2021 Predictions for Developers

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right sorry for the delay guys so uh first of all um let me know if you can hear me and uh happy new year happy new year uh i have my predictions for 2021 i pulled out my nerd crystal ball and i think they're going to be accurate so we'll soon find out all right so please give me a give me a um the sound is okay sound is good sound is good indicator before i get into it so we'll do the subject and then we'll get into the q and a so i hope everybody as well so please in the comments give me some thumbs up letting me know that the sound is good been waiver three hours wow thanks i appreciate that splinter cell yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right appreciate that thank you ron yeah yeah so you guys can hear me well we could hear you happy we could hear you happy new year good good so yeah just somebody write in the in the comments we can't hear i can hear you clearly so just i know that everybody can hear me clearly and uh yeah sounds good all right thank you good fantastic so like a lot of people around the world i'm uh thank you i appreciate that good good so i want you if you if you don't mind oblige me say hello from wherever you are in the world whether it be the city or u.s state or some country in africa so yeah so let me know how it goes hey ray thank you tommy express i appreciate it just graduated nine month full stack course your videos helped so much thank you hey congratulations tommy fantastic good that's good that's good so i think um yeah let me just go i'm going to give you a quick run through my predictions very quickly and then we'll do some q a i got some other things i can talk about as well like you guys it's covered so i can't really um can't go out can't go out and i can't see my relatives who are much older given my age imagine how old they are and it's just not good for anybody concerned so i figure hey i'll hang out with you guys why not good times so uh yeah so let me just jump into that and then we'll talk about a few other things yeah all right hello okay so we go we got uh a good good day from australia from southwest michigan chicago cool i was there good city from ghana wow very cool hey thanks uh hello from southern california very good with park happy new year happy new year to you yes exactly i'll answer questions later on in the stream i just want to call it sounds good i appreciate that yeah it sounds kind of silly but i asked just in case i don't want to start talking for five minutes and nobody can hear me so i just wanted to thumbs up uh is link did a great okay i'll answer questions later hello from bangladesh very cool thanks for joining mexico place i gotta go mexico hello from new york new york yeah cool all right so how many people are on okay it was not about toronto fellow canuck fellow connect cool kill kill all right so let me just jump into it and then very quickly and then we'll do some q a we'll jump back into some other subjects i did a big change i moved from uh phone number one for the first time ever to phone number two i just gave it away all right that wasn't very good all right south dakota very cool brazil ah very cool all right so um what i got here one two three four five so you have five predictions for 2021 vis-a-vis coding jobs et cetera and uh italy and uh yeah so number one um this may surprise you uh if you don't know apple released the brand new chip technology an arm-based processor m1 so it just runs super cool and meaning not hot and it uses very little energy so the first iteration of these new type of computers are just blowing everybody away even in the pc world and yeah so for instance you have laptops so have like 20 30 hours of battery life on a charge 20 30 30 hours 30 hours that's playing video i think that and they're so powerful they're so fast they blow the doors off uh any other chips relative to price so what does this all mean this all means that uh [Music] you're gonna see a big revolution in hardware it all the other companies microsoft announced and i think other companies announced but they're going to be moving to arm because apple basically just the what they did with smartphones with the touch screen and that sort just changed the whole game i think this new technology is going to change the whole game this could have a huge impact in terms of i think ai because these processors are so energy efficient and so fast that it should really have a huge boost to the ai world and it's also going to cut down server costs by a huge amount now if you don't know some of the more sophisticated servers like aws which is amazon and others they have you pay sometimes depending on the model have you paid by cpu cycles and uh processor but if their energy requirements are dropping by like was it i was watching some reviews of the m1 chip and this is the first gen right which means future gems are going to be far better first gens are always the worst and um they were seeing an m1 ship using six watts of power versus an intel internship using 45 watts of power and they are matching or beating it depending on the situation and that's significant so when you go out there to rent server space all of a sudden apparently amazon already announced they're going to be putting together banks of servers based on m1 tech you'll be able to rent out service space from them and since their energy costs will be much less since their cpu computational cost will be so much less server costs and a huge massive server scaling is going to be much less so that means that developing the next big piece of software overall hosting cost should diminish quite as much as well so m1 should also the apple m1 chip you don't know it's a new chip apple just put out the arm base me run super cool no fans required necessarily and it runs super long like batter instead of your laptop having to be charged after 10 hours it could last 20 30 hours playing videos so this is like a game changer um and i'm not i'm not one to say you know just to talk about game changers every you know too often but i think it's as big as what iphone did to smartphones and even the world if you think about it and i think m1 is going to be just as big it's going to affect server hosting ai programming i think people who would never look at apple computers before may really strongly consider them now and it's also going to force the whole industry to move over over to arm-based technology which uh which is good for everybody so it's fantastic so that's the first one the big move to m1 arm processor arm processing that's very cool and as an ancient nerd as i am this is something that i find uh pretty pretty interesting i don't see we don't see this too often again last time i think we saw a huge change like this in terms of hardware was was the iphone and i'm not an apple fanboy i was a pixel user for many years never used the iphone just to give you a context um okay so how about covet covid is basically basically accelerating the inevitability of the change in the economy and in our society so what's that the inevitability is remote work the inevitability of more uh remote type of situations it just pushed it forward so if i was an owner of commercial real estate i'd be very very concerned right now because a lot of companies are starting to think well you know what you know we've been doing this as eight months now or nine months now remote work and our company runs fine so why should we have all these big spaces and pay all this rent for nothing so i think you're going to see that more and more and more and that's going to be pretty bad for these guys every now and then you see uh entire economies and society shift the last big shift industrial revolution where everybody moved from the farms like 80 or something percent of the people in north america lived on farms and within a short period of time they all moved into cities to get jobs because of industrial revolution covid is just speeding up um a cycle about what's happening the distance work cycle i was one of the original guys back in the 90s i said to myself why it's so stupid to drive into work every day and spend two hours in a car wasting your life away in a car you know and so i decided to set up a business model based around not having to do that and then at one point i had like a location physical where my previous business non-tech business i had location i had warehouses and i had office space and all this garbage it was a huge headache and then when i got into the original studio web back in the 90s late 90s the original studio was a web design studio i had people and they'd come and work for me and that's because high-speed internet wasn't really there it was just starting you know and it was very very basic compared to now but now with super high speed internet and 5g and bandwidth costs dropping like crazy and m1 chips et cetera et cetera i think that covet is it and all these things which is pushing forward the inevitable and you're going to see a fast forward to that so yeah that's just something it's you see here up in canada a lot of people are now leaving the suburbs and the cities and moving up north and so they just like i was reading articles here saying houses that were on the market for years all of a sudden within like a few months they also being a bit of a panic exodus out of the cities we'll see we'll see how i think there's usually an overreaction and then a flow back when you see these things but definitely there is a shift in that direction so yeah more remote work related jobs so if you're looking to get a job as a developer there's a high probability if you want to get a job that you could probably get the job where you don't have to go into work prior to covid it was happening but it was much more rare it was much less accepted by a lot of people that they let people work at home right now it's like the doors that whole paradigm has totally shifted it was happening but it's happening much more quickly in education i'm in the education space to deal with law school i've been working with schools for 10 years i'm in full transparency i'm owner of studioweb and i also have investment in other educational based companies as well so i'm in the game and it's just fast forwarding the whole thing and it's going to be remote uh high-speed internet and i think that perhaps ar type of programming might speed up in terms of its viability as a job that might speed up quite a bit as well something to look into simply because you know you can project images into your spaces and if everybody's working remotely and everybody's got 5g and everybody's got ultra fast processors like the m1 but all of a sudden ar you know it's not it might not be a five ten year ten year five to ten year away thing it may be a two three year away thing i don't know but you think about it you know i'm putting together the logic the logics of my nerd brain with my business brain uh and playing two and two together and i'm getting this mess that i'm giving you now but no seriously it's uh i think that's an opportunity there all right so another thing that covet has done prediction number three another thing that covet has done is uh it's shut down a lot of businesses so the government has decided to choose certain businesses to win another business to lose it's i don't think it's nefarious intent i think when you have to choose between nefarious intent versus incompetence and being lost when you're looking at large organizations and governments largest you've got to lean towards it's 95 chance 98 chances they don't know what the hell is going on so what they're doing is they're effectively killing a lot of businesses small businesses making uh the digital businesses huge the amazons and the netflix and the uh the apples they're you know people can't go to a local store to buy i don't know some some running shoes or something but they can order from amazon and and in the amazon fulfillment center you got thousands of people fulfilling these orders it doesn't make sense to me right or you got people kids are going to school but all day but you can't send people can go to restaurants but if you go to costco you can walk around costco for an hour and you know eat food there too but that's okay so it's kind of uh again i don't think it's nefarious i just think it's it's craziness but what that is doing in the end is is going to cause a lot of small businesses to shut down unfortunately and i feel terrible for them but out of that forced destruction there's i think there's going to be a lot of opportunity because a lot of new small businesses are going to come out of this brand new ones and they're going to be remote oriented which means there's going to be a lot of coding and web design and development work to do there's no question about that and i think the government is going to be forced to back that up with loans and grants and stuff like this this seems to me the logical logical thing for them to do so it just means huge opportunities for uh software development and specifically the web as you know i've been at this game since the 90s and the web i think will dominate and will continue to dominate for a longest time so yeah so because of the of the destruction of essentially 30 percent of the economy because of kovitch shutting force shutting people down once that clears away and i imagine it'll clear away reasonably soon we hope then there's going to be a growth out of that and out of that growth as new modern businesses new modern thinking people are going to want websites they're going to want wordpress sites up sites from scratch e-commerce implementation social media implementation et cetera et cetera so there's a lot of opportunity there so it's it's a good thing in that sense kind of like in nature uh you have fires in the woods and the fires renew the forest that's why they have fires periodically um all right next um all right as you've seen over the last few years there's been increased tensions with the chinese communist party chinese government the two superpowers the americans and the chinese they're going to they're going at it more and more china is is going at it with canada to a certain extent going at it means belligerence um europe and so again i obviously i have my allegiances i'm north american but you know and i'm not talking about the people i'm talking just about the government disputes and so forth anyway long story short long story short that means that china is rushing to build up their internal consumption economy good for them and in north america and europe they're going to be looking to bring manufacturing back here again an affected covid it made people realize that to have all your manufacturing or key parts of your economy uh reliant on some foreign body whether it be china or europe or whoever is silly so governments are realizing this now so they're going to start bringing back manufacturing here encouraging local production in your local states wherever you happen to be people realize that you have to have some local trading is good but you have some local which again means more jobs in your area um yeah so that's going to be a big boom especially in the west and outside of china again let's not get political let's not get angry the people of china they they're just along for a ride like everybody else it's just the situation okay um and as i suggested before the final trend i want to talk about is that the web will continue to dominate one of my thesis going back a few years is that when they were talking about mobile development versus hybrid versus native mobile i suggested on multiple occasions that native event non-native solutions cross-platform solutions like web-based responsive sites pwas flutter tech flutter react native et cetera et cetera these type of things i believe are going to increase in uh in importance over time why because the cost of developing a co-base for ios and then having to develop an entire new code base for android with kotlin would be called i would do it in kotlin it's very expensive and very time consuming so if you can develop your app with a pwa which is web-based tech or you can develop your app with flutter or react data people are going to do it companies are going to do it and because you know like i just got this new iphone 12 max here first my first iphone ever the processor in here is so powerful that the need for native solutions is diminishing every every single year right because one of the major one of the major issues with non-native solution pwas etc was speed but these things are so bloody fast it's not that's that's gone so again more towards the web so if you're uh i think most of people are are into coding for career-oriented purposes i would suggest strongly that for broadest career opportunity you start with the web stack now you know my if you know me you know my philosophy you learn your fundamentals well then you can pivot it any direction you want but the web stack is just very very cool because you can do web you can do front end back end you can do full stack you can go to wordpress or maybe wix advanced wix worked because they have an api which is js best javascript base you can go into pwa you can go into uh you know respond with a simple responsive type of input application et cetera et cetera it gives you a wide range of skills and because there's a you could be if you're a front-end ui ux guy it's very oriented towards design oriented people you've got a spot there in web uh or if you're more of a hardcore nerd type of guy you can go down deep into the back end if you wanted if you're kind of a generalist you can do full stack right so it gives you a lot of opportunities job-wise again for those who don't know my may when i look at technology i'm always considering the financial implications whether it be job jobs they can get with it or how it affects business uh for me whether it's python javascript java c-sharp golang you know rust et cetera et cetera c plus i look at all these things from the point of view of business and application you know in business and so as i said before in my last few years especially my last few years as a freelance developer i i was able to let go of this whole notion that i was a java programmer or i was a c-sharp programmer i became a developer so i would go into a project and i would say okay what's the project what's the needs of the project you know what technology stacks which would would best serve this particular project at hand and sometimes it would be java sometimes it might be c sharp sometimes it might be php it will never be ruby okay that's just a ruby joke you know what i mean you would choose and sometimes we were some really weird stuff like i've written software and some really weird technologies that i would never think of using but jobs at hand would have some very particular requirement and then i would find some weird crazy stack that just just did that well so you know that happens so when you can get when you can graduate when you can evolve out of the mindset that you are a java coder or a vist code or event coder you have your favorite languages no doubt and you may construct things for years or you may do your whole career it depends on what you want to do but a lot of it is just personal choice at the end of the day one of the things that i see out there people say this is the language to learn 2021. i can do i do those videos i admit it because it brings in a little bit of audience but all you have to do is you want to know what to learn in 2021 just go to indeed.com or any local job sites and see what the demand is a lot of times it's stuff that you'd figure that's old and crappy right so for example uh know a lot of people for years oh php's crap it's no good you know but php it's like i i did a video a month or two ago the growth of php demand was it was the biggest growth of any language 800 percent on one of one of the sites and it was indeed so a huge demand for this language now when people young people and i'll conclude this now go into q a in about a second when people getting into the game it's natural you always want to learn the newest stuff but when they actually get into the world of programming they realize that a lot of these old technologies are dominant you know python it's like what's 25 years old now 30 years old it's dominant javascript is 20 25 30 years old it's dominant java c sharp dominant they're not going anywhere sql language of databases very dominant et cetera et cetera so back in the day in the 90s yes there was a lot of churn in the game churn c-h-u-r-n churn change because the technologies were pretty inadequate at the time like what you can do today in the web is just incredible html5 is so powerful it's unbelievable like uh you know one of the stories i like to tell is i remember i was on a project working for a big telco and we were launching a project that was required that we completed by a particular date so they can get their license with the canadian government so it was very important so we're just elite team and i remember one guy he spent like a week or two working on a calendar picker a date picker for a web app now you just use the html date right or jquery if people still use that it's so simple now anyway the point is you don't see the churn you don't see the change that you used to see in the past because the technology is just mature which is normal in any um in any industry you see in the early days big changes big changes and it kind of levels off over time bigger smartphones right they're pretty you know except for the batteries four or five-year-olds six-year-old smartphones are pretty good they're really good you know like i have this brand new uh you know i got the the pro max fully loaded everything you want and it's better than my two-year-old pixels no question it's newer but it's not that much better and i think back to five six-year-old phones you know except for the battery issue you just can get a new battery in there it's pretty good it's pretty good yeah yeah yeah so uh there you go those are my uh how did i go with this wow 29 minutes non-stop i didn't even take a breath that's pretty good so this is pretty good i think this is a lot of information in this video so let me know if you like the subject give me some thumbs up there's 200 of you and i'll do a little bit of q a and i've got some other things i can cover um well one thing let me tell you people say what are you going to do new courses my courses my coding courses are pretty much evergreen i'm going to add a couple little things here and there two of them i think in the first quarter this year but you know html5 has not changed in years css3 has not changed in years javascript has not changed in years python has not changed in years the changes are sold they're on the fringes and when it comes to fundamentals they haven't changed so i changed them and upgrade like the last upgrade i did i think was to uh an sql some some stuff on sql i wanted to change one of the php libraries so my stuff is fairly evergreen and just go read the reviews don't they you know people do and they get jobs so but i will be doing a few little updates here and there in terms of the cold things nothing major so if you're if you already paid don't worry they'll just they'll just show up and i'll let people know what they are it's nothing major but again if you've done my courses you've you can learn these things on your own like this you know just going to the help dogs not a big deal um but what i'm bringing now to the game this year i think is very important is uh i want to start i want to teach i'm releasing a few supporting skill sets so first of all is communications psychology skill sets ask any experienced developer what's more important learning a new language or learning how to be a better communicator written and verbal they all tell you if guys people with five years experience with more they'll tell you communication skills is paramount so i'm going to be bringing stuff out on that i also have uh of course i think i'm just going to call it money and i think i'll release that for free and that's going to be 15 lessons that took me years and decades actually to learn a bunch of these things but if you follow these 15 steps things simple things you can do you can find yourself in a fantastic position financially very quickly very quickly okay so i got the communications coming out soft skills i suppose i'm going to have the advanced psychology training i call it lizard wizard i have the money course coming out soon um yeah off top of my head it's not bad and i'll do some little updates here and there to the uh to the software end of things but pretty good all right so let's uh see where we are okay 196. yeah all right cool glad you like the stuff well yeah with yes yes es6 but when it talks to yes es6 but when it comes to the basics uh i think it's latin var it's about it um software architecture architecture matter web assembly might continue to make c plus c sure more useful in the near future could be i was talking to a friend of mine who is he's a big c plus plus developer i am not uh but he hates writing code in c plus plus and he writes a lot of c plus plus been doing for years um he says that the problem is there's just a lot there's a lot of legacy code out there a lot of legacy code and nobody wants to change um he said that it was interesting the biggest problem we have is just manage manipulating strings manipulating streams as simple as that if you can mean if you can understand that uh is there a saturation of mern stacked as i don't know i know take a look take a look at the job site these are wizard episodes yes there will be there will be there's no question i could i know a lot of developers who can communicate who can communicate well but can't code and it doesn't work out too well for them well yeah well i assume you have a certain level of coding as well but a lot of devs are famously not very good communicators all right what else do we got uh all right with the push to remote work it seems like more people will learn to code is the job market saturation to be concerned about i feel behind the curve and late to the party i don't believe so i think there's just going to be a lot more coding jobs because of these things you know how is e-commerce going to be going forward i think it's going to be bigger because people are going to start doing more e-commerce because they real you know the e-commerce guys they did fantastic during covid and as typical of people they're going to knee-jerk react to what happened you know chances are of another culvert are very low you know if history is any guide so uh yeah there you go my secret or not make enough money so you can live below your means that's a pretty good prediction that's actually lesson number one that's the foundation to everything you're psychic man uh daniel do you think denno is still a while away from being legit node replacement i don't know i don't know what the buzz is on that i still hear node the packaging the package manager rather npm's been a while since i looked at i heard it's still messy i don't know i it was when i looked at it way back i was like oh this is too much of a mess so forget it um but i hear it it's still messy i don't know maybe somebody can react to that and let me know uh it seems like every time i learn something new in react it's you actually just yes i didn't know or some feature of webpack or something like that yeah pretty much it happened to me all the time that's why i emphasized the basics one of the reasons anyway when i would run into problems understanding something it usually was the source of my lack of understanding that was not having a grasp of some basic construct in programming that's why i keep pushing that and so i keep pushing but i learned that also as a fighter the best fighters the best athletes they work on their fundamentals over and over again whether it be boxing or mma or thai boxing or basketball it's fundamentals fundamentals fundamentals encoding fundamentals fundamentals it is more likely to get front-end job as a junior or back-end with my my market says js react yeah well just do it you know just you know develop the skills do a couple freelance jobs for free so you can have a bit of portfolio you know and then start hitting hitting up people our businesses and 45 years too late for me to switch career as a software developer no you're you know you you won't you will be reluctant to hire you in like a startup or something if you have a background some other industry so i don't know i'll just say for example if you were a bookkeeper or a lawyer and you move into a software development then you'd be valuable to legal firms who need software done i hope that makes sense but why not i know people in their 50s are still coding is linkedin a great place to find jobs junior web developer i don't know you have to look into it again you got to develop big reputation as a developer that's the main thing you have to develop reputation a few ways you do that a after you got your your coding down you got to build some projects for people real projects not tutorials but real projects um and you got to put that out there and that usually means a very good website and then you start networking with people i just started to learn learn to code this year hey welcome to the welcome to the game dude welcome to the game uh hey happy new year and what do you think about ruby 3 also what about electron for developing desktop apps with javascript um this guy doesn't know he's only asking me about ruby i'm just joking um i don't know i don't know i heard though the the creator of ruby i forget his name japanese dude he was saying that there's fundamental things about ruby which they could not fix i think in terms of performance i'm not a hundred percent on this i'm 95 on this i was reading this um ruby is in its funk it's uh form if you will a cool language in many respects you know everything is an object automatically but one thing that bothered me about ruby that it was implicit and not explicit what do i mean by that you had to really know you have to know the language to see what's going on whereas other languages they're not as elegant they're a little bit more verbose but it's very obvious what's going on when you see the code i hope that makes sense but it's a matter of taste anya but again ruby is has some very cool things and it can be very productive its biggest problem was performance but again with m1 and other and that kind of innovation this type of performance becomes less and less of an issue over time right as i always say right time speed uh is more important than runtime speed that's why like i was talking my good friend yesterday who's uh a c-plus plus developer he say he said to me in no uncertain terms and this guy's been writing cpr plus for many years now he's really good he's at the peak he's in his uh i think he's in his mid-30s so he's kind of that's the super peak he's at that high-end developer peak and he was uh saying that he would he said there's no reason to write new software in c plus plus they say don't do it and this is a guy that's all he does that's what he does not all that's a lot he does so i don't know how i got into that but yeah yeah so though c plus runs so fast it's much faster especially in python or java or c-sharp or php or ruby it's run circles around all these things because uh the inherent problem writing c plus plus code you know the pointers and the string manipulation issues of all those new iterations apparently they're better at it again i'm not saying plus plus code is what they're telling me is it's the right time slowness of c plus plus makes it a no-go for as far as he's concerned and so yeah listen that being said there's still a lot of job opportunity in c plus plus because there's a huge amount of legacy c plus plus code out there and a lot of companies they've got a big investment in c plus plus and uh they're not gonna wanna you know people are kind of married to certain things you know cheap wisdom what does he have to say happy new year steph happy new year to you what do you think about okay we did this one alright okay i'm a glutton for punishment thanks for yeah no worries i'm happy to help uh architecture matters 100 i think architecture is super important in my opinion the codes will morph into data scientists gradually over time over a long run i haven't thought about that so i do not have opinion i hope not i'm 60 years older oh geez wow good i've had people in their 80s learn to code for me you know it's good if you just do it as a brain mental exercise it would keep your mind sharp yeah here's one of the tips i have a background in psychology by the way to stave off mental frailty dimensions you want to learn new things different things so if you're artistically inclined do some math if you're math inclined do some art if you're not physical be physical if you're used to team sports do individual sports vice versa by exposing yourself to different things you uh you strengthen the neural connections in your mind you create new ones which strengthens your mind more your brain you know ah all right here we go c sharp dev here i'm now doing your web dev course for a job thing i've learned html 3.2 before because hx became caller so now uh for me watching html new stuff is like whoa exactly 32.2 is like uh extremely primitive compared to html5 html5 is a huge game changer when html5 came out css3 html5 when that whole thing came out all sudden web apps became supercharged and microsoft basically was pushing against web development because they felt it was a risk to windows but when they html5 came out and they embraced it and steve jobs took an axe to flash uh it's a game changer that technology you know with uh that allows for pwas that allows for local storage that allows for all kinds of capability that was so difficult prior all right omar what's omar say i have a huge database background good good i have exposure to php python java i can read and understand which one would you think i can focus i am focusing now on python is that a good direction python is extremely popular um again my advice to people looking at these type of things look at the local job market and or where you want to work and see what they're asking for and if you do that you'll find yourself in a good position i'm just adjusting my comments here all right here we go next one in your opinion what can junior developer do to make the most of their first one two years on the job and become successful developer any advice would be helpful well listen to the older developers i would study design patterns look in my footer i recommend a design patterns book that's going to level up your coding skill faster than all the tutorials on on youtube put together so learn design patterns and refactoring refract excuse me learn refactoring and then after design patterns but refactoring is key that's going to really level up your game and design patterns will level up your game so study those things so you write really clean good code develop good communication skills and learn to be able to uh work with other people and developers so that they appreciate you your job um as a developer is to basically you're a service provider right so yeah i'd like to go to peter here what's peter saying rule number one f you money no it's not rule number one but it's actually the top rules i'm very sophisticated all my stuff here now fu money is uh rule number five in the list rule number one is live within your means and i'll expand upon that and rule number five is uh fu money fu money is key uh all right you mentioned that remote work will increase it already has quite a bit i'm looking for my first dev job at 29 i really want the team agency experience i feel this is an important step in the process of becoming a good dev well you can do it remotely right you can you know zoom meetings et cetera et cetera but it's it's not a binary here it's not everything's going to go remote but i'm just saying there's going to be a push towards that there'll still be low people working in in offices but it'll be just much more of a blend you know uh in software abstraction is your friend embrace it the light be language independent and api proportionate yeah i agree two and a half years as a dev and still imposter syndrome all the time is it just me no people have that um because in the first three years or so of software development let's take a lot of learning there after like five years four or five years then you start really getting settled into your role as a developer so you're still in the learning stages that's okay just keep learning and um as i said i would look at refactoring if you want to up your game you want to live up your game refactoring there's a link to a book below get it it's such and i i still have my refi i've given out i've thrown out hundreds of software development books one of the books i've kept for 20 years now still my refactoring book because it's such an important book so get that if you want to level up your game when you hit about the four five year mark you start getting pretty well three years four year depending on you you know you start really getting pretty good when you hit the 10 year mark you reach like a really high level developer but you know it's normal first couple years don't worry dude just keep working uh let's see we got here php and python are maybe more useful for freelancers but java for corporate employees yeah java and i would add csharp.net i would have c sharp.net again as i've been teaching for a while now the language you choose the stack you choose a lot of times it has a lot of times it has much more to do with the environment in which it's being applied whether you're working in enterprise big business or small business et cetera et cetera et cetera education they tend to use a lot of python now you know all right i'm on my masters for computer science i'm 27 year old haven't had a full-time job in industry only some internships from courses should i capitalize on demand now and because of my age uh i'm on my in my master's well that's a good question how far away are you to completing your master's is it three years two years one year could you slow down your educational process so you work full-time and you complete your master's on you know twice a week you do courses i don't know you gotta kind of balance these things out you're still quite young dude so you know if you tell me in a year or two you'll be done your master's and you know you know getting a job there always be jobs there if it was a business opportunity that might be there i would say then go for the business opportunity but i'm speaking my own book my major in university was psychology and uh and because of i my business started to grow and i had nothing to do with tech it was uh fish and water purification products and crap stuff like that i had to make a choice because i couldn't go full time to school and build this business so i went with the business i still owe my professor one of my professors a paper from like 35 30 years ago i'm starting my online web design web developer business later this year and i sell my services and package instead of hourly rates what do you think is the best hourly rate or package based payment well what's going to happen daniel i'll tell you what exactly is going to happen so you're going to go in and you're going to see clients and you better have a really fantastic looking site even if you just want to do back end they better look amazing and you better communicate well and professionally because if you don't they're going to they're not they're not going to be able to judge you based on your code right they're not coders we're going to judge you based on these superficial things i just discussed so you're going to go in and they're going to ask you what is your per hour rate just so they can gauge you but there's there's no client especially if you're new and they don't know you who is going to say okay charge me just so much per hour have at it they're going to say how much per hour and then they're going to say how much to do the whole thing and they're going to want it done for a set price that's just the way it is so if in my freelance course i give a little tip a little trick on how to really increase how much you make per hour in a subtle way if you will so when you're first starting out you're not as productive right you're not as capable as a developer so you have to charge less per hour because your hour your hour of work is not nearly as good as somebody who's been doing it for five years i'm assuming that you're you're a junior here so you charge less so you go in to see clients they're going to smell that you're a noob right unless you're really good at sales and presentation so you're going to have to charge less a little bit bite that bullet so you may charge i'll just use round numbers to make the math easier so at first you just charge 20 bucks an hour whatever it is um and you say it's going to take me 10 hours to do and they're going to go okay 10 20 dollars is the going rate like 18 you go okay i'll do it for 18 10 hours so 180 bucks again i'm just pulling numbers out of the air it's depending where you live in the world these numbers are going to be all over the place but what happens in time as you get really good you start developing really good workflows you start mastering certain stacks etc all sudden the job that would take you 10 hours to do before now only takes you two but you still bid 10. so you still say yeah i'm 20 i'm now really good i'm 30 dollars an hour i'm really good i'm 30 look at my track record and they go oh it's expensive can you give it to me for 25 yeah you can do it for 25 but it's 10 hours of work but because you're really good at what you do now you can do it in in two right so instead of you taking 10 hours to do it at 25 you're doing it two right so now you're making like whatever 100 bucks a hour right it's not nefarious to do that because you're providing value you're providing that extra value i had to deal with this uh back in the day where i had developed my own framework my own web framework i was primarily using java java jsps and servlets and i had javabeans pojo based web application development so i developed my own framework it was back in the 90s and took time to do this but once the framework was was created i was able to deploy apps uh uh create apps that were pretty pretty bug free because it was my code base uh my framework very quickly in record time something that used to take me a hundred hours to do i could do in 20 hours but i would bid a hundred hours or i would actually bid 80 and they go you know and i was i asked a good friend of mine i said is it wrong for me to make that extra money because i'm able to do the job now in a fraction of the time because my framework and my experience my workflows he goes no that's your ip that's your intellectual property you develop those frameworks you develop the workflows so that is that's what you bring to the game and so that's where you accrue the big the big gains so in my end of my career as a freelancer back in the 90s i was building out 200 bucks the hour you know now as far as clients were because i was making 70. now that was back in that day's dollars right um i know people uh who were doing 300 you know after me so again but it is how you position it and how you position yourself i hope that makes sense i get all into that into my freelance course yes i'm shamelessly plugging uh keep an eye on low code no code platforms i know i know we are talking about coders but believe me there's somebody keep an eye on loco noco yeah i talk about that um i think they're good they could be good for prototyping good for smaller application development there's much more to app development than writing code people like in my mentoring group people are seeing that now they're starting to get jobs yeah you're right it's the coding part is like a small part of the job you know uh especially specification uh uh digging specifications out figuring out hosting requirements deployment requirements all this kind of stuff it has nothing to do code anyway it's all part of the job though how important design patterns for junior devs i think once you get past your fundamentals you know the basic constructs of the language you can build basic apps you got to get into design patterns it's like you know you got to get into design patterns and you got to get into refactoring that's going to level up your game faster than anything else trust me it's like supercharge your game uh follow on i'm concerned as i don't want remote job to begin well again i i think there'll still be in-house jobs but i just think there's gonna be a lot more remote than you know quicker amazon or shopify slack what would you pick and why amazon or shopify stack ah okay amazon shopify stack you mean amazon stack mean but you gotta elaborate i always know about amazon as their aws services and so forth i think shopify is more specialized if i understand what you're talking about vis-a-vis amazon again it depends on it's all job dependent dude is ios development a good future choice i don't think it's going anywhere there's still going to be a lot of demand for years but again let's say for example you learned to ios development swift ios and all of a sudden i don't know something something weird happens and pwas and flutter takes over and ios development demand diminishes quite a bit for you to move from ios development to pwa would be like trivial it's like poop like this so it's not a big deal again your beginner or your intermediate level coder you think of yourself as i'm an ios developer i'm a java developer i'm a disk developer but as you become more advanced you become a developer and the underlying tech ios you know swift java kotlin csr it becomes less of an issue for you it becomes just a personal choice issue and this guy is sorry i'm probably saying this wrong my apology has got some good comments being a programmer is like being an artist you do it for love it do some sample art yeah well you got to be into it today it's pretty intense work so you got to be into it at first especially as a 15 year old what should i focus on fundamentals fundamentals fundamentals fundamentals i do web stack because you could probably find yourself little web web gigs where you can make some money um when you're probably 16 small stuff but yeah just do that code a little bit every day 20 minutes a day 54 on code daily there you go [Music] doesn't hurt to learn and try design design patterns are important extremely important it will up your game that in refactoring both uh i'm trying to become a professional hey i'm trying to become a professional boxer and a coder as a career you motivate help a lot well cool and be careful with that boxing yeah i i yeah be careful with that boxing uh if if you find when you're boxing it's cool it's a lot of fun i love the spark love the fight um my suggestion to you if you find that you're not really dominant like really dominant early on uh then i would pack off and preserve your face and your knuckles you know i'm just saying but if you are really dominant explore it you know too much magic i'm glad i could help though by the way happy 2020 oh i'll better get back to the video i'm working on 2020 in tech all right cool uh you will become a senior developer someday and learning design patterns will help you transition to bigger roles 100 good job uh yeah if you guys you don't mind what do they say smash that like button it's just good for the google algorithms that's all and so uh called emailing is is not frowned upon but you're gonna get very very low hit rates you know very low hit rates um yeah that's all if you can take it though don't do blast emails though that can get you in big trouble legally but individual targeted stuff do some research you know primitive hackers says do you think that we will hit the singularity with the m1 ship i think i don't know i don't know when the singularity is going to hit but uh thanks everybody for the thumbs up again it's just good for the google algorithm you know spreads the word out there mike you know i i move from my goal is to try to improve video quality and presentational skills when i first started the youtube thing a few years ago my main goal was just to get better at speaking to the camera like this and then the next goal was to make it look better and to make it sound better so my goal this year i got a 180 000 subs i like to try and see if i can get it to half a million or something just for just to do something so when you give me a thumbs up it's much appreciate because it just tells google you guys like the stream you appreciate what i am doing here so i appreciate that uh i was uh hey hologram how are you architecture matters 100 thanks man happy new year you too yeah by the way if i if you didn't hear me before happy new year to everybody uh if it's new year for you because we there's many calendars out there right i don't know i forget when chinese new year's is but anyhow happy new year um yeah i think uh we've just we're we're going to leave this 2020 which was the worst year and like well for the world anyway since the last big pandemic so it's there's going to be a lot of opportunity will come out of this whole situation all right mohammed asif do you think web development is dead no i think quite the opposite i think it's going to get just bigger and bigger and bigger work full-time for a company in order to have bigger paycheck or part time and run a business i'm 22 year old right out of college if you are inclined towards business now is the time to try because you have a lot of runway you might as well try now right if you if you're thinking about it it's burning in your head i say do it now you're so young you're so young and yeah if you and because business you're going to mess up the first many times so you just got to go okay whatever it's like dating hey you want to go up now hey you want to date no no no you just got to keep working at it and you're going to develop your skill as a business person entrepreneur and now's the time to do it because you don't have any responsibilities maybe you still live at home you don't have any huge debts to pay don't have kids to raise because when you're older forget about it it's going to be way too difficult so do it now and after far five years six years uh it doesn't work out you're still quite young you can get a job boom like this and all that experience trying to build business and code and stuff will make you super valuable but you if you just do it now so if i were you i would uh go for a business part-time and run a business build build that skill because of course you could really succeed as a in a large corporation if you catch a good one and you're very good with your your uh communication skills and so forth you could rise in the ranks but it's a whole different game the corporate lifestyle so if you're inclined to business i say you're 22 do it for sure uh i bought you a call start to learn to call two weeks ago why is javascript so popular it's so popular because it's so widely used javascript is the only language in town when it comes to browser coding which is you know huge and then javascript was ported to the server that's pretty much it it has no competition in the web browser essentially there was at one point uh microsoft had vbscript in the ie browser but that's pretty much it now you could use typescript now which is a superset of javascript and it will compile down to javascript but there's no competition whereas on the server you got c sharp java pearl ruby php python and i don't know several others so there's a lot of competition there but javascript just got no competition where where it dwells you know uh one thing that html5 does of previous html that impresses you the most oh it's a whole bunch of things it's a whole bunch of things html5 just basically unlocked the power of the web and it was just it was a lot of it was business and political really companies like microsoft didn't want to do it they felt the web was uh a threat to their windows dominance that's all um is that all the new tags that come in there that do so much in video embed tag could you try again no siri siri between siri and google siri is pretty dumb i just have to say that that's the one bad thing about apple siri is not too bright i think syria will never be bright because apple whole business model is based on not invading your privacy google is the brightest because it knows everything what you're doing anyway sorry um what was that what html5 yeah and then html5 allows you to do local storage and you add in the html5 package you have css3 which allows for easy functional layout with css grid css flexbox css tables i teach css tables actually in my course then you have you throw in a little js it just it allows you to make a web app act like a thick client it's just that's what it is uh all right how are we doing for time an hour what time is it now it's what time's now for me it's 10 12. so i'm gonna be i'll do a little bit more all right thanks thanks for saying that uh mr pnw uh my prediction of 29 i will be a full-time paid developers no reason not to i know people do it within a couple months uh what else do we got here uh how much javascript do i need for full stack php not too much i can do animations and play with the dom but i just don't know much about i just don't know how much javascript need to learn that's pretty much all you need if you're doing more back end you just got to know dawn manipulation and ajax that's pretty much it there you go it's not too difficult because you know as i teach functions or functions methods or methods arrays are arrays you know there's some subtle differences between languages but once you understand that the thing about javascript it's kind of peculiar the way it handles uh types and so forth but you get through that good python reference book i always go to amazon see what they say but you know i would just go to python.org look at the docs there just go to python.org you know once you know your python you don't really know it's all there so far i've been hanging on to everything he's been teaching that's saying a lot i'm excited cool i'm glad you're excited yeah just keep at it you know remember whenever you if if ever you reach uh roadblocks or you find things difficult or frustrating understand that's good that's a good thing it's like when you're lifting weights and you're pushing yourself beyond your limit that means you're building that means you're you're going beyond your your your current limits and you will build beyond that it also means that that's a barrier to entry i mean you can't get in so easy which means it's more valuable if anything that's easy and perceived as super fun is uh not worth much uh in the marketplace if it's has a steep learning curve at first once you get past it it's easy uh has a steep learning curve at first it's perceived as very valuable uh it's perceived as hard and it becomes much more valuable so yeah so don't try not to feel too bad when you hit stuff that's uh when you're hitting things you hit the wall it's inevitable what advice do you have for folks in their 30s and 40s 40s and 50s looking for a career change i would transition first of all i wouldn't quit your job and jump into it i would transition uh i would learn the fundamentals of coding and development you're probably better off in the web stacks and because you have a lot more opportunity if you have a professional career now you may be able to marry those skills with new coding skills um that's the first thing yeah that's the main thing also i would uh if you haven't done it pay attention to your money you want to you want to position yourself so that you don't have to worry about money as you work in transition but you want to transition out that's the main thing i would agree with this statement javascript is a very good secondary skill you need javascript as you're doing web with popular python is there any niche language that might get better pay rate i don't know i don't know if the i think developers it has much more to do with your skills and experience in terms of your pay that being said that being said um i don't know you want to really get nishi look at cobalt you might be able to make a crap ton of money writing cobalt if you want to write that cobalt of your nose is a very ancient language i think it's from the 60s even yeah i think it's from the 60s anyway uh for mainframes and a lot of banks they still use that so if you did that if you want to write that you may you might be great you might find it great then i'll check into it just look around do a little you know you have indeed.com do a little google searching see what the deal is c sharp and java what which would you choose and why it's based on jobs you know it's based on job opportunities you know different parts of the world c sharp might be a bigger and other parts java might be bigger if you're working in c sharp you're going to be working on companies that are married to the whole microsoft ecosystem uh you know yeah yeah very true design patterns and refactoring are a good start yeah that's how you level up your game you learn your basics you do some project work you get out there in the real world and then you start learning about design patterns refactoring and your game will go from here to very fast hi from laval hey blop how are you yeah yeah yeah uh well i'll say yep booked is a great book exactly exactly they have a there's a java version the one i have and they have a javascript version which is more reason i guess for most people the java the javascript version would better hi from brazil 21 a year year of a lot of programming stuff very cool well that's good hey spencer how are you how are you doing i'm very good thanks for asking happy new year thank you for everything i'm glad i could help spencer and happy new year to you and thanks for joining a stream it's good uh here we go there you go you go um get that i studied design patterns but no i don't know how to apply it i it comes with practice perhaps maybe you can find some examples just type in google apply design patterns you know but if you're building stuff you're using the design patterns a lot of the times if you're building a web app for example with a modern framework like django or php laravel or rails or whatever and express you're using mvc as one example of a design pattern you're using mvc all the time as a foundation of it all you're using design patterns when you're working with arrays and stuff but you just get to become aware of them that's all uh i'm 15. i know html css3 node.js reacts as i am learning can you build something though are you are you able to sit down and build something if you think you can go to a small business or a non-profit and say listen i know these skills look at my beautiful website look what i've done i want to build something and see and build learn how to build things but in terms of the actual skills you know the the check boxes yeah you got plenty uh let's see how do you answer a question why do you think you're a good fit on an interview ah that's a good question actually well one of the things i teach at burns of interviews you gotta you gotta research the company you're interviewing for understand uh their founder what their business model is uh what the market is etc and see how you can align in different ways in regards to that so you have to get to know the company before you go into the interview not superficially really understand it and then you can start you can make associations for them based on that research okay tensorflow certification i don't know i don't know how important that is so i couldn't say i couldn't say i'm glad you like it yeah yeah yeah yeah matthew how are you doing man the 20 minute a day thing works i started that in june and it just picks up today i did nine hours and didn't realize it was that long i just got in the zone encoded exactly it's a little psychological trick when you say to yourself i'm just going to do 20 minutes your lizard brain your lower brain your emotional self won't be going ah i don't want to do this because if you go i got to do five hours today that's a pretty major commitment and there's two things you can count on in humanity laziness and greed so your lizard brain is always looking to be efficient and for survival purposes right it's evolutionarily uh constructed if you will and so uh it's always it so when you say we got to spend five hours doing this your religion brain's going uh that's a natural inclination unless you're trained otherwise um so one way to sort of habituate your yourself to coding is just to do that little trick and say i'm just gonna do 20 minutes today and sometimes you you will only do 20 minutes but you become a habituated two and you you become affectionate to that which you are exposed to on a regular basis okay this is from lizard wizard and so by doing 20 minutes a day you're essentially doing that and what happens is then you become more and more inclined then what happens your your emotional self says you know why why didn't we do our coding today why didn't we do it this is what we do we code that's what we do so your little brain will start coding and will start wanting you to code at the end of the day the primary lesson of the lizard your lower hindbrain is that our emotions dictate most of our decisions not our intellectual remunerations or processing if you will we think it's our intellectual self it's actually more of emotional self that's what the science shows uh well i imagine so but not i i think it's still going to be very big right now think of it you know it's it's but that's an easy prediction on my part why look at c plus plus how was that was developed in the 70s there's still demand for it cobalt still demand for it that was developed in the 60s you know javascript the most popular language out there javascript for python under 20 25 year old languages you know so it's not an easy it's not a difficult uh prediction that's for sure hey do you think php is still okay for a web dev 100 i i did a video you can look back a few weeks ago and i wanted a job sites they found that php job growth was the biggest of all 800 job growth listings and php in terms of server-side programming language languages rather in terms of server-side programming languages it's the most widely used of the batch of the bunch so it's alive and well and a new php 8 it's either out or just about to come out which makes it more enterprise ready how much time should one focus on learning new things via books and tutorials versus producing things and learning on for making projects once you get past your basics and you're able to make a project you should spend like 90 of your time writing projects getting paid to learn and then you learn on a need to nerd basis is what i teach need to nerd basis so you learn things as the project's demand so trust me lots to learn and then you know you can pick up stuff that uh that interests you personally how are from egypt uh okay so you're from egypt thanks for joining the strain the the stream cool all right so again guys if you liked this content just hit the thumbs up it's just good for the google algorithm and it lets people know about my content which is one of my goals is to get i want to see if i can hit bigger numbers just for my own fun hi steph what do you think about what do you think of good programming projects for cs degree college transfer applications whatever your specialization wants to be if you want to be web stacked do web stack if you want to do ai develop some basic ai apps it depends on what you want to do you know what i mean maybe you wanted to create device controllers then jumping down into some c plus plus all right all right yeah thanks for the thumbs up guys i really appreciate it it's just the goo it's google's got this algo it's got those these bots running around and it's paying attention to thumbs up and if it sees more thumbs up it puts my stream in front of more eyeballs i get more eyeballs the better you know the more i i do uh that's all any advice on how to get clients for my business uh yeah there's all kinds of different things you can do shameless self promotion you just get my freelance course where i talk about that um but in a nutshell you want to put up a really nice looking website and then you start doing some word of mouth talking get a linkedin profile up there that's good those sorts of things right off top of my head word of mouth is always very cool the hardest job to get is the first job once you get past your first job and everything else will become pretty easy you know uh yeah johnny cinco cerro cinco learn to code if you're not at the table you're on the menu i like that uh yes any advice to someone who is a procrastinator well you're gonna love my lizard wizard training that's coming out soon um i just mentioned it you want to do that 20 minute a day trick so what does that mean it's let's say you're pro let's say you have a course a javascript course or maybe maybe it's even training who knows whatever you you say four days a week i'm going to do 20 minutes a day just 20 minutes and you sit down you do that 20 years painful it's only 20 minutes you can put a timer 20 minutes and some days you're just going to just just get through that 20 minutes and then you'll be that's enough the next day you do that 20 minutes what happens quickly over time your brain will start wanting to do that 20 minutes believe it or not it's going to become something you want to do and uh also in 20 minutes will be 30 minutes and there will be 40 minutes and then like matthew is saying all sentences nine hours so it works it works because it work because it's it's a technique to uh that understands how your brain actually operates you're procrastinating because your body your brain perceives doing coding work or whatever it is you're procrastinating it perceives it to be hard or boring so the first thing you do is just discipline yourself to do that 20 minutes a day the brain uh likes what it sees on a frequency on a frequent basis yeah so it's like tv shows like i don't know people don't do it anymore but in the old days when we used to watch tv shows at a particular hour a lot of times you'd hear it over and over again or a tv show would be a major hit it was at 8 pm on wednesday but if they moved it to 7 p.m on thursday it would kill the show because people were like i'm not i don't watch it at that time so you want to do that 20 minute day trick that's my big trick it works wonders you'd be surprised all right how are we doing thank you i'm glad you like it yeah yeah it's it's a good camera any advice on how to protect oops we click this properly any i any advice on how to protect your eyes when looking at screens all day get the best quality screen you can get with the highest refresh rate so it because when if the refresh rates are not too good your eyes are seeing this so if it's if it's a fast faster refresh rate it actually is better for your eyes so higher quality the screen the better for you okay and also well lit room well lit room uh not a dark screen background a light lighter screen background not pure white but like eggshell white or muted colors but not dark you just want to rest your eyes and take breaks take breaks design patterns for all languages design patterns are language neutral they they apply to all language they're independent of language exactly you got it here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh 200 thumbs up to come come on that's it good point come on guys 200 thumbs up here we go todd old farts cheer up there were no great achievements produced by innovators before the age of 19 and only seven percent were produced by innovators before the age of 26. so there you go as an interesting stat i was not aware of that web development can't be dead what do you think youtube is lava yeah well youtube facebook you know uh yeah yeah yeah yeah hi steph would you consider making studio course on e-commerce shopify word presence they seem to be two or more viable nations freelancers specialize in you know i might put out some stuff what i'm going to be doing is i'm going to be putting out a free studio web content like mini courses i could maybe do a mini course on wordpress that way maybe a mini course introducing uh shopify um that is a possibility that's it's an interesting idea i thought about it all right we're 179 likes we're getting there so close to 200 it'll be good yeah see right now i have 178 viewers if we can get the uh the likes above the viewer account that would be an interesting dichotomy which would freak out the algorithms kidding around cheers happy 2021 oh yes once again happy 2021 to everybody how we doing here all right it's an hour and a half all right okay uh oh 181 we're getting there come on guys come on hi steven happy new year from toronto how's the winter vera montreal so far so far it's been super super uh mild but today i think it went above is freezing which is uh unusual 186. all right the google algorithm is all confused now 185 viewers 186 legs good let's get it to 200 very good uh maybe maybe but again like you just pivot right you just pivot from one tech to the other webassembly versus web for uh development started as a hire for a graphic artist and inherited the outdated file portal which i completely rewrote in php it's insane how this large corp had such a lacking back end welcome to the real world very common think about it many many fac banks and financial institutions and government institutions use cobalt for their mainframes which is like a sixth 1960s technology you know what i mean 191 that's good let's do 200 we're so close we're so close happy almost new year from up north michigan well from my perspective that's down south i'm up here in montreal i drove through michigan once yeah england hey why you're up late what time is it now it must be uh 4 a.m out there uh uh what would you suggest if i enjoy coin but dislike front end development even based uh just concentrating on the back end constraint on the back end maybe look at native mobile development you know [Music] going up 35 is prime of life in some as respects i would agree with that uh yeah there you go okay somebody's broken it's broken the flow okay here we go i'm gonna answer a few more questions um michael first day of the year i'm still drunk as stefan is live happy new year happy new year to you dude thanks for joining the uh stream and uh once in a while it's okay to get drunk that's good that's good uh this hour went by quickly steph i think yeah it did we're an hour and a half almost wow unbelievable i'm now we're tantalizingly close to 200 193 you guys are teasing me now let's see if i can hit 200. any advice on node.js node.js is the one of the big ones out there one of the big ones i would take a look web flow versus coding a front end webflow is cool i would use it as a tool i would still learn your front-end coding because these tools like webflow no matter how good they are you're always going to need to know a bit of code even if they get really good so i would learn coding html css a little bit of javascript and this work work with webflow see how it goes ah good evening ricardo yes fantastic new year to you too thanks for joining in the stream appreciate it uh 195. i'm gonna ask one last time hit that like button let's get it to 200 196 so close it's like the countdown uh okay learning stuart do you think 21 is too old to start programming i i like people in the comments to answer this guy good question good question but i'd like people to i guess you just jumped into the stream but people are going to answer you and you're going to get a lot of answers here the answer is though you're really young so you're not too old to do anything now except maybe play with toys or something but um yeah so 201 thanks guys it's the little achievements that make life special uh yeah you're way way young jump into it you're good you're good you're good you look like a professional hit man well you know old habits old habits uh invest your python taking advantage of 50 per ver invest in your python package taking advantage of your 50 promo that's cool i appreciate it thank you yeah yeah yeah just uh to take advantage 50 it's still good for a little while you get the python with the certifications that's cool does doing programming professional rather than as a hobby take the joy out of it that's a good question actually no if you're building cool things you know is you know what's very cool is when you build something and people are actually using it to do work you get work done it's very satisfying at least for me in most quarters i think it is too the worst thing is when you write code and nobody uses you're like you did all that work nobody's going to use it so um but like anything in life if you do too much too hard after time you get burnt out with it so you got to pace yourself a little bit give yourself breaks as you go okay all right how we doing here hour and hour and a half so i'm gonna be wrapping things up fairly soon hey tiffany happy new year to you do what you love most i see yeah streaming's a lot of fun tiff is an old friend of mine and uh she's good with the social media stuff and yeah i just like doing live streams too much fun too much fun uh we just there you go yeah put your url put it in she's a social media marketer uh yeah yeah yeah exactly well now's the time to do the predictions look at that more likes than viewers now which is good uh do your source most of your work from canadian clients i am no longer a freelancer i run a sas called studio web which i sell to schools around north america and different parts of the world in fact that's one of the things they do but i'm not a developer per se i manage the development of uh of the code but that's about it uh keep up the great work with the channel stefan how do you think the recent force remote working combined with increasing globalization of the job market will affect pay in the west i think the west is as i said early on watch the video and my predictions for the year uh i talk about that it's generally very positive actually for people in the west so watch that when you watch the replay and you'll see i talk about that pretty early in the stream so i wouldn't worry about it ah lizard brain is becoming the zooks i don't know what that means the zuck lizard brain is becoming as in becoming the suck that's good that's good no lizard brain is in reference to your lower brain your emotional self it's called the lizard brain actually in the scientific circles because we share that brain or that brain architecture if you will or that brain operating system with lizards and all animals up the evolutionary hierarchy that's actually the lizard brain yeah happy new year everybody yeah yeah uh could you give me go yeah go find a real client build something for them yeah being a developer is a lot being like a detective you're sleuthing out a process you're trying to figure out what to do you know it's it's a lot less of it's not a jigsaw puzzle it's a little bit more thinking involved uh who who here has coded while sleeping and woke up with solutions or problems the day before this is very common in fact very common that's why i tell people if you hit a a snag in your code and you just after like whatever 20 minutes 25 minutes you can't figure it out try to find a buddy or just go on to the next thing and come the next day and usually the next day you find a solution all right all right we're going to be closing off because i've been talking for an hour and a half now and yeah i'm pursuing coding and freelancing as a side hustle at the moment very cool what are the best ways for a developer to gauge the needs of your market from freelance perspective hope 2021 is well hope you're 21 as well thank you i like your style by the way um good question you could look at local job sites and stuff you can maybe look at what the local economy is about different parts of the world there's different economies uh and then you can check that out start pounding the pavement do a little word of mouth a little traditional you know if you're freelancing you want to go after small businesses or people just starting out uh forget about the big businesses and that's what you got to do you got to do a little digging because every market's different you know uh here we go that's interesting question let's see what we got here i'm a 32 year old accountant who hobbies includes making sites on wordpress that's cool designed using adobe creative cloud and interested in creating some platform apps so any suggestions for jack of all types again yeah jaguar types okay webstack it's cool you're already in wordpress so you're sort of getting into that learn a little php maybe you can start digging deeper a little little php little html css you start you can start digging deeper into the wordpress ecosystem which is uh is a big money maker people love and hate it both at the same time that's one option all right thanks for the thumbs up there uh tiffany opera yeah cool cool how we doing there an hour and a half all right i'll answer a few more questions and then i got to go uh i got i got some beer waiting for me uh do you offer fundamental courses yeah check out the links below i teach python i teach javascript i teach php html5 css and a lot of other content sql involved around around the languages best site for job hunting depends on where you are in the world man check it out i got this stream recommended in youtube did you all right cool so is this i'm i'm gonna i don't know how to say your name mr coo sorry my apologies um so this is the first time you find my stream is that it let me know which platform is best for c plus plus please informed gentlemen love you from pakistan which platform is best for c plus plus i couldn't say i couldn't say i am not oh for writing c plus code i think it would be microsoft my guess but i couldn't say for sure uh what do you mean by platform i i think he means operating system i think it means operating system uh yeah don't know never use that if you find coding hard or boring i think you picked the wrong career it could be but it also could be that he's just a beginner and he's dealing with the sea of less than perfect teaching out there unfortunately and there's also that wall when you first start the code you got to get through because once you get through and things start to work it become ten times more fun so don't give up um don't give up uh at least get to the point where you can build something okay so uh yeah very common i hear it all the time people i couldn't learn to code i'm not good and then they realized just a lot of the cold courses are just happy new year to you ali thanks for joining us streaming appreciate it sir please explain asp.net mvc is it important to learn it i will learn a show because asp.net i remember when it first came out it was not mvc based it was wind formed base if i recall it's been a while but they did implement an mvc uh version of it i would learn mvc because most of the world uses mvc so yeah i would learn it it's good to know how you see rust playing out in the future well it's funny i was just talking a friend of mine is a very experienced c plus plus programmer and he he's a big he loves rust because it uh you got all kinds of speed and none you don't have the headaches of c plus so matthew i look for small wins if i get something to work it is worth the two hours of cursing that's it that's it uh uh gotta go but i'm gonna watch the rest later well don't worry there's not gonna be too much more because uh my voice is getting tired so i've been on this for a minute and a minute an hour and 40 minutes happy new year everybody from fritz very cool uh yes indeed nbc divine design pattern is pretty important one of the most important in the top three always worth learning uh watson golang niche technology but i hear it's very good i'm still trying to freelance with mern but all i get is php jobs should i learn php well if you want to make money as i've been telling people for years if you want to make money php wordpress may not be exciting for you except when you're getting a lot of money so yeah i always chuckle when i hear that bilal thanks man hey no problem glad i could help thanks for joining the stream uh happy new year from algeria yeah yeah very cool happy new year from montreal canada thanks for joining the stream uh what are your thoughts on on offering mobile development as a viable service why not if there is uh opportunity there do it you know i think you'll find um typically web is better in terms of opportunity but yeah sure there's a lot of opportunity in that don't don't get me wrong my brother's a full-time mobile developer ios mostly what do you think about jam stack i haven't used it i think it's enough i think all the stacks are very usable today at the end of the day it comes down to job availability and personal choice i don't think there's a stack out there that just blows away any other stack it just doesn't exist ruby and rails believe it or not was at one point but he lost that when python came up with django and laravel came out and uh you know c sharp web donet you know it's like but today they're all pretty good each other's strengths and weaknesses but you can't go wrong with any stack except ruby just no or even ruby you can't go wrong you'll be fine that's the ruby joke by the way in this chat i do my little ruby hate i don't really hate ruby i'm just i i'm language and technology agnostic because they all can perform you're never too old to start anything in my opinion i would agree i would agree why not uh there you go exactly i'm in my 50s i'm probably going to become a programmer fantastic yeah why not over two like great way to start 21. yeah true i appreciate it guys by the way i know it's like it's like it's like a video game score for me getting my 219 likes that's cool i appreciate it i answered that i haven't looked at it i think ruby is going to still fall more into a niche language i don't think it's going to have any upside but it's not going away anytime soon it's still got a pretty big base i think many coders in the market think they're too old or too ball bad because they're exposed to cold stuff all day and that warps the mind yeah you know what what i'm going to do is i'm going to end the stream with a profound truth about software development that people don't realize well experience does know it there's no developer in the world who knows everything not even close there's no developer in the world who knows more than one percent of what's going on out there it's just not possible even within the context of a particular language there's practically no developer who knows more than 20 of the language especially when you've got big ones like java c-sharp and python huge right so um you know when you consider all the packages and python modules or java classes it's just like it is it's huge so i wrote java professionally for several years and there was huge parts of the language i never even looked at or i just looked at briefly like awt and swing and stuff like that i owe stuff i did a little bit but so when you look at the landscape of software development try not to let it overwhelm you into thinking that oh my god i don't know this i don't know this because especially now in the nerd sphere you know the the mern people are going to tell you that mirn is the must-know and the though people are going to tell you that node is the much snower and the php people will tell you the php is the must-know et cetera so all the people are going to tell you that their stuff is is essential that's why they use it they think it's the best that's natural so um don't worry about it that's why i say you're concentrating your fundamentals and then the vast majority that's out there you learn on a need to nerd basis when you learn stuff when you need to implement it that's why i teach fundamentals because then you can pivot to anything that you want to do okay so take that as the message for 2021 don't worry about it nobody knows everything i personally forget much more when i still remember and that's okay because if you know your fundamentals you can just jump and learn anything very quickly okay so there you go thanks for joining guys if you like this stream smash that like button give me the thumbs up if you hated my stream show me how badly you hated me and give me two thumbs down and uh give it to me all right that's it for now so thanks for joining we'll end off with uh do i have my asmr clip i think i'm going to come up with a new asmr clip for 2021 yeah good i'm lobbying time all right so we've done an hour and 44 minutes wow all right that's good trying to retrain my mind yeah don't worry the lizard wizard training is coming it's going to be appreciate all those thumbs ups like i'm in a casino now thanks guys once again uh happy new year um covet thing we've gotten through the worst of it i think all the vaccines are coming out and things are gonna start making sense and uh yeah a lot of new stuff coming out very soon very soon so thanks for joining in once again i appreciate the thumbs up i appreciate uh you uh spreading the word and uh we shall talk soon i'll see you guys in the next stream also um yeah yeah google is your friend you we live in golden time there's so much information out there there's a lot my predictions for 2021 were at the beginning of the stream five predictions i go into detail about the different things i think if you haven't seen that watch that and uh yeah if you think this stream is worthy let people know about it all right we're going to do the uh my asmr ending video which is from cape elizabeth maine thanks for joining in i'm going to go have my little new year's eve glass of wine we'll talk soon guys you
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 10,727
Rating: 4.9683542 out of 5
Id: j831V8dzncE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 40sec (6580 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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