Prayer for Singles #SeekHimFirst

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you you um we want you to do liquids um from until 3 p.m for those of us that are pastors or leaders we're asking us to do 24 hours of just liquids only all right and then next saturday next saturday if you know anyone that is married the married we're going to ask couples to get online and to pray with us i'm excited to have my sister with me um angela martin many of you all know that she actually has prayer meetings online and she used to do them every first saturday you still do that online but she has papa prayers quite a bit tell us through the week tell us what um on first saturday's wonderful prayer is every first saturday for ladies so it's every first saturday virtually now we're in our 10th year this february will mark 10 years of us praying together so we just switched over to virtual prayer and then i have a pop-up prayer meeting that's once every week we just pop up and pray no specific time i give you a little warning on social media so make sure that you follow me everywhere and especially on youtube papa prayer is once per week all right so today we're going to cover the singles to the singles hallelujah let's do it all right i'm i'm looking at youtube and it's saying no sound we're good now okay great all right so what we want to do is we want to make sure that we give you a scripture that we're going to be praying on for every single person that is listening the lord gave me a word for you we're going to cover you this year we're going to cover you this year this is the word of the lord for every single individual if you are divorced this is your word if you are widowed this is your word if you've never been married this is your word are you ready and it is found in isaiah 41 and 10 41 and 10. again that is isaiah 41 and 10. pay attention to this he says so do not fear do not fear do not fear here's the line for the singles for i am with you my god do not fear for i am with you you are not out here by yourself do not fear come on here she come on come on here i need every single person to say it out loud i am not fearful i am not fearful why because the lord is with me listen to this he says do not be dismayed don't be discouraged don't be down don't feel like you listen don't be depressed why he says for i am peaceful this is i am your god my god that thing is powerful i'm married and that thing is blessing me come on here he said do not be discouraged do not be dismayed why for i am your god one thing you know is that you're not here by yourself the next thing you know is that god got your back now he's listen to this this is the three areas that we're gonna pray for he says for i will strengthen you i will strengthen you and we are going to pray that god will give you the strength to make it through this year come on here let the weak say i am strong he says i will that is a promise strengthen you not only is he going to search for you please please that it is and help you my god he's a very present help in the time of what trouble that is a guarantee he said not only am i going to strengthen you but i am going to help you the question is what areas do you need help in whatever area that you need help in you need to hear what the lord says to you in the year 2021 i will help you not i might but i will help you not only that listen to the last word he says i will hold you come over here with my righteous right hand in other words i got you i will carry you through this year you will not run out you will not go down but i am going to uphold you with my righteous right hand so we're going to pray this year that god will strengthen you we're going to pray that god will help you and we're going to pray that god will uphold you you all know what we do we always start out with adoration for those that just came in we need you to share this is for the single people all the single people man men women you about to be covered for the year of 2021. can you just begin to say i am covered i am covered every single person i need you to open your mouth i need you to type it on the screen it says i am covered i am covered i am covered i am covered for the year of 2021. come on here i am covered since i need to be married so i can be covered nope we gonna cover you i'm gonna be your brother today i'm gonna be your shepherd today and we are going to cover you come on here we're going to start out with adoration come on here angel we're going to start out with adoration and that means that we just begin to adore him we won't ask for anything we'll just begin to adore him yeah lord we give you glory this hallelujah we give you honor and we give you praise because you are so worthy lord there is nobody like you on all the earth and we honor you this morning god we bless your holy and righteous name the god who created the heavens and the earth come on that is the god that we honor this morning we glorify you because you are worthy to be praised look at our great awesome wonderful god look at how big and awesome he is going to lift you this morning we adore you we magnify you god oh great wonder you are oh adonai oh el shaddai el elyon elohim you are the great god and we glorify you you are the god who created the heavens and the earth you are the god who stepped out and say let there be and there was you are the awesome god and we humble ourselves today before the mighty hand of the awesome god the god who is more than enough the god who is father the god who is shepherd the god who is our covering the god who is our protector the god who is our provider we honor you this morning lord we honor you and we love you lord i love you we love you so much jesus we love you with all of our hearts mind soul and our strength we give you glory glory saved us we give you glory that you called us out of darkness more than anything father we're just so grateful that we're saved today come on we thank you for the cross of calvary jesus that made it possible for us to connect with you and we give you glory jesus oh crucified one come on we bless your name oh crucified one hallelujah magnify you uh we love you lord oh great god you are oh you're high and you're lofty you're high and lofty and lifted and we magnify you god hallelujah hallelujah to the one who saved us hallelujah to the one who protects us yes god hallelujah to the one who provides for us god we bless your holy holy and righteous name look at how great you are you are not a man that you should lie you are not the son of man repent you are not immortal human but you are the great awesome you are the great god and we give you glory you are all power you are omniscient you are i'm not president come over here you are omnipotent who is like nobody like you nobody nobody nowhere nobody like you nobody will give you glory glory oh we magnify your god oh exalted one we lift up our hands we lift our hearts to you praise to you cause you are worthy worthy it doesn't matter what's going on in the world come on you are still worthy and we give you praise glory holy hallelujah we lift you above every trial every tribulation we lift you on today god as a single people god they open their mouths and they bless you because you have been there everything they give you glory on today they magnify you every single person begin to open your mouth and begin to bless god god you hear their praise you hear their worship daughter you see that they're up this morning giving you glory in spite of everything that has gone on god they still lift you they still magnify you they still glorify you they still call you wonderful they still call you excellent they steal you called the dependent one forgot you are their salvation you are the strong tower you're the one that they run to you are the covering you're the shield you're the god that fight for them and god they give you glory you're strong god you're a mighty god you are dependable and for that they give you glory everybody every single they know that god is dependable i need you to begin to open your mouth and begin to bless him for god you are dependable you are a very present helper and they give you glory hallelujah you're the god that looked out for them and they magnify you you're the god that take care of them you're the god that take care of them you're the god that take care of them you are the jehovah gyra you are their provider you are their everything and they give you glory in spite of the hurt in spite of the pain in spite of the disappointment they still give you glory you're the trusted one you are the trusted one you're the one that won't let them down you're the one that won't break their heart you're the one that won't disappoint them you're the one that will always show up and they give you glory on this morning come on singles they give you glory on this morning the widow give you glory the divorce give you glory that never married give you glory the single parent give you glory those that have no children give you glory those that are grandparents give you glory god the singles open their mouths and they pour their love on you head under the behind they open up their alabaster boxes and they give you glory on this morning why because you've been good to every single individual we give you glory god every single woman open your mouth every single man open your mouth forgot you have been their lawyer you've been their doctor you've been their defender you've been their counselor you've been their waymaker you've been their company you've been their best friend you've been a boyfriend their girlfriend you've been a very present helper you've been the god that filled every void and they open their mouths and they give you glory they come beyond the veil god to tell you thank you for what you've already done but you've done enough already come on y'all come on singles you've proven yourself over and over and over and over and over they got testimonies among the singles every single they got a testimony i need you to begin to open your mouth and give god glory god they got a testimony of being healed they have a testimony of being delivered they have a testimony that you provided they have a testimony that you defended them they got a testimony that you shut down the devil they got a testimony that you've lifted them they got a testimony that you promoted them they got a testimony that you made away from them they got a testimony that you resurrected them what do they do god they give you glory come on singles every single woman i need you to open your mouth and i need you to begin to give god glory to every single mother of the messiah he told hagar god has heard the cry of your baby shut up here i get the lord say i hear your children and i'm about to answer for you yay we give you glory come on singles yeah yeah i'm not that bad shot y'all we gonna move i need every single at you in your house i need you to begin to clap your hands uh hallelujah i give you glory god that you are the company keeper yes even in their houses god when they feel like they're by themselves god you are the company keeper hey come on singles i get the lord say i need you to give me glory for being your company keeper hey i give you glory for my single brothers i give you glory for my single sisters i stand in the game as the intercessor and i intercede for my single brothers and my sisters and god i point to them and they open their mouths and they give you glory hallelujah let the redeemed of the lord say so let the redeemed of the lord say so every single person come on here i sit as your intercessor i need you to open your mouth and begin to bless your god as i point to the singles let him hear the praise coming out of every single individual we give you glory every single parent open your mouth every divorce open your mouth forever never married open your mouth we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory come on the lifter is here the lifter is [Music] open your mouth in your home in your car wherever i am wherever you are we bless the lord at all times open your mouth at the top of the ear if you open your mouth at the top he'll carry you to the end you give you glory all right all right [Music] [Music] so do not fear for i am with you so god we come against the spirit of fear yes lord god's fear is a spirit and your word says that you have not given us the spirit of fear so god we come against the fear of dying by yourself oh my god come over here we come against the fear of being alone come over here we bind fear we have fear of this virus called corona we come against the spirit of fear my singles would not be fearful but they will be wise y'all ain't praying my singles would not be fearful but you will be wiser you will not be fearful because the lord is with you and for that we give you glory we come against the spirit of being dismayed you will not be down but you will be up you will not be at the bottom but you will be on top we come against the spirit of discouragement we shut the mouth of the devil we tell the devil to get out of your ear we tell the devil to get out of your spirit we tell the devil to back up offer you we tell the devil to remove himself and we release angels to come in your direction we release ministering angels to talk to every single right now we shut the mouth of the devil but the devil is a liar come on y'all let's go bible the devil is an accuser of the same we cancel every accusation come on here we cancel every accusation we cancel every accusation you are not a you are not a pimper you are not a cheater you are not what you did the devil is a liar you are not depressed we even come against the diagnosis of the doctor we [Music] [Music] you're more than a conqueror greater is he that is within you than he that is in the world my god shall [Laughter] [Music] i am not fearful and i am not desperate i am not dis please follow my instructions i am not not fearful and i am not to space come on i need you to release this to 20 21 i am not fearful come on here when you walk down the street by yourself you would not be afraid nobody will touch you nobody will touch your children i come against the spirit of fear come on say it i am not fearful i am not fearful and i am not this space mother that has a son i need you to begin to bind the spirit of fear that something's gonna happen to your children i need you to open your mouth and say i am not fearful i am not fearful and i am not dismayed i hate every parent to begin to call the names of your children right now i need you to begin to put their names on the screen god you read these names you hear these names and we speak over these names right now and these names would not cause us to be fearful or displayed oh my god there it is god can see these names you hear these names and these names would not cause them to be fearful or dismayed call the names of your great children oh god you see these names no you hear these names these [Music] god you hear these names you see these names they would not these names would not cause us to be fearful or dismayed come on put their names on the screen you see these names you hear these names and these names will not in the year of 2021 hallelujah caused them to be fearful or dismayed they would not worry they would not lose sleep forgot you are with them and you are their god yes for you are with them and you are their god for you are with them and you are their god there it is come on glory to god i am not fearful i am not i am not dismayed and i am not fearful i am not i am not fearful i am not i am not fearful i am not be put out i am [Music] i am not fearful i am not fearful and i am i am not dismayed i am not serious i am not fearful i am not dismayed the lord said take authority over areas that had you in fear i need you to think about whatever it was that had you had you look fearful of disappointed you i need you to stand on top of that and say i am not fearful i am not dismayed i am not i am not fearful i am not fearful i am you are not fearful of your children and i decree and i declare that your children would not cause you to be dismayed come on here your children will not bring you disappointment your children would not cause you to be depressed your children will not cause you listen carefully i'm in the spirit to second guess yourself come on here you are not fearful and you are not dismayed come over here i called the spirit of respect to come in your house my god my god come on here i am not fearful and i am not dismayed no i walk through the valley in the shadow of death i will fear no i will fear i will fear what does doesn't mean you will have seasons of the valley and of the shadow of death but you will not be fearful i am not fearful and i am not dismayed i am not fearful and i am not dismayed i am not fearful and i am not dismayed you ready for those of you all that came in late we are praying isaiah 41 and 10. hallelujah hallelujah he says so do not fear for i am with you do not be dismayed for i am your god are you ready here is the promises of god that we're going to begin to pray about everybody hear me i need you to write these three things down and angela and i are going to cover these three things number one i want you to write down um that he will strengthen me he will strengthen me he says for i will strengthen you we're going to pray for strength today we're going to pray for strength he will pray for strength come on here every area that you weak he's about to release strength soul tie is about to be broken this year come on come on but every week he's about to give strength ready number two he says i will help you i will help you wherever there's a void he's gonna help you whatever you need help i hear the lord saying stop looking to man i am going to be your help i will be your very present help come on take the promises of god i will help you i will help you i need you to free some people up i will help you i need you to release some people here the lord says i will help you i will help you get over it i will help you i will help you make it through this year i will carry you this year i will make sure that you make it to your destination i will help you i will help you i will make sure your bills are taken care of come on here i will help you raise these kids come over here i will help you live a single saved anointed successful life wow i will help you so number one i will strip to you number two i will help you here it is i will uphold you i will literally uphold you come on here this is your insurance i will uphold you i will uphold you these are the promises of god for the singles for 2021. i will strengthen you i will help you and i will uphold you these are the three areas that we're about to pray about right now we're going to start out with god being your strength let's go hallelujah father we just thank you right now that you are our strength today god we thank you oh god in every weak place that you are our strength your word says let the weak say that i am strong so this morning oh god we say that we are strong we exchange our weakness for your strength we have the strength of god in the name of jesus in every area of our lives god we accept and we receive and we solicit your strength in our spirits oh god give us strength to pray give us strength o god to read your word give us strength oh god to even go through this fast we can do nothing without you for in our spirits oh god give us strength when we feel like we can't make it god give us strength god up and our spirits give us strength in our souls god in our emotions our will our intellect we need you to give us strength in our souls in our minds oh god we come against depression depression comes because you feel weak so we ask right now father that you would give us strength in our souls god we come against tiredness we come against feelings of depletion in the name of jesus before the depletion gets to your body it's in your soul so father we pray right now that the soul our souls will be strengthened strengthen us in our emotions strengthen us god i pray for every unmarried person who has been hurt in your emotions that you will feel strength again so that you can love again you can't love again until you get strength again so i pray right now that you will be strengthened with might by the spirit of god in your spirit in your soul and in your body i pray right now that the strength of god will be in your body i pray that you'll have strength in jesus name i pray you have strength to go to work i pray you have strength to take care of your children i pray that you are strength for the task for the assignment in the name of jesus i pray that your body will be strengthened to work out i pray you will have i pray that you have strength to work out i pray that your body will be strengthened in the name of jesus i pray that for those of you in your 40s 50s and 60s that you will feel the strength you had in your twenties god can do anything he gave strip to caleb he can give strength to you same god same strength same god same strength i pray that you will be strengthened i pray that you will feel like doing stuff i pray right now that you'll feel like come on i come against that spirit and i don't want to do nothing i'm just going to lay in a bed i pray you'll feel like it i pray you'll want to do it in the name of jesus i pray that the joy of the lord be you will beat your strength come on i pray that god's joy will infuse your spirit yes i pray that you'll be happy i pray that you'll have joy i pray that you will be light i pray that you will be lifted i come against the heaviness come on depression i come against the heaviness from disappointment i pray that you will hope again you need strength to hope you need strength to have faith you need strength to endure you need strength to make it to the end come on pray that you will finish your assignment i pray that you will not stop in the middle i come against you starting ten years and never finishing anything but i pray that you will have strength to go to the end to see it completed yes to see it through uh i pray that you'll have strength for prosperity i pray that you'll have strength for progress i pray you won't be here in december but you will see progress process i pray that god will push you in your book i pray that god will push you up i pray that he will take you by thy hand come on i pray that the strength of god will be in you like never before yeah every single person lay hands on the top on your head and god i pray for your immune system i pray that god sent strength to your natural body right now i come against any form of sickness and i call your body to be strong even now i pray you to be strong even now i pray for your immune system i pray for your lungs right now i pray that god begin to strengthen your body in the name of jesus i pray that you'll be strong enough to walk in your healing in the name of jesus now god i pray that you know what their weakness is now god where their weakness is i ask god that you sense strength in that area in the name of jesus for god you know exactly where they are weak you know the areas that they are depleted and god you said that you would be our helper so god i ask god that you sense strength in the area that they are weak in i come against the enemy that keep calling them to fall slip or dip i pray god that you would be their strong tower in the name of jesus i pray god that they have victory in the areas that they are weak in we come against any kind of abuse substance abuse the devil is a liar for god there's someone that is listening and watching that want to stop smoking god i pray that you would give them shrimp to cut bad habits in the name of jesus i pray god that they not be like the dong that returned unto his vomit but god i pray that when you give them strength that they leave it completely i pray god that you would give them strength to walk away i great god that you would give them strength to cut the corn i pray god that you would eat give me oh my god when i hear that you give them their strength to relocate them to go to the new place that you are sending them in the name of jesus and we thank you god that we know that it is not us but greater is he that is within us than he that is in the world so god i pray that the greater begin to stand up in every single that you not be weak but that you be strong be strong in the lord be strong in that the lord you a joshua anointing that you be strong and courageous come on here i pray signals that you arise and you be stronger and courageous i pray that god give you the ability to fight for your territory i pray that god give you the ability to fight for what he's given you the messiah come on warrior come on warrior come on here you've made it to too much to think that you can't fight again i pray that god give you the ability to fight now why because the violent take it by force pray that god let a violent spirit rise up in you that you begin to take the territory that god has given you in the name of you and the strength of god be on you right now and the strength of god will be on you for 2021 for you're strong enough to make it through this year yes [Music] [Music] [Music] of god set kind of the strength of god strength hallelujah you ready yeah third thing we're going to pray for is that he will what help you yes lord help you help you yes lord help you you cannot do this thing called life without god and he says you don't have to do it without me i will help help this guy i will help you i'll help you in whatever area you need helping my god my god i'll help you raise your kids i'll help you come on here i'll help you i'll help make sure that your bills are paid i'll help you y'all better come on here hallelujah come on here and you will lack for nothing nothing cause you're getting back up my god oh yeah come on here he's about to help you in your finances yes he's about to help you in your house he's about to help you in your business yes lord he's about to help you in your ministry come on here some of y'all looking for somebody but they'll say but i'm right here and i'm going to be your help stop looking at married people it's two of them and they feel like they ain't got no help my god jesus said i'm gonna help you help us come on help us you keep looking at single people lead them over there god's gonna help you in your area watch me that mary folks gonna look at you and wish that they could do what you did yes lord slap you if i could come over here yes we have to call your help i can't see what i see i see like a car on the side of the road yes and i hear people calling for roadside assistance i can only explain it the way i see it yes i see you on the side of the road and for some of you all you've been on the side but i hear the lord say i'm on my way to get you my god i'm on my way to get you some things can be fixed on the side some things have to be towed to a shop but you're not gonna be left where you are my god my god come on he's on the way help is on the way yes lord hallelujah come on come on yes lord come on come on come on come on come on ready angela yes let's go let's go let's pray for help we're gonna pray for help let's go the the number one in the numerix system is a whole number it's a whole number so we are praying today with whole unmarried people come on that's what we're praying with and we just going hallelujah we're praying with whole unmarried people so father you are our help hallelujah you are our help you said in your word that it is not good for man to be alone i'm going to make him a help meet so father as unmarry people we know that that help is still for us so father you are such a good father there is no way that help is just for married people but that help is for unmarried people so father we pray right now that you will give us a help meet in the name of jesus whoever is supposed to meet us and help us god we hallelujah we thank you right now because you are our helper god you said you are i am that i am whatever we need you to be in any way you we need you to help us you will help us so father we thank you right now that our help will meet us in our businesses whoever we need to help us god in our businesses let our help meet us that our help will meet us in our ministries whoever we need to help us in ministry let them meet us holla in the name of jesus god we ask you for help today we can do nothing without you we humble ourselves before the mighty hand of god and you will exalt us with your help come on david said your help has made me great and father in the name of jesus we call on your health today your word says you would send help from the sanctuary and we pray right now in this sanctuary for every unmarried person that the help of god will come to you in the name of jesus god we can do nothing without you but with you god we can do all things through christ that strengthens us so father we ask you to help us help us to be holy we can't be holy without you we can't be sanctified without you we can't be saved without you so god we ask you to help us out help us read our word help us pray help us worship god let our worship be for real push your sin worship god help us in the name of jesus help every single person with children help every single parent god help them to parent their children in the name of jesus oh god help us with our finances god help us lord don't let us spend every time we get him but oh god help us to save us help us to invest on this real prayer today help us to save god help us to invest help us to be wise with our money with our finances help us in relationships help us to be a good friend help us to be a good associate help us to be good people in the name of jesus help us with our attitude just because we're unmarried don't let us be miserable [Music] in the name of jesus god we want to do right we want to do right by you we want to represent you with god in the name of jesus but we can't do it without your help help lord holland come on y'all i need you to every single ob my talking on the screen say help me lord how come help me lord come i need that to come out of your mouth the bible says that hezekiah turned his face through the ball and he prayed and when he prayed god heard him then god sent the prophet turner to turn around go back and tell him you're going to live i need every single person i need every man every woman every widow every divorce everyone that's ever been married i need you to open your mouth and say help me lord now i need you to get in the spirit and go into the area that you need help in i get the lord telling me to tell you be specific in the area that you need me to help you in point to the area that you need me to send help in for i am about to give my angels charge over you if you need help on your job i'm already there if you need help in your finances i'm already there if you need help in your mind i am regulating the mind right now he is a very present help him clearly your life is changing even now even now the help of the lord is with you christ said i must leave so that the comforter the helper could come the holy ghost he's about to give you help he's about to give you strength right now come on you all i get the lord say point to the area tell me the area that you want me to come in and help you so god here they are and they are pointing in their area god they are specific and god i pray that you begin to come in those areas and that you begin to help them even now somebody need help in their business somebody need help in their family somebody need help with their children somebody need help with employment somebody need help with bills god god can we quote your word i have never seen the righteous forsaken never lord his seed begged for bread for my god shall supply all of all of all of all of my needs according to his riches in glory so god wherever there's a lack we pray god that you begin to fill that up right now for the help of the lord is now for the help of the lord is now no help is not on the way help is now so god i pray that you be the very present help that you be the very that you be the very present help help in those areas god somebody need help god in whatever area that they're in god they are being honest they are being open they are being transparent if they can't talk to anybody they can talk to you so god they are pulling the covers off they are naked before you and they are saying god this is the area that i realized that i cannot do it without you so god i ask god let me sit in the seat of the intercessor and i ask god god do me a favor yeah you all know god messiah it's god god god god god see their tears and hear their cry and god prove yourself to them that you are the god that answers prayer yay god and i decree and i declare that help is now help is now help is now help is now he's helping you with your career he's helping with you but your business he's bringing up your name he's bringing up your resume god is giving you help right now he has given you wisdom in areas that you need wisdom knowledge in areas that you need knowledge in he has given you the ability to be the parent that you need to be no emmanuel did not come with it but god did and he is about to give you help give me clearly where you were is not where you're going to be he is shifting you even now in the name of jesus he's helping your disposition he's helping you speak louder yes you're coming against the spirit of being shy he will say what you mean and mean what you say he will speak with clarity the devil is a liar we come against the spirit of insecurity you will not watch me you don't need to call nobody to help you the lord says i am helping you i will put words in your mouth i will give you strength to stand i will give you the ability to look your enemy in the eye and not flinch you would not have to back down you will approach your goliath the devil is a liar you are victorious this year you will be victorious and god is about to give you help he is releasing help is now come on y'all put that on the screen help is help is not pointing to your area and i hear the lord telling me to tell you i am there i am there i am there i am there i am there wherever you are lift your hands and begin to worship god for your help help me now now help us now [Music] your tears i heard your prayer i see your tears and i have heard your prayer and i am now and i am now and i am now and i am now you did not break worship god worship god right here please your strength [Laughter] [Music] [Music] it is not his will he does not take pleasure in you losing the lifter is here my god my god he said i will uphold you and i will uphold you and i will uphold you and i will uphold you reach for me reach for me but i found you polluted in your own blood and i said to you live then i said to you live and i didn't leave you there but i picked you up and i dressed you heard another messiah but some of y'all this is the year that you're supposed to be lifted come on here come over here let's just god please tell your mother and he's about to uphold you and he's about to uphold you and he's about to uphold you you will not drown you are a water walker you would not drown you are a water walker yes you are a water walker you thought you had fallen but you all drowned and i will uplift you and i will uplift you let's go and i will uplift you come on we're about to pray that god will uplift you that he would uphold you that he would uphold you with his righteous with his righteous with his righteous right hand instead of reaching for man reach for god because he is about to uphold you up and hold up [Music] hallelujah we glorify you god for upholding us with your right hand of righteousness we thank you right now father for elevation we thank you o god for lifting us up pastor said that the lifter is here you are lifting us up in 2021. you are upholding us with your right hand of righteousness hallelujah and we give you praise lord for up holding us not just holding us but up holding us we're not held in the same place but you're taking us up you're lifting us up in the name of jesus you're lifting us up where we belong to repent means to go back to the top and we are you are lifting us up where we belong god in the name of jesus put us on top this year in the name of jesus uphold us don't let us bring up the rear anymore but oh god put us on top i pray for every unmarried person every single person that you will be on top in your business in the name of jesus even in your workplace if you're in sales i pray that you will be on top in the name of jesus i pray that you will be on top in ministry i pray that you will be on top i pray that you will be on top oh god your word told us that we will always be on top and never at the bottom so father we thank you right now for evicting us from the [Music] the bottom is not our resting place in the name of jesus but we are being elevated to the top we stand on your word in deuteronomy heaven and earth will pass away but the word of god will stand forever and your word said that every single person that is watching us you are upholding them and you're putting them on top and you're doing it with your right hand of righteousness oh god your right hand of righteousness is what's holding us everything else is sinking santa the government is failing jobs are failing but we are upheld with your right hand of righteousness and god we give you glory today that we are lifted up with your right hand in the name of jesus when we look down at our foundation we'll see your hannah hallelujah and your hand god your hand of righteousness is lifting us up in the name of jesus keep us in the hollow of your hand jesus told the father i have kept everyone you gave me no man can pluck them out of my hand god we thank you that no single person will be snatched out of your hand we thank you right now that they are being lifted up in [Music] yes lord yes lord yes lord [Music] [Laughter] now hold them hallelujah the lifter is here hallelujah now hold him down [Laughter] [Music] now this is your permanent location now this is your permanent location hallelujah on this hole up hallelujah hold the bell hold this guy keep them there god hallelujah keep them there god yes i pray that god keep you all here i pray that you live on the mountaintop i pray that you live in an area called success i pray that you live in a land called victory up i pray that you live in a land called prosperity up i call it i pray that you live in a land called victory i call you up up come up hither yay come on singles i need you to open your mouth and say i am strengthened i am help i am hell and i am all i am and he's holding me there hallelujah glory i wish i could hear your praise regardless every person is listening every person is watching i need you to release a praise right there come on the strength of god that is the help of yay you don't have to sleep with anybody you don't have to do anything crooked he said i'm going to uphold you with my righteousness with my righteous wow we prayed to get to that problem [Music] [Music] my head is lifted up my spirit is up my attitude is up my salary is up and he's holding it there hallelujah my god [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] oh oh oh no no and he's holding you there come on you're covered your whole year is coming your whole year is coming you're gonna make it through january february march april june august september october november every single parent oh come on up [Music] hey the litter [Music] [Music] come come on natalie come on come on felicia um [Laughter] of those that have been lifted to a we have the praise of those that have been called up we have the praise of those that have come out of the valley we have the praise of those that have come out of 2020 we're going higher this ain't no temporary spot this is your permanent new location [Music] come on we're about to go every single direction are you living in in 2021 hey your attitude is better your finances are better your name is better your children are better your heart is better your spirit is better your assignment is better your gift is better your new job is better your location is better hey singles which direction are you going in my car [Music] [Music] from the singles go here because i've commanded a single person to hook you up every single person i'm not gonna even tell you what to say but i hear the lord say release something for your upward move text it text nlcsc to 77977 if you're on an app you can give it but every single person and i want you to test the word up to your seed i can't say that i have to do this next week for the mary i don't know he might only have me to do it right here up [Music] and he sent him to a single woman's house wow we got it i don't know what it is whatever you feel led you can text the words nocsc to 77977 if you're on our app you can give it on the app if you on our website you can give it there hallelujah but every single person what word am i sewing into i'm sewing into my up and my hold yes they think bless me i'm up i'm gonna hold you right here with my right hand i don't know if i have to do this all month right here but i hear the lord say do it here for them yes lord and you're so into your up and your hold whatever you feel that whatever you feel like no pressure don't give anybody a penny then you sell it the widows might the widow never go again the widows might the single person's little he still wants it thank you he still wants it he still wants it thank you stand on the scripture every single person you stand on isaiah 41 and 10. he gonna strengthen you he gonna help you and he gonna up and hold with his right hand you're dangling in the air this is why i love prayer cause in prayer he can give you revelation why are you praying yes i didn't see it like that until the holy ghost said look at it i'm up and i'm a hole i'm up and i'm a hold i'm up and i'm holding this so some of y'all fear had to be cancer because you always think that you're gonna fall back down no that's why we canceled fear at the beginning of it because when he up you he gonna hold you there and you never have to worry going back down never be on the bottom you'll never be on the bottom again never so on this week we're gonna ask you all to take three days that you fast with liquids only until 3 pm you can do them back to back days or you can just break them up however you choose and then next week tell all your married friends tell all your married friends that we are going to be praying for married couples if you're engaged amen you can come in too we're going to have married couples in here praying so i want some of you all to um and send your married friends to prayer tomorrow next saturday at 10 o'clock i think tuesday is a prayer day for us a normal prayer day so we'll be here at 4 00 a.m tomorrow um pastor jamon will be doing this 7 30 and i'll be doing the 9 30 and tomorrow we doing the series um back at one another one get your seat ready and you just sew it into what are you sewing into my up and my hole that thing that blessed me i came for those of you that are ladies i would love for you make sure that you're part of um angela martin's prayer meeting every first saturday of the month she has been faithful with leading women in prayer is it given the time uh every first saturday at 9 00 a.m just follow me on social media my social media handle is angela martin ministries instagram youtube i'm everywhere everywhere that there's a social media platform i'm there angela martin ministries and we pray every first saturday join us at one time at 9 00 a.m and also have pop-up prayer every week every week i lead you in prayer so pop-up prayers for women that is for the ladies so make sure that you're part of that um i always pray about who's to pray with me mm-hmm and i don't want to text you yesterday yeah i had to wait to hear from the lord yeah and the lord said angela is to come with you into prayer thank you to represent the singles i'm grateful for that and i'm grateful that he she's a praying woman trust me when i tell you and i'm grateful for the anointing of prayer that is on their life i love you guys have a blessed day hey hey singles which direction are you going in in 2021 and hope that was the word from the lord holding me up all right i love you guys and we'll see you i'll see you tonight for my saturday night devotion and then i'll see you tomorrow god bless you love you bye you
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 12,057
Rating: 4.9403973 out of 5
Id: Rpi2dJaKfKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 0sec (4320 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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