wind he can go crazy well if we know and make our right heart for a past times we know he's going to go for it look how laser focused he is as he clicks through the gears oh and the car didn't really want to react there on initiation you can see him have to pull the handbrake after that white line which is the start of the scoring Zone back on it he goes clicks her car to angle doesn't work though that way he has to shallow it off and darn it back in again as he comes through that inner Zone positions back over that little Crest you can see that elevation there there's a slightly starting to come into play now as the sun falls behind the mountains there and the trees and he goes way off circuit and he shuts it down and he knows Dave yeah he knows I think he's fine from the first one I think about Michael Reinhard is he'll be smiling all the way oh yeah oh you've never seen a man enjoy a zero as much as Michael Reinhardt everyone he does he's having so much fun yeah and that's kind of something we forget about a lot in drifting you know it's about fun that's the whole reason people do it it's a fun thing to do probably the most fun thing to do with a car yeah is to to go sideways sideways at 100 miles an hour and I don't know how it feels because it's very fast here I can imagine it's a little frightening but we talked to some of the rookies and they were like you know Mandela was okay in Ireland in this fight but this is ridiculous yeah they're running out of gearing yeah they're going like fourth gear fifth gear and that's all I have so they got to change the gearing it's crazy here I mean you think about that like in perspective Full Throttle fourth gear not Motorway speed yep when your wheels going higher the motorway speed yeah make it smoke crazy because neuros is going to show you how that's done because he's got a thousand plus horsepower and he's gonna score on the board but it's only oh no he got a score on the board he's got a 63 on 63. so he's now on the Drop Zone yeah he's and you know what he would love a spot in top place and he's Mr 32. it's his La it's his home event yeah so it's his last chance to get a good score in front of the home crowd there's gonna be a little bit of pressure to that I'm hoping that this is gonna be a good one he's definitely got the machinery for it he's got the mindset for it we're about to find out well there we go through the gear starts to smoke the tires already before initiation fire attack car through keeps it within the lines and look at this now already flying is it also that's a really nice line through that inner Zone as he comes down this is going to be on a flow but he's on the handbrake super early and I think that's gonna hurt he's scoring he's hurt he's lying that's for sure as he comes down to that second in his own and now he's starting to play catch-up now he's starting to have to work to get that car back on that qualifying line as he gets in the final outside Zone looks for the wall and he knows he's already made a big mistake yeah another thing it's moments of Brilliance but it's it's balanced to make mistakes and what all that does is give you those moments and those mistakes bounce off to average you know I mean that's the problem with a run like that it's if you look at the start of going now he has no he has it and then that one error I don't know why he pulled it so early either he was his girlfriend absolutely for me here watch this does he catch understeer a little bit but that's a big mistake I mean all four wheels are facing the same direction at one point that's not good for a drift car that's all right if you don't want to be doing that I wonder if he came down that Hill thinking he was going way too fast trying to slow it before the zone and then realized as soon as he'd slowed it that no this wasn't going to work there's no other option you already made the area you've already made the mistake so you can't go anywhere else no so I I get what he I mean we're assume because we can't we're not in the car so I assume that the pace you're building towards that first detail is frightening yeah and how do you you know you don't want to just go straight off gravel so it's still 30 second position by Christian Nelson 52 on the second run it's gonna be a nervous wait for him okay certainly it's gonna be a NERF swipe for him well we've got up next on the line Clint van or the the Dutch driver sitting with a 48 so he does need to improve uh 850 horsepower too JC Clinton capable of some crazy stuff and this young man well he'll definitely want to be in the show he's having a lot of fun here this weekend he's had a smile on his face since we arrived goes for an early initiation can he pull this one off now is he going to find himself on the wrong line for that inner zone now and he makes it work he's going very wide and Van holds onto it but he's transitioned too early and he's got the handbrake too early and he's fouled to get to the outside Zone but now works and gets himself back together again back into those zones he goes on to that qualifying line one more outside Zone to go for Clinton can he Rectify can he call anything back from that big mistake as he come down along the wall across the line van ought done yeah it's it's going to come back to that handbrake pull towards the the third out of his own or I think for me it's a big error I mean what he's done here is he's gone early he's done that perfectly he's picked up that inner Zone absolutely Perfection there but as he transitions back that's where the worry comes he died on watch the transition he snaps too early yeah and then he puts on too much angle and he goes I'm not gonna make that so he tries to save it on the handbrake you can see it very clearly here on this transition look boom way too early shouldn't be on the curb there and as he comes through he's on the handbrake halfway down yeah straight so he's missing the Zone Andy's slow and then all the points are just falling out of the basket you can see look how far back he handbrakes for and how long he's on the handbrake yeah and again nothing really wrong with any other part of the board not just that section and that section is probably gonna hurt it's going to be tough it would be tough to chase that yeah because we're in the wrong part of the circuit which means the judges are looking at it well someone was behind them oh yeah it's disgusting how many pushes arrows and out yes himself on the Drop Zone again yeah so they're just fingertips still in the game right now for for venud and I mean we've still got a lot of drivers out of the show Dave yeah and Adam zaleski now steps to the line we thought his run was really really good but when we went back to uh pulling the Hamburg way too early on the other Zone uh hopefully he's learned from that as it FC goes for another big run here he's in 18th position great run one big error on the first can he Rectify that now as he fires through a little wider that inside Zone a little bit of wavering there and this is where he made a mistake the last time too much detail this time he doesn't do too much details does a much better job for that Center section of the course as he transitions back right to the edge of the circuit this is always solid from Adams and FC always a real Steely competitor and look at this perfectly on the engine edge of the track incredible stuff yeah that was very nice very very nice there from zalevski and we talk about the sun being a player in the drivers now it's become an issue for me and Dave on the morning there we go let's take a look back at the replay of this one there's zalevski very nice that front wheel dead through the center of that zone it transitions perfectly but he lets the car flick across the circuit and that's kind of where it's all won or lost there to get the rest of these zones dialed in yeah and I think that the thing about South Africa is he's brave enough to take a chance there yeah to flick the car and he's comfortable enough as a driver that he can take a risk and probably put it off and I think he does thread the most the only thing I didn't like about the room was a lot of wavering from the front wheels a lot of adjustment that's a skill in itself because he's adjusting the car but it's not as fluid no and I think you know from a line perspective there's not a whole lot wrong with that run but maybe from the style perspective you know you're gonna lose some points yeah but it's a very good run and the style was 19 out of 20. so what do I know what do we know and it's the line that let him down there you go that's why the judges are there and I'm not so Adam Levi did a great job and 80 puts him into 15th position so there's a lot of people from 15 to 32nd between 80 and 70 and that's kind of where they're all sitting yeah I mean look we go very close now here's a man that needs to improve it is going to be naoki Nakamura all the way from Japan has an engine failure around one now trying to improve he is sitting in 22nd position with a 72. it was a bit of a sketchy initiation on the first run the costume can he improve from that they'll be smashing the limiter onto the start line actually the NC Lang is working as he comes off the line and Nakamura takes to the Swedish circuit for the second time today and he puts in a much cleaner initiation here learning as he goes as he foot the floor through it trying to collect that inner Zone nice on that inner Zone a little bit of wave ring as he comes to that other Zone transitions back he's definitely Full Throttle he uses the handbrake to get himself to the outside Zone and a nice job on the inside zone so this is a pretty solid run so far from nyoki Nakamura as he comes through that last section into that last Corner that's where he made Samaras the last time not so much this time very smooth very solid looks at that car and engine package is working excellently Nakamura who we know is going to shine in the Twin battles is probably doing enough to get himself for the Big Show yeah I think he is Dave the only critique I have from that is the handbrake drag down into the outside zone right in front of the judging Tower is literally right where the judges are sitting after this transition I thought he was going off track there he was going that fast but look at this big handbrake drag as he comes down into that zone the judges won't like it but I'm sure I'm pretty sure it could be an improvement because it's a lot more fluid than his first qualified I think they might love it but it's still the right line yeah so he's on the right line maybe the detail about some perfect but I think you know from the aggression on the first Corner the last corner I think he's gonna do well here yeah I think the problem you have is that you know you're watching some phenomenal runs and you're you're being we're being quite critique very very harsh on guys but for most part of that run I think he did an exceptional job and you know what we want to see him in a twin battle we haven't watched the nyokinakamura there you go and 80 puts him into 16th position that for me is probably safe enough for battle action tomorrow and that's where he's Gonna Shine that's where he he is the master it's not in the qualifying and again and as I said before qualifying there's no trophies for qualifying it's all for the battles and that's where we're going to see it tomorrow moving on to Oliver Randall he's on the Star Line and randalu will be another driver looking for a little bit of an improvement he's got 76 so he's in the show at the moment he's the 20th we've never really put our money on him as the top qualifying run but he could surprise us here he's looking comfortable this weekend and see what he can do with a second run he certainly is looking comfortable he goes for a big comfortable opposite flick into that outside Zone makes it work now Randall who on the foot break looks for the inner gets it down goes very wide uses every bit of the time like a very nice line oh a little correction on the steering wheel but this is a very nice run from Randall at the moment if he can make this one work and he can join all the dots if he can get it together this one could be way up there as he now looks for the transition back gets into it into that outside zone right on the edge of the tarmac right on the wall across the line randalu proven he is still got it Dave he's still in the fire all we should do is at the start of everyone say they're never going to do a good qualifying run every time and despite our intelligence he's a little deep and I mean I'm talking like six inches deep on that zone apart from that it was phenomenal and I like the fluid in here yes he goes up oh yeah it breaks a little early but he comes on there's probably already so he gets out of it doesn't drag through the whole Zone he does a good job of staying you know pretty committed through the whole section and I think the line here for me was it's the right one it's the perfect line yeah that the judges want to see so good stuff around that he didn't have the best the start to the season but he's a guy that grows into these seasons and he's never someone you want to count down a lot of left hook right there as he comes across it's so cool to watch that front brake just lock the wheel but it's full smoke at the back incredible so brand new I think he's gonna do well here I think he's gonna score way off the order he is in 82 for all of around to do from Estonia puts him in the 13th position safe for battle action not worrying the leaders in qualifying no but not worrying his team but not having a second day or a second roll of the dice so he's in the game well brand new has nothing to lose the Italian driving assets on the line uh it's 12th Place at the moment so just outside that top ten first qualifying run kind of got it all done is he gonna try and go for the first place qualifying run here is he going to throw it down why wouldn't you know why wouldn't he why does he lose he I think he knows he might as well but you're better off trying yeah because even 83 it was a big role he's flirting with two wheels there yeah I think he's gonna miss that in his own he's going to miss that on his own so he's already and he's sort of jumping off the track a little bit so he's gone for the big big run yeah it hasn't worked out because he's missed three zones already so this is a smoky one for the fans yeah I don't think it's gonna matter [Music] yeah we caught you you were trying to escape and you know what for the torture that these guys put them through if I wasn't tired I'd be like I'm out of here get it where did it happen though I think it happened when you come to this outside Zone because he was so wide he got there really early and he's kind of dropped a bit of a wheel somewhere yeah let's have a look and see on that here comes here transitions back and I think at this point it's already gone which is why I couldn't push the car out to the outside Zone because he didn't have to grip and even now look he's shallow and he's kind of realized here that something's wrong something doesn't feel right oh he's pushed him on yeah he's a bit of a moment there but his experience actually got him out of it but um yeah he probably would have known instantaneously at that point something doesn't sound right wrong yeah I'd love to hear me probably thought that something's broken yeah which is good that it wasn't and it's 83 from the first one puts him in 11th and I think that's probably safe enough for battles I don't think there's a major concern there no when we say that and then we've got two guys sitting on zeros behind him so yeah you know it could do it could be stressful we don't know cool car though very cool car like the the blackout look on the front yeah look what I mean and uh it's like Batman if you went drifting yeah Batman drifting on holidays the fluorescent yeah I like it there you go that's the Italian flag and these guys holding it down they are very happy with the results of Manuel Vaca I'm sure I mean he struggled at times in qualifying not today nope he's got a score on the board and everything seems okay hasn't put that flying down for two hours must be killing them killing she is gonna need a an ice bucket again to put her Army because that flag's been up for a very long time oh look at that it was exactly where we said as well yep looks like uh one of those Pottery things it's a wheel with no tie on it you know trying to mold itself into the concrete no I get it you get the reference yeah I get the reference it wasn't a great one that guy's tired oh that kid's got a helmet on he's the next star he's the next star he's ready to go he's ready he's he looks like the next big thing so he must be here we go we're back to the star line again we have Kevin passura he's sitting on a zero zero yeah currently sitting on a zero out of the show The Estonian driver uh and two BMW M50 turbo 870 horsepower sorry not seven eight hundreds look Wheels dropped last time that was a big thing this is where we've really started to pick up these wheel drops that was where they all came into play a lot of these guys getting it wrong now they're a lot nicer of a line This Time Kevin baser doesn't want to make the mistake that's a nice line that big handbrake drag once again down into the outside Zone looks for the transition I guess it's a word now as he slows the car on angle gets back on throttle for the transition makes it work jumps into the final outside tone a little left for break up until the wall he goes a lot nicer job there for Kevin passer that's really good that's that's probably enough to get him in the show I think he's he's taken the mistakes from the first run he's analyzed them he's rectified them and it was really solid I mean it wasn't even really that safer times he went through no I mean especially when he came to this outside Zone he was flirting with dropping a wheel off the edge of the track look at this got that bag on time and as soon as he was there he transitioned straight away from it early handbrake but it's okay because he does make the zone you know you lose points because of that but you also gain them for getting the get in the zone so it's it's balancing a little bit there good run good looking car and Kevin on his day a worthy adversary for anyone yep about these guys as well a lot of them say qualifying is not their thing to get them into the top 32 get them in the battles that's where they come alive well a lot of people say you know the reason qualifying is more difficult than battles is because you focused on someone else in the battle yep and you're focus on yourself and qualifying and it's more difficult because it's all on you good score very good score 80 on the board for Kevin from Estonia 18th position he'll be happy with that one he will be especially starting with a zero and uh who has he push down the order there's gonna be people falling out now Tobias pushan 64 is now the required Christian Elton out vanilla out Miller Darby a lot going out the line the Polish driver sits again with a zero another driver requiring more than a 64 to get into the show comes with a big weight transfer on the initiation kind of pays off kind of doesn't pay off it pushes him way wide he's going to go wheels off the edge of the circuit he misses that first Zone and then drops the wheel off the edge of the track now something to think about as he comes down in to these outside zones collects you across the circuit needs to keep it clean now as Pavel Grouch looks for that final outside time that final transition Kenny holy together he's got a wheel off the edge of the circuit again a parallel cross floating with a zero he does very well to recover from that yeah like he's gone wide he drops a wheel you think that's the end of that and he does actually get it back together and get back on it again I wonder what the judges be harsh on him being that wide as opposed to being shallow that's the question but I think the car gripped up on the the white trailer this is that so wide I mean he's way off the qualifying line at the moment he could see how early he drops off the track and then somehow he makes the next zone so he does quite well there but it is an error it is a mistake and it's going to upset the car here is pretty good I mean he's where he needs to be but how he got there is not how he's not always wanted to be you know dropping wheels off the track this is pretty solid pretty good towards the rest of the Run gets out to the edge of the circuit I like the the commitment all the way down here and as you said on the last Corner does he drop a wheel off the end of the circus yeah I think he was pretty okay it wasn't too bad but is it perfect no will it score yes where does it drop in and it's all in that 60 to 80 Mark now where are you questions I don't have to answer Dave yes just not enough not enough too many mistakes in there there's too many mistakes it was moments of Brilliance and there was a moments of pure disaster and that's another big name out of qualifying I'm just it's interesting to me this track though did it last year to us we came to this track and we were like ah it's just a track and then we just watch people fall apart big names couldn't make it round yeah sure he's in the show 86 old car back new car damaged engine he says well I know this old girl I've used her plenty of times before and here we go all four wheels almost locked up on initiation from German absolutely screaming he's gonna get to the outside time perfectly wow that was clinical from Gerber he's got a handwrite way early though slowed down car down way before the outside so judges will be critique in that one as he makes his way through in front of the grandstand now looks for the final outside Zone the transition timed perfectly will on the outside edge of the circuit that was a lovely run from Benedict that is phenomenal I don't think anyone's hit that course as hard as him no I'm not sure it was perfect but nobody risks initiation oh you've missed it on that it was just oh there he locks up all four wheels at one point as he threw that car in this is one hand it's easy but this for me look wow perfect now as you said had to transition a little early I had to make it work we did make it work yeah the only error on the track I could see is that all right yeah that Hamburg but everything else look at the look at the fluid motions plenty of aggression plenty of flair plenty of speed I enjoyed watching this I did and if I feel it surely the judge doesn't feel it no they don't no tonight a senseless robots so cold it's so cold 83 otherwise it didn't really matter we knew we had a big run in the bag anyway but it was it was fun to watch a turbo with two runs like that he'll be a contender right yokim Anderson car problems on the first qualifying run the car shut down on outside zone eight he had what we like to say 40 20 foot away from success didn't make it happen well they've got the car fixed he's back on the line through the gears he goes can yoke him Anderson can their car keep it together and hold it down for one qualifying run to get him in the show tomorrow Yokum Anderson the Swedish driver lovely line through that inside zone right to the edge of the circuit almost replication of what German just did no handbrake let the car almost slow on angle but it seems to be very shallow almost looked like it was cutting out but it seems to be working still now joking Anderson fires into that final outside Zone on the throttle he goes can he it's good it was good there was some mistakes in there though yeah um and I think from my perspective the first Corner really good right so he gets all this speed and momentum and and I think he goes too much with it I think when he comes down to the other zones as you said I think he does pull the handbrake when it comes down to that other zone three but at the same time this is great I mean he's right where he needs to be on the track he set himself up properly he's going through the inner Zone the outer zone again absolutely perfect now watch the transition I think he's carrying a little too much speed here he handbrakes early and then he puts Full Throttle Down that's a good way of doing it body misses the internet he gives himself no option and then he misses that outside Zone because he's very shallow on angle it's like the car misfired maybe it didn't really went through too fast too quick I don't think he actually had time to transition because he was going too fast look how much rubber has been laid down in that corner I reckon if we went down there after qualifying our shoes to come off like a drag strip a 78 in the board 21st position it's solid as I said we were critical but it was so I think that was that was gearing up for a 90 plus if he tied those few areas and we move on to uh this beautiful car oh sorry or 86 of you have written brand new build come on you know what I think there's a guy he's sitting on a 73 24 won't be happy with that no I think he wants the top five here I think he's gonna have to go for it he's gonna go for it he's gonna throw down he's a man that likes a lot of speed a lot of grip look at this look at the speed and the grip he's absolutely firing down now the way that car reacted you could tell he's dialed it he's turned out to 11 right now and he wants to keep it right to the edge of the circuit and he does now does he keep it together he does it just a little handbrake in the outside turn this is very nice for written and he wants the top spot he wants to fight for that top five and he's going for it right now goes for the transition back on the foot break in the outside Zone gets the car to water wall job done for U-Haul written and you know I was just thinking while he was going through that truck I was like this is exciting watching One car here when we get to the battles tomorrow it's gonna be nice because a lot of drivers doing everything a little bit differently which I think they're all gonna have to adjust to when they're head-to-head rinse is doing a great job here as he comes through this inner Zone look at the speed he's carrying through this section of the course and right to the edge of the circuit no issues whatsoever for instance in terms of fulfilling those zones just drop a wheel over but I think it'll be forgiven the inside zone for me there is almost missed I think it just goes a little wide and then he's too wide all over but other than that very solid run very very technical I think you have one of the most talented drivers in the world knows what's required even when he makes a mistake he's able to adjust and correct that very quickly does a good job there and um I can just watch this car all day it just looks amazing I love delivery yeah for me I love delivery I love U-Haul style for the last few years the evolution of this spot or this uh this whole Livery has been incredible is it Roman Empire or Spartanburg 87 is enough it doesn't matter we're not historians we are commentators for drifting and what we're saying is you're renting is in six places it is in the sixth place if you don't come here for history lessons well we got two more zeros left to go before everyone now has a score yeah two so we've got this one and Dave sorry you've done your math yeah I've done my math wow I've worked it out you halfway to let's go sits with a zero I believe there's just couple of Finnish fans in the crowd a few just a few few finishes a few things they're gonna not one you have to go out here because he's got a zero laser focused it has to get the job done that score is probably somewhere in the high 60s yeah to be safe and go all the way to top 32. here we go what is the 64 he needs and it's a 64 he's gonna aim for but he's gonna try and reach those top five spots this is a really nice line so far he's gonna go wide though dash drops A Wheel in the gravel has he de-beaded that's a big question is on the handbrake early in the outside Zone and now he has to correct wheel up on the curve on the inside he's going to miss the outside Zone starts to fall apart a little bit for you hot boy to Lasco right now as he transitions for that final Zone looks to get weird and it is shallow he's going to fall out of it across the line it's not good for Point Alaska I don't think it's too bad though I think he's still got a lot of zones there a lot of speed you're very forgetful today forgetful isn't even a word you are forgivable for today it's a new word I've just created on the spot within five minutes we've tried to give a history that's not the wrong information if it makes it into the dictionary I'll be happy I don't think it will uh what I'm trying to say here is I think he's pushing which I think the judges will say is a good thing like he's I don't know after watching he does get to the edge of the circle he drops the wheel short but he gets here again and then he's up he's he's up on the inside he misses the other outside so watch watch this now as he comes through he's wheel up on the curb Miss this is the outside Zone crappy at best he's a wheel over there in the dirt though I'm sure I'm as forgivable anymore are you claiming your forgetfulness back two new words in 10 minutes yeah I'm thinking oh they're going to hurt him for this and the shallow line here Dave listen you used to be the guy what's happening I don't know how tough it is yep a score is a zero and then a 63 doesn't get in the show that's how tough it is on the start line for Poland probably the most decorated driver on the grid we know Roman Perez got a long way to go he's at the early stages but he's a dark hour Champion rally Champion polish drift Champion yeah he wants a European drift Champion that's why he's here there's no other reason nope and he's got to do that by trying to be the best driver here and to be that he currently sits in fifth place but in 88 he needs a 91 to be the top dog can he get it done he's looking comfortable into that first corner he goes big flicking and that's really nice from because he's got the car on a range of angle very quickly he's going very wide here flirts with the track but it's also beautiful as he comes through but a little bit too much angular he's had to adjust that it's messed up he's out of line now he's only inside of the circuit but he does recover well as he gets through the truck I'm not sure this is going to be a better score than his first run but as he comes through into that last section gets a very good technical tactical driver very comfortable but maybe not enough to improve on his first score yeah I'm not sure there was enough there Dave to improve on his first score of an 88. I just love his initiation it's so like yeah and the car just flicks to angle and I love it I love the way the car it's just so dialed the way he flicks it and watch this boom on angle and he's on the throttle instantly but if no adjustment really once he's on angle he's kind of smooth through there and but then this is the bit I was like oh yeah like right to the edge of the circuit Brilliance but then he comes back too early yeah so it seems to be if you go too wide there and he transitioned too much angle he's now oh no I'm not going to make it there and he does adjust the car quite well together but he's just grazing that and that is in the right line that was not very tough to chase in the chase position because now you're getting squeezed on the inside of the track you can see him making that correction in the car as well that you can see he knows like he knows exactly what he's done where the car's positioned apart from that he gets the rest of the track absolutely dull and you're right you're the way he he's you know his experience in Motorsport allowed him to adjust back onto the qualifying line and fulfill what the judges wanted but it is a hurt score it is a 77 he's 88 will be he's higher qualifying score in a fifth place but he's looking strong I'm gonna just say go out there and say he's gonna be a problem for everybody tomorrow he looks very comfortable very strong on the car is very fast right Aura Nielsen said moments ago we're backing in a view that he had nothing to lose he had an 89 he wanted a 90 he's dead he's going to go out there and throw everything at it oh four wheels off the ground so hold on to your hat Here Comes Aura Nielsen big flick into the first Corner absolutely sensation he looks so comfortable using the left front brake to balance the car a little bit wider that always got a bit of understeer there as well maybe he took a little bit too much Pace out of the car with that left foot breaking and he's managed to recover it again I'm not sure if this is gonna trouble his 89. a little bit of adjustment there again but this is very exceptional sophomore Indians were being highly critical because we know he's capable of a 100 Point run on this track and I don't think that's it no I think if it wasn't for that moment of honestly that probably would have matched his first qualified in agreement that was very very good as the wheel just jumps off the ground it's so cool to watch he is so fast as well like the rear of the car just cannot hold on what I love about this it does a little bit of wobbling yeah it's not as fluid as the first one but I think he's probably over driving the car the transition as well was it's too soon and it put him on a wrong line but nevertheless it was a good like I've been work this run is more than enough to qualify probably yeah but we're trying to see is he going to be Top Dog no and I don't think that's the top dog run no I don't think it's what is it an exceptional Run is it a risky run yeah it's an 80 I mean just so harsh we're being but I mean it's not we can now figure it out we've got to that point where we're saying it's not going to improve from his 89 he stays where he is still a very top score we move to the start line dinner Garvey he's outside the top 32 will clutch a clutch the may or may not even make it off the start line that is a bit like a loaf of bread in there at the minute it's just twisted and falling apart and yeah I mean I don't know what they've done to he's got to really throw caution come into the car it's not going to do what he wants him to do but he's trying to get into the drop Summit to us at 64. he needs a 64. yeah looks good so far A little wide there but he's making it work Dylan Garvey up against it at the moment the Irish rookie having to work around the problems of the car but he is working around them at the moment he's doing a good job of transitioning to his head a good line through here so there's not many mistakes it's not like he's throwing too much at it but he's got a great line he's on the edge of the track that is not the worst run we've seen today that's a very good run no that is a very good run and he only needed four more points to make it work and I think that he may have just scraped himself into the show there Dylan Garvey and the guys have a long night ahead of him potentially part of the car for the moment is working very nice you know what I mean that's the fact that it's not far off what the judges want to see no it's not there's not many many errors they're a little bubble there as he comes down he has to go on the handbrake a little earlier than he'd like to but he gets all the zones I think it was a bit time I think it led to impact it was it was uh again it was too controlled for me you know what's funny I think he has 650 horsepower and I could be wrong with this I think he's the lowest horsepower car on the grid I think he does yeah 50 horsepower where where are we what worlds are we living in we're 650 horsepower is probably underwhelming um but that's the case he said that himself he's up against it this weekend he said this these faster tracks aren't going to suit no his particular program and his car because he doesn't have that eight 900 000 horsepower he said he prefers you know like the likes of Poland you know maybe Finland yeah Ireland suited him quite well and but he said if he qualified today he would be over the moon that would be a win this weekend but we're about to find out if he has oh he has qualified he's in 24th position with a 74 and that's a fair score I think for what was a team run without many errors well he can't be knocked out he's he's secured enough at the moment pontus Hartman is in the show I'm just doing it now I think everyone's in the show now so this is it comes off the line he sits with a 69 at the moment he's 30. if he would love to improve the good things in London Park at round one and he had a brilliant time and the smile on his face said it all but look at the transition oh that is beautiful Dave has he come down this is incredible for half of right now as he fires from did he get that zone to stop it yeah yeah too Snappy on the transition he threw it all away and he was on for top Tops on for that one Dave just it just snaps through the transition and it lost him all his momentum and instantly it's such a line based circuit the minute he did it I went to stun so it was no way of recovering from that this first two corners are beautiful you're talking 90 plus here yeah look at this he was perfect on that inner Zone he rushed so well Dave held his breath I thought he was going in the ground he was going off but this for me the line now into this outside Zone was absolutely beautiful look at the speed he comes through there no correction this also is because watch he look at the steering wheel yeah little handbrake there and he's on it straight away like early but where did it go wrong no he comes out of here watch look it was this transition this is the outside Zone and then he knows he has to transition and he's like ah it's nowhere right nope he would know himself he'd be like Oh I'm gonna do it over here this is the wrong this is the wrong place yeah but it doesn't I think he's safe for the show although he'll have a big competitor up against it if he stays in 29th which he will which he will he approves by one but stays where he is for 29th means he will go up against one of the top qualifiers tough start of the day for a point of time and it might have been that way if he just held his breath a little or held his nerve a little bit more I held my breath he should have held his nerve well Kevin biscotti the Hungarian driver announced this other 82. he is 15th position at the moment he's comfortable this is a guy that's just been growing and growing and growing in this Championship don't be surprised if this is the Big Score Scotty fires it big huge angle I don't even that doesn't even make sense through that first corner but he makes it work and gets the inner Zone this is definitely the most Little Wheel drop holds it together there's Flames this thing is going on but he gets the lion it's it's almost the most unorthodox flary run we've seen from anybody today and he's doing a good job here Kevin biscotti he's doing it all opposite but right at the same time which doesn't make any sense as he gets that out of his own absolutely probably that's probably the most I would say ludicrous run we've seen today that's the wildest run we've seen in qualifying there's a lot going on there there was a lot the initiation look at this no right to throw that down at that angle the most angle we've seen anyone throw at that corner it wasn't for the wheel drop I think this could have been what weird hypertips have been it's a fairly a wheel drop he does make it work with way earlier made him transition that was the problem and then he was all out of gear and you could hear the car on a rev limiter he had no more wheel speed to go so he had to handbrake to to extend it but then it doesn't handbrake there he just left off right for brakes yeah it's going to be tough at the battles because he's he's doing things in unusual places that make it actually work which I'm not sure a Chase driver is going to expect or or anticipate which is not a disadvantage it's an advantage yeah because he's being braver in areas that other people are um I'm looking forward to the Palestine I'll tell you what another 82 so it equals his first score and to me that is impressive with that error so it goes to show how much he would have been rewarded if he didn't drop that wheel and transition a little too early so that's an 82 and an A2 for hold your horses yeah this is the big one now because the championship very much uh for Jack Shannon probably hinges in the next minute and a half because if he didn't qualify here today he is way out in the mix and he's got to qualify here because it's Jack Shannon last year put a 99 on the board but China in this year has a zero on the board right now all the pressure on and he's gonna make this absolutely perfect he's gonna go for probably a safer run but it's not safe he's going right to the edge of the circuit he's going to adapt to that as he throws that very early handbrake from Shannon as he transitions onto the inside of the Zone very fast through that section and he gets out to that perfect line there as he comes through that complicated twisty section at the end as he gets out to that Arizona this is where Shannon will have no issues to get across the line I think that's enough to get him in the show where that score Falls I have no idea there was moments of Brilliance there was a couple of Errors I have no idea very very fast though very fast very very fast the initiation for me was on point look at this gets a wheel spinning straight away flicks a car across the circuit straight on throttle no messing around he got the car set up and how any input on the steering wheel this so just inches too wide and it made him again it made him transition where he didn't really want to transition hence the handbrake into the outside Zone you can watch as soon as he drops a wheel he's like I have to transition there is no other option and you can see how far and how far back he hand brakes for yeah I think he's gonna know that's a little error yeah he does well to recover from that point and get back on the line he certainly doesn't let it affect numerous zones which goes to show The Experience he has that I don't know how to say experience at making mistakes but experience that recovery covering from him um but yeah I mean is it gonna be the top qualifying run I'm not so sure about that I think it'll be an improvement but I'd obviously it being a trouble for the guys at the top no I don't even there we go score drops in 80 for Jack Shanahan 19th position he's in the show that is it everybody else now from now on out is in the show and he will have a sigh of relief both the shanahans in the show but work to be done overnight I wonder if Jack's feeling the pressure or maybe the car isn't a hundred percent for him this weekend I'm not sure I think I mean we've always watched Jack Sean and do very well in qualifying yeah and then you know sometimes the battles he doesn't get all the way there maybe there's an opposite this weekend he does one or the other yeah and he won the event last year so you can't count them out next up Wayne McKeever he is gonna absolutely terrify 86 on the board from his first run he is a qualified it's spinning The Wheels on the way up here absolutely firing into that first Corner goes great McIver as he puts foot to floor in that RB 28 screaming he's gonna go very wide here but he makes it work a little Bobble but it doesn't affect him as much as you would think there's a little while he drops a wheel off the circuit there as well there's a couple of Errors creeping in but it is very fast it's very aggressive and it's very great McIver right now oh what a big wash and a shutdown you know what on the transition I thought I heard that car cough and splutter and not want to do anything they said they had issues with the fuel pump on that car so maybe they're not quite solved and that is an incomplete for training McKeever it will be a zero on the board for a second run but his first run was in 86 so ninth is as good as he'll score I was trying to see if you could hear it but there is no sound from this part I mean again another wheel drop you can see the way you make the car react yeah I mean it was a good run not a great run up to this point but as he transitioned you see the the smoke cloud from the rear of the characters completely disappear here and when he went back on throttle there wasn't much there was nothing it was absolutely nothing no power whatsoever car shuts down maybe an ECU trying to save the engine something throwing a Miss fuel pump dying or something happened I had to try and I think he'll be happy without considering he already has the score in the bag yeah he doesn't if it was a one and done run he would be unhappy but I think at this point he'll be happy that he got through qualifying and remember these guys will go back to the pits they'll they'll adjust all of these cars and some will be busier than others getting things ready for tomorrow um but you can see is that a bird that's a bird yeah majestically behind uh the Drone they're trying to probably capture the Drone and that could be interesting so we're gonna go down and have a quick word with Becky Becky's with Jack Shannon that was a nervy second run Becky he had to get it done and he did absolutely Dave he did get it done you got an 80 you're in the show Jack but I know looking at your face right now it wasn't an easy run can you walk us through it uh yeah just the North's got the better mirror I don't know what the story is uh I don't know practice been so smooth like you know then I was kind of too chilled out and then I kind of started stressing about qualifying and at least we're in I think it's probably the worst I've qualified in about five years so like you know I'm not happy at all but it is what it is we can go through the Carrick and relax get my hit in the game for tomorrow and see what we can do then you know but yeah the Run was just sketchy you know to be honest I didn't think it was enough I made like the door trap and stuff it was just I just asked it from start to finish I felt it just didn't feel right but it was all my own doing I guess so we'd have to take another chain and go again tomorrow Jack you're very hard on yourself but at least you got that run and you're in the show these are all positives but this round for you is normally a very good one last year it was a perfect event but what is it about this track that can catch some drivers out it's just because it's so fast you know when the carriers are so hooked up now these days like you know like on the initiation the carriers are so well my car is so sketchy anyway you know like the minute you flick and you snap the lock anything can happen you know because you're going so fast one little mistake and that's kind of it like you know so yeah and obviously with the sun melting her eyes like that's kind of why I dropped the wheel that time I think because I was concentrating on where the sun was going to be when I got to the point there and then I just kind of wasn't focused on where I was going the track and dropped the wheel so to be honest I was looking I held it when I dropped the wheel it kind of shot me like it just kind of stood it up and got back on the handbrake and stuff but yeah I probably would knock myself out because it was just so yeah it is what it is thank you so much Jack and good luck in your battles tomorrow they've got a long night ahead of them to get Connor's car all sorted as you can see behind me the engine is on its way out so good luck to that team it's gonna be a long one for them guys back to you thanks Becky great to have the inside from from behind the scenes since uh disappointed it was and it was it was the squishy bit between the seat and the steering wheel let it down yeah and it goes to show that it was experience as he is and he still can make mistakes can you hear the cheers I can hear the cheers you know why you can hear them right let's talk about this quickly before I initiates Dave second place in the championship higher qualifier than the leader of the championship Lori Harden had nothing to lose right now Dave he's absolutely flying look at the line he's right to the edge of the circuit Lorry Heineken with a Snappy transition he makes it work big handbrake track the judges are going to be penalize him for that but nevertheless he absolutely hooms through the circuit with the widest line the cleanest line right now Laurie Heinen one more outside Zone to go he stands on the accelerator The Finnish fans raised a roof at Dave Egan Laurie Heinen is here to party this year the funny thing about him is that again he doesn't make many mistakes and and again another run where look let's just I know if it's qualifying let's just forget qualifying for a minute if the guy can put two of those runs together back to back this is what the threat is tomorrow he's not 190 run 160 run he's he's on it he's on it he's on it from practice this morning right to his second qualifying run he looks like he's comfortable looks like the car is well capable of this track that's a phenomenal one there's a couple of things that maybe might take it all the way to 100 but it's not far off it's not far off exceptional I think it's going to be enough to beat his own score I think it is I'm gonna go out on a limb here I'm going to put my neck on the line and say that is 91 plus 91 plus big statement from geinseek if that is the case has got to do something incredible I mean the own stickers in second place the only thing you can take away from that run and critique it is the fact that oh my God are you serious you were absolutely wrong it was exactly the same as the first one the only critique is to handbrake in the outside so you talk about consistency right exactly the same score and qualifying 91-91 and that's gonna worry this man Peter giant SEC because he's got 90 in the bag he I think will be happy with that he knows he's going into a very strong position tomorrow but what he really wants to do is scare off Laurie Heinen here by putting in a Box restaurant something that fear got distills into every driver on the grid and he's got a girlfriend here he has nothing to lose big speed from giant SEC on the first Corner as he hits that harder than anyone so far and faster than anyone so far absolutely lighting the back tire as well off this S15 as he transitions through but a little early and he's made a little error there as he comes through it's bleeding some points there that's behind SEC transitions a little too early and as he goes to the outside Zone I think he's gonna have to Circle but that 90 from the first one has the better of his two runs but a still a high score but aren't we gonna see Lauren Heinen now Mount to charge towards this top of the championship out qualifying the current leader it looks that way to me for revision I don't know the score but it looks to me that behind said Justin have that inch perfect run there and I think he's overdriven the car he's he's gone a little too hot too hard on it I think it was the transition I think it was a transition coming out of that second outside Zone I think he threw the car on angle and then he knew that it kind of checked himself up a little bit and to make that outside Zone watch this watch the way he flicks the car it's lovely don't get me wrong but it's too much angle and then he has to dial it off and he's on the hand and he corrects perfectly though but it does correct perfectly and I think he doesn't make a massive error so I'm thinking it's still going to be a good score which means that the race is on because you do get Championship points four o'clock so I don't know where we sit after this it's only minor points compared to the battles but it will make a difference if Heinen out qualifies the insect to climb back up towards the first place in the championship and we go into tomorrow but at all points I'm ready we've got the Shanahan struggling in but that doesn't really matter because they've done that before and what events we've got Rove in Paris sitting at the moment in fourth position he's just gonna come through the whole pack of drifters as a rally driver and win those destroy everyone you don't know we expected it but I said it's Laurie Heinen this is the man right now against Beyonce giant second Heinen trading blows 91 and 90. that's the fight that's the story and the Finnish fans are up there and they're willing them all the way I mean I have no words I have no words we've watched Laurie Heinen evolve as a driver but now his moment has come alive ever since it Dave the qualifying result list is up on the screen first place Laurie Heinen with two back-to-back 91s vinsek takes second place with a 90 or and Nielsen in third Roven Pera on his first round here comes in with an 89 Dave yeah solid on both runs around a fifth position rented it showing experience counts for a lot in sixth position and Sherman seven the Kiva into ninth position you can see as we go through it these are the drivers Connor Shanahan into 16 States right in the middle of the mix there with just one run to get it done Reinhardt very impressive up in 13 Jack Shannon interesting to see him at Nakamura and zalevski down the bottom end of the pack that's interesting and Ali maxsheed scrapes in there on his debut in the championship Dylan Garvey with no clutch in 25th karkosha gets in in Korea at 27-28 and you can see Alfred greenrock just getting in there Mika caspicard being just outside and not making to drive to world sea tomorrow but they've had all their own issues and their own problems through that qualifying session it's a very interesting game now where we see Laurie Heinen coming from relative obscurity last year to now challenging giant sec in qualifying he's taken a little bit out of the sails and the window the sales of Einstein came with the insect I mean we say this every time and then he wins every event so it doesn't matter and Laurie Heinen will start against a rookie in grindberg at the first round look at that Shanahan zalevski as the Second Battle out that's one to look for you got Cali Rover pair against Victor white Mark in there as well take a look through it randalu Nakamura the einstec Alex halavnia they're a big battle for giant sec in the top 32 as Nielsen and Hartman both on form go up against it as well there is a lot of huge battles like and pascaldy against Jack Shannon that's already 32 to me looks like a top eight everywhere you look and I think the championship which we are so early into will be dictated by the actions tomorrow because you it's all the same it doesn't matter if you win the final or not these every battle counts for the same amount of points and we will kick things off back tomorrow with our top 32 and we've got to go down to Becky having a word but Peter Vine is like Becky is the current reigning Champion he won ran one but Laurie Heinen is coming from tomorrow yes absolutely Dave it's been a good day for Mr Peter V and SEC he's just got out the car sorted his curls out and he's ready for the interview second place with a 90. very good but Mr Laurie Heinen is becoming a problem for you isn't it it's good it's exciting you know I'm very happy for now for today I'm just focusing on the qualification and uh it wasn't perfect it was that we went with a few mistakes but overall second place I'm happy with that and now we need to focus on the preparation for for tomorrow can't wait to see the bracket and yeah excited overall and how is the car looking because I know you had a couple of problems this morning you actually had to switch the spare car so is this one running sweet now yeah after changing gearbox it's running sweet so yeah so far so good can complain I think we are ready for tomorrow just a few more adjustments and yeah let's go from there perfect good luck in your battles tomorrow as we were talking about Dave this track seems to throw out so many issues with the cars because it is full throttle and it's taken its toll I mean you can hear their peace of the insects changing a gearbox we're coming over here you can see Connor his engine all the accessories are off it now they're just preparing to take out the block so these guys are going to be working Full Throttle all evening to get this car back on the grid tomorrow you see dad is getting involved there taking off the pulleys it's always a family affair when you come over to the shanahans absolutely so they're going to be busy doing that coming over to Dylan Garvey now as you saw he had clutch problems he's currently looking around the pits to see if he can find a clutch plate for this so at the moment you can see they are all running around trying to find some parts and that's the great thing about drifting everybody pulls together and they help each other out so I'm sure that he'll get it fixed and put it on the grid for tomorrow now if Dwayne is here here he is he's right here Dwayne I heard that you had a little problem but it actually wasn't that serious we were worrying it to be engine trouble but it was just a bolt in the gear selector sorry literally as I was trying to go back to Second Use of the last corner I was like why would this not go back in and then I just at that stage I give up I was not too late I've messed up here I went back to Third and the gear stick was a flap at about so literally a boat come out so it's as simple as that that's great that it's only a simple problem because I know it's been quite the road to get you here at drift Masters you actually had a fundraiser to get your car to this round and the rest of the season so it's really exciting to have you here yeah I really feel happy we're back on the grid this year and thanks to all my sponsors and especially drift games and they've all got me here it's unbelievable the sport I got was unbelievable so I'm so happy uh I didn't have the best practice lessons this morning so whenever I go one practice or one qualifying rundown I was just happy with what I'm even whenever that happened in my second one I wasn't even that annoyed I was like oh well I'm in I don't care I'll try and put a bit harder than my hand brilliant and good luck in your battles tomorrow it's always good to see smiling faces obviously this sport is extremely hard on our cars so they're going to be working for the rest of the evening but what a fantastic qualifying session we have Laurie Heinen who's becoming a big cat amongst the pigeons for our Championship contenders Peter vien's second second place and Oren Nielsen I mean what a comeback last year he had one of the biggest moments that we saw in 2022 and he's back he's in third position and as I said more Smiles on faces so guys make sure you join us here tomorrow we're going to be live with our top 32 at 1 45 p.m all live on Red Bull TV make sure you join us strapping for the action is going to be a big one take care [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Drift Masters European Championship
Views: 978,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drift Masters, DMEC, Drift Masters European Championship, DMEC 2023, Drivecenter Arena, Drifting, Drift, Motorsport
Id: XuDRIkL25us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 30sec (13770 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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