2022 Pokémon Secaucus Regional Championships VGC Top 8B - Wolfe Glick vs Andrew Ding

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on or i have to bring this strategy in order to counter it you definitely have to respect it but we've also seen players make pretty big reads when it comes to how they approach their game which is maybe the gastrodon doesn't come at all and it's just that threatened team preview that's enough to be able to scare you away from some of those other choices but sometimes you just gotta risk it for the biscuit wolfie in this very first game leading with the lunala and the incineroar and andrew ding on the other side have that landorus and that kyogre covering for a charizard lead pretty aggressively you bring the pokemon with rockslide or a stone edge and then you also bring the kyogre to possibly change the weather back you know we don't get to see how kyogre and groudon face up against each other in terms of speed quite yet unfortunately but we do get to see some intimidates thrown around and we also get to see andrew off to a pretty aggressive start here yes that incineroar can go for a fake out to flinch that kyogre or that landorus but whichever one wolf decides to flinch the other one is going to be dealing big damage and that is not even beginning to talk about this lunala like many other trainers with lunala in the past you run power herb plus meteor beam to boost your special attack and i got good news for you rose at least for this game one it does look like gastrodon is here on the field ready to party i don't know if that's such good news for uh for andrew but at least uh protecting the kyogre for now but wolfie already opting to go for the meteor beam you can see the power herb just going to fully charge that but the protect from andrew is going to be able to stop that and big damage coming in here from the landers as well just to be able to break the shadow shield that's pretty big rock tomb is a very interesting move for the slanderous though it gives andrew a form of speed control that his team was really lacking and now that lunala is at minus one speed i'm very curious if this kyogre will be able to get an attack in first yes kyogre can't go for water type moves as long as the gastrodon is on the field without boosting its special attack but most kyogre are running spread moves which will still do deal damage to that lunala and now that shadow shield is broken it's possible that a double up into that spot is going to be enough for the knockout but wolf you know maybe that special attack boost was all he was looking for to get things started as it's time to dynamax lunala dynamaxing lunala right next to the gastrodon as well i mean some of the biggest damage on andrea's team is going to come from that kyogre and so landers though going for the u-turn into the gastrodon just trying to get some chip damage into that pokemon but andrew now gets a chance to bring something in that might be a little bit more beneficial versus the dynomax lunala if he has it the incineroar with a dark type move i think would be the way to go here you do have to worry about the max rockfall especially now that lunala is at plus one uh the other nice thing about dynamaxing this lunala is that you no longer have to worry about the turn of charge for the meteor beam but rillaboom the pokemon of choice a very great pokemon to have against gastrodon and really threatens the immediate knockout of it unless wolf predicted this and targeted into that slot well kyogre is going to go for the waterspout anyway that's another thing that players at this level don't fall into the trap of which is yeah sure you can go ahead and give over a storm drain boost that gastrodon but sometimes the damage onto the partner is what matters more and kyogre is going to be able to hang on from that attack from the lunala but now gas gorilla boom is on the field to be able to deal with the gastron a yawn coming through though and if gastrodon has protect as much most of them do with yawn all you have to do is protect this turn and then grassy glide at least for now is a thing of the past so wolf just playing that very smart i think yawn is an incredible move on gastrodon in particular as it allows you to sort of deal with these threats in a way that doesn't necessarily mean going for knockouts every single turn yan also allows you to slow the play of the game down uh you know andrew if he doesn't want this willow him to go to sleep he has to switch it out if he doesn't mind this rillaboom going to sleep then he's probably going to have it knocked out after another max phantasm kyogre as well more than within knockout range from an attack from this gastrodon uh the following turn and really with a kyogre on the field with such little health and relying on water spout you don't have to worry about removing it right away you know yes lunala needed that dynamax in order to take that full health water spout but uh kyogre no longer at full health no longer as big of a threat could still have other attacking moves but i don't think they would necessarily constitute a knockout unless there was a way to get a little bit more damage down on the field well i can't imagine that's the kyogre except that it is that's really risky it is incredibly risky because that kyogre is sitting at such low hp but andrew looks very confident in this as gastron does go for the protect so willow boom fortunately not going to be able to attack into there but does attack into the lunala and a mess might be it which is absolutely huge it is gonna be able to get the knockout it changes the terrain as well willowboom's not going to sleep this turn what an incredible play there from andrew if you think back to the beginning of this game that rock tomb on the lunala most likely made it so the lunala was slower than the kyogre which opened the door for this play you don't have to worry about being put to sleep when you're guaranteed the opportunity to set up max lightning you do give up the priority present in the grassy terrain but that's okay you don't need it at this point really all you want to do is switch this rule of boom out get your intimidate user back on the field to threaten that groudon and just slowly start whittling away at this gastrodon vmx hail storm yeah this is a great position for andrew to find himself in and this is exactly what it means to be a high level vgc player seeing opportunities like this to be able to carve out an advantage for yourself because a lot of people would look at a low hp pokemon and go that's not a good dynamax target but it was the perfect play we will see a switch from wolfie to bring in that incineroar so minus one attack onto that physical willow boom and a precipice blades from the groudon will be enough to pick up the kyogre but andrew got exactly what he needed to done with that dynamax exactly and the real boom hasn't attacked yet which means wood hammer coming out does not connect with the groudon but great information for wolf as hammer on to groudon especially when grassy terrain is set up and especially if this really boom is holding one of those grass type boosting items like we are seeing very popular in the metagame right now i would definitely threaten a knockout there so really i think forced to keep that incineroar around for future games just to threaten the intimidate to give this crowd on more of an opportunity to attack into that raila boom but for now for now staying on the field and revealing white herb as its held item to get rid of the intimidate so again great information for both these trainers i believe we saw the white herb reveal yesterday on stream from wolf uh but you know good things to keep in mind now if i'm in andrew's shoes here you know i think that you have a very easy way to sort of make this match up a little bit more easier for you and make these intimidate switch you have to intimidate users you have two pokemon that have the ability to switch out presumably via parting shot or via u-turn it's time to just get that revolving door of pokemon going and uh force this groudon to uh really not deal much damage at all especially when precipice blades does not connect yeah that's unfortunate there will be a parting shot onto the landorus and so that the cinema will be switched out for the gastrodon but that that precipice blades miss is definitely not helpful the the throat chop coming through to the gastrodon as well just to be able to continue to chip away the nice thing is that once the gorilla boom comes back out on the field and the electric terrain goes away this gastrodon will be free to go for yawns once more that could be something that wolfe looks to in order to uh you know find a way out of this situation in game one um i think that gastrodon also if it's holding ice beam you know an ice beam into the landorus would be a pretty strong play if the landorus is the pokemon to switch out it becomes a willowboom you want to be hitting that for super effective damage as i think willowboom is the scariest pokemon that andrew has to bring to the field right now yes landorus is scary too but if it's running earthquake as its ground type attack it's going to really struggle to deal damage as incineroar is not known to carry protect and he's going to have to attack his own pokemon so he's in a very precarious situation here and i think forced to keep you turning as a result it's not time for earthquake quite yet no i mean we just saw the groudon use swords dance also so andrew is absolutely prioritizing being able to get these intimidate drops back onto that groudon but ruela boom now in its place grassy surge now active on the field and insert are also using parting shot onto the groudon so this is pretty big andrew in just that one turn was able to mitigate that sword stance and that is something that wolf is going to have to keep in mind gastron has not attacked yet and if gastrodon went for earth power into that incineroar spot that could be a very unfortunate call for wolf all andrew really has to do is just keep these intimidates cycling and will be able to threaten wolf's really only damage output at this point in time the bad thing about using yawn in this situation is that the landrus is going to want to switch out anyways you have no way to stop it from switching out and if anything that means that andrew gets yet another intimidate on the field for this groudon and i don't necessarily see a downside to that you know willowboom able to attack first via grassy terrain and grassy glide at this point in time going to threaten a knockout on gastrodon uh landorus doesn't necessarily need to do any damage this turn it could just u-turn again get a little bit of chip down get that incineroar back in and uh even if incineroar is forced to take a precipice blades at that point in time this is what minus two minus three already um it's just the groudon's attack is going to keep going down and wolfe will be forced to either once bring out his own incineroar and just try to keep that ground on safe until andrew is down to his last two pokemon or groudon's just gonna be forced to attack and it's not gonna deal a lot of damage and that's also a great opening for andrew so really just keeping incredible control of the board right now and really forcing wolf to only stick to one of two plays i think what's really tough too is that brillo boom can really threaten either of these pokemon so gastrodon doesn't want to stick around we'll see the incineroar now re-enter the field for wolf trying to get these intimidate drops as well onto andrew's pokemon when that ruler boom is really going to be one of the bigger physical threats on the team groudon also going for a protect so this is a really good position for wolfie to get back into this game but andrew calls it just gonna go for the grassy glide into the incineroar really hoping that was the gastron but damage is damaged damage is damaged and the gastrodon is the bigger threat i think for andrew at this point in time given that it can hit all three of his pokemon super effectively and i think more importantly you can keep forcing him to switch out with yawns that's not necessarily a bad thing like i was saying previously but it is going to slow the game down and the slower the game is the more likely it is that groudon will get a critical hit at which point andrew is not in such a comfortable position so you have to be very delicate here when you're playing this type of end game because you have to sort of weigh your options you know pokemon is essentially a game of risk at the end of the day and if you're taking too many turns on the field if you're giving your opponent you know 10 opportunities to get a critical hit well you know it's more likely because they're taking more attacks that they will get a critical hit that's just how statistics work so you have to balance that risk with your own momentum and with keeping damage up on the field for protecting willowboom here for example you know you're keeping yourself safe from a fire punch but you're giving groudon the opportunity to land this precipice blade all right jinxed it big big miss onto andrew's incineroar and yeah that still kind of swings the door right back open as this is still a big posture for position for both of these trainers we've got two more turns of grassy terrain so rilla boom is definitely going to want to be able to reset that especially in the face of something like a gastron it is snow faster but it doesn't hurt to have the option for a priority grassy glide and then also just the increase in damage to its grass type attacks exactly and that really boom does have to be extra careful you know yes there was the fake out pressure on the field from wolf but i think more importantly either incineroar or groudon could have gone for a fire type attack there and given that riley boom's already taken a decent amount of chip damage you know flare blitz most likely going to pick up a ko there depending on what fire type move this groudon has that could have also done big damage so just keeping it safe and keeping it switching and keeping those intimidates up you know again very very safe play here um but also very dangerous as well well that protect on the gorilla boom was also really important because it ran out the last turn of sun so that was pretty good but we are also going to see the groudon go for the rock tomb so landers is going to get its speed dropped but a parting shot again from andrew's incineroar we'll send it back into its pokeball and willaboom back out onto the field it's a revolving door of pokemon it was gonna happen at some point in the tournament it really was and to be honest i feel like a lot of times world champions are able to play these slow games wolf going for the flare blitz but getting the target wrong doing a little bit of chip damage into that landorus it would have been incredible if he would have called the switch there into the real boom but still you know just slowly working towards this end game state i am a little bit curious that this groudon is still on the field and going for speed control now rock tomb you know not the most common move on groudon certainly something you could tuck in if you are looking for a way to drop your opponent's speed but still you know a lot of groudon will opt for a stone edge or a rock slide or one of those rock type of moves with with more attack and you know we've actually seen this from both these trainers andrew seemingly opting for rock tomb of his own on the landers therian i don't think the speed is going to make too much of a difference at this point in time you know we're really just playing uh chip damage will wolf get a critical hit um you know how these uh speeds will tie up once grassy terrain is gone you know we're gonna be here for a few more turns uh but it's still interesting to watch this play out as still does a respectable amount of damage to that incineroar at the end of the day yeah it's speed tiers are definitely getting a little funky though i mean has had its speed drop the incineroar as well the landers is also one stage slower um so there's a lot happening in this match for sure but the fake out was pretty big to be able to land that damage without threat of that incineroar going for something like a flare blitz into the gorilla boom and really threatening it groudon's still at full health by the way gravel is still at full health and it's been intimidated a gazillion times and it's interesting to me that wolf hasn't switched it out yet you know i think that sending the gastrodon in here is just praying that your opponent goes for the grassy glide into your groudon but landorus revealing its ground type move of choice going to deal earthquake decent damage to both these pokemon also waiting out oh the grassy terrain exactly yeah grassy terrain does cut the damage of earthquake and a few other ground type moves select ground type moves but we're also starting to run out of time here andrew only has 48 seconds left of your time and we're also getting close to the end of this game so andrew cannot afford to take too much time to think about this board state but also you have to it's it's a tricky one we just got the three minutes left timer as well so some interesting timer mechanics to keep in mind as we're waiting for this game to play out if andrew runs out of your time he loses it doesn't matter what the board state is you run out of your time that's it game over if the three minute or the overall game time timer runs out you look at knockouts and then you look at the health remaining and right now wolf with so much time left on the clock he could run things down but quite frankly i don't think he has to anymore i don't think so either andrew just like that goes down to four seconds of your time left incineroar though does get the intimidate so that is going to be a little big earthquake as well wolfie of course having that sugar berry on that inside the inside hangs on so you don't even get the knockout but the grassy glide it don't pick up the gastrodon that's pretty big but there's still two minutes left in the overall match timer can andrew get these commands in fast enough i don't know i think you just mash a at this point and hope that whatever the first move is on these pokemon is enough i mean a lot of times you see trainers optimize where their moves are in the move list so that if they run out of time they click protect for example at this point in time you just want to mash it and it does look like andrew hits zero seconds so if wolfe is able to last for this turn i think he wins well incineroar comes back out so big switch here the intimidate drops going on to wolfie's incineroar and the groudon did he protect though did he no that's gonna be the president's blades of course that doesn't affect the landers but also the incinerator and andrew's side has a shookaberry as well and cinema is not going to get knocked out here but what did wolfie do went for the flare blitz sun boosted so it is sun boosted landorus still hangs on but look at that there's 56 seconds remaining the incineroar goes down too but landers also goes for the united states it's still eating up time on the clock so we've got the groudon that has taken damage landorus goes back into its pokeball and i i don't know how this rillaboom has to come back out here and it sets grassy terrain as well oh my goodness if wolfie or if andrew just had one more second left on his time i think he could just stall out the end of this game and win thanks to the pokemon advantage but his clock has already hit zero we can see it i i think wolf gets this all he has to do is press a oh my time is running the battle is over and the winner is wolf for game one no oh my goodness talk about a stressful match man i don't think i've ever seen your time and the match timer pop up like that no actual way that's also only game one i know i know that was only game one and i think you can see it on these players too they're like oh my goodness that was awesome game one that was some absolute mental gymnastics that had to happen in that game number one to even be in a scenario where the timers played out that way you had to take your time you absolutely had to take your time as andrew or wolf in this matchup to be able to figure out what the best scenario was moving forward you could see that both players were taking their time to figure out what was the end game position that they wanted when could i get the pieces in place that i need to secure the knockouts and win the game i also have to wonder too if wolf even recognized that andrew's your time was up at that last turn i feel like if you would have seen it and would have recognized it you would just protect the crowd on that turn i mean we know groudon has it we've seen it revealed in that game like you just protect and then the time's out and you win so i think going into this game too both of these trainers are going to be looking at the timer i mean there's no way you don't after such a crazy match like that and i feel like that's going to change how things are played a little bit you know i think one thing that andrew was doing um pretty pretty smartly was running down the clock towards the end of that game with all those switches and all those intimidates it was just unfortunate that he didn't have the clock to run down and that's just something that you have to pay attention to you know wolf flick i think historically he's one of those trainers that has been very comfortable playing with the timer you know there have been so many times where i remember back at regional championships or like you know back on previous matches on stream uh wolfe has been on playing and you know everybody else is done and wolfe is still there playing and he's just something he's very comfortable with and i loved how you use the phrase mental gymnastics because that's exactly what it is you know it's just one other thing to juggle off of all these other possible win conditions and uh just i cannot wait to see how this is going to play out because you've got to wonder if they're going to take things slow again or if we're just going to see them just you know go out of the gate well gabby the hard part's over i think you got to get through the team preview timer first make sure you don't turn one timer down one timer down let's go well let's go ahead and get into this game two of this best of three series this is still our second top eight match we've got wolff that has the lunala and the incineroar and andrew with the landorus and the kyogre so a very similar lead for both these trainers from game one one thing we saw from wolf that we've been seeing him do consistently is using lunala's first turn on the field to go for that meteor beam and get that special attack boost you know i think he does have the protection of fake out on that incineroar to try and stop the kyogre's water spout from picking up a ko um lunala still also has that shadow shield ability active so i think if wolf is planning on taking a similar strategy in this game that we saw from game one you go for that meteor beam you know maybe target down the landorus or if you're feeling like you want to get that chip damage in a little bit sooner uh you know have the incineroar go for a fake out grab a flinch and then dynamax that lunala again uh we saw andrew wait until turn two to dynamax the kyogre in game one yeah this time and i think that's the right call you know you want to get that max geyser damage down and uh hope that you don't catch a gastrodon on the switch which uh we already know we've seen the dynamics animation wolf is not going to be switching pokemon this turn yeah that's true that would happen before the kyogre dynamaxes so kyogre might be able to get off some big damage the fake out also goes into the kyogre so that's not going to be a fake out anymore on the field for wolf but the meteor beam is still getting charged up from this lunala power herb of course making sure that that meteor beam is able to go this turn but boy oh boy that meteor beam going into the kyogre as well landorus getting a chance to u-turn breaking shadow shield now big rotation here from andrew to pivot into one of the pokemon that are in the back but also kyogre in a very very good position now as reel of whom enters the field kyogre could just go for the knockout on that lunalo we saw how much damage the waterspout did to lunala once shadow shield was down max geyser base 150 going to deal tons but max hailstorm afraid of that gastrodon switching into the lunala not enough to pick up that knockout you just gotta respect the gastrodon every single turn because if you don't and gastrodon switches in especially now that you are dynamexed and you are forced to rely on single target moves that switch in can be absolutely devastating this still puts andrew in a very good position though while that play was very safe you'd got a lot of damage onto that lunala it becomes a less desirable dynamaxx target despite the fact that it did get that special attack boost from the meteor beam i think that lunala's best bet at this point would be to go for an attack into the willow boom quite frankly you know we saw this really boom be such a consistent threat for wolf and such a problem when we hit that revolving door of pokemon stage towards the end of game one if you're able to get that chip damage down this turn or alternatively just call out the gorilla boom switching into that landorus again and getting the chip down on that pokemon that's just less hp that andrew has available to him when he starts playing the switcheroo game you also have groudon in the back which is a good dynamax target but also switching it in on a real boom and a kyogre is quite a call from wolf all right well well wolfie's getting risky here too i mean the lunala does still have that special attack boost so it should be able to get some good damage off especially because it's not affected by a rock tomb this time around so that's also not a threat on the field we also saw that grassy glide isn't enough to be able to knock it out but also andrew is going for a protect on the rilla boom as lunala does go for the max fantastic good call from the protect though definitely able to survive that and now kyogre gets a chance to attack once again after these defense drops go through and it's going to be another max hail storm where's it going it's going to go into the lunala that did just dynamics so it will hang on it will hang on with enough hp to take the hail damage in between turns as well yes grassy terrain is active on the field and will help heal it up but the way the turn order works is you take damage first and then you get that health back so lunala just able to hang in there a second max phantasm plus an attack from this groudon would mean that there is a couple of knockouts in play but rillaboom does have the grassy terrain it does so that grassy glide we saw how much damage that was able to do in game number one lunala is absolutely in knockout range but if you go for the grassy glide into the lunala you have the groudon free to go for a precipice blades when both of your pokemon are at -1 defense and i think lunala quite smartly calling that prediction and gets it right yeah the grassy glide going into the max guard precipice blades does connect onto both pokemon but the max geyser this time around it's definitely connecting onto that groudon and that is a one-hit knockout will allow lunala to sit on the field for another turn and give wolfe the opportunity to send an incineroar with fake out to stop a second grassy clyde but still wolf being forced to give up the grout on that turn as a result that's a very tough trade to make here as kyogre yes it is within knockout range from a lot of different things on his team right now uh but sh will possibly get one more attack in and that's scary you can't just ignore kyogre like that as long as it has dynamics it's going to be hitting those max geysers for base 150 attack doesn't have dynamax anymore but you know could still be running origin pulse could still be running tons of different moves here so something that wolf has to be very careful about i also find it interesting that he sent in the incineroar instead of a pokemon like gastrodon well you talked about that though being able to pressure the fake out for sure i think is going to be a really really good benefit here but maybe that means the gastrodon that's what i was thinking that's what i was thinking i mean it's definitely a bit of a play like i think uh i think you know if this kyogre only has water spout maybe you don't necessarily need the gastrodon in this position but it's something that you have to be thinking about if you're andrew because you need to figure out what your wind condition is and if you do still think it's gastrodon and you're not ready to lose the willow boom this is the switch you make well a fake out into the incinerator that just switched in andrew has to sacrifice the kyogre at this point now lunala is still pretty fast but the defense drop onto the incineroar as well maybe that plays a role with the insert on wolf's side but andrew does get a free switch here i think the defense drops quite honestly are better for the groudon than the incineroar but you never know if we get into like a flare blitz versus flare blitz situation yeah unfortunately the groudon's knocked out so yeah it's not gonna be a factor in this game number two but the landorus is gonna be back out onto the field for andrew dynamax is over for wolf dynamax is over incineroar on andrew's side of the field can go for fake out this turn cannot fake out lunala as it is a ghost type pokemon which means a moon guys beam uh most likely going to be thrown in that landorus's direction you know we are down to these last three pokemon once again and uh you know it's possible that andrew will go for a similar revolving door strategy but we get the reveal of the gastrodon on wolf's side of the field it was indeed brought into this game and andrew missing the opportunity to send that rillaboom back in the throat chop though goes into the gastrodon just a nice bit of chip there wealthy though being able to stop that u-turn means that that will boom cannot come back in for free against this gastrodon yeah and you know getting some chip down on that gastrodon means it's even more likely that a grassy glide would be enough to pick up that ko in the future so just things to keep in mind there's a lot of thinking that's going on right now between these trainers i mean think back to game one when andrew was down to these same three pokemon there was constantly intimidate cycling not going to be as beneficial this time around though lunala special attacker going to be faster uh you know andrew just has to you know keep his win conditions in mind keep in mind the fact that the real woman in particular is going to be incredibly valuable once it is able to make a second appearance on the field but we'll have to contend with a lunala and a gastrodon that are more than capable of picking up the knockout on landorus at least this turn yeah that's very true and lunala is just overall a pretty fast pokemon so lunala is gonna go for the moon geist beam it is going to be able to do some damage to this lander if slanderous does survive goes for the rock tomb able to drop that luna speed and actually just drop it completely that is going to be a knockout wolfie now down both restricteds left with the gastrodon and the incineroar and with a parting shot onto the gastrodon as well that really boom is going to come back in and there's no grassy terrain active currently so the willow boom will be able to reset that as it enters but if wolf called this and went for an ice beam into that incineroar spot that could be the game everything is coming down to the wire here also two turns of rain left on the field at which point flare blitz becomes my gosh more of a threat that's the landorus though it's the landorus fake out still an option for wolf there still are ways for this gastrodon to not be afraid of this relevant but it's all coming down to predictions it's all coming down to positioning at least these two trainers can't switch anymore so we're definitely entering the end phase of this game too but it's going to be tough wolf has to be able to find a way to get a knockout on this rillaboom without losing the gastrodon and then he wins and andrew needs to find a way to knock out that gastrodon and knock out wolf's incineroar it's a bit of a bigger ask but both of these incineroar are at full health and it looks like wolf's incineroar is going to be faster at least based off of the intimidate activation so again good things for these trainers to note well i think the play andrew has to go for here is just protect the boom i don't think you can risk at this point taking a fake out and getting knocked out by an ice beam from this gastrodon but gastrodon has other tricks as well where we have seen that yawn as a part of its kit but the incinerator gets the fake out onto the gastrodon so we're gonna take a training takeout yeah unless no unless wolfie didn't go for he did yeah so i think we're speed tied there i believe we are speed tied so good information again i think the biggest difference though is that this gastrodon could still protect this turn whereas rain has stopped and this incineroar is more than capable of going for a flare blitz against this willow boom for the knockout so it's true that incineroar has been intimidated but without the help of the rain and given the amount of chip damage on that willow boom it's looking like wolf was going to be able to find a knockout here brilla boom uses the grassy glide but calls the protect goes into the incineroar so it's at least going to be able to do some damage here but wolfie's incineroar is able to move first this time around the flare blitz oh my gosh oh no way that is a huge survival from the real goodness one hp and then the grassy terrain just to make sure it's going to hang on for this turn that was a massive that was a massive survival maybe an invisible focus we know that's not actually what it is but absolutely nuts that changes everything gastrodon forced to rely on a double protect here unless wolfie has trained this gastrodon to take a single grassy glide after willowboom has been intimidated it's a bit of an ask you might even have to invest all of your stat training into your health and your defense at that point it's it's a tough call i mean do you take the thirty percent chance of the double protect or do you just go around uses protect if it fails so boom gets a chance to use the grassy glide it connects into the gastrodon if you're just gonna hit and now it is going to be down to that incinerator that is on wolfie's side but andrew gets to move first there's the throw chop not going to be super effective but it's the fire back of that flare blitz rilla boom does go down but it took out that threat of the gastrodon so this is where things get even more interesting i think we have wolf's incineroar with a ton of chip damage already down on it we have andrews incineroar at full health both of these incineroar are going to be relying on their uh non-flare blitz moves for the time being until they think they're within knockout range of a flare bliss so we're going to be seeing quite a few throat chops thrown around but we're going to be here a while quite frankly it looks like wolf's incineroar is going to be at a disadvantage and unlike game one both of these trainers have plenty of time left on the your time and yeah the nice thing about this board state is you just smash a you just go to throat chop you just hit it a few times i mean incineroar is gonna have to be down probably close to the red if not already in the red for uh this board state to play out you know i think wolf very smartly not forfeiting you know just trying to see if maybe you could forget exactly you you got to take this option you know you can't just forfeit as you're just losing immediately this is also a great time for both of these trainers to start thinking about game three there's not really much going on on the board right now so you can just look at your notes and start thinking to yourself like man what a crazy set this has been how do i play this differently to come out on top in game three yeah throw chop after throat chop this is a perfect time they're really going at it like these these poor insider or just like you know trading blows left and right right hook here a left hook there yeah one two one one two one two punch for sure so at this point it very much looks like wolfie is out of this game to bar any type of critical hit but with that last throw chop andrew does put wolfson cinderella in the red and so looks to be pretty safe to be able to go for the flare blitz here the road chop coming in from wolf's incineroar and it's going to be another throw chop here just just playing it safe and i definitely respect that bar any critical hits he does have time this time around so you might as well use that and uh really i think it's very interesting to sort of see this oh there's the crit yeah there's there's one there's one all right well this throw chop though from andrews incineroar is going to knock out wolfies so that is it here andrew tying up this series one to one in this best of three what a crazy set what a crazy set what a crazy set we got confirmation pretty pretty assuredly through those last what ten turns that these incineroar are speed tied so that's great information for us going into this game three but i think more importantly you have to look at how andrew adjusted to wolf's match up in game three and sort of take that as your basis because you know we saw him really have an advantage in both of these games in game one really the only reason he lost was because of that timer and now that he's aware of it and now that he's most likely definitely thinking about it i doubt that he'd let himself play down the clock that far i think wolf is really going to have to change up his game plan as a result in this you know we've seen this gastrodon try and do its best and really accomplish quite a lot in this game but maybe it's time you leave it behind we've seen andrew lock into that kyogre and landorus lead two games in a row yes lunala as a lead is a fantastic pokemon if you want to set up that meteor beam if you want to get that special attack boost but andrew just showcasing that he's more than capable of dealing the big damage down onto the lunala regardless if it's coming from max geyser or not to make dynamaxx just not a viable option long term wolf could decide to bring that reggie leckie in place of the gastrodon it would be a bit of a read but it would give him the opportunity to get some big damage down onto that kyogre early which is something that he seems like he's struggled to find in game one and game two even then though in game number one andrew was not afraid to dynamax that low hp kyogre recognizing that the value from that max lightning was well worth the use of the dynomax and even though it was only one turn definitely got the job done but it is time to enter into the final game of this top eight series between andrew ding and wolf glick we will see what they have decided to do for their leads going into this third and final game wolfy not straying away that incineroar and that lunala are here to stay and andrew as well with the landers and the kyogre they're just matching each other the last time we saw wolf not opt to switch in that gastrodon instead keeping that incineroar out on the field and lunala taking a lot of damage for it i think that andrew can take advantage of the fact that lunala has to go for that meteor beam seemingly to get that attack boost before wolfie is comfortable dynamaxing it and he's more than capable of going for a you know a couple of attacks here you break the shadow shield turn one and then you go for the big damage turn too i think wolfy has to take that prediction to his advantage but instead andrew with the protect on the kyogre wolff calls it fake out into that landorus meteor beam going to charge up going to activate that power herb my biggest question here though is did wolf target down that kyogre like we saw in game two or is he going to throw that attack off into the landorus well we're about to find out meteor animation he called it start so it will be into the landorus and so that is going to be some good damage here good call unlike games one in games two this lunala entering turn two with the special attack boost it wanted and with that shadow shield ability still active if wolf decides to dynamax at this turn this is exactly the conditions that he was looking for a max phantasm possibly with the parting shot to send the groudon onto the field could be that synergy he's just looking for honestly max phantasm definitely in range to knock out that landorus if he's able to catch in the gorilla boom on the switch like we saw in some previous games that's going to be great as well but no parting shot from wolf sending in the gastrodon this time yeah just a raw switch the lunala going to be dynamaxed here same game plan as games one and two but this time yeah that shadow shield very much intact going to keep that lunala extra safe as it gets ready to use its dynamaxx turns but what did andrew do in response maybe expecting that that lunala gonna be coming onto the field it's like another dynamax here and i believe that's going to be the kyogre again so max hailstorm probably the best move of choice right now if andrew did not call that though as again in game two the gastrodon waited to make a fashionably late appearance this could be a huge turn for wolf max phantasm from the lunala does knock out andrews landorus defense drop as well maybe that groudon is going to be in the back but it is the tail store he called it good call very safe just knowing that that gastronomy is a huge threat does take it below half health it's so great having that amount of chip damage on the gastrodon as well because that means you really just need one more attack from any of your pokemon in order to take it out the residual damage from max hailstorm will also break the shadow shield which means this lunala is that much more vulnerable to an attack now wolf could switch out the gastrodon send in that incineroar to take another attack and possibly intimidate a pokemon like really boom if that's what andrew is going to be sending out onto the field at this point in time but at this other time you might not need to worry about this i mean you have your lunala with that special attack boost you have the dynamax still there and even though you don't have shadow shield active you do have enough health to take one attack from this kyogre you could just decide to protect your gastrodon and go for a attack into the real boom just to get it off the field but andrew trying to keep that kyogre trying to keep both of his pokemon safe just stalling out the dynomax taking his time something he's very comfortable with now max phantasm does go through willowboom's protect continuing to drop the defense of both the real women at this point that kyogre is at -2 but the gastrodon didn't protect so you will see the yawn go into the max guard of the kyogre but this is a pretty good information for andrew as well that might be telegraphed for next turn that wolf is still prioritizing using yawn on gastrodon it could have also been wolf trying to force kyogre's third turn of dynamax to be that max lightning like we saw in game one max lightning is not going to do a lot of damage to the luna compared to a max hail storm at this point in time and really gastrodon on the field is enough to get rid of the threat of a max geyser as well so a good play there i think just covering his options the double protect from andrew though just a nice way to slow things down the one thing i worry about for andrew though is if he keeps playing things slow and keeps this kyogre on the field once groudon comes in groudon's precipice blades is going to be more than capable of picking up a knockout on a non-dynomax -2 defense kyogre regardless of how many intimidates there are and really andrew's lost one of his intimidate users so he's not going to be able to pivot as easily as we saw in that game one whoo well max rockfall here from the lunala into the united star knockout that is a huge call from wolfie that incineroar and that landorus are now both down both intimidate users are off the field if that groudon is in the back then kyogre also can't switch out anymore for the defense drops and kyogre also forced to use max lightning just afraid of those yawns coming out from gastrodon wolf making an incredible read that turn and yes kyogre is not going to be put to sleep but more importantly this just opens the door for wolf to intimidate that rillaboom to use the lunala to knock out the willow boom and then have this groudon come in and target down this kyogre because andrew is down to his last two pokemon he is going to be forced to keep rillaboom and kyogre on the field and they're gonna be stuck with whatever stat drops they have yeah at this point minus two defense on the kyogre so that's a big defense drop that andrew cannot reset and you also can't reset the weather because kyogre is stuck groudon wins that weather war you don't even have dynamaxx available to you anymore even if you did the gastrodon on the field would mean that max geyser wouldn't happen anyways you know i love this adjustment from wolf because i think he recognized in games one and games two andrew was comfortable playing slow he liked to play the revolving door of pokemon game but if you just knock out the pokemon quick enough you can't switch and that just gives you so much more flexibility okay well we've got two protects on the field so far wolfie's lunala and of course the kyogre protect and now that's also a yawn into the protected kyogre a little bit of a mute turn for both of these players but there is still more time on the clock yeah so we got plenty of time i mean both these players are sitting at six minutes of your time we're nowhere near the three minute timer activating you know if there's one thing that we have here in top cut here in new jersey it's time that being said though you know i think that andrew it really does have to keep an eye not so much on the clock but on the sandstorm on the grassy terrain wolf i think plays to stall out the grassy terrain at this point you know again we're making the assumption that groudon is the last pokemon on his team you wait for grassy glide to run out or grassy turn to run out you send in groudon you out speed you fire attack you win so just something that keep in mind we haven't seen groudon use a fire attack yet quite frankly it's possible that he doesn't have one but you still want to be moving first and the one way you move first is no grassy terrain for sure i mean linal is still going to be very very fast still has that special attack boost kyogre has to go for the ice beam here it's going to go into lunala still not enough to knock it out after sandstorm could be knocked out by a grassy glide but smartly switching in that incineroar so fake out is present so that's no longer a concern wolf could go for fake out into this willow boom plus another moon guys beam just knock out that kyogre and then all of a sudden you double down into the rillaboom flare blitz more than capable of picking up this knockout especially since unlike in previous games this incineroar has not been intimidated at all so again incredible play style adjustments from wolf just going there that's it aggressive that's the forfeit coming through andrew doesn't see a way out and wolf takes this
Channel: DaringNite
Views: 123,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, world, championships, pokemon championship, championship, pokemon world championships, worlds, finals, masters, nationals, regionals, top 4, vgc, tcg, grand finals, ポケカ, pokemon go, vgc 2022 finals, pokemon world championships 2022, worlds 2022, 2022 finals, tcg 2022, 2022 pokemon world championship, vgc 2022 worlds, pokemon vgc 2022, pokemon 2022 vgc, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, vgc 2022, 2022 regional championships, 2022 secaucus, top 8, wolfe glick
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 25sec (3085 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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