2021 International Faith Conference - Leaders Symposium

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bless the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are good [Music] [Applause] [Music] arise oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] props [Music] [Music] come on we declare it again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a couple can you clap your hands with us this morning come on clap your hands we declare you good lord and your mercy endures forever and ever come on he's been so good to us thank you lord for waking us up this morning thank you for bringing us into the house of the lord [Music] of generation to generation take you so good we thank you for your goodness come on say it again you are good [Music] [Applause] you are good [Music] feel good [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on and bless the lord with a great head glamour praise let everything that had breath praise the lord for your good from generation to generation and we stand in all of you lord we thank you for your love we thank you for your amazing grace and we just take a few moments and offer a wave offering to the lord this morning we'll just lift our hands and just declare that he is worthy forever and ever you reign king of kings [Music] i will wait for you [Music] [Music] i will see lord we thank you for your goodness we will see the goodness of the lord [Music] who shall i be afraid is [Music] [Music] trust me [Music] [Music] i will [Music] [Music] god we thank you for your goodness let everything in half breath praise the lord we magnify you god we exalt you lord we bless your wonderful name for you are from everlasting to everlasting the great i am you are good and your mercy endures forever thank you lord that we have faith and trust [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] forever and ever [Music] forever forever and [Applause] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are the everlasting [Music] who is the everlasting can we just lift our voice for a few moments and just worship and we honor your presence lord we surrender in your presence we yield to the power of authority holy spirit you are here you are welcome we raise our voice in great for what you are commissioning us to do the lord one more time [Music] who is [Music] you are the great i am you are holy lord there is none like you from age to ages stand get me lift up our voice and say lord forever you reign forever you reign you're worthy of all glory all honor we bless your wonderful name lord [Music] i wanna be close close to your side where heaven is real and death is a lie i wanna hear voices of angels above singing as one singing hallelujah [Music] you are the greatest [Music] you are the greatest [Music] loving the [Music] world is [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah are the greatest [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the mountains is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] you are is [Music] there is no [Music] [Applause] away [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you lord glory to god thank you lord hallelujah thank you lord glory to god thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah glory to god thank you lord thank you lord glory to god hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] let's check it out [Music] [Applause] who we are [Music] [Applause] [Music] father we thank you for this morning service we thank you for how you've blessed us during this week lord and how you're you've opened up the windows of heaven for us more we are seeing things that had not been seen before going to be able to do things that not been done before lord we ask lord that your blessings just continue to flow lord we pray the anointing be upon this service this morning that nobody will leave here as they came father we thank you for this we call it all done in jesus name and you say amen take his seats please right all right all right praise the lord glory to god you know uh the uh it's important that you teach your congregation the the meaning of praise and worship because people don't know i came from a church when i was a little boy they sung hymn number 53 and then it went to him number 72. and everybody left there just like they came to nobody's chains but all these things have meaning and everything that you can do in response to to god releases that anointing everything communion water baptism doesn't make any difference and if people don't know that they don't expect anything that's why the church had been void of miracles that's why i read the scripture the first night that um gideon asks that if the lord be with us where be all his miracles uh goodness the same thing you can say today about the church if the lord be with us where's where are all these miracles you know which they told us about well we're bringing them back praise god amen a better day well i want to welcome those who may be over uh virtual am i right about that it's amen and those over internet whatever device you're using welcome in the name of jesus welcome all of the various partners our partners also the fma group and all the other groups that will be watching this morning we welcome you in the name of the lord this is our licensing and ordination service and we try to do it once a year the reason why is because different people are being called to their place in ministry every year and as a uh apostolic ministry we have uh the authority to be able to license and ordain uh ministers so that's what we'll be doing today and then i'll also end with a word and just give a word to uh so we can go forward on but uh meanwhile um let's see we're gonna start with the licensing amen i've got pastor barnett helping me here and he's going to be reading off the candidates for licensing now he'll also read the scriptures that we use for licensing our individuals the licensing mainly is the time that we actually give people what is called a time of actually verifying or confirming their ministries some people i remember rhema bible uh school down in tulsa i remember they said people come down there talking about they're supposed to be an apostle and all that and they leave there with as a bookstore manager you know that kind of thing because you know um it's amazing how people think a call is on them because they love jesus and um there was a man that i wrote about in my miracles and marketplace book uh or uh faith in the marketplace book but he already eternal uh he he thought he was supposed to be a be a preacher and he went to his pastor and his pastor said you know god needs business people too and what you don't know is that if you're over a business and that's your pulpit over a business and so forth so people have have elected to go into something because they love god but that's all they've seen they thought if you love god you're supposed to go into pulpit and that's not that's not true and so what we do is give people a chance in licensing to verify the fact that that's what they've been called to do you got to be honest with yourself because you get licensed or somebody goes into ministry and in fact and i've been called into it you'll find there's no growth there's no there's all this stagnation and it's a whole lot of toil and so for what because you're not anointed to do it and so we have the licensing for that reason ordination says you've stepped up you've understood that you do have a call on your life and in most cases we want people to have started a ministry or something that they do so that they can verify the fact that they have been been called and so we do that some people are coming from other ministries uh meaning that they have been in ministry a while they have churches and they feel that they need to change their covering that god maybe call them to that for various reasons god will do that and maybe they have a call in ministry that their dna is to preach to marketplace people and to raise them up and so they need a covering usually that understands that and that anointing can be consistent with what they've been called to do and god will change them over from one uh to one apostle to another or whatever have you so uh there's various things in here but all the things that you got to remember is with the fact that you got to be anointed you got to be anointed god anoints those who he calls and that means that that's an enablement to be able to finish that task or do the things that god's called you to do so uh with that in mind we'll first read the candidates for licensing and uh we'll pray over them and then we'll go into the ordination and then we'll end with with a word okay leroy barnes jr barbara beck michael d berg brian mcneil black michael derr wanda george alicia y harris linda f jordan charles e muse desiree l muse collins in tui maureen oliver robert oliver senior teresa l pointer louis porscher patricia poole porsche minister betty smith latoya veal and dr lachelle wardell pastor barnett's going to read some scripture regarding the licensing in what the bible says about those who are in this particular category yes sir first scripture is first timothy chapter 1 verse 12 and i thank christ jesus our lord who hath enabled me for that he counted me faithful putting me into the ministry ii timothy 4 1-5 reads i charge thee therefore before god and the lord jesus christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lust they shall heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned into fables but watch thou in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of thy ministry okay um my family and i came here with um two hundred dollars and um nobody really really knew us we didn't have some big sponsor so forth and so on like that we were basically living off of faith you know it was like when i was in in ibm in computer sales you know and when they they told me well this is going to be your quota for this year and you've been in training now we're going to put you on quota but they didn't tell me they were going to cut my salary in half so i had to live off of what i could kill you know what i mean by that and and so i had to learn uh some things because at first i i was i was i was real short i had to go borrow money all that because i didn't learn to sell that well at first and um that's when i got saved and you know being short on money will get you saved and uh so i got saved and uh i learned about the kingdom and one of the biggest things that satan wants is he wants to keep the body of christ depending on the world depending on the world they don't take care of me i'm in trouble and that is a trap because that won't allow you to preach what you need to preach uh when you consider the congregation is where your your needs are being met from you are in trouble your needs are being met by the almighty god and the biggest thing you have during this time of proving your ministry is to come off that system to learn that god can supply all your need and you got to learn that if you don't learn that i don't you i wouldn't move another step because that is that is going into dangerous ground and the enemy can deceive you and all kinds of stuff and people find out what they're saying once they you know that happens like i said they came and told me okay well we're cutting your salary in half and i should remember i wasn't making that much to start with it they're going to cut that in half i had to ask some of the other people did they cut your salary in half they said yeah man so i got another job i got two jobs i work ibm in the morning from from eight to four thirty and then i'd head out the west side to a furniture store where i was credit manager at a furniture store man and so pretty soon i got saved learned about the kingdom because the kingdom pretty much hasn't been taught what's been taught is denominationalism and this and that and some people every now and then open the bible and teach some things in there but for the most part the kingdom hasn't been taught the fact that the that i am an ambassador sent by the king and that my country takes care of me and once i learned that i tell you i went to the top of the ladder in sales number one downtown i'm telling you it gets because i could work the same principles on getting business as i could and getting money got totally out of debt but i'm just saying this is the time that you learn to live independent of the world system you know and so forth and you do it bit by bit because a lot of people try to you know go cold turkey and and you know you have to take care of them and so but understand you have to go but i'm i'm saying that's the biggest thing you have to learn because that is going to determine the growth of your ministry right there all right so i'm going to pray for you and when i pray for you going to believe god that he's going to take over from there and he's going to take it to a place where you probably have never gone before in your life that he's with you you'll never leave you'll forsake you as as our speakers say father we come before you in the name of jesus we bring these licensed candidates before you lord you know who they are you the one that called him and father i pray that you who have begun a good work in them will complete this work and father i pray that you will do in this time that you will actually prove their ministries making full proof of the anointing that you have for them and in their lives i pray for the anointing of god to come on them now in jesus name to be able to serve you and the kingdom of god and the people that you've sent them to father let that steps from this day be ordered by you let everything that they lay their hands to let it bring forth much fruit i pray lord that they will be impactful and influential everywhere they go i pray that you'll open their eyes that they can see as you see lord and they can speak like you speak i pray that they'll hear the voice of a good chaplain and only that voice will there follow i pray now a hedge of protection around them and their families that no weapon formed against them shall ever prosper i pray that when you give them what to say that their words will come out lord with such power that every demon will tremble father i just pray now in jesus name that each one of these that you have called be successful and make full proof for their ministry i thank you for it we launched them now in jesus name amen praise god all right you can go back to your seats go back to your seats please thank you you don't get hands laid on you until you get ordained you just got hands laid on you god just laid his hand on you all right we have now ordination sir minister etanya carter itanya carter is the founder and president of itanya carter ministries incorporated a teaching ministry that focuses on the freedom power and benefits of the kingdom of god minister carter is called as an anointed teacher skilled at demonstrating the powerful laws and success strategies hidden in the word of god as an advocate for advancement minister carter continually demonstrates the laws of the kingdom in her own life and teaches others to do the same she has used her faith to demonstrate the law of the double portion by graduating from both living word christian school of ministry and joseph bennis business school jbs at the same time something that had not yet been done she is also a graduate of the two-year living word bible training center program etanya carter empowers leaders through her ministries various programs including no longer bound which provides anointed spiritual guidance based on god's word and level up a one-to-one success coaching program to help participants achieve specific dreams and goals she also hosts our own youtube channel that provides motivational teachings and biblical meditational videos itania is a sought after teacher and speaker who has ministered locally in south america central america and africa she also serves at living work christian center her home church as a teacher in the kids for christ channel on youtube itania carter dr teresa laverne harris dr teresa harris is the founder and pastor of trust in god ministries outreach started in july 1991. she is also a missionary licensed evangelist and international speaker and teacher the lord saved and called dr harris at the age of 26 sitting her at sitting at her desk at work he then called her to a higher calling in ministry after she had a near-fatal car wreck and was pronounced dead upon arrival by the paramedics she asked god if she could live and as her spirit was leaving her body god said rise and proclaim to the world that jesus saves the lord uses dr harris to pray and lay hands on the sick and to speak life to impossible situations she is known for going into the hedges and highways to carry the good news and for reaching thousands through her weekly radio broadcasts trust in god ministry outreach feeds the homeless and provides food clothing school supplies and holiday gifts for families in kansas city and around the world her ministry financially supports numerous ministries and organizations as god has prospered dr harris tremendously in every area of her life she holds four degrees including a peach phd in organizational management and leadership and a phd in theology from central bible institute dr harris exemplifies a spirit of true leadership and always strives for god's best in everything she does she has not only preached the good news of faith in jesus christ she's a living witness of the evidence dr teresa laverne harris minister boise holmes minister boise holmes is a film and television and broadway actor singer writer speaker and voice over artist who is best known in faith circles for his original dramatic presentations and performances minister holm's performing arts journey began with winning the national shakespeare competition in new york city where he was awarded a full scholarship to study abroad at the oxford school of drama his gift has taken him to stages around the world including hollywood japan hong kong germany monte carlo and england minister holmes responded to the call to ministry after he distinctly heard the lord say to him they are calling everybody i am calling you he considers it an honor and privilege to serve in the world with his talents god has entrusted to him and he is dedicated to helping others reach their greatest potential through faith in god minister holm's latest ministry project is designed to expand the kingdom of god through contemporaries theatrical presentations of biblical characters and events for people who had seen the kingdom as antiquated he says the whole world has been waiting for the manifestation of the sons of god he and his wife shannon have three children and reside in the los angeles area minister boise holmes apostle keith williams apostle keith williams is the founder and senior pastor of fountain of god christian center fogcc and the founder of the national ministry leaders network mln whose vision is to unite leaders as one in unity he both ministers and located and located in boca raton florida he is also the founder of victory praise fellowship television station currently airing in over 80 million homes around the world apostle williams has received a mandate from god to teach the kingdom of god and how to live a victorious life this year apostle williams launched faith streamer a christian social media platform that focuses on reaching the world with the gospel of the kingdom of god in 2015 apostle williams and his wife lady valerie founded the victory chris conference which travels around the world teaching god's people how to walk and live in victory in the year 2000 apostle williams and lady valerie launched t-y-s-h-e touching youth souls and hearts everywhere a youth ministry that educates youth on how to stay focused on their dreams and stay away from drugs and crime apostle williams and his wife are focused on seeing lives transformed everywhere they teach the word of god apostle keith williams we now have just the listing of the candidates from the year 2020 because they were not allowed to have hands laid on them because of the pandemic situation the 2020 candidates are dr tiffany k jordan pastor shireen hicks apostle jones marlando jordan and megan jordan if you would just read the scriptures surrounding the ordination fleet first timothy chapter 3 verses 1 through 7. this is a true saying if a man desire the office of a bishop he desire the good work a bishop then must be blameless the husband of one wife vigilant sober of good behavior given to hospitality apt to teach not given to wine nor striker not greedy a filthy looker but patient not a brawler not covetous one that ruleth weld his house having his children in subjection with all gravity for if a man know not how to rule his own house how shall he take care of the church of god not a novice that's being lifted up with pride he fall into condemnation of the devil moreover he must have a good report of them which are without lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil titus chapter 1 verses 6 through 9 if any be blameless the husband of one wife having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly for bishop must be blameless as the steward of god not self-willed not soon angry not given to wine nor striker not given to filthy luker but a lover of hospitality a lover of good men sober just holy temperate holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gangsters second timothy chapter two verses one through three reads thou therefore my son be strong in the grace that is in christ jesus and the things that thou has heard of me among many witnesses the same commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of jesus christ john chapter 15 and verse 16 ye have not chosen me but i have chosen you and ordained you that ye should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain that whatsoever ye shall ask of the father in my name he may give it you all right the words that have been given to you from the lord jesus christ who is the head of the church now the holy spirit right now is the administrator of the church and basically what was preached last night by pastor rodriguez was so very powerful about the job of the holy spirit uh that's where uh all the power comes from and it's him that's why in praise and worship you take time and invite the holy spirit in because he's the one that's going to do whatever you want to do and so you got to take time and and really minister to the lord that way his his reason for being here is to lift up jesus and uh you'll find that when there's a lot of self involved and so forth like that you'll find the holy spirit is hard to move just won't move because you're not lifting up jesus not following the things no so that now the other thing i want to say is that i was i had gotten licensed and um i was let's see we had about i don't know we had maybe a thousand people coming before i got ordained because um i i i was more conscious of of the good shepherd ordaining me than anything else i just uh that was just my way i'm just you have to be that way but but we we we had um it was i got here maybe second year third year before i got ordained and he had me to go to a man who was a pastor pastor van gaal going on to be with the lord now out in carol's stream and i i went out there and saw him i said god told me to tell you to ordain me he said well who are you who are you and uh he went on vacation prayed about it and he came back and called me said god told me to ordain you now what i'm saying now is that every step we my wife and i took was a step of faith we we only did it because god said do it now as a result of that um god has has elevated us because i've never tried to build on another man's foundation i've always we've always believed god that god was going to do for us and so forth i had to go out and see people like dr fred price and i'd see his ministry and see the power of this ministry i said oh god can do it through him he can do it through me you know and that kind of thing you know i didn't ask to be on brother copeland's preaching team or dr price's board i didn't ask to do any of that i just served god and when i served him it's like praise when the praises go up the blessings come down you know what it means just everything we did we just did it unto the lord so matter of fact i think sometimes god wanted to move me forward and i was stuck where i was because i was comfortable there which i'll talk about a little bit in a minute but you can't get comfortable where you are this bible is about real estate this bible is about occupation it's on taking land you'll find in deuteronomy chapter chapter 28 you'll find the latter part of that chapter if you still stand still the curse will try to overtake you so you got to keep moving you got to keep moving forward god wants to do things for you and so forth like that um so i'm just as you go on god will teach you and so forth this is another step in what god's called you to do but he's going to further define what he's called you to do and so forth i thought he was calling me to you know down to lake pulaski just to minister to to the drunks you know what i mean there's nothing wrong with ministering to folks who's drunk but he wanted me to have a bigger picture than that i just started right there but i thought that's where he wanted me to stay when he was trying to move me i'm trying to find a building right on the same street i mean maybe he wants me to have a bigger building on the same street no he didn't he wanted to move to forest park because he wanted another group of people to come in and so forth like that so god will start you one place and lead you somewhere else but you've got to be open to god and let god like guide you so you're going to learn a lot in this in this particular level that you're going to right now but god has plans big plans for you and i want to be praying for you help you get there where i can and so forth like that understand now when when when i don't participate it's because i'm not feeling the lord saying you know you participate in that but when i participate i'm try i try to follow the lord everywhere i go because you know i figured the rest of my days are going to be spent obeying god you know what i mean and that's what bishop jake said here the other night it was amazing how this thing is working out and dr leroy thompson said bill you're calling me you were in my prayers the last three days you were i'm praying for you this morning he i called your name again well that's because god wanted me to call him you know but we're looking at different people who should be gads and scruffles and so forth and so on but that's just i i tell them don't rush me let me hear from god because it's that spirit of russia coming on you and that's just anxiety which is a sin and so what happened god relax give yourself a minute and then the holy spirit started talking why because this is his show and the show must go on amen praise god i might preach on that one time the show must go okay so what i'll do is uh my wife is here is you here yeah okay and uh amen and uh we will uh lay hands on you and um if you look over in deuteronomy chapter 34 it's where moses laid hands on joshua and once he laid hands on joshua joshua was different from that day forward as anointing that it's called impartation and it happens uh in uh you know in conjunction with what the holy spirit is doing so as we do that praise god we're just gonna believe god now i have uh some hand cleanses so when i lay my hands on one good one cup couple then i washed my eyes right my hands off and so forth laying hands on enough just in case that that land owner of hands kind of hindered you from receiving so i just i try to kind of wipe them a little bit you you know i'm saying we're still growing in faith you know what i'm saying all right father we pray right now for those who are here for nation lord we pray that there be a new beginning there be a new start there be a new level there be a new thought there'll be a new understanding in the dimensions of god there'll be a new anointing there'll be a new things happening to them new doors will open that things will be new from now on there shall be new new beginnings and new there be new money coming in there will be there will be there will be new uh thoughts of god and thoughts that god has put in your heart about what he wants you to do from now on that's what i'm hearing things will be new that are going to come to you now he said don't think it's not me it is me but i'm moving you to another level and god as he does that he ordained you for that level now as you go forth saith the lord go forth in peace and go forth in strength my strength saith the lord that anointing that is on you is sufficient to do everything you need done and keep the peace because that peace hears me clearly now we thank you for it father i receive right now what you've told me to give them and i've spoken it and i believe in jesus name that each one of them will fulfill greatness as you have ordained before the foundation of the world their steps shall be ordered by you and i thank you that what they lay their hands to will turn to prophetic gold i pray that their mouths will speak with the oracles of god their eyes will see that which a human cannot see because you are ordaining and are enabling their sight that they can see spiritually things that they didn't see before lord i per hedge of protection around their families that the wicked one touches them not i thank you lord god that as then led from one place to another people say i've been waiting on you you're exactly what i've been hearing been waiting on and father i pray you open doors that have been shut and those doors will open and he'll fly open praise god they'll not have to be beat on but they will come open quickly for there be a new beginning there will be a new start there'll be a new level there'll be a new anointing because i make all things new saith the lord in jesus name amen glory to god [Music] hallelujah glory to god now as i pray for you i just lay hands on you and say in jesus name that's all i'm going to do as we do this lay hands on you the impartation is done and conducted by the holy spirit my wife will lay hands on you at the same time praise god glory to god thank you glory to god hallelujah thank you lord in jesus name glory to god in jesus name glory to god thank you lord in jesus name in jesus name glory to god in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name glory to god in g whoop in jesus name oh glory to god in jesus name glory to god and whoa and jesus name there it is right there in jesus name glory to god in jesus woo name that is glory to god in jesus name glory to god amen give them a handclap praise god thank god [Music] oh ready oh god hallelujah okay you can take your seats please hmm hey oh yeah [Applause] all right if you would open your bibles please to do uh proverbs chapter 29 and verse 18 29 and verse 18. father we thank you for the word and thank you for the anointing on me and these slips of clay that i do speak this word oh with excellent accuracy and boldness asking you thank you in my mind speak to my lips and this word will come forth unhindered unchecked by any outside force that signs wonders and miracles shall follow the word preach in jesus name can you say amen to them okay video okay they gonna show a video here i think i'm dennis walton the senior pastor of faith temple christ church in northwest indiana we are one church in two locations specifically the town of maryville in the city of gary recently i was blessed to be a presenter at the fma 2021 pastors and leaders training i shared on the subject of godly relationships i shared how it was the anointing that we have received through affiliations such as fma where god has done supernatural miracles for us we received the entire school campus debt-free it consists of five homes which we now provide affordable housing for the less fortunate a school building which we are preparing now for training and education classes for both the young and the old and also an office building which we are presently using to offer affordable office space for those who have small businesses to serve the community in that we shared that the lord supernaturally financed us with two grant awards valuing over three million dollars i shared how the mayor was asking how many homes we wanted for the city and i told him just 10. well he gave us over 50 properties god has done wonderful things by his anointing and by his grace in which we believe our affiliation with fma has made a difference it was through joseph business school helps ministries the knowledge of the holy that god has graced us with supernatural favor recently we were just gifted property a building over 72 000 square feet to further advance the kingdom in the city of gary indiana god is doing wonderful things and i am grateful and humbled to be a part of it i want to encourage you be a part of fma ministry god has raised up dr winston to be one of the leading factors where business is concerned through the joseph business school and through the business offices and other ministries that are involved god has anointed him to be a blessing for our lives i promise you get connected whether you're near or whether you fire to fma and your ministry and you will be blessed all right very good okay let's uh open our bibles again uh once to proverbs chapter 29. i want to speak to you a little bit about making dreams come true making dreams come true proverbs 29 and verse 18 where there is no vision the people perish but he that keepeth the word happy as he keep is the law it says law but word happy is he now let's look at that same thing in the amplified translation plan and he says where there is no vision no revelation of god and his word then the people are unrestrained but happy and blessed is he who keeps the law of god now why do you say this because vision is basically what you and i live by we basically live by vision and god planned it that way you and i grow up to be what we see and what is it that you see and you'll find that what you see and and continue to see is what you soon believe and what you believe is what you become and what you where you will end up it doesn't make any difference uh if what you believe is true or not but what you believe is what you become and that's what proverbs chapter 23 and verse 7 says as a man thinketh in its heart so is he so the thinking has a lot to do with where you go and we're talking about making dreams come true i put something down here that people live and die within the framework of possibly their own possibilities what they see what they think is possible but they live and die within the framework of possibilities that that was given to me this morning by the lord that you you see people in and what they try to do is look at what's possible and they determine what's possible and that's the framework by which they live and that that's fine but that's not what's possible for you for a believer and for a believer what's possible is not measured by what you can do um in fact if anything can be done by your own skill or by your own experience then that is not what you can do as a believer um that's what you can do without god but if anything can't be done that's what you can do because faith is not meant and given to you for what is possible faith is not given to you for what is possible faith is given to you for the impossible see if if you can do it your mind goes to work and it goes to work to use all the experience that you have the reasoning that you have the uh things that you know uh from uh perhaps uh what you've learned growing up in school so forth and so on and then it comes up with a mechanism or or a plan to make that happen but that's not what god gives you he gives you an impossible dream he doesn't give you a possible dream because god if nothing else he wants to factor in his own ability in what you do and i can guarantee you that when somebody's trying to do something in their own ability you've got an agent out there called the devil who stands in the way to either kill your dream steal your dream or delay your dream why because it's in his realm the bible says in second corinthians in chapter 4 and verse 4 that he is the god of this world god gives you a dream that's out of this world and he wants you to see it he wants you to see that dream now it says without a vision without a revelation of god then the people perish i think it was bishop o'edey posted revelation is the stronghold of faith that revelation uh is the strongest asset in the school of faith mile dr miles monroe says vision is the most powerful thing in the earth beyond the the power of the holy ghost vision is the next most powerful thing in the earth to the holy ghost is vision and i have to say that that's i know that to be true if you look at vision and put some things down here that vision is a strong mental image of your future the strong mental image of your future that's a vision a vision is a picture of conditions and circumstances that do not currently exist a vision a vision is a mental image of your destiny a mental image of your destiny now one of the people that had a vision was joseph and he had a vision is found over in genesis chapter 37 and this vision that joseph had was that he saw himself a ruler and he saw his brothers being part of what he was to rule over and when he saw that vision he told it to his brothers and you know the story his brothers got jealous and once that happened um joseph had another dream and dreamed it again the second dream of course you know in the bible the second time it's from god and that he dreamed it again or dreamt and when he told his brothers that then his brothers now are completely angry and envious because you'll find that people who don't dream sometimes cannot tolerate people who do and you'll find when when you get jealous of somebody else's getting ahead dream and so forth it's because you're not dreaming enough don't get mad at them they're just being fruitful and god gives a dream as a seed and every time he gives you that dream as a seed that becomes your stewardship responsibility to take that seed and make that seed grow now god gives increase of course but you and i have to participate in making that happen now god dreamed he dreamed a dream he dreamed you he dreamed about the earth he said let there be and all those things that he said let there be were inside of him and that if you dream a dream long enough that dream moves to something called belief in john chapter 20 and verse 25. the other disciples therefore said unto him we have seen the lord but he said unto them except i shall see in his hand the print of nails and put my finger into his his printed nails and and thrust my hand into his side i will not believe i want you to see this because there's a principle here except i should see this scars on his body i will not believe why because you're not designed to believe what you can't see the thing that you do though is you see it on another level john in john chapter 16 verse 13. how be it when he the spirit of truth has come he will guide you into all truth he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come he shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and shall do what he's going to show it to you all things that the father has in mind so therefore said that he will take of mine and he's going to show it to you a man named kovy who really made an impact in the business world but he used to teach a principle about starting with the end in mind starting with the end in mind found in isaiah 46 and verse 9 starting with the end in mind i'm talking about now this impossible dream and making dreams come true so isaiah 46 9 remember the former things of old for i am god and there is none else i am god and there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning underline it and [Music] from ancient times the things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and i'll do all my pleasure meaning that everything that i say is going to come to pass same thing covey talked about starting with the end in my this is the way god started he started with the end of mind god didn't start until he was finished and that's when he started so when he puts you here he's starting with the end in mind what does he say about it over i think in jeremiah chapter 29 and verse 11 or something like that he said for i know the thoughts that i have toward you saith the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you what and expect it in he's already got the end calculated now when you start dealing with god you have to understand that what i said at first is that people for the most part are living in the boundaries and framework of their own ability and as a christian that is not the way you're supposed to live people should see something different in your life and especially in your ministry so when god gives you an idea he gives you an idea that only he and you can fulfill and that he wants you to consult him all the way i mean think about it here's joshua and he tells joshua a couple of things in joshua chapter 1 and verse 6 he says this he said now be strong and of good courage let's go to verse 9 if you will and in verse 9 have not i commanded thee be strong and of good courage because there are going to be times that you're going to have to say what thus saith the lord to move further in terms of manifesting your dream i mean i've got to make sure that i preach what god told me to preach same into that over in i had my notes i typed i don't know why they type them differently than i wrote them down over here in joshua and joshua chapter and i've read this before but joshua chapter 1 and in joshua chapter 1 let's look here i'm giving you this because i'm showing you what i've used and let's say this is verse going down to verse 16. and they answered joshua and they said all that thou commanded us we will do and whethersoever thou send us we will go watch this according as we hearken unto moses and all things so will we hearken unto thee only the lord thy god be with thee as he was with moses so notice moses got this red sea lifted i mean raised up and he he set the children of israel free down there but he had to be strong and of good what courage to make that dream come true because he couldn't do it without god and i think the problem is is that we move within the framework and the context of our own thinking and our own ability and we must stop that because what god has for you is beyond what you can do if you could do it skill and experience can make it happen but if you can't do it faith can make it happen so he's made it so without faith as in what impossible to please god so notice here is what we call doubting thomas and downing thomas said hey i'm not going to believe that he was here unless i could put my finger in his and it holds in his hand my hand thrust my hand into a side then i'll believe well that's the same thing about you and me that you you can't you don't believe what you can't see now over in sec first king second kings again i'm not sure where she put these notes uh in second kings and second kings and look here of course uh let's see verse let's go to verse 15 or so um i know just about where it is all right but look look i just want you to see this you you're not designed to go where you can't see second king chapter pardon me chapter 6 and verse 5 verse 15 let you see where we are there okay and when the servant of the man of god was risen up early morning behold your hosts can pass this city both with horses and chariots uh around around about his uh and his servant said unto him he said the last master how shall we do what are we going to do now and he answered and said fear not for there be more with us and be with them and elijah prayed and said lord i pray thee open his eyes and that he may see and the lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw him and behold the horses the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about elijah and when now you didn't hear any more panic out of this servant and you didn't hear any more panic out of him because he saw him now and and this this is folks this look at hebrews chapter 12 and verse 2. this is jesus this is jesus this is why he didn't panic looking unto jesus the auth and finish of our faith who for the joy underlined joy that was set before him endures you can endure with joy we not one time did we get disappointed down at lincoln pulaski i didn't need nobody to encourage me or anything because of what i could what see they drop out because they can't say anything because they don't know how they're made and how this thing is supposed to be accomplished and he said um he said looking unto jesus the auth and finish of our faith for the joy that was set before him endure the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand watch this of uh the throne of god wow so on the cross he had what he had joy enduring the what shame now shame means that hey i'm i'm still i'm i'm still limping but i know by his stripes come on i'm healed see i can endure the shame if i can see my healing because i know it's going to manifest dr fred price remember telling a story about here he was and he was preaching prosperity and god wants you prosperous and all of that and he's preaching it and then he had you know because he was preaching that i mean they called him to preach at some of the places he he's out all from from down there el segundo down there all the way up into the northern part of california they called him to preach and his wife didn't understand it see he he said they'd go pull up in at in the at the church in this old raggedy car that they had now he was believing for a big lincoln all right new lincoln i mean back in the day a lincoln inducing a quarter i mean that was your card back in the day all right so here's believing for that so he could see that to the point that when he finished preaching she tried to rush him out to get in the car so they could drive away so that it wouldn't look like a conflict with all that he was preaching and so forth but he was despising the what shame i knew where i was going at lincoln palace i knew where i was going we were down at um in uh oru and i was in seminary and uh what happened you know i didn't hear the word and i just want to preach somewhere so i my wife and i put some folding chairs back into the trunk of the car and put my sound system back there so i go ahead to the north side of chicago north side of tulsa and that's where the uh some of the government housing are the poorer people live and i'd go out there and i'd need you know electric electricity to go to my little little amplifier and box and so forth because i was gonna preach so i talked to somebody there's got an apartment and said can i run this wire through your window and oh yeah you're going to preach yes and then and i'd get out and preach and i remember this one guy came along he said preacher you know you're preaching like you're preaching to 10 000. that's when i didn't even have a church but i saw let me put that up there again put it up isaiah 46 oh not not that was good but isaiah 46 and verse 9. look what he says again he says remember the former things of old for i am god and there is none else i am god and there is none like me i declare the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet what done saying my counsel shall stand and i'll do all my pleasure what i say is going to come to pass now over in ephesians chapter 5 verse 1 he tells you that you are to imitate him look what he says be ye therefore followers of god as dear children amplified please and he says this therefore be what become uh wait a minute uh ephesians chapter five okay therefore become imitators women that's a different that's a different amplified translation i don't like that one there you go therefore be what imitators of god do what do what so he declares what the end from the beginning so it's okay if you declare it joseph declared it and when he did his brothers got jealous now i know who made him jealous or envious the devil did because he knows the power of a dream he knows the power of vision he knows it he knows it now joseph was of course tested and he had to despise the what the shame as he went and moved into the manifestation of his vision he had to despise the fact that he was working as a slave for potiphar but you know he still had the vision because he kept rising am i right about it i'm just saying the the idea about it is this vision is what that enemy doesn't want look what he says in ii corinthians chapter 10 and verse 3. look what this says here he says for though we walk in the flesh we do not what war after the flesh because you've got to understand the flesh the the war is over your thinking the war is over your imagination that's where the war is for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty come on through god to the pulling down of strongholds casting down what imaginations and what else every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every what thought to the obedience of the word of god now i had to i had to cast it down i knew where i was going god said i want you to leave ibm try to leave ibm too much money how am i going to leave well that's places you can't go without a miracle there's places you can't go without god assisting you so i got mark 11 mark chapter 10 verses 29 and 30. i heard a man named jerry savelle started preaching it and jesus answered and said to them i say unto you barely i said to you there is no man that has left house a brother or sister a father a mother or a dog or a child children or lands i put ibm in there for my sake uh and the in the gospel but he shall receive what a hundred fold win now i'm telling i'll put that in there folks i'll put that in there now if you start putting it in there who do you think begins to make it reality inside of you the holy spirit that's his job that's it i'm going to send you back the holy ghost and he's going to be with you he's going to help you see what others can't see why so you can go where others can't go there's a destiny for you that's impossible yes sir it's impossible i i can dare say that's what i started out with most of what you've got now a person might have is what they've done in their own ability your own experience did that your own thoughts did that and so forth god said over in isaiah 55 verse 8 your thoughts are not my thoughts because if you get my thoughts you're going to see you can't do that isn't that good it's this this is simple see when when you play it out then you can see it's not somebody else's fault that's the first thing you can see it's not the man [Applause] to matthew matthew's gospel chapter uh chapter 12 and verse 33 let's start with that one i'm almost done here let's see what kind of time i forgot it says this either make the tree good or his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt or his fruit corrupt for a tree is going to be known by his fruit now what does the tree represent it represents a person it represents a producer that everybody is supposed to be a producer but what you produce is going to come from what's inside or what a person rooted in and so you got to understand that wait a minute women no no no what i'm producing is going to come from what what i think is going to come from what i believe that's what's going to be out there so if i want to know what i believe all i got to do is look at my fruit am i right about that sure because my fruit are gonna tell they can't lie you can't have pear fruit on a fig tree and when it's when the tree bore no fruit look what it says here in proverbs chapter 12 and verse 12. when it bore no fruit look what it says here proverbs 12 and 12. he said the wicked desireth the net of evil men but the root of the who righteous yieldeth what fruit see and righteousness has to do with you displaying your full potential see when when you're rooted in righteousness you're going to bear fruit jesus said every tree in me that beareth not fruit i taketh away but every tree in me that beareth fruit i'm going to prune it so it's going to bring forth what more fruit you're going to be more productive you're going to a bigger congregation this is not hard this is all in this bible okay matthew chapter 12 verse 34. and look what it's uh i said 33 34 yeah 34. oh generation of vipers how can you being evil speak what good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh so what you've got to do is as a leader is you've got to speak good things see you you've got to speak what you want to grow you you you can't preach one thing and expect another that's right you know it's it's almost like you've got to spend half your time decreeing now look at verse 35. a good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth what evil things okay so when he says treasure he means in the greek it means deposit so a good man out of the good deposit he's going to bring forth good things he's going to bring forth good thing now here you've got born-again people so your job now is to sow new seed i got a so new seed because they already know plenty about divorce so i got to sow something concerning a good marriage see i i i think i'm i'm responsible for sowing new seed i'm i'm responsible for uh having uh giving them uh uh help writing a new script in their life i'm gonna cause a do-over because inside of them they still see divorce but i can root that out with the word of god matthew chapter 15 i think verse 14. let's try that isn't it simple let them alone they be blind leaders of the blind and if the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch uh verse before that give me the verse before the previous verse we just read okay but he's answered and said every what plant which my heavenly father has not what planted what's going to happen to it it's going to be rooted up so that's jesus and we're under shepherds of jesus pastors are so i'm supposed to sow new seed my job is i got to get new seeds in here because they're going to act like what they they came from they're going to act like what they believed so i got to get a new belief system in there so i've got to sow new seed and it's going to take patience it's going to take love and so forth but i'm guarantee that that seed if they conceive it it will grow up [Music] and becometh now i'm saying this because if they don't change you don't grow because at some point they've got to tell other people about the goodness of the lord watch this and be an example of it and then i'll tell you that now this is what i found now see that's why they say smoke because because there is a uh lord have mercy sheep reproduce sheep shepherds don't reproduce sheep shepherds don't reproduce sheep that's sheep reproducing their change is fruit that others eat you to hear what i'm saying now my goodness i mean if you if you want to transform a community you've got to transform the people who are going to live there because people where they go the environment is going to be dictated by what is inside of them let me say this let me say it like this if you go into a ghetto or something like that and these people are all broken down the windows are all broken and so forth and so on talk to the people and watch how broken down they are yes sir a human is so strong till an environment takes on the humans whatever the human is it will take it on you take a person broken and so forth and used to stuff that that that that is it have been poor and so forth put them in a big community or get a big upscale community and so forth and and and come back in about a year you're going to see somebody with their car propped up in the front lawn trains in the oil yeah because if they didn't change that environment is gonna take take on them you were never meant to live in an environment you didn't create glory amen to you you get a new house or something don't you want to decorate it i mean because you want it to look like what you want am i right about that that's right but it if you are planted you have such influence that you can affect the whole place around you i first saw that with bishop brazier up there when he was alive he was here he'd gone on to be lord but he he i watch how that place what address was that uh veronica up there with bishop at 63rd okay 63rd over near the lake all right that that thing was a mess but bishop came there and at that church not only did the church grow the whole thing they took down that rusty l that was up there all of that changed all of that change that don't don't be concerned about well uh they may not want to determine make any difference you're you're on a spiritual level changing this it'll change anything natural you you can take the word of god and stand on it and stand on it and it will change if if you don't change it will change everything around you those three hebrews change the laws and this is what where the church has not been this is what we got to get the church back to because whatever church thing comes everything must change are y'all with me here so he said every plant that my heavenly father has not planted shall be what let it up every condition in your life that god has not authored he wants it out he wants it out and that starts with the priest or with the the prophet or with the pastor teaching the scriptures because he said my word will not return to me void but it shall what accomplish the word's going to do the work so you almost got to sow it in faith see when the man went and the lepers over there in luke chapter 17 i think it is they cried out to jesus jesus son of david have mercy on us oh whatever they said he said go show yourself to the priest remember he said that as they went what happened they were healed how many returned one he said wait a minute were there not 10 cleansed now what did why did he say that because once he released his faith he didn't take it back you've got to release god asked me how many of these people you think would be millionaires can be making that that's what he told me i said oh lord you know you know how you know y'all do you know he doesn't know how many do you think i said well i don't know maybe maybe five ten percent he said no watch why don't you say all of them why don't you say all of them why don't you put your faith on what you speak is going to come to pass okay i've tried to explain the principle here my my point to you is well let me get my wife only use that so she took my shirts to the laundry and the guy she asked the guy why do you go to church he'd say well well i don't go to church he she said or something like that and she said you need to go to church and and boom left well i came back to pick up the church he took church he was all nervous i could tell he was then he slammed the shirts down on the counter he said your wife told me i need to go to church well what happened what happened see she was used to saying what you believe and believe what you'd say and then when she said that the holy spirit just took it and made and he worked with it right on the man he just worked with it he just worked with it so when you tell them something they may look bad but when you speak it you're planting a seed then keep your faith on it because the holy spirit then can work with it amen and you can't be moved by what you see you're only moved by what you say and what you believe and this is a secret to church growth you've got to preach something to a bunch of people that look like they're not [Applause] yeah listening had that before when we first came here we preached in some of the low rent housing projects and so forth just to evangelize it and i remember i'm preaching in a basement down there at one of the one of the high rises with a lot of crime and so forth i'm preaching in the air and i said all right i'm getting people saved i mean you got to go down there tough boy you can't be no punk preacher down in there i said getting people say now all right i want everybody who knows that jesus needs to be in your life you know that you've been living wrong so forth get up out of your chair come up here and stand in front of me and he got up and this one guy got up and he came up there no shoes on he's in the back he's in the back i noticed him because he he kept just you know i'm preaching and he's not looking at me he's just looking around you know and and another guy was doing it and then then i called for souls and he jumped up and came up there so i had to ask him i said why did you come up here i don't know i don't know what got me up here you know what i'm saying i'm saying angels helped him out you know what i'm saying but if you keep your faith on it and don't look at the fact that they're looking around they sleep and so forth just just understand god will take it god's got to take a trap door and pull it and let that chair just drop down out of your ministry he'll do that but my point to you is you can grow like that because see what takes us away from that is the enemy is after the dream he he's after making us think what we're saying is not going to make much difference nobody you'll follow what i'm saying but joseph wasn't moved by it jesus despised the shame he knew that when he put it in peter one day peter was going to come alive to it he said peter i have prayed for you that your faith will not fail and when you are converted strengthen your brethren man peter was busy cussing and and and turning his back on jesus and telling jesus what to do you don't need to go to the cross can you imagine that kind of thing coming from somebody you're trying to decide well you got to tolerate that when i say that i mean you got to understand that that this is a process that you go through despise the shame don't look at what you see look at what you believe no no no i know we're surrounded by the enemy soldiers but they're more with us than be with them say amen tonight let me just close this out are you with me here now i'm giving you a secret to impossible dreams because god's going to give you something you can't do because it's going to take you somewhere you can't go and you're going to be able to accomplish something that you never thought you could fulfill now the last thing is this establish the kingdom of god in every place now how do you do that you can't go every place so what you're going to do is you're going to teach the kingdom to your congregation you're going to make sure that they can have the kingdom teaching and understand that the first level is not membership it's citizenship and that they're citizen before they're a member and so what happened to um joseph is joseph went down there and i just want to let you know here too that you know everybody is going to have to use their own faith even though god spoke to abraham first sarah had to use some faith too are you with me here all right so everybody's got to use their own faith so um leadership uh takes courage okay and so forth all right let me say one more thing uh i find that now here's what uh david did uh or joseph did joseph rose up as you know um his his dad rebuked him in genesis chapter 37 and oak say i i i don't know where she put it but i also talked in here about uh witchcraft sorcery and all that kind of stuff okay the enemy does that to try to somehow blur your dream or whatever have you try to keep your dream from being pure but what i do to keep myself purified is pray in tongues every morning pray pray some in the spirit every morning kind of keeps your the dream clear now you don't go anyplace without seeing it now so you got to make sure you see it the enemy knows that and so forth now he tries to make his people see all kinds of big stuff i'm telling you right now and uh but you got to understand god wants you to be uh um dream big dreams um all right this one i want to say it's according to your faith according to your faith now what do i mean by that i don't i don't care who comes to your congregation that does not like you and you will find as you start growing the devil will send folk or he could he could that will sit on the front row and don't like what you're preaching there was a whole section department in here i was phasing out that department and i remember taking the people and these people gonna have to be phased out because i was facing out that department uh on exit interview um the apartment had about i don't know 10 12 people in it six of the people did not believe what i was preaching and they told them not on an accident of it they don't believe that so the enemy will almost send you people to work for you that don't believe in you now what are you going to do with that it's not according to their faith [Applause] god honors faith no exception no exception no exception he honors faith if nobody believed it but david he would give david the total victory without a single man helping him you got that dream in your heart and what god needs he needs your belief system now because he can't take you any further than you can see he said in genesis chapter 13 verse 14 as far as you could see after a lot was separated from them as far as you could see that have i given unto you let's turn it up if you can't see it i can't give it now the the key thing is it's already done so he's already given it but what happens is you can't take delivery of it without seeing it that's right joshua chapter six verse one and two see i've given it to your hand jericho now so once you see it here comes the blessing here comes the anointing here comes the empowerment to make you to make it happen so i'm saying i said lord i'm trying to pay this thing off i said this man told me that if i don't get this money you know by uh september one he's going to keep my 250 000 and he's not going to sell me the property for that 3 million and he said he's going 3.5 he's going to up that to 5.5 i said i need to get this money so i'm counting on the congregation our congregation praised god uh we got an opportunity to buy the stuff and the money is coming in there by by drips you know look like people putting quarter in the coffin and so forth now so i said lord lord what do i do so he took me two places one he took me to first samuel 14 where it says uh over in in talking about um uh this was um um you you he said the lord will deliver you by many or by few it says who was david's covenant friend jonathan jonathan he he will deliver you by many of our future whoa man see i said okay that means with all of them or just one of them god will still bring that money unto me and then he took me to the other place which was over in esther chapter 4 where you went on down there and mordecai had to remind esther esther wait a minute now you need to go in there to see the king on behalf of these people because everybody's about to kill all the jews and that's your house is going down with them and if you don't go god will deliver us some other way see how you said that and when god said tell that to the congregation i told it to him that's when something broke money started coming in from outside that's my wife when we're down at lake pulaski and i went up to look at a place in forest park i went in the place to look at it i asked the guy the realtor i said now how much is this he said it's 3 000 a month man he may as well say three million because i i didn't have you know the 3 000 men i was used to paying rent how much does that rent down there 500. 536. we had to pay 536 for lincoln pulaski and had to give it to him always in cash he he wanted no money trail i'm just that's that's how crazy it was well we are you follow what i'm saying but don't despise small beginnings see you you got to despise the shame you've got to despise it see because on the outside it looked like you just well you know he's down there and so forth yeah right they counted me out now i'm the man you know i'm the man the gatekeeper all right so so um he gave me that and i said wow she said read it to the congregation and tell them that tell them if you want to give fine if you don't want to give fine and so forth man wow now i'm i'm thinking about leaning on them leaning on the everlasting life but i'm i'm about to put some pressure on him and get mad what do you all i mean i mean do you love jesus you know i mean i'm i'm about to come out of the bag here i'm about to say some things hopefully make somebody mad get them walk out you know what i'm saying no i have to do that because it's already paid for i remember going to share um reinhardt bunkey on the north side he called the pastors together wanted to make sure i got there so i was sitting there with other pastors he said i'm gonna have a meeting big meeting here to try to round up some of these people and he said i wanted to get you all together because i want to put them in the churches and so forth he said now next you think i'm gonna ask you for some money he said let me tell you what he said god's got one man and i need a million and a half and he got one man who's gonna give me that i said now wait a minute he has just designated who's going to give it to him he he he didn't say one woman one boy one dog he said i got one man see he he's calling the shots my wife's job that job she got in tulsa same thing she called the shots god said tell your wife to to to put down on a card exactly what she wants the job to look like now what did god do with the job moved a company from denmark in europe over there to meet the qualifications for 10 minutes from the house night i mean i'm saying when he said that i said one moment i got some authority here yeah so if somebody to here doesn't want nobody here wants to give it to me he's gonna give it to me from the outside that money came barreling in there i told the touch i said all right here's the money here's the check i said go down there three and a half million go down there give this man that check and don't come out from down there without my property she left it nine o'clock went downtown and didn't get back to 5 30 something to six she said it took me that long lawyers pleaded with me don't buy all of it right now we got some tax issues that we we can use this property to sell and she said that's not my my boss said get the property and come on back home and so forth do you hear what i'm saying every step of the way that enemy is trying to prevent your growth and from you from taking that land but god has declared it from the beginning yes sir that your people will be rich you'll become all of that see but you got to see him that way to help him get that way did you get something out of what we said all right well that's end of our service today we want to give you a word word of encouragement let you know that it's according to whose faith your faith according to my faith be it unto me he's given you the charge over that ministry or whatever have you it's according to your faith i don't care if somebody doesn't want to help you god will get somebody else but you look at those two scriptures god will deliver you some other way you know what i mean because it shall be done it's written in heaven and god wants it in the earth praise god david is there anything else we got giving opportunities oh giving opportunity amen it's always an opportunity to give again if you don't want to give god will deliver us some other all right let's get a little music here can i get a little uh little giving music praise god just some something amen just all right prepare uh your giving if you would praise god uh we want to glory to god [Music] um [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] hmm you say that tonight [Music] father we thank you so much for the privilege of giving we thank you lord for your covenant regarding our sowing and reaping and lord you said be not deceived god is not marked for whatsoever man sows that shall we also reap and you said that we come it'll come back multiplied good measure pressed down shaken together and running over men shall give into our bosom father we believe the word and we tell this seed you go and grow and harvest we'll see you real soon in jesus name can you say amen to that all right usher's keep there praise god all right all right let's run that clip for tonight while you got it there please thank you [Music] is [Music] jesus was not questioned based on what he said he was creating the best known god his father and knew he couldn't fail and knew he was the majesty and knew he was the power and knew he was the glory and knew he was a victim already it's finished already he knew that now your faith gonna be different you know you're gonna just stop quoting scriptures all day long and just say call things that be not as though they were and they're all going to have to obey you from this night forward if you follow what god is saying if you follow what god is saying to you it's a wrap [Music] you better get ready right your faith from this nice puppet is on heaven level you went to the top floor tonight there's no other level you had your straighteners at the top floor [Music] got dr leroy tonight praise god uh let's yeah you have one announcement uh immediately following service we have a reception uh for the licensing and ordination it's gonna be through those doors to my left your right in the banquet hall area and also those who have been ordained and licensed today please come up to the sanctuary to sanctuary to the altar immediately following the end of this service so you can take pictures with dr winston thank you all right all right father we thank you for the blessed time that we've had today bless those licensees and ordin those who receive ordination we pray that they'll they'll make a mark that cannot be erased in jesus name amen all right you are dismissed glory to god [Music] female [Music] you
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 7,577
Rating: 4.87251 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 55sec (7915 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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