Someone Discovers the Hidden Treasures of PHP, and Makes $$!

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here's an interesting comment about PHP I'm just gonna read and I'm gonna comment on this for me it's opening up a whole new world since I started learning PHP I've discovered all these scripts for all kinds of things you can't buy anywhere some of them haven't been maintained well but if you know PHP well enough you can refactor it to make it compatible with the most recent version of PHP find and change all the deprecated elements and now you have a fully functional app I'm bringing solutions into the workplace but none of my co-workers are it's working for me that's one of the strengths of PHP by the way it's right it's been around for so long so many people used it in the real world context isthat get stuff out the hack stuff out but there's tons of stuff out there and a lot of it's not well written as he just said but you may have like 75% of the guts of what you need there and so what you can just grab it improve it refactor means just you know rework it and prove it fix it up make it make it cool and then BOOM drop it in where you need to have it dropped in and Bob's your uncle that's a perfectly reasonable thing there's a lot of work out there in the programming world where you need people who can put out some quick scripts quick little mini programs that get the job done very common this video is sponsored by WP forms this is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to easily add very powerful forms into your WordPress sites without knowing how to code you get drag and drop capability its responsive and mobile friendly there are instant notifications payments can be made easy you got form templates conditional logic and much more WP forms helps make developers life easier by helping them create smart forms faster go to WP forms calm slash killer PHP and get a good discount let me give you a quick example how you know of scripting that's not even the innovative just good use of scripting can really do an amazing job for a business so for example one of my school districts that use a studio web they wanted to be able to control everything about their district remotely so what they do is they manage everything through their database and what we did is we set up a system where they will output a CSV with all the changes all the updates that they need for their school and they drop it into a directory on their systems they have a cron operating the script cron operating but then shoots that file up to one of our systems one of our virtual servers we grab that we have a crown on our on it on on our and Acronis basically an automated process so we have a Khurana on our end that activates a script that goes over logs in grabs their system their CSV file rather processes that make sure everything's cool and then if everything's cool then it sends it to another system that then processes out that data and updates studio web for their four very use so it's not a big giant program it's a bunch of scripts here in there because there's a process to happen and automates the whole system it's fantastic it works really well and it's not it's programming but it's more scripting I would say but it's it's it's relevant as any other piece of software out there and it's super important so yeah PHP is really good at that because PHP there's tons of legacy stuff out there especially if you're working for small businesses you know there's tons of like shopping cart implementations out there's tons of you know all kinds of stuff I can't think of other things off you know blogs and your CMS is you know you got Drupal you got you got WordPress it's a little bit more advanced but it's all kinds of little things like little man scripts and who knows rate depends on what your organization will need so it's a good language that's way that's another it's another reason why python is so popular because it's got tons of modules basically a similar type of thing but you can average to do all kinds of stuff what's in a business so there you go yeah yeah PHP it it has its uses it's you know people criticize it because it's got a dirty past solos Java right so there's javis those Python like you got lots of Python 2x code out there but won't work with 3 point X code you got lots of old Java out there you know like applets nobody uses these anymore but yeah you know all the older languages have dirty legacies to a certain extent you know JavaScript too you just got to use what's good and take it from there bye-bye [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 15,690
Rating: 4.9078946 out of 5
Id: -WejLebVQ8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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