LIVE | Race | Silverstone 500 | Intelligent Money British GT Championship

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome everyone to the 2022 silverstone 500 the blue ribbon event in the intelligent money british gt championship season a 35 strong grid of gt cars is set for three hours of racing but first let's take a look back to an action-packed season opener at autumn park the new season started with a bang quite literally for richard neary and shaw balf who banged doors into the first corner whilst contesting the race lead with the mercedes eventually getting the better and leading the first half of the race back in gt4 stellar motorsports audi was the race leader in the early stages whilst in gt3 alex maliakim was grass tracking at the first corner the gt4 battling was very intense team parker racing and academy motorsport would see an awful lot of each other whilst graham davidson saw a lot of the autumn park scenery with this spectacular accident from second place the star of the show in the second half of the race no doubt about it was julgu not carving his way through the field within a couple of laps of his stint he made his way into second place and was chasing down the race leader much to the delight of ram racing despite having his nose ahead as they started the last lap though goonon couldn't quite get the victory and shawn valve and adam carroll got the race win in their audi it was added to the four in gt4 as well as stellar mode sports richard williams and senen fielding dominated to take the win adam carroll delighted with his start to the goon on season carol would resume their battling race two from the front row with goon on getting the early advantage and leading the field through old hall corner for phil keane though things were not getting off to a great start contact with the two seas mercedes at old hall corner was followed immediately by more contact down at cascades sending the multiple race winners spinning and others scattering to the grass to avoid him sadly there was no avoiding a dnf for assetto motorsport and paddock motorsport whose gt4 cars were out at shell oils just before the rain arrived bang on halfway through the race the heavens opened and cars started skating off the road the two seas mercedes doing some significant barrier damage while sandy mitchell collided with marcus clutton is the conditions got ever more treacherous after a red flag period to fix the barriers the racing resumed and it was immediately back into the action academy and team parker were again making friends the team parker porsche off into the gravel trap the gt4 battling one of the real highlights of the day at the front of the field it was ram racing who won on the road but with their success penalties added on post race paddock motorsport who finished third were classified the race winners back in gt4 it was the century motorsport bmw that came home victorious continuing where they left off after a strong 2021 there are many new teams in the championship this year but one of them stands out from the rest after scoring points on their debut last time team brit have high hopes for this weekend this isn't your regular team so team brit is made up of all disabled drivers so that's a mix of physical and mental disabilities as well so i'm a paraplegic and i use a wheelchair all of the time and my teammate has very severe autism so he struggles with it he has additional challenges placed in his life because of that as well this is our first season in british gt yep first round was quite a learning experience you know coming to british city it's quite a big step up from the championship we competed in last year and we had a fantastic first race weekend of the year where we actually managed to get two second places in the pro-am gt4 category where i don't have use of my legs so i as i said before use uh team britt's world leader the hangar troll technology it's a paddle that we use on the steering wheel i operate that with my right hand there's a paddle behind the wheel that i operate with my left hand to do the brake and then we have buttons just inside the steering wheel which operate with my thumbs which go up and down gears as well some people you know may say it gives you like a small advantage because obviously the dexterity you have in your fingers as opposed to your feet is is much greater but you know i think you know as i said it just puts on a completely level playing field to appear to be on the circuit with them fantastic events fantastic um vibe here you know made history last time out at album park you know being the first all disabled race team to compete in british gt but not only that you know it's just amazing to be around so many competitive drivers you know this is this next step for the team one more step closer to the ultimate goal of 124 so i can't believe it absolutely looking forward to it and loving it i suffer with severe autism asperger's and all that we've got so many different types of people with so many different issues so like one of the guys who competes in another championship in the team he's um got use of one arm we've got a guy who's been at a boat across accident he's he's he still uses the pedals and the gears but he's not in a great shape but his name is andy he's a good lad luke is the guy with the one up we got so many diverse we've got drivers with ms as well you know so many diverse with people with disabilities since the team and it's just motorsport is a level playing field with the team's fantastic and controls it allows everyone able-bodied or not to compete on a level playing field because when when you put close the door and you're out on the track no one cares if you're disabled or not you're all doing the same thing and that's to be your most fault in gt3 it's a welcome return for 2018 british gt champions flick hague and johnny adam while the championship is familiar to them johnny finds himself in very unfamiliar surroundings at the wheel of a mercedes yeah it's different you know first time in 11 years i've driven anything outside of an aston so but to be fair with gt3 nowadays the cars are all very similar in performance so uh you know the lap times are all quite close this weekend again so it just takes a while to get used to it and more importantly it takes a while to just get the last little edge from the car so but oh so far it's going really well so i think this weekend's there's 97th race for me for brexit and all has been in an aston martin so yeah this weekend's quite different and obviously driving a mercedes this weekend but i'm really enjoying it enjoying the experience with flick again and obviously we finished a great chapter obviously by winning the championship in 2018 it's just great to see her back out on the grid and you know hopefully this weekend we could obviously learn as much as we can going into obviously a three-hour race um but yeah the ultimate goal is just to get a good finish um and the car has been going really well you know the team have been great they kind of welcome them us into the team and really we've been working well together so uh hopefully of a good result i'm looking to do a full championship and i think that this year was an opportunity to get a few under our belt and see where i am and see if you know there's an opportunity maybe for next year to a full championship obviously it's a new car for both of us actually so yeah there's some learning to do the team's been great though and yeah we're building towards a good good platform [Music] great to hear from all those drivers and we're here at silverstone for the epic silverstone 500. it's glorious glorious weather and joining me on the grid to start this one the voice one of the voices i should say for the british gt it's david addison now david it is an epic epic race of silverstone 500 but what makes it such a big round an epic round i suppose one of the answers is that it's a great circuit the silverstone grand prix circuit it's got so much to it it's got fast bits it's got twiddly bits but also it's the strategy element of this it's a three r race but you've got to make three pit stops and that means that the teams can be really creative on how they divide the three hours of racing there's no pit window as such your only limit really is that only uh the maximum time for one driver is 100 minutes but there's more flexibility so the brains trust up and down this pit wall really comes into its own in this round plus it's a mega entry you know we've got well over 30 cars we've got some guest entries race by race entries one or two names that we don't normally see on a british gt grid uh it's going to be an awesome race yeah 34 cars 20 gt3s 14 gt4s you mentioned strategy it really does come into play we saw the team to my right balwa doing something quite interesting last year where they had that pit stop on the first lap that's right and they can win races from doing things like that and also you might for example put your gun driver in a bit light on fuel but on new tyres to bring them back into the equation and compensate for that on a another pit stop so yeah it's not just what's going on on the circuit itself there's so much that's got to be considered in the pit lane too and there's a lot going on off circuit as well let's quickly touch upon alton park then and the hangover the legacy of alton park quickly talk us through what's going on there okay so at alton park we have that red flag race the success penalties accrued in race one were applied at the end of race two ram racing one on the road protested the result the that protest was thrown out on the day by the stewards they have been given leave by motorsport uk to uh appeal to the national court but that has not yet sat in order to hear the appeal so we can't have success penalties because we don't have a result of the first race yet to give them to the right cars so once the national court has met and it's confirmed the result of austin park race 2 the penalties from this race will be applied retrospectively yeah got that hopefully we'll clear it up later yeah we'll do a test later on now let's go and chat with some of the drivers i know you'll do a bit of a grip walk so if we head this way and find sandy mitchell he was around and he's normally uh quite quite good at being around oh there he is over there let's go for a quick walk and find sandy mitchell the pro driver in the barwell car sandy let's go with you if we can it's a lovely place to start this race isn't it pole position and yesterday you put in an absolute blinder after adam put in a decent stint as well in qualifying yeah definitely i mean adam was right up the front of the am session and it was so close uh and tight especially in the top five i think it was just one or two tents between them all so yeah he did amazing job to be right up there and then yeah it was down to me pressure on but um no we knew from fp2 that we had some good pace in the car in quality and uh on the new tires and i felt like we just absolutely maximized it and you know driving and car performance and uh yeah so that just okay one of those sessions where it all comes together and uh yeah that kind of put us right up the front so yeah like you say perfect place to start and then yeah just got to see how the race pace is now and we'll give it a good go yeah anything can happen in a three-hour race as we know strategy is a big thing you guys did something unusual last year we're going to see some curveballs from you i know you won't tell me but i oh we'll see i mean it depends a lot on what happens around us and um if there's any incidents in that kind of thing but yeah for this race you always kind of come up with a plan a and a plan b but normally that gets scrapped quite quickly and yeah you have to just uh react to what you see in front of you so yeah it's the same for everyone and yeah we'll be giving it a good go and like say strategy it can be really important here with the three pit stops over three hours it kind of um leaves it wide open to pretty much do what you want and which uh yeah can make it quite exciting and you never fully know where you are until kind of everyone's done that last stop so and yeah we'll be looking to to be in the front in the front all the way around and uh yeah see what happens well best of luck stanley there you go dave allison is now going for a bit of a wander david who have you got well let's start bryn on the other side of the front row and let's sort of balance this out between the lamborghini teams simon leonard of red line racing is with a big grin on his face very pleased i would have thought with with alex malikin as well as james dawn yesterday this is a really good grid position for your team that's an amazing position i mean if you said to me bear in mind this is our first year in british gt are you going to be on the front row of the silverstone 500 how does it yes please i'll take that but yeah we're here you know we're excited and um let's have a go yeah but now the hard bit starts because it's not just on the track it's your guys trying to understand strategy and outfox everybody on the pit wall yes well we've got a strategy and you know the guy's been practicing the pit stops refueling we're on it i'm gonna be honest excellent we'll see how you go simon good luck right i'm gonna take cameraman guy here for a wander because one of the good things about this race is that it is a massive grid and the grid is also very busy as you can see because there are lots and lots of people which is the other good thing about being back at silverstone this weekend because we are with a full crowd let's thread our way sorry through mercedes land go past james cottingham uh and we'll try and stop off if we can at sky tempest racing briefly where chris froggett stands now uh chris is a very welcome addition to british gt ranks this season doing lots of races chris can i interrupt you briefly um another day another mercedes another race you're never out of the car yeah no i mean it's great for me being new to the car it's really nice to drive as much as possible and i love silverstone and not really an opportunity in the european championships now to be here so it's good excellent what about kevin he doesn't know the circuit very well your co-driver kevin say no i mean but he's doing an amazing job right qualifying yesterday with him for him was uh amazing and alton park also a place he's been a couple of times and had good success but i mean he's just on fire at the moment he's showing he's a really good driver excellent good luck three hours of drama there for sky 10 pastor racing comes let's try and find another mercedes crew uh because uh which way do we go let's go this way uh number 75 is one of these uh race by race entrance and back into the championship cam flick hague and johnny adam now they won the championship together and we've hardly seen flick hague since and as for johnny adam i need to have a word with you for cruelty to commentators because now you're making us use sentences without the words aston and martin what are you doing to us it must feel really strange it does from the driving scene as well to be fair no i mean it's um it's nice to be back first of all it's nice to be racing with flick and last time we raced together it was 2018 with the championship winning year but um it's different you know it's different to get used to the mercedes but it is enjoyable as well so we're really trying to bank the knowledge today you know we're both improving as we go on i think realistic we could go forward from here from p9 so yeah we're targeting the top five this afternoon how's this dale come about i mean are you no longer part of aston martin's family no still there it's still part of the family and i have been for 11 years it's just they've been so kind to let me and a few other drivers too little stuff away from the factory role that we've got but um you know it's been weird 97 races in british ut only in aston so it's strange but i'm i'm happy to be here and happy to be racing this afternoon good luck johnny right let's catch up further down the grid let's go back to bryn yeah thanks very much david i'm here with center fielding we've given you so much screen time it seems like because i mean you guys have been unbelievably fast this weekend to be fair the team have provided me enriched with a car the car's been faultless all weekend um i think yesterday in qualifying we managed to get it in the window especially with these new pirelli tires and yeah i think obviously that was only the start of the job we've still got a long race coming up and now it's over to the hard part it's gonna be a huge team effort there's so many other things going on and it's a three hour race um obviously starting on pole but a lot can happen in this race so fingers crossed and fingers crossed we can get a good result at the end of the day well strategy is a huge part of this race we know there's no pit windows but the three mandatory pit stops can you give us any inkling into your plan a plan that you plan c and d like i say there's so many things that can go on in the race you've just got to be quick to react to any situation whether it's safety cars uh traffic with the gt3s and everything else so i think we've got the best people around us to make sure they can have the quick pit stops and me and rich have just got to be on standby whether it's quick pit stop driver change and whatnot throughout the race so like say we've got our base plan and that could be changing on a lot through the race so we'll see well it's about to get started so best of luck there we go so we've heard from a lot of drivers jesus heard from a lot of drivers let's now hear from our commentator andy mcewen yeah thank you very much brid i'll tell you what i haven't been this excited about a race for uh well about three weeks actually since we were at alton park for what was a thrilling season opener uh two one-hour races there but this is the big one it's the blue ribbon event the one that everyone wants to win we've got 30 plus cars out on the circuit the sun has come out at the perfect time a big crowd one of the greatest race tracks in the world in the silverstone grand prix circuit there is not a lot not to love here really this is going to be a fantastic afternoon of racing this the venue then the silverstone gp circuit as david was saying down on the grid it's got a little bit of everything lots of fast corners a fair few technical sections as well but lots of these long straights down the hangar straight down the wellington straight where you get a bit of a slip stream have a go on the brakes into the next corner so we usually see plenty of overtaking and lots of really really good action a spectacular circuit to drive for the drivers they all really enjoy it as well i'm sure he's going to put on quite the show for us over the next three hours three hours of racing then as they were saying three mandatory pit stops no driver in any of the cars can complete more than 100 of the 180 minutes but beyond that you can pit when you like and it's that strategic freedom that really does make this race uh rather special got another three hour race coming up of course at donington park next but the silverstone 500 always a special occasion now david has uh hotfooted it through the gravel trap uh up into the commentary box uh you've caught your breath i think it might be your last chance to catch your breath for about three hours it's gonna be epic this isn't it i mean absolutely without having to think about success penalties in pit stops it is an absolute what knots to the wall flat-out sprint in both classes and in all the sub-categories whether it's the pro-ams or the silver competition so there is a huge amount to look for in this it's a proper gt race isn't it where yes there is a delta time for pit stops but the strategic brains in that pit lane can make the world of difference and that's what endurance racing should be about here is how they line up then on all lamborghini front row with volvo motorsports number 72 car started by adam ballen on pole alex malikin alongside him for red line racing row number two then is more mercedes affair james cottingham's two seas motor sports car you won't miss that one with richard neary alongside who led much of the first half of round one at alton park ian loggie was going well at alton as well he starts fifth for ram racing with nick moss alongside in the optimum motorsport car that he shares with joe osborne row 4 for kevin saying the sky 10 pester racing mercedes and assetto motorsport decent effort that inside the top 10 in the soul bentley mark samson at the wheel then it's flick hague returning to the championship alexander west for garage 59 puts a mclaren 10th on the grid then outside of the top 10 john ferguson for ram racing and sean balf in the uh car that scored more points than anyone else at alton park the balfour sport audi only 12. morgan tilbrook and mia flew it um an all mclaren next row of the grid row seven whilst on row number eight behind them uh we see stuart proctor in the greystone gt mclaren and another mclaren of nick halstead for fox motorsport towards the back now of the gt3 field andrew howard makes a welcome return subbing for kelby collector at panic motorsport whilst betty chen pilots the century mode sport gz3 bmw simon what's next with mike ligo they didn't get out in the first part of qualifying yesterday due to a sensor issue they will start 20th on the grid then into gt4 a dominant pole position for richard williams and center fielding for stellar motorsport marco senoretti alongside in the academy ford mustang josh miller in the r racing aston martin has ross wiley for company on the second row of the gt4 grid will burns for century motorsport matt topham for newbridge that is a car we'll talk about a lot the leading pro am entry uh should be in the mix for the win from the end of the day tom rawlings for century freddie tomlinson in the asceto motorsport ginetta that he shares with joe wheeler they are next and then towards the tail end of the gt4 field jordan collard in the toe to kazoo racing uk super jamie orton in the theme park racing porsche and then behind them we've got david holloway's deadpool motorsport aston martin and the paddock gt4 car of ashley marshall and the background of the grid is where we find uh ed mcdermott motorsport racing and aaron morgan for team brit well uh that is quite the grid of cars isn't it what a stunning sight they make as they make their way side by side the sun glinting off the body work through the final couple of corners strap yourselves in everyone make yourself comfy do not let your eyes wander from your tv sets for the next three hours because this is going to be one of the highlights of the season for sure adam ballen on pole position for barwell motorsport alex maliakin alongside him it's likely that a lamborghini will lead into cop's corner but which one will it be maliakim will want to try and get the jump here and escape at the start but we know that adam ballon is a very experienced gt racer as well it's gonna be a real fight into cop's corner look how close they get there as they come through woodcote waiting for those red lights to go out the 2022 silverstone 500 round three of the intelligent money british gt championship gets underway now off towards cops corner they go and it is going to be ballon that holds the advantage malikim will lose second i think they're four are breast in gt4 further back that's never going to end well out of cops we go though balum with the advantage and look at the way that james cottingham is on the attack going for second place side by side with malik in the lamborghini on the outside line will hold on just about ballon leaves there malik in second cottingham third richard neary there in fourth and it looks like that's ian loggie holding on to fifth so quick order at the front and the most important thing in the sense they all got through cops safely didn't they in gt3 that we've had dramas on early laps in this race in the past and gt4 despite as you say being four wide they all survived as well richard neary then in the green abba racing mercedes on the outside line of the yellow car that has got james cotting with the wheel of it different teams same base car absolutely side by side richard neary tries to go all the way around the outside at stowe it won't work there but the road will come to him he'll have the inside line for the next part of the racetrack into the end of and he goes through and logy tries to get out the inside near he goes wide contact and around go both of those mercedes and here he gets caught up in it as well this is what we rather feared on the opening lap and it lasted as long as club corner two mercedes in stride as well three really because i'm sure that loggie will have damage from that as well it was a big hit as he caught the rotating car in front of him and yes logging is slow down the lewis hamilton straight so ian loggie i'm afraid oh there's damage to the that's the 76 uh mclaren as well which appears to have a rear wing at a very odd angle so quite a few walking wounded halfway around the opening lap of the race uh now let's wait and see whether those cars can all get going again if they can't then we could oh and that is kevin say is it not in the skyscraper mercedes not a good lap for the mercedes amg drivers absolutely right he took the words there he has to go through the gravel to get back towards the circuit and again uh kevin said what did chris brogan say pre-race he's been on fire of late when i'm afraid that he's a copybook blotted right so let's talk about other brands for a moment because they have had a decent first lap lamborghini then leads first and second it's barwell from red line there is the wingless almost mclaren uh mia flew is at the wheel of that car that's going to have to pit i mean there's absolutely no question about that and the two leading cars and they've absolutely disappeared up the road because of all of the delays at club with the eric mercedes and this is dreadful news for ian loggie because of course there's the autumn part result with a question mark over it and points there that may or may not ever weigh you can see the neres are still running and fighting back but in loggies car is absolutely limping to the pit lane uh somehow mia flew it is still going as well and did not pit that is the cottingham car that's going no further uh it appears though to have i think he's driven it as far off the track as he can so that we do not need a safety car um yes there are not two cars in this race there are over 30 entered but you'd be forgiven at times for thinking it was just an all lamborghini show here balon and maliakim with a six second advantage over alexander west in third he started 10th and he's picked his way through from the fifth row of the grid to be in third place at the end of lap one with nick moss for optimum motorsport next sean balf is there in fifth and still they battle on and kevin say is trying to work his way through the gt4 fight which is currently being led by this car the stellar motorsport audi richard williams at the wheel of it this is his view now of course the gt4 cars that little bit slower less powerful less aero they will drop away from the gt3 field but and there's the mclaren another mclaren in strife uh the gt4 fight very very intense indeed richard williams leading from will burns the reigning champion josh miller currently in third now which of the mclarens is that that has parked at club because that's in a bad place i think it's fox motorsport potentially i don't think that car came through on the first lap loggi is finally back to the pit lane the car doesn't look that badly damaged but the the rate at which he hit the other mercedes it will surely have been something in the right front corner and the really really slow pace that he's had to drag the car back at uh would suggest that he's worried about doing further damage so he's in the pit lane but with at least one car in a precarious position still david then we may oh and that is would you believe it richard williams from the lead of the gt4 category they were dominant yesterday i think i said worse the effect of if they have a clean race they'll be hard to beat already on lap two it's all started to go wrong for them i can hear john watson from endurance races saying in my ears calm down here because it has been a frantic first couple of laps so many front running cars in trouble for various reasons now ian loggie has made it to the pit lane yes but he's going to go a lap down if not more than one lap down and surely the team are going to call mia floyd in and if the team doesn't bob bassett who is the gt championship eligibility scrutineer is going to want that car in because it ain't safe surely well mia flew it back to differ because she continues she's being overtaken here by gt4 cars which is not normal that is clearly because she is uh lacking quite a bit of rear downforce you'd imagine with that uh loose wing um lest we forget there's quite a good battle for the lead going on here adam palin and alex malikin they've scarfed up the road but malikin on the previous lap was a few hundredths of a second quicker than ballon now early stages in the race he's going to go for the time but the inside don't make contact they do bit of door banging malik can goes through this is a three-hour race right it's not a 20-minute sprint so not three laps no so elbows out alex manikin goes through into the lead uh adam ballen bounces off the similar lamborghini huracan and he's down in second place but this is only alex malikin's second season of racing and not only has he hit the front and hit also adam balon's lamborghini but he's getting away now part of that is that in that contact adam ballen was delayed but alex malikin is absolutely storming away yellow flags wave up at the loop uh now we go green so there's a car possibly off the road there just out of sight so dramas all the way around the first couple of laps alex malikin has done the fastest lap of the race thus far this was the move down the inside it was brave it was late there was contact but from adam ballen's point of view it could have been a lot worse it could definitely he will argue i think that valiant didn't quite make the corner this will give us a better view i mean he's a car length or so back signals the move early goes to the inside tells that adam balon essentially that he's going to have a go and he does and rattles down the side of the bar well motorsport lamborghini bar ballon i think very much aware that this is a three-hour race not gonna win it on the second or third racing laps so uh maliakim then leads the way first lead change of the day this is what happened at the start it already feels like a long time ago doesn't it down towards cops they went it was actually a pretty orderly start in gt3 anything but in gt4 look at that four wide action towards the first corner but balan arrived at cop's corner leading the way in the gt3 charge briefly james cottingham was actually fully ahead there of malikim but malikin had a bit more momentum around the outside line dragged himself back alongside there was a bit of door banging even there i think and again from the board here with balum we may see a bit more of that waiting for the lights to change they change now he goes up through the gears pretty even start but he just had that small overlap was just able to get over to the racing line and ballon for that point at least was the race leader now uh richard williams that spin just to pick up on that very briefly contact with will burns so the top two in gt4 making contact back to your start replace uh right okay then uh we'll perhaps have another look at that in a moment or two this is on board me while with the 22 car a bit further down the order this is shawn valve who is currently fifth but as you can see he was starting the race right at the back of the top ten and uh this might show us a little bit of how he made so much progress he comes carving up the inside into maggots hard to run side by side through here at the best of times especially on low tire pressure on that one managed to make it stick and then kevin say right in behind ian loggie who of course uh his race unfortunately uh did not make it any further than halfway around the last lap but kevin say would later have his own spin as well at the loop and it's just you always think that silverstone is quite a wide track but when they all want the same bit of it that's when the triple starts and this is the gt4 view on board with richard williams you're wondering why he's already so far back there has to be a gap in the regulation between the gt3 grid and the gt4 grids this is losing mclaren number 40 and also the mustang uh marcus senoretti in strife up at stoke corner and this was the talking point of the first lap so neri on the inside cutting him on the outside here comes the contact now that turns around the yellow map but look at ian loggie to the outside and bang it just the front right corner i think that took the brunt off the damage i fear it loggy is out of the race but uh brian is down there and can have a word with him logging brings all yours yeah i'm with ian loggie in the character ian it was um distressing for us to watch that really but for you talk us through it yeah i actually think i got a pretty good start so it looks as if the race was going to calm down after like turn one two and three but i think people need to realize it's not banger racing and turning people around and the first uh the first laps just stupid so that's what happened one car turned the other round and i tried to avoid it and get collected and come out the worst so yeah there we are so the boys are working hard now to try and put us back on track see if we can gather some points but uh yeah really disappointing so the idea is if you can get the car back out you can go for some points it's not just going to turn into a glorified testing session for you yeah exactly so if we can get any points from today then we'll be happy to take them so i at the moment is looking uh it's looking pretty good for points but you never know what can happen in this race you've seen what happened in five minutes with uh that that type of driving and yeah there's enough two hours and 45 to go so anything can happen well i know you're disappointed but cheers for chatting to us cheers this year fed up of being the runner-up in the championship he wants to win it he understands the importance of points that's been improved at fulton park and again from what he was saying here get back out if other people retire they might salvage some points now to nobody's great surprise there is a meatball flag the mechanical warning black and orange flag going out to mia fluid who is persevering with the wonky wing alexander west who is a regular in fanatek gt racing in europe but not a regular in british gt but in third place in the mclaren he's kind of best of the rest andy he's over five seconds behind the leading lamborghinis but third in the mclaren really good effort and has actually got the gap down slightly i think to the leading lamborghini it was over six seconds at one point this time through he's quicker than both of the two ahead of him and the gap is down to five seconds so actually uh he inherited a lot of three track position if you like on the opening lap he's got the pace to back that up and nick moss there behind now what's going on in gt4 land while the class is being led by will burns uh behind him is josh miller this though is the toyota of the inside of the number nine century bmw that's the fourth in class and the toyota uh will go back the tota had been overtaken already by tom rawlings and that was him getting that position back there is your gt4 race leader speaking of gt4s by the way i did spot that uh jamie alton has come in in the team parker racing porsche that's an early pit stop could be strategic of course we have been discussing that as a possible strategy to use we'll see how that one plays out i think he's gone back out on track but uh pitting uh that was on the fourth lap of the race so a very early stop for that josh miller goes through and they are racing aston martin number 90 then yes as you say will burns now leads in gt4 but it might well be after contact with the audi of stellar motorsport that that gets looked at over the course of the race uh second in gt4 josh miller third then is jordan collard who goes through first time out in this car we've seen him in mclaren's in gt4 uh speedworks that operates the toyota kazoo racing uk supra is almost becoming team collard now because you've got elder brother ricky driving in the british touring car championship and then jordan's uh now taking over and a punch of tyre i think because the left the right rear sits down through beckett's and straight away jordan collard loses places and he's gonna have to limp it back to the pit lane but he just suddenly sat down on that corner either a suspension breakage or a puncture one hopes it's a puncture because at least that's fixable i think i saw the tyre off the rim and of course there are a few things that can cause that we're early in the race if you start hitting curbs too hard when the tire pressure is low then they don't like that also a little bit of side to side contact which is understandable given the way the first few laps went by that could have caused it also you'd imagine there's quite a bit of debris on the track at various points so again bringing over bits of carbon fibre does the tyres no good will burns is leading gt4 will burns is under investigation for contact with this car the audi number 42 and also under investigation for contact with number 61 the ford mustang that we saw in the replay from snow on the first lap so in other words there are two investigations looming over the car that's currently leading gt4 and that story is set to rumble on over the course of the race i suspect so right okay it might take a while to work through all of the investigations required after the opening lap skirmishes them there goes malik in balance second alex west in third the battle is about to be for fourth place i think because nick moss there and the optimum mclaren has got sean valve and mark sansom and morgan tilbury closing in uh morgan tilburg has come rocketing through the order hasn't because the enduro car started 13th and he's just picked up another place because sansamp breaks himself at stowe and so through will go the enduro motorsport mclaren and that will now put tillbrook into the top six so whenever there are losers at the start of a race there are always winners until brooke and belf for that matter definitely gaining lots of ground early on and of course as this first stint unwinds it won't be that long before lappery becomes part of it as well the other thing just to briefly go back to ian loggi's travails it's going to be interesting to see how long it takes to get that car out because it's all very well going back out to try and score points like the idea but if they don't do enough of the distance they're not going to be classified and therefore points do become academic and it does become what britain was suggesting just a big test session for them right this is the view coming out of the loop into entry speed building all the time this part of the circuit right let's have uh more news for the pits brian what have you got yeah thanks david i'm here with toyota kazoo racing they're going to get the car in now they're not sure what caused the suspension failure they think but they are going to check it as soon as it comes in they're not sure as to the cause or to what they're going to do about it but i can tell that tommy's going to get in the car no matter what okay well the car is in now so jordan collard has brought it back as rapidly as he can but uh well it's good information i'm a little bit more worried now that you've told us it's suspension rather than a tyre but um yeah that's a big blow early in the race uh it is indeed uh right morgan tilbrook uh is looking to gain even more ground here right on the tail of sean balfour position and we know that audi is not an easy car to overtake just ask her chill goon on uh as he was trying to pass adam carroll late in the day at alton park until we're closing through cops but then loses a bit on the exit and this is the fascination that david was talking about earlier on certain cars will excel in certain areas of the track and perhaps fall back in others there is the toyota there is the right rear corner tyre is off rim but of course a suspension failure could lead to that i guess couldn't it so um they're going to fuel the car get all of the mandatory pit stop bits out of the way so as uh bryn said they're going to conduct the driver change as well then start investigating what exactly happened to that right right corner i mean until the team gets the car into the pit lane its information comes from the driver and it may have been jordan saying feels like the suspension's gone because that's how suddenly it all went but if it is purely a tire then that car can be back out and running with obviously far less time lost so fingers crossed the start was being looked at but there's no further action about that there's a whole raft of investigations going on which is keeping uh the race control team and the students occupied and we have alex malikin still leading from adam valen uh in third place alexander west in his mclaren in fourth is nick moss mclaren fifth shawn valve audi sixth this car morgan tilbrook mclaren seventh is the bentley mark sandson eighth michael i go now unnoticed that's been good progress from michael i go from the back of the gt3 grid ninth is john ferguson's mercedes and ten to split hates two season savings yeah i would call 12 places gained inside the first seven that's pretty good progress for michaelago 20th on the grid he started right here comes the fight for fifth place till brook forcing valve to defend tries to go right round the outside uh brooklyn's now you can make that work but it's a risky move to try and get the inside through the field in the end he bails out of it holds on morgan just rolling through the center of the corner a bit more quickly but then he gets in the toe coming off the corner flat out now through wood coat corner less than a car length between the two of them balf will again have to defend into cop's corner and this perhaps could be tillbrook's opportunity because the wide line into cops will surely yield a bit more exit speed look he takes the late apex balfour's a little bit wide over the curve but actually comes off the corner a little faster than the mclaren it can be difficult to follow another gt3 car closely through the high-speed corners they generate so much downfalls these days the dirty air has just started to creep in a little bit and maybe that's where till brook uh was struggling through the high-speed right-hander cops corner he'll be keen to get on with this though because he's clearly got good speed when he's in clean air he's one of the fastest drivers on the track what about richard neary as well 12th he's just got up to so richard survived the um schmozzle down the club on the first lap another word for kevin say after his self-induced spin elsewhere on the first lap he's got himself back up into 14th so those two cars i think are going to be worth watching over the course of the three hours now to see what they can buy back out of a pretty poor start yeah i agreed i mean richard neary is 29 seconds off the race lead say is 35 seconds off the race lead so that's a a big ask for the win but a top five or six finish definitely uh is not a bad shout out for the neary's especially team ava racing you know hoping to contend for the championship this year any points they can salvage uh will be gratefully received in fact richard purple in the first sector on this lap fastest of anyone through the first few corners uh keen to make up crown now losing ground there was nick moss as he tried to get at the inside of the team parker racing porsche cayman which still isn't moving out of the way it is not expected to move out of the way it's the job of the faster car to make the overtake even if it's not for position only now does he get alongside but look at the ground that costs him to belf so down they come down wellington straight the cayman hops out of the way sean valve tries to weave through traffic gain a place defend the place it's all happening and the marston experience very quick sean balthet heads up towards lafiel the audience that won the opening race at austin park comes now up through left field between the mclarens there is a 12 second stop go penalty being given to number 65 which is the orton hopkins cayman so a 12 second stop go penalty being applied to number 65 they just pity and normally when it's a slightly random number like that it's because of too short a pit stop isn't it by 12 seconds or so but that is a lot to misjudge the pit stop time by it is a long pit lane of course and that minimum pit stop time includes pit entry and protective so there's maybe a bit of scope to get it wrong but i can't believe anything else and it was a genuine regulation pit stop as much as they did a driver change yes so yes it looks as though that is potentially the reason you're right but it's under the pit stop delta time which for a gt4 car is 165 seconds and if you're a silver pairing and they are there's another 14 on top of it it's almost like they forgot the 14 extra seconds that's not a bad shout out actually yes because that that yeah 12 second penalty okay i'll go with that right uh back in traffic they're gonna be in traffic much of the rest of the race now the gt3 cars uh because uh obviously there was quite a separation already between gt3 and gt4 and now there is absolutely no separation between morgan tilburg and sean valve tyler got the inside through the second part of club valve having none of it uh that nice uh run-off area has gone from the external club as well so you need to get things sorted out a bit more quickly otherwise you could end up in the gravel trap they avoided contact but only really because tillbrook very rapidly uh retreated from that ever closing gap so the audi stays in front this will remind you the fight for fifth position at the moment uh fastest level the race for richard neary not that surprised about that he's only down in that 12 position that at least tells us that the team avocado is undamaged after that collision but the one surprise is that it's not malikin doing that with clear road ahead of him because richard neary has spent most of his time battling through traffic as we dart down wellington straight now so tilde tries to come up onto the outside of valve then this is the fifth place they're absolutely side by side into brooklyn audi on the inside morgan tilbrook on the outside and how much has morgan tilbrook come on in the last 12 months or so as a driver for not starting the opening round of last year's championship with a spin on the formation lap to winning at the end of the year and now taking the fight for a place in the top five to shore valve who is vastly experienced nose to tail almost side by side adam would get down towards cop's corner till brooke on the inside live breaks as late as he dares center that the inside goes through but mclaren is fifth and sean bell swapped in in six spot behind him not bad for a man who only started racing anything about three years ago i mean a real racing rookie he was when he jumped into the funko endurance championship and then moved very rapidly into gt3 racing he missed he skipped the whole gt4 step went straight into gt3 and here he is one of the most impressive am drivers if you want to call on that uh out on the track so you're right he's into fifth place then now watch his pace because he's only a second or so behind the orange and blue up to motorsport mclaren and that would be for fourth i reckon it's not going to be that long before the enduro motorsport driver is right on the tail of the fourth place car we need to come up with a better word than ab don't because it's almost being offensive to them now because these are a very high quality group of drivers even though in certain gt3 pylons they are classed as they are but they're all operating at a very high level alex malik and then the race leader from uh adam ballen the incident involving all those mercedes on the first lap at club is going to be looked at after the race there's so much else going on uh there'll need to be lots of different camera angles studied and so that's going to be reviewed after the race but for the moment uh ian loggie has been in the pit lane for 18 minutes uh yes indeed so as you say they need to complete a certain number of laps but if he gets out inside the first hour of the race or so i think he should be okay there is the overall race leader then alex malikin there is the second place carl we briefly saw valley again just ahead of him adam balon still giving chase 1.4 seconds between them mcgaff having them flowing slightly as they work their way through the gt4 traffic one car though that they will not have to overtake on track is the stellar motorsport audi which hits so this is a pit stop uh how far into the race are we we are about 22 and a half minutes in and the car that remembers started on pole position in gt4 the audi of richard williams is in for his first mandatory pit stop there it is up on the jacks center fielding runs over clearly this is a planned pit stop uh it is uh one of the real fascinations of this race as we've spoken about a lot you don't just pit at the end of every hour as you would in some european uh three-hour races for example you can kind of get one of those pit stops out of the way whenever you feel is best to do so and this clearly is when stellar thought it was the best hard to appear um i think i've just seen richard neary come in as well so others taking this early stop quite often the teams hope there's an early safety car and that the kind of plan is we'll get one out of the way for free if there's an early safety car that has not come so now they have to go to the next page of the handbook uh i'm trying to work out how best to play this strategy of course silverstone one of the good things about it is that as a modern day grand prix circuit there are lots of access points to clear cars out of the way lots of runoff area and so safety cars actually not as common here for example and that's the car is on the racing line as it would be at say an autocad or a brand uh yes indeed so it does tend to ruin an uninterrupted this race but you never know certainly given the chaos that it chewed on the only map this one uh to see the safety car out on track right morgan tilburg on previously after two minutes 1.8 that was almost exactly one second faster than the car ahead in fact the car ahead of him is no longer alexa and nick moss because he's already passed him the team manager of the leading car is being summoned to race control oh dear so for redline racing is this because of the contact on the barbell lamborghini down at the end of vale we will find out so there's now a question mark over the leader adam ballen runs second third and fourth gap he's coming down between alexander west and the charging fork and tilbrook who's made short work of mick moss sean balf is down in sixth place there is the pit stops for the uh stellar motorsport audi remember this is two minutes and 45 seconds plus 14 because they are a silver silver pairing and those 14 seconds are applied on each pit stop yes which is one of the real uh points of interest now that is uh the ram racing mercedes going back out uh it may still be in log in at the wheel i suppose that will update as he leaves the pit lane so uh britain was saying that they expected it to be about a 30 minute repair job about 20 25 minutes in the end as well we're 25 minutes into the race they've had about 20 minutes to fix that and send it back on its way it's a bit of a tank tape special but it's back on track yeah just under 21 minutes was the actual pit stop time for the um ram racing ian logging mercedes and callum mccloud has taken it out so they've done a driver change so callum now tries to bring that into the mix it is the incident with barwell that is being looked at we understand for the race leader uh more of that and on as you see 28 go through nick moss uh richard neary has given away to sam by the way in the abba racing car so because of the early dramas they're if you're like playing their own furrow now trying to get back into the equation as the marco senorati mustang tries to fend off aston martin but he's lapped in the process by nick moss who goes around the outside doing a decent job because it's not the most experienced racer he's got short valve in the belt motorsport audi bearing down on him uh that was actually a change for fifth in gt4 that was matt topham losing out to the recovering senior eddie that mustang has been fast all weekend long and with those early dramas for stella they'd have liked to have capitalized on that and uh got into the race lead but of course they already had issues of their own and now matt topham comes back at seniority down the lewis hamilton straight that all going on just behind some of the leading gt3 cars that have made their way past the gt4 field for the first time what a different picture it is out front as alex malikian has cleared the gt4s you can see the next car behind the lamborghini is your leader in the gt4 category that's still the century bmw of will burns adam ballen goes up the inside of him and you can see uh in a moment or two the gap there between burns and josh miller behind him in the r racing aston martin which at the start of this lap was 1.7 seconds looks very similar as they come to the end of lap 12. interesting to see this lead gap isn't it because initially they having traded places ran together 23 astronauts came for the pit they look in the background but alex malikin now is being able to pull away now whether somebody has said into his ear we might need a bigger gap here because we might be called in for a penalty i know not but it's possible but alex malikin all of a sudden has stretched that margin he's gone up to 4.6 seconds the other side of the coin adam ballard might be struggling with any damage picked up after that robust past the lead 23 is in andy uh yes it is so this is josh miller handing over to jb day two of the uh real youngsters in the uh british gt championship this year john ferguson trundles past in his two seas motorsport mercedes to hand over to jb caroline who had quite a nasty off in the rain at alton a few weeks ago uh you're right though adam ballen's car and it looks okay it's not crabbing at all there's nothing hanging off the barbell lamborghini but if something has been knocked slightly out of alignment i might possibly explain things of course might lead to excessive tyre wear as well which deeper and deeper into the stint will start to show the good view here of some of the gaps separating both the gt3 and gt4 cars tom rawlings there in the century motorsports uh bmw the harriet's chariot car carrying the sponsorship from aisley harriet he was at alton park enjoying the day in the sun he's a big fan of the british gt championship and that car at the moment running reasonably well third in class yeah just needs to keep out of trouble doesn't it get to the end and back some good points he's just gone a place down on the road being lapped by michael i go who's got the number 18 wpi lamborghini up into ninth place now and again that's another car just having to get on with its own program being way way back on the grid flick they're just going out of shot in the blue mercedes again ready to hand over to johnny adam flix down precious little racing since she won the championship with johnny what four years ago now time has flown by rather scarily so it's good to have her back on the grid as ross wiley here in the beluga racing cayman heads into the loop 13 gt4 this is the car that he shares with carrera cup gb championship leader matty graham this is a really strong partnership uh yes it is they are fourth in class make that third now with the pit stop for our racing so they're uh yeah running at the right end of the grid that is for sure there you go the leading two with um the uh ram racing mercedes they're closing in behind now in the hands of kalima cloud this then the fight for what is third at the moment this gap continuing to come down morgan tilbrook this deep into the stint we are nearly half an hour in um are still setting uh personal best lap times till but the only driver really in gt3 to still be setting pbs the race leader alex malikin heads down the hangar straight but david we are starting to hear rumors of an incoming penalty we understand that a stop go penalty is going to be applied uh so confirmation will come shortly from raise control of that once the information goes on the screen to all of the teams it is official so alex mannequin is going to get a stop go penalty but uh it is for the incident at this part of the circuit uh against adam ballard no time being applied to it it is a stop and a go rather than stop for a time but it was a gap that was it was sort of there but i think in fairness alex manikin was committed to the corner he had to try and get around it but the net result was it was a robust pass for the lead and he has certainly been able to gap adam balance since but the stop go penalty because it's a long old pit lane here he's going to throw him right back in the traffic and it will feel twice as long while you're doing 50 kilometers now which is a snail's pace compared to the speeds they're carrying on track uh the saving grace i guess for red light is that they are yes five seconds ahead of balan but they're 12 and a half ahead of third place so uh you know if the pit stop or the stop go penalty loses the maybe 30 seconds they could still come out just at the back of the top 10 which is not the end of the world we're two and a half hours from crowning a winner in this race yet so there's time to get back into this that is for sure uh if i were them i would be pitting as soon as possible get that out of the way get back out on track and uh continue to uh get his head down he's clearly got the pace uh to uh start recovering some of that deficit yeah you've got what three passings of the timing line once it's official on the screen so it is this is the first and uh now simon leonard and his merry men will give the news and alex malikin presses on goes down towards cop's corner but hopefully he'll be in next time another good element of this we touched on it in qualifying is the fact that alex is actually racing because last week he would have been at brands hatch but was really really poorly all weekend high temperature and had to sit out the weekend uh but it's good that he's on track now 5.6 seconds is the lead gap but adam balon will get the lead back on that penalty uh behind alexander west has been reeled in by morgan tilbrook it was 0.367 of a second when they went across the line morgan tilbrook he's on fire yeah this car ran well here a year ago but marcus club was involved in a bit of contact in one of his final stints in the race but it was his final stint in the race and uh that took him out of contention this time around there morgan tilbrook is proving himself i think to anyone that doubted someone with three and a half years of racing experience could compete at the front of this championship a championship that gets more competitive every year and yet here he is charging after alexander west who's got quite a bit more experience than morgan they're both the same car both uh mclaren 720s is run by different teams of course garage 59 for the car ahead the car were on board with his run uh by uh morgan's team that he uh co-runs with his co-driving marketing euro motorsport and it's clear at the moment which of the two is the fastest um for batman like sean valfo's just pitted for the first time in the uh motorsport audi to hand over to adam carroll and we're also hearing that the incident involving the academy mustang is going to be looked at after the race right so before this all kicks off thoroughly on track the fight for what will become second let's continue to watch this for for second place till brook has caught west where does he make the move it's imminent isn't it he's creeping up on the back but alexander west yes more experience but not by that many years uh he has certainly become a very very rapid and he's got a lovely collection of cars as well alexander west he's one of the investors within garage 59 it's here's andrew kagadi and chris goodwin's team as 42 7 fielding then comes up to attack now number 23 this is for position they were 27 or 28th across the line and the aston martin was ahead tries to stay ahead down at the end of vale and goes through them so back ahead goes now jamie day and this is significant that he's being able to get ahead and stay ahead of the audience feeling who we know is by no means slow now he goes to the inside center field this is heading up towards abby he gets the place back on the inside line yes job done more experience the driver is senate and he's done it he's gone by uh there's another yellow flag incident that's going to be looked at after the race one of the cars involved in it as you see the audi hanging onto the place is number 91 which is betty chen and the other car involved in the yellow flag incident is number eight which is the nearest indeed right side by side for second blow on third place at the moment yes to the outside till rook to the inside west he's hanging on uh alex malikian also hanging on to the race lead here hasn't yet been in to serve this stop go penalty he will surely have to come in this time now to the inside goes till brook it's all gone wrong here before when people have tried this overtake thankfully tillbrook pulls it off though he goes into third place alex west i don't think fought that too hard and so the enduro card does now move through into third on the road but as we've said once malik can does come in for the stop go this will become the fight for second they are about five seconds behind adam allen credit to alexander west for that because he could see that morgan tilbury was catching him he knew he was quicker and he also gave him racing room and therefore did exactly the sensible thing i can't hold him up forever i'll let him go i'll avoid contact we've still got over two hours and change remaining in the race uh and that's exactly how it should be down you know so the quicker car goes by yes but alexander west stays in the fight uh and that car will remain in contention i would have thought to the very end of the race alex madikin continues to lead he's not yet been in for this stop go has he yes he has he has now been in so uh he led into the pits but he will not lead at the end of the next lap so the stop go has been down as you see number 90 another car with damocles investigations uh surrounding it and it is will burns at the lead of this gt4 leading century bmw uh yes academy and stellar motorsport by the way will also be investigated after the race for a yellow flag incident so uh even after the checkered flag falls there will be lots of uh lots to be shaken out uh to give us the final result i suspect for this race in uh gt4 land though still some good battling going on this is tom rawlings in the number bmw ross wiley in the number 51 porsche it is for second place in gt4 they are some 18 or 19 seconds behind the race leader in gt4 which as we say has this investigation pending as that may well change as we get further into this opening hour but a good battle here and the cayman seems to have decent race pace so every time we see ross wiley he seems to be on the attack he seems to be making progress he does indeed i'm a little bit worried about the nick halster jamie stanley mclaren because that's done its first regulation stop and was under by something like 46 000 per second um so by a tiny tiny margin it was just under on the pit stop the speed works toyota by the way is back in the race uh it's gone out of the pit lane again but uh there is alex malikin who has stayed behind the wheel of the car and you can see where it's dropped him to because he's now battling with the audi of sean balff so that car is also after a pit stop ahead now so sean valve goes through picks up a place so a stop go and a regulation stop completed by those two different cars so again the red line lamborghini here has lost places and of course has still to serve its first regulation stop whereas the ball found he's got one out of the way uh worth making the point they are not on the same lap those two cars so uh because of course the stop goes significantly shorter uh than the uh the full pit stop ford battle foundation so yes the audi goes through but uh we'll be on fresher tires as well of course having presumably changed tires at the stop hence why that car has some good pace at the moment sam neary's showing decent pace as well he's running down the order having made his first pit stop and tried still to bounce back uh from the incidents early on now this car is in a genuine on-track battle with the ball foundation sam will want to clear malik in as quickly as possible here he will jamie caroline by the way has set the fastest lap of the race and the cars there now thread their way up towards the end of the lap the race order adam ballon leads from morgan tilbury alexander west then nick moss that the bentley fifth mark samson michael i go is up into sixth place with morgan tilbrook much much quicker than the race leader it's not going to be long before tillbrook takes over the lead of the race because he's brought the gap down already to 1.8 seconds it does give the impression that the leading lamborghini is hobbled in some way richard neary's car now sam neary at the wheel of it hustles on on the tail now of malikin but it's of course alex malikin eight and then a lap down after the pit stop uh is samiri and even though it says on pit out sean balf uh another timing page says that it's adam carroll behind the wheel which would make more sense yes it should be shouldn't it because they have made their first stop of the race uh yeah morgan tilbrook three seconds quicker than the leader on the previous lap traffic i guess had something to do with that but they're almost together on the circuit now this battle is still very much together tom rolling second in gt4 ross wiley third and marco senoretti there in the academy mustang trailing a bit of uh rear trim after its opening lap incident uh is fourth in class now i know a few people are pitted from gt4 but that academy car we saw it was strong qualified second for this race remember it's got good speed it's catching these two cars and could find itself into a podium position once the first lot of pit stops have been completed uh rawlings not for the first time i've spotted running wide there onto a new little bit of tarmac runoff area it's only a few feet wide that bit of tarmac exiting chapel corner but give racing drivers a bit of tarmac to use and they will always use it and maybe just a little bit of the green stuff as well which is exactly what rawlings has done on a couple of occasions there we have another team manager being summoned to race control nick halstead and jamie stanley's team manager remember i said that was slightly under on the pit stop oh yes well messenger is getting through uh so they were only under by forty six thousandths of a second but a rule is a rule is a rule that's the race leader adam ballam uh by seven tenths of a second from there morgan tilbrook in the mclaren chasing on behind him so starting lap 20 through the traffic they go we've got a genuinely battle here the pair of them yet to serve their first of three regulation pit stops and adam ballen in the lamborghini then run by barwell motorsport hustles on two hangers straight contact earlier on in the race and that possibly has hurt to an extent looking back from adam allen's car and morgan tilbrook has brought the gap right down one point eight then seven tenths of a second yes so uh britain reporting from the pit lane that uh barbell don't think there's an issue with the car they just think that tillbrook is that bit faster which i mean yeah i'm prepared to believe that the rate that uh tillbrook has been marching his way up the order remember that uh enduro motorsport car started 13th on the grid yes others have had their issues but we've seen him pull off some good overtakes and here he is less than a second away now from contending for the race lead back in the pit lane that's sandy mitchell watching on as he watches his car battling now sandy's got his helmet on and other drivers have to be ready at all times for pit stops just in case but helmet on tells me that he might be tripping into this car before indeed so it's imminent i think because also the last thing alaba needs is to lose time by defending so if a battle is coming pit the only thing you have to be conscious of is not going over that maximum drive time 100 of the 180 minutes is the most that either driver can do so up towards the completion of the lap lap number 20 and unbalanced leads but it could be that that green farwell lamborghini bales and morgan tilbury gets a free ride in the enduro motorsport mclaren to the end of the lap let's see out of allen's pace certainly not on a par with till brooks and if adam balon tightens the line coming out of woodcut then he can anticipate the pit lane looms it does not he stays out for at least one more lap then yes which i'm quite happy about because it means we get to see the battle on track it would be a shame wouldn't it if tilburg caught it but then uh the lamborghini bale for the pit so down to cop's corner we go on board with the volvo car of avatar looking back at the enduro car of marcus clutter the inset is the onboard view from the mclaren this is our fight for the race theme we are just beyond 40 minutes into the silverstone 500 it has been an action-packed race so far and it shows no signs of letting up this is how close it is for the race lead and this is the part of the circuit where clinton's mclaren really seems to work well it changes direction through that maggots beckett's chapel sequence and that means that as he flashes the lights at maladapta straight he's almost close enough to think about having a go but but but he's mindful that there were two hours and 18 minutes to go so this isn't the lap for heroics but if you can force a mistake out of that a balance then an opportunity will present down through them you're looking back at the second place car looming large in the mirror in that video screen mirror of the leading car right on the tail of the race leader coming at the end of valencia club now is morgan tilbrook it is when rather than if i think that mclaren gets by although the lamborghini does break away by a length also coming through club corner yeah got really good acceleration there they both seem to hit the throttle at the same time but gradually the lamborghini got away through the corners though there's no doubt about it mclaren is quicker trouble is you can't drive through the car ahead you can have all the mid-corner speed in the world but you're not gonna be able to make the move unless you can find the gap on the inside it might be there at the loop it isn't there at the loop and so balan hangs on drips a bit wide at the apex and now tilburg is surely going to think about the move down the wellington straight he's inches away from the rear diffuser of the barbell lamborghini but again the lamborghini just pulls a few meters on and down the back straight tilt up to the inside line last of the late breakers no it's not the time for that as you said still over two and a quarter hours to go and balance retains the lead and while they're together alexander west in third base is lapping faster so this is how it looks as they came through lafayette ballon for the pits and he comes so out of ballon bales and that means then that morgan tilbrook does take over the lead our third different leader and adam ballen comes in and now it's going to be really interesting to see whether or not any damage was incurred in that contact with malikin and whether that is a lasting legacy of the incident relative to the pace of the car so here it comes yeah it's the uh the left-hand side of the car that took the hit isn't it so i wouldn't mind having a look at that uh see if we can see any certainly visible damage to the bodywork out gets ballon uh sandy mitchell does not yet get him because nobody can touch the car whilst the refueling is in process so there you can see the refueller sticks the hose in they will pump as much fuel in as they need and of course you may as well fill it because there is a minimum pit stop time anyway you gain nothing by short fueling so they get everything in they'll fill it to the brim and only when that fuel nozzle comes out can they then begin changing tyres and changing drivers and changing tires is another element of this in as much as it is a new tyre for this year so all the data from the old tyre and previous silverstone 500s is redundant barwell arguably has an advantage because it runs that tyre in the endurance range that it did at imola uh and runs the tire in the sprint cup so they've been doing more races on this new tyre but whether tyre wear has a a major factor we'll have to really try and unravel after each pit stop it's hard to tell isn't it though because yes the pace at the end of that stint was slower than it was at the start but that's because they're in traffic and they're battling for positions so uh yeah hard to tell how much of that is down to taiwan and how much is just the fact that it's a very busy race track uh possibly the most important bit of the pit stop is completed now cleaning one half of the windscreen on the barbell lamborghini so that sandy mitchell can see where he's going and when sandy can see where he's going he's quick because he was the fastest in the pro element of qualifying yesterday so sandy mitchell ought to have the pace now perhaps to repel the challenge from this car i feel a bit like a damage assessor for the next couple of sentences first news uh damage to the balwell lamborghini just a small dink in the body work according to brynn over at toyota gazoo racing uk puncture right rear took out a brake line and diff cooler on the way back to the pit lane thought you wouldn't look rapid but anyway it was only a puncture but it did ancillary damage coming back so it wasn't suspension as we feared at the time but uh there were more things to sort out once the car had been brought back in according to team principal christian dick alexander west in for garage 59 so that is his pit stop to hand over to marvin kirkhoffer so uh that was the car that uh would have inherited second place had it not pitted on the same lap as the race leader so now nick moss brings the optimum motorsport mclaren into second and michael i go in third place i know other people pitting is flattering the performance of the wpi car slightly but if you'd have told wpr that they'd been a podium place within the first hour of this race i think they'd have been very very pleased with that there then goes till brooke in the background look the orange mclaren that is nick moss now running second in the race going on the inside of the stellar motorsport audi number 42 now in the hands of sound and fielding malikin in as well to hand over to james dawlin of course having already had to serve a stock go penalty so it's fallen down the order already uh are we aware of anything that number 23 that josh miller uh jamie day aston has done because the team manager of that car is now being summoned to raise control as we look here at gt4 battling going on number nine is tom rawlings 51 is the very experienced very uh underrated ross wiley who is right on his tail and then behind the pair of them is marco senoretti so this is second third and fourth in gt4 uh the leader of which has just come into the pit lane in fact will burn so this is about to become first second and third in gt4 uh one bmw pits another one will inherit the class lead unless it pits as well but uh here ross wiley really taking the fight to the leading bmws as andrew howard in his first race in anything in this championship other than aston martin since 2007 has had a rotation his last race in anything other than aston was about three weeks ago in a mates lotus with the 750 motor club but he's facing the wrong way as super sub for kelvin fletcher i was about to say it's a shame we haven't mentioned him yet we probably ought to but maybe not for those reasons so he's off the road or at the side of the road i think that was at the loop wasn't it uh in the pits as you saw there was the number 90 bmw will burns then uh is in to hand over to jack brown and uh that pit stop will be longer than the gt3 cars the gt4 pit stops are quite a bit longer in fact that gt3 so that minimum pit stop time means that they will essentially lose a couple of laps really it's 165 seconds for gt4 135 for gt3 plus the 14 seconds as well because this is another one of those silver silver driver combos and there is the pit stop cycling through so uh wilburn's the reigning champion with gus person gives away now to his new for this year co-driver jack brown and so it is tom rawlings therefore who will take over the lead of gt4 ross wildly behind him and actually marco senoretti despite a bit of damage at the back of that mustang a legacy of the opening lap of the race in the contra stone corner it's got itself back into the fray hasn't it and marco senoretti who does not know british circuits terribly well let's face it first time here he's doing a good job it takes more than a little ding to kill off a mustang doesn't it that car is built tough and it's clearly still going very very quickly indeed there's kirk arthur going up the inside of the gt4 paddock uh mclaren as here the gt4 battle for the lead is interrupted momentarily by the arrival of callum mcleod and the rocket rjn uh mclaren as well which is now in the hands of james kell after its first pit stop through goes mercedes mclaren should clear them down the wellington straight and as out wide goes the bmw of rawlings it's all going to get very busy because the mclaren is lapping them but wiley knows that that was one of his best opportunities to get alongside the bmw there isn't room for all three of them into brooklyn's oh just about they avoid contact the inside goes kell he gets through thank goodness he thinks the last thing he wanted we would do was get too involved in this fight for the lead and what a fight it is bmw porsche ford mustang three more different cars you couldn't hope to find and nothing to choose between them and if people say what's the balance of performance all about why do we have to have it there's the answer because there's so many matches sandy mitchell now uh gets himself up past adam carroll so that is a change for seventh place it's about to become sixth as well with the pit stop four number 32 redline lamborghini so you're looking back from sandy mitchell's car through the traffic adam carroll behind winner of talking park and now i was banging on in that race about how well joel gunnon was doing but credit to adam's defending him off actually i mean he was the winner after all and he perhaps didn't get as much of the credit as he should but right now he's got a fight on his hands yeah he was the only person that goon on could not get past tried and tried and tried and could not get past the audi so yeah great race and they both put on one heck of a show for us a graphic example there of the difference in pace between the pros and the ams and also fresh tyres and old tires as they caught nick moss's orange and blue mclaren there which runs second in the race but hasn't yet pitted so he's on his 25th lap of the race he hasn't changed tires of course since the start whereas these two cars are a much much fresher pirelli rubber i've just had betty chen into the pit way to give way to angus fender after a trouble-free stint which is good after her travails of autumn park we are approaching the end of the first hour and morgan tillbrook is the race leader by nearly 12 seconds from nick moss both of those along with michael i go and flick hague staying out a long time andrew howard is up to fifth and sandy mitchell therefore is the uh leading stopper so on the pit stops that car for the moment leading uh where is james dawlin in contrast he's way back in 12th so the red line car delayed because of the stop go he's got a bit of work to do uh yes so he's going to be 20 odd seconds behind the barbell car i think isn't he when all is said and done right gt4 lead battle still in the same order they're still threatening positional changes but no one can quite find a way through again that the bmw always has been good down the street which means that wiley has a lot of work to do under braking they've also got the race leader coming through morgan tilburg to put a lap on them and uh is that nick moss no that must be one of the other uh yes there's the fox motorsport mclaren just behind hillbrook gilbert gets past one of the gt4 cars he'll duck underneath ross wiley coming off the field corner and willie took right to the inside and pit no stays out on track so a long opening stint here for tillgrug a real split here in strategy as we sort of expected with many of them seemingly going right to the end of the first hour before putting and a 10 second stop go penalty is being given two number 23 so that is josh miller jamie day's aston martin for causing a collision it was being looked at wasn't it in context i want to say of audi 42 but i might be wrong with that because a lot has happened but anyway it has had an incident it has been looked at and so number 23 which is 27th overall uh eighth in class 18 24 is being given a 10 second stop go penalty eight in gt4 but they were in the top three before they pitted so that is quite significant that will really shake up the uh gt4 running order then once that is applied down to stowe corner we go that uh has slightly separated the gt4 scrap for the time being so a little more comfortable in the lead is tom rawlings with ross riley behind and marco senoretti in third i mentioned for the fourth placed car in gt4 matt topham doing a good job here in the leading pro am gt for car vicari shares with darren turner topham is about six to seven seconds behind this battle on track but remember his pit stop or that team's pit stop will be 14 seconds shorter than all of the cars currently ahead of it within the class so if they could stay within that 14 second window at every pit stop that quits in that's right because pro-ams don't serve the 14 seconds that's only applied to the silver silver driver combinations as tom rawlings is doing a very good job of keeping ross wiley at bay but look who's on their tail now sandy mitchell trying to work his way through the bat markers goes to the outside line gets clear of ross wiley who is so good he knows exactly what to do and where to put the car to keep out of the way of the gt3 traffic and carol goes through as well tom rawlings does likewise gets out of the way and so sandy mitchell unimpeded goes by morgan tillbrook then his last lap was a two minutes two sandy mitchell's last that was a one minute 59 so in real terms as you see the mustang go ahead of the porsche there marcus signoretti ahead of ross wiley sandy mitchell is the quickest man on the circuit senoretti just about avoids wobbling off the road on the outside of brooklyn so the mustang now goes second in gt4 bold move that and he really took advantage of other people getting out of the way of the gt3 cast well yeah you mentioned that wiley made life very easy for the gt3s as in comes rawlings then into the into the lead of gt4 goes senoretti out of the lead goes the second of the century bmw's uh but yeah wiley making the gt3 cars lives easy made his own life difficult he was compromised off the loop through entry and therefore slow down the wellington straight and seniority needed no second invitation rawling's in then chris salkel will get into the car momentarily so both of the century cars pitting uh before quite a lot of the other front running gt4 cars okay just to reiterate andy's point of earlier on two-part pit stop so in it comes driver out refuel then you can do fuel sorry then you can do i should say tires and the driver change and any other work that needs doing but uh they are pit stops where you can do nothing while the fuel goes in so the drivers stand and wait until the signal is given that they can uh go back to approach the car race lead gap is 18 seconds nick moss in second place dropping away because he last time did a two minute six so the second place car is certainly being caught by michael i go and by flick hague but sandy mitchell right now is the quickest driver out of that leading group and of course having already served a pit stop the advantage is once again looking barbell's away and adam carroll's in stride because he's had a puncture the smoke coming from the back as though the car has sat down on a corner i'm hoping it's only a puncture nothing worse than that because there's damage as well i fear that might well be a tire that's gone down and he needs to be careful not to do what uh jordan collar did earlier on in the sojourn uh make further damage to the car on the way back to the pit lane dragging it back on that lowered right rear corner so a major drama then on track for valve motorsport almost some drama in the pit lane there as tom rawlings nearly going for a tumble over a tire so audi in strife in gt3 the gt4 ready for stellar motorsport has already had trouble but look having made its first pit stop so too has the bmw behind but that's kind of the thing the bmw's behind so the audi potentially once this all shakes out is gonna be ahead of the rest of the gt4 cars certainly the other uh silver silver cars that is a pretty decent job of course they've had fielding in that audi though the quicker of the two drivers pounding around there setting quick lap times digging himself back up the order but all of the time he spends in the car now means he can spend less time in the car in his second stint so when do you maximize his stink time well you're gonna have to have him in at the end anyway aren't you because of the way that it will go on the rotation they'll all have the pros in at the end so this might turn out to be a shorter stint and give him a longer stint at the end so this perhaps is the one where he gets the car back into the mix as you say but then you let richard williams carry on the good work and give senator a longer crack at the very end sean valve's car adam carroll at the wheel of it is still limping back to the pit lane that's the next one we need to focus on when it arrives in the pit lane to see the damage but that audi is about to drop off the lead lap as a way now goes number nine chris sulkil with the wheel of it as he does down the pit lane then back into the fray and look behind these two again so the i think these are gonna be two of the um cars right at the front of the gt4 pack once this first round of pit stops if you like is done a great example here of the difference between a gt3 and gt4 cars the gt3 bmw passes the gt4 a big speed differential as you would expect there's a a pretty big speed differential at the front of gt3 right now morgan tilbury 22 seconds clear of nick moss at first i i was prepared to um uh put nick's uh slightly lower pace or slower pace down to simply traffic but it is consistent he's consistently four or five seconds a lap slower than till brook who not only has raced hard to get up the field but has clearly looked after the tires adam carroll in the team i understand a bit perplexed as to why that tire has gone pot because all the pressures were good now whether uh adam may have run over something or run over a curb to slice it but there's more concern isn't there looking into the area where the wheel was indeed partly to see what might have caused this puncture and also what damage it may have done but the urgency stops for the moment so that's another front running car in stride so much of this race is about surviving it absolutely we're not even an hour in and look how many people have either taken themselves out of contention or been taken out of contention through a bit of bad luck and they're not going to really be able to get that time back over the rest of the race 76 back on track by the way so that's going to be you and hanky at the wheel of the mclaren remember that's had an extended stay in the pits to get that rear wing properly attached bentley comes through car number three which has i believe made its first stop of the day yes wilton on board that car again he's gonna be on the fringes of the top five i think i go out of the wpi car in will get phil keane what a stint that was from michael i go to a survive the drama on track but then also to gain some ground they're not actually going to be running inside the top three once the stops are done but they'll be a lot further up the order than they started now that's the stellar motorsport audi that runs in gt4 effectively now it has put itself back into the lead of the class the cars that are ahead have yet to stop uh so selling fielding is the best place for those that have made their first regulation stop having now got himself ahead of the number 90 bmw as andy mentioned the lap or so we go so uh it's been advantage audi despite earlier delays and that is very bad news indeed car in a pick garage does not bode well and the balf motorsport audi whether it is there because of the cause or the result of the puncture we know not yet but the really sad sight is that the autumn part round one winning car is in its garage there's bodywork lying on the outside of the curb though look coming out of uh aintree as well so people are shedding bits that might actually have come off the audi thinking about it but bad bad news for both motorsport right morgan tilbrook who's had a charm first stint hasn't he comes through building the gap all the time but still in terms of lap times being caught by sandy mitchell yes exactly because sandy mitchell and most of the other pro drivers are in the two-minute zeros uh tillbrook's last night was a two minutes 2.0 although that was slower than he has been going see what this one is yeah two minutes 1.3 so yes slower than the pro drivers but not massively slow and of course he's getting a big chunk of his driver time out of the way here in the opening stint marcus clinton we know is a rapid peddler he will jump into that car you would have to presume in the near future and then he can really he can stay in the car again for another hour if he wanted to and perhaps regain that advantage towards the end of his stint so you know what sometimes looks like a strategy that's losing you ground in the long run can reverse completely and it can turn out to be the winning strategy sandy mitchell you were on board with there a moment ago going through the traffic now he is catching uh the cars ahead no question about it this is the leading car that has made a pit stop and a little bit of damage on that uh left-hand side the legacy of the alex malik and zeletry from earlier on james dawlin still chipping his way back into contention as best he can and currently running in 11th place it's all going to shake out once the final gt3 cars serve their first of the three mandatory stops as now sandy mitchell lamborghini factory driver comes up towards the right-hander of abbey and the flying scotsman another driver that started in single-seater racing before making that switch to gt racing and very much one of the stars these days of lamborghini gt3 racing uh yeah absolutely sandy mitchell former champion as you said in british gt and a very very rapid driver aboard one of these lamborghini huracan gt3 cars and he's proving that now his previous lap was a two minute zero actually slightly slower than the two cars chasing him sam neary number eight and marvin kirk are for number 88 those two are together by the way niri jr that is ahead of kirkhoffer um remember that the nearest were in early weren't they but they've actually managed to get themselves ahead of kirk and potentially into a podium place here what's all seven done uh with the first lot of pit stops academy motorsport in so that's seniority to hand over to matt cowley good opening sting for marco as well unfortunate to go off the road on the opening lap seemingly not of his fault though and the canadian driver clawed his way into um again a really strong position there inside the top three uh before the gt4 leader started to pit should we get worried about the fact that the puncture for george collard and adam carroll was the same corner of the car um whether there is something running over whether it's because now the temperature is going up it's much much warmer now than it was even uh at the start of the year when i was down on the grid uh i can't believe it's heat related because these tyres do races in in much higher temperatures but it's interesting at least maybe it's only a coincidence that it's the same corner of the car well it happened to both of them early in the stint almost as if it was when they were on low pressure as a curb strike or something you know it's the right hand side though which is the side that gets used the least here it's a clockwise circuit you turn right more that wears out the left-hand side tires and so um yeah odd you would imagine it's either running over debris or hitting a curb on low pressures which of those it is we they never know uh but yes an interesting coincidence it could also be uh on screen we see the racing aston martin into the pit lane though has come up top of a long opening stint back for the newbury justin martin to hand over to darren turner and we're getting closer now to seeing what the the true picture of gt4 is post pit stops indeed so and ahead of that 23 aston second and third of the stoppers out of gt3 so you've got marvin kirkhoffer ahead of sam neary there siving his way through the traffic as well as the fourth of the stoppers which is jamie caroline who took over from john ferguson so effectively at the moment it's sandy mitchell leading but marvin kirkhoffer's lap times are going to be interesting to see his last lap was fractionally quicker than uh sandy mitchell and uh there is the race lead to sandy mitchell then although as i say you still got three ahead uh yet to serve their first regulation pit stop but as they do so they will drop down the order because a pit stop is effectively allowed uh it is yes indeed so uh tillbrook then goes behind the lamborghini on track not for position yet uh but it's it's almost hair in the tortoise kind of stuff isn't it really because yes he's losing out to the barbell lamborghini now but once they stick clutter in we know he's quick he'll have fresh rubber as well quite a bit fresher than sandy mitchell's tyres will be because sandy's been in the car now for quite some time hasn't he so he's got laps on the tyres clinton will get in with fresh rubber and will presumably start to get the gap down again so tilburg leads then number 77 nick lost second number 28 75 flick hague in third those are now the only three gt3 cars yet to make their first mandatory pit stop and we are now into the second hour of the race sandy mitchell there the green lamborghini is fourth first of those two have stopped and they're in the background look the blue mclaren that is marvin kirkhoffer he's fifth in the race sam neary the green and black mercedes is sixth and the white and blue of jamie caroline's seventh they're all getting themselves together uh of those three though it is very much the uh neary and caroline uh cars that have been been out there the longest since their their first pit stop uh we've had andrew howard in to give way to martin plowman but i fear that he might that car might be coming back in because that was another that's being shown as being a bit short on its pit stop so i'm a bit concerned about the paddock motorsport mclaren we'd seen andrew howard had a spin anyway but uh i'm not convinced the pit stop went according to plan as johnny adam is about to take over from flick hague so that car comes in relatively late after effectively 30 laps and johnny adam thinks oh it's all a bit different from aston martin go back to 2010 and he was a a one-off ginetta racer and uh that was his last race in anything really other than an aston martin 96 races he's done in british gt all of them in an aston and the hundredth will come in this mercedes before racing he'll do later on in the season as the cars now drop down towards brooklyn sam neary chasing after marvin kirkhoffer but marvin last time upping his pace this is going to be a real test of sam neary we know he's quick but equally marvin kirk offer is an absolute gun johnny adam goes for number 75 ready to hop on board and uh we've got then more and more of the pit stops cycling through morgan tilbruck andy has come in as well out of what was the lead on the road yes just as sandy mitchell sets a new fastest lap of the race at one minute 59.115 so really quick lap that for mitchell and now enduro choose to pit the mclaren so this is the two seas uh motorsport car two seas of course who won this race a year ago with martin cartridge and hunter abbott at the wheel of one of their mercedes amgs and they are in the pit lane in fact all of the top three cars momentarily will share the pit lane because uh in already k morgan till brooke and now nick moss as well pits from second place so finally an hour and six minutes into the race we might actually have a clue what the real order is gonna be we know that mitchell should take over the lead but behind it's anyone's guess he's just done the faster snap of the race as well sandy mitchell so now that that fuel load is burning off now that the tires are nice and warm sandy mitchell is certainly upping the pace that maybe wasn't being evins from that car earlier on but in fairness adam allen is the am sandy is the pro and he's proving the point markedly isn't he now so sandy mitchell goes through abby he's currently on lap 32 he will get the lead of the race back officially at the end of this lap because all the cars ahead will have pitted but just to prove the point he's done the fastest lap of the race that morgan tilbury mclaren led when it came in but it will lose the lead now while it serves this pit stop because even if uh they arrive close together sandy mitchell's lap times have been quicker than morgan tilbury so he's been bringing the gap down anyway so he should jump back ahead now yeah but interested to see what cook can do on those fresh tires into the pit lane for the second time comes the uh stellar motorsport audi so that was a short first in percent fielding which i did suggest might happen just you know get him out there bring it back into the game low fuel load quick car and then you can put richard williams in the team manager of the paddock motorsport mclaren to raise control pondering its pit stop time so that saga continues but yeah i think stella might have been clever on the strategy here so center in possibly light fuel load get it back into the game it's taking over the lead of the class next pit stop for richard williams now that it's back in the hunt it's almost like you've seen a few of these races before david this is what we love though isn't it the freedom strategically that they have they couldn't do this in a traditional one or two hour race whereas now they can uh as you said not just pick when they want but they could choose how much fuel to put in so if they wanted to commit to that strategy as you said don't fill the tank give them a light car fresh tyres and let center fielding do what's head and fielding does the best really we just go out there and drive very very quickly and it's a car just going back to the audi for the final point that has really been transformed with this new tire they are loving the way that the car operates on the new rubber now number 77 marcus clatton at the wheel of it that was the car that led on its way in we'll see shortly where it feeds back into the pack but marcus clatton we know he's fast and he's going to be well worth watching in this next stint in terms of lap times relative to those of sandy mitchell number 28 mclaren nick moss has now given way to joe osborne and joe could never be described as slow so it's going to be an interesting stimulus it is absolutely uh joe osborne who races occasionally with optimum in the british gt championship did the race here was it last year or the year before i think it was 2020 wasn't it that the silverstone 500 with the very exciting brendan iribe and uh still races with him quite a lot with optimum abroad in europe this then the car that at the end of the lap will be officially given back the race lead the timing screen will catch up with itself and sandy mitchell will see what sort of gap he's got the other thing to now look for of course sandy mitchell is a lot further into the stint so therefore irrespective of what the lap times of the other cars are it could well be that we have adam ballon in relatively soon while of course you've still got a clutter and an osborne in the other cars which will therefore change the whole dynamic of that leading gaggle again yeah and bob will need to be careful not to panic if they start seeing that gap coming down because he is on much older rubber so you would expect him now to be reeled in a little bit by those behind the real question is what margin he has to start with so sandy mitchell goes through as the race leader now officially through comes marvin kirkhofer who sets the fastest lap of the race a 158.304 first driver into the 158 there um he's not the mclaren that is a mclaren that is uh marcus clinton coming through but kirkoff for 6.8 seconds behind mitchell and on the previous lap a full second faster sam neary is third then in car number eight three and a half seconds further back then it's 2.3 seconds back to jb caroline for two seas motorsport but jamie's been in that car for about 40 minutes already he gained a lot of that ground in the early laps of his stint and now perhaps might not be able to quite match the pace of those around him martin plowman in the paddock motorsport mclaren a 25 second stop go penalty so they were demonstrably under the pit uh time and so a 25 second stop go penalty is being given to car number 11 just to explain how this works there is a time that the gt3 cars must serve the pit stop to it and to save the gt4 it is time to pit in line to pit out line and as soon as you go through the pit out timing beam up comes your pit stop time and if it is under the regulation it comes up as an alarm to show the race director and he applies the appropriate penalty simple as that uh yeah it is black and white isn't it you can't argue way out of that one unfortunately so uh paddock motorsport winners are not on the road but winners uh on corrected times if you like at alton park a few weeks ago uh provisionally at least they are unfortunately in strife with a spin and now a penalty as well there's jamie caroline i don't think we saw the best of jamie at alton park had that off of course in the west in race two didn't he and uh jamie caroline uh here very much showing the pace that he's got he did for uh about 30 minutes or so hold the fastest lap of the race on the previous lap was a little bit slower than sam neary ahead traffic could have had something to do with that the gap at the start of the lap that was 2.3 seconds there is samiri there jb caroline two mercedes amg's run out of different stables of course and uh jamie caroline doing his best here to chase after a podium place well we've been mentioning morgan tilbrook a lot over the last half hour or so and now bryn is in the pit lane to chat to him a very long stint for you there morgan but it went to plan for you i guess it did go to plan and obviously started 13th marcus told me i needed to get my elbows out and uh drive assertively and uh i felt like you know after alton parks mistakes that i made and the quality i struggle because i got stuck in traffic i came out today with you know on a mission really i just had to have to get something good from the last two weekends so even if you don't have a great result i'm still happy because i had a great drive today and went right to the end until the last lap red light's flashing for fuel so we're gonna play us make the long strategy what's alton park playing on your mind because you really wanted to sort of kind of cast that demon aside i suppose yeah it was um autumn bars disaster for me obviously i missed my pit box in the first race i think you guys wrote that an electrical issue in the second i didn't have electrical issue hit the full course button on not [Music] car and available errors for me it's a bit too honest for a racing driver i think you need to come up with some better excuses but any concern over the tires we've seen a couple of rear rights going yeah my tyres at the end were finished the last corner i just happened to go in there rotate it almost stationary and then and then part in the gas but uh you know they were they were still drivable times were horrendous but i was having to drive the car very differently as i would have driven at the beginning of the race that's for sure well done before i have back to andy and david just a quick when i was talking to flick a few moments ago flick hagan she was saying she was really struggling for grip out there and she's now using the time really i was using the time to really learn the car not sure if it's tires or the fact she hasn't raced for so many years but i just thought i'd have that in the mix as well brynn thanks very much yeah it's kind of the perfect storm in a way for the cake she's not raced for a long time it's a different car from that that she won the championship with and it's a new tire from what she would have raced on so i think all of those elements are relevant when assessing her performance yeah absolutely and a spin aside in qualifying yesterday she's not done anything noticeably wrong really she's been doing a solid job out there that car by the way is 12th position at the moment now in the hands of uh johnny adam of course so uh yeah they're just outside the top ten they could definitely get themselves into that top ten before the day is done right we've covered what's going on in gt3 after the pit stops what about gt4 well ross wiley has just pitted he was sort of the last one we were waiting for to make his mandatory stop so chris salkeld here car number nine could end up the race leader but right behind him is darren turner this is exactly the scenario we thought would play out darren turner took over that um new bridge motorsport aston martin some way behind the leaders in gt4 but because the leaders were pretty much exclusively silver silver combos they have that 14 second longer pit stop and so now darren turner after the pit stops is right up there with him he's on the tail of salkheld as they head towards maggots and beckets a couple of gt3 cars go through that's joe osborne chasing after phil keane but this then is potentially the battle for first second and third in gt4 as turner looks to the inside there south aldrum's wide not quite knowing where the aston martin was going to be and all the time matt cowley trying to buy into this as well the three of them nose to tail as they head down the hangar straight they are on their 33rd lap of the race and it's side by side here to the outside goes matt cowley defensive inside line taken by darren turner well turner is a little bit restricted to his pace on that inside line by the bmw blocking him and actually cowley could go right around the outside here get the inside down through the veil into the braking zone at club they've got the century gt3 car in the mix as well and cowley goes through great move well matt cowley came from the school of hard knocks didn't he formula four 1600 racing so he knows how to raise absolutely no question much underrated driver matt cowley doesn't get the credit he deserves uh he doesn't get the budget he deserves either but he's a very very quick driver and excels in this mustang so yeah good racing he's good at the order uh the number 93 sky 10 pasta mercedes incidentally has its pit stop being investigated that might be for too many people working on the car or the wrong pit process so we'll have to come back to that one when more news comes as well but it's a bit snakes and ladders for lots of people isn't it you work your way up and then a penalty comes and you slide back down the pole again and try and battle your way into contention once more gt4 though here giving great racing matt cowley hustles on in the mustang booms his way down wellington straight that car makes such a good noise and there it is absolutely now glued to the back of chris solkel's bmw now i did suggest that this could become the fight for the gt4 lead it is not because actually matty graham came out of the pit lane some way ahead of this group so remember the porsche was battling with the century bmw the academy ford mustang before the stops but by staying out later oddly it has gained a big advantage so the uh veluga porsche number 51 has already been across the start finish line and matty graham's advantage over chris sulkeld is 4.3 seconds as they head towards cop's corner now there's salkhell second cowley third and johnny adam tried to put a lap on them in the mercedes what's impressive about matty graham is this is a new car to him you know he was racing carrera cup very very different type of porsche a couple of weeks ago successfully at donnington park and here he is now dropped into something else and delivering very effectively and he's being helped by not only this battle behind which is getting in the way a little bit of johnny adam who has to dive through now picks up the place then on the road against chrysolkel so johnny adam clears the traffic but matty graham also uh relying on his own racecraft as much as this battle as i say delaying those involved darren turner tries to get onto the back of cowley cowley on the back of soul but johnny adam having cleared the traffic the gt3 car demonstrably quicker pulls away down towards stowe into the right hand up we're working lap 37 here not yet at the halfway point still an hour and three quarters to go and it is sandy mitchell the race leader and sam neary has just hit it out of third place as kelly gets into the back of seoul kelp but goes through at the end of vale and darren turner tries to line up for a move as well now that was a formula 4 1600 move he sold the dummy to the outside dive to the inside got the place and turner needed no second invitation to follow him past so they uh pace potentially now the mustang and the aston martin will be unlocked you got the sense they were maybe being held up slightly by salkell defending now they've broken through look already cowley starting to escape and turner you'd imagine would be hot on his heels so they head into uh village once again the mustang then into second place in the class and uh the gap that they have uh to matty graham who is second in that class actually correction because it is uh jack brown in the number 90 car 18 seconds in front in gt4 and then matty graham holds about a four and a half second cushion over this battle for third position so good move that from cowley and that is how you cleanly make an aggressive move into the uh club complex that was pretty impressive so as they head through brooklyn's once again a reminder that sandy mitchell still leads the race overall and despite the fact he's on older tyres than some of those chasing him down still lapping well in the low one minute 59s compared to kirk arthur on the previous lap in the two-minute sixes so uh sandy mitchell too many 0.6 that is so sandy mitchell leading the race older rubber but still extending the margin and going back to gt4 for a moment richard williams is 12th overall in gt4 but a pit stop ahead of everybody else so remember that he's doing his second stint it was that short second stint in the car uh for all seven fielding richard williams now takes over his second stint stint three if you add it all up the car a long way down but of course we'll buy back heaps of places on the next round of pit stops for all of those cars that are ahead yes exactly and they will run now they'll work out how many minutes they can plug send and fielding in for at the end of the race and that is exactly when they will pick richard williams uh to get sending in i am sure remember no more than 100 minutes can be completed in the race by any one driver darren turner then the blue and black aston martin uh just going back to your balf motorsport uh audi for a moment uh it looks like it might be out of the race uh with fairly severe wheel arch damage the tar took out the arch damage the cooler hit the brake lines uh adam proctor of the team says i could go on but it's very similar to the damaging curd coming into the pits for the toyota which had its puncture yes although interestingly the toyota coming past is now on track so they got that car and held clearly a little less damage done uh to the supra that was done to the balf motorsport out if that's a real shame if that is their day done uh certainly a car that could have gained a good result out of this silverstone 500. running on board now with the skytempesta racing mercedes amg this is chris froggett running in a seventh position solid race this for chris it must be said kevin say despite the spin in the first in this car still finds itself in the top 10. it's on its third track limit warning though at cox corner this car so they've got to be careful especially with an hour and 39 minutes still to run the last thing they need is a penalty for not adhering to track limits do they reset those track limits counts at the end of each stint like they're doing some championships i forget now that's worked both think they do and i think they only reset in really long races like spar at a given point like for on the six hour mark for example i i think it's to the car over the race rather than individual drivers in individual stints but i'll happily prove wrong by rulebook but i might get time to read before the end of the race but there's so much going on i'm doing this remembering uh you're riding on board in that little insect with chris froggett who knows his way around silverstone through his days here in the gt world challenge europe endurance cup and it's good to have him in british gt he is getting so much mileage in this car uh and after years of racing ferraris of course it's quite a big change from the ferrari to a mercedes for this season grouper m operated the car now rather than two c's which ran it at autumn park and chris frogger currently is seventh his next target is james dawlin but actually he's falling away a little bit james fractionally quicker and to finish my james dawling point that means that after a stop go penalty of earlier on that car is in the top six yes it has been one of those races already though hasn't it where the list of uh teams that haven't had strife is significantly shorter than the list of those that have so i suppose it's almost to be expected that some of them will get themselves uh back into contention and it will be i think the team that has the least drama over three hours that probably comes out on top but fascinating insight here into what it takes to get one of these big heavy gt3 cars around what is quite a physically demanding circuit it's a long lap silverstone 18 corners officially most of them are pretty hard on the body either you're carrying high speed and picking up high g forces through the fast corners or you're having to wrestle it through some of the technical sections and of course as the tires wear out and you get deeper into the sting that becomes even harder don't let anyone fool you into thinking that you don't have to be fit to be a racing driver tom edgar then in the speedwork supra about to get out of the way of the charging chris froggit you saw him flashing the lights they came down towards cop's corner the toyota is four laps away from its next opposition after that lengthy stop to repair the damage of earlier on uh and although we had that couple of cars with punctures again find something to touch that's made out of wood here when i say nobody else seems to be suffering from the moment so maybe it was a coincidence more than anything sinister yeah or debris on the track as we suggested might have been the case debris which eventually gets swept out of the way naturally as uh the cars continue to circulate over 30 cars on track that's the best way to clear a track is to have cars out there lapping it so yeah hopefully that is the last we see of uh deflated tires or tires off rims down towards uh club comes this little gaggle there goes the joe osborne mclaren joe is ninth at the moment 3.8 seconds behind lewis proctor as you would kind of expect given the fact that for the most part it's the pro drivers in these gt3 cars now we're seeing much more evenly matched lap times the top two sandy mitchell and marvin kirkhoffer both in the sort of mid one-minute 59s although mitchell there comes through and does a two-minute zero which is now absolutely on a par with pretty much everybody else in gt3 so no longer are we seeing cars gaining seconds per lap on each other it's now far smaller increments so tenths hundreds even thousands between the lap times and so therefore you can expect a lot of these gaps to stay pretty stable until the next round of pit stops in fact the next round of pit stops beginning very much in gt4 because we've got two gt4 cars in the number 65 team parker racing porsche sees sev hopkins handing back over to jamie ort remember they pitted very early for their first stop so a lengthy stint there getting on for about 80 minutes or so uh for seb hopkins he is in and so too is the car on your screen the number 23 r racing aston martin for its second mandatory start added to it stop go which is why that one fell away earlier on so tough race now johnny adam was lapping on his last lap through faster than the eight ahead of him he's happily under two minutes and relatively few of those ahead have been able to do that part of it is traffic related but the point in all of this is that although this is a new car to johnny adam you would not think it and he's absolutely flying isn't he out of cop's corner joining out of mercedes keep saying it get in your mind uh up to the becket s he goes so currently in his first stint 11th uh the target ahead is his old rival from seasons past phil keane uh but the pair of them both sort of trying to push forward and chip up the order yes the two winningest drivers in uh british gt history of course that is definitely a fight that you'd paid to see isn't it so they're not quite together at the moment but uh yeah that gap seven point nine seconds of coming down because there phil keane on the previous lap did a two minutes 2.1 compared to a 159.9 for johnny adam again as we have to say it's the caveat every time it's it could be traffic affected uh but nonetheless johnny adams showing why he is a world-class driver and there's no disputing that in my mind it doesn't really matter whether it's nasty martin he's in or whether it's a mercedes or whether it was a bmw touring car for a year or so uh about 15 years or so ago now that wasn't his short stint in the british touring car championship he is always quick whatever you put him in and he knows the silverstone grand prix circuit very well and i expect this car to be a little bit higher up than 11th place in about 90 minutes time it's all gordon sheddin's fault because johnny adams started off in formal affords and then the budget ran out and gordon said to him when they were instructing at knock hill one day um we thought about touring cars so johnny gravitated towards one make in great success in seats for example and as you say had that year in the motor base uh ford had a season of pretty much nothing and then was picked up by aston martin and the rest is history the hmong class winner champion you name it four times a british gt champion uh and uh although he as he was saying on the grid still has this association with aston uh he's a bit of a more of a free agent these days and for the two c's squad comes out of left field so phil keane is there ahead of him there's not much to choose between them in terms of lap times uh phil keane in turn is chasing after joe osborne the one that's probably vulnerable really is to an extent chris frogger to an extent lewis proctor because they're two minutes two minutes one's frog at two minute one last time interestingly as well marcus clutton who he expected to be really rapid in this stint has actually fallen away from the top three and has been caught by will trigirther yeah in the asceto motorsport bentley which pitted a lot earlier so it's an older rubber than the um enduro mclaren so for whatever reason things not quite clicking uh for marcus we do hear sometimes that teams maybe favor the am driver when it comes to set up work make sure they're comfortable sometimes the pro then isn't quite able to extract the maximum potential out of the car we'll try to get to the bottom of that but that is certainly a close battle for fourth place within gt3 can i offer you that it's certainly for the start of it still very very heavy on fuel because morgan tilbury did say that the fuel warning light came on right at the very end of his stint so it would have been absolutely laden up with fuel for this sting but you're right it's a surprise that the lap times aren't coming yeah i mean he's not slow they can't be wrong two minutes 0.8 is comparable he's only losing a 10th here and there to girth of behind but uh yeah they're expected maybe a bit more i'm sure we'll find out bring perhaps and have a chat to marcus uh when he does eventually hand back over to morgan tildrum right on screen number 93 that is chris froggett he is seventh place but maybe not for much longer because he's got lewis proctor in the greystone gt mclaren there car number five breathing down his neck as they come down through brooklyn's into left field the big burly front engine mercedes amg the mid-engine mclaren and another one catching that's the number 28 car of joe osborne so three cars almost together now fighting for seventh place which is typical british gt in fact gt3 racing per se battles all the way through the field there is chris froggett going through lewis proctor not that far behind him joe osborne not that far behind t but all of those covered by about a second and a half those three and we are just about getting towards now the halfway mark sandy mitchell right now leads but the gap is creeping down isn't it four and a half seconds last time this is lewis proctor you're looking at number five the greystone gt entry charging on behind chris froggett's sky tempest mercedes out of chapel curve onto hanger strike traffic up the road the ginetta that is the car that joe wheeler is currently driving sharing with freddie tomlinson and it's about to lose a place on the road and indeed a place in the classification because that was bradley ellis gt champion of years past getting up and past him so bradley ellis goes 22nd overall there's the bentley that you were talking about will trigger at the wheel of it and almost on the back now of marcus clatton so this is the fight building up for fourth and fifth uh yes it is the bentley always has gone well here at silverstone be that this current uh iteration of bentley continental all this predecessor uh we did have a bentley win here i want to say in 2016 for a team park racing's bentley continental in the silverstone 500 this isn't for the lead at the moment but uh clearly viltra girther getting on well with the uh bentley as he closes in on the mclaren just ahead they drop down onto the brakes into brooklyn's corner couple of things i want to mention about uh cars ahead of these two uh marvin kirkhoffer nothing to get excited about just yet but he is reeling in sandy mitchell over the last couple of laps he's been a second or so quicker so 4.7 seconds now is the lead margin for barwell motorsport the other driver that i want to draw attention to is the driver in third jamie caroline car number 15 he's been in that car for nearly an hour now he's been on those tyres more to the point for nearly an hour and just did that car's best lap of the race a woman at 58.992 so jamie caroline who given his fairly aggressive driving style he wouldn't think would be particularly gentle on his tires clearly that's doing him a disservice he's looked after the rubber well and he was absolutely flying he's actually quicker than the two cars ahead of him absolutely so in that first sector yeah he's doing a good job isn't he before he gives the car back to john ferguson marcus class and then with a big big flash of the light to the traffic up the road will trigger another much underrated driver gt4 champion uh janetta stark charges along behind the bentley there the other gratifying thing about seeing this car in fifth place is of course assetto motorsport new to running a bentley new to gt3 yeah and it's not that old a team jim edwards jr and his son-in-law simon traves who races not only on circuits but formula one stop cars where time allows they are the brains behind this they've taken the step to get into gt3 with perhaps if you like one of the older cars but it's a good car on which to learn and not only are they learning fast they're delivering uh now team manager of car 23 that's the racing aston martin being someone to race control they've already had one penalty given that we never quite got to the bottom of what it was although we had our suspicions it was contact on track uh this one i i think may be pit stop related bryn lucas dropped us a message a while ago saying that at the end of their most recent pit stop the car moved and then stopped for a few seconds and then went again almost as if they were worried about uh being underneath the regulation time but there perhaps is a rule about going and stopping i think it depends where it stops so if it was in the fast lane that's a no-no if it's still in the slow lane it goes if you like towards the next team's box that might be acceptable but if they've released it and stops in the fast lane that's the that's the issue of it or indeed is going really slowly in the fast lane as we've seen people do in the past to try and tie the time it right at the end of pit lane so that is a pure speculation but it seems odd that we were given that information by bryn lucas and then lo and behold the team manager someone to raise control more information as we get in them on board with marcus clinton running in fourth position uh yeah two minute 1.0 for him on that most recent lap so he is struggling for pace compared to those around him although he has built the gap up to uh trigger to over a second somebody else deserves a bit of a credit is james kell who's just done number two mclaren's personal best lap it's still down in 12th place but uh james coming good now having taken over from uh the uh um who started in that car simon watts now into the pit lane has just come chris frogger so the sky 10 pester mercedes has pitted and joe osborne has got a head of lewis proxy said there's a bit of shuffling towards the bottom end of the top ten as clutton and trigartha with 11 10's between them go through stowe and the bentley quicker in the first section of this lap as well yes it is again not a surprise through the high speed corners through sector one it's perhaps these tighter sections where the mid-engine mclaren maybe is a little bit more nimble just gets off the corners a bit quicker you can see there the bentley just struggling to get up and go but as soon as it gets going it is very very quick indeed so uh clinton holding on to fortress the fifth and just in the background i caught a glimpse there of the black and red red line racing lamborghini of james dawlin which has of course been into the pit lane twice once for a pit stop and wants to serve a penalty james dawlin maybe 33 seconds off the race lead but he's only three seconds behind these two and closing at number 23 the josh miller jamie day asked him it was a refueling infringement so possibly too many people during the refueling process or work being done at the same time so that is why the uh penalties he's coming for that car right now down to all the the investigations going on down towards brooklyn getting ahead of ross wiley matty graham's car matty graham the wheel of it the gt4 porsche that has to go for an apex and ends up splitting these two so that's good news for a corner or two at least for marcus clatton isn't it uh yes it is there is the sky 10 pester mercedes just waiting for the minimum pit stop time to be completed so always just strike me as a very relaxed feeling down in the pits during these uh gt pit stops they could literally just sit there and watch the stopwatch let the seconds tick away uh you mentioned they're the 51 porsche of matty graham he is quicker by a bit actually than jack brown uh the gt4 leader when the the pit stops were done and matty graham jumped into that car he was about 18 seconds off the lead he's nine and a half off the lead now so not nose to tail by any stretch but the gap coming down pretty quickly matty graham really getting used to that cave of gt4 and uh well if he stays in the car long enough could catch the leader before his stint is done getting another one into the pit lane lewis proctor having lost the place to joe osborne he's now pitted uh for fourth and fifth clapton versus trigarther mclaren versus bentley come down towards stowe remember all of these cars with two drivers so on each of the so-called regulation pit stop a driver change comes they are refueled of course and a new set of pirelli tires goes on so uh in a number of the cars you've got the the differing pace of the so-called pro the so-called am and that's why cars are rising and falling through the order accordingly out of mclaren number five gets lewis proctor dad stuart proctor will take over this is the refueling part so only the refueling can go on nobody else can go and touch the car or do anything on it gotta wait and wait and wait until that hose uh is withdrawn and then the car controller can give the signal that the mechanics can come forward and change tiles that the drivers can come forward and complete their part of the pit stop the driver change as well but you can see how much fuel goes in how long that takes uh yes and to emphasize the point about not touching the car whilst refueling is going on 10 second stop go penalty now for our racing's aston martin that's their second penalty of the day and we've only just ticked past the halfway point so that really now does surely take them out of contention on board with the sky 10 bester car then kevin say back on board jamie had that spin uh in the opening slip because that car would have been right up there i think had that not been the case but he continues on his way uh martin plowman the car that he is chasing and also just to mention sandy mitchell responding now very much to the pressure from marvin kirkhoffer with a personal best lap so 158.5 for sandy mitchell lead gap now approaching six seconds again but of course we're heading to a point where sandy's relatively due in for um adam balon marvin kirkhoffer who came in that car came in later that means he can go a little bit further before giving way to alexander west so it could be that when alexander west takes over he rejoins in the lead anyway because kirkoff has laps would have been against uh adam ballen's lapse yes and west was fractionally quicker than ballon in their first stint earlier on so he would then have a decent chance of holding on to that advantage so you need a flow chart sometimes to follow these races don't you but i really do enjoy the strategic elements of them and the battles that sort of come and go as the race develops back on board with the mercedes here then and uh yeah having to yeah getting to grips with silverstone quite nicely and let's see now where he is in relation to those mclarens that we've seen pitting number five for example uh there is five so that stays ahead yes of the sky tempest and mercedes jumps ahead on the stops so kevin say drops back in the pack as a consequence of all of that but uh might now be able to bring the gap down whilst stewart brock was getting himself up to speed uh yes i suspect he might well be able to out onto the hangar straight against a really good looking car do you like that uh sky livery on the sky 10 pastor racing mercedes there the greystone gt car that he's chasing leader in down the pit road comes sandy mitchell so the race leader is in and that is with an hour and 22 minutes to go and sandy mitchell comes into the pit lane at the end of that 47 that's going to put marvin kirkhoffer into the lead of the race and it means there's going to be a lot of shuffling because also in comes jamie caroline to give way to john ferguson so again the team's reverse engineering this how long can we keep our driver in our star driver in for the last stint uh that's what we need so they now use the amp for the next part of the race and as soon as they can get sandy mitchell for example back into the barbell lamborghini that is what they will do you see the mechanics there with a fire extinguisher while the refueling goes on in at the other end of the pit lane at the ram racing end jamie caroline arrives for john ferguson to hop in another formula ford 1600 driver of years past these two shared the toyota supra that speedworks remember at the back end of last season and now together in the gt3 mercedes so the uh taller jamie caroline out and the refueling now gets underway they have to stand and wait before anything else can be done on that car a really good performance that from caroline under the radar maybe we didn't see a lot of him but his lap times especially towards the end of the stint were massively impressive given the fact he was in the car for at least an hour maybe 70 minutes i forget exactly when he made his pit stop but i think it was around the 30-minute mark and now he finally uh comes in to hand that car back over to john ferguson with an hour and 21 minutes left on the block uh good luck there by the way at the witness marks down the left-hand side of the uh barwell car it clearly wasn't anything to worry about sandy mitchell's pace in that stint uh very much proving the point so mitchell out for ballon caroline out for ferguson as you said kirk offer for the time being at least takes over the race lead just go back to the refueling part bryn's been investigating all of this it is uh 3.05 liters per second on the flow rate pleased to tell us he's clearly got too much time on his hands there's not enough going on in the pit spring clearly there then is 72 adam balon back behind the wheel he is ready to go and uh again this will be the final stint for him in the car this marvin kirkhoffer uh driving in 88 the garage 59 mclaren that now takes over the lead of the race remember that some of these race by race entrance therefore aren't eligible to score points anyway adam balon goes down the pit lane so kirker for leads the order again gets shuffled through this next round of stops that is two of the three now done for number 72 so it's a pit stop ahead notionally of this mclaren and when marvin kirkover comes in i suspect he would have pulled away from adam ballard and that's going to put alexander west in a really good position for some of his stint before sandy mitchell gets back into the lamborghini so it's a real see-saw battle now isn't it between lamborghini and mclaren uh yes indeed uh apologies if this has been mentioned already but the gt4 leader has pitted at some point so will burns now back uh into the number nine card from he's always outlapped now so that happened very recently and that means uh director reading my mind i think here that this car now matty graham takes over the lead of the gt4 category so the vluger car was catching the bmw anyway and now it is released into the lead of the race in gt4 he enjoys a 6.2 second cushion over darren turner who on the previous lap at least couldn't quite match his pace so darren turner there right behind the johnny adam mercedes uh inherits now second in the class and he's only five and a half seconds behind and he's therefore going to move ahead on the next round of pit stops because there are 14 extra seconds for the silver graded partnership in the porsche to serve so darren turner's going to move ahead was he within 14 seconds of the bmw that would have been tighter i think that may have been right on the bubbles in one place certainly indeed yes uh phil keane just come in darren turner there is leading in the pro-am element of gt4 but the overall scalps are just as important to them he's about to go a lap down against angus fender in the gt3 bmw angus doing a good job that car's in 12th place the near is by the way we've not really touched on for a while uh richard neary has taken over number eight again they're 11th alex malikin has taken over number 32 lamborghini that's uh down for the moment in 10th spot but again the order becomes somewhat distorted with some of them serving their second regulation stop yes all side by side there that's kevin say on the inside of stuart proctor so we anticipated that gap would come down it did and now i think it will go back up again because the mercedes is in front it looks the quicker of the two at this point of the race and so kevin say picks up what is 13th place for the time being and they have fallen a lot behind the leaders because of their second pit stop that they've made mercedes coming alive in this part of the race's next target will be angus fender in the bmw uh who is about 10 seconds or so on the road speaking of bmw's they're the number nine gt4 car wherever you look they seem to be bmws at the moment and the number nine fourth place at the moment in their gt4 somewhere a drift then of the uh turner and hell scrap for second well there is anger's fender i was talking about in the uh gt3 spec bmw and matty graham the new gt4 leader then comes down through brooklyn so the very very tall north eastern comes up through left field sort of folds himself into the cayman very very busy bit of racetrack here coming down towards stoke corner you've got there the uh rjn mclaren that's gone back to simon watts but 77 marcus clatton through the pit stops now second and ahead you can see number six mercedes ian loggia's got back in the wheel of that car but it's so so far down the order of course having lost 20 minutes earlier on the best they can hope for as you heard him say earlier is some points out of this race that's about to be lapped in turn by john ferguson who is now ninth and have we have the bentley in as well no wheelchair girth behind them is still on the lead lap so actually because of the traffic look marcus clatton has been able to escape from the clutches of wheelchair gurtha i think of all the cars on the screen they're the only two that are actually fighting for position they're all on different laps this group of cars the number two car of simon watts uh is uh potentially no that is a lap behind i think the john ferguson mercedes and of course the pink and black ram racing mercedes multiple laps down after its repair work earlier on so clinton breaks through the traffic and will trigger yet to do so so this is definitely advantage clutton uh in the second place to giro motorsport mclaren uh but yeah his lap times and trick earth as in fairness continue to be in the two-minute one strickerthe to the inside of ferguson who's defending almost as if that was for position they both got the inside of james kell who was concerningly slow there into brooklyn whether he was just getting out of the way i'm not sure but it's a big speed differential there it kind of is for position i know they're on different laps but when the bentley pins they're gonna be on the same lap again and the mercedes was ahead of the bentley so if john ferguson drops behind and his lap times are slower he's losing more time for track position for when the next round of pit stops is done so in a sense he does have to defend to try and preserve that even though at the moment they're on different laps he needs to stay ahead as best he can to preserve the position for when the bentley is pitted as well and they're back on the same lap uh on board here replay with marcus clinton and that was ferguson having a wobble uh going into the club sequence of corners around a bit wide clinton saw the gap will be inside and the gap very much disappeared ferguson was turning in there whether cook was alongside him or not and uh for the second time in this race that number 77 car has to bail out going through club as someone tries to uh to shut the door on its face interesting point you make actually you're absolutely right of course as you usually are uh this may not be positioned at the moment but these two cars could potentially be fighting for a place come the end of the race it makes the marshals job quite tricky actually because blue flag regulations start to get a little bit blurred here you're not really supposed to actively defend from a car that's a lap ahead of you as ferguson clearly is doing although he does now get overtaken uh by trigurthas bentley but given the fact they're both in the same class they're on different strategies different points of their race it i guess is a bit more acceptable for ferguson to get his elbows out and defend the place right sandy mitchell down in the pit lane with bryn lucas bryn what has he got for you well sandy i just said to you how was that stint you were a bit lonely really yeah i mean we were out front and and had a coffee in the mclaren closing us down behind so yeah i was just trying to you know keep the head and be as consistent as possible through the gt4 traffic and try and avoid the pickup because there's a lot of marbles with a lot of the cars on track so yeah it's difficult out there but um yeah like i say we had a little bit of a gap but these mclarens are looking pretty quick behind us so um i think it's going to be pretty close when we come out the pits and it'll be a bit of a sprint race at the end so yeah looking forward to getting back in and seeing what we can do we saw a bit of damage on the car a little bit earlier on i mean you've got to sample it it was only superficial it's my understanding yeah there might be a little bit um of damage just on a little bit of hero but um you know we've still got some pretty decent pace so we're yeah we're still with a fighting chance of doing well in this race and uh yeah we'll see how we get on when i when i next get in and uh yeah adam's doing a good job so far so hopefully i can keep it consistent cheers so riding the ball then heading down anger straight and uh adam balon at the wheel of the lamborghini now that is currently sixth but it's the best place of the two pit stoppers now so adam ballen ahead on the pit stops now got a 10 second stop go penalty for the sky 10 pester mercedes the sky 10 pester mercedes a 10 second stop go penalty the door came open during the refueling i understand so that's a violation of the pit stop refueling regulation and 10 seconds stop go penalty for khan number 93 uh therefore has to be served so a spin makes progress penalty has to make progress again yeah that is a shame and of course both of the delays coming in kevin says stints so he's not really been able to show uh the best of himself in this race has he uh chris sulkeld in that in the number nine bmw that's been contesting for podium places at gt4 all day long also saw on that graphic that came up to tell us about the penalty for 93 that there is an incident between cars 2 and 77 under investigation car 2 is the rocket rjm mclaren 77 is the enduro motorsport car that currently runs second in the race and i think might be about to inherit the race lead because marvin kirkhoffer brings the race leading garage 59 car into the pit lane so the fascination now having pitted a couple of laps later than barwell the gap was what they're hovering between five and six seconds before the pit stops what will it be when that car rejoins the track i think the clatton simon watts incident i think we saw it going up towards village the two of them sort of banged side to side uh marcus clapton was getting through the traffic and simon watts was sort of in the middle of the road and i think uh there's a bit of confusion as to who had what line it might have been that there might have been something else but we certainly saw that bit of rubbing there might have been something else but i don't think we saw anything other than the incident i mentioned so yes as you say kerker for his pity to give away to alexander west marcus clapton's going to get the lead back but because that car is stopping later on the final pit stop it will again fall behind the uh cars of barwell and garage 59 kevin say is at the wheel of this car which has got to serve this 10 second stop go penalty there is adam allen through the traffic look further back down the road you can see coming towards us number 77 so that is marcus clatton and this now is the second part of the pit stop for the car that led when he came in so marvin kirkhoff it gives way to alexander west and it gets a new set of pirellis so from a driver's point of view brand new tyres the cars gonna feel absolutely fantastic yeah best feeling in the world racing drivers tell me that when they jump into the car it's got brand new tires on and they can just go for it of course you've got to temper that enthusiasm a little bit in a race like this you can't just go out there and immediately start putting in purple sectors got to manage those tires for the whole step we've seen some people doing 60 70 minutes stints you don't want to burn that rubber off in the first few laps of that stint so i gotta manage that a little bit kirk offer then handing over to alexander west the pit stop about halfway through now you'd imagine we're on track is the adam balancing the third there it is coming out of aintree down the wellington straight so in the next 30 seconds or so david will have a real idea of what this lead gap is and indeed in the relative pace of the two drivers which is the other intriguing part of this is down now through uh brooklyn comes out of balan down the pit lane goes alexander west but he can't go put to the boards yet but i reckon that carl's going to come out ahead because now out of lafield into woodcut corner comes out and ballard out of the pit lane will go the mclaren so marvin kirkov has laps against adam balon's laps have put that car in the lead but equally adam allen is up to speed there's the leader so that's going to be i would suggest around about 10 seconds or so and they were the other way round by about six seconds before the uh barbell car stops so that's about a 15 second or so uh game potentially the uh pit stop time you would imagine is not going to be uh in question surely garage 59 a team of their experience wouldn't make that mistake garrosh 59 quicker by seven tenths of a second but both were legal in terms of the delta time and seven times there really uh so i can only say it must have been marvin kirkhoffer's lap times relative to adam balland that gave the car that lead effectively wow okay so when this all shakes out it should be this car that holds the race lead after the second round of pit stops it uh currently of course is going to be a little bit further down the order probably fourth on the road because 77 28 and 75 at the front have yet to make their second regulation stop but what an advantage they have over the car behind well it was a brilliant stint for marvin kirkhover especially the final few laps of it it's given him potentially the race lead and he's down in the pit lane now with bryn it really was a brilliant view lampster marvin how did that feel for you yeah so far so good i mean the race is still on so still a lot of time to go but yeah cars feeling all right we did good improvements um credits to the team they've been really working hard to get a car in a good shape after qualifying wasn't very promising but yeah looking good so far you're really chasing or trying to chase down sandy mitchell he's a pretty uh rapid peddler isn't he around here yeah definitely i mean he knows that track probably yeah a bit better than me i've been here also before but probably not as much as him but yeah he's done a good job especially yesterday in qualifying um he was showing what he and the lambo was capable of doing around here so yeah good job from him what's the message has gone to alex as he's just headed out then is it just do what you can or well we both pretty relaxed i just told them yeah carl's feeling all right um you managed to first and very good just keep on doing what you've been doing and i'm sure you will first stop cheers mommy cheers thank you for stands and watches uh of course the one advantage that briefly adam ballen has is he knows what the car is doing alexander west uh fresh into it but the gap between those two was 11.2 seconds when they crossed the line i was guesstimating 10 a million away but it is a huge huge gap now um just to finish off a sky 10 pester topic that penalty driver not responding because the radio is not working properly so the team is trying to get the message through this is where they have to be creative and go back to the old days of the pit board to say in him but the sky 10 pester mercedes now has a radio issue uh and that's why for the moment kevin say he's unable to get the message about the penalty and therefore come into the pit lane number eight there richard neary pressing on ahead of him on the road he's johnny adam but richard neary is a pit stop ahead and therefore a lap down on the car that he's chasing directly uh yes indeed the black and blue two seas motorsports uh mercedes amg which was a of course a black and blue mercedes for two seas that won this race last year not that car though actually apparently that car is the um the yellow one the uh the james cottingham started car which unfortunately didn't get that far lewis williamson not even getting a go in it that is actually the chassis that won this race a year ago very differing fortunes 12 months on that must be said so down the hangar straight they had richard neary in 10th position uh as he came across the line last time around the car looks remarkably intact given the the hit that it gave the cotting the car on that opening lap there's absolutely no visible damage to the front of it it's like rasputin this mercedes it doesn't matter what you do to it it won't die it just keeps on going uh and i'll tell you what abba racing good northwesterners they build the car strong don't they and richard neary bringing it back into the mix of course bear in mind that incident from the first lap which took out number four mercedes on the spot which badly delayed number six mercedes that's the surviving car effectively number eight you've just been looking at that incident is going to be investigated after the race so where it takes the flag may not be where it is classified excellent news right there more confusion to add to the the championship standings this year i'm sorry a black flag is now being shown to kevin say because they've not responded to the penalty they've had the three laps that you need to come in and so now the race director peter daley has no option but to show the black flag that's not exclusion that means you must come into the pit lane what happens after that is down to the race director's discretion but of course the driver is more likely to spot that flag and board coming out over the starting gantry because as a racing driver knowing you've got a radio you're no longer training yourself to look for a pit board as such but a black flag or something yes you're expected to notice that so now he'll get the message to come in and that is really really unfortunate kevin say having no look at all today no indeed uh so kevin say he's going to be show the black flag which means coming to the pit lane report to the uh race officials as you look at darren turner who is currently leading the pro-am element of gt-4 and his second overall in gt4 only now 3.6 seconds of drift of matty graham in the veluga cayman that lead so darren turner doing what you expect the the sort of usb style of darren turner plug and play in he gets and delivers fast lap after fast lap there is number 93 mercedes heading towards the timing line a black flag beckons the inboard is being waved almost thrown at kevin say one assumes this is the point where he thinks i wonder who number 93 is there's a flag going out for that car but uh hopefully the message gets through to the machines driver because it would be a real shame if this were to go no further in the race because the radio's gone down as i said a few minutes ago and the penalty message has not got through to the driver it's amazing how often that happens though isn't it that a driver that's trying to be contacted desperately by its team uh suddenly has a malfunctioning radio but so yeah i do hope they there there is the pit box i think the next step is to throw it at the car when it gets across the line and to see if that gets kevin says attention hopefully doesn't come to that this is uh this is sort of what kevin say saw as he came through and yes acknowledges either the black flag or the pit board or both so i think he's got the message and she'll be heading in this time yeah so as we've been saying the team coping with the broken radio but the old-fashioned way of a pit board and lots of gesticulations will hopefully bring him in but let's hope it's not too late anyway the car will be due in this time uh it was due in last time and it was due in the time before but anyway it's coming in i think we can safely say this time and we're nudging our way andy towards the start of the third and final hour of the race now uh currently marcus clatton is leading from joe osborne and the gap was down by a nat semi crotchet last time because those mclarens are very evenly matched johnny adam is running third on the racetrack and then it is alexander west who is being caught by adam balon said the gap was over 11 seconds 11.2 it's now 9.6 so we do have a race on our hands between the ams and bear in mind the pros get another stint uh yes this is the ballon car it's right behind the leading car but of course a lap separating them for the time being that being the blue and orange mclaren of enduro motorsport marcus clinton trying to navigate some of this lapped traffic in fact that's the paddock motorsport car ahead of martin brown he's got himself into sixth place now but does sort of owe us if you like uh this uh second mandatory stop on board then uh with adam ballen as he heads through abbey corner normally pretty much flat out but with this much traffic up the road that's the uh new bridge road sport aston martin to be negotiated having to really back up the entry speed there to make sure they get through clearly a big chunk of debris to the right there as they went into the loop and that will be cause for concern don't be running over things like that they avoid it for now they go past another bit of bodywork on the exit of the corner the the side of the circuit rather telling the story of what was a bruising opening hour or so of this race 93 you saw in the pit lane so yes the assorted communication methods have been now successful and the pigeon that was the next option has been stood down so the car is in and uh hopefully that's going to be allowed back into the races now adam ballen comes up towards the line and just look at this wave of cars that's ahead of him and his heart must sink because he's going to try and clear those as quickly as he can alexander west i think has already done so that might actually be why the gap came down because now uh west to ballon is a slightly greater gap as they go through but marcus classen is the on the road race leader for the moment you've got martin plowman in fact as well ahead of adam ballen but he is out of sequence because that car's got another pit stop due so although he's ahead on the road it's not ahead in real terms partial there at beckett's waving the blue flag and good luck with that there is not that much room at that part of the circuit at least uh for these gt4 cars to get out of the way now onto the hangar straight they can pull aside in amongst this group is that veluga racing porsche you can see the number 51 which ducks out behind adam balon still leading in gt4 in anticipation of that car being back in the pit lane before much longer though through so they go several different lines being used through the uh right-hander as that was the uh ginetta who's in that now it's freddy tomlinson in the assetto ginetta number 56 runs a bit wide and uh he is not fighting the motors one mclaren the green and white mclaren for position so dives on the inside he is though fighting the aston martin there which is recovering after yet another penalty its second of the day and that is for um position for about ninth place i think that is in gt4 so busy busy race track as we say and on the road at the moment marcus classen leading from joe osborne the gap again down by a few tenths last time around johnny adam is third and falling away a little bit in the traffic is there number 27 then turns through the aston martin which is the darren turner driven car 23 the much penalized aston ahead now the team manager of car 7 to race control that is the gt4 mclaren evan mcdermott and michael broadhurst that's under on its last pit stop that's why so that's a pit stop infringement that's coming for that car and we get to the end of the second r with the race leader having done 57 laps and again tempting fake we've gone without interruption thus far so as the leaders come up towards the completion of the lap through the traffic being respectful of the bat mark is equally the bat markers trying to get out of the way but not impede their own races it's always that fine line isn't it as we were discussing earlier and we saw actually in the context of gt4 how they order a shuffle uh yeah exactly uh back into the pit lane comes kevin say now he's already served the penalty so this now must be the end of his seemingly quite short second stint we've still got just under an hour to go i forget how long chris froggett was in the car earlier on um but uh we're hearing there may have been tinkering with the radio when it came in the last time and now it comes in to serve the penalty then so that's the that's the theory so the first time it came in oddly wasn't to serve the penalty and yet it comes in and out of the penalty box and now it's sent back on its way i don't think that was 10 seconds it was stationary for that looked like a stop go not a 10 second stop go it was very quick anyway we will see um it it stopped i thought she's good there is matt cowley bailing to give way to demarco senoretti or is it the other way around cowley brought it in yeah so senoretti is about to do his second stint isn't he uh so gt4 cars coming in a bit later than gt3 fuel goes in see the damage sustained on the first out i'm surprised actually that hasn't been required to be taped up yeah it is only a little bit of bodywork but uh yes normally that's the kind of thing that uh that would get uh mentioned by uh the clock of course the the refueling method uh ford mustang is to open the boot that's where the uh the uh the fuel goes in i don't think i've ever seen that before in a racing car that's uh something unique the fact that it gets an awful lot of fuel two churns it's like an alcoholic isn't it just sort of pour it in you heard the voice in the background of race director peter daly saying a four step and four second stop go penalty for number seven uh for the pit stop infringement and uh ready to go in the team brit garage is aaron morgan who would take over from bobby tranley on the next hit stop and that car actually did a remarkably good job in a really nice and solid 20th place overall having said that it's only done one of its pit stop to many of the gt4 contingent now i've done two yes so they are uh doing this the opposite way around to everybody else really they're gonna have shorter stints at the end of the race rather than the start but yeah that's the first time we've mentioned them all race and i think that's a good thing the way this race has been at times they're not being mentioned means you're staying out of trouble and that is a big big part as we've said all along of getting to the end of this race in a good position so from third place in gt4 then matt cowley uh picks for the canadian driver marco senoretti to get back on board the lead gap at the moment in gta 4 between matty grave and darren turner that's right down to 2.8 seconds that is the smallest that margin's been for quite some time as pro driver darren turner very very very pro driver darren turner chases down the silver graded driver matty graham who is quick by silver graded driver standard certainly but uh perhaps not as quick as uh darren turner so that gap coming down but of course it's the number nine car now driven by tom rawlings that was leading the race before it made its second round of pit stops that car is running several places further back look seventh in gt4 right now it will all come out in the wash but we might have to wait a little time for the order to become uh obvious to us track limits warnings are plenty one of them for joe osborne which i'll be sure to remind him of next time he's in the commentary box talking about people exceeding track limits joe a regular co-commentator on the british gt championship but he's not out there driving a mclaren somewhere around the world on screen though you can see the uh john ferguson mercedes and there the darren turner driven aston martin so turner 2.8 seconds behind matty graham at the start of this lap and matty graham in the first sector was two tenths quicker in the second two tenths slower so they're matching each other on this lap the 55th lap of the race for the gt4 cars to give you some idea of how many times they're being lapped here the overall race leader marcus clutton just started his 60th lap of the race so already the gt3 contingent slipping uh some four or five laps down as you would expect but uh these cars may be slower than the gt3 cars they may not look quite as aggressive with all of the um aerodynamic bits and bobs technical term uh around the cars but make no mistake they are still very very rapid bits of ki you stand track side when these gt4 cars go past and you know about it they are still spectacular to watch very quick much more production based but certainly not a road car by any stretch of the imagination and there you can see the much more aggressive arrow of the two seas most sport mercedes which tries to get around the outside of darren turtle that has to wait for a corner exit so back through wood coat goes that mercedes which currently runs third johnny adams still get to uh conclude his opening stint he is 23 seconds though behind joe osborne and not at the moment uh laughing quite as quickly as him but if you think about this johnny adam's got another stint to do and only 55 minutes of the race remain so it's going to be a pretty short stint for flick hague when she gets back into that car i would suggest say that johnny adam can bring that to the end so uh now 75 still has a chance of a good result i would have thought out of this darren turner in the meantime looking mighty as ever in gt4 so there is 77 which is marcus classen and that car has two uh stops yet to do you've got to do a regulation three it has done one so has joe was born in second place so has johnny adam in third but fourth alexander west only one more pit stop to do adam balon one more pit stop to do john ferguson one more pit stop to do and then alex malikin he's got two more to do uh like carl's got two more to do because the uh third stop that he's being credited with was its stop go penalty from earlier on so the uh teams with a third stop to get out of the way are looking good whereas clinton osborne and johnny adams needing to serve a second team britt into the pit lane now yes they are so that's uh aaron morgan getting in aaron who's done quite a bit of club level racing things like bmw compact cook before moving into uh gt4 racing in a number of different categories brick car for example now on into british gt so he will take over from bobby trundley after what was quite a lengthy synth there as we documented that is only their second stop of the day uh most if not all of the gt4 cars with the exception of the leading two have long since made that second stop uh of the race still those davidson are waiting for three of our gt3s to do so one of them is on your screen now and that is joe osborne again pro driver even on much older tyres significantly quicker there than adam ballam and through he goes but ballon byam standards is still very competitive indeed into the pit lane comes the gt4 leader so that will now give darren turner the lead of the gt4 category as joe osborne continues on his way osborne personal best lap on that last lap eight tenths quicker than the leader marcus clinton but the gap's not really coming down significantly is it uh twelve and a half seconds whereas really the mclaren standout has been marvin kirkov for hustling that car not only into the lead but also doing the fastest lap of the race there is john ferguson's mercedes coming onto hangar straight and behind his alex malikin and then johnny adams so johnny adam is a lap up but it was ferguson versus malikin for position there that's the next fight to look for once we've got that gt4 pit stop out of the way there look john ferguson versus malikin the lamborghini trying to fend off johnny adam although that's a lap ahead but also go after the other mercedes johnny adam ducks up the inside at the end of vail job done that's how you do do a pass there uh yes malikin of course uh was uh in trouble for uh that robust overtake on adam ballin in his opening sticks of the race and now he might have to line up another good move to try and find a way past john ferguson who's proven in the past he ain't an easy man to get through so yeah that could be a good battle here once johnny adam uh negotiates the uh two seas racing mercedes that's right racing sages excuse me ahead of him to mercedes mg's run out of different teams ferguson isn't going to move out of the way again why should he but he does run a little bit wide actually and unintentionally perhaps makes the job a bit easier for johnny adam adam goes through and as ferguson is wide through entry that costs him momentum down the wellington straight and this surely is malikin's chance he goes to the inside ferguson he's going to leave many spaces dirty down the uh drivers left down the wellington straight as well nevermind says valley again i'll just go around the outside instead that's brilliant driving oh and he is shoveled off the road almost i don't think they quite touched but it was very very close and ferguson what did i just say not an easy man to overtake and alex malikin would concur and now comes into the pit lane so that is to get his final stint done and put james dawlin in it for the remainder of the race and that could be significant because again james dawlin will lack quicker than john ferguson so that on the next round of pit stops should put the lamborghini ahead i will offer you this is what happened he went to the outside line and i was in agreement with him it was a great move but john ferguson ran him out to the edge of the road over the curve mannequin and he jinxed to the right and he backed out of it to avoid contact which was sensible especially if he knew he was coming in yeah exactly because if you stand your ground there and the other driver squeezes you end up on the grass you can't stop you slide into them at luffield we've seen that happen so many times over the years and malikin really heads up driving there i think they've got half a chance of a podium still here redline racing certainly a top five because to be up there uh fighting away with this number 15 car they both at that point had served the same number of pit stops as well uh and that car we know he's in podium contention so a really good recovery this after the early penalty near he's back in richard to hand over to sam so this is their second pit stop um being no their third pit's not being complete so this is the final sims uh beginning for sam neary so we're getting to that time of the race now where finally we can start making some sense of all of this final pit stop being made for some of our leading teams so that is james dawlin getting in to replace alex malikin in the red line racing lamborghini that started on the front row and i think you're right there is still a good result in the offing for this car james dawlin is yet another of these very quick underrated drivers sam neary brdc rising star gets into number eight mercedes but again that's got this post race investigation looming over it and we'll see what comes of that keep an eye to the british gt championship website where all the news will be posted as it breaks the team manager of number 68 he's having to go and see the race director now and that's the team brit operation isn't it so the team brit mclaren has done something uh and the team required to go and see the race director as the screen is cleared for the sam neary mercedes in some cases it's a bit of spit and polish in other cases they have these tear-off windscreens a bit like tear-off visors and single seater drivers to have so rather than having to clean the screen you just pick up the corner and rip that film off and then you've got a lovely clean windscreen underneath but there's only so many of those that you can run so uh tend to be used really for the longer distance races like uh 24 hours of spa for example so there is number 90. that is the bmw that will burns is now back behind the wheel of two pit stops done making his way up towards village so that car is currently ahead in its class within the gt4 category but uh as a result of getting ahead of the beluga porsche on the last round of pit stops yes their race the number 90 uh is reminding me an awful lot of uh the new bridge race here 12 months ago i seemed to remember new bridge motorsport who went on to win the gt4 category didn't leave that many laps they were sort of playing their own strategy game getting a lot of the stops out early and they weren't actually at the front of the gt4 field for a significant portion of the race but when it all sort of shook out at the end of the race they found themselves in front a very similar feel here for the 90 car not saying it's going to end the same way for them i'm sure they will hope it does but they they may not have led many laps they're certainly going to be in contention uh when the checkered flag falls in 48 and a half minutes or so there is ross wiley who dropped behind burns on the previous lap because he's just come out of the pit lane and as matty graham goes over the timing line into the pits comes the mclaren of marcus clatton to give up the on the road lead so that's now going to put itself back in the order if you like where it ought to be yes so it was 6.4 seconds ahead of joe osborne when he did there is i mean you can see why they clean the windscreen the visibility is not ideal just going back to gt4 very quickly to say that the number 42 audi has now done its three pit stops so seven fielding has taken over and he will run to the end so the audi that's dropped off the radar a bit of late is about to come very much back on to it uh because it's gonna buy back a load of places as others serve their last pit stop in gt4 so that's building up nicely too yeah it'd be a shame if they weren't in the conversation for the race win come the end of the day given their performance yesterday uh but uh yes that's those issues early in the race unfortunately putting paid to that 68 has a stop go penalty for a short pit stop so team brit short pit stop that's the voice of the race director peter daley and while all that's going on the team manager of the wpi lamborghini has got to go to race control as well michael i go phil keane uh for something it's not a pit stop penalty as such because in terms of being short on the time because that's okay uh we can see its last stop time on our timing screens and that was good adam balon fifth on the road that's gonna change at the end of his next lap with others pitting ahead of him darren turner's just coming to the pits by the way the gt4 leader stop go penalty for team britain as we've been hearing and that's marcus clatton uh in and that car now is given back to morgan tillbrook but again he's got another pit stop not far away yeah they're leaving it late here aren't they those top three we've had these very different strategies 77 28 and 75 staying out longer each stitch they're going to have short stints at the end uh which means they can be light on fuel i guess if they're gonna be doing short stints towards the end of the race uh whereas some of the others are choosing to to go longer uh through the second part having done their short stints earlier on so the pit stop nearly complete for enduro motorsport door comes back open shuts again that was morgan opening the door from the inside perhaps he felt it wasn't shut properly worth double checking the last thing you want to do is go out on track and have it open and a mechanic just ran around the car just as we were coming away a mechanic went to the car so it might be that there is an issue yes look because the door is back open and the mechanic helping now okay you've got this delta tied but you don't want to be too long in the pit laners now down the pit road comes adam allen that was coming back in to give away maybe to sandy mitchell let's just double check in a moment it was adam ballen so as we've been saying short stints the second since for the ams and there's a problem here very clearly marcus clutton i'm afraid giving way to morgan tilbury that's a problem and adam ballon comes in to give way to sandy mitchell then as disaster seems to have struck does it not for 77 is it that the car won't restart yeah they've been in there now for getting on for three minutes it should be about two and a quarter minute shouldn't it so there is a problem they're gonna shut the door now they're gonna send him on his way or does it go back into the garage yeah there's no movement at the moment back up on the jacks yeah so it looks like i've got to take it back to the garage regardless it does have all the hallmarks of the car that won't start 18 has a 10 second stop go penalty for refueling irregularity doors open car 18 that was thank you peter daley so it was good on the time for keenan i go but the door opened during the refueling everything has got to be as we were saying uh closed don't touch the car so sandy mitchell is on board adam ballen's lamborghini barwell gotta say he's had a pretty horrible start to its season carrying the gravel at immolar in fanatek gt way off the pace at autumn park didn't race last week at brown's hatch because of a poorly driver mart lemur's team deserves a bit of good fortune and this really is the race where you put money on barwell because they are so good at understanding uh the strategy of all of this and with sandy mitchell in this car that's its last pit stop done this now will run to the end the only reason it would come into the pit lane again is with a problem and or penalty yeah twice in the last six years this race has been won by barwell motorsport there's a reason that they have such a strong hit rate when it comes to winning the silverstone 500. they started this race on pole position as well and that traditionally if you like stats which i do has been a good place to start because in the last 10 years the gt3 race has been wooden from pole position three times from the front row seven times and they were the pole position car at the start of the race so uh stats don't guarantee you results but certainly the history books would suggest that this car is going to be hard to beat as it heads out now for its final stint indeed so and sandy mitchell didn't get picked up by the lamborghini factory because he had a nice accent because he's a very very quick driver so you can anticipate that car to be just as good for the remaining 43 and a half minutes as he goes back out onto the circuit and as i say this now will run to the very end of the race yes it will so uh down towards magnets and because he goes trying to see who's around him on track see if we can gauge where he is well uh unhelpfully he's got the uh multiple laps down ram racing car just behind which is now 29th overall at ninth within gt3 so it would still score a handful of points would ram racing so i guess the point that he and loggie made earlier on was a valid one get out there finish inside the top 10 in class and you will at least get some points towards your championship campaign the team manager of the sky 10 pester mercedes is being uh asked to go and see the race director which might be a legacy of not responding initially to its uh penalty we it might be something else we shall find out but the day doesn't get any better for chris froggett uh nor for kevin say i do wonder because we said we saw that it came in first to fix the radio then to serve the penalty i wonder if the little wave that kevin say gave was to his team not to acknowledge the black flags the team were calling him in perhaps didn't know about the penalty because surely that should have been served first that's what the black flag means come in doesn't it see the race director there's number 11 uh go through which is uh andrew howard this car had a 10 second stop go penalty from earlier on uh because it was sorry a 25 second stop go penalty because it was under on its first pit stop time so it has done three stops but only two a regulation pit stops so it's got two to go and effectively therefore it's running well out of position so uh that car for the moment looks like it's doing pretty well but actually because one of those stops was a penalty stop it ain't quite as good as uh it's evidence suggests 72 though is looking pretty mighty adam ballen and sandy mitchell coming now into the corner through that fast right up towards the timing line down towards cop's corner they're going through ahead he's number 75 which is johnny adam that is now the on the road leader of the race now that car has got two more pit stops to do 40 minutes two seconds penalty for a short pit stop 93 two seconds stop go penalty for being too short on its last pit stop right okay so i was wrong it was a different reason now they're running out of reasons to penalize that car at the moment aren't they so uh too short a pit stop they can't blame that on the radio either unfortunately they'll lack off radio so they have to come in and serve the two seconds presumably that they were short in the pit stop johnny adam leads the race haven't said that yet i don't think have we today it may well be because of the fact he owes us his next pit stop his first pit stop that car second pit stop of the day but he is leading the way with alexander west in second place so the race leader has stopped once the second through to fifth place cars have stopped twice and then you start getting into those that have made their final pit stops with sandy mitchell in sick and uh andrew howard although that's uh that has served two regulation pit stops and one penalty of course so we're in the order very much jumbled up still with 40 minutes to go i'm really interested to see now how much time they give blick hague in the next stint because we don't have the data available for how much time johnny adam has spent in the car collectively uh but it could be that she only gets a couple of laps and therefore they absolutely max out johnny adam for the remainder of the race oh well yeah you would i suppose when you've got johnny adam at your disposal you want to keep him in the car as long as you can so and that's absolutely no disrespect to flick hague or any of these am drivers we talk a lot about you know getting the pros in getting the ams out the ams against other rams do a good job they're all really quick and they're all really capable of running at the front but in a race like this one where you have ams sharing the track with pro drivers you really do need to try and keep your pro in for as long as possible because even by the amazon missions the pros are there because they're quicker because they are the professional drivers and so yeah johnny adam will really they'll want to make sure that he does as much of the 100 minute maximum driving time that he's allowed now there is the 56 porsche which is the sev hopkins jamie orton entry that had uh a early penalty and this audi we mentioned a little while ago but let's just make the point again has done its three regulation stops so center fielding here is good to take this card to the end and therefore places are gonna fall its way as others have to uh peel in and serve their stops uh yes so ninth in class as you said at the moment then seven fielding 28th place overall and he finds himself about a lap and a half or so nearly two laps behind the race leader in gt4 but again they owe more pit stops final stopped on them for stella where will they shake out even if it's not a race win i guess they might be satisfied with a podium and i think that's definitely within their grasp come at the end of the race pit lane for the time being is a relatively quiet place we've got chris froggerty serving his latest penalty marcus clinton of course still with this issue with the car uh we have got our racing in our racing who have been on and off uh contending at the front of the gt4 field but again they've had two penalties uh handed to them over the course of the race and the number 23 car in this time i believe for one of its regulation stops so that should be jamie day jumping back in josh miller getting out on board though with the stellar audi blue cops corner it's just wide enough over the curbs to carry the speed but not so wide that he gets pinged four track limits meanwhile johnny adam has got the sandy mitchell lamborghini behind so again a lapse between these two at the moment but mitchell is on much fresher tires than johnny adam mitchell right at the start of his stint adam towards the end of his and i wonder if in fact adam's gonna pick yes he is takes a tight line out of bloodfield so that was perfect for mitchell he caught the mercedes he was held up for a corner or two and then johnny adam bails for the pit lane so flickhay gets in and as david quite rightly said it may be a short stint here for flick get within that they'll calculate how much longer they can have johnny adam in the car for get to that point at the race and then they'll plug him in again towards the end of the race itself alexander west is in with marvin kirk for getting in now this is this car's final pit stop so car number three making it stop this is gonna be interesting in the laps time where does this come out in relation to the sandy mitchell driven barbell lamborghini mitchell's back into the mid one minute 59 whereas alexander west i think has been in the two minute zeros two minute ones so mitchell's had a few laps out there on fresh rubber he's been getting his head down the car he is chasing is now in the pit lane for the final time and uh when it leaves the pit lane we'll have a genuine race then for what could well be the race victory so this is really a crucial stop now get everything right uh muster garage 59 no penalties make sure they don't um break the minimum pit stop time same goes of course the two seas motorsport who are very much still contending for the uh podium places even if it's not the overall race victory sandy mitchell purple in sector one so doing exactly what he needs to hear the team i'm sure will have been on the radio to tell him that garage 59 are in this is the lap it's make or break now can he jump back ahead of the mclaren when it comes back onto the track through village and then into the loop there is the mclaren with marvin kirkhoffer now on board they've got everything done they will send him on his way very shortly now we're into the final sector pretty much here with uh sandy mitchell who comes down the wellington straight purple in the first sector green in sector three so this is perhaps of course being you fastest left with the race what he doesn't need is uh nick moss in the optimum uh mclaren getting in his way and that's exactly what happens through the field corner that will have cost sandy mitchell quite a bit of time he needs to clear the mclaren quickly but of course off the corner they're both very easily matched both gt3 cars mitchell almost pushing him down the start finish straight there goes kirkhoffer he's at the far end of the pit lane and i reckon the mclaren might just stay in front here through cops goes mitchell look up the road he's past nick moss and there in the distance i think is a dark blob which was no he's ahead he's jumped him just about by literally a car length or so it is sandy mitchell in front of marwyn kirkhoffer that could not have been closer but now the battle is on for 35 minutes the mighty mitchell leads marvin kirkhoffer and so onto hanger straight they go so again good good efforts but you see how that situation is closed by uh the efforts of marvin kirkhoffer so down they come to stowe corner let's have a quick bit of news from the pits before we get into this league battle brent yeah thanks david i was just talking to morgan tilburg at enduro motorsport about what's going on with their car apparently the fire extinguisher went off in the pits and then they couldn't restart the car total loss of power oh dear oh dear oh dear right okay thanks for that so we were peering in trying to work it out but the fire extinguisher going off uh they don't just go off at will somebody might have just topped something in error but thanks for the news big big disappointment for a car that ran really well all day right there is the leader second is behind remember sandy mitchell is a little bit more up to speed on this set of tires everything is performing for him it might take marvin kerker for a lap but this is going to be a really good way to end the race 34 minutes between two stars of gt rating and in two different brands yeah lamborghini ahead of mclaren then for the time being this is for fifth place on the road but that already started to change actually because the 75 car is back on the road now having made its latest pit stop the same is true actually of the assetto motorsport bentley which is now in the pit lane for the third and final time mark sansom hanging back over to will trigartha there is ross wiley who will be getting back into the and getting out of the beluga racing porsche that was currently running second no third place uh in the gt4 category this the car that leads in gt4 it leads by 10.7 seconds having made its second pit stop but the car behind was at the time the number 90 car which also is in for its final stop so flurry of activity in gt4 there is the 90 car being serviced for the last time in the race then so will burns will be getting out handing over to jack brown and uh yes that car again hasn't led for an awfully long time but i've got a funny feeling it might be once all these pit stops are said and done but of course for a silver car add 14 seconds to it so each time a silver pit stop happens it helps darren turner and matt topham because they're their pro-am entry which saves three times 14 seconds over the course of the race gets back into the equation as there is 51. matty graham is getting set to go back out is he not because ross wiley brought it in so that should be his last stint done and dusted and we're getting towards the last half an hour of what is shaping up nicely all the time there is flick hague then back at the wheel of number 75 so that car uh still has another pit stop to do they've got to get johnny adam back into it and so now you need to maximize johnny's drive time so therefore with respect minimize flick hague's time it could be only a handful of laps and as soon as johnny adams got his breath back and the clock allows put him back in the car to go to the end but two c's again as you have to in this race playing around with the strategy and trying to haul the car up the order based on that alone yeah and it's amazing all of these different teams all of them having slightly differing strategies and yet at the moment we've got a second separating the two cars that we anticipate uh we'll be fighting for the race victory come the end of it but there are other cars that may well factor into that as well so flick hague back out on track then two pit stops done she rejoins in second place they're still ahead of those that have made their full quota of three regulation stops of course she has 15 and a half seconds behind nick moss who now um re-inherits the race leading gt3 now doesn't seem like that long ago that the academy mustang was in the pit lane so again this is uh marco senoretti getting out to hand over to matt cowley who's perhaps been a fraction quicker got a lot to choose between their pace it must be said but perhaps slightly the quicker of the two get him in for the last half hour and see if they could also get into that podium fight so the academy mustang sits waiting in the pit lane on track uh sandy mitchell is waiting for no one because he's building this margin over for one and a half seconds now it's creeping up but as we made the point earlier on the pros tend to be lapping at much the same pace as each other if kirkhofer is going to take any time out of mitchell he may have to rely on traffic getting in the way for the lamborghini because right now there's not much to choose between their pace now that's flick hague in the two seas number 75 mercedes johnny adams stint was an hour and 16 minutes and a few seconds which therefore back dating that for the maximum you can do gives him a whisker under 24 minutes of the race remaining so i reckon that flick hey can do another six minutes in a bit give or take uh pitt and then johnny adam do it for the last 24 minutes just under 24 minutes of the race of the chequered flag yes okay i'm glad you were that out david uh yes so uh we expect this car in there maybe uh in the next five six minutes or so and uh flick hay yeah will have enjoyed a longer stint earlier on in the race of course which is what's allowed this so you take the pain if you like early on again i don't like wording it like that but you lose ground early on to then gain it back towards the end and that's i'm sure is a strategy that flick will be very much on board with if it proves successful uh come the end of the day off into abby corner she goes and i mean her pace isn't bad actually to be fair uh flick well two minute two last time but that was a first flying lap of the race for her gt4 matt topham currently in the lead of the class as adam ballen threads his way past number 51 that's now gone back to matty graham uh so you've got matt topham ahead of tom rawlings at the moment and they're coming through as the race leader with still 29 and three-quarter minutes of the race to go it's flown by hasn't it the time yeah so adam ballon goes sorry sandy mitchell goes by one second to the good over marking marvin kirkhoffer there he's done the fastest lap of the race that was set in his earlier stint but for the moment the traffic not really helping him get onto the back of the ball lamborghini good news for flick hey she may get to lead some laps in this fairly brief final stint of hers because nick moss has just pitted from the race lead in the optimum mclaren so remember flick was only about 15 seconds or so behind and in fact she is about to come through woodcock corner to take over the lead there is the optimum cast this is joe osborne getting in again the final um pit stop this is for the mclaren so they are on again a slightly different strategy really to the well i suppose a similar strategy in the way to the mercedes the two seas we expect flick hagin within the next five minutes or so and presumably she'll drop back behind or johnny adam will rejoin behind this uh orange and blue mclaren they're optimum making a welcome return to the intelligent british gt championship this weekend and uh top five finish certainly on the cards in gt4 matt topham has just come into the pit lane to serve his final stop in the aston martin that leads and does not have any extra time to serve there so they come in as the leaders that looked pretty promising does it not for matt topham and darren turner whereas sandy mitchell he's gonna have to make this car a little bit wider i fear marvin kirkhoffer is almost there fantastic way to end three hours of drama isn't it with the top two separated by virtually nothing at all uh of course the order shuffles around them as the last pit stops are served we've got flick hague due in about four minutes we've got john ferguson doing to give way to jamie caroline as well and sandy mitchell then running fourth on the road but the best of the triple stoppers right now comes down through brooklyn's they're behind it's marvin kirkhoffer and 28 is ready to go and that car's had a good solid afternoon as well hasn't it having largely steered clear of all the dramas and joe osborne is ready to go shortly i just said something very similar about team brit and then they got a penalty so i'm gonna stop saying things like that about teams so yes so far though you're absolutely right good day for optimum through though goes the uh what we anticipate to be lead battle come the end of the day which is only 27 and a half minutes away now the end of this enthralling third round of the 2022 intelligent money british gt championship the silverstone 500 and again traffic giveth and then traffic immediately take it away because as kirkhoff has been catching mitchell over the last few laps he then catches the uh century motorsport gt4 bmw in the wrong place and just like that a second or more is lost down hanger straight clock ticks on down 27 minutes to go oh do you think yeah well 27 minutes that's a reasonable amount of time but on a three mile lap like this there's not a lot of laps to be crammed into 27 minutes into the pit lane comes john ferguson now to give way to jamie caroline for the last stint it means now that flick hague leads but has got just under three minutes i reckon so a couple more laps to flick before she gives way to johnny adam and we'll see where that car feeds in for the last part of the race because although obviously we're talking about the lead battle there will be other battles that need to shake out over the last few laps and some are in gt4 here such as number nine uh that was tom rawlings that brought it in so chris solkel should take over that car as its last pit stop is served yes indeed uh last year it was the second place battle that attracted all of the attention really between the barbell cars wasn't it so yeah even if the race win is settled which is far from settled by the way uh you can anticipate there'll be lots of battling going right down to the wire tom rawlings then assisting with the final driver change here for harriet's chariot the number nine century bmw uh both of the sentry cars have been in the mix all day really within gt4 uh that car was running second in class when it came into the pit stops this car though matty graham has completed all three of its regulation pit stops so again it's only a few corners away from the end of this lap and therefore only a few corners away from seeing where it comes out in relation to some of the others around it although turner i know this has just left the pit lane already so darren turner will indeed he would see him retain that class lead yeah and that's the three lots of 14 seconds saved over the course of the race that now really pay dividends for that car number 90 bmw goes through so this is still in the mix isn't it jack brown at the wheel of it now number nine is yet to go and actually although number 42 out he got rid of its third stop quite a while ago it's a long way down it seems to have lost a massive chunk of time in that third stint so they put richard williams in relatively early that might not have been the best solution but having said that there are more pit stops to bring it back up the order it's gone over the timing line and it is getting back into the mix so seven fielding is 22nd overall and in terms of gt4 that means he is now on two three four five six seventh and there are more places to be gained yeah i think the top five is doable but they'll be disappointed no doubt i mean when you qualify on paul by a second and a half fifth place is really what you want to be fighting for uh come the end of the race is it true you never know things could happen we had a very dramatic first half hour of the race there's nothing to say the final half an hour uh won't also throw a few surprises our way there is uh the darren turner driven new bridge motorsport aston martin then it's a final stop completed for the leading gt4 car which is overtaken once again uh by uh the third placed gt3 car of sandy mitchell uh but it may now be up to second place because the two the uh ram racing number 15 car has just made its third and final stops of flick hague leads but owes as a stop and sandy mitchell should now inherit second place with marvin kirkhoffer keeping this gap pegged at nothing more than a second and a half at any point so again all he needs is about marker to not make itself uh all that useful to the lamborghini ahead and that second and a half can vanish quickly oh it can indeed absolutely uh equally the balance of performance means that it's incredibly hard to make up that last few temps uh because the cars in theory especially with the pros behind the wheel are running at a comparable pace and the lamborghini and the mclaren in terms of shape in terms of drivetrain very similar over the timing line then they have gone and the gap between mitchell and kirkhoffer is now one second flick hague still ahead but a pit stop is due for number 75 mercedes because you're now into johnny adams allowable drive time to the end i'd be surprised if she's not in this time then yeah i would in fact she's in the final sector now so we'll keep an eye out the window as we watch on the screens coming sandy mitchell yeah see the castle right down at lafayette there it is goes right into the pit lane so yeah good prediction and she comes so you can see what the team are trying to do keep johnny adam in for as long as possible and the co-drivers to an extent accept that you know they're not proud about the amount of driving they do they want the result yeah exactly when they're lifting that uh rac trophy the end of the day they don't really care how many laps they did in the race just the fact that they managed to win the silverstone 500 so flick a whoops a little bit too eager on the way into the pit lane knocks over the pit board that's all right though no harm done out of the way you mean you could say that you really could say that yes so flick egg gets out of the car and johnny adam in for the final stint there the gap between the barwell car and the garage 59 still about a second or so trouble is for johnny adam this is still a two minutes 15 second pizza so you know it's another lap gone uh even though he's incredibly quick as we know the car will drop down just because of the regulations for the pit stops it's the same for everybody it's not that they're being singled out but two minutes and 15 seconds is a lap and a bit so the car will certainly drop away behind these two and sandy mitchell am i being a bit optimistic when i say it looks like he's got the answer to what marvin kirkoff is throwing at him because he's he's being able to maintain that gap modest as it might be but he's not looking as though he's under the huge amounts of pressure that are causing mistakes to be made and the gap is remaining pretty constant i think he's got this taped and they've had no traffic on this lap so in a way this was the first genuine clear lap where traffic absolutely wasn't playing a part in the the lap times and you're right well let's see mitchell does a 58-9 kirka for a 58-7 no you're not right kirkhoffer was about a tenth faster in the end but yes very minimal indeed and now they do start to negotiate some of the gt4 cars they've gone through meanwhile johnny adam has not yet left the pit lane uh so yeah you can see there they're already down at maggots beckett's and still the two seas car hasn't left its pit box jamie caroline has taken over number 15 but was under on the pit stop by about half a second so the team manager of number 15 is going to raise control and also the team manager of 56 which is the team parker gt4 came and he's going to raise control well that had a penalty very very early on in the race that was the first car to serve any sort of penalty but the ferguson caroline ram racing penalty if there's one coming for being short on the pit stop is rather more serious because that car was in seventh place yes which is actually further down than i thought it would be because it always seemed to be in and around the top five until that point but again now only now with 20 minutes to go did we finally see exactly how the strategy is going to play out so it is johnny uh it is sandy mitchell that leads the way uh by eight tenths of a second at the start of the lap over marvin kirkhoffer in second place there is joe osborne now is joe osborne ahead or behind um johnny adam that's the next question he's 32 seconds behind the mitchell kirk off her battle but joe osborne i think yes he is so yes he is he's a third isn't he in 45 if you look at the timing tower a doll in his fourth neary fifth so adam there is only sixth place so joe osborne at the moment on course for a podium and he enjoys at the moment a 3.4 second lead over james dawlin who on the previous lap he was quicker then kind of really where that 75 mercedes ought to be because it was sort of bottom end of the top 10 earlier this is the race leader uh which is adam ballen sandy mitchell's car sandy mitchell at the wheel of it marvin kirkhoffer alexander west is second so these with 20 minutes to go are the two leading cars over the line now breaking the beam sandy mitchell then he starts laps 77 11 10 to the good he's crept it up a little bit the gap has just stretched marginally so that's second marvin kirkhoffer the fast german driver goes through cop's corner right and then you wait and you wait and you wait because there's still not been a third place car over the timing line this illustrates the pace that barwell and garage 59 have had in this race uh and how good the speed has been admittedly they did break away early on uh with avoiding dramas down at club corner but even so they are well clear of in third place there the mclaren of joe osborne and that is 32 seconds behind them in third place so second to third is 32 seconds in fourth place is james dawlin in the red line lamborghini he is 4.3 seconds behind the mclaren and his last that was a fraction slower so it might not be a podium there is james dawning just going up towards beckett's uh but the lamborghini that started there it is fourth place car on the front row of the grid uh fourth is still a really good effort especially given that it made an extra pit stop for that stock go penalty early on in the race yeah of those that have had troubles they have done the best uh to recover haven't they their fourth and then you could argue the uh neres as well after their laptop contact they're in fifth position but of course they did not receive an on track penalty for that as that's being investigated post race so again really good effort this for redline racing uh it may not be the win that they were hoping for but uh you know you spoke to them on the grid and they were really happy with the front row position i think they'll be almost as happy if they can bring this home in fourth place they are laughing comparably to this car sam neary who runs in position but 8.9 seconds is the deficit for sam to try and overcome and that's going to be hard to do over just 18 minutes left in the race there then is johnny adam in sixth position so the gap between neri and adam registered at five and a half seconds at the start of the lap but johnny actually seven tenths slower than niri in the first sector he pulls a tenth of that back uh with a green personal best sector two uh johnny adam at the moment uh is uh again gonna be hard pushed i think to improve upon sixth position the one that arguably is most likely to change is the one that matters most the one at the front of the field because marvin kirker again three tenths quicker than mitchell that time the lead got back down under a second he's certainly not giving up now that's jamie caroline as i say who i rather fear is heading for the uh pit lane again here because that car was under briefly like half a second under on its last pit stop which is bad bad news because it's been running pretty well and john ferguson actually has developed hasn't he nicely this year he had a lot of bad luck in his gt4 uh history in the supra but going nicely here now let's look at gt4 for a moment because that currently is being led by uh 27 darren turner penalty has been issued to car 15 for a short pit stop stop go penalty 15. number 15 here being given a stop go penalty for a short pit stop that's what we've been talking about looking at the data on our screen so this is the leading car in gt4 the less powerful the less aero dependent gt style of cars not quite entry level as such but uh more accessible gt class and it's down turner leading from this car by 22.7 seconds jack brown in second place now he's going to win the silver part of gt4 but uh darren turner well up the road and as we've been saying because the pro am cars don't have to make longer pit stops under the regulations compared to the silver cup cars that really pays dividends late race uh yeah pushing on there through the magnus beckett chapel sequence uh then uh there's a bit of a gap back about 10 or 11 seconds back then to the third place gt4 card there the porsche of matty graham but the third place we could have a bit of a fight on our hands because selling fielding is only two seconds behind him and on the previous lap was two and a half seconds faster so the porsche there in the background is of the toyota which is a lap down but at the inside of it look it's set and fielding in the stellar motorsport alley so they could still salvage a podium finish from this race which all things considered would not be a terrible result actually they've clearly got the speed they showed that in qualifying 15 and 3 quarter minutes to do it i think it's doable go along with that center fielding is certainly pushing on as the cars now come once more down to the end of vale it was so so good as you were saying in the qualifying sessions uh laurel yesterday both of them top their respective elements for the grid that was based on the combined times of the two drivers along with hamilton straight then now comes the stellar motorsport audi and chasing the porsche of matty graham which at the start of this lap was two seconds up the road and in the first sector actually the porsche was quicker but in the second sector the audi was quicker trouble is with 15 minutes to go and it's good for us to get to the point where yes you can catch but when you get behind the car again because they're quite evenly matched it's hard to get past so seven fielding is doing if you like the easy bit now relatively which is catching but getting past that porsche could be really really tough indeed less than 15 minutes to go and sandy mitchell still leads the way yes he does by now back over one second they are trading lap times here tenth or so is taken off the advantage by kirkhoffer and then sandy mitchell retaliates on the next lap and gets it back up again sandy mitchell in the car that started on pole position i said earlier on pole position historically has been the place to start i know that sounds like a fairly obvious thing to say but three times in the last 10 years the pole sitting gt3 car in this race has taken the victory the lowest a 10 second stop go penalty a refueling irregularity okay another 10 seconds stop go penalty there then 456 uh sorry no sorry about 456. that was uh one of the gt4 cars with a 10-second stop go penalty uh it was uh yes 56. yeah the autumn hopkins yeah yes uh second penalty of the race is it that one uh 56 is the genetics oh sorry freddie robinson and uh joe wheeler yeah 65 is the camera yes so the geneta gets a penalty now also it's easier to tell you who's not happy that's been one of those days that's not wrong uh but uh yes sir to the point i was making there the uh uh the lowest that a silverstone 500 winner uh has ever started the race is 10th on the grid and it was marvel motorsport who did it back in 2016 guess where garage 59 started this race they started 10th so one trend is going to come through here whether it be the pole sitting trend or starting at the back of the top 10 but still i wouldn't put my money on either one of these it could still go either way yeah you saw adam balon a moment ago in the pic garage watching on marvin kirkhoff are having another go now quite often you'll see drivers have a push they can't do it so they lift for a lap or two just let the tires have a breather and the gap opens up and then they push again and if kirchhoff's team are on their toes and garage 59 the alexander west andrew cacaudi chris goodwin owned team they are on their toes they'll be saying right there's traffic up the road now so push push push get back up with the leading car see what you could do especially is there look you've got the mclaren lapping the gt4 mustang of matt cowley sandy mitchell goes through and marvin kirkhoff will be trying to strike now while there are these other cars around all of which even if it's only for a split second serve to distract the driver absolutely through village up towards the uh breaking zone at village in fact we go through the tight right-hander nail-biting finish here it is barbell holding off garage 59 and down at the garage 59 carriage with alexander west is bryn lucas well alexander you know you're fighting really hard aren't you they're out on track and you've got so much to do and yet is there anything that you can do can marvin you know get past sandy at the end i mean sandy's a very experienced and extremely quick driver so um we were a little bit unlucky with coming out the second or so behind him out of the pits but no i'm look we're very happy it's great to be here i think it is a great event um the weather has been good and i think we managed to unlock some performance in the car from qualifying which was disappointing yesterday so the race pace today has been really really good i think the guys at garage 59 has done a fantastic job so but at this stage here i mean i'm sure if you were told yesterday at this point you'd be in second place and pushing for first you'd be more than happy to take it but now you are would you take second or is first the only place well actually funny we said that earlier yesterday yes i would have taken second now you're one second behind the first place so yes of course you want to win if you would have been 20 seconds behind it would have been a different story but yeah we will see what what marvin can do but as i said stanley is a really experienced and really really good driver it's only 10 minutes to go it's a good part thank you swedish driver alexander west who's a a gt expert these days races in endurance in sprint races and has clearly enjoyed himself here now not enjoying himself quite so much aboard 51 beluga porter is maddie graham because he's now got right on his tail the audi center feeling at the wheel of it now remember that this is for second in silver in gt4 and the third in gt4 overall so it's an important battle uh yes it is and it makes its way into the breaking zone at village now having caught saturn fielding uh now has the hard job to do he's caught the porsche but he's now found a way past it both cars that will generate their lap time in similar ways you'd imagine they will both excel at similar parts of the racetrack and so uh finding that edge to get through it's not going to be easy especially if matty graham continues to defend someone who knows what one make racing is like he will know his racecraft he knows where to position the car center fielding and optimistic look you can take that early turn in at uh brooklyn just to try and distract the car ahead but graham knew what was going on there and uh in the end manages to hang on he's a bit squirrely off the field though this is fielding's chance carries the momentum off the corner tries desperately to get to the inside line graham has it covered and will now surely have to defend again down towards cop's corner fielding on the attack not sure he can defend for 10 more minutes though as they head into cop's corner center fielding in the audi right there on the tail of the caveman he's going to try and tighten the line coming out of cops but he rattles up the curb and the race leaders the overall race leaders have just gone through and that gap has come right down to three tenths of a second so it's game on for uh the second place in silver in gt4 but not that far behind on the road the overall race leaders are separated by next to nothing at all now so great fight going on here onto hangers straight and of course they're being caught by the overall race leaders there they are in the background in the back it's acid it's green ahead of blue which means it's still mitchell ahead of kirkhoffer center fielding tries to line up for a move but look how close the gt3 cars are in the background center fielding tries to go right round the outside of the porsche there this remember is for position can't do it gets sideways runs wide up the curb slots back in behind yes he dials down at the end of vale great staff this yeah on the brakes into the left-hander graham is driving around the inside of the track here just to try and keep the place almost gets run into there so slow was he uh through the transition from the left to the right at club this for the overall race lead though sandy mitchell trying to become the first driver ever to win uh more than one silverstone 500 this would be a really great achievement of course barwell had won it before but with different driver combinations sandy mitchell trying to uh add to his win for barwell with rob collard two years ago it was a championship winning drive in the end the final round of the 2020 championship and now he is just a few laps away but only a few garland's clear of kirk of a still very similar story as well here in the fight for third in gt4 and look at this bearing down on that gt4 fight it remains mitchell ahead of kirkhoffer but i said sometimes the driver drops back and then has a push while marvin kirkoff has certainly pushed and he's almost on the back of sandy mitchell whose heart must sink now because look he's going to get through this traffic and of course they're battling for position as well so seven fielding's aim isn't to get out of the way it's to get past that porsche so sandy mitchell now has got to time this to absolute perfection make sure the back markers are seen and then commit to the line get the move down into woodcut they all pour the blue flags do wave and round the outside of the traffic goes sandy mitchell he's got one he's got two he's got past both back markers alexander west watching on there's nothing in a straight line that marvin kirkhoffer can do and it's still three tenths of a second adam fallon can barely breathe adam balon watching on nervously in the garage then yes seven and a half minutes to go through maggots and beckett in the background i think yeah the center field was almost alongside matty graham couldn't quite make that one work bit of a slide there for mitchell and you can see that that costs him speed through chapel on to the hangar straight they negotiate the gt4 paddock mclaren this i would argue though is the closest that marvin kirkhoff has been at this part of the circuit down towards stoke corner this is a prime overtaking opportunity mitchell will have to defend the inside line which he does might that now compromise his exit speed the next breaking zone down at the bale is also a good place to overtake the teams can barely watch we want to see what's going on into the braking zone it is still mitchell hanging on just about but right now the slightest misstep here for mitchell will surely cost him the lead absolutely and this is the toughest that he's going to face all day the pressure is intense it's not only because he's got a car bearing down on him but it's right at the end of the race and he's got a co-drivers hopes to uphold as well in all of this and he's got traffic all around him if sandy mitchell can come through this without making a tiny slip he'll have done remarkably well because again they're about markers again kirkhoffer sticks his nose up the inside as best he can but anything he tries it's repelled by sandy mitchell this is why you can see lamborghini took a huge interest in sandy it is why he is so well regarded in gt3 racing but this is an absolutely standout drive and standout driving there from phil keane as well pulls right out of the way in the lapped wpi motorsport lamborghini doesn't just get out of the way of the other lamborghini either let's kirk off a go too doesn't interfere at all with the fight that is why phil keane is a class act he pulled right out of the way and now he'll sit he might well fill the mirrors now of marvin kirkhoff's mclaren just on the off chance it distracts him a little bit but he wasn't going to actively get in the way and that is really heads up driving we're just with six minutes to go and wondering whether we're gonna get three four more laps out of this there go the race leaders through they turn half a second between the top two as they round cocked corner but yes we're into as i say the last five and a half minutes now as behind the leaders overall in gt4 set and fielding has made his move against matty graham so that puts the audi second in silver in gt4 yeah he did that at luffield i think he'd been around the outside of brooklyn and then got to the inside at the field and made the move so stellar motorsport back into a podium place within gt4 the overall lead gap goes out slightly right surely there can't be more action out on track i can't handle any more five and a quarter minutes to go and yes sure enough this is a battle for fifth place sam neary in the team abba racing mercedes johnny adam in the two seas motorsports mercedes nose to tail for a spot inside the top five the johnny adder then inching up onto the tail of the abba racing car look how much they shorten the line through woodcut way the wrong side of the curb on the inside of the road there but every fraction of a second counts doesn't it as the leaders now come towards club corner in the first sector of this lap sandy mitchell quicker by a couple of tenths of a second exit club he's quicker by just under one tenth of a second so again it's the slightest advantage in the direction of the lamborghini on this 84th lap of the race as adam ballen nervously looks on we've seen alexander west's reaction it matters less in a way to alexander because they're not here to score points they're not really in it for the championship but adam ballen most definitely is yes and if this were any other race i would say that that uh sandy mitchell may not race kirk over too hard given the fact that whether mitchell and balan finish first or second in this race it matters not they will still take the maximum 37 and a half points provisionally pending this uh appeal ongoing of course but uh since this is the silverstone 500 you want the win you don't want second place in the points for the win you want that rac trophy so uh yeah regardless of whether that's a race by race entry filling his mirrors mitchell ain't gonna get out of the way no you want to be remembered as the winners don't you so there they turn into abby and up now through the left of farm so overall going through it remains mitchell from kirkhoffer neary versus adam it was three tenths at the start of the lap so we've got time for this lap and one more i would suggest yeah i think so nearly two minutes a lap about three and a half minutes to go so uh yes this will be the penultimate lap of the race it's gonna be an 86 lap event uh this silverstone 500. how many times are we going to see this race go right down to the y we've seen it so many years last year dominated by two seas but almost every other one of these races certainly that i've done it has always come down to a final few laps shootout between at least two cars at the front and of course we've seen it decided by traffic in the past johnny adam taking out a few years ago after contact whilst leading the race so it ain't over until you see that checkered flag that's right it was the epic johnny adam callum mcleod battle wasn't it that was resolved at beckett's johnny committee to get past the bat marker it didn't work contact a spin and there the leaders come out of club corner so with one more lap provisionally to run at the end of this sandy mitchell still looks like he's just about got the edge but it's the it's the narrowest of margins it really isn't it has been so for all of this stem 76 team manager being told to phone the uh race director to discuss something that's happened to them in recent memory but that doesn't trouble the race leaders who make their way out of aintree now that car ahead is possibly the last of the lapped cars that these two will have to negotiate it's the car that's leading uh in the gt4 category new which motorsports darren turner and it looks like history's gonna repeat itself because 12 months ago it was stellar motorsport on the gt4 pole position but it was new bridge motorsport that took top honours in the race we had stellar on pole after qualifying yesterday and now with lap to go it's new bridge road sport out in front in gt4 rugo's the overall race leader sandy mitchell and this time i think the gap is a fraction over one second no it's a point of they set identical lap time sandy mitchell marvin kirk the penultimate lap of the race into the thousandth they can't be split so last lap and the gap is eight tenths of a second it's really sandy mitchell's race to lose isn't it now he's got just about enough in hand he's only got small hands this is the problem you see it's a small gap but joking apart he's done an absolutely outstanding job and the flying scotsman leads under the last lap of the race and sandy mitchell then as long as he doesn't make a tiny error the diminutive scotsman is on target for a win for him for adam ballam and that the gap down by 68 thousands a couple of laps go and then last time through they match the laptop to a thousandth of a second it's going to be a great result this if it hangs together for adam ballen for sandy mitchell but also for barwell motorsport that's had a really tough start to its championship yeah yeah through vail through club half a lap to go and r barwell going to do it and get uh their second victory in this race in three years their third in the last 10 but sandy mitchell second and that would be record-breaking he will officially become the first driver to win more than one silverstone 500 but about 10 or 15 seconds later darren turner and matt top will also have won their second silverstone 500 in the gt4 category second in a row as well after a brilliant effort here last year right then into village in the loop kirkhoffer just not quite close enough at that crucial part of the circuit the run through entry down the wellington straight one last lapped car to be negotiated and it's the 23rd racing aston martin they're going to catch it through the final couple of corners this is kirkhoffer's final opportunity mitchell delayed through brooklyn watch for the mclaren up the inside goes mitchell surely that's job done he slides past the aston martin out of the field corner comes sandy mitchell in the balboa motorsport lamborghini that he shares with adam ballen it's sandy mitchell's second it's adam ballen's first win in the silverstone 500 only just by half a second at the flag it is barwell motorsport that take the race victory and it's the biggest one of the year for them that is for sure marvin kirk offer comes home in second and in gt4 it is also a second silverstone 500 win for new bridge motorsports darren turner and matt topham and they win it in back-to-back years brilliant brilliant job from them uh flying under the radar a bit there certainly towards the end of the race was this car but it's gonna be a really popular third place finish for optimum motorsport joe osborne in the car that he shares with nick moss comes out of woodcock corner sees the checkered flag and rounds out the podium finishers uh within the gt3 element of the race he may have been 35 seconds off the race lead but given the fact that car started deep in the field it had to avoid a couple of incidents early on still a really good result second in gt4 goes to the white and yellow number 90 bmw uh which comes across the line in the hands of jack brown will burns his co-driver for the race and then just behind you caught a glimpse of stan and fielding who after a fighting drive to get bounce back from the spin in the opening few laps for richard williams his co-driver gets that car onto the podium just like that three hours go by in an absolute flash brilliant brilliant stuff as always from what is always one of the highlights of the year not just because of the fact that it is the blue ribbon event the silverstone 500 but because year after year it just seems to have a habit of producing these nail-biting finishes and that's precisely uh what we were treated to here today sandy mitchell uh his nerves will be shredded i'd imagine adam alan has no nails left on his fingers after the final half an hour or so that he spent watching that unfold in the garage and a half a second winning margin i'll have to go back through the previous results from earlier years but i reckon there's a good chance of that being the closest winning margin for this race it's modern story history but sandy mitchell and adam balon it is who come out on top uh with marvin kirkhoffer and alexander west second and joe osborne and nick moss rounding out the top three as far as some of the other classes go by the way well in gt4 i mentioned that turner won overall uh turn on top and one overall they of course also win the pro am element of the race and there they are the number 27 car uh which takes an overall and class win within gt4 second place went to that uh century bmw of uh brown and burns and they will win the silver category and in the end they finished 29 let's call that 30 seconds adrift of the new bridge car but bear in mind that car like all of the silver cars in gt4 spent three quarters of a minute longer in the pit lane over the course of the race that's pretty good going marvin pulls up alongside sandy mitchell kirkhoffer will have enjoyed that perhaps a bit more than mitchell a because he was the driver on the attack was kirkhofer it's always more fun than defending uh and also because he doesn't have to think about a championship whereas mitchell and balon are very much in this to contend before the title so a breathless three hours of racing go by in a flash but after 86 laps in his victory in the silverstone 500 in 2022 for adam balon and sandy mitchell sandy's second victory in this event for barwell motorsport alexander west and marvin kirkhoffer were second for marriage 59 whilst optimal motorsports make it two mclarens on the podium with nick moss and joe osborne doing the honours fourth place was a pretty close battle in the end but a fantastic recovery from an earlier penalty for redline racing's lamborghini of james dawlin and alex paliakin with the neary's likewise after contact on the opening lap which will be investigated after the race but for the time being richard and sam neary can celebrate the top five finish johnny adam and flick hague were sixth in their two seas both sport uh mercedes with the bentley of assetto motorsport will together and mark samson in seven eight for wpi not bad from the very back of the gt3 grid mike ligo and phil keane the proctors for greystone gt were ninth and then paddock motorsport martin plowman and andrew howard on his return to the championship scoring a point for that team then skytempest racing who had multiple penalties were next ahead of rocket rjn and the rest of the gt3 field that though is the man of the moment sandy mitchell taps the roof of his lamborghini huracan in celebration and uh he will be celebrating i'm sure tonight along with the rest of that barwell team a well earned and a hard-fought victory in british gt's biggest race of the year the glovers will come off the helmet in good time the first thing he will probably reach for is a bottle of water because it is rather warm here at silverstone it was quite fresh this morning but then the clouds cleared and that's nice to see that's uh marvin kerker for walking over to give the handshake and there is adam ballen who now gets to celebrate properly with his co-driver uh a really great partnership this is two really good drivers adam ballen these days one of the more experienced am drivers on the grid sandy mitchell making the move up from a silver graded driver a few years ago to now be an out and out pro which is absolutely right i mean he showed all weekend long that he's one of the fastest drivers in the championship barwell we don't really need to talk about them do we we know how good an experienced bar will are how much success they've had in british gt and in recent years in particular with the lamborghini huracan programme and they played it perfectly they were fastest in qualifying which we said after the qualifying session yesterday wouldn't necessarily guarantee a good result but uh if you can back good one lap pace up with a strong race pace as well then that surely is going to make you a hard-to-beat combination alexander west wandering over to chat to our race winners there alexander west and marvin kirkhoff are both there chatting with the race winners and then joe osborne as well so we only need nick moss and we've got all of our top six drivers um in one picture but uh joe osborne who all else is a fan of gt racing a fan of this championship and i'm sure he will uh enjoy watching that one back and enjoyed being a part of it to finish in third place for optimum motorsport so lamborghini takes the victory for all of this talk about the mercedes perhaps being the dominant car it's uh lamborghini he's very much to the forefront let's hear then from our balboa motorsport winning combo of sandy mitchell and adam ballen well what do we say how about that last year you did quite well this year one better let's go to you first of all adam you had to start the race yeah yeah we've got a great start i didn't quite see what happened but people seemed to disappear behind me and it was like just two of us out there and uh we're getting some good lap times and i was thinking okay this is nice um and then when i brought it in um had it over in a good place so i was just yeah really pleased a little bit of damage on the car when you took it over sandy you kept it clean after that one but you really had to fight because marvin i mean pushed you all the way at one point it was down to three tenths yeah i mean the mclarens were looking super quick and you know they they didn't have a as good a day yesterday in qualifying and so yeah adam got a great start and went away at the front and but they really started to close us down in the mid part of the race and then yeah it was just a battle to see who was coming out the pit lane first and yeah i think i had three or four laps on the on the new tires just at the last pit stop and yeah that made all the difference to to just get ahead so yeah really pleased and um yeah silverson 500 has been good to us in the last two or three years so yeah it's a great race to win and we're really proud how important is it for you adam that you can banish shelton park and get straight back to this one here and also win the silverstone 500. yeah no it's super important i mean we had a rubbish weekend at orton park and so this is the best way to blow it away you know to to start on pole and bring it home so brilliant congratulations both well done thank you yeah absolutely it's always nice when you can bounce back from a disappointing event to them it could essentially dominate i mean they obviously didn't spend the whole race in the race lead because of the different strategies but of those on their particular strategy barwell were almost always at the front and uh with the exception of those early laps where alex maliakim sort of muscled his way past adam ballam uh they were always at the front of the field right then second place for garage 59 they're down there as well with brim so i said to you a little bit earlier on alexander that yesterday if you were told that you'd be in second place with 15 minutes ago you'd have taken it but then of course when you're in that position you want to win it marvin you had your work cut out there was sound of your head yeah it wasn't easy i mean the track positioning was uh yeah the main thing um unfortunately he was super tight on the pit exit um he just had a better run and yeah from there i just tried to get an opportunity with the traffic but no chance but anyway pretty happy with it after finishing only tense and qualifying combined i think we can be pretty happy with the process we made you know you were saying well you look very pragmatic very relaxed alexander watching that one there i don't think i was as relaxed as you were no i wasn't relaxed i mean it's nerve-wracking i mean obviously marvin is very very quick but so is sandy so it's uh but look um i think we're very happy with with the second place so obviously you want to win but i mean as i said yesterday i was taking a second place without any hesitation so it's great being here it's been a fantastic event so you really treated us there so thank you very much well done second place thank you thank you thank you very much yeah huge well done to garage 59 and great to have them in the championship as well they've made the odd appearance in the passions dedicates most of his time now to racing very successfully across europe to have that caliber of team on the british gt grid is great because it proves how tough it is to win in this championship and that's what barwell were able to do right in gt4 same as it was last year it's newbridge motorsport on top and darren turner and matt topham are with brim last year when you won i thought you can't really do much better than that so what you do you come and do the same thing i mean it's pretty remarkable isn't it i'll start with you matt what a performance from you two out there i mean it was unexpected um the start was chaos everywhere and i i got in a little bit of space and just so i'll do what i can see where we come and this happened somehow yeah exactly starting sixth darren did you have any expectation that you'd be able to punt your way to the front not really i mean i thought we'd be like maybe in the back end of the podium or something like that so to be able to come through and the challenge for the win at the end was really good but it was i think we were probably the only team that had a pretty clean race the whole way through no dramas in the pit stops no penalties or extra time so yeah it was really nice to be able to go out on that last pit stop and then hear the radio click open and go you got a 20-second lead you know it's not often you get that type of radio call for so for us it was a great weekend with the aston martin vantage so uh yeah great uh to sort of bounce back after the first race at one part a win and now another win so yeah looking forward to the rest of the season now the silverstone 500 it's not a bad habit you'll get into is it with the winds yes i like to keep that's for sure well done both thanks very much thank you yeah really impressive effort for that uh team newbie motorsport who have proven before they know how to win this race and they won it last year from fourth within the uh gt4 grid uh this time around started a couple of places further back started sixth off the grid and were able to come and take the victory and it continues this strange little trend that only once in the last 10 years has that race been won from pole position right back down there to our third place gt3 finishes you know what joe you're talking the race is a fair bit with us don't you and it's nice to see you back behind the wheel and how about that a podium yeah really good yeah so all very good practicing what i preach so uh otherwise i wouldn't have much credibility when i get back up there and make all the wrong comments but yeah it's a one-off for us so a lot of unknowns been a big weekend for us learning the pirelli uh and to be honest getting on the podium i'm super happy with uh neither of us had any experience uh on the pretty so nick's done mega team of done mega optimum so literally i'm really really happy with the podium surprisingly yeah absolutely a mega off the start because you know you had you had to work your way through didn't you yeah no the um the chicane was pretty hairy there's a sort of pile of mercedes sort of careering round in all sorts of different directions so i was lucky to uh to not hit any of them go get your trophies well done i think that's well earned thank you then getting third place uh as i said a little under the radar given how much focus rightly so uh was given to the overall winners but a brilliant effort that to get third place finish in gt4 as i said turner and topham take the win jack brown and will burns were second for century motorsport the number 90 car uh that they share and uh they had an all-right autumn part didn't they they had got a second place in race two but they were only sixth in race one so again some much needed points added to their tally although all of this provisional will wait for the hearing uh to uh finally settle the final autumn part result which will then have this knock-on effect uh for silverstone but it's uh what it did give us that whole situation is a pure race with no success penalties uh may the best team win and uh it goes to show that although i do enjoy these success penalties don't get me wrong but even without them we can uh provide really close finishes here in the intelligent money british gt championship half a second is about as close as they get so good uh crowd assembling underneath the silverstone um podium there is a lull in on track activity uh for the time being so they're allowed to fill the pit lane to watch the podium on it will be jack brown and will birds and they're with brent a different teammate for you this season but a familiar result i think it's fair to say yeah and jack drove a great stint at the end so we managed to get second place it was a bit of um well it's been a long three hours to be honest and we've just been going around and around and just managed to set the pace and um just i think we were first but obviously turner and his um pro-am parent just managed to beat us so um yeah good job to jack and good job to century as well jack what was it like for you out there i mean it was a hot day wasn't it as well yeah the hot day just uh tried to pull myself together i wasn't around much traffic throughout throughout the race so it's kind of difficult to judge you know the pace and stuff but i think we're doing all right we'll go off to a great start um i think that's where that's where it all happened really for us um and then yeah i you think everyone did their job well really well so yeah thanks everyone nice work second place congrats thank you cheers thank you century motorsport really doing what they did so well last year on the way to the gt4 title and will burns knows all about that because it was will he made up part of the championship winning drive alignment for century last year alongside gus burton they won three races but they were only off the podium twice so if you can't win get yourself into the top three and at least you know the points are going to take care of themselves then so we're almost ready then to get drivers out onto the podium to start celebrating we start with our overall gt3 top three in third place optimum motorsport nick moss and joe osborne who played the third place prize second place goes to garage 59 alexander west and marvin kirkhoffer but your 2022 silverstone 500 winners are sandy mitchell and adam balon and they will climb onto the top step of the podium and uh they will receive their trophy from nick burrows who is the uh private clients managing director of intelligent money the series sponsor and a good opportunity to thank intelligent money once again for their continued support of the british gt championship and title sponsorship uh in the uk motorsport scene is a fairly rare thing so great to have intelligent money on board again the trophies the very nice silverstone trophies presented there to our top three but this ultimately is what it was all about we have the rac trophy presented by david brabham presented to adam balon and sandy mitchell your 2022 winners of the silverstone 500. well celebrations galore on top of the podium celebrations that will go on for quite some time now you may have noticed i've been chatting to myself up here for a little while that's because uh david addison has realized all of the action is in pit lane and so he's headed over there to have a chat with brynn lucas and guys so much to talk about after what was a thrilling race just so much to talk about i did wonder whether you were just talking to yourself because we know what you like andy you do like to to talk a good race don't you and that was a good race doesn't it i can't wait to watch it back i mean so much happened in all of that right from that first lap with the carnage if you like between the mercedes which ultimately led to three completely different stories one car out on the spot the williamson cottingham car in logy and callum mcleod badly delayed and now another task is to go look at the timing screen and see whether they did enough laps to be classified and therefore get any points at all and yet the nearest mercedes despite the damage soldiered on and there they were in the top three in their class you know the thing's just amazing that car but what that then did was trigger of course the fact that the top two got away and we had a different kind of race on the back of that so there's so much going on yeah we really did it was an incredible race in gt3 gt4 wasn't bad as well and they've got their podium happening right now in there well in a moment or two we've got the silver am element of gt3 going on at the moment so third place you can see there a seto motorsport that's mark sansom uh alongside will trigger the second place for the nearest uh sun sam and father richard but the race win in the silver and elements of the gt uh three part of the race goes away of james dawlin and alex maliakim for red line racing uh despite the penalty early on of course they led briefly after that robust move made by malikin against adam allen down at club corner where the two made contact the black and red lamborghini went through but was later given a penalty they bounced back really well not only to win the silver and class but to finish fourth overall hadn't spotted to be honest just how close that was though dawlin and malikin finished fourth overall won the class by half a second over the neary's so both the overall and silver am element of the gt3 class separated by half a second at the flag that really is remarkable and some good championship points will go in the way uh of all three of those teams cetera motorsports as well a real feel-good story after the trials and tribulations they had at alton park uh where they crashed the car mark sansom had an off um in the early stages of the weekend in fact it was pre-event testing they had to borrow a car from m sport which was actually the old paddock motorsport car and managed to uh come back and race that weekend have not had any track time on the saturday here they are back in their own car and back on the class podium uh right back down then to uh and david uh as they joined the crowd underneath the podium yeah i thought we'd talk gt4 way before the podium you know that was planned by the way that was entirely planned but topham and turner they're making this a very very good habit they are and what's interesting is given matt thompson's relative lack of experience how quickly they've gelled as a partnership you know darren turner has been around the block many many times you know he's been there he's done it he's got the t-shirts plural and yet he has helped matt topham develop they make a really good combination of drivers matt doesn't make very many mistakes darren just gets in does the job perfectly and again you've had that fascination in that race with that pro amcon not needing to serve the 14 seconds each time and how the gt4 race changed after every pit stop rising falling it really has been fascinating but again so evenly matched to the cars in gt4 now it's a really fierce fight you know johnny adam told me last year you're only as good as your weakest driver is your am and i say weakest inverted commas really and that is proving to be the case with topham and turner because he doesn't seem to have much of a weakness because he is so consistent but looking up there and stellar motorsport they came third but they are looking really solid this season yeah i mean again it's one of those slight imponderables why has the car suddenly become so good and they're putting it down to the tyre that race i think something went awry about two thirds of the way through for stellar motorsport because they had good pace at the start good pace at the end but the car did seem to lose a big chunk of time so either there was something with the tire that didn't come alive or maybe they went wrong on the strategy so they had a slower relatively slower driver in against quicker ones and they couldn't overcome that time again like you say you need to watch your back in a way but so much went on in that race and and the fact that you have the changing fortunes in gt4 just as like i say it underlies how strong that category is yeah so you can hear the cheering as well as the podiums continue we've got the team brick guys coming out now i mean they are an inspiration aren't they really when you look at aaron morgan and bobby trundle inspirations of so many people yeah and the team manager had to go to the race director because of a pit stop drama but we weren't talking about them being slow we weren't talking about them making mistakes and when i say them i mean the team as much as the drivers so it's a team that's come into racing at the highest level of gt racing and straight away in that gt4 division has has looked like it belongs here and i mean that in terms of the drivers the people operating the car the whole thing it's a real asset to the grid and it's great to see them doing so well and up on that podium absolutely now i did gloss over the second place in gt4 with a century car will burns used to seeing him on the podium last season and he's got a different teammate with that with jack but they are looking like a good unit aren't they a solid one absolutely and again you know it's a win in the silver cup within gt4 so they didn't win gt4 overall but they've got the points that they need in their category um and of course partly that result is one of the quirks of a three-hour race like this where the silvers have to make those extra pit stops so many times you know over a one-hour race pit stops come once over three hours you've got these mandatory three pit stops so inevitably you're on the back foot a little bit normally that wouldn't matter the problem if that's the right word as far as the silvers are concerned is that darren and matt are so good we need to now come up with a different word i was saying this earlier for the ams because they're they're not really ams they're um the lower graded driver or the other the other driver in the car you know they are not amateurish in any sense no i completely agree and that's having many conversations with drivers up and down the grid the pro drivers they say exactly the same thing that when you compare the times it is so close really and the ams are so solid they say the big difference really if you're a pro driver coming up against the dam sometimes you're not sure what the am is going to do but we have been treated i think to just an incredible silverstone 500 once again indeed you know we said it at the start of the race it's a great circuit it was a great entry and we have battles all the way through the field changing fortunes of different car it kept us guessing right to the very end and if at the end of three hours of rating you can have cars covered by you know under a second it's absolutely fantastic stuff isn't it yeah it really is now we've got a lot of people trying to crowd past us right here so i think from us we should say goodbye from silverstone but before we do up to andy once again yeah thanks guys well what a race what an afternoon of entertainment we promised you three hours of non-stop action and i think we delivered on that there was always something to talk about in that race be that at the front back or the middle of the field but ultimately it was barwell motorsport that came out on top to claim yet another silverstone 500 victory the second for sandy mitchell in three years and the first victory in this blue ribbon event for adam balon the two were able to celebrate after the race uh having won it by just half a second brilliant brilliant stuff well uh if like me you are excited about that race and i'm sure newbies motorsport were excited as well about their results uh in gt4 with matt topham and darren turner claiming the race victory in the gt4 element again for the second year in a row actually uh that they were able to come home victorious in the gt4 category uh yeah fantastic racing all around in gt4 but yes if like me and the drivers and everyone else here you enjoyed today's racing well don't forget that this is far from the end of the season we're back for another of these three hour epics on the 29th of may that will be the fourth round of the intelligent woody british gt championship and the three hours at silverstone will be tough to live up to but donington park we know has a habit of producing high drama in the british gt championships on the 29th of may is when we'll be back for round number four of the championship for now though from the silverstone grand prix circuit and the silverstone 500 thank you very much for joining us we will see you again next time [Music] you
Channel: GTWorld
Views: 505,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BlancpainGT, Blancpain, GT, GT3, Endurance, Sprint, Series, Cup, Motorsports, watch, FIA, driver, sportscar, racecar, car, events, Spa, 24h, team, europe, pro-am, pro, racetrack, GT racing, GT World, GT LIVE, GT World LIVE, GT World livestream, live car racing, live GT racing, full GT replay, GT World live, GT World race, GT World live race, GT racing live, GT race, Silverstone 500, Intelligent Money British GT Championship, British GT Championship, BRDC Trophy, Intelligent Money
Id: 95mxkZZFv30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 35sec (13535 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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