2021 International Faith Conference - Miracle Healing Service

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morning ifc good morning good morning this is the day the lord has made come on can we just lift up a great shout of praise to the lord come on are you an expectation this morning are you an expectation this morning come on can you just lift up your voice and shout hallelujah let everything that has breath praise the lord i want you to stand up to your feet this morning as we honor the lord and we give them thanks and praise go ahead and wave at somebody around you and tell them i'm in great expectation come on tell them say i'm in great expectation come on declare to somebody else say nothing is impossible come on tell them nothing is impossible hey come on clap your hands and bless the lord is i'm not gonna live oh i can do anything see i care is strongholds are broken in an atmosphere of faith we declare nothing is impossible say i can do is release your voice and say i believe i believe come on i believe come on wise is this is the atmosphere come on somebody lift up a great shot of praise come on this is the atmosphere of faith this is the atmosphere of expectation we believe god for miracles signs and wonders today can we just lift up our hands and just say lord we believe we believe you are here this is the atmosphere for miracles we expected this morning lord we thank you for moving by the power of your spirit we honor your presence lord and we just open up our mouths and just exalt him this morning we exalt him this morning come on can we lift up our boys and just feel the atmosphere either we expect you this morning you are here rearranging destiny you light in the darkness that is me is is lying in the darkness that is is broken heart you're the answer to it all do you believe that this morning come on and just lift your hands to the lord and declare you wipe away all tears my is is is is yes is the darkness promise keep right in the darkness is an love sing over us as we honor you as we worship as we raise our level of expectation we say you are here our healer this is the atmosphere where we know nothing is impossible you're here you walk with me through fire and heal all my diseases i trust i believe is please jesus he is walk with me through fire is i believe she nothing you hold is is me for me say we believe we believe in you lord i believe we sing jesus lord jesus i believe i believe nothing's impossible oh i believe i believe in you i believe in you one more time me foreign jesus with you i believe you're more than enough for me i believe you are i believe me jesus you are jesus you i'm me you no me i believe you're my healer i believe you me you is she me me thank you lord thank you lord lord we give you the praise this morning lord without you we wouldn't be here we thank you lord for what you've done for us you sent us the holy spirit holy spirit you are welcomed in this place have your way today lord we just wait on you father we we we wait on the holy ghost you lead us guide us speak to us heal us deliver us preserve us holy spirit holy spirit this place holy spirit is glory to god glory to god my goodness glory to god thank you lord my goodness there's a healing anointing in this house already glory to god hmm glory to god my goodness thank you lord glory to god oh just take your time six the old russian hmm yes is thank you um that healing anointing is in this house taking away pain right now wherever you are healing anointing is right there he's taking away pain right now not just physical pain emotional pain glory to god just let him have his way for a minute just just don't rush just let him have his way my goodness hmm good um that healing anointing is already in the house wherever you are that healing anointing there is no distance in the spirit he's moving right now glory to god deliverance deliverance healing emotional healing jesus saving me when you don't know what else to break to the say of jesus say of jesus say the name of jesus save the name when you don't know what else to when you don't know you can't give the lord a big hand clap none give said jesus loved you and so do i praise god my goodness you know what's interesting about the holy spirit if you just give him room just give him room to work the bible talks about in ii corinthians chapter 13 verse 14 talks about that the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit be with you all the word communion there is the word hononia and it has to do with partnership very intimate relationship with god the holy spirit is saying in that verse that we are to give him more responsibility for our lives we're not giving him enough responsibility paul learned to live by that giving the holy spirit charge over his life tell him what to go what to do everything and one of the reasons you want to do that because there's an enemy out there that's so crafty to the natural mind can't outwit him can't beat him can't get the advantage over him but the holy spirit can't so he's saying give me more give me more responsibility for your life it's a powerful powerful verse this small verse was very very powerful glory to god well praise the lord saints i want to welcome all of those who tuned in this morning by virtual is that you know that jesus is lord and that this conference is truly a miracle conference we know that when somebody's missing he re he comes up with somebody just as good and how god does that on the spur of the moment yes sir that was a miracle and uh he's still working miracles today amen well we want to have our service this morning it's not really a service it's just a time that we could just see god work and and i trust him amen and praise god amen um let's uh open the bibles they asked me to receive an offering now oh we have testimony video first it's okay all right let's do that then praise god my name is mary lucas and i've been a partner with bill winston about 20 years with the faith that i have built in my life through his ministry i actually believe for a miracle my brother jerry was in the hospital we got a call that he was rushed to the intensive care unit because he was in respiratory stress where he could not breathe and that they had uh took him to surgery and immediately the simple little surgery and the simple going in the hospital turned into a big problem for him my brother jerry was in a coma for 21 days and they said they had induced a coma so they had him on a vent that vent helped push oxygen and his lungs that would keep him alive they had done everything they could at the hospital and the intensive care unit so they moved him to a hospital that would monitor him and it would be a rehab where they would take the trach out and help him learn to breathe when he woke up and then we got to the fourth day that he was moved to the smaller hospital and the doctor had come in and said that they thought that he was not going to wake up from this coma his blood pressure had dropped down very low lower than it should ever drop usually people die when it drops so low and his heart rate went up and they said well we don't think he's going to make it and i knew i had to get somewhere and get an agreement with somebody leaving for a miracle and that's when i went down to the prayer chapel and i was by myself and i sat down in the seat i was crying and i was emotionally just stressed and drank from this long trauma that my brother had went through i heard the lord say call your partner bill winston ministry they have a prayer line center there all the time for people that need prayer and i immediately called there and there was a young man who answered the phone and i was crying and upset so bad that i just said could you pray for my brother who needs a miracle right now they said he's not going to make it they said he's going to die and that young prayer warrior raphael he had such compassion he prayed he poured out his heart with prayer from my brother and then he did not stop there he had such compassion for me knowing that i needed strength and encouragement myself and he agreed and he prayed over me and that's when i felt like the battle was turned so i walked back up to the hall and went back into his room and i laid hands on him in the name of jesus when i laid my hands on him i heard bill winston's voice from his teaching saying rebuke the spirit of death and then i heard bill winston's voice say speak life in jesus name and i had left a little while after that and then i get a phone call early the next morning your brother has woke up praise god your brother is awake and i believe with all my heart and soul that if we had not prayed we had not called bill winston ministry we had not had people interceding with us that my brother wouldn't have been here my brother is healed he's at home now he is uh thanking god praising him and i thank bill winston and his whole prayer team and his whole church and everyone there because we got our miracle and my brother is so thankful and he's praising god and my family and the nurses and the doctors they'll all tell you it's a miracle amen all right well praise god uh all right well the let's let's receive an offering and um open your bibles please let's see and i find the scriptures somewhere i wrote them down but seemed to have dropped out of my bible uh let's look at genesis chapter 22. and um genesis chapter 22 and this is this is when abraham was told by god to take his son up on the to the mouth that he was going to show him and to offer him up for a a sacrifice and um when he did that um verse 11 here he says that this angel came this abraham had taken him up and he now is lifting up the knife to slay his son and the angel of the lord came unto him out of heaven and he said abraham abraham and he said here i am here am i and he said lay not thy hand upon thy son neither do thou anything to him for now i know that thou feareth god seeing that thou have not withheld our son thy only son isaac from from me and look what he says that abraham lifted up his eyes and he looked and behold behind him was a ram caught in the thicket by his horns and abraham went and he took the lamb and he offered him up now somebody said well okay so what is that all right let's go to genesis genesis chapter six over in genesis chapter 6 he says here in verse 1. now pardon me i said genesis chapter 6. john chapter 6 and verse 1. well i'm telling you the whole holy spirit was moving doing this i'm telling you now there was a he that's a healing anointing in here and it says and verse five let's start at verse five and this is a feeling of the multitude when jesus then lifted up his eyes he saw a great company come to him and he said to philip when should we buy bread that these may eat philip and then he said to he said this to prove him that for he himself knew what he would do and this whole word proved over here with the same one in genesis chapter 22. uh and philip answered him and said 200 penny worth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them would take a little and one of his disciples andrew simon peter's brother said to him well there's a lad here he has five barley loaves and two small fishes but what is that among so many and jesus said unto him make the men sit down now that was much grass in the place and the men sit down and number about 5 000. all right now i'm going to continue with that but i want to make a statement here when before adam sinned he didn't learn he discerned before adam sinned he didn't learn learn takes it's an analog you take you got to go to first grade in second grade third grade and so forth of it but he discerned god taught him in genesis chapter 2 verse 19 god told him now this is you know shortly after god made him and out of the ground the lord god formed every beast of the field and every fowler there brought them to adam to see what he would call them whatsoever adam called every living creature that was the name thereof now where did he go to school at i mean how did he get that and i'm just saying it wasn't learning it was discerning it was on a whole nother level and god has made it so now there are things that you can't get unless you discern them i want to i want to get this principle because this is a principle really of the supernatural if you look at second kings and over in second kings look here maybe at verse eight let's try that if you will and just see how we come out there okay and uh second kings chapter four pardon me in verse eight yeah and just see how we come out there and i fell on today that elijah passed through shunam where was a great woman the woman had some means money and she constrained him to eat bread and so it was as often as he passed by he turned into them in the to eat bread and she said unto her husband behold now i what receive i perceive her husband didn't but she did i perceive this is my divine connection amen i perceive you you got to get this because a carnal person can't get this this is for spiritual people this is for people growing up and jesus was trying to take them to live the life of faith and when you started living that life of faith you start discerning things you thought that just like i could learn to move the holy spirit to heal people even during that time of praise and worship i deserve that and that's where you can you can jesus move that way the bible says he he he discerned what they were thinking so she perceived that behold i now i perceive that this is a a a holy man of god which uh uh passes by us continually and then she said let us make a little chamber for him now she's gonna sow a seed because she discerned that this man's got an anointing on him that can fix her problem say amen to that and i believe in john chapter 6 this little boy discerned it they said well we don't have any money and 200 penny worth of bread is not sufficient or they didn't want to give anything but he said well there's a lad here he's had two fish and five loaves of bread and he said they said what is that among so many it was plenty and that little boy i believe discerned it and i believe the knowledge of god is on a level that you have to get it with your spirit the things of god revelation of god is really not taught it's got to be caught bishop was putting out some revelation last night that if you were catching that i'm telling you i got some things for me so this is why some people don't quite make it any further their discernment is weak and they don't know they have to deserve but you do for you to go somewhere with god now let me just go back to john chapter six so you have to discern your seed you got to discern your connection and you got to discern your harvest let's keep going here and jesus took the loaves and and and uh and when he had given thanks he lifted up to this uh uh he distributed to the disciples and disciples them that was sat down and likewise as much as they would when they were filled he said unto his disciples now gather up the fragments that remain that nothing be lost therefore they gathered them together and filled how many baskets 12 baskets full of fragments of the five barlows which remained over and above them that had eaten who did the harvest belong to who gave the seed okay let's try that again who gave the seed little boy who did the harvest belong to amen did it happen in the same meeting come on now come on it happened in the same you don't need to wait the wait is over dude wait that's what i'm going to talk about today the wait is over the wait is over that's why we talk about miracles because they happen the moment the moment you do them the wait is over the wait is over i said the wait is over this this stuff is now happening same day amos 9 13 in the in the message translation is for today he's saying this is the day you're in right now yes indeed it won't be long now god's decree things are going to happen what so fast this will make your head swim no no i'm ready for a swimming head so the tendency is see to read the scriptures and not discern what the scriptures are saying that's not anybody can read it the unsaved person can read it the reason why you got the holy ghost because he gives you another degree of understanding that the world can't get but if you don't get that you'll stay where you are you know i'd i was waiting on uh that's waiting on on on this shopping mall you know it's it's bifurcated it's got two sections to it the south section is all you know paid for on off the tax roll and so forth we got a retail section here that i was just letting it pay for itself but that was taking years i was like man and pretty soon you came up and needed to to refinance that again because i was going to let it pay for itself and so it's god you guys caught me he said what what are you doing i said well i'm i'm i'm waiting praise god he said the wait is over the wait is over and he said if you'll believe the wait is over the wait will be over for you if you'll believe that okay you can't go any further than you believe he said why don't you do this he said how much is still old on that i said 7 million he said why don't you pay a million a week now when god suggests that to you what's the only thing you can say is what yeah amen praise god i mean what what else you gonna say no hey why don't you pay a million a week he didn't ask me whether i was you know what i had he did nothing like that okay and i think what we do is we forget about miracles we forget about the supernatural because and forget about discerning we just entered into learning the world can learn it's what they said about jesus talk about him uh in his his gift and he said now how did this man have such learning what is that john chapter 7 i think verse 14 or something like that and i'm just giving this to you now because it's good for your giving he said now about the uh john chapter 7 verse 14 people marvel saying how knoweth this man uh letters never having learned okay now that i won't do any further put it in the amplified translation um there and just see what it says that same verse if you will and okay and uh he said how do some men know some of this and never um uh versed in the school and the theology without um without formal training how does he how does he know so much because he wasn't he was back to adam he was by and he said what i did you can do too he's taking you back to eden so you can live on top of the world amen are you following what i'm saying and i'm saying hey no you're not learning anymore you're discerning well i'm not going to school now i'm going to quit school no you know you better stay at school but you can know more than your teachers that's what he says over here in in psalm 119 you're going to know more than your teachers and and so my point to you is is that you'll never be broke another day in your life because because because god never leaves you without seed he never leaves you without seed the woman went to the prophet and the prophet says the prophet my husband did fear the lord now the creditors are coming to take him to my two sons to be bond men what are you going to do about it he'd say what do you have in your house she said well i don't have anything in the house see she didn't discern her seed but a pot of oil well he said that's good just get anything of any value and use it as seed and god that let god point it you point you to it now you just can't select what you want he'll point you to that new suit that you just bought no i don't want that one let me give her this one no he didn't want her to give her this one so i said hey well it'll be paid off in seven weeks and let me tell you it challenged the accounting department and and i'm not saying that they were against it i'm just saying they didn't believe like i believe so i just you know one of those weeks a few million dollars and then million dollars then i said well let me skip this week see if anybody called me you know saying pastor we didn't pay anything this week but nobody caught me yeah he said now now double up the next week you can do this i said you can do this say miracles say miracles are coming in my life brother robert says expect a miracle every day every day are you expecting a miracle today expect a miracle every day not just healing miracles what other kind of miracle financial miracles deliverance miracles miracles for your children miracles at your job miracles expect to live on another level i discern that you got it so i'm going to stop teaching and we'll let you go ahead with that but i i wanted you to see that because she said i perceive that that's man of god and i've been places i went to make jamaica i think one time and the ladies and the man said how are you pastor you want to say hey excuse me excuse me i said do you know me no i don't i said well how how did you know i was a pastor oh i can see it it's all over you you went on walked away you know it's amazing how those people can deserve and the enemy knows that that's why he used a lot of those countries for witchcraft he knows that he knows that see this is you know a lot of things in the scriptures i i've seen and i know and so forth because there's there's a reason for uh different colors there's there's there's there's truth there's there's there's gifts in each one and we've got to bring them all together to make the whole thing work so i've got news for you i deserve that this section over here is a millionaire and this section over here now let me ask you do do you think god sees you rich all right we'll discern it and get on into it praise god give the lord a praise prepare your offering with you praise god amen do we have some music or no okay nothing okay don't play somebody let's lift our offering up to the lord praise god father we do thank you for the privilege of giving when we're in darkness you brought us out and we thank you lord that you have provided seed to the soy and bread to the eater and you multiply our seed sown now lord as we sow this seed into this good ground we fully expect a rapid return a guaranteed return a multiplied return on our seed that we sow and now father we thank you as we sow it we believe we've received good measure pressed down shaken together running over men are giving to our bosom in jesus name we thank you for it call it done in the name of jesus can you say amen all right praise god ushers i don't know how you want to do that praise god let's uh let's open your bibles please and let's go to matthew's gospel and chapter 9 and verse 35. i got some scriptures here i just got to decide which one i'm going to start with now um let's pray father we come before you in jesus name and thank you for the word today thank you for the anointing on me and these lips of clay i do speak this word with excellent accuracy and boldness asking you think through my mind speak to my lips and this word will come forth unhindered unchecked by any outside force signs wonders and miracles shall follow the word preach we thank you for it in jesus name amen i just shared with you that once you come into the life of christ it's more discerning than learning and that god can even teach you on the spot regarding situations that you might have solutions that you might need so forth and so on and all of this is a part of your inheritance all of this is the part of your being now a citizen of the kingdom of god and a child of the king this is all a part of that and so jesus went around preaching the gospel of the kingdom which a lot is not preached today preach people preach one sermon or the other and nothing against that meaning that they're preaching what they've you know god spoken to them about preaching but all these are aspects of the kingdom and once you and i get saved we're born again and we're born into the kingdom of god that's found over in john chapter 3 3 you're born from above now you're born from above and what happens is you get a new heart meaning that you and i become something we never were before it says ii corinthians 5 17 any man or woman that is in christ is a new creature old things have passed away behold all things are made new now over in thessalonians i think it's first thessalonians 5. he says that god has planned that your whole spirit soul and body be what blameless until the day of the coming of our lord jesus christ so this be preserved this spirit soul and body meaning that once you get a new spirit then it's plant the plan is for you to renew your mind because what what what good is it you get a new spirit well it is some good but to get the most out of you get a new spirit you got to get a new soul you got to get your soul restored so that it can handle your spirit if the soul and the spirit don't agree you don't see manifestation that god doesn't violate your free what your free will and your will is in your soul so if your soul doesn't agree with your spirit your spirit knows you're rich it no who didn't know who it is the bible says it cries our father that means daddy you know i mean when when when david was young i mean he'd go to school or something said hey you know daddy got a new car no he doesn't say that he says what we got a new car because he doesn't make any separation between what daddy's got and what he's got or any of my other children not only a nicki so my point to you is is that you the thing that is trying to make the separation is your soul and unless that mind is renewed a person could be saved and still acting unsafe so it's the same thing about you receiving all the things credits benefits and stuff that god has for you that you can't receive those things many times because the soul has not given the okay the soul has not prospered so my soul says yes you know just got to say yes and once it does then manifestations are taking place so one of the reasons why you come into church is for the teaching and getting you to speak salvation for the most part should be made out there see people a job you confess christ and you get them to say the sinner's prayer and they get saved and so forth not just bring them all in church to get saved but they get saved right where they are then you bring them in church to be taught and so forth and so that's the biggest thing no not my point to you is is that um when we're talking about these things concerning healing is that once you get your spirit born again then your soul is supposed to be your mind is renewed and and your soul is to prosper and so is your body your body is to be made whole now somebody might say well you know i i really um did some things wrong you know when i was uh out there in the world you know i i i i like jack daniels and you know i i used to to do that last night uh bishop talked about you'll remember that that that that i'll then i'm telling you i couldn't have done it better myself i think that was that was so powerful but um but in in my soul that god wanted my soul to prosper um so that i would prosper and this renewing of the mind and so forth has a lot to do also with the body i'm trying to find my scripture here over in psalm 139 he talks here about uh uh yeah okay how about verse 14 139 verse 14. he says i will praise thee for i am what fearful in what wonderfully made marvelous are thy works and what that my that my what soul knoweth right well next verse please my substance was not hid from thee and when i was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth thine eyes did see my substance what says yet being what un un perfect on perfect glory to god i'm perfect i'm thinking while i'm talking and in thy body in thy book glory to god come on winston in thy book all my members were what were written meaning that every part of your body god had a book on it he had a book on every part of your body now suppose one party part of your body goes bad god looks up your body part just like you look up a part of an automobile and he looks up your body part he's got your body part on file same into this and by faith you reach up and get you another kidney are you father what i'm saying now all that is in the scriptures see if you look at the natural world you'll see a lot of the spiritual world and when jesus was teaching on the spiritual world he said well uh such-and-such is like a tree that a man planted and you know what i mean or whatever have you you always look something with something natural well you because you've got these you know cities now and people in this concrete jungle now they they don't they don't know what a uh you know a farmer does or whatever have you so he'll use something you know and he'll tell you well you got your car and the part went bad so you went to the dealership and the dealership put a brand new what part in there so you got new parts that all file so god's got a warehouse of every part of every person that ever could come into the kingdom because he knows that now you get born again your spirit is born again and he knows that he's put you in this earth so that you can bring forth some fruit and he knows that you need a body that's working to get you around to do the things you need to do so he knew that you probably somebody drank too much old granddad or chevy's regal what whatever else y'all talking about and whatever it was alcohol or smoke too many cigarettes so they need a new lung well he's got the body part on file let's see who is that susie yeah okay her her lung size resistance right here and so forth and so on yes like it's on file it's over in the in the lung department over over here and and do you follow what i'm saying see this is what jesus preached this is what he preached he preached there's a kingdom that you've been born from that's got every provision that you will ever need see and so people young people died seven days somebody died eighty so forth and so on but he guaranteed you according to genesis chapter 6 verse 3 120. now 120 is not your limit 120 is the beginning abraham didn't live no 120. he he lived 175. and then isaac and then jacob saw my point to you is yeah he's got parts see because when things wear out they've got to be replenished so look at genesis chapter 1 and verse verse 28. look at what it says here and god blessed them and god said unto them what be fruitful say be fruitful that means produce bring it forth and what else multiply and what else replenish it means to perpetually renew it and supply so he's not only given you enough for your healing he knew from the beginning who you're going to minister to how many of you know god knows the end from the beginning he knew who you're going to minister to so he took that and put away enough for them yes sir are you with me so you've got parts on file now because it's in the spirit form ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 because it's in the spirit form then it needs no space blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who has what blessed us with what all spiritual blessings where in heavenly places where in christ now the kingdom of god is invisible and it needs no space if you didn't have that body on you all of this place this congregation can sit in this one chair in the front the demoniac that jesus cast the demons out of in mark chapter 5. how many demons were in the one man legion that could be six thousand something eight thousand some say twelve thousand whatever it is all of them is in there because they need no space are you with me what jesus preached he said pray this way thy kingdom come thy will be done where on earth as it is where in heaven he is saying that everything there pray that it get here are you with me so what what you don't want to do is leave here without getting what jesus died to provide so not only uh he he was functioning uh according to the old covenant but he was functioning in this kingdom reality and that's what he all taught he just taught this he taught wait a minute he'd get up on a mountain of somewhere matthew chapter 14 and verse 14. he get up on a mountain somewhere numbs i'm letting you see this and jesus went forth and said and saw a great multitude multitudes and was moved with compassion toward them and he healed their sick and when it was evening his disciples came to him and it's saying that it is a desert place there's nothing up there and the time has now passed send the multitude away that they may go into the villages and buy themselves rituals now food but jesus said unto them they need not go depart you feed them there it is you feed them now he was trying to get them to transition from this place of scarcity called earth to a place of abundance called the kingdom because the food is already there everything that you would need is already been put up for you not only what you need what your kids need not only what they need but what you your auntie needs who got sick are you with me but this kingdom has to be preached because that's a kingdom of concept and if people don't understand the kingdom then they really don't understand the bible so the bible is talking about that it's it's it's giving you it's giving you what we call an inventory of what's already there and it's in there and it's hidden in there my airplane was in there ministry airplanes pastor came over from africa and he said pastor winston your airplane is in ecclesiastes chapter 10. i said whoa so i started reading it read it read it twice read it three times didn't see anything read it again discernment took over all right so in verse 20 a bird of the air is going to carry your voice now what is that seed because most of what god does for you he doesn't seed form he gives it to you in seed form all that mercy all right i don't want to get too deep on this all right now my point here is look at matthew's gospel please matthew chapter 20 verse 4 chapter 14 verse 29 no no no i have read matthew chapter 9 first verse 35. let's just read that one first say jesus healed them all you didn't say it enthusiastically enough jesus healed them all okay jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness come on and every disease among the people did was there anything he couldn't heal because he wasn't trying he wasn't well have mercy he wasn't the lord have mercy uh he he wasn't trying to get them to get rid of something he was trying to get them to receive something see when you received salvation what happened to your other state he left you don't have to be concerned about that all right so let's look at matthew's gospel chapter 14 of 15 15 verse 29 all right look at that one oh that worship see and jesus departed from thence and he came nigh unto the sea of galilee and went up into the mountain and sat down there and great multitudes came unto him having with them those that were what lame come on blind come on dumb come on maimed and many others and they cast them down at jesus's feet and he what he healed them in so much that the multitudes wondered when they saw the dump to speak the main to be made whoa whoa whoa whoa now whoa now just imagine a warehouse with legs hanging down in it come on imagine a warehouse with eyeballs in it imagine because all these things are all your parts already written they're already written and if you look at what happened to the man who was a syrian captain or general he came to the man of god elijah and elijah tapped into something he said go tell him to dip seven times in the river jordan he went and dipped and when he came up the bible says over in second kings and chapter five that his skin was like a newborn well i looked in revelation and god makes all things new now what am i doing i'm raising your level of expectation because you may need during this time a new heart you may need a new kidney you may need come on a new big toe you you may come on now you made me are you with me here because you know if you if you're 60 now you're you're you're still young you you you're just halfway you you're you you've got a ways to go well i heard you know when you get older your mind starts going and so forth where did you hear that from you heard that from an unbeliever well they went to church well there were unbelievable believers and you don't know how much is out here and that's what our first speaker talked about thinking there's a thinking that has to be there who was that bishop bismarck he said as a man thinketh come on so is he you can think certain things and your body will start falling apart because all this mind is is a kind of the captain of this whole thing so we got to make sure this mind is thinking the right thing god says isaiah 55 and verse 8 for your thoughts are not my thoughts and yours because of that you're what ways are not my ways you could think the wrong thing when you've seen people get 70 years old 80 years and so forth and you've seen them start to decay and so forth and so do you know that was written in your mind that it is if you haven't done anything to get it out that is in there and you know what you got to do you got to put this word on it say amen and you've got to renew your mind put that up there romans chapter 12 verse 2. are y'all with me oh no no no no no no no you you you're still young you you're ready to go come on you're ready to go and one thing god promised you is strength that's found in revelation chapter 5 verse 12. so that strength he promised you that you would be strong holy caleb he said i'm as strong today he's 85 years old as i was when i was back in 40. see you're going to get heaven on earth and in heaven everybody's around 30 years old look what it says here say with some of y'all this is probably the first time some of y'all hearing this say with a loud voice worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive what power that's one of your that that's dunamis now that's that's miracle working power that's that's part of your that's your portion that's your portion your portion is to work miracles your portion is to be able to pray for somebody and they get a new eye they get new neutered your portion is that power and what else riches your portion is not dead you know that's not your portion see if you're living in something you're living in something that's not your portion and riches and what else wisdom that's your portion nobody's problem is poverty everybody's problem is wisdom because wisdom brings riches and honor that's the scripture so no country is in poverty uh because for poverty's sake that the wisdom is lacking the wisdom of god now not the wisdom of men all right look what it says next and what else strength there it is right there it is right there now look look at the scripture look at job and job chapter 2 and verse 12. now this is job job is in trouble because what happened is he dropped his believing he and and the enemy came in on him and so forth and he says and when they lifted up their eyes a far off they knew him not knew him not pardon me and they lifted up their voice and wept and they rent uh everyone his clothes his mantles and and sprinkle dust on their head whatever all right look at that in the amplified pleat now just wait a minute wait i want to just show you something i want to show you i'm thinking while i'm talking look at amplified same same verse and when they looked from a distance and did not recognize him watch this because of what his his disfigured meant glory to god he was so disfigured i'm looking for another another translation but he was so disfigured you couldn't tell he was a man this is job but go to chapter 42 of job and you'll see that everything was restored no that didn't go over well all right how about jesus on the cross all right he was disfigured but when jesus rose from the dead he was in the garden and the woman saw him and thought he was a gardener the thing that satan fights about jesus is the fact that he had a bodily resurrection you go to that tomb and that body wasn't in there why because that body is the thing that got transformed and i'm saying he was showing you what resurrection life that is in the word will do for you put the word on it really all right so with are you with me so notice the main were made what whole that means people missing uh body parts and i'm saying to you today that i don't care what part you're missing god already saw your condition and put that part in the warehouse until we call for it and we're going to call for that part and get that part in your life so we're going to believe watch this it doesn't make any difference i mean if you if you if you've taken some medication and sometimes this medication has side effects are you with me and and and and and so what we're going to do is we're going to believe the anointing is going to come to cancel all the side effects global to god let's keep going now even because genes have been altered because of some of this stuff and we're going to believe that it's going to work all the way down to your genes your genetic code is going to be put back in line with the will of god you see now now understand the reason why i'm talking like this is because when i talk like this the holy ghost gets authorized see the person in the earth to determine how far god can move is a believer because you as a kingdom representative have been sent into the earth to bring the kingdom kingdom includes parts angels everything that god has why because i got to replenish this earth i want this earth to look like god intended it for you amen so i'm going to say that when i speak the holy ghost is going to work all the way down to your genetic level if the telomeres on your chromosomes are short meaning short life left we're going to extend the telomeres on your chromosomes why because of mark 9 23. because of mark 9 23 and jesus said to them if thou can what believe come on all things are possible to him that that believes mark 10 27. look what it says here he said this close to god read it but not with god for now let me ask you is the holy ghost god i said is the holy spirit god the only reason he can't work there is because you can't think there and because i can think there and i can be a representative in the earth to get somebody else apart god's going to use my faith along with your ability to receive yes can't you see what i'm saying there is no limit your limits are gone they're gone glory to god no more limits for you whatever see this is why he said i'm gonna comfort zion that means i'm going to take away everything that has been uh harassing everything that has been uh troubling you ever i'm gon i'm removing all of that hallelujah i'm gonna make you perpetually comfortable yes sir do you believe that look what he said in joel joel and this is joel chapter 2 and verse 23 i think it is he said this be glad then you children of zion that's you and rejoice in the lord your god for he hath given you the what former reign moderately and he will cause what to come down for you what the rain see the rain rain is anointing the former rain come on and the latter rain come on in the first month they're coming together they're coming together i said they're coming together that rain the former rain is that rain that's healed it's a rain that delivers that rains that prepares you and and next verse uh i think and in the next verse then let's go and verb and i will restore to you the years say restored put an e.d on it say restored the years that the locust has eaten and the cankerworm and the caterpillar and the pommel worm my great army which i sent among you keep going and you shall what eat how much plenty and be what satisfied and praise the name of the lord your god that has dealt wondrously with you and my people shall never be saying a what a shame this is what's going to be such an attraction to the world that the church is going to be totally healed nothing broken nothing missing how many did jesus heal he healed them all he healed them all because that's what the reigns called for the anointing on him got them all healed now look at this lady who was not in the covenant she was not a jew but look what happened when she came to jesus this is found in mark chapter 7 and i think verse 24. let's look at that um and from thence here rose went okay for that was a yeah here it is for a certain woman who uh who's younger let me back up here there's a certain woman whose younger daughter had an uh unclean spirit uh she heard of him and came into him and fell in his at his feet and the woman was a greek a syrophoenician by nation and she besought him that he would come forth and cast forth the devil out of her daughter and jesus said unto her let the children first be filled for it is not neat for to take the children's bread and to cast it unto who dawg now look what the lady said and she answered and said unto him yes lord yet the dogs under the table eat the child i'm thinking man uh eat of the children's bread the children's crumbs oh lord have mercy oh put that back up there again all right now this is what i want to show you jesus said healing is the children's brain now are you a child but she came back and she said but i understand that but even the dogs under the table eat of the ch of the children's crumbs and he said next verse and he said unto her uh for this saying go thy way the devil is going out of your daughter now what he's saying is this the healing is for the children but the children wasting it and she said i know i'm outside the covenant i'm like a dog but i'm going to eat some of this healing bread here you got what i'm saying she's saying they're not taking the healing give it to me he said for that saying go thy way the devil is going out of your daughter here's two things one is that all she had to do was receive watch this for her daughter come on yes sir and watch this jesus didn't have to go there if you were on the internet or you on a stream you i don't have to go there all you got to do is receipt you didn't have to go there and i'm saying to you i don't need to touch you all you got to do is proceed healing is your brain now here's the last thing did he ask the woman have you been living right did he ask you has a daughter been living right no because healing is a fact it's already done all you've got to do is receive it and only thing it took to receive it is one word faith once she had faith it was done and god did it and she went home and her daughter was sitting up perfectly whole and i'm saying you can sit here and believe healing for your grandmama who's back there in georgia down in that country town down there or you can be healing for your husband who's drinking all that liquor and you need to get him born again you can believe come on now that anointing is there it's here uh charles and francis want to tell a story about the lady and she said my husband you know he's mean and all of that he needs to get saved she said you got a package of chewing gum she said yeah she said he said she said did your husband like to chew gum she said yeah he likes to chew gum said give me the package of gum she took the package put a hand on it and said i release the anointing of god for deliverance from that condition in this gum right now in jesus name with god how many all things are powerful took the gum home your husband started chewing started crying and got saved my pointy is come on come on come on cause we're dealing with no more limit we don't have no more limits man god can make you a millionaire before before the meeting is over that's right if you'll just receive that powerful stuff mike this is not hard folks the thing that people put up is roadblocks they put up a block to the healing well i'm not this i didn't finish school that i had a child out of wedding like that i said i understand there's some things that we've done that was wrong but that's not going to block this healing power today that's right just receive it just receive it let me show you one more place let's go to matthew chapter 8. are y'all following me here healing is the children's bread jesus healed how many all of them you not telling me all of them were living right but it's your right to be healed over to god now i'm not talking about some little healing a little scratch on your hands i'm talking about healing all the way down to your genetic level i'm talking about healing of some of them brain cells that have caused the smoke and all that junk or some cocaine or something burn themselves out and gonna restore everything say restored put the e.d on it now restored he said and i will restore to you the years why because you're a new child of god you've got god in you god's gonna make now your mind renewed and he's gonna get your body renewed so that you can do the work that he's called you to do without hindrance matthew chapter 8. look at verse 7. this centurion coming to jesus the victorian said unto him to come heal my daughter previous verse up there verse 6 i guess it is and it says here uh the man centurion came to him this is the captain lord my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy grievously tormented and jesus said to him i will come and heal him and stop right there i will come and heal him he didn't ask him anything about it he didn't ask him one time what did the doctor say doesn't make any difference what the doctors he didn't ask him again well how has he been living has you been shacking up with somebody i'm just i'm just trying to get the roadblocks out because a lot of times when people see the miracle working power of god they'll come out of a shack in relationship when they see the goodness of god they'll come out of that relationship so he's saying to this centurion you've come to me on behalf of somebody i tell you what i'll do i will come and heal him he didn't say i'll come and i show hope this works man i hope this works no that's right no healing is garen this guarantee jesus makes you whole when they came out of that bondage slavery for over 400 years they were hurt not only did their backs have a lot of streaks on it because of that whip but they s they had a considerable amount of emotional damage little in psalm 1 105 37 it says he brought him forth also with silver and gold and there was not one sick person among the tribes that's about three million people not one sick paul said it like this over in james in james chapter five is any among you sick he said let him call for the elders of the church let him pray over him anointing him with oil and the prayer of faith shall what save the sick or heal the sick and the lord will do what raise them up and look at the next part if it been any what sins he'll be forgiven see the enemy is trying to put up roadblocks condemnation because of how i lived guilt about the past so forth and so on remove all that god's got work for you to do that worked for you and you need to behold let's look at the last one mark chapter 5 verse 25. we're going all the way down to the gene level going all the way down because something might have been passed through your family going to root that out today we're going to the root it passed by this one man in john chapter 9 the disciples said master who did send his his him or his parents that he was born blind like that jesus said neither see the sin came from adam he opened the door jesus said that the works of god will be made manifested see they thought god made him like that no well my child is born like that you know god just did that because you know we we didn't live right when we were no no no no that's not right and we can get that child corrected chapter verse 20 verse 25 and a certain woman which had an issue of blood for 12 years and had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had and was nothing better but what she grew worse when she had heard of jesus she came in the press behind and touched his clothes his garment for she said if i just may touch but his clothes i shall be whole check it out and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague and jesus immediately knowing uh in himself that virtue had gone out of him turned about in the press and said who touched my clothes and his disciples said unto him thou seeth a multitude pushing on you and you're saying who touched me and he looked round about to see her that had done this thing but the woman fell down and trembling knowing what was done in her came and felt fell down before him and told him all the truth glory to god and he said unto her daughter god's power has made you whole is that what it says no daughter my power has made you hope daughter what thy faith has may be whole now go in peace and behold of thy plague now there's something real interesting in that verse that'll sneak up on you he said thy faith has made you what not healed not healed you got all your money back that you spent on the physicians you got come on receive restored everything is coming back that was taken from you because of the enemy's work and it'll start today one more thing did jesus give her permission to touch him no it's available take what you want come on you can take it right now are y'all with me yeah you plug in god's into god's power with faith and faith comes one way by hearing and what and watch this you got the faith right now watch us the same faith that took you to get saved is the same faith it takes you to get healed from a thinking standpoint we put it in another category no jesus said to the man over in mark's gospel chapter 23 or chapter 2 he said whether it's easy to say thy sins be forgiven thee or to rise take up your bed and walk both of them same faith so if you have faith to get healed i'll get saved you've got faith to get to you all you had to do was here you have heard the word are you ready oh you got to do a receipt you don't need to squint your face let all that you don't need none of that just believe you receive we're going to pray right now you're listening to me by stream or whatever you're listening to me i want you to pray how long has that out of time been up there been up there a little while before he's gone a little bit okay okay well i had something to say i wasn't finished if nothing else i will come and heal him yes sir that is so refreshing to me that i don't need to beg god to heal me he already has healed me now he's just trying to get my receiver working all i got to do is receive father we come before you the name of jesus and we pray for that healing anointing lord once again that every person lord that is in need every person father that has some melody some infirmity some disease some infirmness that the enemy has caused in their lives father we know that we may have not done everything perfect but we know you are god of love we know you're a god of forgiveness and you're a god of hope though the reason why many are here tonight is they hope and you said faith is the substance of things hoped for and lord they're hoping and i pray father for the manifestation of your love today in every person in the sound of my voice now i want you to say this with me father in jesus name i come before you i've heard the word i heard that healing is the children's bread and i came to get my portion today right now in the name of jesus i command every work of satan and the ruler of darkness to leave my body now in jesus name father let your holy spirit flood my body with life-giving power power that i can walk free of sickness and disease from now on in the name of jesus angels if i need your help that you will drag out every disobedient spirit any spirits of sickness disease infirmity any cancerous spirits any spirits of high blood pressure any spirits of sugar diabetes any spirit of infirmity in my bones and joints any spirit in my blood cells any unclean spirit that may be in my body i command you right now to leave me now in the name of jesus go in jesus name now i receive total healing in my organs in my skin in my hair in my head in my eyes in my ears in my stomach in my esophagus in my feet in my knee joints in my armpits in my fingers in my body in my jeans i received the healing the anointing the resurrection power of the holy ghost right now into me that now i am made whole in jesus name i'm walking free today in jesus name satan get your bags and go from my entire household my household is clean my household is healed my household is free from every plague sickness and disease in jesus name now lord i receive it i believe it and it's done in the precious name of the lord jesus christ he is lord over my life in jesus name amen now give god praise for that now let me call out what i'm hearing new kidneys coming in right now when i was speaking new kidneys were coming in right then right legs right legs that were hurting and so forth coming in right now healing total healing in the knee joints and the lower calves that's coming in right now come on your ankles couldn't twist that much but now the bones are flexible and they're able to be twisted come on that's coming in right now now creative things are happening in your midsection in your come on in in your female section creative things are happening right now in the name of jesus i'm saying parts are coming out of the warehouse come on they're coming out of the web as you praise god they're coming out of the warehouse and they're coming into your body come on new hearts are coming god says just change your diet get good food get that get that covenant diet and he said new hearts are coming in now no new muscles in your heart now new muscles in some hearts are being replaced but new hearts are coming in to other people i said new heart somebody is getting the heart of a nine-year-old somebody is get i'm calling it out what i see come on that that oh lord have mercy oh eyesight glory to god hearing being restored right now all the nerve endings are being restored come on all the all disease of the eyes glaucoma all that's going now eyes are draining properly now in the name of jesus all your fingers or fingertips all the circulation in your body is now being restored your arteries are being purged of all things that were blocking them are being cursed right now so they're flowing freely your blood has now gotten rich it's being enriched right now your immune system is tripling it is tripling right now to keep you free from any disease now as you whoo lord have mercy things you couldn't do before you're going to do right now things you couldn't huh oh lord even in your mind emotional damage is being healed emotional damn come on that a bad marriage come on all that's being healed right now in the name of jesus now receive that give god praise and thank you come on give him praise for it glory to god glory to god yes yes yes come on give him praise now amen amen amen come on give him praise come on come on he's healing the healer is here thank you lord for it i receive it i receive it i receive glory to god the holy spirit is working he's working right now me all right glory glory miracles miracles miracles miracles no now i got some testimonies i got some testimonies the word does not return void but it shall accomplish that's what you please i got some testimonies glory to god i got some testimony amen now on on on on on the stream i want you to text it you got 120 characters there just text send me a text real real quick cut something confirm something that happened something that manifested now i'm talking about a miracle in your life in your body right now i want you to text me what happened in 120 characters text me what happened praise god take his seats please hallelujah now in your body if you know something happened in your body i want you to stand up right now if you know something happened in your body you know something happened in your body glory to god you've got evidence that something happened in your body glory to god hallelujah glory you've got evidence of it evidence of it glory to god glory to god hallelujah all right praise god you know something happened in your body over here right here come up here come up here amen you know something happened in your body i want you to get that microphone right over there and what tell what happened in yo about what happened to you praise god all right god hallelujah cool i've been dealing with crohn's disease in my colon in last year i had an abscess the size of a man's fist they put holes in my side and i've been having pain in these holes that are still that have still been at my side and i just felt i just felt the warmth of the spirit of god come over my entire body and i just i've been believing god for this for the last six years and i don't look as bad as what the doctors have told me and i know that what happened in this meeting i just know what would happen here i feel it and i just i i will call your people and let them know when these close up and i go to my doctor and i see and my doctor see what the lord showed me in a vision is that pain still the pain is gone i don't feel any pain thank god all give me the right you got the microphone okay now over okay uh i've got i've got a couple of testimonies i want to read right here keep standing to your feet who's supposed to read this for me i have them here yeah i was having kidney stones pain was shooting all through my body and i believed god with you as you prayed god healed me this day kidney disease tumor right kidney healed glaucoma left eye healed next one i could not raise my arm for six months i now can raise my arm with no more pain i am healed praise god was feeling a spirit of heaviness on my chest and back but during the service as the pastor was preaching i felt the heaviness lift off of me blood sugar normal blood pressure normal ici only had 10 vision in my eyes i have a hundred percent in jesus name thank you father thank you jesus all right let's get a couple of testimonies okay go go come on praise god okay come up a little bit so the cameras can catch them okay all right praise god all right go ahead okay i have had a heart condition since 1996. last year i was told that i needed an lvad that's what this is but god told me that i was healed today i know beyond the shadow of a doubt that the healing is starting and it's going to be manifested it is already happening already done all right give me somebody that that's got a manifestation in your life is anybody over here you came in with one thing you're leaving out with something different and come over here come on up here praise the lord praise the lord i just thank god for healing me on today god has given me a new body part i've been praying and praying for a new heart i have heart troubles blockage god gave me a new heart today and i thank and praise god how do you know he gave you a new heart i believe about that uh you believe it all right i believe it with you give me somebody that got a transformation in their life right now and it happened right here in this meeting right here that i can verify right here come on up come on up whatever god did for you here i want it manifested now i i don't i don't want i don't want i can get it tomorrow next day that may come i want it manifested now see the devil don't want us to manifest it now i want to manifest it now let me say that again i want to manifest it now i want to shame the devil today i want to manifest it now go ahead jesus um when i came my ankles had been bothering me and i told my husband i didn't want just my ankles and hip to feel better and they the pain is gone but i had a broken heart and emotionally it did something for where was the pain where was the pain in my ankles is it there now anyway no it's not there it's gone can you move it and everything amen all right praise god amen uh such kim read a couple more of those please i just received healing in my joints and hips no more pain thank you lord my god continue to use you and bless you in jesus name amen and put new cartilage in your hip in your knees because he's a god of the of the now amen he'll do it right now next on him i felt the power of god go through my body and felt pain leave my right knee severe back pain going around to my stomach last few days was really bad this morning and now it's gone all right let's get another couple do i have somebody else i can't i'm trying to see out here okay okay let's come up here what now on this side okay go ahead uh-huh come on on this side amen uh pastor you want to go all right sir you said something about healing the right leg i have not been able to raise my right leg this morning getting into the car i had to pick it up and put it in the car look at that all right over here somebody else come on out praise god pastor i just want to give god the glory i had terrible pains in my feet i couldn't get up i had terrible pains in my knees i couldn't get up i couldn't hardly walk but i said devil you a liar i'm walking right let's now let's go when i came in i came in with a cane but now i'm walking anybody else over here anybody else over here come on come on come on praise the lord anybody else i came in in my eye my left eye i've been having a lot of trouble saying but it was a lady over there and i could see all the way over there from where i'm sitting and i wasn't able to do that but i believe god that when you begin to pray for the eyes that god healed my eyes and i thank god for the ducks say i had a cataract jesus jesus it's all right take your time take your time but i was able to see all the way over there and i couldn't do it i couldn't do it and the guy told me says something is going to happen to you today god has healed my not thank god and praise him what did she say happened to her what did she say happened god healed their eyes ah okay i'll say it out so people can hear it they couldn't hardly understand it give me a couple more i had elle's palsy that weakened the entire left side of my face and during the service my facial muscles are loosened and the tightness in my neck is receding i had a sharp pain in my right shoulder when i lifted my arm it hurt but now the pain is completely gone and i can lift it thank you jesus for healing me i received emotional healing praise god i am bound no more i receive my healing and wholeness in my body during the service of my stroke my foot was broke my toe bone stopped moving because of an accident my pain is gone and i believe my toe will start moving again i am healed here come up here thank you pastor um the healing actually started when pastor tudor bismarck started preaching i was diagnosed with an ulcer my leg you could see and towards the ankle it was split open the flesh was split open and when he started talking i felt like somebody like slaughtered my my skin my flesh started closing it was but today in the service it started when you were preaching maybe it started in the worship because i started feeling drunk i thought literally like if somebody gave me wine i was like what is i had to sit down because i was kind of losing my balance and look at me now i just feel the power of god on me and i started feeling heat in this leg um my doctor before coming here she said i may have to have surgery and i was saying i was crying out to god i came from texas and i was crying because i couldn't walk but i i felt like i needed to get here and so i was crying to god and say have mercy on me i gotta get to that meeting i need your help and i got here um and i guess it was my faith but now it's like i can't stop shaking from the power of god and i don't know if it was through the worship or the combination of everything that you you preached today but i felt heat just going and the flow it was a flow it was heat but i i could feel like if it was going through my blood so that's the testimony thank you jesus thank you thank you i'm one of your partners thank you okay you got to finish what do you have anything else yes um well going back from 19 1987 i was in a really bad way okay now you got to finish this i got all these people out here and i got the people on the network here so i want you to finish wrap it up what do you got what did they what did god do for you today the pain so i couldn't walk got it i i i i was able to walk today to get here so i'm starting to walk the pain is gone because it woke me up at three o'clock in the morning i couldn't sleep so i was trying to find a way to get here because i was so i got here no more pain that's what we want right there kim give me a couple more my right leg has been in constant pain when you called out the pain in my calf it left immediately next i had a pain in my chest under my right breast and now the pain is gone pastor said the pain is gone and i can twist and turn around with no pain praise god i was having back pain and i'm healed i couldn't raise my right arm without pain as worship started pain subsided i could raise a little you called arms to be healed pain gone healed thank you jesus yeah i had a back pain in my spine for a while i used a collar for a bit but today god took away the pain my back doesn't pain me anymore the pain is gone pain is gone all right um let me go it right here somebody here okay go ahead praise god pastor uh when i came in here today for the last three weeks i have been having issues with hemorrhoids i hadn't had any problems with them in over like 25 years for some apparent reason they flare it up and i've been having excruciating pain where it's painful to sit down when i go to lay down i have to turn sideways and all kinds of craziness normally this week since i've been coming to service i normally have to take pain medication at least twice doing the service just to get through the service because it's very very painful to sit down today as i was sitting there and prayer service was going on the the pain just left i haven't taken anything since i've been here and the burning has stopped as well praise god amen thank you so i praise god today praise god thank you next okay pastor winston when he was speaking out i heard the lord tell me to kneel down before him so i kneeled down before him and then when you went to calling out all the healings uh i can feel the pain i wake up every morning with inflammation in my fingers they're always tight they're always acting i can't bend them i can't close them in the morning and when you went and you said about the female problems in this area i staggered i staggered so i know i am healed when you uh started talking about the mig section and then you started uh talking about the digestive system yeah that's when uh i felt some crawling in my stomach because i had acid reflux and acid would come up so when when you when you started saying uh in the mix section and mid-section i felt stuff crawling in my stomach and then all of a sudden it was like a release and not only that was when you called out joint pain because i had a problem with my uh right knee joint for over a year and when you said the uh you're healing the healing the joints that's when i started to lift my leg because i couldn't do that so i was over there lifting my leg lift my leg you said you said um move any parts or something that you haven't moved or whatever so i went like this so i was over there doing like this and i just thank god for that healing because i mean i couldn't even do this i couldn't do this thank you jesus amen thank you jesus next one over here hey pastor um i had a lot of things going on but today i could not then here looking at him everything was blurry i can see the people i can see everybody faces when it started i just looked at you and i could see you it was clear i can see clear up close i can see the people's faces i can see yes give me another one god is good and worthy to be praised i've been suffering from breast cancer for the night for the last past nine years i went back to the doctor about a month ago he said now it's at stage four i'm at stage four breast cancer but not no more i received my flaccid i received what he saved me today i had it in my lymph nodes that ain't there no more i can feel felt in her body that she was healed of that plague amen read a couple more kim praise jesus i got my healing for my left foot i had fallen about five years ago and have no more pain dancing and praising god now been having a right leg pain for a month could not walk but now the pain is gone and i can walk double vision gone praise god had pain in my finger for weeks pain is now gone i i got i had a i got healed of a nagging pain in my feet thank you jesus this one uh blisters on left eye cleared up received healing from covid uh my ankle was given out and had a limp it's gone and i can move it now my body and heart was healed no more pain free from emotional distress and eye flashes immediately removed my abdomen healed of pain in jesus name amen you called calf muscles fingers and nerves and muscles they said it was peripheral neuropathy from drinking that's why you spoke on the liquor pain is gone all right let's just see if we did we do we have any more here no okay okay over here okay i had a massive amount of uh scar tissue from a surgery i had the sky tissue is gone totally gone i have i had problems with my joints they are fine the knee joints my ankles were giving me problems my ankles are well monday morning i woke up and my feet were fine but my big toe was still hurting and giving me problems i have a new big toe i called out that big toe i'm a newbie so yes you did yes you did um i also had a mask from where i had fallen a while back on the side of my leg that mask is gone i have so much light in my eyes and i just thank god i believe i i'm i'm healed from the crown of my head to the souls of my feet i am healed your name is the overhaul okay thank you god bless you all right that's what we have for right now cam can you read a couple more and we'll close it up i was having a lot of tummy pain but during the prayers the pain has decreased when pastor started praying i had a sharp pain in my lower back as i kneel to pray the pain in my lower back is completely gone praise god blurred vision healed praise god right upper quadrant pain gone i received a new hip god is restoring the joint the ligaments and tendons i'm pain free hallelujah i'm healed i had been dealing with back pain for two years from a car accident lumbar three four and five and numbness in my feet and it it all just stopped when pastor called out healing in the right leg in the knee and lower calf pain instantly left i am healed of oh my god i give you praise all right uh let's just uh wrap it up now there's a scripture i want you to go to and that's found in um in um second kings and uh well i'm trying to put this stuff down um second kings chapter chapter 18 and god speaks about the the prophet he says the scripture that says i hear the sound of the abundance of rain how many just for information's sake how many of those testimonies that we get through the uh text testimonies can anybody give me a account of that how many we received i want them to get that just a minute i want you to get to this scripture here um 159 one one 159 150 oh okay 159 okay uh amen give the lord a praise for that what verse is that verse 41 okay that's first kings did i say second king oh i'm sorry first kings and elijah said unto abe to ahab get the up eat and drink for there is a sound of the abundance of rain he was saying that the drought is over the drought is over and this drought was not just a physical drought this is i believe referring today to a drought of the word of god that's been in the church that there's going to be a new anointing and this anointing is going to be a burden remover yoke destroyer for every person that's being afflicted in any way that god's going to make you an attraction this anointing is not going to be my might nor my power bishop mentioned something last night a glimpse of glory because that's what's happening this thing is going to give people especially those on the outside a real glimpse of god's glory and it's going to be on the church every disease is going to be healed every uh thing that has been troubling you is gonna be settled every way that the redemption has not been manifested in your life god's gonna manifest it now this is not going to be because you did something so good it was just going to be a glimpse of glory i shared with you i think the first night r.w schambach and he said i was doing a tent revival down in alabama birmingham i think it was and he said that night something happened that's never happened before never happened since he said as i was preaching the holy ghost came into under under that tent and everybody that was in wheelchairs got up like a marching band and began to walk every eye was healed every ear was unstopped every organ was replaced he said everybody in that tent got healed that's called a glimpse of glory that's when you can't explain it that you didn't work it up it just happened i hear the sound of the abundance of rain rain symbolizes the anointing that will remove every burden and destroy every yoke i'm prophetically speaking that to you now because that's what's about to happen in the body of christ on this planet satan just shot his best shot and watch what god is about to do do you believe that the prophet prophesied and said tomorrow about this same time there's going to be plenty and it's going to be cheap that one man came up and couldn't hardly believe that he said no way that could happen he said you're going to see it but you're not going to partake of it because he was an unbeliever did you get something out of the word today do you believe jesus is a healer now those who have received your healing just stand on it right now because it's working all during this conference it's working when you go home just stand on it receive it don't let the enemy talk you out of it because it is all ready done stand to your feet praise god if you're here or you over internet or over the um stream i want you to know that god loves you and that if you have never given your life to the lord i want you to say this prayer with me dear lord i come to you now just as i am you know my life you know how i've lived forgive me lord i repent of my sins i believe jesus christ is the son of god he died for my sins and on the third day he was raised from the dead lord jesus i ask you come into my heart live your life in me and through me from now on from this day forward i belong to you in the name of jesus amen now if you said that prayer you said it from your heart then a miracle has just taken place i want you to know right now that your life has been changed now if you would you send i'd like you to download my book it's called born-again and spirit-filled and also there are 10 courses 10 classes i'd like you to go through i teach it myself it's called foundations send us your email we'll get one of the ministers assigned to you right away take you through those courses those classes 10 classes so you can build an unshakeable foundation of faith praise god let me see let me say it to you welcome to the family of god amen stand to your feet i will oh oh i got communion all right sit down let's say shake our community and praise god if you're at home with us then we're taking holy communion and uh want you to know that uh god loves you and uh he's provided for all of us that you can come into his uh come into his uh presence and be able to take what we have called traditionally holy communion but it's really a time of healing it's a time of deliverance it's a time that we can actually uh have the the very power of god to flow through us through that anointing that comes through this it's not just a ritual it's a power of god it's something way that we stay healed and clean and so forth and so on so jesus said on that night for when he was uh in this passion he took his bread and broke it and said now take this and eat it this is my body which is broken for you and as you do eat it eat it in remembrance of me remember what he said in the book of john chapter 6 unless you eat my body and drink my blood you have no life in you well the life of god swallows up death so let's take it and eat it together and he took the cup said it's his new covenant in my blood as often as you drink it you do show the lord's death until they come let's drink this together see the blood of jesus glory to god the blood that jesus is father we thank you for a great healing and miracle service we thank you that even now holy spirit you're working manifesting healings and we give you the praise in jesus name can you shout amen all right i'll see you tonight for reverend rodriguez coming in praise god you
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 10,681
Rating: 4.9601989 out of 5
Id: rTKn9r37tI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 25sec (10765 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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