2022 Pokémon SLC Regional Championships VGC Swiss R3 - Wolfe Glick vs Chase Timmreck

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here at the salt lake city regional championships we really didn't mess around when it came to getting back into the game two players already sitting at two and oh a face that many of you may recognize if you've been following the video game championship for a little while of course wolf glick former world champion a whole host of other achievements in there as well always brings something a little bit interesting i think it's fair to say for his team building he's going to go going up against chase timrec and uh you know if you can take your two-and-oh start take down a former world champion and push on from there that's a huge boost of confidence going into the rest of the day well especially when the series and how the meta of the video game championships have evolved over the past few years safe to say that a lot has changed right adam uh there has been a lot of changes there's some pokemon on here in these teams that the last time we were in person weren't even available at that point so we'll dive into that a little bit later for now we'll take a brief overview of the team we'll start with wolf's team i think there's a lot going on here there's a lot to unpack between this restricted pair this ultra beast that we haven't seen in a little while and this very established core of kind of trick room users and setters and you know being able to capitalize off that yeah absolutely and then on the other side of things chase a very accomplished player as well is going to be rocking a restricted that we've seen a lot of in the meta giveaway definitely coming into the fold a lot more is one of those you know oppressive dark type users gets a chance to do boosted damage with that dark aura ability um and then you also of course have the zashian and it's really weird looking at wolfie's team the zashia is not there when it feels like it's ever present on every team in series 12 right now definitely i think in the minority of players in when the team selection they didn't just start the team sheet wizard it's very good and we'll talk about it all day we'll talk about it gabby and joe will talk about it we've got to acknowledge how good it is but it's nice to see somebody mix it up but i have heard about this ice rider calories and palkia pairing being kind of the preferred for the people who want to move away from possession and feel they can control it the evil tile definitely getting its time to shine now how many years did we deal with xerneas at the top from those that pairing so it's nice to see a bit of a mix-up and an evil towel get its turn there's some other interesting things in there of course the traditional double genie you guys might remember from the bottom of that uh that one's still in full force it's been a few years of double genie but it still works and can cause a number of problems for certain players so we're heading right into game very very shortly both players done with their team selection this is a big one oh yeah let's go ahead and take a look at what the leads are for both of these players we've got chase that will be bringing out that and that zashian to kick things off and wolfie with the amungus and the palkia yep among us and pulsier certainly an interesting duo mainly because of the pulpit i know what a mungus does i've seen it for a long long time but when you get down to the palkia it's one of those pokemon that causes a lot of concerns for people because it has two options it can just start going you know it's pretty fast i'm not saying it's the fastest thing but it can do that but whenever you look at a palkia you've got to ask yourself is this going to trick room and if it trick rooms the whole game can be turned on its head looking at wolf's theme he probably leans on the trick room a little bit heavier and it's up to chase to really try and slow that down of course he has options to do that on his side of the field right now but they're kind of obvious kind of telegraph and i'm curious as to how wolf is going to respond to that yeah it looks like wolfy's response is just let's go ahead and get the palkia out of there maybe use it as a bit of bait as it's now the indeed that enters into the field and the most important thing about this is that indeed is changing the terrain in case chase had decided to go for something like a priority grassy glide at least that priority is going to be gone now from that villaboom side but no what's this chase is gonna go ahead and use that dynamax factor it is time to get that rolling and it looks like what we've got here is gigantomax gorilla boom now on the field uh villa boone's not messing about that's clearly going to be a focal point for chase if he's so confident to gigantomax it already there's action just being there to do its normal thing we'll see how he plays into this turn there's the signature move right off the bat to open up our stream beam off blade into the moon maybe he's making a rage powder there let's just look how much damage that does yeah we're just recognizing maybe that's what was gonna end up coming out here but we will see a huge chunk of damage onto the ndd it just barely hangs on as the move is now the slowest to move on the field will be able to put that zashi in to sleep that's probably exactly what wolf wants there as well being able to bring the indeed and keep the powerful safe really really important it would have been a neutral hit but the indeed is probably more worthwhile taking the damage on than the palkier the among us knowing it can take the bomb off blade it's still a lot of damage you know it's nearly 75 percent uh give or take a couple of points but it got possum to sleep that's guaranteed to sleep next turn so if wolf is trying to play around with something like the trick room maybe switch some things back in then he's going to be in a position to do that here's one of those switches right away yeah let's go with the ice rider x now as among us has done its job and with that regenerator ability as well we'll be able to preserve some of that hp moving into future turns but indeed he goes for the follow me really really lucky hold on here so that indeed can actually draw away some of the attention but gmax drum solo gonna go ahead and go ahead and deal the last bit of damage to that indeedy and ice rider calrix now is here to stay yes this board is kind of setting up and i think giving up the ndd there is absolutely fine uh manages to kind of just get it in and let it do a little bit of its work and really importantly i really harp on this a lot which i know gets boring for some but you've only got three turns when you dynomax or dragon tonight you've got to use those terms valuably and using a g-max drum solo one of your turns of dynamats or in this case gigantomax just to do that final bit of damage seems so wasteful to me it's always a little bit hard to bounce back from so this is willowboom's last turn in the gigantic form obviously he needs to do something really impactful here the bastion still might not wake up could do this turn but last turn it was guaranteed out so really still leaning on this willow boom and i just don't think it's being given the room to do the damage it needs to do in its final turn the calorics also just threatening it purely from the type specific matchup and see the rage powder come out here from the amungus to hopefully draw away at least the attention of the zashi in here as it does wake up and is able to get another behemoth blade out and this should finish it off based on the damage that we saw last turn and it will indeed so luke is at least going to be able to hopefully allow this howler to set up but this willow boom still going to be able to get off its third and final g-max drum solo but what's this calorics used trick room yeah the calorics they're uh one of the many many many options on most team that can set trick room i mean most people bring i believe two is probably the standard i think we just agreed on as a as a community but this is great this has gone for three pokemon that can carry it we don't know if they all carry it yet and chase doesn't know that either but this is now wolf's time to shine he's played this very slow and steady early game where he just wants to kind of maneuver the board just to what he wants but now he's got to capitalize he is of course down in the pokemon count this is still chase's lead and he's still not taking any damage so i think this turn wolf needs to get the momentum going again or else he could be in a little bit of trouble but this board is the way to do it he's got both his restricted on the field at once possession being awake is a little bit annoying it is going to leave which may be exactly what wolf wants but i'm really focusing on the ice raider calix i am as well relevant is going for a protect here i think that's very smart especially if that ice rider calarix was going to go for something like this glacial lance then that really boom is going to be protected from that but the blastoise is not as it is a double target move so that blast choice that just got switched in will be taking a fair chunk of damage even though it's not very effective but palkia also going for the earth power reading into that protect and just absolutely trying to get rid of the zashian that was just there yep this is the perfect pairing really to deal with that you've got the glacial lance which deals with the villa boom and will do a little bit of extra damage over to this action then you've got the palkia to come in and clean up with the earth power polka is actually one of my favorite restricteds to use in this format just because of its move pool it has so much available and i think the best trainers who afford it this weekend are gonna be the people establishing the threats that they're gonna see every game and bringing the moves to count for that in this case you're going to see zacheon you're going to need us it's that simple and just being able to capitalize off that really nicely done this blastoise though coming in pretty well all things considered just taking a little bit of damage another glacial landscape coming out from this ice rider calarex that trick room proving very very useful here to allow that calarax to move blastoise though is going to get knocked out here and a critical hit onto the opposing sashing as well a lot more damage i think that chase was expecting it's a whole lot of damage to go down and that blastoise getting knocked out just means that this earth power no matter where wolf was targeting it uh is going to hit that zashian and this is that momentum swing i was talking about just every turn he's putting down the pressure you know chase hasn't fired back in the last two turns now so he's now back to a two to two pokemon count we know it's the riller boom which can't deal with this calirex right now there's two more turns of trick room that he has to try and get through this calorics is absolutely fine right now and this alcohol should be able to clean up whatever is left we are going to see the other restricted in evil and i'm not so sure that that's going to be in a great position right now no i honestly both of these pokemon don't really want to be under trick room conditions versus an ice rider calorics that's definitely not a place that you would want to find yourself if you were a flying or a grass-type pokemon um but also wolf still has dynamites wolf hasn't dynamics anything yet and that really could just lock up the game for him chase went really hard with it early just saying you know what okay we're gonna really push with this willow boom and that's not got it just as you say it though we do get to see wolf choice of the dynomats just making sure that this game gets wrapped up a little bit quicker i'd imagine and there it is the palkia unsurprising i'd say um in this instance it's just a healthier choice so it's gonna be really hard to take down and should be able to power through in the last couple pounds of trick room also just avoiding any protects yeah avoiding protects and also the fact that calorics would lose its ability to have spread damage and so that's something that i think you really do value here but we will see a protect coming out from the calorics and a max warm wind from the palcia and that's such a great choice to have in front of that real boom but it doesn't even matter the real boom just gets knocked out i love that term from wolf it's so tidy you know the relevance just come back in a little bit fake out it's been like that for a long time you think well he's scared of the calorics let me just protect it this time and then let me just go after that boom uh you know the willow boom had a couple options there to try and attack outside of the normal trick room priority that we're looking at went for the fake out but calorics avoided it wonderfully and uh the palkia is still exceptionally healthy uh this one should be wrapped up in the final turn of trick room so all of that investment early doors from wolf to try and set that up to try and be ready to play the end game if you will with both his restricted looks to be working out so well and there it is locking in the the forfeit committing that loss down for uh for chase gotta go back to the drawing board when it comes to game number two that game one is it's it's particularly deceptive when you take a look at the board position right you take a look at what chase is leading and you just automatically look and say there's a lot of momentum there and especially in a meta and like series 12 where momentum means everything it can mean a lot to be on the back foot in the first two turns well while wolf was down let's say the pokemon count you know he was losing some pokemon he lost that in ddl he was taking a lot of damage on the amungus as well while he was down on paper i don't think at any point he was losing the game i think he was always knowing exactly what his path was to the trick room and as soon as that trick was set up there was just a very clear path to be able to say you know what i've got my restricted pair they both function well in trick particularly against chase's team which really do struggle a little bit there's a lot of quick pokemon on there and not many answers to trick room yeah it's not like some of these teams we've seen before where some people let's say they build in a trick room counter i feel that might be missing from this team a little bit and that got called out as soon as that trick went up the game only went one way and that was wolf's direction so he's up in this set of course it's best of three though and if chase has something he can go back to the drawing board and try and figure it out yeah there's still so many different options on even both of these teams so i'm really excited to see the adjustments that are made for this game number two and if we're going to even see any of those genies come out from chase's team if they if they feel like they're good against the other modes that wolf's team has to offer i think i'd like to see the evil town a little bit earlier just looking down at this team on paper just mullining over you know what caused the problem there the indeed the amungus you know if he switches it up to the dust club that evil tells in a good position to try and deal with that so maybe saving up the back a little bit overly cautious from chase bring that into the front see if you can shut down or get knockouts of course you do have to watch out for things like the range power you don't get put to sleep but it just feels like it has a better match-up than this what i would say is very neutral match-up um that zatian and rilla boom just kind of bought it just kind of said you know what i'm very okay with whatever you throw at me but it wasn't enough i think you need a winning match up here or else wolf's gonna set up on you he's gonna land the trick room and then you're gonna be in the exact same position as game number one yeah that is a very very good point and i think i feel like when we were taking a look at that game number one the reason why i brought up okay well this is deceptive right you look at chase having all of those offensive options and well for acquiring that setup in order to actually really get the game plan rolling it's tough to do that sometimes in a series that is so aggressive and so quick but patience can be rewarded yeah i think the issue the way that game worked is chase was winning until he lost right he got through that first date he was putting down damage we're like okay but it just wasn't enough to really push him forward when it got to the end game you know he was always in it i think and but adjustments are needed when we go into game two and potentially game three because it got a little lopsided towards the end you know the fact that wolfe had a dynamic just to wrap the game up really important and like you say patience he knows the game plan he's a top top player doesn't need to throw out that dynamics early doesn't need to throw down the trick from term one even though he had the option to don't get like the power is a trick rumor was on the board doesn't throw it down just takes his time sets it up with the you know ice rider when it came in as the third potential pokemon we always trigger him when for the ice rider and that's just how controlled that game was yeah that team is scary on paper it's we said it before we even saw his team he's gonna build something interesting i think palkia ice rider on paper is very stable and established but the variety and the way he plays it is what is the difference maker i want to see ferramosa uh i know i know i know what the pheromone can do and i'd be interested to see him completely flip the script and just run it that way but i'm not gonna get too much into it i've done it before where i get really really excited about a play and i just don't see it we're gonna see a lot of exciting play though this weekend that's for sure so even if it's not that particular play then who knows what other teams other spice we might be able to feature on this stream i'm just excited that we get a chance to look at series 12 in person and just really see how competitors are evolving their strategies in order to really play their strengths in this meta well don't forget the last time we were in person some of the pokemon we saw weren't even available for play yeah you know we didn't have alabama we didn't have crown tundra so we didn't have the calorics ice rider that just wasn't a thing so it's nice to see obviously we've seen them during the players cups really cool to see an evolution even while we were away from live events but being able to to see those in what is really a defining tournament you know there's a lot of big names here a lot of people want to claim that it's really really cool to see and i'm excited to see i mean there's so much we've gone through last time we played intimidating cinema wasn't even no anyway the players are back before we go on a tangent yeah getting ready to go into game number two between wolf glick and chase timrec wolfie with a 1-0 advantage right now in this best of three but i definitely feel like there are some adjustments that could be made here especially when taking a look at chase's team there are many many options that you can rely upon for damage outside of that real boom there's a lot and i want to see more of that coming through i want more of his team to pull their weight because it really was the willow boom show and then it was lacking a little bit from there so we're going to move on into game two very very shortly uh very very shortly we'll get the leads up as well and see what adaptations have been made all right well i can see the leads right now as you will it is the willow boom and the blastoise for chase and the palkia and the indeedy coming in for wolves that indeed is going to cause a lot of problems just by controlling the terrain yeah psychic surge there's a number of uh options over on this side where you know you really want to be able to maybe face something out and stop things going on but even since we got back to tapu lele many years ago fake out has sort of weighing does this guaranteed turn one setup or turn one delay just because if you run into a team with psychic surge in the immediate psychic terrain you could be in a lot of trouble so psychic terrain did take effect over the grassy terrain probably a smart bit of team building there from wolf just to make sure um that even the willamettes are aren't going to be able to control the terrain and that kind of nicely forces out the relevant this could be exactly what wolf wants there's the evil tower which i did want to see yeah so lots of terrain might mean actually a good advantage to be taken here as chase does get that swap and uh dawn coming in for the blastoise so that is a very interesting play here as we just see the expanding force also come through from dnd and palkia going for the trick room confirmation there for chase that the power here also has trickery you've got to imagine that it's all over this team because it is so so essential and that very slow and steady turn there blastoise wasn't able to stop the power kill on its own the best you could do with yawn isn't enough to slow down the trick at the end of that turn i mean if the parking was trying to trick room down the line maybe but now that's all set up across the park here once it's yawned you know that you're going to sleep at the end of the turn so you can just switch that out and see if you can really bring in something to capitalize on it the evil town's gonna struggle it's one of the quicker pokemon in the format you know it's really usually built for speed and i just don't know if it's going to be able to get the work done here yes it's nice it doesn't get caught by the expanding force but you've got to be able to really capitalize and lay down the damage now the trick room is set up another one of those restricted pokemon that love trick room is coming in yeah ice rider calerix is now here in place of that palfia so it does not get put to sleep but indeed he's going to use the follow me really important to make sure that that ice spreader calix takes as little damage as possible as blastoise goes for a huge hydro cannon here into the indeedy but we will also see the dark pulse and that's something that indeed is definitely going to like taking a little bit less so indeed he does think he's knocked out there but it did its job it bought enough time not just for the calix switching there the ice rider being very very comfortable in the trigger and here comes palkier again and really this is very similar to game one though the board state is just way earlier in the game for wolf he's in a position where both his restricteds are on the board full health in trick room this is very very scary if you're chased and looking over at that side of the field what is the immediate answer you know you don't have an obvious candidate to try and stop it you've got three more towns of trick room to navigate through and a lot of players try and capitalize and trick them immediately wolf being very smart here just realizing it's only one time let me use it to get my board position down i think the indeed he wanted to faint in that turn just to allow this restricted pairing on the field together yeah absolutely i think that's been a theme throughout game one and game two so far is that wolfe has found himself in this position where he does get this free switch into something that is very very opportunistic for his game plan and even now with the trick room active both restricted on the field will be seizing another opportunity here to go ahead and use the dynomax to dynomax that's ice rider calorics and there's no variety there i wasn't sure which one it was going to be but with three more turns of trick remaining it makes sense just numerically to dynamics one of them on this term the ice rider calix getting the benefit but chase responding of course with a dynamite of his own being able to to maybe try and get something a little bit a little bit bulkier take some of those hits yeah and just do it and it's the evil tower which makes a lot of sense perfect choice because that's going to get focused down i think it's real benefit from the double end right there you can see in the bottom right corner of your screen yeah with a double in hp that is definitely going to help here but a max quake coming out from the ice rider caloric into the blastoise so we will be able to see a knockout there before we get to see what this blastoise can do next um and we also get these special defense boosts well the the evil tell revealed dark pulse last turn i know there's obviously been some discussions on how you build the evil tower i know some players do it a little bit differently but as soon as you reveal that you may as well just grab a special defense boost you get the knockout anyway you get the boost that's absolutely fantastic news for them but in retaliation the mass darkness does land both these dynamics pokemon taking not so much damage but the special defense immediately counted back out so i kind of like that but you still have the boost to take the hit so it makes a lot of sense to me yeah absolutely and then especially with the knockout as well onto the blastoise and this ice spreader calorics is very much set up to continue to deal a significant amount of damage here but to rain back in chase's control now as willow boom does enter the field and create that grassy terrain this really i think the the sloth right there was always going to be a tough switch for chase just looking at the pokemon he's bought and the pokemon knocked out you know we've got to assume it's the bastion in the back we've just seen earth power from the israelite calibrator all right don't want to switch that into another power or you bring the villa boom which is weak to ice it's not an easy choice to chase him and i think putting up the willow boom probably the best choice see if the gorilla boom can buy you a little bit of time in the back end of this trick room and then you'll be able to to maybe swing something at the end but you've got to slow down the next two turns because wolf could just run away with it and it's going to be really difficult to slow down that calibrates yeah with terrain out of the way now fake out is going to be very useful onto that palkia as we see a max hail storm now come out from the ice rider calix it's gonna be enough to knock out the veltal it is and so that dynamaxx is no longer in play and we also have hail on the field there's no way to slow down the eyeshadow cameras you don't have the ability to take out made a smart decision you know when after the palacio slowed it down for a turn but there's chilling a the second of the as one abilities now makes that calorics really even more dangerous going into the last turn of course of this trick room will a little bit struggling a little bit here might just have to try and buy itself a turn but once we get confirmation of what the last pokemon is that could be uh sort of a very clear path to victory for wool uh confirmed was a great choice here as well because had chase been able to stick out the trick room that sashing is incredibly fast it's gonna be able to deal massive chunks of damage and of course it's still not over there is still one more turn of trick room one more turn of dynamax for wolf here and it makes a lot of sense here to see chase go for these protects right now in order to try to get rid of the trick room and get rid of that advantage that wolf now has so we will see the double protect yeah the double protect has to be the only way out of course you are going to take some damage through the protect from the max moves nothing from the power killer so that's taking away the tempo from the ship oh my goodness that is a lot um of course the chilling with uh nay helping out there but this action is going to struggle to to take more hits especially if it's not protecting and you give over the special defense please yeah the special defense boost uh not going to be too problematic here um for chase to have to deal with but it's it's all about that damage onto that zashian right now right that's way more than you would want to have to take onto your zashian um but let's see how much this behemoth blade out of this dynamax and trick room mode can really do for chase yet that's another tough situation for chase you know you want the zamasu to hit the dynomax pokemon that's the core you know i mean obviously there's a lot of damage but the other big factor with the hand is it it hits dynamics pokemon for extra damage so not being able to get that off is really important and now there's another sticky situation chase of course has a speed advantage in his turn nobody's taking that away but can he stop another trick there's now two potential trick room setters on the field and if another trick room goes up it could just be a problem palkia with a very good typing position not hitting and i don't think lil boom has a way to deal with his pal too well woodhammer might be the way it does oh a huge knockout there for chase onto wolves palkia and that was really really well done there chase had to secure that because if palkia had gotten a trick room up or you know that was called differently i do appreciate that spread of damage so that you're more than likely knocking out one target being able to have access to the wood hammer really big there for chase and kind of calls that turn perfectly you don't worry about the behemoth blade going into the protect all you needed to do was knock out the palkier because it does make sense that that would be the trickery setter right that's the one that you know really is a little bit obvious here's the ferromosa to wrap it up and we were talking about another trick room uh for those of you who haven't been around uh for a few years ago ferramosa also has an interesting form of speed control and i wonder if wolfe is going to show it right here in game two because he could show it and potentially just wrap up the game completely off the bat so of course it does have aggressive attacking options itself it's super frail and easy to get knocked out so maybe its last ditch attempt is just control the speed i won't i won't name the move if we don't see it i don't want to get everyone too excited for it back at home but this could be a really interesting way to close out the game yeah it's all about decisions though here and you can see that the very first thing is gonna be the priority grassy glide there into the calrix but the speed swap from the ferramosa on to the ice fighter calirix keller is gonna go ahead and just use glacial lance right away with that plus dude boost that it has from the chilling may and let's go ahead and see how much damage this is able to do it's a double knockout here and wolf glick takes round number three of the salt lake city regional championships why was i worried about a potential trick room he knew and that's why i was a little bit concerned in the previous term what happens isn't going to be able to
Channel: DaringNite
Views: 274,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, world, championships, pokemon championship, championship, pokemon world championships, worlds, finals, masters, nationals, regionals, top 4, vgc, tcg, grand finals, ポケカ, pokemon go, vgc 2022 finals, pokemon world championships 2022, worlds 2022, 2022 finals, tcg 2022, 2022 pokemon world championship, vgc 2022 worlds, pokemon vgc 2022, pokemon 2022 vgc, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, 2022 regionals vgc, vgc 2022, salt lake city, slc, wolfe glick
Id: NjYH-OM-lHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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