2021 Prayer /// Married Couples

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um is it a survey filling out chris give me some eyeglass cleaner too somewhat some of my glasses five minutes it's ten o'clock we on time no it's ten o'clock [Music] [Music] praise the lord come on we're gathering ourselves we are getting ready to pray for married and engaged couples and i'm excited about this it is our month of fasting last week we asked you all to take three days and do liquids only and you fasted until 3 p.m this week coming up monday through friday we're asking you one meal each day amen no snacking lord we come against snacking spirits potato chips and doritos but it would be one meal you can either have breakfast you can have lunch or you can have dinner um but i'm excited about that next week let me know who we pranked for next week is it the men or the women can somebody let me know um but today we're going to cover married and engaged couples and we do have a marriage ministry and due to the circumstances they meet monthly online so i asked the brumfield couple i always put an s on the end of the broomfields it just sounds like it should have an s um but nevertheless i asked them to come and they are key in our marriage ministry what i want you to do is i want every married couple to text marriage to 313131 and we have a survey that we would love for you to fill out for us we want to know how we can minister to you we want to know the issues that are going on in marriage so we ask you to text um marriage to 313131 so i'm going to introduce the brumfield couple as they come and they give you information and then we're going to go right into prayer let's go good morning everyone we are so very excited to be here this morning in a new year of god's favor on our marriage we are darren and dorian brumfield the leads of the marriage ministry here at new life the one flesh marriage ministry you know often people ask us well how do i become a member of the one flesh marriage ministry it's very simple if you are a member of new life and you're married you're automatically a member now if you're asking me how do you get involved that's a different story everyone who's married all across the country if you'd like to be involved in the one flesh marriage ministry here at the new life church you are welcome to do so now how do you do that number one as the pastor alluded to we meet every month every fourth saturday from 11 to one virtually this pandemic has not slowed us down yet and it will not slow us down we will continue to enjoy god's blessing this marriage builder takes place at 11 to 12 o'clock just one hour where marriages across the entire country come in to discuss all things marriage and we help each other grow we pray and we have fun together we all know our pastors like to have fun so we must have fun what else do we do for the married and for the engaged couples we offer a pre-marriage class that takes place three times a year you will come and learn from seasoned couples everything biblical a biblical foundation and how to set up your strong marriage also we meet up every quarter if we tr if we can marriage date nights for the married couples once again to come and have fun and then also you don't want to miss every monday we have marriage mondays with our very own pastor glenn and first lady glenn and what we'd like to encourage you all to do don't wait until it's an emergency to participate in all of these different resources add to it when you're having a great time when you're going strong and if you just in case you need to talk to someone we also have counseling so how do you get in touch with us email us at marriage nlc.org once again that's marriage nlc.org and the last thing you can do to get involved with our marriage ministry if you have a facebook page join us on facebook at new life southeast one flesh marriage ministry so we are looking forward to seeing you all this year come out and join us virtually until further notice so thank you pastor hannah for allowing us to come up here and talk about the marriage ministry we have been married 34 years we'll be celebrating 35 on september 27th i get that right amazing some of y'all can't do it 35 days thank you so much all right we heard this someone was texting me saying that we couldn't hear hopefully you can hear it now are we good i need to know if we're good we're good all right so if you couldn't hear me we ask you all if the for married couples if you could text um the words okay we can hear now okay if you could text the word marriage to 313131 we would love for you to fill out um a survey for us give us some information how we can minister to you um can i get as many of you all to share can i get anna hannah to come on up on the stage let's get pastor jamon and pastor erica to come on up um we're gonna stand on this side and so you can take your mask off we're gonna sit on this side they're gonna stand on that side so you can take your mask up you're not gonna pray for no hour with this mess y'all don't know my wife she get two men never pray for me you're gonna pray for you gotta take the mess she's a nurse so she's extremely conscious and i'm grateful for her being cautious hey man cause she takes good care of us all right um we're gonna start out in adoration we have our three or four errors that we're going to pray about um we're going to pray about um unity oneness and that's going to be the area that anna's going to pray in i gave her air she said can i pray about something else unity we together we need you to pray that we be on the same accord now you trying to be divided spirit atlanta is here so we're going to pray about unity um then we're going to cover communication because communication is key um how do we how we talk to each other which one of you all feel led to pray in that department who's the communicator you're going to take that mess up again next to your husband you sleep with him who's the communicator house okay so you're going to cover communication communication is key because if you're not talking there's an issue there's an issue and then we're going to call in your resources the next passage to cover that that's my area i cover them resources you know i got that money anointing i can call it in now and i can stack some money canada yes sir i can stack that money yes sir i could call it in and then we're going to pray about your intimacy your passion that god would just keep you guys on fire for one another yeah take care of that okay bring your flesh under control all right we're going to cover those areas um those of you all that are watching can we get you to share can get as many of you all to share it if you know married couples call them and tell them to get in on this prayer meeting we need as many married couples as we can or engage or engage now some of y'all are logged in by faith believing god that you're gonna get married i feel you in the spirit realm you just by faith up in here amen but we okay we'll let you stay amen so let's start off with adoration we started what adoration is but we just adore the lord and then after that anaheim will go into unity and then pastor erica will go into communication then pastor jamon will go into the passion and then i'll close it out with i'm calling in your resources yes because i believe that god it is not god's will that you struggle and that you live from paycheck to paycheck so god's going to give you wisdom in your in your resources all right let's talk about adoration hallelujah hallelujah you are god you are great you are mighty you are excellent and there is no one like you we open our mouths come on married couples and we bless you for being our god you are the god that has brought us together and you are the god that has guessed us together but you are the keeper of our houses you are the keeper of our marriages and we open our mouths and we bless you god for just being god you have been faithful thank you god for being consistent thank you for being faithful thank you for being patient with us hallelujah and we bless you on this morning we give you glory in the midst of divorce and separation god we open our mouths and we bless you knowing that you have been our god and we say thank you for just being who you are thank you for being holy thank you for being perfect thank you for being sobrious thank you for reigning on the throne thank you for being consistent thank you for never leaving us nor forsaking us and we give you praise on this morning god thank you for bringing us into another year you have brought us over and for that we say thank you come on for that we say thank you you have brought us over and we have entered into another year and god we say thank you you've covered our houses god the enemy told you that you have a hedge around job his house and everything so can we thank you god for the hedge can we thank you for the blood can we thank you for the shield can we thank him for the protection thank you for just being gone glory to god come on y'all we give you praise of today's we magnify you you are our sustainer you are our foundation we stand in you and for that we say thank you the devil goes to and fro seeking whom he may devour but god you did not allow the enemy to devour our house and for that we say thank you the devil desire can we thank him that you did not allow the enemy to have what he desired and for that we give you glory to god we have not been perfect in our marriage but that you have still kept us and for that we say thank you god our strength is in you and for that we give you glory we are strong only in you we are faithful only in you we don't keep ourselves but god you are the keeper of our soul yes and for that we give you glory you give we give you glory god for keeping us thank you for being a keeper thank you for being a provider thank you for being a healer thank you for being a waymaker thank you for being on everything come on married couples in our houses god it's for me and my house come on here we give you glory come on say that as for me and my house we give you glory as for me and my house my house represents you god and we give you praise on this morning we magnify your donor we give you glory we give you glory come on god we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory for being our healer we give you glory for being our deliverer we give you glory for being our provider everything that is in our house it is because of you and for that we say thank you hallelujah come on but then we [Music] without you we could not ever do this thing called marriage without you so we look to the heels for with cometh our help our help is in you so we point to you god and we say thank you hallelujah come on glory to god [Music] hallelujah a few more minutes come on everybody begin to release the praise for your house come on begin to release a praise for your marriage for those of you that have children i need you to be the representation of your children as for me and my house let this praise represent my house glory come on there it is jesus come on release your praise for your marriage however long you've been married your praise should represent that glory to god hallelujah [Music] hallelujah on this is from my house hallelujah this is for my marriage glory this is for keeping us wonderful savior [Music] yes [Music] let's get ready now we're going to give our petition out to the lords a house divided cannot span a house divided can not stand a house divided cannot stand and we are going to pray that god will bring oneness yes in your house in the name of jesus in the name of jesus and the two shall become one ah come on here and the two shall become one god begin to close the gaps come on come on if you're there in your home grab your spouse by the hand and anaheim is going to begin to pray for oneness for unity to be in your house god we give you glory and we give you honor on today god we just come boldly before your throne god asking god that you would bring our homes together god god just as you and the son and the holy spirit are one god we pray for unity in our house god and our houses god in our homes god we come against any third parties god that are trying to infiltrate our homes god god anyone that is in our ear or in our spouse's ear or anyone else is here in our house god we come against it right now god we come against in-laws that are trying to meddle in our home affairs god we come against children god who are trying to divide the parents god we pray god that you will bring our homes together god that we will walk god in unity god that one step will follow another step god in harmony and in unity god god we pray god that you will bring such a heavy spirit of discernment in the home god that when anything any spirit that tries to come in god that would try to divide our home god that you would give us astuteness in the spirit realm god to call it out for what it is god and god i pray for humility in the home god that whenever we are being stubborn god anything that will come against us being humble god before you god we pray god that you would just help us to submit ourselves to you god so that our marriage is god could be an example to others god we pray god that we would just be able just bind our hearts together god that we would be able to feel what our spouse is feeling god that we would have empathy on us with our spouse god that we would be able to feel what they're feeling god and help us to understand god what they're dealing with god and we pray god that we would always walk in a spirit of unity god in all matters of our home god not just in the spirit god but in all manners of our home god our specific homes god because every home is different and we just thank you guys that you will help us not to look at others and what others are doing god but help us to look at our own home and do what's best for our homes god and god we just thank you god that you're bringing unity in every area god and god just reprimand us god and bring us back into alignment with your spirit god and with your vision for our homes god not anyone else's vision god not even our vision but your vision god that you would bring us under submission god help us to bow to you god and god we know that blessings come with spirits of humility and submission god and submission is not a curse word god but it's a blessing god and help us god as we submit to you to submit to each other and we give you glory honor and praise hallelujah yes men the hearts together right now god yes we pray that there be one heartbeat yes in that one heartbeat in the name of jesus we come against any other outside heartbeat but god let their hearts beat as one in the name of jesus we pray god that you would have unity in the vision for their homes gone we come against the house going in different directions with different visions in the name of jesus that we speak to the vision of the house that it be as one in the name of jesus god we pray that the goals of the house be as one we ask god don't let one go in one direction and the other in another direction but god we pray god that you begin to bring every marriage in every house to go in one direction in the name of jesus now god we pray for the strong one of the house god give the strong one of the house because if the enemy wants to come in he'll first bind up the strong man and if you get the strong man then he got the house god whichever one is this one that's spiritually strong we pray that you will give them strength and patience to wait until the heartbeat is as one god touch every house to be as one right now we come against any outside relationships that is pulling and partying the family the devil is a liar we come against emotional affairs we come against spiritual affairs we come against physical affairs god we pray that this house come together as one and as anna prayed god we come against any children that operate in the spirit of manipulation that try to pull one parent against the other we pray god that you would give the parents the ability to rebuke and correct their children we come against in-laws god outside forces that want to cause division in the house oh my god we even pray against baby mama or baby daddy drama those that don't live in that house but children are in between we come against the enemy right now and we tell the devil he is a liar that when the children come to this house let them fall in line with the heartbeat of the house we pray god that there'll be a spirit of love in that house we pray god that there be a spirit of unity in that house no outside forces the anointing of god bring everything in alignment in your house the devil is a liar we come against outside opinions we come against gossip we shut the mouth of the witch in the warlock that is causing division in your house the devil is a liar we send negative words back out of your house we spend we send the word separation out of your house we send the word divorce out of your house the devil is a liar we called for unity to come in this house god let the intercessor of the house stand up let the intercessor begin to intercede from the house in the name of jesus we pray for the leaders god bring their houses in alignment in the name of jesus and we thank you that our houses are one come on say that and we thank you that our houses are won and we thank you that our houses are come on say that and we thank you that our houses are one one heartbeat one heart one move one one direction one come on come over here come over here come on come on one heartbeat one one direction come on here come on here come on come on here when they come under your roof they'll only be one heartbeat you better fall in line you better fall in line i call your children to fall in line come on here one there's oneness in your house there is oneness in your house we rebuke the spirit of rebellion we come against the spirit of stubbornness that wants to come and divide your house the devil is a liar we call your house to be as one let me flow through this for a few minutes i come against um our that are operating in the spirit of witchcraft i call you to send you get your mouth out of this house i find mother-in-laws that are meddling in your house and i call her to mind her business i call her opinion and her words and who's ever submitted to the mother-in-law words i pray that god will give you discernment and then god give you boldness to make your own decision and it is so because there's a spirit of oneness in your house because there's a spirit of oneness in your house because there's a spirit of oneness in your house because there is a spirit of oneness in your house and i speak healing i speak healing to your marriage i speak healing to your family god we just thank you god for sending a spirit of healing god into the family's god in whatever area of god that needs needs of god i pray god that you would send healing out to heal broken hearts god to heal wounded egos god i pray that the man would take his place in the family guy where he's been silenced god i pray that he will find his voice and god we just thank you god that he's going to be the man of the house that you've called him to be the priest of the home god we pray for him to walk take your place and to take his place and just because he takes his place doesn't mean that you as the wife are weak it means that you're strong because you're letting him take his place hallelujah and i thank you that you're letting him be the man that god has called him to be in jesus [Music] name that's going to give you the spirit of sensitivity on how to speak to your spouse so we're going to express the error to come now and begin to bring over communication forgiveness of words that we said that hurt the other person forgiveness of words of divorce and separation that we spoke in our households out of anger we ask you right now to forgive us for angry words forgive us for words that came from our childhood that came into our marriage we just asked that you would just cleanse our tongues now that you cleanse our hearts now lord god so that we can operate in the communication that you have allowed us to be so that we can speak in unity and in harmony lord god but right now we ask you just to forgive us forgive us so that we can have a palatable of cleanliness to come through our mouths lord god that we will be the vehicle of the holy spirit to speak to our spouses lord god that you will cause our hearts to be palatable to you so that we can see our spouse the way that you see them and that we can articulate what we what what you would have for their lives lord god that we will be a pure vessel for our spouses today lord god that you will encapsulate our minds and our hearts so that the spirit will flow through us that we will be able to prophesy of what that person is going to be and that we will use our mouths to declare and to affirm the person that you have joined us together with lord god that we will see them the way that you see them then we won't see them through their circumstances but we'll see them in the way that you have called them to be that we will speak those things that are not as though they are that we will operate in the word of faith lord god that we will speak the things that shall be in our households right now lord god we thank you for discernment right now we thank you lord god that you allow the word to be open to us so that we can speak what the word of god says about our spouse that he is a man of god that he is the one that has called for this time and his purpose that she is the helpmate of our children lord god she is the helpmate of our household lord god cleanse our mouths and our minds we can say what you would have us to say that we are joined for a reason and that is to bring multiplication to this earth yes help us to go back to the garden of eden lord god that when we whatever we said it came out that you were cleansing so that we can say what you said yes not what we want but what you would have for the will for our families today lord god and we thank you lord god that we have the honor and the privilege to be as you have created us to be that we will create our atmospheres in our homes that we will speak and pray over our children that we would declare lord god that they will be what you call them to be we thank you right now lord god that we see our spouse the way that you want us to see them and that we will allow our mouths to articulate what shall come in the atmosphere that we stand in this position lord god as an intercessor and a prayer warrior lord god that not my will be done but let your will be done not my mouth lord god but that you are bright on our tongue [Music] and go past our feelings and we will only declare what you have proclaimed to be in this nurse we thank you lord god that we are sensitive come on to our spouse right now lord god that we have discernment in the moment yes that we don't just say whatever we want to say but we say it with a bridal tongue we stand with love compassion and understanding yes we thank you lord god that we humble ourselves who are you we humble ourselves so that we can say what you would have used that our household is a place of affirmation that our household is a place of declaration and that everything that comes out of my mouth according to your will and your word it will be manifested we understand that life and death and we is that our words carry weight so god we thank you for patience not saying everything that we want to say without you praying and without you speaking through us but we thank you right now that we will pace that we will place ourselves up to have discernment and understanding for the very vessel that you have allowed us to be in unity with that we will not take their lives lightly come on but we will take their lives as a company and a proclamation that you have entrusted to us we understand that our words have power so we will use them wisely help us to be wise stewards over the human beings that you have called us to be in alignment with lord god and god i ask right now that we would not allow gossip to come out of our mouths and we will not about our spouses to anybody but help us to have wise counsel i thank you for wise counsel to marry couples right now that they will not counsel under but they will counsel up but those that can lead and guide them into the places that they need to be and god i thank you for having wisdom when we are going to shut our battleship and we are winner we are allowed to have to open our mouths that our words will have grace yes our words will have honey lord that will lead and guide the individuals and we thank you for divine communication we thank you lord god that we are able to be prophetic in our houses lord god that we will speak what you want us to speak and say what you want us to just say i thank you that you're going past our emotions now i'm thinking that you're allowing our ears to hear though i thank you lord god that you're allowing the holy spirit to speak through us and we thank you right thank you god for the opportunity to communicate in this earth for our household and our nation and all these things we pray in jesus name come on come on stay there stay come on stay there everybody say god teach me to speak teach me to speak show me how to speak to in my house in my house come on teach me to speak show me how to speak in my house for the mouth of the righteous is a whale of life for the mouth of the righteous is a whale of life we come against profanity we come against cursed words we pray over the volume of your voice we pray that you're not too aggressive with your voice we come against any negative words coming out of your mouth only life will come out of your mouth god remove the word divorce out of our vocabulary jesus remove the word separation out of my oh oh i heard the lord say they cancel what you've already spoken about we canceled every divorce word that has been released in your house we can't send every separated word that has been released in your house we come against an aggravated spirit you will not be aggravated but you will walk in peace and speak in peace and it is so in jesus name come on come on come on everybody pray for your own communication everybody pray for your own communication say teach me to talk to them teach me show me how to talk to them give me wisdom on how to talk everybody pray for your own communication god show me how to talk show me when to talk show me when to speak show me when to shut my mouth come on here in the name of jesus let me hear what i'm gonna say before i say it ah let me hear what i'm gonna say before i say it and if i don't like the way i sound god if you speak through me come on come on [Music] you don't want to be the monster that you hated yes come on here you didn't like the way your parents talk to you and you talking the same way check my anger god when i am angry give me the ability to control my communication yes and it is so come on come on ladies come on come on come on come on i hear some i hear you i see you too i come against this violent speech yes you're calling in violence with your speech and we cancel it right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus communication is good in my house i'm gonna say this communication is good in my house communication is good in my house come on come on that communication is good in my house communication not just with your spouse but with your children come on here communication is good with my house come on here communication is good in my house communication is good in my house come on here i come against this shutdown oh my god we out here you shut down and don't talk come on how long you go shut down we need you to come on out come on out ready [Music] ain't this a trip [Music] yeah all body parts father we thank you father we thank you right now we thank you that for what you have joined together nothing and no one can separate we thank you father that your design and your desire is for us to be one god one in mind one in heart one and spirit god we thank you for unity we thank you for communication and we thank you for intimacy god we thank you god that we are transparent we thank you that we are vulnerable god we thank you god that there are no secrets between us god we thank you that we have opportunity god to share our hearts and not to be judged not to be condemned father we thank you for an openness in the marriage carter where we can communicate one to another father and we thank you god that don't that there are no outside interferences that there are no outside forces god that will drive a wedge between us god we thank you father that there's a longing a passion and a desire for for your spouse god for each other father and we thank you god that you are putting in our heart god a deeper desire god no matter how long we've been together god no matter how short of a time we've been together god a heart that beats after you father we thank you god that there are no temptations that are taking us we thank you that there are no distractions oh god that are dividing us god we thank you father that you are healing the hearts and the minds of your people and that you are healing even the marriage bed god we thank you that there is flu in god communication and love and expression god we thank you that time is an investment we thank you that love is an investment of god we thank you god that we return to the dating days god we pray god that we will return to the gazing days god where we look into each other's eyes and find a death and an intimacy god a brand new love god we thank you father that there are no distractions in our eye gates god we come against pornography god the desire for things outside of our marriage and our relationship god we come against oh god anything god that is driving us or pulling us away from our spouse god and we pray father in jesus name that you would heal that marriage bed that you will heal the family unit god that you will heal with a deeper connection god like never before god and the things oh god that will have come to destroy god the marriages oh god that are laying together and sleeping together god but not being intimate together god the people that are together and struggling together god the stories that we hear god of the tales of people that have not god consummated or had oh god intimacy god in years and months and weeks but manners of control god we break and destroy god now any impediments to intimacy god we come against our physical handicapped god that will stop from intimacy god we come against all frustrations god and all control and manipulation god we shall not use the marriage better as a tool and a force for manipulation god but we declare according to your word god that there will be god fruitfulness god we declare in the name of jesus god that there will be unity and a desire compassion god for us for our spouse god give us a fresh desire a new desire a renewed desire god for our spouse god in jesus name god we break the competitiveness of our past and our history god we come against comparison god from wherever he came from god and we pray god that a freshness and a newness will transpire in the marriage mankind when your scripture says that the marriage bed is pure and undefiled and we thank you god that there are no outside parties in our bed god we pray god that no one is sleeping with the enemy god remember that you would restore god restore god restore god a eden in the space okada of intimacy father and i pray god and break oh god asunder the enemy god that will come to bring guilt and condemnation and shame okay let there be healing let there be restoration let there be forgiveness so god let there be forgiveness god let there be forgiveness i pray for someone who's trying to have a child god i pray that you would open up their world i pray father that you will bring forth a miracle god i pray god when there was once a miscarriage god that now that you will let the seed multiply and that there will be a birthing god and by this time next year god i declare in jesus name that you will do god what you do god i pray god that shakes oh god will no longer control and to drive and to manipulate and to be taken out of order of the way that you originally intended satan the lord rebuke you it's god's idea so let the lord rebuke you you will not manipulate saving the lord rebuke you you will not lose use as a wedge and as a control factor you will not destroy homes and families but god in the way that you originally attain the god in the way that you originally intended without perversion in the way that you originally attended with passion god in the way that you originally intended with trust with love with bondability god i pray that love will replace lust god i pray that love will be the overflowing factor yes in every space god for lust takes but love gives god and i pray in jesus name for a fruitful nation in this space and area and not only in the physical space but in the mental space mental intimacy emotional intimacy god i pray for emotional intimacy i break up emotional affairs outside of the marriage i break up where we over share with people that we're not married to and our hearts are drawn to those people in those spaces god i pray for against soul ties i break break break break break soul [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and i pray in the name of jesus that a renewed passion and a new desire and a fresh desire god will be for your spouse and i close every gap in your shoulder and every desire in your soul that wants another and i pray that your heart only be tied to your spouse in the name of jesus i pray god that you would do this supernaturally that you will heal supernaturally that you will renew supernaturally and let a fresh level of intimacy a fresh level of renewed passion for each other for purpose for your family and for your marriage be done and it is so god and it is thank you father and it is so god and i give you glory father and it is so god and i give you [Music] intimacy is good in my house mentally emotionally and physically come on here the intimacy is good in my house every man pray god help me to satisfy my wife every wife pray help me to satisfy my husband come on here come on come on i come against the spirit of tiredness come on i got you today with the spirit we refute this draining spirit that you're too drained the devil is a liar i pray that god give you the energy and the strength to meet one another's needs close this gap god close his gap young couples only having sex once a month we rebuke you in the name of the lord jesus spirit the devil is alive we call you to come together frequently we even pray for those that are seniors god because we [Music] we come against the spirit of being embarrassed shame there's no shame in your bedroom in the name of jesus god help someone to forgive someone went outside but you chose to stay with them i asked god that you would give them the ability to forgive them so that they can move forward in intimacy in the name of jesus come on say lord help me to forgive help me to forgive the house help me to give god help me to release the pain release the hurt release the memory come on to forgive in the name of jesus and we thank you and we thank you and we thank you and we thank you help me to seduce my spouse come on here come over here you wait both of y'all waiting on the other one to reach for each other both of y'all god i pray that they both reach preach in the name of jesus reach for each other sitting waiting on somebody i'm trying to reach it keep preaching reach [Laughter] all right do me a favor i want you to go get your um your checkbook get your wallet get your debit card i want you to get that i want you to get your purse some of y'all get you my senior says go get your coin purse get your coins oh no not the coin purse i want you to get your checkbook get your wallet get your purse get it and i want you to hear me you do not have to struggle you do not have to struggle if you follow my lead and i tell you to pray the strangest prayer if i don't know nothing else i know this word hold on and say god help me to be the number one tither help me to be the number one tyler come on like i know he can trust you financially come on let go know he can trust you financially trust us come on let god know he can trust you financially come until that you can channel money through us come on every miracle tell god you can channel money through us let us be a blessing come on here let us be a blessing come on channel finances through us channel finances through my house come on don't worry about your bills he don't take care of it you pray like i tell you to pray everything else could be taken care of but i need you to begin to say god you can trust us with finances come on you can trust us with money channel channel finances through this account through this purse through this wallet in the name of jesus now hold hold hold hold your purse hold your wallet your checkbook so now god i speak and i pray god the same god that did it for us we ask that you do it for every household so god we stand as a testimony of being 100 debt free you did it for us and the same oil that is on our house we pray that it be on every house that is watching every house that is listening god whoever the savior is whichever one is the savior i pray god that you give them a stacking anointing in the name of jesus god give them the ability to stack god you told joseph that to tell pharaoh you'll have seven years of plenty seven years of lack but in your years of plenty i need you to stack so when the lack come you don't have to ask for anything yeah i ask god that you give one spouse the ability to put some up put it away come on here in the name of jesus come on in the name of jesus god i ask god that you begin to give them storage space for their finances now god i pray for wisdom to to be released on whoever paid bills the best come on we are here whoever is responsible for paying the bills that you give them wisdom on how to get them out of debt in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus that i pray that you give them wisdom on which cards to pay off i pray god that you give them wisdom to even speak to the spouse and tell them to stop charging come on we are there now come on those of y'all that spin a lot just say yes lord come on just say yes lord hold on come on erica say yes lord okay come on come on would you ever want this to spend it just say yes lord come on god you'll get to the space that you can spend whatever you want to spend but right now you just need some kind of control come on come on just say yes come on yes so i pray god that you would even give them the ability to know when to say no yeah to spin i pray that they'd be sensitive to the stacking i pray that they'd be sensitive to the need to pay off everything the need to pay off everything everything the need to pay off the money or not yeah everything come on everybody say there are no bills in my house come over here come on say there's a cash anointing in my house come on here cars are being paid off tuition is paid no struggles in the name of jesus and another well and another way by the way i pray that god give you the ability to find secret wealth secrets whoever is the gifted one i call your name to be brought up come on here i pray that your name be brought up and that you go and do what you do and then bring back the stack to take care of your house come on say there are no no bills in my house come on this oh i feel you in the spirit stop adding them up stop and just start speaking by faith there are no bills in my house there are no bills in my house i have several accounts in the name of jesus come on here come on just a few more minutes there's no lack no lack whatsoever i pray that god will give you wisdom on how to get out of death i pray that god will give you the spirit to give i pray that you'll be sensitive whatever god tell you the soul that you sow and i pray that wherever you sow you reap i pray that you now begin to reap from when you sow from years ago come on i pray that you reap what you did not receive come on here in the name of jesus you are a giver now it is time for you to receive you are a giver and now it is your season to receive you are a giver and now it is your season to receive you will never be broke another day in your life and when you get out of debt you'll never go back in come on here just a few more seconds begin to worship god those of you all that believe that god is able to do it can you begin to worship god for being 100 debt free come on come on come on when i say 100 not even give you the ability to pay your house off come on let's go come on come on can you imagine not having a mortgage come on come on go up go up whatever car you want you'll pay cash come on come on and it is sold and it is so i pray for every man i pray god that he be the foundation i show every man how to work and how to do what he's supposed to do i pray that no wife feels stressed out financially god get this burden off these women in the name of jesus get this stress off these women we come against the spirit of stress in every house that is struggling over their finances the devil is a liar god's about to give you a way of escape a way of escape a way of escape and this will be your year of increase it is a perfect time for god to do it in the midst of a pandemic god will show you that he is your jehovah gyra your provider and we decree and we declare that there's no financial stress in your house no financial stress in my house come on say this my house is as one my house is as one and communication is good in my house and the passion is off the chain and there are no bills and there's no business in mind that's a good marriage right there that's a good marriage right there come on who am i talking to come on here come on here come on here my house is as one come on your house and the communication is good and the intimacy is off the chain and there are no bills in my house it's a good marriage come on here wow wow every married couple for every american but we're going to ask you to text the words marriage to 313131 we want you to fill out that survey last week we asked the singles to give i want you to give them one seat today just one together and there's a seat i don't want you both to text i need y'all to come together and make a decision on what you want to sew and i want you to sew it you're going to text the words nlcse to 77977 to give and that's my one seed for my house discuss it what you want to do let's give one seed normally we give separately but let's give one seed one and this is the seed for your house for your marriage one text the words nlcs7779 whatever you whatever you all come to i'm not gonna tell you what to give it's on you if y'all decide not to give anything that's your decision no stress supply but i dare you to sow for your house we thank you um text the words take the survey for us so that we can know how to minister to you i mean we thank you guys and we appreciate you next week we are we is it men brothers brothers brothers at 10 o'clock i'm asking men to log in get your sons get your brothers get your uncles get your husbands get your nephews if we ever need to cover our men we need to cover our men on this month in prayer next week we're asking everyone to fast with us if you can monday through friday how do we fast one meal a day one you can either have breakfast you could have lunch or you can have dinner one meal with no snacks in between yeah that's that's a fast because i'm the snack king help me lord not to eat popcorn every night but i love you guys and we celebrate you we thank you guys for being a part of this prayer meeting send this prayer to somebody who you know going through send this to to every married couple you know those of y'all that are over a marriage ministry send this prayer to them send us these people that go to your church and listen listen to this prayer and let this be the prayer of your house we love you guys we appreciate you we'll be back tomorrow 7 30 9 30 12 30 and 7 30 p.m we're excited about the word of god god bless you and we love you bye come on she can sing and pray come on [Music] and we give you love [Music] to be you you
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 7,386
Rating: 4.9606557 out of 5
Id: 6pslBUoO3-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 50sec (3830 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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