2021 Detroit Live, Victory Campaign: Healing School - This Same Jesus! (10:00 a.m.)

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word and you can be seated thank you lord jesus [Applause] thank you lord hallelujah my this little notebook's got a lot of miles on it there was a man that was incarcerated and got thrilled and born again and filled with a spirit in this ministry while i was preaching in prison he made me this little book and it is just worn to a frazzle and i wouldn't not enough money goodbye praise god thank you lord jesus open your bibles this morning to the 10th chapter of the book of romans thank you lord jesus praise you this morning lord praise you father we thank you for the healing mercies we thank you that you are the healer you have always father provided healing for your people from the very very beginning healing your name jehovah rapha i'm the lord that healeth thee glory to god think about it if healing passed away jesus the father would have had to have changed his name and he said i'm god i change not amen he's a healing god he's a covenant-making god and israel had a national covenant and we have a healing covenant we have a forgiveness covenant praise god though a major article of our covenant is if we do sin and we do praise god we have an advocate with the father even the righteous jesus christ who is faithful and just to forgive us our sins when we confess them and cleanse us from all unrighteousness so let's just start right here if you have anything in your life that needs to be god you need to get rid of it do it right now amen thank you jesus the a covenant has a a military atmosphere about it because it it has it's not based on feelings it's based on that law of covenant amen so sir i forgive you thank you sir i'm forgiven i receive it by faith glory to god and now i receive my cleansing sir i'm cleansed i'm forgiven glory to god now let's get on with business it's not an unemotional thing because particularly if you are repentant and you are sorry for that messy sorry stupid thing you did but you the the trap there is to go through all of that in 1st john chapter 1. go through all of that and then oh but i don't feel forgiven well your feelings don't have anything to do with it because that's covenant he said he would do it and he will do it and we believe it and we take it by faith and even when those feelings come and say no no glory to god i wish i hadn't done it but that's over praise god i did do it i own it and i just turn it loose glory to god and i'm going to touch it in my thought life anymore because if you spend a lot of time meditating on that and thinking about that meditation on on that side of the ledger is called worry and it'll interfere with your health and it will interfere with your receiving healing so now romans chapter 10 and let's begin with the the ninth ver well no let's back up there to the sixth verse but the righteousness which is of faith let's stop right there what is faith uh people use the word faith a lot like well what faith are you that's not what we're talking about at all no faith and we will we'll see demonstration of it today faith is a very very powerful spiritual force very powerful spiritual force spiritual forces are far more powerful than natural scene forces oh yeah well we think about nuclear power being so so huge but now wait a minute god spoke and created universes [Music] solar systems and it's still expanding at the speed of light and the scripture says he did it by faith it was that spiritual force but now we see that he did it also by great wisdom by great wisdom he created it amen and of course we have the wisdom of god but nowhere near on that level now there's coming a time when there will be a new heaven and a new earth and we get to be in on it and at that time i'm totally convinced the glorified ones and there'll never be any more glorified ones there will be natural people there will be in the new heaven and the new earth god's plan will continue forever there will be natural people born during the millennium but no more glorified ones and the glorified ones you me the the ones that accepted jesus in a time of sorrow and combat on this earth and we stayed with him right in the middle of all this hell but then glory to god the catching away of the church i'm so excited about it hallelujah well at that time we'll have a great part of that so now look at this but the righteousness which is of faith speaks faith always speaks we looked into that last night yesterday evening that faith speaks and then must exercise corresponding action it has to be believed in the word believed in the heart spoken with the mouth and accompanied with corresponding action now faith is on the job the creative power has been released all right say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring christ down from above or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring christ again from the dead we know that jesus went to hell a lot of people have trouble with that i got in a lot of trouble for preaching it but i was a little town in the panhandle of texas years ago and uh three-week meeting back there then it took you know it took two weeks to get the unbelief out in a one week of great meetings and back then we we had two three week meetings all the time and we had rented a a an old drugstore building had just a little small platform in there that we'd made and uh it was an evening service and i i you know i just preached mark 11 23 24 and 25 and and i got over into that jesus went to hell and he suffered there and and then he was born again in hell and rose from the dead the first born from the dead first born of many sons hallelujah and i'd been on this for a while well you know of course the news got out and the pastor of the methodist church there some of his people came home and told him and they got baptized and spent the spirit and they told him i said jesus went to hell well it made him mad come to find out later he's an old truck driver and he got saved you know and he much of a man and boy love god and but i didn't know all this and he here he came just right in the middle of my message just burst through those doors this guy was big and here he came walking right up towards me and i'm standing there like this and i thought uh-oh and i just i just said you know to the lord and myself i said lord here he comes man i mean he interrupted he just come waltzing right up in front of me like this guy's big and he said i wanted i laid my hands on him oh god and he just lit around so and he told me later he went back to the and went back to the to the church he didn't he didn't go any and he didn't go into the parsonage he went right straight to the church and he got on his knees i mean he just got baptized in the holy ghost and didn't know what to do with it and he just he said he said copeland i i just started praying in tongues he said i just prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed and prayed he said i just never had so much fun in jesus he said suddenly i stopped and he said i said jesus did you go to hell he said you better believe it big boy if i hadn't you would have totally healed [Laughter] glory to god that settled it for him wouldn't you think what does it say in verse 8. no i want to read that i want to read into that again but the righteousness which is of faith speaks on this wise say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring christ the anointed one back down from above or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring up christ again from the dead but what sayeth or what does faith say faith says the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth glory to god and in thy heart that is the word of faith which we preach now those of those of us that preach the word of faith we didn't make that phrase up and it's it's not anything new the apostle paul preached the word of faith what is that it's the word of god that is anointed and brings faith when you preach it yes yes amen so that if you will confess with your mouth jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness with the mouth confession is made unto salvation for the scripture saith whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed for there is no difference between the jew and the greek for the same lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed how shall they believe on him of whom they have not heard how shall they hear without a preacher how shall they preach except they be sent as it is written how beautiful of the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace that bring glad tidings of good things but they have not all obeyed the gospel for he saith saith lord who hath believed our report so then so then so then so he summarized it here the word of faith which we preach so then faith cometh there's no such thing as faith that does not cometh faith is coming right now for what well this morning faith is coming for healing amen during the offering jerry preached faith for finances yes isn't that a good looking falcon 50 that the lord put in his hands and he didn't have time to tell you all the miracle it was amazing i'm telling you double amazing the way that airplane came to him well that happens to jerry a lot well it happens to me a lot if it's going to happen to savelle it's going to happen to copenhagen amen hallelujah and that's something we do at emic somebody tells us it says a testimony like that we all say that happens to me all that time amen glory to god so faith comes faith comes faith is coming right now just in these few moments i sense the rising of the tithe praise god faith is coming it's happening it's not something you feel it is an inevitable result of teaching and preaching under the anointing the word and the covenant of the living god faith arises faith just reaches up and takes hold of that now so faith is here faith is coming faith is rising praise god thank you jesus now then let's go back over to the book of exodus dear lord god i love his word there's two places in exodus 1 in 15 26 and he said if thou wilt diligently hearken h-e-a-r-kin here kin okay i'm listening i didn't come up with that myself gloria came up with that thank you very much and she'll look at me and say here again i said i'm here hearken to the voice of the lord thy god this is the voice of the lord our god amen this is my bible this is god speaking to me i can have what it says i have i can do what it says i can do because this my bible is god speaking to kenneth amen and all the way through it i find out where god loves kenneth i find where god's healed kenneth i found out where god promptly prospered kenneth i found this all out years and years and years ago from everybody knows joel osteen joel is a great guy but gloria and i are very close friends with his mother and daddy john osteen one of a kind i've never known anybody like him there's times this happened more than once the phone would ring and i'd say i'd answer it he said kenneth i said yes sir it's john osteen and i'll say yes sir thank you he said you can do it by you can do it yeah i can do it whatever it is i can do it that's john osteen and i kept that the ministry kept receiving money from members of lakewood church and it was happening on a regular sunday so i called him i i said john i appreciate this but what's going on here man now listen to what he said well he said he said brother kenneth i i do this on on sunday mornings he said and he said i know my people listen to your tapes he said i listened to your tapes you know i know this but he said i tell people now if you received from brother copeland's ministry this week and you want part of your tithe to go to him you just let me know that's a rare bird in fact that's the only time that that's ever happened now i'm sure it it may have happened but not specifically like that amen but what'd that do that blessed that church and it kept expanding john went home to be with the lord and joel took over and it's still expanding when they bought that arena i thought oh god help it [Laughter] but i also knew his background fill that thing up and it is magnificent i like what peter called i mean what uh um david called the temple magnifical glory to god thank you jesus now then exodus 23 [Music] he is the lord that heals well let me finish that and well if you will diligently hearken to the voice of the lord thy god well do that which is right in his sight now what is that walk in love walk by faith and keep his commandments well we know from the new testament that all of the commandments are satisfied with love your neighbor as yourself jesus said that and we live and walk in the commandment of love we find that in john and in 1st john the commandment of love amen we know we have passed from death hey what did i just say we've passed from death we've done all the dying we're ever going to do amen amen don't be afraid of death i'm going to talk to you about that a fear of death can can really really hinder your healing we'll deal with that do that which is right in his sight will give ear to his commandments keep his statutes i will put none of the diseases upon thee which i brought upon the egyptians for i am the lord that healeth thee now did he bring disease on the on the egyptians yes he did it was a weapon it was a covenant weapon he's in covenant with these people and he promised them deliverance amen so what did he do god has never physically put sickness on anyone well if you put his hands on them it healed them if he spoke it would heal them so what what did he do he just simply lifted his hand now they were walking in direct opposition to his people so what happened to pharaoh when they went through the red sea god congealed that water well he wiped that whole group out all he had to do was just relax and they drowned amen you see the concept well sure so anyway now then exodus 23 this is one of my favorite scriptures in the bible i was in a place where i was struggling struggling with pain and struggling with some things and and and pressing in and i was getting nowhere fast and i i i went to the lord about it and went through a lot of things that i want to go into now but he then he said this to me in the in the curse of the law you served not the lord your god with joyfulness and gladless of heart for the abundance of all things and these curses and so forth and i'm going through uh i was going through a lot of things with the lord and and hearing a lot of things in my spirit from this and um and i'm i reminded him that in the book of isaiah the first chapter if you're willing and obedient you eat the good of the land and uh he said you don't qualify for that scripture you know the willing is first if you're willing and obedient you will eat the good wear the good you know drive the good i mean the good of the land and i said lord no he said you don't qualify he said ever since i told you to go on daily television you struggled and fussed with me over that and i did we had done several weeks in in australia and um only time that we were there for more we were there for about three weeks and went different places in the country and and really enjoyed it but then you know we'd get through night get in the hotel and um and then turn on the television and and back there then you could get cnn morning news in the u.s well jim baker and jimmy swaggart were all over the news now both those men good good friends of mine and anyway i don't even like to talk about it it makes me mad but anyway but anyway i forget i forgive the people that did that to jim baker because they railroaded him and and the lawyer that prosecuted him will never he'll he'll never he lost his la he lost his license at the bar and the judge lost his amen amen and another very famous lawyer dug into the case and he's the one and he's a democrat praise god amen i'm trying to think of it dershowitz and he he saw that this this this thing stunk and he got in it and he proved it wasn't hard to prove the judge trapped him anyway that was going on and that's the range that's the reason jim baker was exonerated of of of all of that anyway so that was on the news and uh i i go back i think that's where they coined the phrase televangelist and so and you know boy i mean they just they just railroaded jim baker and jimmy swaggart into the dirt and right while i'm there watching this the lord said when you go home i want you to go do a daily broadcast i said dear god so on that 747 all the way back from sydney to los angeles 13 hours i argued with god i don't want to do this i'm exhausted anyway and and he said you were obedient but you were not willing to do that daily broadcast i said i'm willing now so every time and i read this i quote it a lot so i add it in there when i see it exodus 23 25 and you shall serve the lord your god with joyfulness and gladness of heart now wait a minute don't start reading with that verse it doesn't make sense if you do go back up to the 23rd verse for my angels shall go before you and bring you to the earth and so forth and so my angel now let's read this like it's written you shall serve the lord your god and your angels shall bless your bread and water and i will take sickness from the midst of thee there shall nothing cast their young or have miscarriages nor be barren in thy land and the number of thy days i will fulfill your angel will bless your bread and water he didn't say i'll bless your bread and water he said he will bless your bread and water yes what you got to do is back up two verses and find out who he is so now back up further than that and find out what that angel's job was and and what he was doing because why because moses said we're not going up these with the people without you we can't do it we have to have help he said okay i'm signing this angel to you and he will bless your bread and water and i will take sickness from the midst of it so one day i was driving out my driveway however you know well as you've already heard many times that we took over this this naval air station operated by the marine corps and it already had the airport on it and so um gloria and my home which of course the ministry owns and uh and the driveway is is nice it comes out it's in its you know it's more than just a little small driveway so i'm driving out i was driving out the driveway and this first hit me i stopped and i hollered i'll never be sick again in my life hereafter forever sickness has been taken from the middle of me glory to god [Applause] and one of my granddaughters had a miscarriage i sent her that verse and i sent it to her in the modern translation it says you will never have miscarriage she said i'll never have another one amen and you'll never have anybody barren amen any you girls wanting babies there it is right there you'll never be barren amen you'll never be barren glory to god hallelujah isn't that good he's taken sickness from the midst of us yes it is god sickness is gone you know what god is geo in he gone let me help you with that god again skipped them aloo [Laughter] gone gone again skipped him a loop gone sickness gone again skip to my lou skip to my lou my darling it's cold that's good just shout about it glory to god thank you lord jesus now i'm going to read proverbs 3 2 from the classic amplified so don't read just listen oh i love this my son forget not my law or teaching let your heart let your heart keep my commandments now that was my problem i was obedient i was doing what he said but my heart wasn't in it we came home and and and back there at the end i didn't have any sins and i learned later better but i just preached i preached way too much all the time i love it and i like to kill myself but i was exhausted and i kept telling him that lord i'm exhausted this thing will kill me i said i mean better than that but i'm crapping and going on i'm murmuring you know i have never ever been able to talk about it that's stupid to try because whatever he tells you to do is going to help you and i learned later and became stronger for it but when i got into the in daily television and i got in there and i was so exhausted and i promised god back in the days of radio that i would never just put something on tape just because it was due that i would wait and and pray even if it was a little late and and get the message and and brother roberts my spiritual father told me he said don't do that he said you need something to relax your mind well he chose golf i already had that because i just go out and get in an airplane it seemed like when those wheels went in the holes everything's all right then gloria would say sometimes why don't you go fly something and so i you know the lord called me and i was born to fly i didn't know it when i was young but anyway but the and and he he told me he said you'll get over into a rut and you'll just start preaching the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over because revelation's not coming because faith isn't working you're too tired and you're preaching it out of your head so anyway i was in in the studio and i started to preach and i just stopped i said i'm through i'm finished i just got up and left well this gorgeous beautiful woman by the name of gloria gene this is when it began with her now i'm going to tell you something that most people don't know about her gloria was so shy and so timid that she could she could if she was perfectly happy around our friends to to never say anything i said gloria she said well you talk enough for both of us but she just sat there just enjoyed the conversation and i remember the night her cousin and her husband came over and and gloria was very pregnant and we went out and had mexican food and we came back to our apartment and we're standing there in the door continuing to talk she didn't say hardly anything all evening and uh and it wasn't me it's her cousin anyway so they uh you know uh anyway we're standing there in the door and gloria hadn't said anything and she said i think maybe uh it might i don't know it might be time i said gloria how how how far apart of the page oh i don't know about five minutes i said she said but it might be i said you get in that car [Laughter] now you've got to really be quiet and tell me not to speak up but that's just gloria but she said i'll do it and that's when her debut in the television came anyway when i corrected that my first day back into daily television i had changed things and it so far nothing had occurred yet but when i sat down there by myself in the studio and i said you know what i love daily television and the anointing fell on me it didn't just come it suddenly fell on me i jumped up and kicked my chair back and ran around that table and i've been in love with it ever since sometimes i can hardly wait to get in that studio tired or no tired just forget it glory to god let's preach anyway my son for get not my law or teaching let your heart keep my commandments listen to this for length of days and years of a life worth living and tranquility inward and outward and continuing through old age till death this these shall they add to you and that was in the first covenant a life worth living even through old age even to death a life worth living and a life full of sickness and pain well you can make it i struggled through that but i struggled through it with faith amen and just kept on going anyway but believe in god i didn't just stuff it out i'm not that tough there was a lot of pain involved in that but glory to god the pain is gone and i'm still here and i'm living a life worth living i'm 84 and a half years old and i'm having the time of my life amen hallelujah a life worth living continuing through old age these until death until death all the way up to your departure all the way up to your departure in studying death through the eyes of the rabbis and reading the humos and and and other things and then particularly discussing these things with professor greg stevens because professor stevens studied to be a rabbi and he was running from god and decided he wanted to be a jew and he went into the air force he was and he was on the firing line training in weapons and he said i'm an atheist i'm i'm now he was raised dead mother raised in church and but he's you know like another jerk i know myself and he decided no god not even here not even real but he's out there on the firing line and i don't remember the whole scenario but he's he's trying to see that target and and he went through this thing and he fired and all of a sudden he started speaking in tongues he thought where did that come from i don't believe that so he decided i'm going to be a jew he didn't realize that that god was actually leading him in that direction because now he reads and writes paleo in hebrew which is ancient hebrew signs and figures and he's in a hebrew class every sunday night that and it's an interactive class the rabbi and other students they interact together and at the end of next month when he finishes that course he will have a certificate that declares him to be a hebrew scholar and he instructs first covenant in kenneth copeland bible college [Music] wouldn't you like to be in some of those classes and so that's the reason he and i do so much together when it concerns things that have to do with our covenants anyway this the and it cut this is this this is covenant that this is covenant life now when god spoke those things and they became writings in the book of proverbs that entered them into the covenant that is a covenant promise you can stand on that you can believe that you can love that you can walk in that glory to god amen these are covenant words so and they're backed in blood now this is worth saying now the rabbis teach now the first covenants that were the the first was in the blood of animals abraham abram sacrificed animals now why was his name changed from abram to abraham remember covenant name change amen you married yes sir what's your last name bradley brother bradley is your wife's last name bradley yes sir why she's married to me she's covenanted to you that didn't just start a few years ago amen it started with abram the h in the middle of the name your name shall no longer be called abram but abraham h hashem covenant change of name at that covenant changed it went from the blood of animals to the blood of man through circumcision oh there's power and faith in that that became the blood covenant that was the foundation of blood covenants throughout the earth and they still happen today for all kinds of fouled up messed up reasons but that's where it began amen so you needed to see that because the the circle of circumcision that now here's the power of it isaac born way out of time it was covenant god is a covenant-making god the covenant the promise and but then there's a contradiction abram was almost 100 years old and his wife was 90 and she ever had children start with but then through circumcision the seed that brought forth the first covenant blood covenant child the seed passed through the circle of blood so it was a blood child representing the blood of jesus and that wonderful that's what all of that was all about yes amen all right that's healing that's healing glory to god praise you lord jesus now then proverbs 4 20 this this is the healing prescription my son attend to my words incline thine ear unto my sayings let them not depart from thine eyes keep them in the midst divine heart for they are life unto those that he find them in health to all their flesh the cross reference says the hebrew word is medicine this is the prescription this is the the spiritual prescription for healing and my son attended my words listen consent and submit to my sayings let them the sayings the words not depart from your sight keep them in the center of your heart for they are life to those that find them healing and health to all their flesh but now come on the prescription does you no good unless you take it amen amen i had the lord say this to me a long time years and years ago i i had gone to preach once again in shreveport and uh i'd go and uh brother moore kept inviting me back and i would go back then for for a few days at a time and just building faith in the church and i came in um on a sunday evening gloria and i were in church sunday evening and uh and just sitting there praising in the worst i'm so excited because i just i love to preach in this church it's where i met brother jerry and carolyn and i'm excited about it and um and jerry you know kept telling carolyn i'm not going back they're all just like and uh so and and she said if go hear this one i'll never ask you to go again and he said that's a deal so and he came and and then he said ken ken copeland well i know him you don't know him carolyn said there's no way oh yeah so that ken copeland recorded a record that called pledge of love this guy's got a music memory that i i'm going to ask him about songs that i've forgotten the title of it he knows the lyrics anyway well yeah he recorded a record called pledge of love in 1957. oh she said well so i just walked out and i was preaching along i don't remember where in the message and it just stopped and i said now well anna gene price was one of the most fabulous piano players i've ever known in my life and so man she's like david ellis you could just tell her any key it didn't matter just play and anything and like i do both of them sometimes i just stop and listen and now because i want to hear them play and so i'd been doing a lot of singing there in the church and i just stopped and i said well now you know back one then i was i was talking about the anointing and selling a song that's what i learned how to do in the entertainment business was sell it and the lord warned me about that you quit selling the song because i had it a couple of times where the anointing just left me right in the middle of it just let it happen and anyway i mentioned about that and i said back in 57 i recorded a song called pledge of love and he i think he probably slugged caroline you see there i told you anyway it they that the the point that i wanted to get to here that this is a healing covenant that's what it's about the whole thing is about salvation and healing now we read believe in your heart say it with mouse you shall be saved greek word is sozo now in the book of james and the prayer of faith shall save the sick not heal the sick save the sick same word sozo that's the reason greek people got salvation and healing at the same time because they heard the same word healing and salvation healing and deliverance healing look it up in strong's concordance it's all in that word sozo well english-speaking people have fought small wars over it we don't preach healing we just preach salvation well you didn't know it but you were leaving out half of it it's all one revelation the healing the salvation the deliverance its deliverance for the spirit its deliverance for the mind and deliverance for the body spirit soul and body praise god so now then oh glory to god that is the healing prescription now i was in that meeting that sunday night i felt a tightness right here and in this this part of my left leg but i went on the went to bed and it seemed like it's all right i got up the next morning and it was still kind of tight like that and so i went on out and when i stepped out on the platform and and i preached it it was still bothering me some but when i stepped off the platform it hit me i screamed i never didn't know what it was but since then in my heart i believe it's a blood clot i've never had it since it would be all right during the day it just felt tight i would walk and of course the devil was behind it because that church is getting stronger and stronger and stronger and and i'd preach and it'd just be tight feeling i'd step off of that platform and kind of relax and man it hit me i mean it nearly knocked me to the floor but you know i didn't quit and the last the last day of it i just i just had one more service to go and i just laid back across said i said lord you can't miss it i'm missing it where am i missing it he took me to this he said let them not depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart he said you're quoting the healing scriptures there's nothing wrong with that but i needed to put my eyes on them that's when he said to me you remember he asked me you remember what a potato looks like us yes sir you remember what a potato tastes like i said yes sir but he said remembering it and remembering what it tastes like will not nourish your body you have to get it inside the system he said put your eyes on my word and believe it and get it inside the spiritual system where it can work and that's the prescription you have to get it on the inside of you for it to work now that that was a great revelation to me and over the years i've been guilty of it again and again because i just i love it and i just love to preach and and then when this thing hit my back sunday morning see the lord after southwest whoa and it was an exceptionally um tough meeting spiritually and it took a lot to win the battle and august the 4th and i walked into my shower and the my shower doesn't have an enclosure it just has a glass around this way and the shower head is here and you just walk in here and step down the step and there's a tile bench there and i just was like this and i just pitched my washcloth over to that bench and i missed it and it went in on the floor of the shower in the corner well i'm just standing there legging the water just as hot as i can get it and stand it had i done this would have been one thing but i didn't do that i did i did this oh oh i'm telling you a disc exploded in my back it knocked me to the floor on my face i screamed gloria she came running in there i couldn't get up i couldn't get off the floor and i crawled out of the shower and and of course dr weeder he had just come with us back in right about that time a little while before that and he and his wife both chiropractors and and so uh gloria called them and they then they charged over there and they went to work on me anyway make make a long story short i was guilty of this again and so and and david called dr colbert and the two of them ganged up on me and so they stuffed me in the airplane and flew me down to florida anyway and i was down there and uh so i said lord what is going on here he said the only reason you're spending time in the word is to get you're building faith to preach not heat receiving healing now this and now listen to me because you can do this in the car business you can do this you can do this as a medical practitioner you ca anything as a preacher a pastor you can get some busy pastor in the church the only thing you time spend any time in the word is get a sermon out of it instead of receiving healing in your body or financially and just let everything else just kind of happen amen well that's what i was doing and he corrected me for it so we came back home well i still have to preach and i i went of course it was summertime and i went out in the backyard and started praising god and i got two heating pads i'm in a lot of pain on this left leg and i tied him both of my left leg and tied uh old bathrobe sashes around them and turn them up just as high as i could get them so one pain phase out the other one and just started praising god and then i just tell the relax a little bit and boy here come the pain so i started praising god louder and louder and louder and jesus said why take ye the thoughts saying well pain is a thought so i started saying i don't take the pain saying i don't take the pain saying no i will not honor that pain by saying it i won't honor it i won't do it glory to god i'm healed in the name of jesus and i'm out there then and then settle down a little bit i said well gotta work on this so i got my bible and i got my my heating pads all hooked up and i'm going in the word and the lord said what are you doing i said i'm getting my message uh-oh i did it again i was in such a habit of it i said okay here go the healing scriptures you see all those tabs those are healing scriptures all through the bible so that i can just flip from one tab to the next and put them in my eyes and in my heart and not let them escape why in order to see myself well amen amen to see myself well to see myself healed inside i don't care what the pain is see myself well i see myself well i see myself well i call myself i call things that be not as though they were that's hard on people you better learn how to do it i mean there may not be anything wrong now but learn it establish it teach it to your children your grandchildren amen we don't talk this we don't talk that in our house no i just soon cusses to say i'm sick amen i'm not going to do either one no i'm healed i'm healed i may have told you about it it won't take me a minute i'll tell you then we'll go on that first little red airplane the night before we got home and this great big people call them ottomans and they're not ottomans they're footstools i'm too country for ottoman ottoman who's ottoman i don't know anybody named ottoman anyway well the ottoman empire but that's you know no it's a footstool it's a matter with you anyway great big thing and i did a very stupid thing gloria and the kids already in bed but we were home i'm home and i'm home and i don't want to go to bed i want to stay up and be home so finally i couldn't hardly keep my eyes open so i headed to the bedroom now this is truly the answer how dumb can you get i turned the light out and then walked across the room and i kicked that big green footstool and i broke my toe i heard it and i hollered but i'd already learned i hollered oh thank you jesus i'm healed oh thank you jesus oh son that hurt and i went in there and went to bed and lay down real easy and went to sleep by faith and oh it hurt oh i knew it i knew it was broken because it it i mean it really popped loud and oh just just the weight of the sheet on it hurts and so uh so y'all forgive me for about what i'm about to say anyway uh it's like when i opened my eyes the devil said why don't you look and see look at you though i'm gonna look at my toe he said your toes black and blue look at it i said no i'm not going to look at it i have some very good friends their toes are black and blue or black all the time i'm not going to look at it you understand and i did i'm not looking at that door so i hobbled over there and got my socks out of the drawer and i put my sock on the right one and i closed my eyes and put my sock on the left one never did look at it did not look at that toe and oh son and i i got in the car and the airport wasn't but you know about 15 minutes away and i used to work for the man that owned that airport and i had flown this airplane and i knew what good condition it was in so i went over there and i hollered up to the desk and i said is mr spence in please she said yeah let me get him said what what happened i said oh i don't know about two o'clock this morning i kicked a big old green footstool and broke my toe but you know jesus said when he was on the earth whatever you desire when you pray believe you receive it and you'll have it and i prayed and praise god i'm healed thank you by the time i see she'd already backed off about three or four steps and i said i just want you to know i'm healed oh yeah well okay so i went in talked to mr spence closed the deal on the airplane and got in the car turn around this way no if brother hagin said it turn around this away turned around this way and put my feet in the car you know and drove around the back behind the hangar where this little red skylane was sitting and i got around there got a step and got out of the car whoa glory to god hallelujah got in the car drove on home and then i looked at my toe and his black and blue but it was healed my toe is here don't you ever ever yield your ground need medical help get it but you go to faith first you go believe god for you ever call a doctor you go believe god before you say anything to anybody else now when i walked in the kitchen that morning gloria was at you know in there preparing breakfast and walked in there and sees i said good morning she said good morning she didn't say a word and i hobbled in there she didn't say a word i said gloria i want you to agree with me that i'm healed oh she said i agree with that in the name of jesus i said that in the night last night i kicked that big old green footstool in there and broke my toes she said well you're healed glory to god you know and just reached over and said you're healed that's the way we live that's the way you stay well that's taking the prescription now in in times like this i really didn't have time to go get the scripture now that's the time when you need the word on the inside of you and it just flies out of your mouth instead of saying my god my goal no and all things give thanks for this is the will of god for you huh is that what the scripture said yes well i don't give thanks that broke my toe but i give thanks in the middle of it amen hallelujah this is the will of god for me and the power of thanksgiving in that time of trouble brought the power of god right into that toe immediately and it just took a few hours for it to manifest thank you jesus now then um hebrews 13 8. oh jesus and here everybody in here probably can quote this but this is the one you need to put your eyes on and feed your spirit on it glory to god hallelujah the book of hebrews i i've look look look at the book of hebrews in my bible i'm doing television with david barton one day and he said uh where do you get a white highlighter i thought i said what he said where do you get a white highlighter and then i realized what he said it was all yellow but a line or two anyway and i told him well you know i only highlight the good stuff but anyway no i highlight and then i underline the good stuff oh glory to god you can live in the book of hebrews you should until it really begins to speak to you this is the covenant book this goes into the covenant of the blood of animals it goes into the covenant of the blood of jesus and it is magnificent the apostle paul wrote it it has his style he talks about timothy and besides that when jesus appeared to brother hagin took him to heaven and in there and brother hagin said you know there are times like that you wish you to ask him all kinds of things but you forget about it but you're in the spirit but he said then in that moment he said i asked him who wrote the book of hebrews he said well the apostle paul so there you have it and i mean it's his style and it doesn't make any difference anyway but you know he did the kind of education that he had in the scripture and i love it 13 7 remember then that have the rule over you who have spoken unto you the word of god whose faith follow considering the end of your manner of life do you want me to tell you why it is so easy to have this kind of meeting in this fabulous church how many of you this is your home church that tells the story you are following the faith of apostle bishop keith butler and his lovely helpmate deborah we go back a long long way we go back how many of you ever have seen him with an afro good-looking rascal well he's still good looking but oh man back there then we were having a meeting at cobo hall and i'd heard about him and uh from rhema i'd heard about him from this this faith man in detroit and so i said gloria let's go a little early i want to hear this man preach so we went to sunday morning service and i heard faith glory to god it was delicious it was so good i said gloria you better watch this young man i'm telling you only heaven knows what all he and that beautiful woman are going to do together and we fell in love with him and then we met them and we've been in this together for a long time and i watched different stages of hair [Laughter] and may i settled something this morning that you know people ask me this all the time do you put anything on your hair well of course i put something on my hair i mean you think i get up and it looks like this no i mean to color your hair no the first thing i put on it is the word of god the second thing i put on it is water the third thing i put on its hairspray amen but i found out years ago that the hairs on my head are numbered so i just claim my original account and just keep saying that glory to god i have it and in the name of jesus as a witness and a testimony i'll not have any gray and and i had a good bit of gray but just little by little it began to go and now it's gone so i just won't yield my head to anything but the word of god now hey you know this is just something that the lord directed me to do as a testimony and that that's it but it's never too late it's never too late anyway a lot of my my beard's mostly white not all white but it's it's more white than than anything else but i didn't talk to my beard because i'm going to cut it off i'm starting a new fed i shave every day you know i'm kidding praise god all right kenneth get down to business okay i am jesus christ say it with me the same yesterday and today and forever now acts glory to god it's chapter 1. acts chapter 1 verse 11. verse 10 while they look steadfastly toward heaven as he went up behold two men stood by them in white apparel which also said you men of galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven this same jesus this same jesus say this same jesus who is the same yesterday today and forever this same jesus yeah this same jesus this same jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven yes he will and this same jesus by his spirit in you in me and saturating this place is here this same jesus this same jesus that healed this same jesus that raised from the dead this same jesus this same jesus i know him very personally now i'm not like brother hagin i have never seen him i had a quick vision of him one night oh and i was preaching in little rock at uh brother happy caldwell's church the agape church and about four o'clock in the morning now once or twice before one time i'm well let me let me go and finish the thing with my my leg from shreveport and and then we got on the airplane that night going on that airliner and the devil kept telling me he's going to kill me with this thing and i just in my heart i knew it was a blood clot but i said you're not going to kill me you can't kill me i'm going to kill you i said no you can't and so i got there and he said now this was that love field this was long before the after and he said it's about a mile from the airplane gate to where your luggage is and you're full enough to walk it we stepped off that airplane it's it's night late when we stepped off the airplane at the bottom of the ramp there was a man there with a wheelchair now i called my mother and dad to come pick us up and but they were they were coming to pick us up anyway but they they they didn't say anything to him and he he said you're going to need this you talk about a setup i'm telling you that wheelchair looks good to me and i looked him right straight in the face i said no healed men don't need wheelchairs thank you very much amen and walked i'm telling you it hurts so bad and i walked that whole thing and by this time i'm i kind of broke out my sweat and and went all the way to the luggage place and my dad got our luggage and put it in the car now back in those days you had to come from dallas love field and through the through the uh the toll way forward dallas tollway it's not there anymore but back there then it was and then you had to go past where my dad mother lived and go on out to the south side where glory and my uh home was i said daddy forget it i can't make it all the way the house i said take me to your house so i went back to my old bedroom or what i lived at home and my mother bless her darling heart i mean she's a 24-hour day praying woman she said when she made 70 if i know and i was going to live this long i'd have taken better care of herself which long story but her appendix ruptured on the basketball court she was almost 16 years old and and they didn't think she could live they did the doctor just used cadaver clamps my grandfather encouraged him to sew her up you know he blood cherokee in him and he walked in there and said she dies you die so he sowed her up right quick well he didn't even try to put her back together and they told her you probably won't live over 10 years and don't you ever try to have a baby it'll kill you they had been married nine years when i was born i mean so you can read and they tried to have another one and they had to stop it she did like to die so my mother decided she's going to pray the whole family in she's going to get them all before she dies she only has 10 years to go she kept going i mean she was going after that three score and 10. she was going for it with all she had she's not going to die in 10 years the day she turned 70 she called me on the phone i made it bless god i made it i said what mama i made three scorn 10. i'm 70. then she started going downhill and she lived seven more years we went then i flopped down in that bed and just fell asleep on my back i woke up sat right straight up mother said that did it just went on completely him absolutely but now this time see that time i had no vision of jesus or anything but this time i had prepared them the night before and and so forth about what i was going to preach on sunday morning and uh and man i was so sound asleep and suddenly i just woke up this time i didn't sit up i just raised up like that and we were in the in this king-sized bed and holiday inn and it had bed posts here and when i did this there was jesus right there standing just a little up like this but between those two bed posts and he had a huge silver tray heaped with cookies and he was it wasn't mad looking to his stern well you got cookies he looked like he'd be smiling he said have a cookie i didn't know what to say he said your response is i believe i will i said i believe i will your what you'll take it i believe i will i take it now do you have it well yes now i have it he said well thank me for it i said i thank you for it he said now what well i knew then well hey glory to god forgive if you have voted against any now i said i have it and i forgive i'll give you praise for it and i forgive and i thank you gloria and he disappeared and then i continued then in my heart and mine i saw myself at this party a large party and there's a person walked up to me with this tray full of cookies and said brother copeland have a cookie i said no thank you i have one can be kind of crazy uh i have one thank you i started learning things that night i learned how to get away from sugar and i learned the six eyes of faith i believe i will i take it i have it i thank you for it and i forgive and then i learned i looked up the word gluttony in my concordance i found it and every time i found the word gluttony it also included the word drunkard because it's an addiction you get addicted to food i was terribly addicted to food and had to learn how to break that and that was the beginning of it and so for and you know i've kind of got a crazy way of renewing my mind but people look at me kind of like i'm crazy they'd woke up off me a piece of cake and i'd say no thank you i don't drink okay he's crazy no i'm not fat anymore i had to break the addiction to the food i'm just using scripture in ways to do it i believe i will i take it i have my healing i thank you for it and i forgive you i believe is your spirit i will is your soul i take it is your faith and i it took me a while to realize what he taught me that night and then i began to give thanks and thanksgiving is the big gun of faith there are things that will happen when you begin to praise god by faith and you just keep praising god until the spirit of worship comes and when the spirit of worship comes then the glory will fall hallelujah now then psalm 145 in the classic amplified we've already done this but we're going to do it in the goodness of god and we're going to look at something here again now let's let's go down to uh in well that third verse great is the lord and highly to be praised his greatness is so vast and deep as to be unsearchable verse six men shall speak of the might of your tremendous and terrible or awesome acts and i and i will declare your greatness i will declare i will declare your greatness not they will declare they'll speak of your awesome act but i will declare your greatness they shall pour forth like a fountain the fame of your great and abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your rightness and justice the lord is gracious and full of compassion slow to anger abounding in mercy and loving kindness the lord is good to all he is good to all i heard gloria say the sun will shine on anybody that'll get out in it that's god being good to all but it has to be received you have to receive that by faith it's wonderful to sing about it this is the difference between the jewish people that sing it and we don't know the song so it is god's word so i'm satisfied that it would be like uh our taking a a hymn book and and reading at it which is nothing wrong with that there's some there's some songs in there that don't need to be in there anyway oh my goodness spare me nothing if you get that you bore on the cross if it'll make me closer to you oh lord i didn't know there was such a song and this one guy would go to that church and he'd get up and sing it and i told the pastor i said that's terrible he said i know it i said well can't you get him to stop he said i've spoken to him about it and i said well it seems to me like he sings it every time i come and so and then i came back and here he came he came to sing a song spare me nothing and if you bore on the cross uh and make me closer to you and i stopped and i said shut up he looked at me i said shut that up that is a lie and you know it you're not qualified to bear what he bore on the cross now don't ever sing that in my presence again i'll not hear such a thing full of unbelief well he didn't sing it amen at least the psalm book is not full of much crazy songs amen now matthew chapter 8 oh i preached all this just to get onto this matthew 8 and we are close i want to tell you what that greg stevens did now he is a scholar of the first covenant malachi the last book of the first covenant goes to matthew so he drew this big double-sided arrow over here pointing like this from this because that's what this was all about was this amen i thought i'm gonna get me one of and those i'm working on a new reference bible now i'm just going to have it printed in there from here to here the great big era so matthew chapter 8. are you okay glory to god the 16th verse when evening was come they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils now this is what i was telling you yesterday that i have on my mirror in my bathroom and i look at this the first thing now even in the hotel i didn't have the mirror i didn't have it up there but i just quote it right the first thing i stick my face in that mirror is this right here well the 14th verse when jesus was coming to peter's house he saw his wife's mother let it with the sick of a fever and he touched her hand and see the fever left her she arose and ministered unto them this was evening sabbath was over so she got up and cooked supper obvious they were hungry they hadn't eaten anyway when evening was come they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirits with his word and healed all that were sick say he healed them all he healed all that were sick matthew 12 15. oh this one this one just is stunning 14th verse when the pharisees went out and held a council against him how they might destroy him but when jesus knew it he withdrew himself from there and great multitudes follow him and he healed them all hey i'm telling you this same jesus he is so easy so easy to receive from him he just healed them all anybody that would take it he didn't heal everybody but he healed all of them that would receive it there was a a doctrine many years ago and there are people i'm sad to say still believe it now that jesus healed and did miracles to prove his divinity well that's not true because at his own hometown man i mean you want to do good at home he went back to nazareth from capernaum now it was prophesied that he would move to capernaum so he didn't just go there because he picked it out and you see scriptures like he was in the house remember the the men born before upon the roof i used to think that was a hostile crowd but it was not they were not in a synagogue they came there from all over they came from jerusalem they came from all about and he was in the house it was his house it was a big house and it was so full like keith moore said the finest donkeys in the land were parked right out front and they were there to hear amen and so that was in his house and they started breaking up the roof and i could just see him and read it in in all all three of the gospels where it's it's recorded each one has a little different to it and it look and he said while he's bringing well they're bringing him through the roof he said son cheer up your sins are forgiven glory to god thank you jesus i mean he forgave him before he even knew anything about him no he knew all about him he didn't even have to confess that sin i was in a meeting one time and he got really mad and during the meeting and and uh anyway and i i decided i'm not going to go back over there and preach on kind of something i said and and i said i'm not going back over there you just got to get somebody else i'm not going there's no use you could try to con around or foot around with him he already knows and i got a great revelation that night or that afternoon the lord right in here he said did you confess that sin i said yes i did he said kenneth when you confess that sin is not when i found out about it he said that's when you got rid of it that helped me until this day all the praying we've ever done has never informed god about anything it's when we communicated with him and we entered into that and exercised our covenant relationship with him and that's like it is right now and while i spoke right then somebody in the right side of their neck was healed of a pain glory to god that there's neck pain being healed all over the room hallelujah ears are being healed right now ringing in ears praise yes praise god yes praise god hallelujah let me see the camera uh bill holsinger that just came up right then there's the healing for the ringing in your ears so you and mary in this agreement just take it right now praise god hallelujah hallelujah it's good to see you brother i wish i could see through it at least you can see me glory to god jesus hallelujah god i love this amen thank you jesus anyway thank you lord jesus christ when he knew it he withdrew himself from there great multitudes followed him and he healed them all matthew 19. you getting anything out of this praise god and verse 2 great multitudes followed him and he healed them there mark chapter 6. now going to see here what happened thank you jesus and verse 56 wheresoever he entered into villages or cities or country they laid the sick in the streets and besought him that they might touch him if it were but the border of his garment as many as it touched him were made whole now back up in the fifth verse this tells the story he was not healing to prove his divinity because if he was he failed here at nazareth the fifth verse he could there do no mighty work save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk and healed them and he marveled because of their unbelief i mean it it was his will that they'd be here i mean he went ahead and laid hands on him anyway and if you if you look that up he let people were sick with minor ailments no mighty works no blind no death no no they wouldn't have anything to do with it who does he think he is he didn't think who he was he knew who he was but that and we read it over in the fourth chapter of the book of luke and we see it they marveled at the gracious words that came out of his mouth but when he said this day this scripture is fulfilled in your ears they got furious this day he called himself a prophet he called himself more than that he called himself the anointed we know his mother and daddy and his brothers and his sisters how can he say that every prophet had a mother and a daddy not too long after by the spirit of god brother hagin separated me to the office of the prophet and uh i'm a member of our family and and he he loved me and uh he but he said uh you think kenneth is a prophet and one of the other members of the family said yeah i think so well he's our kin folks well every prophet's kin to somebody jesus was kin to a lot of people he's kind of he's kind to john the baptist his cousin had a bunch of kinfolk amen but that's the devil moving in on familiarity hometown boy why who could he be anyway you understand that so that was that's the only record of that kind but that's all we need the people that didn't receive it are the ones who didn't believe it what did they not believe they didn't believe what he preached what did he preach the spirit of the lord is upon me for he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he's anointed me to preach teach and heal and to preach the acceptable year of the lord which is supernatural debt cancellation he didn't want anybody in debt to anybody but him glory to god thank you jesus and he certainly didn't want anybody to walk off sick thank you lord now let's uh luke chapter 4. i particularly like this one it's about the same as what we just read but it's a little more descriptive luke 4 and verse 38 he arose out of the synagogue and entered into simon's house now this is what we read in matthew chapter 8. i want you to see something luke writings in the gospel of luke and the book of acts two things one he's a physician so when it came to sickness and disease is very descriptive we'll see it here with this and another thing he wrote in documentary style he questioned people that were there he questioned different ones and he was he was very educated man and he and the apostle paul uh he was educated in medicine and the apostle paul was educated in the covenant and they got along really well and he they traveled together saying wouldn't you like to been a fly on the wall when they were together glory to god so anyway we got better than that because we have everything they said but i want you to look at this now verse 38 he arose out of the synagogue and entered into simon's house simon's wife's mother was taken with a great fever a great fever this then you know i said something yesterday about it being coded no it wasn't i i think this was more in the order of typhoid something is a killer a great fever this woman was dying and with this great fever they besought him for her he stood over her rebuked the fever he talked to it you better talk to it you better talk to it talk to that fever don't let it get away with anything i said it before and i'm going to say it again i've been accused of being in denial and it's absolutely the truth i don't deny that this that the disease exists i deny its right to exist in my body i desire i deny its right to exist in gloria's body and when the children were young i could deny its existence in their body and i remember early on when the stuff like the hong kong flew and and you know swine flu and i'm taking the flu off a hog i mean come on the chicken flew get out of town anyway and we still lived over there where the green the big green footstool was so i called the kids in they were young i said we're going to take our flu shot today boy john's eyes got big so i gathered them around that big stool and we got a got on our knees running and i had my bible i had it open to the 28th chapter of deuteronomy be smitten with fever and consumption and but christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law so we went from one to the other flu is a curse of the law but i don't have flu because flu is under the curse of the law and i'm redeemed from flu and we went back and forth and back and forth i don't know how many times we went back and forth and back and forth i said now you have been you you have been vaccinated against the flu and john man he wasn't going to get a shot they never had coals they never had the flu amen until they grew up and got out on their own but even then kelly was in high school she came home one day and she when she got in from school she said daddy all the symptoms of the flu came on me today now in the past on television you've probably heard me say this you've heard gloria say that but it just came out my mouth that day so adopt this saying so she told me all the symptoms i said kelly you are not the sick trying to get healed you are the healed and the devil's trying to take your health away from you she stood there and looked at me for a minute she said i'll be right back she went into her her room and she stayed in there for a little while and before supper came she came out all the symptoms were gone and that was it but now see that those kids were raised that way they were raised that way and they thought that our partners were actually kin to us because we talked about you at the table and they thought we were we got a lot of ken folks yeah they're family that's what we kept telling them kids our partners are our family oh okay and today oh kelly is in the partner department amen because well anyway she knows how close you are to our heart so praise god now in um luke 6 did we finish that in luke 8 38 well wait a minute let me catch back up here luke 4 38. he arose out of the synagogue verse 39 he stood over her rebuked that fever and left her immediately she rose and ministered unto them now when the sun was setting all they that had any sick with diver's diseases or different diseases brought them unto him he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them devils also came out of many crying out and saying thou art christ the son of god excuse me he rebuked them suffered them not to speak for they knew that he was christ and when it was day when it was day do you see what that said our sweet jesus our sweet savior our sweet healer didn't finish until all of them were healed and it was daylight oh jesus he is so good and easy all you had to do was show up didn't make any difference you're possessed with devils didn't make any difference only thing of it is the devil cried out he told them to shut up get out they left and all dwell and of course some uh probably i would say at least 98 of them were sick because of the devil that was in in their bodies so they were part of the sick amen so praise god now luke 6 this also is amazing luke 6 17 and we're just about there luke 17 luke 6 17 oh come on copeland wake up yes sir thank you it came he came down with them and stood in the plane the company of his disciples and a great multitude of people out of all judea jerusalem the seacoast of tyre and sidon which came to hear him to be healed of their diseases and they came to hear him not just to be healed they came to hear they came to hear he preached before he laid hands on most people now they were there occasionally that he didn't like the man at the pool of bethesda he just walked in there but there was only one that thing was full of sick people that's the only one that's that his father within directed him to so that's the only one he ministered to but 99 of the time he did more teaching than anything else and he they came to hear him listen they came to hear to hear him oh oh to hear the master himself talk about faith now no wonder and talking to rick renner our greek scholar an apostle to russia glory to god now to very very close friend discussing this with him he said there it's a settled fact that there was anything anywhere from 20 to 35 40 even in some cases 50 000 people following him everywhere he went this is the reason they didn't even have time to eat and they got so weary and tired but we don't follow that example because hey they only had three and a half years they didn't know it but jesus knew it then they had to rest later and he told them to rest amen so anyway they came to hear him and to be healed they heard about the healings but they heard about the messages the woman with the issue of blood had heard of jesus somebody's relaying the messages and he she lived right there in capernaum that's where he lived and he continually came back home and they had lookouts waiting for him here he comes here he comes here comes here he comes glory to god so glory to god thank you jesus thank you lord jesus they came to hear and to be healed of their diseases and they that were vexed with unclean spirits they were healed now see that's what i was talking about before they they were they were vexed or processed with unclean spirits but they were sick and they were healed and the whole multitude sought to touch him for there went power out of him and he healed them all glory to god luke 9 verse 10 and the apostles when they were returned told him all that they had done he took them and went aside privately into a desert place belonging to the city of bethsaida and the people when they knew it followed him and he received them and spoke unto them of the kingdom of god and healed them that had need of healing praise god what did he tell his disciples preach teach heal cast out devils and raise the dead freely you have received freely give that's your job go raise the dead amen well the church lost that i've experienced it twice and i'll tell you right now it's indescribable but i don't have time to get into it this morning but well i will talk about this one in jamaica and i i began fasting when i got there and i thought it was because the food was weird and i didn't know what to eat but it was weird but anyway well no it was it was strange and it wasn't bad it just bread fruit looked like bread but it wasn't bread and uh and i had gotten in there late and and then they took me to the the family's home that i was to stay that night and then get up the next morning and so and so man they woke me up five o'clock for breakfast okay and so and here and the whole family was in there and everybody was and and and mama was down here at this end of the table and daddy was down here at this end of the table and who glory to god i and i'm i was a little tired and sleepy but it was so bright and pretty in there and and everybody was so excited about the meeting that's going to happen and they had my plate was already full and i didn't know what any of it was and i looked it over and there was the bread and it was bread fruit it looked just like bread i thought well at least i've got some bread i know what that is and then here's this this meat with some kind of green looking sauce on it and and i thought well the scripture says you know eat what's put before you i said okay here i go well now i had i had already experienced in my life barbecued goats and it is some kind of good but i experienced this this on some of my kin folks place and they had they had an old goat that that they that goat made everybody mad you just get around in front of him and he just butts you i mean he just rammed you and he goes around that's what he did and so they decided and he hit him in the head with a pipe and he just did and he said okay you're next so he just barbecued him well they're a clean animal it was superb i didn't know that that's what this was but it was i took a bite of it it was good i didn't know what the green stuff was but it was a kind of a barbecue sauce and but i'd take a bite she'd replenish it i'd take a bite she'd put more on there and i'm having to eat this and i thought i don't even know what this is but i'm going to do my best but i left there and lost my appetite now i mean just left and i try to eat and but i just could hardly eat now i i did eat some some fruit there there was fruit trees just every place and no windows just open holes and you could just reach out there and get a big old orange and eat i ate some of that occasionally but then and then that happened where that little girl died in the middle of the church service tall steps all the way up to the to the top and i don't remember but it was it was quite a climb up those steps now deacon lewis had quit his job and came to these meetings and and i asked him i said so you mean you quit your job yes sir i quit my job i said how come you do that he said i'd get another job but he said i found out you're going to be teaching on faith he said i can take the faith and get me a better job i'm here and he was the only one with a flashlight and it's dark and i he was standing there and then this woman screamed my baby's dead my baby's dead i grabbed that flashlight took my first step and the next step was on that top step i have no recollection of those other steps i walked in there and a bunch of people in there just crying and carrying on and you remember i talked about yesterday morning i talked about earl that was with me when i ministered to the woman that the devil had taken over he was there then and i said earl back those people out completely so he backed them away she slumped over she was studying and her dad had walked up there and picked her up like this and he was in shock and when i came in there he turned around and faced me and she was hanging over his arms well i walked up there and took hold of her heart well see we didn't know how long she'd been dead because they went up there and found her and when i took hold of her arm she was cold and she was just hanging there like this i said in the name of jesus i speak life to you in the name of jesus i speak life to you live nothing i said in the name of jesus and i punched her in the stomach i said in the name of jesus i speak life unto you live and just you and papa he was in such shock then he didn't know what to do the people there didn't respond the way i expected them to respond they became afraid of her she left and went back to um is either spanish down in kingston i think she went to kingston and got her job teaching school and i have i have a photograph standing there next to her and it was an amazing experience but this with jesus now think that think about that situation now they all came to hear after that my appetite came back god put me on a fast until this happened my appetite came back and and then i ate you know so but the the point is they they came to hear they came to hear so the faith was there not just my faith but the faith was there they came to hear particularly deacon lewis i mean he was there i'm a very well-dressed man he didn't wear a suit but he would he wore a new khaki trousers and good-looking shirts and uh and brought his flashlight because he he lived up in there and he knew it was going to be dark as inside of a barrel so he he brought his flashlight so praise god now i want us to look at mark chapter 10. mark chapter 10 verse 46. they came to jericho as he went out of jericho with the disciples a great number of people and blind bartimaeus i don't call him blind bartimaeus anymore but he was a blind at that time son of timaeus set by the highway side begging and when he heard it was jesus of nazareth he began to cry and say jesus now wait a minute hold your place turn to matthew 22 42 while the pharisees were gathered together jesus asked them saying what think he of christ whose son is he they say unto him the son of david now they already knew they already knew he just said the the messiah christ same thing the messiah whose son is he son of david this is a key phrase watch for it all the way through the gospels the syrophoenician woman some say she knew nothing of him oh yes they she did she kept crying son of david son of david have mercy on me she called him messiah when even his own disciples didn't know it yet vital information now notice it again verse 46 verse 47 when he heard that it was jesus of nazareth he began to cry and say jesus thou son of david have mercy on me jesus the son of david have hastened on me he's a jew he understood hessed covenant hessid the bigger blessing the the smaller on an equal basis david was so disturbed uh with hesed because jonathan had been killed and he was his blood broad brother and he was so hurt because jonathan and saul were both dead and he's crying he's hurting covenant is driving him this is a picture of god it's driving him to give it's driving him to give and to do something for somebody in jonathan's house what was driving him i said i said read it for yourself is there nobody left in that household to which i can show kindness no no no no look it up it's hesed that to whom i can show hesed and they said well there's this one little fella he's crippled boy and he lives down in lodibar which is a just a slum area he said go get him you go get him david had an actual scar where he had made covenant with jonathan and listen to what he said i'm just using my word that little fella will sit at my table in other words he's my family by covenant and whatever i have is his now remember he was crippled in his feet you couldn't see those crippled feet under the king's table he said i have to have somebody to whom i can show hesit that's what was happening right here with blind bartimaeus bartimaeus and he said how has it on me many charged him that he should hold his peace but he cried the more the great deal saturday dad have mercy on me and jesus stood still he stopped him he stood still now you're about to see something that is a true act of faith and commanded him to be called and they called the blind man saying be a good comforter rise he calls it and he he had on a legal garment you were tested by the priests that you were actually blind you were given the right to beg the man at the beautiful gate had to prove that he actually couldn't walk to be able to be legal for him to sit at that gate and make his living by begging what did blind bartimaeus do i don't need this anymore where is he don't you love it what an act of faith jesus saw that and i did it and i can just i can just just see this next one and we'll close with this but now watch this notice jesus answered and said unto him what will thou that i should do under thee well it ought to be obvious jesus the man can't see no no no wait a minute no no no no he saw his faith when he dropped that coat but now bartimaeus needed to say it i was with uh brother roberts in a meeting in fact we were we were here in detroit at cobo hall and we had so many people couldn't pray for so we had a daytime service and um and so brother dewees came to me he was he he was captain of the airplane so he's my boss and uh he came to me and he said kenneth we can't get all these people prayed for i'm gonna set you up a prayer line okay and uh he said i want you you know you just lay hands on them and and that afternoon i prayed for something like 500 people and the the first one the first woman that came up there this ugly nasty looking thing that came out of her hairline that looked like an eggplant plant it was just nasty obviously and i talked to medical people about it later dr jackson they said of course it was malignant this thing was it was purple and it had blue and red streaks in it and it came out of her hair and almost had her eye covered she couldn't see out of that i don't know how far it went up into here well and as my custom was and he is now i'd heard i'd heard him say in the infinity room don't touch them until you're ready to release your faith i walked up there and my mother was at that meeting she was standing right behind me and i walked up there and looked at that and the compassion of god came on me and it it it didn't feel like compassion it feel it felt like just fury just i hated that thing and she was standing there like this and i i said in the name of je and he just disappeared and it kind of sucked the wind out of i said mother said where'd that thing go i said i don't know and she went like that and she had this huge quarter she'd had her hands over it like that well it was obvious what she was after to me but when she took this huge garter and i saw that and i said no she said i'm saving that for brother roberts [Music] she got delivered to this and kept that you would think that same power but no she had more to do with it than i did so jesus asked him he saw his faith but now he needed to hear him say it so what would you that i should do today can't you just see hey bartimaeus i got this from gloria hey bartimaeus what can i do for you remember i told you how easy he is what can i do for you lord then i might receive my sight okay he could have come up there and said lord my my back was almost broken and i can hardly walk okay but had he not mentioned the blindness he would have probably kept the blindness but had he said lord i need two things first i need messiah and i need my back healed jesus said okay the centurion sent word for jesus he had built the synagogue in capernaum where jairus was was leader of the synagogue but then he said no no no i'm not important enough for you to even come under my roof say the word say the word and my servant will be healed that was the same centurion that was standing there when he saw jesus and heard him cry he believed he was a prophet but listen jesus said i will come in healing no he said you don't need to come under my roof just say the word so jesus said to her can you see how easy it is to receive from him glory to god and then that same centurion said this must have been the son of god because he cried with a loud voice and then pilate conferred with the centurion to make sure that he was already dead he was the centurion the highest ranking officer in that area and later on he sent for peter to come to his house he needed to hear this word his name was cornelius glory to god and that his his garrison headquarters was right there all almost just right next to pilate's headquarters it was the same centurion so now we know his name and now we know the message that was preached there it was the same message that he had heard jesus preach while he was in capernaum how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and power glory to god that was the message thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus let's praise him let's praise him i said let's worship and praise him let's worship and praise him let's worship and praise him let's worship let's worship glory to god let's worship glory to god and praise him and bless that name worship worship and praise worship and praise praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord jesus praise the lord jesus praise the lord jesus praise the lord jesus praise you jesus praise you jesus praise you jesus praise you jesus praise you jesus praise you lord father praise you lord god praise you lord god praise you lord god oh god thank you for being present in this place this morning thank you lord god oh we touched the hem of your garment this morning we praise and worship you are you ready to pray the prayer of faith i said are you ready to pray the prayer of faith i want you to raise your hand and i will lead you in this prayer and i'm telling you right now plug in with faith plug in with faith make an effort the lord told brother hagin when he was healed of heart and totally paralyzed and should be up this time of day i mean i i mean just a few little little minutes a while before he was paralyzed his mother had to bathe him in the bed and he could barely see but he got over on mark 11 23-24 and he said well now you believe you're well he said i certainly do he said well people ought to be up this time of day or you needed some corresponding action do something you couldn't do so he just he just threw his legs out over the bed he couldn't feel anything from the waist down he said it's just like two chunks of wood and he fell and he he grabbed hold of the uh of the bed post and he said i want to announce to every angel in this i want to announce to the father in heaven i want to announce to the lord jesus christ and i want to announce to every angel in this room and every devil in the name of jesus i'm healed glory to god i am healed and he said feeling and started coming into those legs into those nerves he said it felt like ten thousand needles being stuck into his legs and he began to cry he said it it hurt bad enough to cry those nerves coming alive but he said i'm crying cause i could feel it i'm crying because i could feel it he could have laid in that bed and died but he started doing it and in a matter of minutes he was up and walking around this meant every all of his whole chest his heart had to be replaced his whole chest had to be replaced his lungs had to be replaced his whole chest area had he had a chest replacement in a slightest moment of time and he got up and he began to walk around the room he began to walk around the room glory to god are you ready are you ready to receive the power of god unto salvation for your spirit your mind your body if you can't stand up stand up on the inside now i'm saying this i take authority over all sickness over all disease and over all devils get out of here in the name of jesus now you say this the gospel that i have heard say it boldly the gospel that i have heard is the power of god unto my salvation [Music] i confess jesus christ as lord over my life spirit soul and body i receive the power of god to make me sound whole delivered saved healed now i act on the word of god i receive the power of god sickness disease pain i resist you in the name of jesus sickness weakness and pain you are not the will of god i enforce the word of god on you i will not tolerate you in my life leave my presence i will never allow you back my days of sickness my days of disease are over now i am saved [Applause] i am the heel the power of sickness has been broken over my life jesus bore my sickness my weakness my pain i am forever free sickness shall no longer lord it over me sin shall no longer lord it over me fear shall no longer lord it over me i have been redeemed from the curse of the law i proclaim my freedom in jesus name today today this day the gospel that i have heard is the power of god to me unto salvation now if you had not accepted jesus as lord before right now you just did he is the gospel under your salvation glory to god glory to god i'm talking to all of you out there online right now the scripture says the gospel is the power of god unto salvation well it's the power of god under healing glory to god i said glory to god thank you lord jesus today the gospel is the power of god to me i receive the gospel i act on the gospel [Applause] i am made whole in jesus name [Applause] well do it praise move see hear straighten up be delivered be free be sound do what you couldn't do before bend over hey hey hey this place is ours it belongs to us hit those aisles running if you need to praise god whatever you couldn't do do it now well yeah yeah that way girl praise god hallelujah thank you lord do what you couldn't do [Music] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 32,176
Rating: 4.8136439 out of 5
Keywords: 2021 detroit victory campaign, actions, believe, blood, corresponding, covenant, faith, glory, healing, healing school, health, jesus, kenneth copeland, medicine, prescription, salvation, sozo, speak, stripes, word
Id: tnXcVNhBMhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 11sec (8771 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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