Thursday Night Bible Study

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on here hallelujah it is a thursday night and it is time for us to get in this bible amen to hear a word from the lord for those of y'all that are watching us we are back on facebook the devil had intervened and shut us down we were not able to do prayer live on on tuesday but you can go back and watch it now um it was an amazing press service you can i want to encourage everyone to go to my youtube page under pastor john hannah or john hannah ministries and subscribe to that if anything ever happened on facebook you can go straight there and log in if not that download our app you can watch us live on our app or you can watch us on our website at let's pray so god we honor you we magnify you you are amazing you are god and we got up to just give you glory we got up to open our mouths and tell you thank you for just being gone you've been amazing you've been good you've been kind you've been merciful you've been loving you've been just god and for that we say thank you again god thank you for bringing us into another year thank you that your blood still prevails thank you that's your blood cover thank you that we by your stripes we are healed and god we think that we walk in health we walk in strength and we thank you that we are in our right mind come on here for that we say thank you thank you for just being gone now god have your way on tonight give us a word and when your word come forth let it fall on good ground let it produce good fruit for god we desire to be doers of your word and not hearers only we don't want to deceive ourselves but god let us walk in truth let us walk in the spirit teach us to die daily god it is all for your glory and it is in jesus name we pray everyone today man let's get ready to go into worship what are we teaching worship is not spectating it is participating so even in your house make your home your sanctuary and let's get ready to go up and give god glory on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] take a minute [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] today [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] come on come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me started [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh bye so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can't thank [Music] give oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on i will bless the lord at all times and this phrase it shall continually be in my mouth wherever you are release the praise right there come on release the praise wherever you are come on here there it is one thing i believe is is this i believe that when god looks at everything that he's done for you and then when he looks from his throne and looks at you he expects a praise to come out of you he expects a praise and i want to give him what he's looking for what do you mean by that listen to this when i was reading the scripture and it says when he looked at the fig tree and it had a leaf it appeared as if it had a fig but then when he walked up on it and pulled the leaf back it did not have what he was looking for and what did he do he cursed it don't let him look at you and you should be giving him what he's looking for but when he pulled the curtain back you crying and complaining when he's expecting a praise those of you that have a praise wherever you are can you type it can you just shout it can you just tell the lord whatever praise it is in you hallelujah hallelujah god keep a praise on my lips let me always give you what you're looking for hallelujah you can be seated it's so much revelation in that even when the bible says when joe told i'm sorry satan told god let me add him if you let me at him i'll make him curse you but god knew that he could trust job to come through with a praise and i don't know about you but i never want to disappoint him i want to always give him what he's looking for come on wherever you are think about what you've been through think about how you've made it into 2021 and give him what he's looking for people are complaining about the election people are complaining about covert people complaining about death people are complaining about being locked up but look you are still in the land of the living and some of y'all he's he's proven that he is your god he has done more for you in the midst of a pandemic that you should be when he even look in your direction a praise should be coming out of you come on one more time give god a praise based on what he's done for you glory glory glory hallelujah my god you could trust me with a praise you can trust me with the person let me give you a few announcements so this week we're doing three days of liquids only and we asked pastors and leaders some of you all that felt led to do 24 hours but most people are going to three o'clock and i'm one of those people that i don't like going eat a day skip a day eat a day i can't do that give me my three let me just go and seek the lord so to god be the glory in 1201 last night i had fat tendencies since i stayed up to eat ah and got a breakthrough [Music] two wings i'm joking he met me yes he did listen let me give you a couple of so this saturday um we're going to be praying with those that are married those that engage at 10 o'clock a.m make sure you log in it is a virtual prayer meeting what are we doing we're praying last week was the singles prayer if you didn't hear last week's singles prayer go back on facebook go back on youtube and listen to the singles prayer god really met me and me and angela martin we hit heaven on that one so please go back but this saturday we are going to definitely be grabbing onto the horns off to cover your marriage being married is no punk and some of y'all you really found out who you married during this pandemic and you don't like them come on say i need god come on here your house ain't that big your condo ain't that big uv is just glad to go to the grocery store but i need to cover your house cover your marriage in prayer so make sure you log in at 10 o'clock so we could cover you this sunday is a communion sunday so we're asking you to get your your crackers and your grape juice with your family and let's have communion together i need everyone i said to you earlier um tues tuesday morning facebook for whatever reason wouldn't let us go live and i need you to subscribe to the youtube channel download our app if you get the weekly text you have to download the app because in march i'll be ending the contract that we have to send the text message out that um that contract cost me sixty thousand dollars a year that's a salary so i'm going to be getting but if i do it through the app it is free so i want i want to be good steward so i need you just to trust me download the app for those that don't want to do the app you have to go to our website what is our website and you can make it happen all right all right let's go let's get in the bible i don't know about you but i don't want to miss my term i don't want to miss my turn um i know for a fact that the lord has told me to do some things he's like do it now because if you don't do it now there's no guarantee that you'll be able to do it for those of you that are watching me online i want you to share and i want you to listen carefully to what i'm about to give you we walk by faith and not by sight and sometimes god will tell you to do some things that don't make sense if everything made sense there would be no need for faith we are a people of faith the most important thing is that you need to do is make sure you hear god you have to make sure that you hear god listen carefully for his instructions in this season in ministry in life i have heard god say to me john i'm about to make you do something i'm about to cause some changes turn this way do this i'm not going to tell you that that has been easy there have been times that i have been hesitant to obey god and many times i was hesitant because i knew that my change would cause people to be upset so the question is am i going to be uncomfortable to make you comfortable or am i going to allow you to be uncomfortable while i obey god come on let's talk for a minute and when you don't obey god there's a part of you can we put the clock up that you can feel stuck that you can literally feel as if you are stuck um allow me to show you in scripture i always teach you whatever you go through find it in the bible if you find it in the scripture he'll give you revelation on why you're going through he'll give you revelation on how you'll come out of the box is and he will give you a way of escape you have to hear me um you can make up in your mind i'm not dying like this i'm not going to live the rest of my life like this but as the clock moves what does that mean i'm evolving please be careful you got to be careful especially in church can we just talk for a minute church people have to be careful that we don't lock ourselves in this circle and think that this is all we can do all we do is go to church go home uh go to work go to church go home watch me and then if this is all you got we fighting to be one of these dots we killing each other trying to find out where we fit in this little circle when the world is so much bigger than this we fighting over little bitty positions and titles in recognition over some people who not gonna move they are not gonna move but you there's a part that's what i feel sometimes i think there's a part of you that god will make you feel like i don't fit into this so watch me there is a season and a time that i'm supposed to be in here but when my time runs out if i don't move stop the clock the clock could be moving for other people but not for me you got to hit me now the clock will be moving for other people but i'm in it but i don't see progress i don't see movement i don't see elevation i don't see progress and when i don't see progress and i become stuck watch me then i become frustrated then i become mean then i become a hater of those who the clock the things are moving for them watch me and because you are in a new season because you are elevating you in time stop the clock but i'm stuck in time and i don't want to see you progress because i ain't the way we used to do it i want to back you up to when the clock was moving for me and stop you from operating in your season you got to get this can i get those of you that work a nine to five can i get those of you um that know that you are bigger than your present can i get you to say um god's about to start the clock again come on i need you to say that again come on here um um um you got to be start the clock there's a season that you're supposed to be around your family there's a season that you're supposed to live with them there's a season that you're supposed to be real close to them there's a season that you're supposed to be um up under them when you don't shift stop the clock you become like them nothing changes for you watch me and everybody's stuck in this same little cycle you birth kids in it you birth kids in it start the clock the clock moves for them but you feel stuck your kids grow up and then parents got to be careful because you didn't do what you were supposed to do when you birth kids in it and when they grow up and want to get out of it stop the clock you got to be careful that you don't abort their dreams to lock them in the same circle that you in every parent's prayer should be i want my kids to do better than me i want my children to go further than me and if you don't allow yourself to be stretched outside this circle outside this circle you will be stuck it's a horrible way to live and then watch me then you'll get mad at god you'll get mad at god because you didn't walk by faith and you didn't do what he told you to do so now you're mad that you feel stuck but what i love about god that his anger is only for a moment and he's a god of another chance and i believe that if some of you all listen to the word that's going to be released on tonight he's about to turn the page and give you a fresh start those of y'all that are ready for a fresh start you can either say it you could type it but i need you to say this i am ready for a fresh start come on i need you to say that i am ready to go where god is telling me i could go i'm ready to fly i'm ready to enjoy life i'm ready to see the world i'm ready to be introduced to new people i am sick of being locked down that god has so much more for me so let's look at this how abram almost got stuck because he comes from a bloodline of people that gets stuck right i'll come back to that let's go in genesis 11 and 27 i i want to clear up something that i taught on sunday um this is the account of tara's family line everybody say the word terror terror terrorist family life stay with them tara became the father of his three boys abram nahor and heron and heron became the father of lot watch me start the clock they're both when they're in bursts things are moving things are moving ready should they have moved further i want you to see this um and heron became the father of a lot bring it up on the screen while his father tara was alive herron one of his sons died in er of the child dean's parents attended this in the land of his birth so the clock is ruined heron has a son by the name of lot but they don't go anywhere stop heron dies watch me death sometimes is an exit death sometimes god will remove some people so that you can go further so when heron dies terror decides let's move again let's go here we go and i need everybody to pay attention to this go down to verse 31 terror took his son abram his grandson lot son of heron and his daughter-in-law survived the white hit the wife of his son abram and together watch me because there's a death they set out started the clock start the clock they set out from earth of the chaldeans to go to canaan so watch me death has now got the clock moving we leave we're going to canaan we are going to canaan we are going to canaan we getting out of this thing's about to move for us we're moving on up moving on up we out of here we out of here heron is dead maybe god and open the door get us out they go out we got abraham we got sarah we got a lot come on here let's go let's go let's go let's go but when they came to heron stop the clock they settled i thought he was going to canaan i know it but we came to heron and we settled stop that was not our goal it was never our intention we were only supposed to go through hearing to get to kanan but something is happening in hearing that we settle many people are stuck because you are stuck in a season that you were not supposed to stay in you were only supposed to come through it it was not supposed to be your final destination it was a season it's the worst thing to do is to get locked in a season what do you mean get locked in the season it's summer but you still gotta want to close you never shifted when the season shifted cause you got stuck in one season how many people are stuck at a job that you were only supposed to have for a couple of years it was only supposed to teach you a lesson but because it was good money you got stuff stop not enough money to make you wealthy but enough to pay your bills so you got stuck because you were able to buy a house in other words i saw my house my square footage increased but i felt like there was more for me than this so now you are stuck in a house paying a mortgage for 30 years that you'll never pay off and now you're working just to pay bills you're not living you are not living you are stuck how many have got in the church and god told you that you're bigger than this watch me you're bigger than the four walls of a church you count your progress by leaving one church and going to another church and you think can you move the clock for just about two seconds stop you were supposed to visit you were never supposed to join but they saw your gift they saw your talent and they locked you in and when you look around it's like the roach motel they check in they die out hmm so we were supposed to be going here we're supposed to go to canaan but now we get to hearing and we settle look at me i am watching the body of christ people who are supposed to be the head not to tell the lender not to borrow people who are supposed to be more than a conqueror people who are supposed to be the salt of the earth the light of the world i am seeing i am watching it i'm seeing us fighting over a mic you fighting over a microphone for how much square footage when god has given you a worldwide ministry you're fighting over a position oh i i'm a bishop of what oh who let them had a title you get the anointing who am i talking to wait wait wait wait wait you had a nine to five you had a nine to five job it's so much more in you so much more in you and look he said i want to burp this i want to burp this but i'm stuck cause i gotta stay here listen to me so before i did this this he tested me when i was at county if you get a county job you do not quit you died the county that is a guaranteed check if you get a promotion you tell the lord thank you you move from the first floor to the third floor i'ma shot you and you think that is it but god keeps telling you there is more than you watch me than in this building but then when you go in the building everybody's sitting there looking like death on wheels what are they doing playing spades in the cafeteria everybody at everybody's business everybody know what everybody like to eat everybody watch me and you you got one that's just walk through the building like this they won't quit for nothing they look like they dead man a dead woman walking they're not going nowhere why because they have nothing else to do they have nowhere else to go their whole circle is in this building so much more is out there but all you want to be around is the same people who got the same mentality who make the same amount of money who take who talk the same lingo church people all you want to be around church people so you can compare your gifts to one another who deeper i'm deeper i can prophesy more than you i lay hands on the secret rabbi i speak in tongues my tongues are better than yours we testing anointing on the question we never take the oil outside the church we lay hands on each other in the circle we prophesy to each other in the circle what do you mean we preach to each other in the circle and we keep moving to each other's church in the circle just what we're doing we just rotate members but ain't nobody going nowhere we're just going over here watch me we birth the next preacher we lay hands on you until you stay in the circle now you're a prophet over here you're gonna be an evangelist over here you're gonna be um an apostle over here you're gonna be over the urchins over here you're gonna be able to children minister over here you'll be watching are we locking in here and this is it and we get stuck and you know that he had more for you to miss i was talking to a preacher friend a pastor friend of mine he says i say how you doing in your circle he said i quit i said you quit i closed the church i said why you close to church he said because i don't want to deal with these people in the circle i feel as if i was called can you start the circle start the clock outside the circle but i let church people join my church and they dictated to me how it was supposed to be and i got thrown in the circle and stopped the clock and it stopped growing and i stopped being stretched he said press hannah i'm from the military i went to war he said can i tell you something i would rather go to war than pastor of church i said why do you say that he said cause in the war at least i know who my enemy is but in the circle we all look alike we all talk alike we all got the same lingo and you don't know who your enemy is because they look just like you and talk just like you and they in the same circle fighting over the same seat i need you to open your mouth and declare i will not be stuck come on i don't want you to say this like a punk either your word is going to give you access i need you to open your mouth some of y'all i am screaming in your spirit right now i need you to oh come on you've been feeling stuck watch me you knew you know that god has more for you but you settled you see anybody in the building that can admit i settled but i i feel god about to enlarge your territory i feel like god's about to give you he's a god of another chance those of you that know that god is about to give you another chance i need you to open your mouth and i need you to begin to prophesy i will not be stuck i will not be stuck i will not be stuck i would not get stuck around just black people i would not just be around church people i would be around business people of another language of another nationality he's about to i got my passport ready he's about to enlarge my territory those of you that know that you're bigger than your house you're bigger than your city you're bigger than the united states i need you to open him up and say i will not be stuck playing the same games with the same people dealing with stupid stuff ready and he settled there leave the clock stop bring the scripture back up tara lived 205 years and he died where he was stuck and he that's a long time to die stuck can you imagine every year you're doing this trying to get out and you ain't going nowhere can you imagine trying to pay your bills every year can you imagine living from check to check every year can you imagine it with the same stupid stuff every year and you're stuck why did you get stuck why did you get stuck um i settled i settled and some of y'all i know this is a heart lesson but i would rather you tell me the truth because i thought i speak truth to you and you and then you admit then he can set you free watch me he's not freeing liars he's why would i free you and you don't admit because who can i tell who can i send you to be a witness to because i don't send you to witness as a liar i need you to be open honest and transparent about the fact that you settled that you were supposed to have your degree right now but you got a job that you were supposed to be watch me you were supposed to have your own business right now you're supposed to have contracts you're supposed to be in a consultant you're supposed to be you're bigger than an instrument you're bigger than a microphone so you so why do people get so why how do they get stuck no when they settle number two ready let's go here you get disappointed there's something in life called disappointment i want you to hear me now there's a man sitting at the pool of bethesda let's go to john 5. and he'd been sitting there for years and nothing's happening he's stuck he is stuck what you mean christ walks up on them watch me steps over everybody the bible saying there are five portions and they're all full he literally steps over everybody and comes straight for him tonight it's like this word is coming straight for you it's like god is in your email he in your inbox he reading your thoughts you like oh my god listen he steps over everybody and comes straight for him opportunity this is it this is it that's it please listen to this jesus says um do you want to be made whole are you ready to get out of here are you ready to shift are you are you ready to move are you ready to be elevated are you ready to quit are you ready to launch are you ready to go see the world are you ready sir i have no one to help me into the pool stop some of y'all are not moving because you're disappointed that you don't have a support group you are blaming your not coming out of this because you don't have anybody to help you i have no one to help me stop can i let's go let's go here who were you expecting to help you that god didn't let help you what if god was behind the no so you could wait on the right season and you are angry or disappointed in people what relationship did you get in if they broke your heart to stop your movement and you mad cause your heart broke get in line there's a heart there's a line full of people whose hearts got broken ask them how long did it take them to get out of it some of y'all it's your time to get over it cause let's watch me the moment that you start getting fixed maybe somebody might see you i'm in your business name get up and comb your head you ready so i have no one to help me so some of y'all are disappointed in the fact that you had no support i have to everybody else i want nobody help me shut up let's go into the booth with the water while i am trying to get in stop i am disappointed in myself that i don't have what it takes to get out of here not that i have not tried is not that i have not tried i have tried to get out of this but number one nobody help me get out of here and and i have tried to get out so i'm sick of trying this is good i am sick of trying because every time i try it don't happen so you're disappointed in your self let's go someone else goes down ahead of me stop i am disappointed and i it's hard for me to admit it i'm gonna po there's some people that wasn't in this circle longer than me but they get out before me so there's a part of me that kind of hate that's a hard thing to admit when you hate it it's a hard thing to admit watch me i'm sick of celebrating everybody else exit but i ain't got to exit so sometimes watch me one thing that keep you in here is keep looking at other people and not focusing on yourself so you're disappointed you're disappointed please hear me disappointment is real disappointment is real disappointment is real until you see god in it disappointment is real until you see god in it it was god that made saul throw a dagger at david the only way you will lead is if i make him hate you don't be mad at him hate you watch me do you think joseph wasn't disappointed that his brother stripped him and threw him into a penis but it was god that was behind the strip and it was god that was behind the throne it was the god that was behind the cellar all things work together for you good watch me it should have killed you but you're still alive so you stuck because you're disappointed let's go further hold on did you say to him get up pick up your mat and get to walk in watch me get up get up and push one more time watch me and start walking get ready to start the clock but it won't start until you get up and it won't start until you stop but watch me because you've been stopped the clock because you've been standing still for so long that means that your muscles aren't strong your legs aren't strong so you got to start off at a slower pace watch me get started at a slower pace but the more you do it the stronger you get and have you noticed something you might not be where you think you should be but you're not where you used to be god i wish i had some help in this building right now i wish i was in the building with somebody who know what disappointment feel like but no one know what it is for god to call you up out of it is there anybody besides me i know what it is to be disappointed but i know what it is for god to get me out of it is there anybody can i get those of you that know that anybody that's ever been disappointed let down broken shattered didn't have a support group didn't have what you needed to get out of it watched me and felt bad about it was a little envious was a little jealous but god got you can i get you just to lift your hands wherever you are open your mouth and worship god that you're not dead yet come on give me a few minutes of that worship right there i need to hear what a disappointed worship sound like hey masha come on here come on here for somebody you settled somebody you felt disappointed somebody you settled somebody you settled some of you all settled some of you all became disappointed stop the clock and some of y'all are just tired is there such a thing like i'm tired is there such a thing as i'm gonna do this no more what's that what i don't like about church people you can't be honest because if i have an honest moment then you judge my spirituality i thought she was a preacher i am but i'm tired i thought she was annoying that i am but i'm disappointed but i thought you loved being a pastor i do but i don't like this but i thought this is what you got a degree in i did but there's so much more than this but i don't know how to get out and i'm tired look at me being exhausted is real stop can you be saved and exhausted can you be saved and tired can you be doing his will but don't want to do this no more oh we are in you got to hear me please hear me if you hear me if you just hear me if you just hear me if you really listen to what i'm saying there's about to be an opening and the clock is about to move for you in 2021. and i just say this in the midst of a pandemic what if he held it up for you to deliver now because for you to start a business in a pandemic who does that faith people but i was used to a crowd an audience there's no crowd there's no audience so were you more committed to the applause than you were to the text come on let's talk so you get tired so when they went into a cave here there were men drawn him there were mighty men of valor they were strong men but then one day they were in zig lag and then the bible said and the amalekites came and stole and stole and stole and stole and stole their wives and their children and then when they got back the bible said when they looked and they saw smoke they saw smoke they saw smoke watch me because watch me watch me everything's gone everything is gone everything's gone and the men speak of stoning david you're gonna blame david and the bible says david went away talk to the lord pray what should i do should i stay here or should i step outside this circle and pursue and the bible says and well this is this is good watch me and god told david pursue watch me and if you step outside the clock if you step out you'll recover all if you step out you'll recover all everything you lost you'll get it back watch me if you go after what you lost you'll even get the plunder if you go after what you lost you'll even get the plunder the bible said watch me david gathered up his men this is good david gathered up his men david got that up his man and i need you to watch this this passage messed me up in in first samuel 30 and 9 david and 600 men 600 men with him came to the bassor valley where some stayed behind how many we got 600 200 of them were too exhausted to cross the valley stop who you running with are you tired from dragging tired people when you drag dead people they pull your strength so sometimes stop the clock stop the clock sometimes you have to leave dead people in the circle step out the circle watch me only with those that want to go i'm going to talk to y'all now because some of y'all trying to trying to make people have strength that don't have it and watch me and when you get them out there they don't even have the strength to fight i would rather go with those that got the strength then drag those who don't have it just to say you were with me come over here come on y'all let's go let's go watch me some of you all watch me you're tired in your gift you're tired in your talent you're tired in your skill you're not creative no more you are exhausted you are exhausted and you watch me watch me if you watch me please listen to this and the bible says in 200 of them were too exhausted across across the valley but david and the other 400 men continued in pursuit stop everybody not exhausted everybody not tired if you pay attention there are more that want to go with you than those that don't want to go in that's all why is it that the the minority get the loudest screen you got 200 that don't want to go but you got 400 that are ready to roll why are you gonna let the minority stop you from doing what god called you to do because when you give in to the minority they drain your energy they drain your strength they make you forget about what god told you to do i don't know about you but i am in the season in my life only and i mean it's with everything i got only put me around eagles do not let me come down to take a picture with a chicken cause a chicken want a boat that they got a picture with an eagle please y'all they say to me you got to be careful that chickens don't use your name but don't want to do the work we are here now we are here let's talk let's talk let's talk ain't gonna call his name so there's a bishop there's a bishop he said john i've been watching you he said in my biggest fear is that you are not going to seize your moment my biggest fear is that you're not going to seize your moment because you're trying to prove to people that you have not changed i watch you and i watch you going to places you shouldn't even be in because the atmosphere doesn't challenge your oil y'all ain't got to say no to me come over here he said john john do you understand what they're doing they're inviting you down so that they can say look who we got they're never going to shift to go where you're going and they're not going to give you a boost to get where you're trying to go in but you lowered your standard and came down here just to be with them watch me and when you leave there watch me you are frustrated you are disappointed you are not encouraged and there's a part of you that feel like you're running out of gas because why you are messing with exhausted people and you have to make up your mind either you gonna fly or crawl either you go fly or you're gonna run around a chicken coop and god is i'm telling you watch me he says john i watch you he said i need you to hear me places that you've gone everybody don't get to go things that you are doing everybody don't get to do then why do you keep coming down rather than calling those that's supposed to come up this is good and if you're not careful you'll get stuck being faithful to people who don't want to fly who am i talking to we good what are we doing why we got which we raised about we straight what was straight last year and i straight this year what was straight three years ago it's definitely not straight right now he sent a he set up he allowed a pandemic to come to break the straight you ready and some of y'all are moving because you're exhausted before you can identify your exhaustion please listen identify your circle before you take on to put on the nameplate i'm exhausted identify who you surround yourself with if you're not around innovators if you're not around people who are who are being elevated if you're not people who are involving then they are beginning to drain you and you become tired and you're becoming sick to the point that you are losing watch me and you are stuck and god is saying listen this is not my will that you get stuck like this start the clock get out get up in 2021 your stuck days are over in 2021 and i'm going to prove to you allow me to go up a little prophetic versus i'm going to prove to you that i am with you i am going to blow your mind in a season where everybody else is weeping but you gonna see me be the lord god who's strong and mighty and i am doing this not just to do it so you could talk about i got favor i got favor stop what did i give you favor to do i did not give you favor to stay in a stuck situation but every time the clock moves you grow every time the clock moves you go higher every time you expand stop the clock can you bring these three things up on the screen you're either stuck you're either disappointed or you're tired which one are you you're either stuck you're disappointed or you're exhausted which one are you you're either stuck you're disappointed or you're exhausted please be honest i need you to be god i hit y'all not in this book because i could look at somebody until you learn i can't see but i feel you bring those three things up on the screen again everybody do a self-examination everyone do a self-examination bring those three things up on the screen again you're either stuck in a season what does that mean this season you keep referring to how it used to be you're either disappointed or you are just tired watch me and if you don't get out of this if you don't get out of this you will be tara and what is that bring it up on the screen genesis 11 to 32 and terra lived 205 years and he died stuck and he died stuck and he died stuck and he died stuck can i get you to prophecy i'm not dying like this can i get i need those words why do you have music because of how life and death is in your tongue and when i say i'm not down i'm not please i'm not talking about no dawn church if y'all bring up church again i will hit you in your throat i need you to open my say i'm not dying like this i'm not like no no no no no absolutely not absolutely not now so how do you get out how do you get out how do you get out that's the question so if i felt stuck if i've been disappointed if i felt stuck because i am lost in a season if i'm if i'm stuck because um i am exhausted how do i get out how do i seize the moment now the most spiritual thing of your exit is this word this word those of you that know that i'm talking to you if you in the building or if you on that screen can you send me the emoji with your hand up can you let me know that i am not crazy that i am i'm right down your street can you let me know that i'm right down your street all right so let's go so um i knew when i was going to stuck how did you know because i was following generational curses i knew when i was headed to stuck when i was about to give in to what i was told not giving into what i felt i knew that i was about to give in to being stuck when it wasn't happening fast enough for me and i didn't want to go through the process so after paradise please listen your brother dead he died where he was born your father did he died where he settled but not you but not you your first exit is to hear god your first way out is to hear god watch what god says ready let's go bible uh the lord said to abram go who said it the lord said it the lord said the lord said listen listen i need some of y'all to build up your prayer life so you can hear god's you can know god's voice some of y'all are putting your whole future in the tongue of man and because you rely on man to tell you give you a word you never seek the face of god so you run around to every church looking for a prophet to give you a word but that costs because they have you have to give a thousand dollars getting a thousand dollar offering line to get that word and lord said but if you just come to me it'll cost you a travail it only cost you seeking me if you seek me seek ye first the kingdom if you seek me don't seek my hand seek my face if you get in my presence oh you can't get in my presence and lead the way you came in you cannot enter into my presence and i not be intimate with you and while you in can i tell you something my hands have been raised in worship and i have heard god loud and clear i can come to church and be caught up in worship and then go home and when i sit down here come that voice here come that voice come on say speak lord speak come on come on those of you that are ready for god to speak to you please hear me i mean i prayed that prayer but i can't hear nothing shut your mouth tell god to speak lord come on say speak lord speak speak lord speak speak speak god speak yay show me show me show me god show me show me show me show me what's next speak god speak yay [Music] speak lord speaking [Music] speak lord speak speak speak speak yay go get the exhausted yeah this ain't in my nose but i feel the holy ghost right here go get the exhausted go get the stuck go get the disappointed lift your hands and say speak lord speak [Music] come on say speak lord get in their dreams hey my shot hear my get in a spirit oh that are mine know my voice come on sake speak lord hey marshawn glory glory give me a prayer life [Applause] give me a prayer life [Music] show me what's next show me what to do show me where to go show me where to start show me who to be bothered with show me the witch show me my judas speak lord speak come on soto come on i feel the anointing right here i feel our answers on the way i feel an answer is on the way don't ask me if you don't want to know i give the lord say i'm about to answer you i'm about to give you some direction i'm about to give you clarity i'm gonna be i'm gonna be specific i'm gonna be so clear i'll scare you but i need those of you that want clarity and direction some of you have been asked i'm about to show you if you wasted your time come on open up say speak lord and god spoke hebasha and god spoke hey mushi and god spoke yey mashi and god said hey masha and god said am i come on here your answer is now come on here those of y'all that know how to go up into worship i need you to have a moment i need you to have an intimate moment i get the lust i'm about to whisper in your spirit i need seminar to go up in worship right here because god's about to give you an answer within before it's nine o'clock somebody you will get an answer i hear the lesson i'm about to answer you come on y'all for like 10 seconds lift your hands open your mouth and begin to worship god wherever you are you cannot afford to make another mistake you cannot afford to go down another wrong street you cannot afford to waste another minute you are ready for things to begin to move in your direction your money i see god to give you clarity i am the lord said i have heard your tears i have seen your tears and i have heard your prayer and i am about to give you an answer just the way i gave it to hezekiah i heard his prayer and i saw his tears i heard his prayer and i saw him see his i heard his prayer and i saw his tears i see you crying in your house i see you weeping i see you not talking you're not talking to man but i know the secret petitions of your heart i know what you have needed before you even asked me come on here oh b-mop said come on god speak speak speak speak speak speak speak glory [Music] and god said god and god said go start the clock and god said god and god said go i'm about to show you where to move i'ma give you favor when it come to space i'm about to show you where to set your tent up i'm about to give you land to do what you can do i'm about to get you out of the four walls of your house i'm about to give you the space to do what i've already created you to do i'm about to give you the agenda i'm about to give you the business plan you're bigger than your present come on you say open and say speak lord speak speak speak god and opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming are you ready are you ready for an opportunity are you willing to get over your disappointment are you ready to get over your tiredness and you really need to step outside your circle are you ready to do something crazy are you ready to do what you're not used to doing are you willing to go against the grain are you wanting to be stretched are you willing to be challenged you're about to get out of the boat don't wait on the other disciples to come out you're the water walker come on here go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] an opportunity is coming an opportunity is coming it's bigger than you thought it's bigger than what you imagined you're about to be great and you're about to be blessed you're about to be great and you're about to be blessed you're about to be great and you're about to be blessed come on get out of your circle go you're about to be great and you're about to be blessed you're about to be great and you're about to be blessed you are about to be great now you've got to walk in greatness the blessing of the lord i'm about to overtake you but it will not happen until you get the clock moving it will not happen until you begin to move go come on say an opportunity is coming an opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming hold the music an opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming your phone is going to ring you're going to get an email you're going to get a phone call an opportunity is coming it's gonna blow your mind it would not be the norm it would not fit your resume it would not fit your past it would not even fit your present i need you to get ready to do something crazy i need you to prepare yourself to do something supernatural i need you an opportunity is coming here the lord an opportunity is coming how do you know that it's god if it's great and if it's blessed how do you know it's god if it's great if it's not great it's not yours listen carefully good is the enemy to great it cannot just be good it has to be come on say an opportunity is coming under the messiah but and opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming something has been prepared with your name on it something has been prepared that only you can do hey masha you ready god i need you to open your mouth come on those of y'all that know that god is talking to you i need these words to come out of your mind and opportunity is coming it's going to be great and it's going to be a blessing oh my god it's going to be great and it's going to be a blessing it's going to be great oh my god you ready i'm going to show you this opportunity you can continue to stand praise team come on good good please look at this let's look at verse 2 and 3. i need you to underline we gave you this on sunday watch me it's not on you it's not on you it's not on you it's not on you it's not on you it's not on you let me free you up let me free you up all i need you to do is step out if you step out it's not on you if all i need you to do is just show up if you show up it's on me all i need you to do is show up i need you not to be afraid i need you not to be intimidated i need you not to second guess yourself i need you not to be shy right now i need you not to be shy right now i need you not to i need you not to dummy down i need you to be confident i need you to ask for the spirit of joshua i need you to ask god god can you make me strong and courageous can you make me strong and courageous because it's not on you verses 2 and 3 12 i will it's not on you i will it's not on you god will it's not on you god will it's not on you god will it's not on you god gonna do it it's not on you god he says i will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you i want to go back go back to birth soon he says i will make you into a great nation i will bless you i will make your name great and you will be a blessing and you will be a blessing and you will be a blessing i'll give you a company that you have to hire people their rent will be paid because they're connected to you and you will be a blessing you will enlarge people territory you will expose them you will take them further than they ever thought that they could ever go and it's all gonna be channeled through you but it's not gonna happen unto you let's let god speak to you and until you step out he says and i will make your name greater you will be a blessing i will bless those who bless you i will make people i'm a blessed people so that they could give it to you i'm a blessed people so that they could give it to you i'm a bless people so they touch me they're not gonna bring it into your circle i'm gonna need you to step outside your circle but when you step out i'm gonna make them pay for everything i'm gonna make them sponsor you i'm gonna make them open a door that you couldn't even open for yourself how's it gonna happen you're gonna be in the right place at the right time doing what i told you to do that is not in your comfort zone but god is about to blow your mind i need you to open him i'm saying an opportunity is coming out he says then i will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you you don't even have to fight you don't have your time to be wasting your energy on stupid stuff if anybody raise their hand against you i curse them that's not my anointing i don't need you to work focus on people who are talking about you i don't need you to focus on small curbside fights i never called you to a curb i called you to a battlefield you don't have time to be dealing with stupid stuff i need you not to waste your energy reading bad stuff about you i need you to protect your ear gates i need you to protect your eye gates i need you to protect who's around you why because evil communication corrupt good manner if you got to work with them i need you to put some distance between you and them execute exit execute exit execute exit execute action nope they'll never come over your house no you'll never go out to lunch with them nope they'll never be invited to dinner nope you'll never be invited over their house nope i need you to be okay with walking in your anointing why because you are blessed and great and i will bless those who bless you and i will curse those who curse you and all the people and all the people on earth and all the people on the earth and all the people beginning your zip code bigger than your zip code bigger than the gazebo and all the people on the earth and all the people on the earth because we go we'll be blessed through you and the bible says so abraham went as the lord told him in other words he stepped out he amen opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming can you stop the clock and opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming an opportunity is coming god said it and he's going to do it for me i'm expecting a miracle i'm expecting a miracle can i show you something when him and sarah was in here can i show you something the bible says then look at the screen in genesis 11 30. now sarah was childless because she was not able to conceive some things cannot be burped in this circle some things cannot come forth in this circle because if i birth it in here it won't go any further than here because your babysitters are stuck your caregivers are stuck so some of y'all certain things i didn't give you i'm not gonna give it to you in here because if i give it to you in here you'll let them kill it but if you step out two and two and i will make you into a great nation i won't bring greatness through you until you step out come on i need you to say god's about to do it for me come on say speak lord come on everybody please hear me can you just say speak lord speak come on say speak lord speak come on say speak god speak now come on here i need you to say an opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming it's going to be great and it's going to be a blessing come on say that it's gonna be great and it's gonna be a blessing come on say it's gonna be great and it's gonna be a blessing come on say and i'm expecting it please you gotta hear me now for those of you all i think i'm just talking i'm gonna give you two scriptures i'm done with you my assignment is complete you gotta get this work this is it um can you go to isaiah 42 and 9. see the former thing that shall pass it has already taken place and new things i declare before they spring into being i will make john hannah announce them unto you i'ma read that again i will make i will announce it until before it happens i'm going to announce it god's about to speak to you an opportunity is about to be presented to you oh not just any opportunity it's gonna be great and it's gonna be a blessing as i'm speaking to you is your spirit kicking that means you're expecting a miracle [Music] my god go go [Music] good isaiah 43 19. ready i love the word i love your work god can you let your word come strong can you let your word reach those that are exhausted can you let your word literally get to those that are disappointed can you let your word hit those that have been feeling stuck god can you scream in their spirit i mean scream in their spirit god can you opportunities come right now opportunities i call you to knock on their doors sin same back this would not be a lateral move can you keep lateral away from me only bring me elevation who am i talking to you got to get me ready my last scripture for you c c c c c c c i'm doing a new thing c c c c c c c i'm doing a new thing watch me watch me in the year of apparently in the midst of hell now now john hannah it's gonna spring up do you not feel that thing do you not perceive it can i tell you john listen listen listen listen tuesday morning prayer go before us go before us can i see what i'm doing bring that scripture back up come on i'm making a way in the wilderness i'm because somebody i was stuck in a wilderness something i've been in a dry spot he said in the streams in a wasteland somehow have felt worthless i am literally coming in your direction i know you felt struck stuck but hear the word of the lord now it's about to spring up yeah now [Music] it's about to bust out now [Music] your name isn't about to be brought up yeah opportunities coming opportunities coming opportunities coming opportunity is coming you're ready for it you're ready for it you're ready for it you are so ready for it there's something that's been built but you've been called to feel the position it has your name on it honestly say over a hundred thousand people have watched the video of our new church over a hundred thousand people and i told god i said god some of this stuff that we built we don't know how to run we don't know how to do i said god i've even built the building that it needs to be turned into a facility that can be rented out and somebody has the work experience of knows what it is to run like an auditorium and how to rent it out and work the sound and then talk about how many ushers you need that's not my lane i'm just the builder i'm just the builder i build the opportunity i build the opportunity and then i called for those to fill the seat opportunity is coming opportunity is coming opportunity is coming opportunity is coming someone said well i retired but guess what you might even make some sad money by just going down there working in the ticket booth y'all ain't saying that to me opportunity is coming opportunity is coming opportunity is coming opportunity is coming go i only build the opportunity i don't feel it i only build the opportunity i don't feel it and you will be a blessing and some of y'all god's about to bless you to build the opportunity some of y'all don't need the opportunity you've been assigned to build the opportunity go [Music] [Applause] go i told god i want you to bring an oasis to a desert i told god i want you to build something that's never been built in our neighborhood before i only build the opportunity i don't feel it i only build the opportunity [Music] [Applause] come on i need you to release that goal in distribution everybody say and opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming hey and opportunity is coming i build the opportunities [Applause] hey builder can't get me hey david tabitha loretta let's go [Music] [Applause] lamar monique libra let's go those of you that believe god's going to use you to build the opportunity [Music] i need something out again at school so that you can be ready i need somebody to become gifted i need you to sharpen your gifts say an opportunity is coming and opportunity is coming come on come on in the spirit your spirit has to go before your flesh command your spirit to go your spirit has to go before your flesh command your spirit to go come on release your will and say god [Music] and opportunity is coming [Applause] [Music] i need you to command your spirit to go your spirit must go before your flesh i need you to get your spirit out of the box command your spirit [Applause] we have something special [Music] and opportunity is coming and it has your name on it everybody say [Applause] everybody that's wanting to get out of your comfort zone come on release that word god [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] he says [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] said judah sent judah [Music] [Applause] [Music] your spirit has to go before your black your will has to be released before you step out your will has to be released everybody say god [Applause] somebody needs what he put in here [Music] wow wow can i be honest everything that we build i ask god can we have it in this community i said god can you make an oasis in a desert and so then when it started being built i was like okay now where's the skill set where's the skill set to do this who has the skill set and then the lord said to me prepare yourself listen to this i'm about to mess some of y'all up i'm going to send people who would train in another place to do what you need because you've prepared the opportunity to get them out of there stuck circle can i be honest with you and the lord told me i'm not i need you not to be so black lives matter i need you not just to be so black because i'm about to send other racists who have the expertise and they have the passion to work in the urban community so i'm about to send people who've been in gated communities who know how to do what needs to be done in the desert some of you all opportunity is coming you have to hear me it is coming if it's not great and if it's not a blessing it's not yours if it's a lateral move you send it back god is not calling you in this it's outside of this the only thing that's going to get you ticking start that clock is to get out of your comfort zone you about to get around new people new excitement and new things lift your hands and begin to worship god for the word go come on granddad there are people that are even moving here from other states because they're saying that god told me to come here this is where i'm supposed to be and it's not that some people in the house couldn't do it but if they did it it would have been within their circle it would have been a lateral move and i've called you to great wow i believe that greatness is watching us greatness is listening i want you to get a seed in your hand and i don't know what you're going to give someone's going to give 20. someone's going to give 30. someone's going to get 50 pay attention but i need you to add a one to it i need you to put a one on it you're either giving 20 30 or 50 but i need you to put a one to it so why am i putting a one to it because that's it's another one it's a new season it's a new beginning i'm back at one again i'm in new territory come on if you're going to give it i want you to text the words nlcs 77977 if you're on our app that is one of the easiest ways to give you know what the lord told me um your church will be their church home so whenever they fly back in they know where to come but you're not to hold them because they're only a branch to your ministry and as a shepherd you can't be selfish and hold people in your circle i don't want to kill you i want to launch you oh that was good come on whatever you're going to give i need you to put a 120 if it's 20 if it's 30 if it's 50 put a 1 to it in the comment part you could just put another one i met another one i'm at another one and it's about to be good it's about to be great and it's about to be a blessing it's about to be great and it's about to be a blessing some things are in my notes and some things are not in my notes i'm not looking for girl for opportunity i build opportunities now that took me out i am at a place that i am good like i don't need another job i'm good i don't look for an opportunity i create them i build them and some of you are your builders your creators alexis your creator your creator and god will send you the help you need so that the oil that is on your business please don't be afraid to walk on water please i call your catering services to blow your mind take you further than you ever imagined you might want to go home and talk to your family the next one can they handle if you get some appointments communicate with your house to make sure that your house is in accord with what you're about to do and even for those of you all that mount the stage that play here um it'll blow your mind what's going to come opportunities that will present themselves some of y'all this is only your training ground it is and i'm okay with that i'm so okay you know what you know what my prayers god helped me never to be a selfish leader help me never smother gifts help me never suffocate callings help me build and help lead me to build and push lead me to build and push but i can't build rebellion and i can't push stubbornness there has to be a submissive spirit in order for me to build and push because if i build rebellion then i just gave room to the enemy to be exhausted to be exalted and the lord said then they have to submit because the rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft so when you build platforms for rebellious people you spread witchcraft you just built the witch you just exalted jezebel no no so submission is key submission is key no it's hurt your heart john this is what search your heart know your motive i'm not here to smother you i'm not here to hold you i'm here to push and build because i build opportunities i know my assignment and i'm good i love my seat i have no need to be envious or jealous of anybody when i tell you god is good he's good because stuff comes cause every time i bless you i get blessed every time i hook you up he hooked me up in an area that i didn't even know about come on say go come on why you keep saying that because your spirit goes your spirit go before your flesh go so when you say go you're releasing your spirit out of this comfort zone that you've been in and i come against the spirit of procrastination and laziness i call you now to get the energy and the strength that you need to get up and move with a spirit of urgency a spirit of urgency will be upon you you will get up and be a mover and a shaker and he calls your spirit to go come on lift your seat up and say i'm a tithe and a giver and i am blessed beyond measure i have more than enough i'm living in my overflow come on narvel say i am living in ephesians 3 20 how long are you living it for the rest of my life for the rest of my life come on say it for the rest of my life come on your opportunity is coming your opportunity is coming your opportunity is coming your business is about to expand come on your territory is about to be enlarged your calendar is about to be filled your gift is about to make room for you your name is about to be brought up but before you go physically hey you have to go spiritually command your spirit to leave your present and go into your future go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i command you to what i love you all listen to this bible study again [Music] [Applause] and know that god is speaking clearly to you this is your word [Applause] saturday we're going to be praying with the married couples at ten o'clock tune in hi jessica take us out of here i love you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you ready are you ready [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] come on prepare your spirit [Applause] [Music] we hear your voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm preparing a place for you i'm preparing a place for you i'm preparing a platform for you [Music] neighborhood [Applause] [Music] [Applause] telling us [Music] [Music] come on [Music] no more procrastination you
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 11,834
Rating: 4.9459457 out of 5
Id: 7s8yLY023h4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 25sec (5905 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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